Just Like a Dream

By Leo C.

Published on Aug 27, 2006


Sorry guys – it took me a little longer to finish this, than I had planned. But anyway, here it goes.


Last time:

"Truce?" he whispered.

I nodded, feeling week from gazing into those eyes. And he kissed me, tenderly at first and then increasingly passionately. I got my arms free and started caressing his back, his soft hair, his shoulders, his cute arse.

Chapter 4. Stop and think!

This is what I hope heaven will be like, I thought.

His lips were all over my face, my mouth, my earlobes, my neck, and the feeling of his body on top of mine was just so unbelievably good. I could feel myself getting hard rapidly. Very hard, actually. And I could feel that Jon was getting there too.

That's when my sense of reason kicked in.

Wait a minute, I thought. This is going waaay too fast!

A second later Jon slid off me.

"Oh dear!" he said, catching his breath and looking ...a little scared? "I promised myself, that this should not happen yet!"

"Now, THAT...is REALLY scary!" I said, trying to make my own breathing work normally again.

He frowned.

"What do you mean?" he said.

"I mean: That was my line! Though I only remembered just the second before you pulled the brakes!" I answered calmly with a little smile. "It was just too damn good!"

Jon smiled back at me.

"Well" he chuckled "I think we may have to redefine `scary'. It's rapidly becoming a habit, you know. It's hardly even surprising anymore, the way we think alike."

For a while we just lay there looking into each others' eyes, both knowing that we had to talk about this. Both trying to sort out in our minds, what was happening and how to deal with it.

After about ten minutes Jon broke the silence.

"Scary," he said "is that we've reached this point in a matter of two days – and I for one never really stopped to think about it. How about you?"

"Guilty!" I said, feeling... well...guilty. Guilty, as if I was a little boy caught with my hands in the cookie jar. Guilty as in knowing you've been doing something you really should not, but with a vague sense, that you would probably do it again, given the right circumstances. So maybe it was more like the embarrassment of being caught in the act.

I smiled at him.

"It is scary." I said " It's like I've turned into a teenager going for what I want without considering the consequences. But the really scary part is, that when I do think about the consequences, I still don't care. I'm in love with you, and I just want to show you and make you happy, any way I can. That seems to be the most important thing, no matter from what perspective I look at it. My brains may say – "You don't know him!" But my heart will immediately tell me, that I do. If my brains say "This is too fast!", my heart says "Why?" and so on." I paused to look at him. He was staring back at me with eyes wide open.

I continued "But in the end my brains win the argument with a cheap trick, saying to my heart "OK, you're probably right – this may very well be the best thing that could happen, but I need time to comprehend it all. I'm not as fast as you." And my heart will soften and say "OK, we can try to have it your way. We'll slow down just a little. But we are in love, just so you know it!" So the bottom line is, that even though I know, that it's probably silly and unnecessary and very, very difficult, I think that we should try to stop before our dicks take over, just for a while, at least."

Jon was still staring at me with eyes wide open, not saying a word. I was beginning to feel afraid that I had weirded him out.

But then he said "Wow!", smiled, and gave me a quick kiss on the mouth. "That was beautiful. Almost like a poem. And that's exactly how I feel, too. Only, I could never have said it like that."

He kissed me again and continued "We could make beautiful songs together, you know. Your words and my music."

I smiled at him. "I don't know if I could do that. I've never tried writing lyrics. I have done a few poems though, so who knows?"

"We'll just have to find out, won't we?" he said. "Not tonight though. I'm really too tired now."

I expected him to continue with something like "I better get home now", but he didn't. He just snuggled up with me, pulled me closer to him, leaving his arm around my back, kissed me again and closed his eyes. That was really nice. I didn't want him to leave. I was way too happy just being so close to him and feeling his body against mine. And comfortable knowing, that we could do just that and nothing more.

"Jon," I whispered "Do you want to stay here tonight?"

He opened his eyes and smiled. "Thought you'd never ask! Of course I do, Silly!"

I kissed him.

"Well, should we get upstairs then?" I asked.

"Yeah – but we have to take Molly for a quick walk first, though!"

Molly jumped to her feet immediately, wagging her tail and started walking towards the door to the hall.

"Seems that she agrees with you" I said, getting myself up from the sofa. "Well, come on then!"

We got our jackets in the hall, leashed Molly and opened the door. It was raining outside, not cats and dogs but a drizzle strong enough to get wet.

"Yerk!" I said and pulled a not very happy face. Jon just laughed at me.

"Come on, it's only water!" he said happily and stomped out in it.

As we entered the little park at Prince's Square he said

"I actually like rain, you know. It's like a shower to the world, cleaning away all the dust and leaving everything kind of sparkling and new."

"I guess you're right" I said "But it's still damn wet, and I don't like it!"

"Oh! He answered "This is actually good. Finally there's something, that we don't agree upon!"

"I'm sure there's plenty of other things" I said with a pout. "Just hasn't found out about them yet. Hasn't she finished now? I want to go home!"

"You hear, Molly?" he chuckled "Nicky-babe is getting wet, and he doesn't like it, so hurry up and do your business!"

Apparently Molly had already finished her business, `cause she pulled the leash towards the exit.

"Molly! I love you!" I said with relief.

Back home there was not much discussion about our sleeping arrangements. Jon simply followed me upstairs and into the master bedroom.

"Is it all right if Molly sleeps up here?" he said. "She always sleeps in my bedroom. On the floor, that is, not in the bed!"

"No problem, Love. Of course she can" I said "Do you want a shower before bedtime."

"Sure" he said "Do you want to join me?" he added with a cheeky smile.

"Naah! Probably not a good idea1" I smiled back at him.

I gave him a clean pair of boxers.

"Do you want a T-shirt or something to sleep in?" I asked.

"No. I always sleep in as little as possible." He said, again with a cheeky smile.

This time I couldn't help blushing. Oh, God! This is going to be SO hard! I thought.

I went downstairs to feed the cats and put out the lights while Jon showered. Molly came with me, apparently curious about what I was doing. I made her sit by the kitchen door while I poured some food out for Albus and Minerva. They can hear that sound through closed doors anytime and surely they soon came into the kitchen from wherever, they'd been hiding. Molly got up, but I said "Sit!" and she did – much to my surprise actually. The cats apparently hadn't noticed her and started eating. I went to Molly and knelt down by her side, facing the cats.

"Now Molly" I said "That is Albus and Minerva. They are part of the family, and they belong here. You must leave them alone, or I'll get very mad at you."

I swear that dog understands anything you tell her! She licked my face, turned around and ran upstairs. I was pretty sure, though, that I would be woken up during the night by a barking dog and two screaming cats. I was only hoping the cats wouldn't injure her too badly. Norwegian forest cats are rather large and can most certainly defend themselves...

I decided not to tell Jon about that.

When I came upstairs and entered the bedroom, I saw Jon coming out of the bathroom, dressed only in my boxers and drying his hair. Oh my, oh my, what a sight. I remembered thinking he had a nice body back in the S Club days, even if he was just a teenager then. But now it was certainly a different story. The teenager had transformed into a man, and he looked downright gorgeous, with toned arms and chest, slim waist and great abs – and great legs, of course. Lean maybe, but certainly very fit. I had the hardest time preventing my tongue from rolling out of my mouth, and had to remind myself to breathe again, as I was almost feeling dizzy. When he spotted me, there's no doubt he knew what was going on in my head. He sent me a teasing smile and came over and gave me a kiss. And then he went to the bed and crawled under the covers, resting on his back with his arms under his head, watching me.

It occurred to me, that he was going to enjoy himself watching me undress, so I decided to make a show of it. I turned on some music and started to strip. Slowly unbuttoning my shirt, leaving it on but open, as I unbuttoned my jeans and slid them down my legs. Then I slowly peeled off the shirt.

I looked at Jon all the time, and he certainly seemed to enjoy the show, with a little smile playing on his slightly parted lips and a horny look in his eyes.

The only problem was, that the whole situation was making me horny too, so I had to stop and escape into the bathroom before my growing boner became to obvious. I felt so turned on, that I had to take care of myself in the shower in order to get decent again before going back to the bedroom. And also I thought, that I might be able to avoid jumping Jon, if I took care of things before going to bed.

When I came back, Jon was lying on his side, facing the towards my side of the bed. His eyes was closed, and I thought he was already asleep. So I slipped under the covers as gently as I could, also facing towards him. But he wasn't asleep though. He opened his eyes, and pulled me close to him. The sensation of feeling his naked skin against mine was almost to much to bear. Then he kissed me gently on the lips and whispered his goodnight.

"Goodnight, love" I whispered back.

And I turned around and snuggled my back up against him. He put his arm around my chest and spooned me – and I fell asleep with a smile on my face and heart so full of love. So full, that in the dream space zone just before sleep, I imagined it to be spilling all over the room, wrapping me and Jon in a protective charm that would keep all evil away.


To be continued.

Feedback, please, please, PLEASE, at lcwrite@gmail.com.

And by the way: I still need a beta...

Next: Chapter 5

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