Jamey Is Gay

By Steve Thomas

Published on Oct 28, 2005


This is a work of pure fiction, but based on the author's feelings, beliefs, and in some cases, experience. Come to think of it -- it might not be very pure either! There may be graphic sexual encounters at times between men, so if this offends you, you are invited to retreat. If you are too young or it is otherwise illegal for you to be reading this kind if story, shame on you for reading it - - please stop here. If not, - - ENJOY!

Cast of Characters:

James Thomas Arthur (Jamey)

Harold Brian Arthur -- Jamey's Brother (Habby)

Harold Garfield Arthur -- Jamey's dad

William Pitts -- Roommate (Will)

Ronny -- Will's best friend.

George Wiggins

Darrel -- George's roommate

Dr. Steve Jordan -- Doctor

Grant (Buddy) Windward -- Waiter at Holdren's

John -- Neighbor across the hall.

Jerry -- John's roomie

Seth -- Ronny's cousin

Luke -- Seth's partner

Robert Rexburg -- High school friend

Yolanda -- Robert's wife.

Joey -- Flight Attendant

From Chapter 24

I called Steve's number, expecting to get voicemail. "Steve Jordan here. What's your pleasure?"

"You are!"

"Jamey! Hi! It's sweet to hear your voice. What's up?"

"You coming over tonight?" I asked.

"Why don't you come to my place? It's more private." He voice dropped to a whisper. "I can make as much noise as I want here. I'll be off to work before you can get here, but come anyway -- and do your studies here. I'll leave a key in that hanging basket by the door."

"Okay!" I said. "Cool -- VERY cool!"

I had a smile on my face the rest of the day.

Chapter 25

When I got to Steve's condo, the sun was just about to slip down into the ocean. I recalled the first time I was here -- so sick. I stood on his veranda overlooking the cliffs. There was a couple gathering up things way down on the beach. The had heavy clothes on. They looked up and saw me and waved. I waved back, suspecting they thought me to be Steve. The moist, almost icy cold air sweeping up the cliff felt great on my face.

Steve left an excellent Stauffers freezer dinner for me to microwave. I ate dinner and got down to my studies. I took a moment to call Joey's number.

"Y-ello!" He answered, sounding much less shy than he really was.

"Joey -- this is Jamey -- from - "

"I know who you are! I didn't expect to hear from you so soon -- or maybe ever!"

"Joey -- can you come to -- um -- a birthday party Saturday?"

"Let me -- um -- we fly out tonight -- and then -- um -- well -- yup! It will work. I don't fly again until Monday noon. What's up?"

"I want you to meet someone."

"Fixing me up?" he said, sounding suspicious.

"Actually not. I think he is already attached. But this guy just knows a lot of people -- gay guys, that is. He can help you -- um -- get a little more -- um -- established -- in your community. Joey -- I really like you -- and -- but -- I realty DON'T like that Bill character. You need to have more friends."

"I know but I love - "

"Joey -- that's not -- well, It didn't look like he loves you."

"I don't think he does."

"That's what I mean. So will you come?"

"It's way up in Bellflower?"

"Yeah -- way up there -- 4 miles away -- maybe 5 from the Marine Stadium!"

"I know, I know. I'm a whiner. Okay -- give me your address. I'll try to come."

"You'll try, huh? Dammit, Joey -- just say you'll be there!"

" Okay -- sorry I'm such a pain in the ass. Bill always tells me that."

"What an ass hole!" I said to myself. "I'll see you Saturday! I'll call you tomorrow."

"Okay, bye."

I went back to my studies and time got away from me. Before I knew it I heard Steve's key in the door. Shit! I wanted to be ready!

"Hi, sweetheart!" He came in all smiles. "Gosh you look like a million bucks. Maybe someday - "

"Someday what?" I said, after several long moments.

"I don't want to rush things -- again, but -- oh, Jamey! It feels so sweet to come home to you -- wonderful, cute, you!" He ran to me and yanked me up from my chair. The chair went down, and he picked me up and held me to him as he went spinning around the room. "We need some Damn music!" He said. He grabbed a remote and pointed it, pressing a few buttons. Soft danceable music came from the walls.

He let me down and I lay my head on his chest, and we danced --slow -- for the remainder of that song and the next, taking many breaks to hug and kiss. At the end of the second song, he picked me up again, low enough on my butt to require my legs to bend and I encircled him with them. We kissed long and passionately.

We went to his bed and this time there was no urgency, so we undressed and went to the shower, where we took a long hot shower together, saving the good stuff for the bed.

Suffice to say that Steve had fewer inhibitions than ever before and he was spectacular and almost primitive at his climax. The pain, though pretty intense, for me was now something I looked forward to. It put my mind and my body into overdrive. I decided that this needed some more conversation and investigation with Seth.

The next morning: "Sweetheart, I'm taking you at your word that you like it when you're in pain."

"Oh -- Steve -- `like it' doesn't begin to describe it."

"Well, nevertheless, do you mind if I do an exam of you -- at the hospital -- with a scope -- this afternoon? I'm still holding back some, and it's partly because I see the pain in your eyes, and even though you SAY you like it, it still thwarts my full release. And -- Jamey -- I see something that approaches -- terror -- sometimes. I'm a little worried about that. Anyway, I just want to examine you to see what kind -- if any -- damage might be possible inside you."

It really is okay, sweetie - "

"You've said that. I want to at least have some empirical evidence that it's not doing any damage -- or at least -- permanent damage. Can you come by after school today? I'll be just starting my shift, but unless there is an emergency, I can put you up on a table and get a scope in you."

"Uh -- okay." I wondered how many guys have seen inside their lovers' rectum.

"Jamey, I can feel how I am pounding that particular bend in your colon, and it feels great to me -- I mean really great. I just don't want it to be hurting you. I love you too much.

"Well, I hope it's fine! I can't tell you how it makes me feel when you get so close to skyrockets -- and -- I'm the cause of it. It really pumps me up!"

"Yeah -- um -- I can tell. We feed on each other's excitement. Anyway -- come by after work and the doctor will try to see you as soon as possible."

"That gives a whole new meaning to `The doctor will now see you', doesn't it?" I quipped. He smiled.

"I know you aren't' looking forward to this, but I think it's important."

"Yeah, I know" I said, "-- but -- it kind of takes the romance out of something -- knowing you have seen the inside of my - "

"I'm a doctor. I forget that kind of stuff easily."

His face got too serious. I decided a little lightening up was in order. "So - - as long as you're gonna make an inspection, shouldn't we give it the best chance of showing something?"


"Well - - maybe a little more pounding will be the best way to make it show up -- if it's going to."

"OHHhhh! You want me to - - ?"

"Well, as long as we have time -- and we haven't yet cleaned up -- may as well give it your best shot!"

The bedrooms in these condos are placed on opposite sides from the adjacent units so that there is a whole house between the bedroom and next door. That with the sound of the pounding surf are sufficient to mask Steve's and my cries. We both gave it all we had. With all this encouraging -- no, it was more like nagging -- that I had done to Steve to let himself go, I never considered how it would affect me if I let my voice release some of the pain. I wondered if it could possibly get any better.

I was hoping for a long day, but it passed so fast it made my head spin. Before I knew it, it was time to go to the hospital.

Steve acted very professional. He had all the equipment ready and as soon as he was free -- about an hour after I arrived -- he had me remove all and put on a hospital gown. He then set me up on a table in a private room -- and after setting my feet in the high stirrups attached to the table lubing me up good, with a nurse in attendance (he didn't tell me about that `til that last minute!) He put the probe in me. He turned the video so I could see it. It wasn't as gross as I thought. He made me do a fleet enema when I first got there, and that cleaned me out pretty well.

He pushed the probe to the top of my rectum -- where the colon turned -- where his penis pounded the end.

"See the red there, Sweet -- er -- James?"


"That's the part that's not normal."

"Oh!" I exclaimed. "Well, what - -?"

"Oh, I don't think it's a problem. That part of the body heals fast and this is -- I think -- minor. But -- I want to get another opinion, and Dr. Dressler -- our best urologist -- is on today. Nurse, you can be excused for a few minutes -- and -- will you call Dr. Dressler and tell him I'm ready for him?"

"What?" I said. You already had this planned?"

"I wanted to cover all bases. Sweetheart."

"Steve!" Said the tall handsome doctor, walking in the door.

"Hi Ron. Thanks for helping out."

"Anything to help out a brother -- and for the furtherance of medical research!" He said with a wink and a smile. "Let's see what this boy of yours looks like!"

Steve was on one side of me -- by my head -- and the other doctor was on my other side. Steve was holding my hand, below the table, and pointing to the monitor with the other.

"See the irritation there?" Steve said.

"Yessss -- hmmm -- um hum!" Said Dr. Dressler.

"Is that a good `um hum', Doctor?" I asked.

He smiled and placed his hand on my lower abdomen. I noticed Steve was watching his every move. "Son, it's okay. I wouldn't be concerned. You really gave this boy a drubbing, Steve!" he said, looking at me and winking.

"So -- it's not serious?" I asked.

"What was the extent of the trauma, Steve?"

"Last night and this morning." Steve said, by now a little chagrinned.

"As recently as this morning?" Dr. Dressler said. "I was going to guess it happened last weekend in Bermuda. If this was this morning -- and it looks this good -- I would say -- to both of you -- knock your socks off!" He scrunched my tummy and made me giggle. "I have to get back - He's all yours, Steve."

He left Steve and me alone in the room. "I certainly hope so!" Steve said to me. He leaned down and kissed me, while wiggling the still inserted probe. I giggled again -- and kissed him back with all I had -- considering my position.

"Are you gonna stay at my place again tonight?" Steve asked.

"If that's an invitation -- I'm accepting!" I said, as he removed the probe slowly. He got a disposable cloth and wiped all the lube from the outside of my anus.

"Is that a normal service -- or is it a special service -- for special patients?" I asked.

"Oh, no -- it's normal. We don't expect the patient to touch any of that."

"Nice service!" I said, as he swiped my ass one more time with a clean cloth.

"Well, maybe I don't give my normal patients quite this level of service", he said as he wiggled his gloved finger in and out a couple more times. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a key. "You may as well keep this. I had it made for you anyway." I got dressed, we kissed and I left.

While I was driving back to my dorm, I got a call from Seth.

"Hey! Carrie was delighted to trade her Escalade for Luke's Vette. So we can all go down together -- in style."

"Good -- I mean -- that's great. I wanted to talk to you about something -- else."

"Still worried about that masochistic streak?"

"A little."

"Okay. We'll have Luke drive and we can sit in the back and talk."

"KEWL!" I said.

"Do you want us to pick you up at your dorm?"

"I'll be at Steve's. His Mercedes will be safe at the Smith's. Why don't we just drive over there?"

"That'll work. If you do that, Etta will expect you for breakfast!"

"Don't tell her." I said.

"She doesn't need to be told -- she knows. Be here at 8:30 -- or -- Do you and your Doctor want to come over here tonight? We can play Monopoly or Scrabble or - "

"Steve works swing this week. He won't get off until 11:00 PM."

"Oh -- okay. Well, another time then. See you at 8:00."

"I thought you said 8:30."

"I was hoping you didn't notice! Haha! It's just that -- You have to love Etta, but she gets even -- if we are late for a meal! You don't want her to get even!"

"Um -- don't you mean YOU don't want her to get even?" I quipped.

"That's EXACTLY what I meant! Hee hee! Just don't be late!"

I hung up and immediately called Buddy.

"Jamey -- DUDE!" Said Grant.

"Hey! Do you guys wanna use my `Z' this weekend? We're riding down with Seth and Luke."

"Who's that?"

"Seth is Ronny's cousin -- Ronny -- who was killed with Will?"

"Oh yeah! Cool. I mean not about -- well you know. Sure -- that'd be kewl!"

"But you'll need to take me over to Steve's place -- now -- cuz I'm staying there -- tonight."

"Cool. Wanna pick me up in about 5?"

"About 30 would be better -- gotta get some stuff from the dorm."

"Cool! See yah when you get here."

I gathered a few things up and threw them in the car, then took off for Buddy's. When I got there, he answered the door. "Hi Jamey. Come on in. You're a real sweetie pie to let us use your car. I like it a lot." This was definitely Buddy.

"Hi Bud." I said a little low key. I found I still had some pretty tender feeling for him.

"So -- when are you and John getting together for the party?"


"Yeah. I just talked to him last night. He said he's coming. Wha --- aren't you going together?"

"I haven't talked to John for several days."

"OHHhhh. I thought you guys were tight?"

"We - were that night -- and a couple days after -- but -- I dunno -- I don't think he wants to do this."

"Do what?" I asked, perplexed.

"Deal with -- you know -- `us'. He doesn't want to deal with me and Grant."

"Nuh-uh! That's not what he told me the other night!" I lied. Actually that's exactly what he told me., but -- I thought I had convinced him to try it.

"What did he tell you, Dude!" (Grant was back!)

Not wanting to make the lie bigger, I said, "You better call him right away. Damn!"

"Damn is right!" Said Grant. "What's up with that?"

"Look -- no one should understand better than you about how shy guys handle things. Just call him, Grant!"

"K. You got his number handy?"

I keyed it in my phone and handed it to Grant. I watched as he let his shoulders fall a little and his head sag to the right. "John hi." He said, demurely. "Yeah, it's Buddy. Fine. You? Good. Hey -- you wanna ride down to Paramount -- maybe stay with me for the weekend? Yeah? Okay. Cool!" "DOOD! I'm drivin'! We're going' in Jamey's car -- again! K! See yah tomorrow. Bye!"

"Dude! What would I do without you?" Grant pecked me on the cheek.

"Let's go." I said.

When we pulled up in front of the condos, and I opened my door, he said, "Don't we get a peek at the way the other half lives?"

"Oh -- you wanna come in for a sec?"

"Duh!" I closed the door and pulled into a parking place.

When we got in, he wanted me to give him the grand tour. When we walked out to the veranda, and he saw the view, his mouth dropped open. "Dude! This is so -- Wow!" He then stepped closer to me and grabbed my hand. He pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around me. I didn't know what to do. It felt so natural, yet it wasn't right.

I reared my head back to tell him that this wasn't right, and he kissed me on the lips. I melted. I knew it was wrong, but -- again -- it felt so right. When his tongue went into my mouth, I stopped. "Buddy - "

"It's Grant!" he corrected. I should have guessed.

"Grant -- you know -- I -- can't do -- this."

"Jamey -- you're all I've ever wanted. Why did you have to - "

"Buddy, - "

"It's Grant!"

"Grant, then. Oh you're breaking my heart! Grant -- you were the one to call it off with me. I didn't blame you -- but I was really hurt."

"Can't we give it another try? Buddy wants to too, but you know he'd never say it." Before I could answer, he kissed me again. I felt my heart being ripped apart. I kissed him back -- again -- and then ripped myself away.

"Grant -- Buddy -- whoever you are! First of all -- I never said that I preferred one or the other of you. I feel like a crazy person talking to you like this. But the bottom line is I love both of you -- I can't separate one from the other!"

"What? What did you just say?" He said to me, hope springing into his eyes. "You love me -- er -- us -- both of us! We love you! Why can't - "

"Grant -- I -- this is tearing me apart. Mostly because I don't want to hurt you or anyone -- but it seems that is just what I'm doing! I love you. I love Buddy. I love JOHN. I love Steve!" I was on the verge of tears. "But sweetheart -- I'm IN LOVE with Steve. I've GIVEN my heart to Steve. Does that make sense?"

Grant/Buddy looked stunned. He stopped and looked around at everything that surrounded us and almost collapsed against the veranda safety rail. "I -- don't -- blame you. I damn sure can't compete with this." It was like a light went out in his eyes.

"But it's not about this. When I chose Steve -- it wasn't my choice really -- at first. John was not even sure he was -- gay -- and I -- was crushed that you told me you couldn't handle dealing with me and my -- indecision. I was left with Steve. I had a lot of misgivings. He was kind of my last choice, and I felt stuck with him -- at first. But he has -- won my heart. He's old enough to be my dad, and that was my biggest concern, but -- I have found that I love the feeling that I have someone to look up to.

"Most of all -- he completes me. It's like I'm this much and he's that much -- and -- together -- we're one. I love you. I do. You'll never be replaced as my first -- to become one with."

"Mine too." He said. "I fall asleep every night with that image. When I slept with John that first night -- I felt him, but in my dream it was you. But -- I just can't -- compete -- with a doctor. You better just take me home."

"No -- I thought - "

"I don't wanna drive your car. I don't wanna- "

"Grant -- I know it's you talking this time. You -- or actually Buddy -- already told John you're driving the two of you -- in my car."

"Dude -- I think I'll just call him back and tell him I'm not up for it."

"Aw, don't do that! You really got his hopes up. At least carry through the plan. I don't care if you come to my party or not, but I'll miss you if you don't."

"My heart won't be in it, but -- you're right."

"Who's heart won't be in it? Let Buddy deal with John for now. It's what you've been doing anyway. But -- eventually you have to show yourself to him."

"I know." He said. He was so humbled, I wondered if it was Buddy. "I'm afraid he won't like me -- as much."

"I know this much. He likes how cool you are -- and -- in reality, you KNOW you are the same person. If he likes you and loves Buddy, then I'll bet in time he will grow to love you -- too."

"Do you think so?"

"Grant -- this is Grant -- right?"


"You have shown me your vulnerable side, so I know it's there. I think I've seen it from the beginning."

"That's why I love you!"

"And you can love someone else. I KNOW that John's willing to at least try to accept all of you. He's TOLD me that."

"He has?" I was pretty sure it was Grant that was speaking, but he was sounding more like Buddy -- unsure and vulnerable.

"Yes. So, take my car. Have fun. Take it slow with John. He's also tender and shy and vulnerable. All you guys are -- that's what attracted me to you in the first place -- well, no! Not you. Was it Grant or buddy that came to my aid back of the room when I got sick?"

"It was me -- Grant."

"I thought it was. Of course at the time, I didn't think anything, but that this cool, cute guy was being nice to me! I freaked out a bit though when I found out that you knew Steve. Haha! He wanted to take me back to Holdren's after I started seeing you."

"You really love Dr. Jordan, don't you?"

"I do."

"I can tell -- just the way you say his name." He sounded resigned to accept it. " Okay. I'll -- er -- WE'll be there tomorrow night. You'll always be -- something special to me -- always."

"Ditto, Grant -- ditto!"

He hugged me again, this time, kissing my cheek. I walked him out and he left. I felt melancholy after he left. I had homework I could have done, but decided it could be done Sunday or another time before Monday morning. I found another frozen dinner and fixed it while I watched a rerun of "That 70's Show".

After I ate dinner, I went in and took a long hot shower, and shaved so close my face was like a baby's butt. I found some of the expensive cologne that we got at the hotel, and applied it sparingly on my body. I scoured my mouth and teeth, put on my only pair of silk boxers and a ribbed tee, and then waited for Steve to come home.

Knock knock! Why was he knocking! I got up and went to the door and looked out the window beside the door. Robert was standing there looking half crazed, a huge rock in his hand.

I strained with all I had and woke up, jumping up onto my feet! I spun around quickly, satisfying myself that it really was a dream. I was sweating and my heart was racing. But the room was cold, so I was soon cold too. I grabbed a blanket and lay down again on the recliner. I tried to stay awake, but was asleep again before even catching on to what was on the TV.

I jumped up again when I heard Steve come in the door. He dropped some papers and ran to me. "You -- okay?"

"I had another dream."

"Robert?" I nodded. He wrapped his arms around me. "My poor boy! He can't possibly know where this is -- even if he could find your dorm."

"Tell that to my subconscious!"

"Hopefully I just did. Mmmm! What? -- Wow! You smell wonderful!" I smiled coyly. "Yeah, right! Like you're gonna get shy on me now. Um -- where did you park?"

"Grant brought me over. I let him use my car for the weekend. By the way we're riding down with Seth and Luke in their family's Escalade."

"Oh! Um -- okay. Sweet! Grant's never been here, has he?"

"No. Steve, he asked to see your place. I showed him it and -- he tried to - "

"He didn't attack you certainly!?"

"No -- well not exactly." I told him what happened -- in detail. He listened intently then said,

"Well, sounds like you handled it well. I'd rather not have known about the kissing, but -- as long as it's over - "

"It was over before it started -- tonight -- but it just took me by surprise. I didn't contemplate anything like that."

"I know. Well, maybe you just need to tell yourself -- ahead of time -- that nothing can happen -- ever -- again. That way -- if he -- or anyone else catches you off guard, your response will be immediate." He stopped and looked seriously at me and then I saw something else -- maybe a little impish grin? "Like tonight for example. I intend on a putting very heavy move on you -- and if that's not what you want, you need to decide that now, because I won't be giving up easily." He grinned. I felt like I wanted forgiveness and it seemed he didn't even feel forgiveness was necessary.

"Steve -- I've felt guilty all night about what happened. I feel like I need your forgiveness -- or something."

"Jamey -- your 21 years old -- almost. I should say -- ONLY 21. I don't expect you to act like someone 35 or even 25. I was very pleased that you handled that situation as you did. I hope that if a situation comes up -- and it takes ME by surprise, I will handle it as well. And - - if not, I hope you will be understanding -- that even 35 year olds make mistakes. As far as I am concerned you didn't even make a mistake. Okay, now, if you can accept it -- and forgive yourself, then we can go into the bedroom and commence the next level of this relationship."

I was overwhelmed. I couldn't even speak. What did I do to deserve a guy like this? After a huge sigh, I threw my arms around him and slobbered on his neck. He patted my back and squeezed my butt. "That's my boy." He purred. "THAT'S my BOY!" He pulled me close and then picked me up -- as I was getting used to -- and carried me to the bedroom.

The sex was all it ever was before -- and more. Steve let himself go more than ever. When he came -- after he came -- he collapsed for a good five minutes before he would even speak. I didn't even get off -- but I felt as good as if I did. We fell asleep in each others arms, and next morning -- woke up in the same position -- at 7:45 AM.

"SHIT!" I said, looking at the clock. "I forgot to tell you -- we're expected at the Smith's for breakfast in 45 minutes."

He pulled me over on top of him and said, "Well, we'll just have to be fashionably late, huh?"

"We can't. Seth says Etta will get even if we are -- if not with us -- with him."

"But sweetheart, you didn't get off at all last night."

"What would make you think that?" I asked.

"Oh! Did you and I didn't know it?"

"I got off more emotionally that I ever have in my life, Steve. Let's get ready."

Notes: What can be said? Jamey is a happy boy -- so is Steve. Life is like that -- sometimes. Comments are welcome, to Steve at stevethomas535@hotmail.com. Thanks and love, Steve

Next: Chapter 27

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