Lil Bros

By Michael King

Published on Aug 9, 2012


LiL Bro's Part one

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The people do not exist except in my mind. This work is copyrighted and I ask that you do not copy, post or electronically download without my express permission. If you are too young to be in here or it is illegal in your state then please leave, as I do not wish anything bad to happen to you. Thanks to Larry in California and a Special one to Miguel for all his help in some of the work we did together.

Note: I know that we all enjoy these pages and wish for them to be here for a long time. We, the writers, take pride in being able to give you all a few minutes of pleasure. So please think of the time spent putting these pages up and donate just a bit to Nifty so we can keep going.

Chapter 17 THE BEGINNING Losses and flights:

With his call to his lawyer Joseph Little Bear in San Antonio over, Michael called over to the Parker house to make sure that Cory got there okay. "Michael, why don't we all have a BBQ for dinner tonight?" Richie suggested after he assured Michael that Cory was there and everything was fine.

"Sounds good, but where, your place, here at mine or over at the Archer's, or haven't you thought that far yet?" Michael asked, liking the idea of everyone getting together.

"Well I was thinking..." Richie started to say

"Oh no you're thinking, let me call the doctors." Michael interrupted then laughed.

"Like I was trying to say before some snowball interrupted. I was thinking of calling the Archers and seeing if maybe they wanted to join us. We could try and maybe make it a bit of a block party."

"You know we need permits for that, why not plan that for the last weekend before school starts? Tonight let's just have the three families together."

"Okay, I'll call Mrs. A and see what she has to say, if it is okay I'll call you back.

"Sounds good, tell Cory I will be over soon to get him."

"Sure, but Scott or I can bring him home."

"Well let's wait to see where the BBQ is happening."

"Okay, but what are you going to do?"

"Either practice on the trumpet and piano, or just sit back and watch some TV."

"Cool, just try and relax for a bit."

Hanging up Malcolm went into his front room and turned on his TV, he was channel surfing when he came across a picture of a crashed plane. Turning up the volume he listened to the reporter.

Breaking news. "We bring you this breaking news story out of San Antonio, Texas. We have just learned that a small passenger plane carrying about 75 passengers has crashed on landing at the San Antonio Airport. Witnesses say that just as the wheels touched the runway there was a small explosion and then the plane was seen twisting and showering sparks all over the place. One witness said he saw the plane burst into flames. In speaking with the police and fire personnel we have learned that all passengers were helped off the plane, but that one was taken to hospital. We will keep you updated as we learned more."

Grabbing his cell phone Michael tried to call Sam's number, but only got his voice mail. Putting his phone away Michael forgot about it as Richie had called back and told him that the BBQ would be over at the Archers, and that he and Scott would take Cory over there. Knowing that things would be okay for the afternoon, Michael then put his feet up on the couch and soon was napping. Hours later the jarring ring of his home phone woke him. Washing his face Michael then locked up the house and walked over to the Archer's house for a night of fun with his friends. It was nine when Michael carried his brother/son home and tucked him into bed. After a quick shower and making sure the house was locked up Michael himself crawled into his bed and was soon in a troubled sleep.

Flash Back

The first thing Michael does every morning is have a long hot shower, much to the dislike of his parents. This morning was no different, except that all Michael was thinking about was the basketball game that night. So it came as a shock when his little brother stuck his head in the bathroom and told him to hurry up or they would be late for school. Michael loved his little brother a lot, but sometimes he was a pain.

For a twelve year old, Adam was short, he only stood 4'6 and weighed in at 80 lbs. Adam's black hair seemed to glow and his laughter was contagious, no matter how bad Michael's day had gone Adam got him smiling. Adam was full of energy and his eyes would sparkle when he was up to no good. Now ever since Adam started school Michael would be the one to take him in the mornings then bring him home at nights.

Quickly drying off and dressing, Michael grabbed his book bag and ran down the stairs, stopping long enough to snag a pop tart and follow Adam out the door, with their mom yelling at them that they were on their own till five when the family had to leave for California. Walking across the street Michael thought about the argument that Adam had with their parents about going. In a way Michael was glad that his parents hadn't given in, but at the same time he wished Adam was staying.

The nice thing about Michael's school was that it was only a block from Adam's. "I wish you were coming to the game tonight Adam." Michael said as they got close to Adam's school.

"Yeah, I do to. You the best player they got, plus I have missed a lot of your games." Adam said with a frown on his face.

"I know turkey. I'll call dad and talk to him, see if I can get him to change his mind. Now go before you're late and I'll see you at lunch."

"We gonna go to McDonalds?"

"If you want too."

"Uh huh."

"Okay, now get going." Michael said as he gave Adam a hug.

Morning classes were boring, it wasn't the teachers, cuz they made learning fun, it was because the lessons were too easy. Sitting in math class, Michael had just finished the work assignment when he felt his cell phone vibrate. Grabbing it he saw that it was just a text message saying. we're gonna win tonight." Michael knew who it was, so instead of answering he just turned it off and started reading the Stone Kiss.

Right at the bell for lunch, Michael was at his locker, then out the door and on his way to meet his brother Adam. Chicken nuggets and a chocolate shake for Adam and just fries and a coke for Michael, who sat there watching his brother, try to talk and eat at the same time. Making Michael smile "Adam, I talked with dad and he said that there was no way that he was going to change his mind. He really doesn't want me to stay either, but he knows that this game tonight is important. I'm sorry bud, but I tried. I'll just have to win it for you. How does that sound?"

"Okay, I knew you would try, and yeah if I can't be there then win it for me."

By the end of the school day Michael was hyped for the game that night, but sad that his little brother would be missing it. So with his best friend Scott beside him they walked over and picked Adam up before heading home. Just as the three boys entered the house Michael felt a chill run down his back. Ignoring it he led the way to the kitchen and raided the fridge for a snack. Adam sat smiling and talking a mile a minute, but still Michael couldn't shake the feeling he was having as he looked at Adam. After changing and making sure that Adam had his clothes packed and by the front door. Michael left Scott to play on the computer as Michael went outside to shoot some hoops with Adam watching him. By five thirty Adam and his parents had left and Michael went inside and ordered a pizza for Scott and himself.

Scott had come downstairs and had turned on the TV and was watching the Simpsons and then king of the hill neither show Michael liked, but he put up with them for Scott's sake.

At six thirty Scott and Michael headed back over to the school, and being chilly out they took a jacket. It helped Michael also since he could stuff his phone and other personal belongings in the pockets. Michael left Scott out in the gym with his jacket and a basketball and went into the locker room to change. He could hear Scott playing, so as the coach was giving his pep talk Michael changed and then with the rest of the team walked out onto the court. Michael just smiled as he saw Scott scramble to sit on the team bench that is where Scott had sat since Michael had started playing. Hero worship Michael guessed, but what could Michael say if it wasn't Scott then it would be Adam or both.

The game was a strong one with both teams scoring within minutes of each other, but that wasn't to last very long. After the first fifteen minutes Michael's team was a head by twenty points. After a quick break and a switch of end the game was back on. Michael could hear Scott yelling, cheering the team. The team was on a roll, it seemed like they couldn't miss the basket. Marc who was the team captain was stuck between two of the opponents, when he snuck the ball between them and into Michael's hands who had a clear shot. Michael was just lined up when the whistle blew, stopping the game dead. Michael was waiting to hear who had fouled or what, when Scott shot across the court a scared look on his face. "Hey turkey, you know you..." Michael started to say a small smile on his face.

"It's the police, they said it was and emergency." Scott interrupted.

"Okay, let's go see what they have to say."


"Thanks Scott." Michael said as he and Scott walked over to the bench.

"Hello?" Michael said as he looked at the man standing beside his coach.

"Hello, are you Michael Caine?" The officer asked.

"Yes, who are you?" Michael answered.

"I am Dennis Taylor. I am with the Juvenile Division of the Naples Police Department.

"Yeah, Okay, what could be so urgent that you stop our game."

"I am sorry about that, but the plane your family was on has gone down just southwest of San Antonio and well there..."

Michael didn't hear the rest as he sank to his knees. Michael felt some one lifting him and helped to sit on the bench "Mr. Caine are you alright?" Dennis' asked his voice breaking through the jumble of thoughts Michael was going through. "Yeah I am, what about?.." Michael asked.

"I'm sorry. No one survived, or no one we have found yet."

"I see. Then I'll fly out tonight."

"There isn't much you can do tonight, stay home and fly out in the morning."

"Yeah, okay."

"I'll call you in the morning then." Dennis said, with sadness in his voice. "Sure and thank-you sir" Michael said as he stood up and first looked at Scott then the coach. "Scott grab our jackets while I talk to the coach. Michael whispered.

"What's wrong Michael?" Scott asked.

"I'll tell you at home." Michael answered.


"Coach, I'm sorry, but I have to leave." Michael told his coach.

"Sure Caine, but you better be ready to play tomorrow night."

"Sorry coach, I can't." Michael said as he took Scott's shoulder and went to the change room.

Quickly changing Michael and Scott headed back to Michael's place. As they were walking, Michael tried to figure out how to tell Scott that he was now alone and at the same time trying hard not to cry. At home Michael unplugged the phone as Scott got them both a coke. Michael sat in his dad's chair. He could almost hear his dad telling him to move his butt to the couch. But that was just his imagination. Scott sat on the floor staring at him. Michael didn't say anything till they had both finished their cokes. Looking down Michael could almost hear Scott's thoughts.

"Scott, there are many things that happen in this life, most we don't understand, we just accept them. One of those things is when people die. What I am trying to tell you isn't easy, but mom and dad's plane crashed." Michael spoke his voice cracking as he held back the tears.

"You mean they're all dead?" Scott asked in his quiet voice, choking back a sob and hurting for his friend.

"Yes I mean that, but they are watching over us."

"Uh huh." Scott mumbled this time not able to hold back his tears as he cried for his friend.

"There is something else; I have to go bring them home. So can you stay here and watch the place for me, it will be just for a couple days?"

"No, I wanna go with you; I don't think you should be alone."

"Scott this isn't a vacation, there are going to be a lot of bodies lying around."

"I don't care, I wanna go with you."

"Fine let me call your mom and first see if you can go and then see if they will watch the house for me. You go have a shower."

"Nah huh, I want to wait."

"Scott I'm not going anywhere."

"Please." Scott whined.

"Alright, I guess it won't hurt."

Michael could see by the clock on the mantle that Richie and his mom wouldn't be home yet, so he called Richie's cell phone. "Hey what's up?" Richie's asked as he answered.

"Hey Richie, can I talk to your mom for a sec?" Michael asked.

"Sure, but just so you know, we won the game tonight."

"Good, you have to win tomorrow also and do it without me there."


"Ask your mom if she can watch the house for a few days, also see if Scott can go with me?"

"Sure go where, and again why?"

"I have to go to San Antonio in the morning, and Scott wants to go with me."

"This got anything to do with why you left the game early?"


"Okay, hang on dude let me ask and see what she says?"

"Sure." Cupping the phone Michael looked at Scott. Scott seemed to be out of it, staring off into space with a lost look on his face. "Hey Scott want to grab us another pop?" Michael asked hoping that Scott was doing okay and that by getting him doing something might take his mind off Michael not having a family anymore.

"Yeah sure" Scott whispered.

"Thanks." Michael was going to say more when Richie came back on the phone. "Yeah I am here."

"Mom said that wouldn't be a problem. Now you want to tell us what this is all about?" Richie asked.

"The police are saying my parent's plane went down and no one survived. Michael answered finally breaking down.

"Oh crap dude, I'm sorry, you want me to come over?"

"No I have to spend time getting packed; besides I have Scott here to help."

"Okay, but call if you need anything."

"I will, and Richie let the team know that I am sorry for not being there."

"I will, you just take care and call when you land.

"Not to worry, I'll call. What about Scott, is he allowed to go?"

"Yeah, mom says that at times like this no one should be alone.


At 6'4 and 200 Lbs. even, Sam Johnson towered over the people on the crowded concourse, the wail and whine of tired children and the over amplified P.A. system all blended together to make a long day even longer. For Sam it had started the day before with a phone call about a plane crash, why he got the call Sam couldn't understand. Now here he was, his pale green eyes were tired looking and he was hungry and now wishing he had stopped earlier to grab a bite to eat. Now it was too late.

Sam's night had been spent calling relatives. Why Sam had be tasked with making the calls was beyond him, but he was asked, maybe it was because one of the victims was a young boy and the only know relative was a youth. Everyone in the San Antonio sheriff's department knew that Sam had a way of getting through to children and maybe that was why they asked him. So Sam sat at his desk making the calls, the last call was the hardest. Sam had listened to what he thought was a basketball game.

Dennis Taylor sat in the bleachers watching his son's high school basketball team run wild over the high school from Orlando, Florida. Mark Taylor was the team captain and Dennis was proud of him, in fact he was proud of the whole team, so it was with a surprise, that just after the team had come back onto the court, that Dennis felt his cell phone vibrate against his thigh. "Naples Police Department, Detective Taylor speaking, how may I help you?" Dennis answered.

"Detective Taylor, this is agent Sam Johnson with the SCU, I work out of the San Antonio Sheriff's department." Sam answered.

"What can I do for you agent Johnson?" Dennis asked.

"I am looking for a young man, whose name is Michael Caine."

"Oh, is he in some sort of trouble?"

"No, it is just that I have to inform him of some very unfortunate news."

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

"Well since you are there and might be able to give the young man the support he will need. I would appreciate it if you could inform Mr. Caine that the plane his family was on has gone down. There have been no survivors found as of yet."

"Damn, Johnson, that can't wait. I have to stop the game and tell him now."

"That is your call, I just don't wish you to be in your shoes when you tell him."

"I would trade you places in a heartbeat."

Sam was thinking of all this as he walked through the airport.

Flying first class was a luxury and the seating were more than comfortable and for Scott this was a first. Scott had never flown first class and now with Michael, his best friend beside him Scott felt special. Looking at his friend Michael, Scott noticed a coldness to his face, Michael's eyes had a haunted look to them, yet more vacant. Three hours later and numerous Pepsis Scott needed the washroom, but the plane was about to land, so having a tight seatbelt around his waist didn't help. As soon as the plane had stopped and the door was open, Scott stood and took off telling Michael that he would meet him at the baggage area. Getting just a nod from Michael, Scott ran off. A sleepless night, a boring flight and now Scott running off just when they were to meet a total stranger, who claimed to be a cop didn't help Michael's mood. `What else can go wrong' Michael who was short tempered and feeling lost thought as he walked off the plane.

"May I have your attention please?" The P.A. blared. "Would Michael Caine and company please come to the customer service desk on the main floor?"

`So much for baggage' thought Michael as he made his way for the escalators. Michael was about to step on when he heard Scott's voice.

Turning back Michael saw Scott with another man and a security guard. The man was looking embarrassed as Scott was yelling at the guard. Walking over Michael stood beside his friend. "Scott, what the hell is going on?" Michael asked his tired voice a bit louder than he wanted.

"This perv tried to touch me when I was in the bathroom, even said he could make me feel good." Scott whispered.

"Hell I thought you had gotten into trouble, I mean you take off saying you needed the bathroom and the next thing I know is that you're here yelling at these two guys."

"Don't worry about it, I can deal with these two, you go find our bags and the person we're supposed to meet."

"Excuse me, but you know this kid?" the guard asked.

"Yes, what's it to you?" Michael snapped

"Well he was heard yelling at this gentleman in the washroom."

"Well he must have had a reason." Michael stated.

"Damn right I did, the guy tried to..." Scott said

"Listen kid, I don't need you yelling at me, and for some reason I really don't think this man tried to do anything."

"So you're just going to let him walk out of here, maybe find some other place and try the same thing." Scott yelled.

"No I am going to take you both to our office and get to the bottom of this."

"I'll grab our bags and bring them over; I'll also try and find that cop we're supposed to meet.

Down at the service desk, Sam was waiting not knowing of the problems on the second floor. After fifteen minutes Sam told the clerk that he was going upstairs for a coffee and if Michael Caine showed up have him wait in the passenger area. When you're tired, escalators seemed to take forever, and to Sam it felt as if the one he was on was going in reverse. The noise, the crowd and the need for sleep drew on what little patience Sam had left, so it came as a surprise that as he walked past Michael and the people with him that he heard his name and that he was a cop or something.

Turning back, Sam retraced his steps to the group. The fact that he needed a shave and his clothes looked like they had been slept in didn't go unnoticed by the guard. There was also the fact that Sam towered over the guy by a good six inches. To the boys Sam looked menacing, but that didn't stop the two from talking to each other. While the guard was busy with Sam and the other man, Michael and Scott slipped away and grabbed their bags before heading to the customer service counter. "Excuse me ma'am" Michael started. I was called to come here."

"Hi and you are?" the clerk asked.

"Michael Caine and this is my friend Scott Parker." Michael replied.

"Oh yes, an Agent Sam Johnson was waiting for you, he asked me to tell you that he had just gone up for a coffee and that you were to wait for him."

"Okay. Come on Scott let's grab a seat."

Hard plastic bucket seats are not made to be comfortable in, maybe that was why so many people were pacing like caged animals, for Michael it didn't matter for as soon as he sat, he closed his eyes and tried to rest. Scott on the other hand was bouncing like a bottle being tossed by the waves, probably from too much sugar. It seemed as if Michael had just closed his eyes when he heard Scott calling him." Michael, wake up that cop is here." Scott whispered.

Opening his eyes Michael saw that it was the same man who had interrupted the guard upstairs. In his left hand he had what looked like a cup of coffee. Stretching Michael slowly stood. "You Johnson?" Michael asked his voice cold and hard.

"Yes I am Agent Johnson and you must be Michael Caine and Scott Parker."

"Yeah, so where is my family?"

They are at Randolph Air Force Base."

"When can I see them?"

"We can go right now, or we can wait and get you both into a hotel."

"We've wasted enough time, so take us to the Base." Michael spoke with a hard tone in his voice.

With their bags over their shoulders Scott and Michael followed Sam through the crowd and out to the passenger drop off lane, where a dark blue Crown Victoria was sitting. A white placard with black lettering sat on the dash saying that the car was in fact a San Antonio Police vehicle. Tossing their bags on the floor Michael and Scott sat in the back seat, no sooner had Michael snapped his seatbelt than he closed his eyes again trying for the sleep he just couldn't get.

The drive from the Airport to the base was forty minutes, but for Michael it seemed as if it was just ten. Michael felt the car stop, heard a couple of voices but kept his eyes closed, then the car started moving again, this time slower a few turns later the car stopped and the engine was shut down. The opening of doors and the heat washing over him made Michael open his eyes, looking around he could see a couple of aircraft sitting on the tarmac and some dull green building forming an arc on his right. Slipping out of the car Michael yawned and stretched. "Michael, "Sam spoke. " We don't have to do this right now."

"I have to know if my family is in there, so let's stop playing games and get this over with, the sooner I know for sure, the sooner I can get some sleep." Michael snapped.

"All right, but Michael please stop snapping at me, I know that I am not the one that had to tell you, nor am I the one that brought the plane down. I know you're hurting and that is understandable. I will make you this promise if you ever need me, I will try and help."

"How the hell can you know how I feel, it's not your family that is lying in there, it's mine. Now let's get in there so I can identify them and then get them home."

"Michael chill, Mr. Johnson is right, you're just tired and taking everything out on him.

"I guess you're right, I'm sorry sir." Michael said as they slowly walked into one of the hangers.

Once inside the sight was ugly, black bags lined the floor. For Michael the sight was too much and he found himself looking for a garbage can as his stomach started churning. Michael had just made it to one can when he started to throw up. Though there wasn't a lot in his stomach he still felt rotten. When Michael was once more with Sam and Scott, a man in a white coat came walked over and led the three to where the Caine family lay. Seeing the body bags Michael stumbled only to have Scott grab him and hold him up. "I'm here for you buddy." Scott whispered

"Thanks Scott, I'm glad you're here." Michael answered.

Having confirmed that his parents and little brother were there Michael turned to Sam and the man, who happened to be from the SA Coroner's office. "How soon will it be till I can take them home?" Michael asked.

"Well there will need to have the coroner's report and death certificates, so we are looking at a week."

"A week, for crying out loud why can't I just take my family home." Michael cried."

The doctor put his hand on Michael's shoulder. "I'm sorry for you loss but there is a lot of paper work involved, besides where are you going to have them shipped to, not your house I hope. Please let us do our job, you go back home and when everything is done and we have the name of a funeral home then your family will be sent to them and you'll be notified. I promise you that I will do everything I can to make things go faster and easier for you." The doctor said.

"Mr. Johnson, can we get out of here before I hurt someone." Michael asked.

"Sure, just give me a minute would you? Scott can you take Michael outside and wait for me." Sam asked as he turned to the doctor standing there. Making sure that neither of the boys could hear him Sam looked at the doc. "Have you got something for that young man so he can sleep? I doubt that he got any last night."

"Well I can give you a couple of sleeping pills, but other than that he would have to see his doctor." The doctor answered. "Sir, there are some days when I hate my job, and this is one of them."

"I know how that feels, I had to call that young man last night, I actually interrupted his basketball game to tell him."

"I hope his team won, for his sake." The doc said looking to where the boys had gone."

"I don't know I didn't ask, for some reason it didn't seem important."

"I'm no shrink, but maybe it would be good if you did ask, get his mind off this situation."

"I will. Now I had better get out there before they run off."

"Good luck sir."

Outside at the car Michael and Scott just stood waiting for Sam, neither saying anything, both lost in their own thoughts. Michael was hurting from the loss of his family, and Scott was hurting for his best friend. Looking over at Michael, Scott came to realize that he was in love with Michael, but also knew that there wasn't any way of telling Michael just how he felt. Sam soon joined the boys and with the car started and the air conditioning on full Sam started to head back into the city. "Michael, do you have a hotel that you prefer or do you just want me to pick one?" Sam asked.

"I don't care, anyone is fine. Sir how did the plane crash? Also how did you know to phone me?" Michael asked confusion on his face.

"I don't know what brought the plane down and it is going to be a long time before any answers are found. As for me knowing how to call you? Well there is the passenger list, but the people who recovered the bodies found both your dad's wallet and your mother's purse, both had your name in it. It was the little boy that we had troubles with at first."

"What do you mean?" Scott asked

"Well he didn't have his school ID on him, and it was just through a picture in the wallet and the birth certificate that Michael's mother carried that we were able to say that it was there son."

"Oh well I don't know of any grade six student that has school ID." Michael said staring out the window.

Michael was jarred awake with the bouncing of his bed and a little boy's voice calling his name. "Wake up, Michael; you're having a bad dream. Cory called out.

"Huh, oh hey what are you doing here, shouldn't you be in bed?" Michael mumbled coming more awake.

"I was, but you were screaming, and you woke me."

"I'm sorry Cory, come on climb in and go back to sleep."

"Okay, but you alright?"

"Yeah, I'll be okay. As you said was just a bad dream."

"I use to get them too. Jerry always said that a hug and cuddle would stop them."

"He's right, now go back to sleep, tomorrow is another day."

The next morning after Michael and Cory had finished their breakfast and tidied up the games, they hopped into the car and headed off into town, where Michael stopped and picked up four bunches of carnations, each bunch contained a different number, in one there were only nine, in another there were twelve. For the other two there were a dozen plus two red roses. As each bunch was brought out Michael placed a small card with a name on it, this way he would know where they would be placed. With the flowers in hand Michael and Cory then drove over to pick up Scott and then the three headed out over to the cemetery. Today was the second anniversary of Michael's family's death and he wanted to spend a few minutes with them before his day totally got out of hand.

Driving up as close as he could Michael shut the car off and then just sat for a minute before exiting. Reaching into the back seat Michael with Cory's help got the flowers together and with Cory between them, the three made their way over to the Caine family headstone. "Mom, Dad, Adam, I want you to meet your grandson and nephew. Michael started with a whisper. "Cory is my son and brother, and I love him very much, I know he can never replace any of you, but he fills that void that I have with you all gone. Cory this is my family whom I loved with everything I had.

"I'm sorry that they are gone dad, I bet they were cool to be around. Cory said a tear slowly falling down his cheek. "Adam, you would have been a cool older brother and I wish I had met you.

Handing the flowers with Adams name on it to Cory, Michael knelt and placed the one for his mom and dad right next to the headstone. Cory seeing what Michael had done did the same, then standing Cory took Scott's hand and slowly walked over to where Tommy's resting place was. "Uncle Scott, do you think dad's family is watching over us?"

"Cory, I would love to say yes they are and so is Tommy, but I can't say for sure. I know that Michael will always hurt at this time of year, so we have to be there for him and just help him through it." Scott answered.

"I will, you know he had a bad dream last night, he was screaming, it woke me and I was scared."

"Cory, Michael will never hurt you. I am glad that you told me, I will come over and spend the night, that way you won't get woken up again."

"It's okay, I just cuddled with him and he went back to sleep."

"Good for you, now let's say hi to Tommy, then we can give Michael a few minutes alone with him."

When Michael had spent a few minutes at Tommy's grave, he walked back to the car and the three left going back home. The drive was silent as each boy was lost in their own thoughts. At home Maria had come in and was cleaning the place when the boys walked in. "Señor Caine, there was a call for you from a Señor Johnson and another from a Señor Talbert; I left the messages on the table in the dining room.

"Thanks' Ms. Mendoza. "Cory, why don't you take Scott and go swimming for a bit, I'll join you as soon as I finish my calls." Michael said

"Okay, come on Uncle Scott lets' go." Cory called out.

"Okay, turkey, go on and get your suit on. Michael are you alright?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay, just a bad night; you know how it is sometimes?"

"Sure, but I'm here for you." Scott said as he kissed Michael's lips. "I love you."

"Same goes for you, and yes I love you also Scott, more than you could ever know." Michael said returning the kiss.

Michael's call to Mr. Talbert was quick and simple. Michael had asked for a conference room for the following Wednesday for first thing in the morning and that he would only need it for about an hour. Getting Mr. Talbert's okay and being told that Michael would have the information later that afternoon Michael hung up and immediately called Sam's number. "Sam Johnson, how may I help you?" Sam answered after the first ring.

"Sam, it's Michael, I heard there was a plane crash yesterday." Michael said concern in his voice.

"Yes Michael, now relax no one was hurt."

"The reporter said that one person was taken to hospital, are they alright?"

"Yes, he was just overcome from the heat and smoke inhalation."

"Good. I was.. Well never mind. Just glad everyone is safe."

"Michael it has been two years since you lost your family, the fact that this plane crashed almost on the same day is bound to cause you to worry, but don't let it get to you."

"I can't help it. I mean no one has ever told me what caused my family's plane to crash. How can I relax not knowing, I mean I am scared to fly, but I do it."

"I didn't know you were never told about those findings Michael. I will look into it and see what I can find out. Now you go raise that boy of yours and stay relaxed."

"Thanks Sam, I will try, I'll see you on the 2nd?"

"Yes I want to be there, to see Brookmeir take her fall." Sam chortled.

"Bye Sam, you're an evil man." Michael laughed as he hung up.

For the rest of the day and all day Tuesday, Michael Cory, Scott and Michael's old basketball team got together and played either in the pool or practicing basketball. Scott had stayed with Michael as he had promised Cory so on Wednesday morning it came as no surprise when Michael asked Scott to stay and look after Cory for a few hours. When everyone had eaten and Michael was dress in his suit, he made sure that he had the latest financial report and the letter saying that the managers were planning on selling his company. Michael waited for another half hour before getting into his car and heading over to the hotel where Mr. Talbert had set up the meeting room he had asked for.

Walking in Michael was greeted by Mr. Talbert and Joseph Little Bear both had been waiting for him out in the lobby. "Michael it is good to see you again." Joseph said as he gave Michael a quick friendly hug.

"It is good to see you too Joseph, and you, also Mr. Talbert. Shall we get this done and over with, I really don't think it will last more than ten minutes." Michael said.

"Michael I did a bit of checking since you called; and I have hired an auditor to go over the books. When you go in that room, please tread carefully till we know for sure what is going on."

"Sure, I can do that, but I will tell you both right now, that each and every one of those managers are out of a job. If they think that they can try to sell Aphex Holdings without my approval, and if they think that in doing so and me finding out, that they will be keeping their jobs, I don't think so." Michael spat out in a harsh whisper.

"No Michael you are well within your rights to take the steps you are."

"I thought so. Now let's go, before they do something really stupid."

With Joseph on one side and Mr. Talbert on the other Michael walked down the hallway and into the conference room. Looking around he saw that everyone was there and that the manager from Washington State had taken the seat at the head of the table. "Sir." Michael started. "Please find another seat and let's get this meeting done and over with."

"I beg your pardon, I am the top CEO for Aphex Holdings, and therefore I am entitled to sit at the head of the table."

"That maybe true, but only if there is not someone in a higher position than you." Michael snapped

"Yeah well there isn't, so I'll just stay seated."

"Well then sir, I will be more than happy to inform you, that as of this minute you are FIRED."

"You can't fire me, you don't own the company."

"Oh, tell me who does own the company?"

"Some teenage brat named Michael Caine."

"Have you ever met Mr. Caine?" Joseph Little Bear interrupted.

"No I haven't." The man snarled.

"Well then everyone let me introduce you to the OWNER of Aphex Holdings, Mr. Michael Caine."

"WHAT?" Everyone gasped.

"That is right people. Now I have two simple questions for you all and I want answers right away, your jobs depend on those answers." Michael stated. "Sir I thought I fired you, you no longer are needed here, so please leave."

When the man from Washington State had left, Michael took his seat and pouring himself a glass of water looked at the others seated around the table. "Now first I want to know why, I have only received one financial statement since the death of my parents. Anyone care to answer that?" Michael calmly asked sipping his water.

When he got no answer to that question, Michael just smiled. "Now people, one of you must have an answer, but I will wait and you can answer the next one at the same time. Whose idea was it to try and sell the company?"

Again every one refused to answer either question, so Michael stood and looking at them all snapped. "You all thought you could do something behind my back, for what? So you all could get rich at MY expense? Well you are all fired. And as of right now I am moving the head office to Naples here, where I can better watch over what is going on. Now all of you get the hell out of my sight."

"Mr. Caine if you move the head office you will be putting hundreds of people out of work." One of the managers stated.

"I have no plans on putting anyone out of work except you people; those that wish to stay with the head office will have a chance to move. If they don't I am sure that there will be other positions within Aphex for them. I'm sure we can use some more janitors." Michael stated.

"You just can't up and move everything." Another manager spoke up.

"Watch me, now this meeting is over clean out your offices when you get back."

"We'll see you in court." A third manager spoke up angry at the loss of his job.

"Don't try that sir." Joseph Little Bear interrupted. "Mr. Caine is within his rights to do what he has. Just be thankful that it is only your job you are losing."

"Just what do you mean by that?"

"I mean that right now Mr. Caine has the right to have you all charged with conspiracy to commit grand theft."

With everyone gone Michael sat back down for a minute, before he looked up and smiled. "Thank- you gentlemen. Now Mr. Talbert can you find me a place to move into?" Michael asked

"I can start doing that, it will take a while." Mr. Talbert said with a smile.

"Well let's see if we can have it for when I get back from San Antonio. Oh Joseph, I want a meeting with the judges before it is time to go to court."

"I'll call Judge North's office and see if he can give you some time." Joseph said.

"Michael, when will you be leaving?" Mr. Talbert asked.

"I was thinking of leaving tomorrow morning. I just have to talk to Cory and to Mrs. Parker and see if she can look after him for a week." Michael answered.

"Okay, then I will fly out Saturday afternoon and meet with you and Joseph here before you go to court on the 2nd."

"That will work. I'll book a room for you at the same hotel as the one I'll be at."

Leaving the hotel, Michael walked down the street to a game store and spent thirty minutes going through all the games looking for something that would keep Cory happy and busy for a while. Michael never bought Cory games that were violent. Most of the games that Cory had were educational. Yes Michael played them also and found that both he and Cory learned a lot.

Driving over to the Parkers Michael felt good, though he was nervous about the long drive he had coming up, but he would do it. Pulling into the Parker's driveway, Michael had just shut the engine off when Cory came running out of the house. Michael quickly got out of his car and was soon catching Cory as he launched into a flying hug. "Hi daddy, I missed you." Cory said as he wrapped his arms and legs around Michael.

"I missed you too, but it has only been a couple of hours."

"I know, but I like it when you're around."

"Well Cory I like being around you also, but there are times when I have things that need to be done. This morning was one of those times."


"Now there is something for you on the front seat, so why don't you get it."

"Okay." Cory squeaked as he hopped down and ran around the car. Grabbing the bag off the front seat Cory tore it open and then ran screaming back into the house.

"Uncle Scott, Uncle Scott, daddy bought me a new game." Cory screamed through the house.

"What is all this yelling about?" Mrs. Parker asked as she walked out of the kitchen. "Sorry Mrs. P, but daddy bought me a new game." Cory said with a smile.

"Well that is nice, but you don't need to scream sweetie."

"Can Uncle Scott and I play it please?" Cory asked.

"Sure lunch won't be for a while. Michael Caine just why are you buying him more games?" Mrs. P asked as she walked back into the kitchen.

"Well I have to leave in the morning for San Antonio, and well if Cory doesn't want to go, I was hoping that he could stay here." Michael answered as he sat at the kitchen counter.

"Michael, you know that he can stay here. You never need to ask. Heck I bet Scott would be on your butt if you placed him with someone else."

"I know, but I have to talk with Cory first before I know for sure where he is staying."

"Well then you better do it before those two get into the game."

"Yes I had better. "Cory, can I talk to you for a minute please." Michael called out.

To be continued

Email me if you wish me to continue. Lots More Too Come just please be patient

Next: Chapter 18

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