Jamey Is Gay

By Steve Thomas

Published on Oct 26, 2005


This is a work of pure fiction, but based on the author's feelings, beliefs, and in some cases, experience. Come to think of it -- it might not be very pure either! There may be graphic sexual encounters at times between men, so if this offends you, you are invited to retreat. If you are too young or it is otherwise illegal for you to be reading this kind if story, shame on you for reading it - - please stop here. If not, - - ENJOY!

Cast of Characters: James Thomas Arthur (Jamey) Harold Brian Arthur -- Jamey's Brother (Habby) Harold Garfield Arthur -- Jamey's dad William Pitts -- Roommate (Will) Ronny -- Will's best friend. George Wiggins Darrel -- George's roommate Dr. Steve Jordan -- Doctor Grant (Buddy) Windward -- Waiter at Holdren's John -- Neighbor across the hall. Jerry -- John's roomie Robert Rexburg -- High school friend Yolanda -- Robert's wife. Joey -- Flight Attendant

From Chapter 23

When our wheels touched down at LA International, reality hit me. Back to the routine!

Well, almost. Steve spent Tuesday night with me. And a wonderful homecoming it was!

Chapter 24

The next weekend was our birthday celebration. Dad gave Habby a car for his birthday -- a week early! A car! I never got a car until just this year! But I couldn't really complain. His car wasn't exactly as nice as mine. He got Dad's old sedan. Dad bought a Chevy Avalanche for himself. A "need" he said. His old car wasn't worth trading or selling, so he gave it to Habby. Hab was just happy to have his own car to drive!

I didn't have much extra cash to buy anything nice for my brother. Steve offered to help out, but I declined. He was a little hurt by that, but took it in stride. I bought Habby a leather steering wheel cover for his "new" car.

Dad asked us if we wanted to have anyone over for a party. I said probably no one except me and Steve. Habby wanted to invite several friends from school, but he was afraid what they might think about his gay brother. I didn't blame him for that. Kids are not kind! He said he would invite Melanie and Jordy and that would be good enough.

"Jordy!" I said "Cool." Um -- I think I do want to invite a couple people." I was afraid after Habby making the concession he did, he would be intimidated, but he wasn't.

"Cool!" he said. "Who? Gonna invite Buddy? If not, can I?"

"You know what, kid, why don't you call and invite him. Tell him to bring a friend."

"You're up there with him, why don't you invite him?"

"Um -- it would be better if you did, Hab."

"Okay! I'll invite him and Melanie and Jordy. Who are you gonna invite?"

"Well, um -- Steve. And maybe one other kid -- er I mean guy."


"No one you know. He's lives in Long Beach."

I thought about Seth and Luke too, but decided that I don't know them well enough to be inviting them to my birthday party. A phone call changed that:

"Hi!" I said.

"Hey! You know who this is?"

"Not really."

"Oh -- the way you answered - "

"I just figure anyone who has my cell phone number -- um -- who is this?"

"Seth -- Seth Gary."

"Uh -- OHHH! I don't think I ever knew your last name. SETH! How are you? I was just this day thinking about you."

"Really? Haha! We must be cosmically connected. I don't know why I have been thinking about you. Tell me why you were thinking of me!"

"You shrinks are all the same! Always trying to get the other guy to talk! Well, I remembered you telling me about some of the stuff that happened to you in your life - "

"Oh shit! I didn't mean to haunt you!"

"No -- it's fine, but I've had a bit of stuff happening to me in recent days."

"Oh? God, Jamey, I hope it wasn't too bad!"

I explained it to him -- the short version -- but he was at first speechless. Then he said,

"I was only kidding about the cosmic connection thing. But now I'm beginning to wonder. Oh my God, Jamey! There are so many parallels! That's one of the drawbacks to being small, I guess. Well, I'm practically a midget!"

"You are not!"

"Compared to the rest of my family, I am. I don't know what happened. Maybe my growth spurt was supposed to come after I was 18, and then the trauma prevented it. Anyway -- you're pretty tall. You should work out! Well, that's your decision. Anyway -- I just called because -- well, I was wondering how you are doing. Man, I didn't anticipate anything like this."

"Maybe there's something to this cosmic thing."

"I wouldn't discount it! Anyway -- why WERE you thinking about me?"

"Well, I'm a little embarrassed now. My brother and I are having a combined Birthday party Saturday night, and - "

"We'll be there!"


"We'll be there! -- well, that is if we're invited!"

"Of course you are. I just didn't think -- but I wanted -- this is crazy!"

"What is?"

"Well, I dunno. By all rights, we should be no more than acquaintances. But both of us seem to be -- drawn to each other -- or something."

"Yeah -- I - " he started -- "I mean -- it's not - I mean, Luke is my - partner for life, but -- I know what you mean!"

"Anyway -- I had decided that I shouldn't put you in a position of feeling you `should' come to my stupid 21st birthday."

"You know, Jamey -- Luke and I go to work and come home and are really everything to each other. Our social life is pretty much each other and our family -- when they're in town. The reason I was calling you was to invite you to come see us -- Friday or Saturday. Luke really likes you too. Are you -- um -- dating again yet -- or is it still too soon?"

"No -- Well, I mean -- talking to you helped me realize that Will and I were not really that close. Yeah, I'm dating -- well -- Will's doctor!"

"Oooo! I have heavy stuff with a doctor too! Well, we'll talk about that at another time. So -- you feel okay now -- after your ordeal?"

"I have some bruises still, but yeah, I'm fine."

"If they want you to appear, DO IT -- if you possibly can! Maybe he'll get more than a slap on the hand if the judge and jury see you. Did they take pictures?"

"No. Now that's weird now you bring it up!" I said.

"Where are the bruises?"

"Mostly my face and neck."

"Any in your groin? That makes a jury go crazy -- especially if there are men on it."

"I -- really don't know."

"Well - - there's something your doctor friend can do for you -- and maybe have fun doing it! And -- take pictures!"

"Omigosh! Pictures? The jury will laugh!"

"Trust me they won't laugh!" He said laughing.

"You're laughing! No really -- I'm -- well -- unusually small!"

"Can't be any smaller than I am!" Said Seth

"Don't be so sure! I'm not sure 4 1/2 inches can even be called a dick! Maybe a dink!" I laughed.

"Oh! Well, I'm surprised. I've actually got someone beat -- by a half inch!

You just made my day, Jamey!" We were both laughing hard by now. "But -- it does the job - - right?"

Seth of course couldn't see how red my face was -- so I told him. "Seth, there must be something special between us. I've never ever discussed my dick size with anyone before! It's embarrassing a little, but it just seems -- I dunno -- right!"

"Well, with my brothers, my cousins and Rob and Denny, I get ribbed a lot! But I don't care. Luke and I are almost equal in everything size related -- and like I said -- it all works fine!"

"Well, Steve's a lot bigger than I am." I said

"What does he think of your -- size?"

"Well, he's never experienced anything else, so he likes it!"

"And -- how do you like his size?"

"He's not huge like Robert is -- but he's big enough to make me gag. The thing is -- he LOVES to -- um -- suck me. Damn it feels weird talking about this! Anyway -- he can take it all in and it doesn't choke him."

"Yup! That's what we both like!" Said Seth. "how about -- um -- have you -- I mean has he -- been -- um -- in you?"

"Oh yeah -- this past weekend was the first time."

"Was that -- good -- for you?"

"Geez, Seth!"

"Sorry, stop me any time you are uncomfortable. I'm used to talking to clients -- and asking all manner of questions."

"Funny thing is -- well -- it is a little weird, but I feel completely safe with you."

"Interesting word."

"Yeah -- well, anyway -- when we got to the climax of what we were doing -- it really hurt like hell -- but -- I LOVED it. I like pain! Is that weird or what?"

"A lot of people like some pain. When it's dangerous is when they inflict dangerous wounds to themselves -- or intentionally put themselves into situations where they will get hurt. You don't do that -- do you?"

"No! Not at all. It's just -- well -- I seem to like pain such as pulling a hair out of my arm -- slowly. If I do it myself! If I am the one in control. The other night -- at the very end -- I wasn't in control though -- and it really hurt, but something else took hold of me. I was getting off so much on Steve's excitement and -- well -- it was like I felt a power that I've never known -- to be able to bring that much ecstatic pleasure to him just felt -- amazing!"

"You must love him a lot." He said.

I was stunned at the thought. "Jamey -- you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. I - " I choked up. "I -- mean -- it just hit me so hard -- when you said that. I've been wrestling with that concept for at least two weeks. Love and what it means -- and why I -- why I seem to -- um -- I dunno -- I don't want to acknowledge it. But -- when you said that, a feeling swept over me that I can't even -- Seth, can I call you back?"

"You want to call Steve don't you?" I could hear the grin in his voice.

"We must be kindred spirits!" I said. "I'll call you later."

"You've reached the voicemail of Steven Jordan, M.D. Please leave a message or press 2 to page me in an emergency." BEEP

"Steve It's not quite an emergency -- but -- I just now realized how much I love you. I can't possibly tell you in a phone call -- but -- I just -- realized -- I'm in love! And -- so lucky to be in love -- with you! Love you so much! Me!"

I called Seth back. "Hi Jamey! What did he say?"

"I got his voice mail."

"So -- you'll tell him later?"

"Nope! Or -- er -- well, yeah! But I told his voice mail, too."

"That oughta make him cream his jeans! Hahaha! What time is the party, Saturday?"

"Why don't you drive back with us, Friday morning and spend the day. That'd really be cool!"

"Let me talk to Luke about that. And -- about -- Saturday night -- is there anywhere for us to stay?"

"Of course! Yay! This is gonna be my best birthday ever!"

"I hope so -- but don't set yourself up." He said.

"I know, I know. Call me back as soon as you find out." I said.

I went back to studying for about 5 minutes when my cell phone rang again. I checked the incoming number. "Hi, my sweet doctor!"

"Ohhh, Jamey. Man, you really made my day! I want to come over there right now and show you -- as best I can -- how I feel."

"Okay!" I said.

"But I'm on here `til 11:30. That's a little late."

Naw -- it's okay. I'll leave the door open. Just let yourself in -- and OH! Bring your digital camera."

"Ohhh -- kaaaay - - ?" He said. "I wonder what you want with that?

"Nothing that mysterious or fun. Seth suggested that we take some pictures of my bruises -- in case they need them for the trial."

"Hrmph! I wonder why the detective didn't think of that! Okay. See you around midnight."

"Cool -- very cool!"

I decided that I had studied enough. My professors were very kind to me. I put my stuff away and unlocked the door. I used to leave it unlocked all the time -- for John or whoever -- but since my attack I felt more comfortable with it locked.

I decide to wash the days grime off, so went to the shower. I knew he'd want to shower again when he got here -- and want me with him -- but I just want to be clean for him to start.

As I was all soapy and warm, I felt a breeze. The bathroom door had opened.

I froze. I saw Robert's huge frame looming closer to the shower curtain. I screamed, but nothing came out! I rolled up into a ball in the bottom of the tub.

"No -- please, Robert! How did you -- no -- PLEASE! - " I felt his hand on my shoulder. I wrenched free.

"Jamey -- JAMEY! It's me -- John."

I opened my eyes. I was slumped over on my desk. I had fallen asleep studying. "Oh!" I said, sighing.

"You were dreaming again -- moaning pretty loud."

"Oh! Thanks for waking me. Robert was attacking me while I was in the shower -- in my dream."

"Gosh, that must have been awful!"

"The dream or the real -- well either way -- it was! Are you and Grant coming to my -- er -- our party Saturday?"

"I'll be there, but whether with Grant or Buddy, I'm not sure which."

"Are you dealing with that okay?"

"It's weird. But both of them seem to like me fine and -- actually, I don't mind Grant's superior attitude -- I know it's just his insecurities in high gear."

"Has Sylvia ever made an appearance?"

"No. I hope she doesn't! That may just creep me out."

"I don't think she will appear unless he's in danger. Look, Steve is gonna be here soon. I gotta get ready. Thanks for waking me!"

"What time Saturday night?"

"Early -- probably around 5-ish. I'm sure my dad will get pizza and stuff, And hey! No gifts please!"

"Fuck that!" he grinned. "That's the funnest part!"

"Well -- don't break the bank!" I laughed.

"What bank? Hah! See you later, dude!"

I was almost afraid to go back to sleep. It freaked me out that I thought my door was locked -- and it wasn't! I looked at it again. John musta locked it on his way out. I decided to leave it and just let Steve in when he arrived. I lay down on my bed.

Tap tap! I sprang up and opened the door. "Thought you were gonna leave it unlocked!" Steve said, grinning as he pecked me on the lips on his way in.

"Sorry. Got spooked. I had a dream -- he came here to get me!"

"He? You mean - "

"Robert." I said shuddering. I was not quite awake or in control of my reactions. He wrapped me up in his embrace and just held me.

"My poor baby boy!" He said.

"That feels better!" I said, melting into his body.

"Jamey, I really need to clean up before - "

"Please just hold me awhile -- I want to clean up too, but -- let's just lie there on the bed awhile -- first."

"Okay." He took off his shoes and socks and outer shirt and we lay down together on the bed. "Jamey -- getting back to what you said earlier - "

"Uh -- yeah -- about that." I said. His smile faded. "No -- it's not -- I mean -- It's stupid! It took hearing it from Seth to make it real for me. It hit me like a -- a -- ton of bricks!"

"What did he say?" Steve asked.

"All he said was, `You must really love him!' And I immediately got so emotional! I couldn't talk for a moment. Then I just said yes. I AM in love with him. I'm in love with YOU, Dr. Jordan! And -- I'm hoping to be able to show you a little of the incredibly impossible-to-explain feeling I'm -- feeling!"

"Wow! So now you know."


"I already felt that feeling -- sometime last week."

"Ohhhh! I'm so sorry!" I said.


"That I was such a DICK about showing -- or rather NOT showing it to you last weekend. Feeling as I do about you now -- if you screwed with my head as I did with yours over the weekend -- I would have been crushed."

Steve got tears in his eyes -- becoming a familiar sight -- and said, "Sweetheart, I doubt if any two people ever come to that conclusion at the same time. It's okay, baby. I know it now, and it has made me so happy -- well maybe you can understand."

We hugged for another 5 minutes before I felt Steve relaxing. I let go and we slept until my alarm woke us up.

"Oh, Shit!" Steve said. "We weren't supposed to sleep all night!"

"It's okay, Babe." I said. "Don't you still feel good?"

"I do! But I wanted to - - show you JUST how good."

"I think I know. Our time is short, but -- um -- wanna fuck?"

We both laughed as I got lube from the drawer and he gave me something to remind me how sweet it will be when we have more time. He got me off too, in a very special way, and we got ready and went our separate ways, after taking several pictures of the damage.

"Hey Mr. Cool!" I was eating lunch and I looked up to see Grant.


"I haven't seen much of you! I wanted to thank you for letting me use your car. I promise you it's still perfect."

"I haven't even seen it. Been too busy catching up."

"Dude! I remember that Rexburg guy! He was huge in high school. In my junior year we played your school and he was the one I was always afraid would sack me! So you're okay, huh?"

"Yeah, except for these bruises -- and a few where you can't see them."

"Ouch! Oh, Sweetie Pie -- I mean -- sorry -- old habits are hard to break."

"So you and John are hitting it off okay, huh?"

"Yeah." He said looking at the ground.

"What?" I said.

"Jamey -- I -- was too -- quick to cut us off. I guess that worked out for you -- but I still -- I wish I didn't do it. I was a jerk."

"No you weren't. I was the jerk. Believe me; Steve let me know how much I was hurting all of you guys. By the way -- who am I talking to, anyway?"

"It's Grant. But Buddy feels the same -- even more so. He still crabs at me for it."

"Buddy -- can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Hi." He said, much more demure and shy than Grant had been seconds before.

"Buddy -- I'll always have a great love for you -- but things just didn't work out for us -- did they?"

"No." he said. He looked at me with sad eyes.

"I think in the end we'll find out that Grant was right -- to do what he did.

You didn't have the anger he had, Bud, but it had to hurt that I would not commit to you -- didn't it?"


"So -- for better or worse -- you're stuck with Grant. Forgive him and get to know John. He thinks he knows you, but you've actually been hiding from him haven't you?"

"I just didn't want to screw it up for Grant like - "

"Like he did for you?" I said. "Stop, Buddy. Whoever the two of you decide upon, you both need to love and accept him. And Sylvia too."

"I'll try. I don't think Sylvia cares. She just doesn't want us to get hurt. She's the only one who doesn't like you."

"I got that idea. Well, get to know John. He's a sweet kid -- er guy. And -- he deserves to know both -- or even all of you -- before any serious commitment is made."

"Uh huh."

"Got that, Grant?" I said. "You have to get out of the way and let Buddy shine through sometimes."

"Yeah. I -- guess."

"See you Saturday night?"


I got up and hugged him and surreptitiously pecked his cheek. One of them giggled -- probably Grant.

I called Steve's number, expecting to get voicemail. "Steve Jordan here. What's your pleasure?"


"Jamey! Hi! It's sweet to hear your voice. What's up?"

"You coming over tonight?" I asked.

"Why don't you come to my place? It's more private." He voice dropped to a whisper. "I can make as much noise as I want here. I'll be off to work before you can get here, but come anyway -- and do your studies here. I'll leave a key in that hanging basket by the door."

"Okay!" I said. "Cool -- VERY cool!"

I had a smile on my face the rest of the day.

Note: Okay, short chapter to make up for the long one before. Comments are welcome -- to Steve at stevethomas535@hotmail.com. Thanks and love, Steve

Next: Chapter 26

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