Just a Normal Boys Dreams

By Steve Thomas

Published on May 18, 2023


This is a work of pure fiction, but based on the author's feelings, beliefs, and in some cases, experience. Come to think of it -- it might not be very pure either! There may be graphic sexual encounters at times between men, so if this offends you, you are invited to retreat. If you are too young or it is otherwise illegal for you to be reading this kind if story, shame on you for reading it - - please stop here. If not, - - ENJOY!

Cast of characters:

Jack Smith -- uh -- that would be me Billy -- Jack's closest brother, 3 yrs older. Will Smith -- My dad Vivian Smith My mom Art -- Jack's oldest brother, 9 yrs older. Ralph Gilmore -- a new friend - deceased Stacy Whitworth -- a catalyst/friend George Toliver -- old grade school buddy George Toliver, Sr, -- (duh!) Cynthia Toliver -- (Mrs. Duh!) Jim -- George's cousin

From Chapter 7:

"Then I guess I could eat a little." Jim said, looking this way and that, then flashing Mom a delightful smile. Damn that guy is cute! It was hard to see while he was angry looking. But his dark skin and dark hair highlighted his deep blue eyes -- especially when they were shining in a smile. I caught myself almost drooling, as I watched him a little too long.

I guiltily glanced over at George. He was also looking at his cousin, and then at me. He looked immediately down. Could this be? Could he too be getting the hots for his cousin?"

No on else seemed to notice, as they were already heading to the kitchen. Jim was still smiling, watching his cousin squirm. I was in the rear, and along with feeling a bit guilty, also feeling a bit - - jealous. I caught up with George and grabbed his butt. "Let's go eat Jordy! And Jim!" I said, smiling triumphantly at him. I felt guilty about that too, but he just gave me his winning smile, and followed us into the house.

Chapter 8

Dang! Jim was too quickly growing on me! At first I felt kind of sorry for him, the kind of pity that you feel for one that you feel has chosen to make his own life miserable. His delicate features didn't escape my attention, especially highlighted by his dark-skinned handsomeness. Those deep set, piercing deep sea blue eyes were such a contrast to the steely blue-gray of George's.

When lunch was over, Jim's brothers went home, but to George's dismay -- and maybe a little mine too -- Jim stayed - - and stayed. Finally, in desperation, George said, "Well, I need to get home to shower and get ready for our big date tonight, boyfriend!"

"Okay, well - - I guess I better go too." Jim said. I hated that he seemed so disappointed. I turned around -- away from Jim -- and gave George the pouty-lips look.

"Hey!" Said George, "We're just going to the strip to check out the geeks -- and we'll probably eat something while we're there. You wanna go, Jimmy?"

Jimmy's overcast countenance suddenly got sunny again. "Sure! When and where?"

George was a faster thinker than I. "We'll go in Jack's car. Why don't you pick Jimmy up at 5:45 and then come over and get me, Jackamo?"

"Okay!" I said. "That's only an hour! You better go, Jordy!"

"Guess I better too. See you in an hour, Jack!" Jim was a happy boy. He ran out the back door toward the park, and home.

As soon as he was out the door, I walked George to his car. "We can drop him off first -- then go to my house -- okay?"

"I'm all over that!" I said. "Bye!" I said, hugging him quickly.

I lingered there for a moment, watching his Porsche as it careened around the corner. As I turned around, I almost ran over Jim. "Wo! You're back!"

"Yeah -- well I never really went home. I was wondering what I should wear."

"To the strip? I doubt you could wear anything outlandish enough to look out of place there. But maybe we should look presentable at least at the restaurant."

"How much will it cost?" He said, looking a little worried.

"I don't know what George has in mind. But it's his invitation. He'll pay!" I said. "Don't worry about it."

"Or his dad will!" Jim added.

"Well, - duh! Must be nice." I said. "Anyway, jeans and any shirt will do in Hollywood."

"Yeah! This will be great! I've never been to the strip -- since I was a boy."

"Haha! I'm STILL a boy -- I don't know about you!" I said.

"And a very hot one too!" He said, flashing me his brightest smile. He ran back to the back yard and yelled, "See you soon!"

My phone rang.

"I'm home now," said George, "better get showered and dressed. Wish you were here!"

"I will be. Don't get too clean -- so we have an excuse to shower tonight!" I joked.

"Oh, believe me, when I'm through with you, we will NEED a shower!"

That got me a shot of precum in my tighty-whiteys!

"Haha! See you in a bit!" I said.

"Luvya!" And he hung up.

I pulled up in front of Jim's house. It looked like it had the same original floor plan as the larger house next door to me, except it had been expanded and you could not see in to the entry. Assuming that you could also not see out, I went to the door. I was met by Jim's littlest brother.

"Jimmy! Your lover is here! Hehehehehehehe!" And he ran to some other part of the house.

Jim came to the door, his face red with both anger and embarrassment. "C'mon in. I just have to put some shoes on. Mom, this is Jack. And Mom - - did you hear what that brat said?"

"Yes -- and he's in trouble, Jimmy. Hello Jack. I understand you live just across the park."

"Yes, ma'am. Nice to meet you." I said, feeling very self conscious. I smiled sweetly. She smiled back. She looked older than my mom -- or George's, but I expected she wasn't. Jim was the oldest and I was the youngest. I expect his mom is considerable younger than mine. Having 5 boys -- and not a lot of abundance -- must be harder.

"Okay, I'm ready." Said Jim, extending his hand to me, then pulling me into a closer hug than I was comfortable with in front of his mom.

"Told you!" I heard the same little boy say to one of his other brothers.

"Lets go." Said Jim. "Mom -- please - "

"I'll deal with him -- don't worry, sweetheart." As the door was shutting behind us I heard, "Jeremy! You are in big - "

As soon as we got into the van, Jim buckled his seat belt then let out an expansive sigh. "It's like living in a zoo sometimes."

"I can't imagine!" I sympathized.

"So -- you and George are a number huh? Guess you beat me to him. And now you have helped us to be closer -- like we used to be -- and now he's taken."

"Jim -- I don't know how to say this delicately, but -- and I have discussed it with George -- George is my FIRST boyfriend. And he's never had a boy or girlfriend. I was his first kiss. I kissed a lot of girls - "

"It's easy to see why. You're a walking Adonis!"

"Thanks. That has its drawbacks too. You definitely have a look that I'll bet girls like, too!"

"Well -- yeah. But as soon as they find out I'm not much interested, they drop me like - "

"Yeah! I KNOW that one. That's where the drawbacks come in. I'm just not interested in what's in a girls pants! And all they WANT is what's in mine!


"I'd not mind what's in your pants!" He said, lustfully. I was momentarily stunned.

"Haha! That teen curiosity, huh? I know THAT one too!" I acted oblivious to his obvious come-on. "But seriously -- I'm his first, he's my first. That means there will probably be more. We were rather ripped apart when we were nine, seeing each other only once in awhile. George always had plenty of money, so along with going to a different high school, he ran in a different crowd than I did. Now that we are older, that doesn't seem to matter as much."

"As much? So, it does still matter?" He asked.

"Well -- of course. He's used to having what he wants. I am happy with what I get. Look! I LOVE the pendant he gave me. It means so much to me. But I'm not too sure how much it means to George. He bought it as if it was no big deal."

"So -- what are you saying -- he's too good for you?"

"Jim -- I'm sorry but that's just stupid! Hell no. And all I am saying is we are each other's firsts. There is bound to be more."

"How does he feel about that?" Asked Jim.

"Mrmph. I'm not sure. I don't really think he wants to think about it. So I don't press it."

"Jack -- um -- have you and George -- um -- had sex?"

"Well, in the first place that's too personal a question to be answering -- or asking. Secondly, everyone seems to have their own definition of what sex is. You're gonna just have to wonder about that one. And -- as if I were saved by the bell -- here we are at Lubec Street!

As soon as we pulled up, George was out the door and bounded to the car. Jim was in the front seat, so George sat in back of us.

Hollywood is only about 12 miles from Downey, but it takes a good 45 minutes to get there on the Los Angeles freeways. We stopped at a Restaurant next to the Holiday in on the City of Industry for dinner. I think both Jim and I were expecting a nicer place. But it was actually a good thing that George didn't splurge so much. It sometimes gets embarrassing.

After dinner we went up to Sunset and parked in another restaurant parking lot. We walked up the street and the Saturday Night parade there was no disappointment. It was literally a freak show! Of course there were others -- dressed even more conservatively than we were -- who looked oddly at George and me holding hands. But we didn't really draw many looks because there were so many others who were outlandish.

The sidewalks were wide, but still crowded enough that Jim had to walk behind us. A couple other very obvious gay guys approached Jim, and he was not a happy camper. He may as well had neon lights on him, because his handsome, dark face and arms, his trim physique, and those piercing blue eyes seemed to catch everyone's attention. And -- since he was walking alone, he got hit on. And not only by guys!

Finally he squeezed up next to me and grabbed my hand. "You'll never find a guy this way!" George said.

"Is that why you brought me? I don't think I want to meet anyone this way!"

"It's not why we brought you. I asked you because I was hoping you'd have fun -- and I wanted to spend some time with you."

Jim let my hand go and walked over to George's side. "I'm sure glad we're friends again, George."

"Yeah, me too." George said, smiling at Jim, then at me. I know George meant it, but I also felt he was placating his cousin.

The rest of the evening went fine. We had fun, quietly making fun of some of the freaks. It really is kind of sad that they feel like they have to express themselves in that way -- to get attention. But maybe that's just my prejudice.

I thought we were pretty much agreed on our feelings about that, except maybe George is a bit more judgmental than either Jim or I am.

We drove Jim home. "You live right around the corner, Jack, why didn't you take George home first?"

"I -- I just thought - " I was stumped.

George got impatient for the first time in the evening, "Jim -- Jack is my boyfriend. We want to spend some time together -- alone!"

Jim looked supremely embarrassed and a bit of the old cowed Jim that I first met. I feel sorry for him, but also feel George was justified. I wonder if George really understands how much his cousin loves -- and wants -- him. Probably not.

"See you later," said Jim, as he exited the van, "Have fun!" He added, and he chuckled mirthlessly.

We watched Jim walk up his driveway and into the house. "That was awkward."

I said.

"It was. But he has to know that we are a couple."

"Are your parents expecting you to be at home tonight?"

"You KNOW they're gone!" He answered, and stroked my face.

"I know. I meant if they called and you were not there, would they be upset?"

"They can call my cell phone. Why?"

"I dunno. I'm kinda tired. I know it's not more than another 15 minutes to your house, but -- would you mind if we crash at my house tonight?"

"But -- your parents -- aren't they - -?"

"They're home, yes. George, I really am tired, and we can still sleep together, but - - I'm feeling a little edgy about getting into anything really -- um -- sexual -- tonight."

"It's okay, Jackamo! If you're that tired - "

"It's not just that, Jordy. I just am a little -- afraid -- that we would do more than I -- really want -- er, that is -- feel we should do -- if we are alone at your house."

"Jack -- (sigh) okay. No problem. Just drive to your house. But let me explain something to you. It's true -- I do want to -- do -- or try -- so much more than you seem to want right now. But -- please trust me that I would not try to get you to do anything you don't want to do."

"I know -- at least I think I know -- that, Jordy. But the one I don't trust is not you. I am so attracted to you -- emotionally as well as sexually -- I don't think I can trust myself alone with you."

We were back at my house. I turned off the engine and set the brake. I started to open the door, but George grabbed my hand. "Wait."

I closed the door again and turned to him. He looked pained. "What's up, Jordy?"

"I just -- Jack, I really do lo -- um -- like you a lot. No! I LOVE you! No, don't look at me that way. I mean -- I have always loved you. I thought about you a lot and dreamed about you even more -- after you left me."

"You dreamed about me?" I said, amazed.

"I did. When you were in tenth grade and you came to warren High to that performance thing, I think I had forgotten about you a little, but when you looked at me and winked, my mind went wild. It was as if you had reached into my shirt and caressed my chest or something. All I know is it felt good -- better than I ever thought anything could feel.

"Then when I realized that was you with Stacy awhile back, my heart about jumped out of my chest. At first I thought maybe you were with her -- I mean -- you know -- WITH her, but then she made it clear that you weren't and that -- well, you know. When I figured out that you too are gay -- Jack -- I went home that night and -- thought about you as I - "

"I -- you did? I did too! Ha ha! What a couple of goof balls!"

"Is that how you really feel? I don't. I just got shivers all over when you said that. I always thought I was so ugly! Freckled and short - - and fat!"

"Fat??!! You're not fat! And you're not short either!"

"Well I feel short around you and Jimmy. Both of you are tall and skinny -- well you're not skinny -- but you don't have a barrel body like mine!"

"Jordy -- it's obvious that you work out and - "

"A lot of good it does me. I still am shaped like a spaghetti bottle! Ugh!"

"You are not! You have a great chest and that six pack is impressive. Your biceps are twice the size of mine. You just have a different body type! And besides, hey! That was a great analogy! A spaghetti bottle is maddeningly hard to get anything out of, but when you do, it's worth it!

"I guess you weren't listening in Mr. Hannah's class when he -- oh! That's right! You didn't go to Downey. Our psyche teacher made a big point of the different body types. Heh! He talked about bodies as often as he could get away with it. I think he liked both the boys and the girls in his class. He was a pervert to be sure. But Jordy, there's nothing you can do about your body type and - "

"Thanks for reminding me! I know that! That's what's so frustrating!"

"AND -- I get so turned on by your thick body with all those muscles -- you're friggin' hot, for crap sakes!"

"You really think so?"


"Jack -- I know that you want to wait -- and I -- don't. But I will do whatever you want. Maybe you should tell me how far you want to go, and then I can promise you, I won't push you any further than you want."

"Well -- when?" I hadn't thought much ahead! "I may not want to go as far tonight as I am willing to go in six months."

"How far do you want to go tonight?" He said. I could tell he was more goal-oriented than I. I chuckled. "Well??!! I'll be respectful of your wishes, Jackamo - - but I gotta know what they are."

"Hmm -- I -- um -- don't want anal any time soon, I know that much -- well -- I think that, anyway. And tonight? Just sleeping next to you will be good for me. (Yawn!)"

"Just sleep?"

"Well, I'd love to cuddle and - "

"We'll be discreet in your parents house, Jack. I'm okay with staying here.

I'm pretty tired too."

"After breakfast, maybe we cam go to Huntington, or - "

"Getting' pretty cold at the beach, Jackamo!"

"We can warm up after at your house!"

"Or before! My parents may be home by the time we get back from the beach."

"Oh. Yeah. Well, okay." I leaned over and kissed his nose. "Let's go in."

Mom and Dad were already gone to bed when we came in. "G'nite Boys." Dad said quietly as we passed their open bedroom door.

"Night Dad." I said, mildly chagrinned.

I quietly closed my bedroom door, and locked it. By the time I had done that I turned and George was standing in his boxers, half woodied up, a cute grin on his lips. "Gotta go pee-pee." he said.

"Me too," I said and followed him into the bathroom. He started to pee and I walked up beside him and started to pee at the same time. He giggled. "What?" I said.

"Never had a guy pee in the same toilet as me." He whispered.

"Heh! Guess it's one of the advantages of having brothers. We think nothing of it. It IS pretty cute the way you need to force it down though. I hope I'm to blame for that!" I said.

"Duh! So why aren't you having the same problem?"

"Dunno. Just tired I guess." And it started getting hard as I spoke.

"Not too tired!" He laughed. He was already finished and he stood on his tiptoes and kissed me while I finished peeing. I peed all over the back of the toilet and we both started to giggle. I finished and cleaned up the mess then we both washed our hands and faces and went to bed.

As he got under the covers, he shed his boxers. So I followed his example. It was a little cold in my room, so the sheet and cover felt good. We snuggled up together and started kissing. I felt his fingers caressing my pubes. I gently fondled his butt. His nose was in my neck and he kissed it, and then worked his way back up to my face.

"You are so hot!" he whispered. "I hope I can sleep tonight!"

"I will. I am so tired! But don't stop doing what you're doing!" I said, as my hand found it's way to his rock hardness. I slowly ran one finger up one side and down the other. He shivered, and then the rest of his body went limp on the bed. He then opened his legs and I felt the loose hot skin of his scrotum. He moaned -- a little too loud. "Shhh." I said

"Sorry. It's hard."

"It sure is!" I said as I squeezed "it". I started to slowly pump it. His whole body went stiff as he stifled a groan. I kissed him as I stroked it, still very slowly. His hand surrounded mine and started to go faster. I took away my hand and climbed on top of him. I hugged him as our pieces oozed onto each other, and I thrusted slowly. I drew the covers over my head and started to kiss his chest. I sucked on his nipple. His body was shuddering, as he stifled another shriek.

I played with the other nipple and sucked on the little trail of hair between them. I worked my way down to his navel, and as I thrust my tongue into it, his wet boner grazed my nose. I flicked my tongue out and swiped at it, tasting the sweet salty, musky flavor. It made mine pump out a generous dollop into his hand, which was conveniently there to catch it. He wiped it and tasted it and hummed his approval.

H lifted his hips up and thrust himself toward my willing lips and it went in. I sucked on the end. "Omigod, Jack! I'm supposed to be quiet? I thought you wanted to sleep!"

I giggled and choked a little , as he kept thrusting. I was sucking with all I had, for what reason I didn't know.

"Ouch!" he said. Watch the teeth! Hee hee!"

He stopped thrusting from the bottom, so I kept bobbing, and he was starting to shake again, I could tell he was stifling his great gasping breaths into the pillow. Finally he started to blow his load in my mouth and throat. I took it as fast as he shot it out, swallowing hard, gulp after gulp. When he was nearly finished with his spasms, I buried my face in his pubes, I choked a little, but forced myself to keep sucking and swallowing. He started to whimper.

I pulled away quickly and came up to his face. "You okay, Jordy?" I whispered in his ear.

"Ohhhhh Yeeeeaaaah! I'm just fine!(Sob) It's just I never even began to imagine what that would be like. You GOTTA let me do it to you!" He looked deeply into my eyes.

"I -- think -- we should wait -- until -- later." I said -- or rather more like, asked. "Is that okay with you?" I quickly added.

"Omigosh yes! I was determined to do you no matter what if you wanted it. But - - omigosh, omigosh! I really just wanna collapse now. Oh, I'm sorry Jackamo! I will do - "

"I already told you I wanted to wait, Dude! It's okay." I felt his completely soft dick. It was warm and squishy in my hand. It was still oozing. Jordy was still breathing pretty hard and his heart was racing. I went back down and sucked on it soft. I relaxed and closed my eyes. I was kneading his butt the last thing I remembered. I could feel the energy draining out of both of us, like water from broken dam.

I woke up later and George was spooning me from behind. His still softee was pressed up close into my but crack. His hand was around my waist and limply hovering over my own package. I went back to sleep with a smile on my face.

I felt trapped. But it wasn't a bad feeling. Everything was black. I marveled how I could feel the smile on my face though no one could see it. I was tied down -- strapped to a structure that seemed to be designed to entrap and then infuriate the captor -- but I was not infuriated. I felt as if -- if I wanted to break out of it, I could, but it felt good to be surrounded by this structure. I almost seemed to be floating in it.

I was aware of every part of my body at once. It wasn't exactly tingling, but more like a wave that continued. It was like a whole body orgasm that didn't stop. I knew it was a dream, and I was content to just remain still, almost afraid to move for the fear of waking up or disturbing the delicate balance of the structure.

Then, as if I had never been asleep, I was - - awake - - staring up through the black at a ceiling I couldn't see, but knew it was there. His hand had awakened me. It had found my boner and was squeezing it at first then started to slowly move up and down. He snorted softly in my ear and seemed to move closer behind me, though that didn't seem possible.

I felt his hardness settle deeper between my sweat soaked crack. A spasm of delight seemed to come from my whole body and converge in my shaft, pushing out a generous dollop of thin precum. When it hit his hand, his thumb kind of tapped on the end, and his strokes got longer, picking up and spreading the slippery stuff so that mingled with the sweat, his hand was sliding freely up and down my shaft.

He snorted again, this time turning his head back and forth, grazing my back with his nose and stubble. I felt something shift deep within me, and took a deep breath as it felt like my load was preparing to rise up from somewhere around my mid thighs. When I started to shoot it out I couldn't stifle a very quiet, high pitched moan, which was repeated about 8 -- 10 times as I covered his hand in the white milky fluid.

Then I felt it. It at first just felt like some pressure between my butt cheeks, but then it felt all warm and wet. He was still asleep, I think, and I was half asleep, probably still dreaming a bit -- and his cum came out seemingly in quarts. He wiggled even closer to me, spreading the stuff between us, and groaning his pleasure.

As far as I know, he never woke up. I wondered if I should get up and try to clean up the mess we both made, but before I could decide, I fell asleep again.

When I woke up, he was gone. The morning light was showing at the edges of my room darkening shades.

I heard him, quietly moving around in my bathroom. I snuck up to the door and peeked in. He was sitting on the toilet, crying.

"Jordy! What's wrong, babe?"

"You don't know?" he said. His eyes looked terrible. He looked sad, tired and embarrassed.

"I know I had one of the best dreams I've ever had, and that you went one further than any fantasy I ever had last night!"

"You liked that??!!" He exclaimed.

"I didn't think you ever woke up, Jordy. But it was so great to be in your arms as you quietly got me off then yourself. It was - - more than I could have hoped for. I had a neat dream, but nothing as great as what happened when I woke up."

"Is that what you thought happened?"

"I KNOW it happened. I was awake."

"So, you knew when I peed all over both of us?"

"Wha -- you what?!!" I said a little too loud. "You what?" I whispered.

"I peed your bed! And on you -- and on me. Most of it soaked the sheet and mattress under me, because I am heavier than you -- at least my butt is! Jack -- I peed your bed!" He was speaking to the floor until he said that. Then he looked up, seeming testing whether to look into my face.

"I guess we better get the sheets off and air it out huh?" I said, calmly.

"Huh? Jack do you understand - "

"Yeah. You had an accident. It was the sexiest accident I ever knew of, but - "

"Jack, your bed is soaked! It will stain it! Don't you - "

"Jordy, come -- look!" I dragged him to the bed and pulled back the sheet. It was pretty wet, and it was plenty yellow. But then he saw. My mattress was all stained -- everywhere in the mid section of the mattress. I raised it up and showed him the other side. It too was stained.

"You -- you wet too?" he exclaimed.

"I did until I was 13! My cousin did until he was 19! Mom will be surprised, though. It's been a few years since she washed urine soaked sheets."

"Oh no! Can't we wash them? Do we have to tell your mom?"

"We might be able to do that. I wash my own anyway -- as of a couple weeks ago. But the bed has to air out. She comes in here regularly -- to clean, vacuum, and such. I can't hide a drying urine spot." George looked mortified and totally humiliated. "We'll close the door, Jordy, but it doesn't lock from the outside."

"God, Jack, I can't tell you how -- I am more embarrassed than I've ever been. I haven't had an accident like that in months."

"I'm sure you felt secure, holding me. I know I felt like I was in heaven in your arms. And then you wanked me to the most fantastic orgasm ever, then you let your -- well, I thought it was your load -- but I guess it was your bladder -- go, it was warm and wonderful -- to me. Hey! Don't worry about it! It happens. And - It may not be the last time!"

He grabbed me -- I forgot we were both still naked -- and hugged me close. "God, I love you, Jack!"

I kissed him deep and he returned my passion. "Guess we have to take a shower now!" I said.

"Geez! You mean something good can come from even this?" He said. "And I can't believe you couldn't smell the way the bed smelled."

"I -- guess I did -- but I didn't make the connection. Oh! We had asparagus last night!"

"Uh huh -- and - ?"

"It always makes urine smell different."

"Sounds like you boys are up early this morning!" Mom said from outside the door. "Dad's making waffles. Can I tell him to start them?"

"Sure, Mom. Thanks! Um -- give us 20 minutes!"


We played a little in the shower, but in the interest of time, we hurried.

Dad's waffles are always great. He also makes his own maple syrup. "These are great waffles Mr. Smith." Said George.

"Thank you George. And if you call me that again, I may not let you eat here again!" Said Dad, smiling.

"Sorry, Will, old habits are hard to break."

"Mom, please don't go into my bedroom today -- okay?" I said.

"I don't go into your bedroom unless I'm cleaning Jack, and today is Sunday -- I won't be cleaning." She said, and without a hint of question in her voice, she continued, "Are you boys doing something today?"

"We may head down to Huntington." I said.

"Isn't it pretty cold there now?" She wondered.

"Yeah, but it's still cool to walk or run in the cool sand. And the surfers are there in wet suits. They're cool to watch." I said.

"And I was gonna try to get Jack to come to church with us tonight."

"Us?" Dad said.

"I usually go with my parents."

"Oh. That's nice." He said. Well, have a nice time." I think that made both Mom and Dad a little uncomfortable, because they never went to church with us.

We finished eating and packed up a large satchel with sheets to wash in the bottom, towels and some church clothes for me for later. Then we went to George's and washed all the clothes. We played some more while they were washing. Same pretty much as we had gotten used to. He got even with me for last night, and I reciprocated when I recuperated, then fell asleep sucking his softy again. I really liked that!

Notes: Well, it seems our boy is getting more and more fond of George. I am too. Any comments may be directed to me, Steve, at stevethomas535@hotmail.com. Thanks and love, Steve

Next: Chapter 9

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