Kyle's Out-Coming

By Steve Thomas

Published on Jan 6, 2010


This is based on the author's feelings, beliefs, and in some cases experience but it is a work of pure fiction. Come to think of it, it may not always be that pure! There may be graphic sexual encounters at times between men, so if this offends you or you are otherwise not allowed by law, etc., you are invited to retreat. Otherwise ... enjoy!

Cast of characters:

Kyle Tragg -- That's me! Kevin -- My older brother. Ron -- my dad. Chrissy -- my mom. Mike Newberry -- New Best Friend.

Tommy Newberry -- Mike's Dad.

Bette Newberry -- Mike's mom. Bob -- Old best friend. Jorge -- New friend.

From Chapter 10:

I have also heard about what some guys do when they are alone together in their dorm rooms. Maybe not all guys ... but some ... who are otherwise straight. Maybe Mike is just like them. Maybe he will grow out of the desire ... or curiosity ... if he has any, that is."

"Oh ... he has it alright!" I thought.

"I don't know what to even want now, Tommy." I said. "I guess we'll just have to wait and see how ... erm what Mike ... um ... decides or something ... huh?"

"I guess. What time do you have class today?"

I only have one class ... a lab really ... our chem. Lab -- that I should go to. It's late afternoon."

"Let's go see our boy!"

I loved that he said it that way!

Chapter 11

"Mr. Newberry - " Said a man in scrubs as we were about to enter Mike's room.

"Go on in, Kye, I'll be there in a minute." Said Tommy

I went in and the room was lighter than it was yesterday. Mike smiled, then grimaced a little. "Boy, those guys sure did a number on me. It's not fair that I can't even smile!"

"Oh, Mike!" I said. "I wish I could take some of your pain."

"Well, I'd let you have some! No offense, but constant pain can get on your nerves! But even more than that, I don't like being so drugged up, so -- I guess -- well, you get the idea. Hey I don't mean to bring you down, Buddy. Kyle, if it weren't for you - "

"If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be here!" I said more bitterly than I'd have liked.

"Aw c'mon, Kye! You can't take the blame for those ass holes' idiocy. Um ... how did you and my dad get along -- I mean -- you stayed with him last night didn't you?"

"I did."

"How'd that go?" he said and grimaced another smile. He saw the look on my face and immediately back pedaled. "Oh -- sorry that wasn't a fair question. You probably wouldn't want to tell me if -- if - "

"We didn't do anything, Mike -- except hold each other and hoped that you would be okay."

"I'm gonna be just fine! I just know it! I was just hoping that you and Dad -- but never mind. Where is he, anyway? I figured he'd come here with you this morning. You only have that lab today -- right?"

"Yeah, your dad is out there talking to a doctor ... or nurse or something. They all look the same in those scrubs."

"Oh -- that must be Barry -- my new nurse. He's a cool guy. You'd probably like him!"

"Why -- because he's gay?" I said a little too curtly.

"Oh no! Crap I didn't mean that! I mean -- oh -- he may be, but -- he's just a very nice guy. He was very agitated when he found out how this happened. You know ... Maybe he IS gay!"

"Well, you seem more animated today, Son!" Tommy walked in.

"Hi dad. I guess I conked out on Mom last night. Sorry. I figured you and Kyle would -- um -- like some time to -- um -- talk or ... something. I hope you had enough time."

"We talked some, son. We cried a little too. I'm happy to see that you are feeling a little better."

"I actually feel a lot better. The morphine was really a downer ... well duh! But there's still so much pain. I'm kind getting used to it, but it drags me down some."

"Oh Mikey!"

"Dad! You haven't called me that in - "

"Sorry, Mike. I just -- you seem -- I mean - "

"It's okay dad -- it felt good."

Tommy wiped tears from his face. "At least you get to look forward to feeling better. This very old lady told me once that she was to the point that if she felt a new pain, it was probably never going to go away. Yours will."

"I know Poppy."

I felt almost as if I were intruding on a private moment. "Are you sure you don't want me to restart that drip, Mike?" Asked the guy in scrubs I assumed was Barry. I looked a little closer at him, remembering what Mike said ... that I'd probably like him.

Barry was not as tall as either Mike or me ... maybe even a little shorter than Tommy. He looked like solid muscle ... not skinny at all. He had thinning blondish hair on his head -- which somehow made my tummy twist. He had a very cute smile, too. I tried not to stare at what was down below, but that too was hard to ignore. It was as if his dick was sticking straight out from his body and I doubted he had anything on under those thin scrubs.

I was embarrassed, as I realized I HAD stared for too long at his crotch, and when I looked at Tommy and Mike, both of them were also staring at it.

"No, Barry. I wanna try to go it alone." Said Mike, diverting his eyes back up the Barry's. Barry smiled. I wondered if it was a knowing smile -- him knowing we were all admiring his package.

"Well, you just let me know, Mike. I'll be bringing you some breakfast in a minute. If you want, I can bring some extra for your ... friends?"

"Oh, this is my dad, Tom, and this is my best friend, Kyle."

"Do you guys want some - " started Barry.

"Trust me ... you don't!" said Mike.

"We ate at home before we left." Said Tommy. His cell phone buzzed. "Hello? Who? Oh! Um -- well -- yeah -- um -- what time? Listen I'm -- um - " He pushed the privacy button and said, "She wants a lesson this morning!"

"Go, dad! Kyle will keep me company."

"I'm just getting ready to walk out the door. You wanna meet at the clubhouse?"

He finished his conversation and said, "I'm sorry Mike! I really should - "

"Of course you should. Don't worry about it, Dad. Kye, when do you have to leave?"

"I'd like to change to some clothes that are not so nice ... don't wanna ruin them in the chem. Lab! I'm good here `til about 2:30, I guess."

"I'll be back long before then." Said Tommy ... "Thanks for -- um -- thanks!" He said to me, and hugged me close before leaving.

As soon as he was gone, Mike said, "Oh gosh! I don't mean my dad any disrespect, but -- I thought I'd never get you alone!"

"What's - "

"Kye -- can you -- um -- I mean -- I need -- you know -- what you did the other night -- I need to -- um - "

"Get off?" I said, grinning. He grinned back.

"Ow! Dammit! Um -- yeah -- would you -- I mean -- just a jerk off -- you know?"

"You horn dog!" I said.

"Stop making me smile! Seeing Barry's boner made mine grow too!"

"You sure you're not gay?"

"Hey! Both you and my dad were staring at it and he seemed to be proud of it! Of course I boned up with -- just do it, Kye!"

I put my hand under his covers and found the hidden treasure there. As soon as my cool hand touched his warm rod, he closed his eyes and moaned. He was grimacing slightly, his eyes closed and I stroked carefully for a few moments. "Ooohhh -- yeaaaaah -- that's it. Ohhhhh!"

His eyes were still closed. I positioned myself over his face and found that position that works and my lips met him. "Mrrf -- um -- thanks Kye -- I was kinda hoping you would do that." He said, still keeping his eyes shut tightly.

"You just imagine it's anyone you want, Mikey!" I said. I didn't even realize I'd called him that until after I did it!

"I'm no good at that fantasizing thing. It's okay, I like it that you care enough about me to -- do this -- so I like to kiss you!"

"I guess you're NOT gay." I said. "A gay guy wouldn't make that statement. Any gay guy would jump at the chance to do this for his best friend!"

"Is it okay if I enjoy the kiss too?" He said then "Oh -- it's -- it's gonna -- I'm gonna - !"

I dove under the covers and bobbed hard and fast as I could and not hurt him. I heard him start to whimper and breath harder. Then he started to grunt and spew out his jizzum into my mouth. When he was finished I just stayed there a few moments, letting him get soft in my mouth, sucking and tonguing him gently.

"Time for your breakfast!" said Barry. "Oh -- a little blanket diving huh! What do you use as bait? Catch anything you can take home?"

I came out red faced. Mike, too, was red as a beet -- what you could see of his face under the bandages! "Barry! I didn't -- I mean -- don't you knock?" Said Mike sounding annoyed.

"I did knock, but when I heard your cries, I was worried you were in pain and ... then I saw it wasn't ... pain."

"Oh! Sorry." Said Mike.

"So -- can I assume that Kyle is more than just your best friend? Is he your boyfriend?"

"I'm not gay!"

"Mike's not gay!" We said in unison.

"He was just helping out a bud!" Said Mike.

"Good friend!" Said Barry.

"BEST friend!" Said Mike.

I was reminded -- I never HAD a best friend before -- well other than Kevin. Do brothers count?

Do best friends ... help out ... in that way? I wondered.

"Yeah ... uhhm ... ohhh-kee-dokey now!!" Said Barry. "Well, um -- there's your dinner." He had a look on his face as if to say ... "Someone is in deep denial!"

"What?" Asked Mike, trying to suppress a grin.

"Oh, I dunno, Mike ... I just don't." Said Barry. "I'm not gay, but ... I wonder if my best friend would do that for me. That might not be so bad! But how many best friends are THAT good of a best friend?"

"How many straight guys have a best friend who is gay?" I said.

"I wonder how many guys don't even know if their best friend might be gay!" Said Mike, again trying not to smile because of the pain.

"Oh ... wow! I never thought ... I wonder! Does Terry maybe have some latent gay feelings? (He's my best friend) I'll have to ask him. Yeah! He -- JEEZ! How could I be so ... MY best friend never dates ... that I know of! CRAPPOLLA! I'll bet guys give a lot better head than girls do! A girl can only guess what we want! You've definitely given me something to think about. My best friend ... hmmm ... "

"So ... you're not gay?" Said Mike ... with an unbelieving tone.

"Not all male nurse are gay! I'm hoping to be a hospital administrator -- someday. A degree in nursing and my RN can't hurt. Anyway, let me know if you need anything else." He said and walked out, in deep thought.

"I guess we gave him something to think about." I said, snickering.

Mike got suddenly serious. "I think that someday ... when I gat married ... she will have to know that I sometimes get privileges with my best friend!"

"Uhhhm -- you may have a hard time finding a girl that - "

"Oh, I'll look until I find her! And of course if you were with my dad -- THAT could get ... um ... complicated! Oh crap!" cried Mike.

"You sure about being okay with me and ... you dad?" I asked.

"Duh! I love you both ... him as a dad and you ... well ... like a brother!"

"Yeah -- a brother who you like to suck your dick!" I smiled.

"Like it? I LOVE it! And ... who said it has to be one sided?" Said Mike. "I would do you too!"

"You wouldn't like it as much as I do." I chided.

"I'd like it -- knowing I was giving you as much pleasure as you give me!"

"I think that's all some women ever get. There are some who never have an orgasm all their life."

"Wow, if I got one of those, I'd sure as HELL want you as a backup!" Said Mike seriously. "So it's decided? We both make that as a condition for a relationship?"

"We can agree to that now -- but I think we need to hold on for the deciding vote." I said.

"Deciding vote?"

"Yeah. If one of us really falls hard for someone ... then the deal may have to be off -- don't you think?"

He thought hard about that. "I guess you're right. I just never thought about anyone being more important to me than you are right now."

I felt like my stomach was going to start spinning! What was he telling me? I wanted to laugh cry, scream out and throw up all at once. I couldn't suppress a shuddering sigh. What was my body telling me?

"I can tell you feel the same, Kye Kye, but -- you're probably right."

"Yee -- eaahh!" I said pensively. Calling my Kye-Kye, besides getting even more reaction form my body ... made me think of my brother. Kevin calls me that! I might have to make some provisions for my brother as well! I didn't mention that to Mike.

"What?" He pushed me.

"What? Oh! Um -- we will have to -- um -- think about that one later huh? For now ... we'll take it as it comes!"

"I wish I could help you out now."

"You will soon enough, Mikey!"

Mikey again! Where did that come from?!

"You should probably get to school. Don't want to miss our lab!"

"I hate to leave you alone, Babe!" I said

"My dad'll be back soon enough."

"Qkay. See you later, Mike." I said as I walked out.

"AHEM!" I heard just before the door swung closed.

"Huh?" I poked my head back in.

"I love you, Kye-Kye!"

"Oh, god, I love you too, Mike!" I said and ran back and pecked one of the places he was not bandaged on his cheek.

"Yeah ... right!" He said, pursing his lips.

I got in that one position where I could kiss his lips. He closed his eyes and looked dreamy as I kissed him.

"Bye-Bye, Kye-Kye!"

"Bye Mikey!" I said, brightly ... this time on purpose! I turned back at his groan. He was grimacing as his face tried to smile.

As I walked out of the elevator, I ran into Tommy. "How is he?" He asked.

"I think he's doing pretty well. I guess I've gotten used to his slurring. It's there still, but I can hardly notice it."

"I just got back from the doctor's office. They're sending him home tomorrow. They'll be removing most of the bandages today and if things look good, may not put more back on -- at least to the extent they are now. The doctor said that may help with his facial pain"

"Tommy -- I don't think there's anything at all wrong with his brain except his speech."

"Yeah, the doctor told me as much. His brain scans out almost perfectly. It's just the motor skills he lacks ... in forming the words. He may take some time walking or other physical tasks as well. I'm pretty optimistic, actually."

He looked like a cat who just swallowed the pet canary. "You don't hide your feelings very well, Tommy. What else did the doctor tell you?"

"Huh! -- the doc -- oh! No! Nothing else -- from the doctor!" He looked almost guilty, then said, "Kye -- I think we're kind of avoiding the elephant in the room."

"Elephant?" I asked, now completely bewildered.

"You know how ... sometimes there's a subject that everyone is aware of but no one wants to mention ... and it is like there's an elephant, because it's so looming in the room?"

"I -- uh -- guess." I said, not having any idea what he was talking about. My face told him that!

"Kye -- thank you for loving our son so much!"

"He's my best - "

"You and I both know he's more than that to you. He's told me how you have -- um -- taken care of him -- I mean his sexual needs."


"Well, he was kind of loopy when he told me. I actually think he thought I was you at first."

"Oh." I said, embarrassed, but not quite sure how to really feel about Tommy knowing that. "What did he tell you?"

"He said he hopes to find a girl who can kiss like you do."

"Yeah, he said the same thing about my sucking!" I said.

"Oh! Heh! He didn't mention that!"


"But again, you must really love him a lot. Look, Bette doesn't know any of this -- and she doesn't need to. She already can see how Michael adores you. That's enough."

"Is -- is that gonna make it weird for you ... and me?" I asked.

"I think we ought to figure out where Michael stands on this gay thing -- before - "

"He's pretty adamant he's straight." I said. Maybe bisexual ... but -- if he is, he deserves to have a wife and family ... and you ... deserve to have grandchildren."

"Well -- again -- you've given this a lot of thought!" Said Tommy. "Well, you looked like you were going somewhere, so - "

"Yeah, I gotta go to our lab."

"Okay -- um listen -- if Mike comes home today or tomorrow, I may move out."

"WHY??!" I asked.

"We don't want him to have unrealistic hopes. Bette and I -- we still can get pretty -- well you heard us ... but truly -- we both want something else now."

"I -- I see. Okay. Will you go back with Jorge?"

"I -- I dunno. Maybe, if he hasn't found another boarder. Weren't you dating him when we met?"

"I wouldn't call it dating. We only saw each other a couple times."

"I just wouldn't want it to be weird for you if I am living at his place ... and ... "

"No problem. I haven't even seen him since my brother's football game up in San Jose." I said.

"How are the Bruins doing anyway?"

"I've missed the last couple Rose Bowl games with OSU and Cal, and the next home game is next week with the Huskies."

"What? They're playing Washington? Are you going?"

"I feel bad going without Mike."

"You KNOW he'd want you to go! I'll bet your dad will be going!"

"Oh yeah he will!"

"Look, Mike'll be home by that time, why don't we all go ... I mean you, me and your dad. Mike would like it if we did that ... I just know!"

"He'd want to be there!" I said.

"True. Maybe we could take him in a wheel chair, if he's up to it."

"Haha! THAT could get us some good seats!" I said. "Look, let's talk about that later. I gotta run to my lab now."

Tommy's eyes got glassy. "Thanks for being such a great friend to my boy!"

"OUR boy, Tommy ... OUR boy!" I said, grinning.

As soon as I got to the lab, several of the girls surrounded me ... and Ronald. "Hi Ronald."

He frowned a little, but didn't say anything at first. I filled the girls in on where Mike was, and then left Ronald to me.

"Sorry, Kyle. I wanted to tell you to please ... call me Ron ... or better yet, I LOVED when you called me Ronny. I just didn't want to give those girls any ideas."

"You mean you're afraid they might guess that - "

"Now you ARE being funny. They know that! It doesn't take any amount of gaydar to figure ME out. No, I just don't want them getting the idea they can call me by names I've -- um -- reserved for special people."

"Wow! I'm special people?" I said. He blushed. "That's good, because I don't know that many here yet myself ... and no other guys who are like me!"

He looked down and smiled coyly toward the floor.

We did a couple experiments and logged our observations. I talked to the prof about Mike's make-up possibilities.

"I've noticed you two working together most of the time. This is still pretty basic stuff so far. Do you think he'll be back after Thanksgiving?"

"I know he hopes to. He seems to have all his faculties as far as thinking, but has some motor problems ... right now it's affecting his speech a little."

"As I remember, he was a good looking kid. What did they do to him?"

"They're removing the bandages in the morning. I'm a little scared. It really hurts him to smile."

"Actually that's a good thing. It means he still has control over those muscles." Said the prof.

"I hadn't thought about that. Well, anyway, we may know more after tomorrow."

"If he comes back after Thanksgiving, I won't require any make up. I've observed him here ... he gets it. But between Thanksgiving and Christmas break, we'll be doing some pretty involved experiments. He needs to be here for those."

"I'll pass that along. I hate to put too much pressure on him, but I think he'd at least want to know that. It's too late to drop the class now ... do you have any pull to say, waive that deadline ... based on his accident?"

"Well, maybe. But he can't just drop the Lab. He has to drop both the lab and the class. Try to get him to continue. After Christmas it's pretty much a glide to the end of the semester for those who are at the top ... and you guys definitely are."

When I came out of the lab, Ron was waiting for me. "You need a ride or anything?" I asked.

"Naw -- I was just hoping ... er ... wondering if maybe you wanted to go grab something at the student center ... or something."

"I try to stay away from there. About the only thing I like there is the banana splits."

"They have good banana splits?" He grinned. "I'm buying!"

When we got there, he ordered one banana split. "Oh -- are we sharing?" I said, laughing."

"I decided to have a piece of that banana cream pie." He said, again smiling demurely toward the floor. I wondered if banana creaming was on his mind. I felt a little ashamed it was on mine! The more I was with him, the cuter he got ... and we weren't drinking beer! He had some very cute dimples, and his cheeks lit up at the slightest thing.

When we finished our snacks, I asked him to ride with me.

"I can take the bus."

"Don't be silly! I go right by your place on my way ... you know that!"

"But then it'll get awkward again as I try to decide if it's weird if I invite you in."

"Well then let's get that out of the way now." I said. "Thank you, I'd love to come in ... Ronny."

He grinned and we both turned scarlet.

I followed him in when we got to his house. I was again amazed how his house stood out in his neighborhood. Everything else was kind of run down. It was full daytime light this time and his yard was clipped and cut neatly and there were some fall flowers still standing.

He opened the door for me and when I walked in, he closed the door and almost collapsed back onto it. I looked at him querying, and he shrugged. "I just never thought about you coming home with me. Do you have any expectations?"

"Not really." I said. He looked a little disappointed. "Why -- did you?"

"I wouldn't know what to expect if I did!"

"Can we sit?' I asked.

"Sure!" He said. "Have a seat!"

I sat on the small couch and he took the chair on the other side of the table. I smiled and patted the couch next to me.

"Go for it!" I heard Mike's voice echo in my head. I thought about how a lot of guys my age would just go down with anything that presented itself. I questioned that practice.

Notes. It must be nice to be footloose and fancy-free. But that's not our boy. He's worried that he fancies too many! Comments are welcome to Steve at Thanks and ...

Next: Chapter 12

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