Just Like a Dream

By Leo C.

Published on Jul 28, 2006


Hello guys!

Here is the next chapter, where the things you are all waiting for will start to happen.


I don't know Jon Lee or any other celebrity, that might show up in this story. I don't know much about their personal lives -- and absolutely nothing about their sexual preferences. That's strictly their own business. And this is nothing but fiction.

In this chapter I have borrowed the lyrics of a song written by Jon. I figured, that since you can read the lyrics on a couple of websites, and since I'm not making any money from this, it would be OK. I hope Jon Lee will aggree with me, if he ever finds out...

Now, on with the story

Chapter 2 -- Fly into the Sun

We took the Underground back to Notting Hill Gate. It turned out, that Jon lived just a few streets from me. How odd! Imagine, that he'd been living less that a mile from me, and I never knew!

His house lay on a quiet street near Portobello Road. It was cordoned off from the street by a tall white thorn hedge only broken by an equally tall wrought iron gate. Jon clicked a remote, and the gate opened and closed again after us, when we'd entered. It was a nice white plastered house with columns by the entrance and ornaments, like there really should be. Not as big as mine, though, but it looked nice and homely. Inside I could hear Molly barking, as Jon unlocked the door. She jumped at him, as soon as the door was opened enough for her to get out of it, wagging her tail wildly.

"Molly" he said after greeting her, pointing at me "I want you to meet Nick."

Even if I'm really a cat man, I've never had a problem with dogs. And Molly didn't have a problem with me either, it seemed. She sniffed at my trousers and looked a little confused and cautious, then gave a couple of short barks. I knelt down at let her sniff at my face while I scratched the back of her neck. Her tail started wagging again, and she gave my ear a quick lick. Then she looked back at Jon.

"She likes you!" he said "She's smiling. Come on girl -- time for your walk."

She ran back into the house and came back with a leash in her mouth.

"Clever girl!" I said.

"Yeah, she really is!" he said, with a loving smile, looking at the dog coming towards him.

But she ran past him and put the leash on the ground in front of me and sat down facing towards me and away from Jon. The look on his face was priceless.

"What the f...!" he exclaimed. "You see one good looking fella, and I'm dumped. Just like that! You faithless bitch!".

Molly turned her head and looked back at him. If dogs can laugh, I swear that's what she was doing. So was I. Laughing so hard that my guts hurt! And Jon broke into a roaring laughter too.

"Well put it on `er then!" he said drying his eyes "And let's get going."

We went to a small park nearby, Molly trotting happily along between us, while we chatted about the neighbourhood, the wonders of Portobello Road etc.. When Molly had finished her business, Jon handed me a plastic bag.

"You got to walk her, so you do the cleaning up!"

"Oh, sweet revenge, huh?" I said with a smile.

"Oh yeah!" he answered with a satisfied grin.

Home again, I got the quick tour of the house. It was actually very stylish. He told me, he'd chosen the decoration himself, and I couldn't help thinking, that it reflected the person he seemed to be very well. We ended up in the kitchen. Jon found a bottle of red and handed me a corkscrew. While I opened the wine he looked in the fridge.

"How about chicken breast?" he asked.

"Fine with me!"

"OK, that it will be then! You like spicy?" he asked.

I love spicy food "Absolutely!"

"Right! I'll use garlic, lime and chili." He said with a pleased smile. "Would you care to give me a hand with something?"

"No problem, mate! I like to cook!" I said.

I really do. I am actually a bit of a food freak, and I watch Jamie Oliver an the telly every time I get the chance. I just love that guy! Not only does he give a lot of inspiration to the food lovers of the world, but he's actually made it clear, that it's OK for a man to enjoy cooking!

"Now -- why doesn't that surprise me?" he joked. "Why don't you beat up something to go with the chicken. You can probably find some veggies in the fridge."

When I opened the huge fridge and looked inside, I felt like a child entering Hamley's . There was everything in there -- and I do mean everything!

"Wow. You could open up a greengrocer's anytime." I laughed. "How about...guacamole, tomato salad and...eh... roast roots!?"

"Yummy! Could you throw me a chili, please?"

And so we started cooking, chatting and drinking red wine. I couldn't remember when was the last time I had enjoyed myself so much.

When the food was done, we ate in the kitchen. Jon handed me another bottle of red, which I opened while he put some music on the stereo, and then we tucked in. The food was really, really good. Jon's chicken breasts were tender and delicious, and my side dishes weren't bad either. I kept thinking, that life couldn't get any better than this. Nearly all my senses were being caressed at the same time. My taste buds and my nostrils were being gently tickled by the wonderful food and wine. My eyes could feast on the gorgeous guy on the other side of the table. And my ear drums were being gently massaged by the music. Which by the way, I had never heard before.

"What were we listening to?" I asked him, when the CD had run out. "It was really nice!"

"´Thank you" he said with a grin "It's me, actually."

"Really?" I exclaimed "I didn't know, that you had published a solo CD. When was that?"

"Actually, it's a demo. I haven't published anything besides the S Club stuff" He said with a sad smile "But who knows -- I might some day. Right now I'm more focused on the theatre, though."

"Well, you could have fooled me -- and you should release it!" I answered "That was really good! Especially the last song. Could we hear that again?"

"Sure!" he said, and started it again.

This time I listened really carefully. It was nothing less that fabulous. A really intense ballad -- not the average stuff, but much bigger. And Jon's voice sent shivers down my spine.

I listened really carefully to lyrics:

"The tears that cloud my eyes wont let me sleep Lying here with me when your so far away the Hours pass I long to hear you speak Ooh You got a lot to answer for

Feelings washing over me Demons hold me back from what I seek Freedom's calling out to me Taking one small step away from you seems such a giant leap

How can I fly into the sun When you've broken my wings and left my soul undone I need to fly into the sun though I know what goes up must come down

I can't believe I've waited all this time hoping that you'll love me like you used to do A prisoner without committing crime Tell me where's the key that I've been searching for

Feelings washing over me Demons hold me back from what I seek Freedom's calling out to me Taking one small step away from you seems such a giant leap

How can I fly into the sun When you've broken my wings and left my soul undone I need to fly into the sun though I know what goes up must come down

How can I fly into the sun When you've broken my wings and left my soul undone Fly into the sun though I know what goes up must come down

Fly into the sun!

How can I fly into the sun When you've broken my wings and left my soul undone I need to fly into the sun though I know what goes up must come down

Fly into the sun When you've broken my wings and left my soul undone Fly into the sun though I know what goes up must come down though I know what goes up must come down."

When the song had ended I asked him who wrote it.

"I did." Was the answer.

I considered it for a moment. "Wow." I said and paused for a moment before I continued. "That must have been a tough breakup. And he must have been very special."

Jon considered his answer for a moment. Then he said "It was! And he was!...............Ooopss!"

He looked me into the eyes, and he managed to smile innocently, tilt his head, bite his lip and look absolutely adorable, all at the same time. "You did that on purpose, didn't you? He asked, sounding almost amused.

"Yep!" I answered "And if I'm not mistaken, so did you!"


None of us said any more right away. Just looked into each others smiling eyes.

"Me too." I broke the silence.

"I sort of figured it out!" he said. "Well. At least we got that straight! Let's clear the table!"

"Right!" I chuckled.

As we helped each other clear the table and the rest of the kitchen, none of us said a word. He started doing the dishes, and I grabbed a dish towel. When we were halfway through the dishing, I couldn't stand it any more.

"Jon. Are we OK?" I asked him.

He stopped dishing and looked at me, worried. "I certainly hope so!?"

"It's just ... I was afraid I'd gone too far and forced you to say that, whether you wanted to or not." I said.

He looked at me, considering what I said. "I don't think anyone can force me to do anything I really don't want to. I mean -- I can do things that I don't like doing, if I can see the need to do it. But if anyone tries to force me into anything...well, let's just say: I will not be very nice... So now your'e warned!." The last part he added with a grin.

"And about this" he continued and put a hand on my shoulder " I've wanted to tell you since half an hour after we met. I was just trying to figure out how to do it. But I guess you solved that problem very nicely. Thank you!"

And then he leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. And resumed the dishing. Just like that.

I just stood there -- completely stupefied. After a while I pulled myself enough together to say "Wow!"

"Yeah!" he answered. "Sometimes I even scare myself!"

And then we both started laughing.


When we'd finished dishing he made coffee, and we went to the living room to have it. I brought the CD `cause I really wanted to hear that song again.

He had a real state of the art surround stereo in the living room. I put the CD on and took a seat in the sofa, that was placed exactly where the sound from the stereo would be best. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sound, barely noticing Jon sitting down beside me.

I was really moved by that song, imagining how Jon must have felt, when he wrote it. When the song had ended I opened my eyes again to see Jon looking at me with a serious expression on his face.

"I think I should tell you about it!" he said.

"He was the first guy I had a relationship with. Actually -- the only guy, so far. I really felt attached to him and...well...he made me fell comfortable about myself and being gay. I never knew, it could be so good to hold another guy, even if I've always known, that I am gay, I guess."

He paused, looking as if he was far away.

"Anyway" he continued "It wasn't really love, I suppose. It was more a thing that just happened out of convenience. Will realised that before I did. He seemed to draw away from me, and I didn't really have a clue about what was going on. I thought everything had been perfect, and suddenly it wasn't anymore, and I couldn't see why. I was really, really confused and down, and that's when I wrote "Fly into the sun". On the night I had finished recording it at the studio, I played it for him - and he broke up with me. The funny thing is, that I almost felt relief when that happened. I guess I subconsciously knew all along, that it was a temporary thing, and that we were never really meant to be. It was only after he broke up, that I realized, that the only thing we had in common were being gay guys in the music industry. So I'm really not on a rebound here. It was good as long as it lasted, and I came out a lot wiser on the other side. And that's really all there is to it.."

He looked at me, in anticipation of a response. I didn't really know what to say. I looked him into the eyes for a long time considering what he'd said, trying to grasp the meaning of it. I decided that in my ears, he was telling me a lot of things: He was not on a rebound, but ready for something else to happen. He wanted someone, he could relate to in more that one respect. He wasn't all that experienced, but he knew, what he wanted. Did he want...me? I decided, that I didn't want to waste my time beating around the bush. I had to know the answer to that. And so, I leaned in, put a hand behind his neck and gave him a kiss on the mouth.

Then I leaned back again to watch his reaction. To my great relief he looked absolutely delighted. And he leaned in and kissed me back, putting his arms around me. At first his kiss was soft and gentle, but then he started nipping at my lips, and I opened my mouth to him, and we started to kiss for real. My tongue met his and we started exploring each others mouths. When we finally broke the kiss to come up for air, we both said "Wow!" simultaneously -- and started laughing.

When we got a hold of ourselves he took my hand and looked at me with a serious expression and said

"Nicky, I've wanted this from the first moment I saw you. And somehow I knew it was going to happen. I don't know how or why. I just knew. Kind of spooky, isn't it?"

I looked at him and smiled.

"Nah...not really" I said. "I'll tell you what's spooky! I dreamt of you last night. I didn't know who you were though -- and I fell in love with you even before we met! That's why I was so stunned, when you removed your glasses. It wasn't because you're Jon Lee, but because I had just dreamt about you!"

He looked at me, his eyes wide open.

"You're right! That's actually quite scary!" he said, and fell silent for a while, considering what I had just said.

Then he looked at me again and reached out with his other hand and caressed my face. "But I don't care!" he said. "There's more to this than I can really comprehend, but I suppose it can only mean, that we were meant to be together."

He paused and looked away as if in deep thought. Then he looked back at me.

"I've got to tell you though: It's not going to be that easy. I am a public person, and it will cause a bit of a mess - but I don't really give a damn. Nicky, will you fly with me?"

Of course I had only one answer to that.

"I will, Jon. Anytime and anywhere you wanna go!"


To be continued ?

We could stop right here, but then again -- we might miss something interesting!

What do you think?

Drop me a line: lcwrite@gmail.com.

Next: Chapter 3

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