Just a Normal Boys Dreams

By Steve Thomas

Published on May 21, 2023


This is a work of pure fiction, but based on the author's feelings, beliefs, and in some cases, experience. Come to think of it -- it might not be very pure either! There may be graphic sexual encounters at times between men, so if this offends you, you are invited to retreat. If you are too young or it is otherwise illegal for you to be reading this kind if story, shame on you for reading it - - please stop here. If not, - - ENJOY!

Cast of characters:

Jack Smith -- uh -- that would be me

Billy -- Jack's closest brother, 3 yrs older.

Will Smith -- My dad

Vivian Smith My mom

Art -- Jack's oldest brother, 9 yrs older.

Ralph Gilmore -- a new friend - deceased

Stacy Whitworth -- a catalyst/friend

George Toliver -- old grade school buddy

George Toliver, Sr, -- (duh!)

Cynthia Toliver -- (Mrs. Duh!)

Jim -- George's cousin

From Chapter 8:

I was gonna try to get Jack to come to church with us tonight."

"Us?" Dad said.

"I usually go with my parents."

"Oh. That's nice." He said. Well, have a nice time." I think that made both Mom and Dad a little uncomfortable, because they never went to church with us.

We finished eating and packed up a large satchel with sheets to wash in the bottom, towels and some church clothes for me for later. Then we went to George's and washed all the clothes. We played some more while they were washing. Same pretty much as we had gotten used to. He got even with me for last night, and I reciprocated when I recuperated, then fell asleep sucking his softy again. I really like that!

Chapter 9

It seems odd to me that making love would make me tired -- or sleepy. But it seems to. Maybe I just didn't sleep enough last night.

We went to the beach. It was a cloudy, windy, cold day. That didn't cool our spirits any. There were a few others walking the beach, but they didn't seem to care that two boys were walking along, holding hands. Maybe that says something about people who like to walk in the cold? I dunno.

I wished that I did more surfing when I was younger. It looked like fun. The ocean was wild -- so the surfers were out in numbers! Wetsuits and colorful surfboards dotted the sea and the beach. As they sat out beyond the small breakers, hunched over to keep out the cold, it was obvious that they loved what they were doing.

We fed each other a deli sandwich George bought on the way to the beach. We even lay on a blanket and kissed once. It felt so liberating to be open like that. I wondered how I would feel doing it with others there. Well, probably even if it was with a girl, it would have been weird.

We got back to George's around three in the afternoon. "Hi sweetheart," the recorded phone message from George's mom started. "We were planning to come home earlier, but the Clemson's asked us to stay another night, and your father made some calls and voila! We will be home tomorrow night. I love you, Baby!"

We never made it to church. We immediately jumped into the shower. We ran the hot water out of the tank and then went and hopped into George's bed. With no reason to hush our cries and shrieks, we played, tickled, fondled and kissed for nearly three hours. I have not had that many orgasms in succession since I first learned how good they were -- at about 11 years old!

We jacked each other, screwed each other's legs. sucked and humped butt cracks -- besides all the licking, kissing and sucking. Once while I was sucking him, I wet my finger and put it in his anus. He jerked away from me.

"Nope!" He said. "I promised you we wouldn't do that!"

"Huh??!!" I said, thoroughly confused.

"you're the one who said `No anal" yet."

"I meant, no anal, like in anal intercourse. No dicks in butts, silly."

"Oh." He said. Jack -- I'm -- um -- okay with the no anal stuff. I was kind of relieved when you told me that, actually. I'm not ready for you to -- um -- play in my butt -- even with your finger."

"Oh! Wow! That never occurred to me." I said. After all that we did, I was actually embarrassed. "Have you ever -- um -- stuck anything up there?"


"O -- my -- gah --um," I said, I have."

"What? What have you -- stuck up there?"

I turned redder than a beet. "It's okay! You don't have to tell me!" He cried.

"No -- I think I better now. Don't want you imagining the worst! Well, of course wieners! Both cooked and not. (they are softer, cooked -- well, when they're warm.) Same with carrots. I have put the tops of bottles up before -- that would fit. I once squirted a bunch of hand cream in and did myself with a Polish sausage."

"Really? What did it feel like?"

"It woulda felt better if it was warm!" I laughed, still red faced. But the best -- and the reason I wanted to do that to you -- was when I reached as far in as my finger would go and I found my prostate."

"What did that feel like?"

"Indescribable! But it was kind of almost like the feeling of when you pee, except much more intense."

"Oh! I was hoping it would be kind of -- um -- orgasmic!" He said.

"Oh, it is! I made myself cum once, but only while I was jacking with the other hand. I thought that it would be good to do that to you while I sucked."

"Oh. Well, thanks, but - - gosh, now I -- no, not now!"

"It's okay. We can wait."

"DAMN! I want to -- but I don't - - now!"

"Jordy, there's no hurry." I said. Then to change the subject, "Have you ever stuck anything up your dick?"

"No! What - - ? What kind of -- you've done that?"

"Yeah!" I said, "In the interest of science!" I laughed.

"What did that feel like?"

"Actually it hurt, but -- it gave me a boner anyway."

"What did you put in it?"

"A rectal thermometer."

"Ugh! I hope you cleaned it really good!"

"Oh yeah!" I laughed. Wouldn't want that thing going up my but after it's been in my dick!"

"Wha -- oh! Hahaha! I meant the other - "

"I KNOW what you meant, Jordy!"

"I just can't imagine that. But it's glass -- what if it broke?"

"Thanks for that image! It didn't -- it wouldn't! I wouldn't be that stupid!"

"I have one in my bathroom. Wanna do it now?"

"I will if you wanna see." I said.

He immediately went to the bathroom and returned with the thermometer and an alcohol wipe. "Got some lube?" I asked

"What kind"?

"Actually the best is that triple antibiotic ointment."

"You really are an expert at this, aren't you?!"

"Shut up!" I said.

"Here's some ointment."

I put the thermometer into the tube of ointment, and drew it out, covered in the goo. I then took my already half hard dick and slowly out it into the end and buried it to the hilt.

"and - - that feels good?" He asked noticing that my dick sprang a very straight boner.

"I didn't say it felt good. But something about it does turn me on -- obviously."

I eased it out. George was rubbing his own as he watched the thermometer reappear.

He took the thermometer form me and duplicated what I did. He grimaced as he stuck it in. His dick was already hard, so he could only go a little way -- it hurt too much in that state, and also it was too bent before he started.

He took it out, then stroked himself vigorously for a few moments.

"Hey!" I cried, "That's MY job!"

"It really itched or something! I had to do that!"

"Okay -- here, let me!" I said.

I grabbed it and started to stroke him, and then took him again into my mouth. "Ohhhhh my gahhhhsh!" He said. "Okay -- do it!"

I spit it out. "Do it? Do what?"

"The thing with your finger -- up my butt!"

"You sure?"

"I am now!"

I spit on my finger and worked it in -- gradually. He kept resisting -- or rather his butt wasn't cooperating. Finally, I got it all the way in. I kept gently sucking all the time. When I fingered his prostate, he let out a yell. I stopped. "Did I tell you, you could stop?!" he cried. "Go for it!"

I started to flip his prostate in time with my sucking. He was moaning and thrashing under me. Then he started to pitch his load into my throat. His whole body was vibrating, and he was thrusting at the same time, and crying out my name, and gurgling and crying like a baby. He stopped cumming and I kept sucking, but stopped stroking his prostate. He almost crushed my head, and said, "Don't Stop!" I kept it up for another half minute and he came again, this time, screaming and crying out like an animal.

I kept it up until he jumped away from me, jerking my finger from his butt and his dick from my mouth. I wasn't expecting that, and actually drew blood from his softy, as it grazed by my teeth.

"Oh, Jacky! Omigod! I just had a double orgasm!" He screamed.

"Shhh!" I retorted. "The neighbors'll hear you!"

He was more energized than I ever saw him, albeit totally out of breath. He sat up on the bed, and grabbed me by the shoulders. "Jack -- yeah, you're right. But I've never -- geez, Babe! It was something like -- I didn't know that -- men -- could do that. It filled my whole body, for crap sakes! I mean holy shit! That was earthshaking!"

I started to open my mouth and then it happened. His face went blank, and his eyes rolled up into his head. He fell back onto the bed and started to shake violently. Immediately I recognized that he was having a seizure. I got up and luckily there was a wooden suit hanger in his closet. I yanked off the suit, and forced out the wooden dowel that held the pants in place.

I did all that in about 15 seconds. His eyes were wild when I got back, he was still shaking on the bed. His tongue was not sticking out, but I was afraid he might swallow it. I forced the dowel into his tightly clenched teeth and then picked him up and turned him over.

I didn't know what to do next, so I half sat, half lay on him holding him, with my face on his back. I was crying. "Jordy, you're gonna be okay -- you're gonna be okay!" I cried, not knowing if it was true or not. I was panicky, but the thought came to call 911. It was probably about 1 1/2 minutes since it started. I debated whether to leave him alone to grab my cell phone.

I went across the room and was opening up my phone. "Who you calling"? He said calmly.

"911! You -- have -- what? Are you -- are you okay now?" I ran to him.

"I'm okay. Just had a little seizure, I guess."

"Little??!! You guess??!! You scared the shit outa me! Has this happened before?"

"Not often. It happened once in high school, and maybe once before that. I guess that double orgasm brought it on."

"Well, we're never doing THAT again!" I cried.

"You gotta be joking! That was the single most fantabulous thing that's ever happened to me! We're DEFINITELY doing it again!"

"Jordy! You coulda died!"

"Um -- looks like the worst thing that happened was I wet my damned bed again! That's no reason to not do it again!"

"You're crazy! I - "

"You would deny me that? After all I have said, you would take that away from me?"

"Is it worthy your life?"

"It's happened before. Not often, but it's really not life threatening."

"What causes it?"

"Well, a couple things. First, I have a benign brain tumor. It isn't growing -- at present -- and the doctors have determined that it's more dangerous to operate than to watch it -- for now."

"Maybe this means it's growing again. We should - " I was obviously upset!

"Calm down, Dude! No! It's not growing. What brings these on is extreme excitement. The last one was when I was 16 -- at a Brittany concert."

"You saw her??"

"Oh yeah. I've seen a lot of them! My dad took me to a lot, then after I got my license, I went to all I could."

"Must be nice!" I said. "But -- what got you so excited at her concert?"

"I went by myself, and as luck would have it, I ended up in a section that had been bought mostly out by a gay group. They were going wild -- so I did too. It was my first -- and only -- time to be with a bunch of poofs like me!"

"That must have been fun!"

"It was. But as you experienced, it scared the hell out of the people next to me when I wigged out."

"And -- um -- did you -- wet your pants?"

"Duh! What a mess! By the time the paramedics came I was fine -- just a little embarrassed."

"Well, I guess -- at least now I am forewarned. I really was flipping out!"

"Sorry. It just never occurred to me to tell you about it. Same as with the bed-wetting thing, I guess I try to forget when it's not happening."

"So -- I suppose you want me to try that on you now?" He said, grinning.

"You want to, don't you?" I taunted.

"Uh -- YEAH!"

"Well why don't we wait until tonight."

"That's cool. I'm kinds drained right now."

George took me out for steak and lobster. I protested, but he said he needed the protein, and besides, with what he put me through, he said I deserved it.

I had no intention of staying all night. With school in the morning, I wanted to go home. But nothing wrong with "using" the bed for "non-sleeping activities", as George put it.

George tried to duplicate what I did for him, but I was not as responsive. Oh, it felt good -- even awesome, but I didn't have any body shaking double orgasms like he did. I went home around 9-ish, kind of disappointed. I also felt guilty that I even felt that way. I had had the most fantastic sex in my life, and was f-ing disappointed. I know it hurt George that I was so obviously bummed. I cried most of the way home -- not because of the disappointment of not having the experience he had, but because I was such a dick about it!

"Hi." He answered his phone.

"I'm so sorry. I was a f-ing dick head!"

"Nooooooo! It's okay! I was disappointed too."

"But that's just it!" I protested, "I didn't WANT you to be disappointed.

"Jackamo," he paused for effect, "It's all good! You'll get it the next time!"

"I hope so," I said still obviously sounding dejected. Tears sprang to my eyes, because I couldn't make myself at least ACT happier. "what if I'm one of those people who just can't do that -- ever?"

"Then we'll deal with it. Let's hope you can. I think that most can't but we at least know how it's done."

"I guess." I said. "well, guess I better get to bed. Bye Jordy -- babe! I love you." I said.


I dragged myself into the shower. The hot water felt good. It was like salve to a wound. I felt somewhat better. As I got out of the shower there was a knock at my bedroom door.

"George is here with your clothes you forgot. He said you might need them. Shall I send him in?"

"Sure." I said. I wrapped the towel around me.

George came in, all smiles. He handed me a bag. He then wrapped himself around me and kissed me deeply. Then he went to my bed, which had dried during the day. He put the clean mattress pad on it as well as the clean sheets that he'd washed and dried, and also the towels and my swim suit that I didn't use.

Then he sat on the bed and spoke for the first time. "Happy to see me?"

I chuckled. "Of course! Um ... it's late - don't you have a class in the morning?"

"Yup!" he said, still smiling. "Jack - Nothing right now is as important as being with you."

"I don't know what to say. We spent the whole day together. What - "

"You didn't seem too hapy when you left."

"I was worried."

"I know. Jackamo, let me worry about me. I really am okay. The siezures don't happen very often. Are you afraid I might embarrass you some day?"

I looked at him in shocked amazement. "No! Jordy - it was - I guess - a shock. I can get used to it - I guess."

"You won't have to get used to it." He said, sadly. I thought he was going to walk out. Instead he walked to the other side of the bed and sat down again. Then he said - - nothing. His hands were crossed on his chest, and he stared at the floor.

Nothing was never so loud as it was that moment. I walked around to him and sat next to him. I gently pried one hand away from his chest. I brought it to my mouth but I didn't kiss it. "I'm sorry, Jordy. I was a jerk. Oh, it did scare the hell out of me - that's my only defense. Jordy - please take that as an apology. I can see how my stupidity hurt you. I'm sorry! Okay?"

He flopped back on the bed. "Jack - lock your door." He smiled slightly. "And - um - do you think your mom would mind if I stayed the night - one more night?"

"Hey! I'm 18 now. I am a man. I can decide who stays with me." I said, as I walked to the door. I made a production of locking it and then my towel just seemed to to the floor - on its own.

"I know we can't make any noise, Jackamo. Can we just sleep? I'm awfully tired." He smiled slyly as he aped what I had told him last night.

Notes: So? I'm a nerd! I couldn't go on vacation before finishing this. If you want to comment, please write to Steve at stevethomas535@hotmail.com. Thanks - and love! Steve

Next: Chapter 10

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