Just Like a Dream

By Leo C.

Published on Aug 15, 2006


Hello guys!

By an overwhealming majority of three in favour and zero against, I have decided to continue the story.


I don't know Jon Lee or any other celebrity, that might show up in this story. I don't know much about their personal lives -- and absolutely nothing about their sexual preferences. That's strictly their own business...and this is nothing but fiction, etc. etc..

Now, on with it!

Chapter 3 -- I have a boyfriend!

I floated home that night, hardly noticing where I went. But somehow my feet knew the way. I couldn't remember one single moment in my entire life, where I had been equally happy. This was just so right! Okay -- I knew we had to be careful due to Jon's image. I knew, that I couldn't be a part of all of his life. I knew he would often be too busy to be with me. Actually he was just about to start a tour with the theatre. But did I give a damn? You can bet I didn't!

In less than 24 hrs my life had changed completely, and I was now the boyfriend -- even if secretly -- of the most wonderful guy I had ever met. Never in my life would I have believed, that I could relate that well to anybody so quickly. He was everything I'd ever dreamed about -- and more. And he picked me -- just like that. I was completely in love with the person Jon. The fact that he's a celebrity didn't mean a thing. The fact, that he is gorgeous didn't matter that much either. Right at that point I was in love with his mind -- and off course: His eyes! Those beautiful, beautiful eyes. I already carried an inner image of his smiling face and especially...his eyes.

Enough of that! I guess you get the picture without me babbling anymore about "them there eyes".

It was close to two in the morning, when I entered my house, but of course I didn't care. Naturally I had a hard time falling asleep, but when I did, it was with the image of Jon on my mind and a smile on my face.

Friday morning I was even more tired than the day before -- but did that matter? Of course it didn't!

I was still floating, and in the evening I was going to see him again. He would be coming over for dinner -- well, actually we were going to make dinner together again. He didn't know that yet, though, but we had so much fun doing it together the night before, that I couldn't imagine anything better to do together. On second thought: Wrong! Snogging Jon was definitely better -- but the two things could be combined, with the right timing, of course, if the food shouldn't be ruined.

I poured myself another cup of coffee and fell into a daydream over that, imagining all the things Jon and I could do in the kitchen, growing a boner by the thought of it. Realizing, that I hadn't time for the obvious thing to get rid of it, I got up and busied myself feeding Albus and Minerva and cleaning their tray. That took care of it! It also implied that I was running late again, but instead of getting worked up over that, as I usually would, I just shrugged and thought: Well -- I am the boss! Ana can manage!

Of course she could! When I entered the shop -- shortly after opening hours -- I saw at once, that everything was just as it should be. There weren't any costumers yet, and Ana was straigthening a row of books on a shelf, when I entered. Nigel was busy at the other end of the shop rearranging a display of children's books.

"Good morning everybody!" I sang, walking through the shop towards my office in the back.

"Good morning...Hey! Where do you think you're going?!" Ana responded, leaving her bookshelf and rushing after me. "I want details!!"

"Oh!" I said, stopped and turned around, causing her to bump into me. "Details...of what?"

"You know very well, you git!" she hissed. "Of your date yesterday, of course!"

"What date are we talking about? I didn't know I had a date yesterday." I gave her a teasing smile.

"Oh YOU...!!" she almost shouted. "You better spill the beans, before I go insane, and that is not going to be pretty, I might remind you!"

"OK, OK, you win" I said with a laugh. "But I want my coffee now."

"It's ready. Staff room. Now! That way!" she said excited and shooed me out back.

When I'd had my cup of coffee I told her the basics about yesterday -- but of course leaving out the details of the last part of the evening. I knew I couldn't tell anybody about that yet -- and possibly not for a long time. Not before Jon said GO!

All the time she looked at me suspiciously, and when I'd finished talking about my afternoon and evening with Jon she didn't say anything right away. I just smiled at her calmly, waiting for whatever might come. I knew she was too perceptive not to catch a hint of, what was going on, even if I tried to hide it. And surely she didn't disappoint me.

A moment later she pointed a finger at me and said "Ha! I knew it. You got laid, didn't you?!"

"No! I did not. Honestly!" I answered, pretending to be shocked, that she could even say that. "But I made a new friend, that I'm definitely going to see again."

"Yeah, I bet!!" she said. "Well, never mind! Whatever he did to you, it seems to have had a positive effect. I mean...just look at you. Only yesterday you rushed in before opening hours, all worked up, and today you dance into the shop after opening hours, all happy and relaxed! Tell him I said thanks, the next time you see him!"


Early in the afternoon, when I was sitting in the office talking to a supplier on the phone, Ana stuck in her face and whispered."Someone's here to see you".

"Just a moment" I said to the guy on the phone, and held my hand over the receiver.

"Can it wait a couple of minutes? I'm in the middle of something here!" I said to her.

"Probably not a problem. It's only your boyfriend - and he doesn't seem to be in a hurry!" She said with a smirk.

"Oh!" I said "Do you have time to give him a cup of coffee? I'll be right out!"

"No problem!" She said with a sweet smile and closed the door.

It was only after I had finished my call, that it occurred to me, I hadn't told her, that Jon and I were boyfriends.

"Shit!" I said to myself.

I wasn't really worried about Ana telling anybody. She's my best friend, and she wouldn't, unless I told her it was OK. It was the fact, that I had just slipped, that worried me. That should not happen, if this was going to work. I'd really have to be more careful. I was just so mad at myself, and at the same time really anxious about what Jon would say, when he found out, that I had just outed him without his approval.

Oh my, was Ana going to get it for tricking me like that!

I went out to the staff room, and found Ana chatting with Jon. They seemed to be having a good time. When Jon spotted me, his face lit up even more, and he exclaimed

"Hey! Here comes my man."

Then he jumped up and rushed around the table and gave me a big wet kiss on the mouth.

I guess I must have looked pretty confused, 'cause that certainly did not comply with the plan of keeping a low profile around others. I looked at Ana, and she just grinned. Then I looked back at Jon.

"It's alright." he said, with a sweet little smile. "I already told her - actually before she went to get you."

"You did!??" I exclaimed. "But I thought that we weren't going to tell anybody yet!?"

"We weren't" he said "But then again - come to think about it, it wouldn't be fair of me to make you not tell your close friends. So I decided to trust your choice of friends and tell Ana myself. And anyway - since I plan on spending a very, very long time with you - I decided that I might as well get to know her - and your other friends too, actually. So I thought, I'd just come in and surprise you!"

"Well - you surely succeeded in doing just that" I said, after considering his words. "You know, you really are amazing!" I added with a grin. "I mean, don't you ever stop to think twice before you jump into anything?!"

He didn't say anything right away, but looked at me, as if he was wondering about something.

Then he said "You know, I do have to think twice quite often -- but I just realised, that when it comes to you, that doesn't really seem to work. And that's a bit frightening, actually."

I leaned in and gave him a hug.

"I'll just have to stop you then, if things start to get out of hand!" I chuckled and gave him a kiss.

"Hah!" Ana exclaimed -- making me realize she was still there. "That would be a great help! The blind leading the blind! I guess I'll end up having to save the both of you from yourselves!"

Jon and I both turned around and looked at her with a grin and then said in unison "Thank you, Mummy!"

"And don't you "Mummy" me" she said "or I'll have to spank your arses!"

Jon and I just looked at each other and somehow agreed to take it all the way.

So we said "Yes -- Mummy!" and turned around, bent over and started to undo our pants to pull them down.

"OH MY GOOD, YOU ARE JUST TOO MUCH!!" she cried out, and fled back into the shop, leaving us to break down crying from laughter.

"Oh dear" I said still chuckling and drying my eyes "I think Mummy's mad at us! And I'm really glad I had a sound proof door put in!"

Jon grinned at me "Really?"

"Yeah" I said. "Once I had put the staff together and found out just how much fun we have at times, I thought it best to be able to do it without annoying the costumers."

He gave me a surprised look.

"You really are an unusual boss, you know that?" he said.

"I suppose so" I said "but I think we'll be doing better with the costumers if we allow ourselves to have fun on a regular basis. It seems to me, that a happy attitude can be very contagious."

"You're so right!" he said with a grin after a moment of consideration. "And you know what proves it?"

"No" I said, hesitantly.

"We do!" he said "We're really good at laughing together!"

"Yeah, we are, aren't we?" I said with an affectionate smile. "Come here!"

I pulled him into my arms for a long, tender and passionate kiss.

When we broke the kiss to breathe again, Jon said "Ummm. I think there's something else, we're almost as good at!"


In the evening he came over to my place with Molly. Albus and Minerva weren't exactly overjoyed by the latter visitor and disappeared up in a tree somewhere in the back of the garden.

I gave Jon the quick tour of the house.

As I told you earlier, my house is somewhat bigger than Jon's. If it had been situated in the the countryside, you could have called it a manor or a hall. It has eight bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, dining room, 2 large living rooms en suite, a huge library, and old kitchen and servants quarters in the basement and a new kitchen on the ground floor - put in by my parents. During the six years since they died I haven't changed it very much. Actually I only redecorated one of the living rooms, the dining room and the master bedroom. The rest of the house I've so far left more or less alone. Actually it's much to big for me, but I'm too attached to it to even consider finding myself a new home.

Jon was appropriately impressed.

"Wow" he said "You're doing quite well, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I guess so" I said "But I inherited the house and the money to start my business -- so it's really not all my own doing."

"Maybe not" he said "But it seems to me, you're making the best of it."

"Trying to" I said with a smile "But not without certain costs. I haven't had time for much besides work for the last five years."

"Well, we'd better do something about that!" he said with a smirk.

And before I knew what happened we were engaged in a new act of snogging. Not that it bothered me, though. This was quickly turning into my new favourite activity. The only thing that bothered me was where it was leading, 'cause soon I could feel myself growing a boner. And I didn't think I was ready for that yet."

So when we broke the kiss, I smiled at him.

"So there really are other things to do than work?"

"Oh yes" he smiled back at me. "And I could think of a few other things to do also."

"Yeah" I said "but I hope dinner is one of them, 'cause I'm really starving!"

"OK" he said with a smile "Let's start with dinner then. What are we having?"

"Well, I thought we could whip something together like yesterday. Do you like fish?"

"Love it!" he said

So soon we were cooking one of my favourite fish dishes: An Indonesian inspired fish stew with coconut milk, bean sprouts and a lot of other vegetables.

I asked Jon to find a CD to put on for dinner, and he actually surprised me a bit there by choosing the new Kate Bush album. I'm raised with Kate Bush, because my mother used to listen to her music all the time, and I guess that has helped me develop an open mind towards music. I mean -- Kate Bush isn't exactly easy listening, right? I didn't actually think, that other younger people than me liked her, but I guess I was wrong there. I told him so.

"Are you kidding me?" he said "She is the greatest artist of this century! She's one of the main reasons for the diversity in British music today. She's really pushed the limits for what you can and cannot do -- and does it quite brilliantly, I might add. And this album", he said and waived the CD - "Aerial" - at me "is a masterpiece! I just can't believe the lady took a break of 12 years and then comes back with this. It's simply just amazing!"

"I know" I smiled at him "You don't have to convince me!...........Well, I guess that was another passion we have in common!"

"This is getting scary!" He joked. "You know, we'll have to find something to disagree upon soon. Otherwise we'll get bored...or maybe not!" he added with a grin.

"I think I can stand it for another while!" I said

"Yeah" he said and kissed me.

A bit later, when we had eaten and cleared the kitchen I found myself in the corner of a sofa with Jon's head in my lap. There was soft music on the stereo and coffee and brandy on the coffee table, and Molly were lying by my feet. None of us were talking. I didn't fell the need to. I was just so happy right there and then, and it was nice just to share the tenderness of the moment without words. Maybe we needed to digest the last couple of days. Everything had developed so fast, that our minds must have needed to adjust to the new reality we were in the middle of.

After a while Jon broke the silence.

"I really like Ana" he said "She's great fun to be with."

"Yeah" I said "and she's a really great friend too. You can always count on her, and she'll fight for you like a lioness, if she thinks you need it. If I wasn't sure that I'm gay, I guess I would be taking her out."

"But luckily for me you are, right?" he said and looked at me with a smile.

"You can bet, Love" I said, and bent down and kissed the tip of his nose.

"That tickles!" he giggled.

"Oh, so we're ticklish, are we?" I said with a smirk, and started probing his ribs.

"Oh -- no you don't!" he screamed and tried to get up.

But I held him down and started tickling him, and a split second later we were wrestling around in a most wonderful tickle fight. As Jon is really a lot stronger than he looks, it ended with him on top on me, holding my arms and looking into my eyes. We were both breathing heavily, and I could feel his body moving against mine.

"Truce?" he whispered.

I nodded, feeling week from gazing into those eyes. And he kissed me, tenderly at first and then increasingly passionately. I got my arms free and started caressing his back, his soft hair, his shoulders, his cute arse.

...to be continued!


Sorry guys! I know that was wicked of me, but I couldn't help it.

Please send me feedback on the story at lcwrite@gmail.com. That's the only way for me to get better at this. Actually, I could also use a beta reader, preferably someone from the UK. If you're interested: Mail me, please!

Next chapter will follow soon...I hope.

Yours Truly Leo

Next: Chapter 4

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