Lil Bros

By Michael King

Published on Sep 11, 2015


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The people do not exist except in my mind. This work is copyrighted and I ask that you do not copy, post or electronically download without my express permission. If you are too young to be in here or it is illegal in your state then please leave, as I do not wish anything bad to happen to you.

LiL Bros Chapter twenty four:

The rest of the night Charley and his mother sat and talked. The outcome was that Charley would go to another school for the remainder of the school year, but he would also go to the Caine's home and personally apologize to Cory and Derrick. "Mom, I don't want to be like Curtis, I thought about it all day. I use to look up to him, but now I know that I was becoming like him and with him in jail, well I could see myself there and I didn't like that." Charley whispered.

"Charley, you're nine almost ten years old, I know that younger brothers sometimes worship there older brothers, but that doesn't mean you have to be like them. I am glad you saw this now, because it is coming to a point where no one likes bullies."

"I know. Now I wish I had accepted that deal Cory gave us. It showed me that he cares."

"I will be honest, I was surprised that he made it. For a little guy he does have a big heart."

"Would it be okay if we went to saw them tomorrow, after you get back from court?"

"I think we can do that, I will call Mr. Caine first thing in the morning and make arrangements."

"Thanks mom. Now I got to get my homework done."

Friday Morning Michael was sitting in his suite when there was a knock at his door. When he opened it he was surprised to see Mrs. Anderson, Scott and his two boys. "Come in, please." Michael said as he gave Cory and Derrick hugs. "What brings you three here so early?"

"We wanted breakfast wif you." Cory said with a smile

"Well then I guess we better feed you. Good Morning Mrs. Anderson."

"Good morning Mr. Caine. I won't keep you long." Mrs. Anderson stated.

"That is okay, please have a seat."

"Thank you. I came because my son Charley wants to come and talk with your two boys."


"Yes, my son Curtis was arrested yesterday, and I guess Charley thought about that and what was going on. Charley and I had a long talk last night and I think it would be good for him to talk with Cory and Derrick."

"Well, you would have to ask them. They are the ones he was bullying and trying to take money from."

"Yes, you're right. What do you say boys?"

"Well?" Cory started when there was another knock on Michael's door.

"Busy morning." Michael laughed as he once more opened the door.

"Good morning Michael." Sam Johnson said with a chuckle.

"It is, were you trying to wake me up, if so you failed." Michael laughed even harder.

"No, may I come in?"

"Sure, Mrs. Anderson this is Sam Johnson with the SCU."

"Good morning sir."

"Mrs. Anderson, I think it would be okay if Charley wanted to talk with us, but it got to be with my dad and you." Cory interrupted. "I think that would be the best for us."

"I agree young man, and Michael, I am sorry for what Curtis has done, I know that I can't undo the damages, but I would like to make it up to you somehow." Mrs. Anderson said while looking at the floor.

"Ma'am, I don't know why Curtis did what he did, and I can't let it bother me. I just hope that Curtis learns from this and gets on with his life."

"I could answer for the things he did, but that lays the blame on other people, and I can't do that. I guess being single and working like I do, I never was there for my children."

"No ma'am, that won't work with me. I am a single parent, I spend time with my boys. No Curtis made his bed, I just hope he can handle it. Like I said I hope he learns."

"You're right. Now I have to get to the court house, Curtis is being arraigned this morning and his lawyer wants to try for bail."

"Do you have enough to cover his bail if it is granted?"

"Not really, if I did then we would go hungry for a month."

"Then let me loan you the money, you can pay it back when the bail is returned."

"Michael, how can you even offer that after what my boys did?"

"Easy, like Cory said everyone needs a second chance."

Leaving Michael and the boys Mrs. Anderson went to the court house. Entering the court room Mrs. Anderson saw that the place was empty except for the bailiff and the clerk. Sitting in the second row she waited for court to begin. In her purse she carried the check that Michael had given her and she thought about the Caine family. She knew that Michael was still in college, but here he was raising two boys and they all seemed happy, though Mrs. Anderson did see a bit of hurt in Michael's eyes.

"All Rise the right honorable Judge Montoya presiding." The bailiff called out, startling Mrs. Anderson.

"Be seated and let's get going. What is the first case?" The judge asked in a kind voice.

"That would be David Hui possession of a narcotic."

"Bring him in."

The morning went slowly as three other cases were dealt with. Then just before lunch the sheriff's brought in Curtis Anderson. "What are the charges?" The judge asked getting tired.

"Curtis Anderson is charged with two counts of arson, two counts of vandalism and two counts of destruction of private property." The Bailiff read.

"Mr. Anderson how do you plead?" Judge Montoya asked.

"My client pleads not guilty." A voice from the back answered.

"Who are you?"

"I am Mr. Blaskins I was hired to defend this young man."

"I see. Mr. Masters what is your position on bail?"

"Sir, we are not asking for bail at this time, we feel that if Mr. Anderson is allowed to walk free then he will continue to harass and torment the family whose house he burnt down." Masters answered.

"Mr. Blaskins do you have anything to say?" The judge asked.

"Sir, I feel that the DA's office is being overzealous, I ask that my client be released on OR and no supervision."

"Mr. Blaskins do you really think that I have not looked at this case. No Mr. Blaskins if I grant bail he will be watched closely."

"Sir, I feel that the courts are being truly unjust in this case." Blaskins retorted.

"Sir." Masters called out standing at his table. "Mr. Blaskins has a record of delaying trials, and trying to harass those that are witnesses."

"I see, well I am going to grant bail in the sum of 100,000 dollars. I am also ordering that Mr. Anderson be placed on an ankle monitor and the only time he will be allowed out is to either see the police, his lawyer or to come back to court.

Mr. Anderson I am setting a court date for two weeks hence. If during that time you are arrested again you forfeit any bail

And you shall remain in custody until such time as this case has be adjudicated. Do I make myself clear?" The Judge asked.

"Yes sir, I understand."

When Mrs. Anderson had left Michael's suite, and the boys had ordered up some breakfast. Now as everyone was just waiting for the food Michael turned to Sam. "Okay Sam, what really brought you here?" Michael asked.

"What I can't come to visit you." Sam answered with a grin.

"Of course you can, but isn't this a bit early for you?" Scott asked.

"You're right it is early and I do have some business to take care of. Michael you know that the Coast Guard and police had recovered the boat that hit you and your friends?" Sam asked.

"Yes I knew that, and the insurance paid out. So why bring it up?" Michael replied.

"Well they talked to the owner and he stated that they boat was stolen, the remote that they found was traced back to a Mr. Brookmeir. He is the brother to the man that hit you in San Antonio. Brookmeir was also a high school basketball coach that was forced to resign during one of your games."

"So this old coach is responsible, then arrest him." Scott snapped.

"There is more Scott, and this is where things get sticky. It seems that the Brookmeir family is related to the Heilman's Nadine Brookmeir was Jason Heilman's aunt as Michael here guessed. So we feel that the Brookmeir's are out to discredit Michael before the trial starts on Monday."

"That is going to be hard to do isn't it?" Michael asked.

Sam was about to answer when their food arrived. Watching Cory and Derrick eating made Sam smile. "Michael you have to very precious boys, they are polite and seem to share everything."

"Sam you only see then on their good days. Those two are holy terrors." Scott said with a laugh.

"We not terrors Uncle Scott." Cory said with a frown.

"No you're not, you are very well behaved." Sam stated.

"Sam, I have to go to the office today, but other than that I shall be at the Parkers with my boys and the Parker family. If anything or anyone tries to say I did something that is where you can find me." Michael firmly stated.

"Okay Michael, I can also have a few sheriffs watch over you."

"No, I think Carl and Alex are still in Naples, I know they were talking about moving here. I will see if they can watch."

"That would be good, did Jamie Algraves and his Sarge ever show up?"

"I think so, but I can ask Carl when I talk to him later."

"Just let me know, I want Heilman in prison just as much as you do."

"Sam you can't let it get to you, you're a cop."

"I know that, but this kid, well let's just say he is one sick bastard."

"Uncle Sam you said a bad word." Derrick said with a laugh.

"Yes I did and I am sorry Derrick."

"Okies, next time I wash you mouth out." Derrick grinned.

"Oh boy Sam are you in for it now." Scott and Michael said while trying not to laugh.

"That I am, now I have to go, I will check on this Brookmeir fellow some more and hopefully we can get him arrested and behind bars also."

"That is you job, mine is raising two boys and running a business."

"Well you're doing great on both counts Michael, I am proud of you. I am also proud to call you a friend."

"Thanks Sam." Michael said with tears in his eyes. "You would make a great father, and I think of you as a friend also, though the two rats call you uncle I am proud to know you."

"Michael, those two honor me by calling me their Uncle. Now I have to go."

"Bye Uncle Sam." Cory said as he ran and hugged the man.

The rest of Friday and all weekend Michael spent with Cory and Derrick. They played some basketball and rode their bikes around the neighborhood. Scott, Richie and Peter joined them for a while then the three older boys headed home and started to get dinner ready. Mrs. P had called and suggested that the three families get together for a barbecue so that was what the three were doing on the Sunday afternoon. While the boys were busy cooking Michael and his two boys sat and looked at new homes, the one thing the two boys insisted on was another pool and a larger back yard. Grinning Michael looked at his two boys. "You two don't want much do you? Tell me do you want it closer to the beach?"

"No way, hurricanes come here, we could lose everything again, I don't want lose my stuff again." Derrick called out.

"Well then why don't you two see what you can find, just remember it has to be close to school."

"What about the old place, you gonna build a house there?" Cory asked.

"Yes I am going to re-build, but that can take a long time."

"So why we looking for a new place then, we can stay here with Mrs. P." Derrick asked.

"Well I think there are three reasons, one is that we need our own place. And two you can't have all the toys and games here that you wish and the third is I don't want to over stay and abuse our welcome."

"Oh, never thought of that, she might not let us come visit then right?" Derrick asked.

"That is right, and I know you like the Parkers."

"Uh huh. She's like a gramma."

"I have you young man I am not that old yet." Mrs. P said as she came out onto the back porch smiling.

"I didn't say you was old. You just like a gramma." Derrick blushed.

"Okay young man, I'll let it go this time."

Michael and Cory both couldn't keep from laughing at Derrick's red face. Standing Michael walked into the house, leaving the two boys to look at the laptop and the houses that they could see. Michael Stopped in the kitchen and gave Scott a quick kiss before moving into the front room and laying on the couch. The troubles over the last week and the thought of the upcoming Heilman trial had made Michael edgy. Closing his eyes he tried to relax and soon was sleeping. Michael didn't know how long he had laid there but the shaking of his shoulder and the soft voice of Mrs. P woke him with a start. "Michael it is dinner time, go wash up." She said gently.

"Thanks, I'll be right there." Michael answered with a yawn. The rest of the evening Michael stayed with Cory and Derrick watching movies. When it came time for the two boys to head off to bed Michael left and went back to the hotel, where he too went to bed.

Monday morning Michael was up early, having gone through his e-mails and looking at the reports from Aphex he then showered and had breakfast, before getting into his suit and heading to the elevator. Michael had just gotten into the lobby when Sam walked in a smile on his face. "Good morning Michael, I hope you slept well." Sam said in a cheerful voice.

"Morning Sam, and I slept okay. What brings you here so early?" Michael replied.

"Well I thought that you might like company to court this morning or did you forget that the Heilman trial starts today?"

"No I didn't forget, but I have a feeling you're not telling me something."

"Well you're right I'm not, but you should know that Anderson was granted bail on Friday, and the police are looking for the old coach a Mr. Brookmeir. They want him for questioning in regards to your boat."

"Well I am not going to worry about him, I have enough to think about right now."

"Good. Now let's get you to the court house."

"Sam, you're acting like I need protection. Tell me what is really going on?"

"Nothing Michael. I just wanted to go with you, I think you know how I feel about this case."

"I know and sorry, it's just that you usually meet me at the courthouse if I need you there."

"Well what can I say, maybe I just like your company."

"Okay, but I am sure that your wife would say you're being over cautious."

"Yes she would, more so since we encounter the Darkling boy and saw a part of what he went through, but that is a case you don't need to know about."

"Good, now let's get out of here, I want this over so I can find a new home, I am starting to hate hotels." Michael laughed.

Entering the court house the first thing Michael noticed was the clamor of voices, most were whispering. Michael had to go through the scanner while Sam just showed his badge and walked through. "Hey Sam maybe I should get me one of those." Michael snickered.

"You could, but that would mean you would have to become a cop." Sam said with a grin. "Then what would become of your company?"

"No thanks, I'll stay where I am, you have to many headaches for me."

The room where Michael was taken was just off the courtroom. He was told that since he was a witness that for now he wouldn't be allowed to hear anything. Not having brought a book or his laptop, Michael soon became bored. It was just after eleven thirty when Dylan Masters walked into see Michael. "Mr. Caine you may as well go for lunch, we just recessed and will continue at one."

"Do you think that I will be called at all today?"

"That is hard to say, but I doubt it."

"Can you find out, if I am not then I would like to go to my office and try to get some work done."

"Let me ask Mr. Blaskins, though knowing him he will say that he wants you here that man is determined to cause you nothing but trouble."

"Yes, but if he keeps it up I will ruin him and that sir is a promise."

"Oh I think he is doing that quite well himself, he has already got Judge Frost pissed off."

"Man I would have loved to have seen that."

Lunch for Michael was a steak sandwich and coffee, something he had started drinking after the amphitheater was burned. He had just ordered his meal and was taking a sip of coffee when Sam and four Naples police officers rushed in. "Michael have you ordered yet?" Sam asked.

"Yes I just did, what's wrong." Michael asked.

"Okay eat, but right now these four officers will be staying with you."

"God damn it Sam tell me what the fuck is happening." Michael snapped loudly startling a few of the other patrons.

"Michael I received a call from the head of the Vice Presidents Security. It seems like the Vice President wants to have a meeting with you on Wednesday, so for now we have the task of protecting you. I don't understand this, in fact the last time this happened was when the Daniels' family was having problems and the President ordered them protected. So you must be someone they are looking at.

"Oh fucking great, if not one headache then it is another." Michael snarled.

"Michael, I am just doing what I am told, I am sorry if this bugs you."

"I know Sam, but what about when I am with my two boys, or Scott, are they going to bug us?" Michael asked as he pointed to the officers.

"No. I have Jamie and his crew watching your boys and the Parkers, so relax."

"Easy for you to say." Michael was going to say more, but the waitress brought over his lunch. "Do you want to join me guys?" Michael asked having calmed down some.

"Thank you, but no we will just have our coffees and watch." One officer stated.

"Okay, but don't say I didn't ask."

"Okay I won't say you didn't ask." The officer chuckled.

The rest of the day Michael sat in the outer, having bought himself a book to read he wasn't so bored this time. At four when he was told that he could leave he was ready to scream, he had wasted a full day doing nothing. Talking with Dylan later Michael was told that he could spend the morning at his office, but that he would be needed for the following afternoon.

Going back to his hotel Michael called the Parkers' house as he was changing out of his suit. "Hey dude you gonna make it for dinner, you know you're expected?" Richie asked without even a hello.

"I am just changing, then I thought I would see what was happening with work, but I can do that after eating so give me thirty minutes." Michael answered.

"I will tell Scott that, since he is the one cooking tonight."

"Oh jeez food poisoning." Michael laughed.

"You do that, in the meantime let me finish here so I can come see my boys."

"Okay, see you shortly."

Mini meat loaf, rice and mixed veggies made up a wonderful dinner, and no one got sick, Michael joked with Scott about that after everyone had settled into the front room. The two boys snuggled up to Michael and were talking about their day and how they thought that Charley was a different person now. Scott smiled as he looked at Michael and when the boys had gone outside for a bit he cuddled up and asked if he could come spend the night with him. To Michael that was a no-brainer, he missed having Scott around and thought that for one night there wouldn't be any problems.

The next morning after Scott had left the hotel, Michael went to his office and was just sitting down at his desk when Maria came in. "I thought you would be gone all week Mr. Caine."

"I have to go back to court this afternoon, so I thought I would see what's happening here. Also did you or do you have any idea why the Vice President is coming to see me?"

"No I had no idea that it was scheduled, let me talk to the receptionist and see. That is something I should have been told about."

"I agree and so should I have, I found out yesterday while having lunch."

"That must have shocked you some."

"It did. Now what can you tell me about California and Seattle?"

"Well, to summarize the report, Carlin Dwyer has been spending the money on more hotels and apartment buildings, he has also invest some in shopping malls and theatres. Seattle while that is harder, we are still looking into that, but the feeling is the money is going into office shore accounts. In other words someone there is stealing the money."

"How much would we lose if we shut down Seattle all together?" Michael asked.

"Well we could still keep the company there, just not the office, that way we wouldn't lose money. We could have the accounts and files transferred to this office, but that would mean someone travel to Seattle to do the dirty work."

"I guess that means someone needs to be there for at least a month. Right now I can't go because of this court case and then I have the two boys and college."

"I understand, and I have my Jorge to look after, he starts school this coming year."

"Okay, let me think this over and decide what we can do. As for the Vice President, well I would like to cancel the meeting, but that would give me a black mark with Washington."

"Yes and you don't need that. I would go ahead with the meeting and see what he has to say, but Mr. Caine, I would like to be part of that meeting."

"Maria, I wouldn't have it any other way, you're the CEO here and your input helps, besides I may still be in court."

"Very true, speaking of which I think you should get going. Have some lunch on the way also, knowing you, you're likely to forget."

"Yes mother." Michael said with a laugh.

Michael was walking over to the courthouse with the police behind him when his phone vibrated in his hand. Answering it he was surprised to hear Mr. Bullinger on the other side. "Michael, how are you doing?" Bullinger asked.

"Fine, what can I do for you?"

"Well two things, I can have your home re-built for you in six months, that includes draining, inspecting and cleaning the pool. I just want to know if you wanted anything extra added that the insurance company won't pay for?"

"Well a good security system and maybe a camera at the front door. That is about all I can think of right now."

"Okay then I will have them added and see if they insurance will cover it for you."

"Thank you. Now you said two things what is the other?"

"Well again dealing with the insurance company, they have decided that they will not cover the cost of repairing the amphitheatre."

"They will cover it, I pay good money for the insurance on that park and the theatre. I will get my lawyer dealing with them as soon as I hang up from you."

"Okay you do that, in the meantime I will get a crew in to clear up the mess that was your house."

"Thank you and I will call you back after court and we can see what needs to be done."

"I will be waiting for you call." Bullinger said as he hung up.

Michael had just walked into the courthouse when a sheriff walked up. "Mr. Caine you have been called in."

"Okay let's go, now I can finally get this over with."

"I hope so son, you have been stressed enough."

"You could say that again, but don't." Michael said with a grin.

Walking into the courtroom Michael was asked to take the stand and then was sworn in. "Please state you name for the record." The clerk admonished.

"Michael Caine."

"Mr. Caine do you swear to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" The clerk asked.

"I do."

"Please be seated."

"Mr. Caine, you may I call you Michael?" Dylan Masters asked.

"Michael will be fine."

"Michael do you recall where you were the day that Tommy Caine, your brother was killed?"

"Yes sir, I was sitting on the dock playing my trumpet."

"And where was your brother?"

"He was running up and down the beach, then started to build a sandcastle."

"Were you able to see him clearly?"


"Did anyone join your brother?"

"Yes an older teen boy joined him."

"Then what happened?"

"Tommy told me he had to go to the bathroom."

"Did you say anything to him?"

"Yes I told him to wait that I would go with him."

"What happened next?"

"Tommy said that he was a big boy and that he could do it himself."

"What did you say to that?"

"I told him okay, but to make it quick."

"How long did you wait for your brother to return?"

About 30 minutes."

"Why so long?"

"I figured he stopped to play with someone."

"When he didn't return after 30 minutes what did you do?"

"I packed up my trumpet and went looking for him."

"And did you find him?'

"Yes I did."

"How did you find him?"

"I saw a crowd around the washroom so I walked over. Someone said that there was a dead boy inside. So I pushed through and saw that it was Tommy laying there."

"Was he dressed?"

"No." Michael said with a sob.

"Your honor I request a break to allow Mr. Caine to gather himself."

"Request granted, court is in recess for 15 minutes." Judge Frost stated as she rose.

Out in the hallway Michael grabbed himself a juice from the machine and quickly drank it. Tossing the container into the recycle bin he turned and saw Dylan standing there. "Michael are you okay?" Dylan asked.

"Yes sir, I am fine it is just hard remembering how Tommy looked." Michael answered.

"I know the questions are hard, and I will try to be gentler, but understand that Blaskins is going to come at you a lot harder."

"I know and I appreciate what you're doing. Don't worry about Blaskins, if I can handle your questions, he will be a piece of cake."

"I hope so. Now are you ready to continue?"

"I think so, it was just that last question got to me."

Getting back onto the stand Michael waited for Judge Frost to come back. As he was sitting there his phone vibrated telling him he had an incoming text. Michael was just answering the message when the Bailiff called the court to order. Still texting Michael stood and watched as Judge Frost took her seat. "Mr. Caine, please refrain from using your cell phone in the courtroom." Judge Frost stated.

"I apologize your honor, but my foster son Derrick was in a bike accident and broke his arm. The hospital won't let his caretaker get it fixed without a parent there."

"Very well I hope you have that taken care of."

"I do and again I apologize."

"Very well. Mr. Masters please continue." The judge ordered.

"Yes ma'am. Michael, when you saw Tommy what did you do?"

"I went to where he was and just held him." Michael answered.

"Did you cover him up?"

"I used my jacket to cover his lower body yes."

"No further questions at this time your honor."

Michel watched as Dylan sat and Blaskins stood. Michael could see a look of worry on Dylan's face as he watched Blaskins move to stand before Michael. "Michael?" Blaskins started.

"You can call me Mr. Caine." Michael interrupted.

"Fine Mr. Caine, is it not true that you would not let the police touch your brother?" Blaskins snapped.

"Yes it is true, and please loose the attitude." Michael stated with a slight grin.

"Isn't it also true that you are the one that carried your brother out of the washroom?"

"Yes I did."

"Why did you do that, why not let the police or EMT's do it."

"I didn't want anyone touching him."

"So you took it upon yourself to move the body?"


"Mr. Caine how did you find out that my Client, Mr. Heilman was the one that killed your brother."

"He told me"

"He told you, and when did you find out he was a suspect?"

"When Officer Sam Johnson called me."

"So what did you do next?"

"I flew to Texas and saw Sam, and the evidence."

"Were you able to identify any of it?"

"Yes I found Tommy's undershorts."

"Then what happened?"

"Then I had a can of coke."

"Did you speak with my client?"

"Yes I did."

"Mr. Caine tell me and the courts why you are blaming my client for a murder you committed?"

"Objection!" Dylan called out. "Mr. Blaskins is trying to anger the witness, and making a false accusation."

"Mr. Blaskins, if you have proof that this witness did the crime please show it now." Judge Frost snapped.

"Your honor I don't have the proof, but Ms. Brookmeir who was the DA in San Antonio asked the same question. Knowing that my client was innocent."

"Mr. Blaskins has the evidence your honor, stating that his client raped and killed Tommy?" Dylan retorted.

"Objection sustained. Mr. Blaskins, another false accusation like that and I will fine you a thousand dollars." Frost stated.

"Yes ma'am. Mr. Caine when you talked to my client, did you not tell him that you had been charged also?"

"I did."

"Then why is there no record of those charges?"

"Because it was a bluff."

"You mean you lied to my client?"

"In a way."

"During you talk with my client did he tell you that he killed your brother?"

"Yes he did."

"Did you tell him that the conversation was being recorded?"


"Why not?"

"Because I wasn't an officer, nor a lawyer."

"Your honor we ask that the tape of the conversation between my client and Mr. Caine be inadmissible."

"On what grounds?" Frost asked.

"On the grounds that the conversation was private and my client did not know that it was being taped."

"Mr. Blaskins, I know you have had your license to practice for a few years now, surely you cannot tell me that you failed to realize that private conversations between two people can be taped without the others knowledge, I also think you know that such a conversation can be used in a court of law if one of those people allow it."

"Your honor I understand that, but I have no notice of Mr. Caine or Mr. Heilman giving said permission."

"Mr. Blaskins, neither one had to give permission since the conversation was recorded by the San Antonio Police and that conversation did have the approval of Mr. Caine." Dylan stated.

"I have nothing showing me that."

"Mr. Caine, did you give the police permission to tape your talk with Mr. Heilman." Judge Frost asked.

"Not in writing."

"I don't understand, of you didn't give it in writing how did they get your approval?" Frost asked with a puzzled look.

"I asked if the room was able to be taped. They said yes so I told them I wanted the conversation taped."

"Very well. Mr. Blaskins the tape is admissible." Frost ordered.

"No further questions your honor."

"Mr. Masters, do you have anything more?" Frost asked.

"Yes ma'am just a couple of questions."

"Proceed then."

"Thank you, Michael why did you say you wanted the death penalty taken off the table?"

"It was the only way to get him out here to answer for killing Tommy."

"Did you know that he was charged with other rapes and murders when you said that?"

"Yes I knew he was being charged in Texas."

"And still you agreed to remove the death penalty."

"Yes I did, I don't think Tommy would have wanted Mr. Heilman put to death."

"So you were thinking of how your brother would have felt?"

"I always do think about it?." Michael was going to say more when he looked up and saw Carl and Alex walk in with Cory and Derrick.

"Michal are you all right to continue?" Dylan asked.

"Yes sorry."

"If you could put the penalty back on the table would you?"

"No as I said Tommy wouldn't want that, nor do I."

"No more questions your honor."

"Mr. Caine you are free to step down." Frost said with a slight grin.

Leaving the stand Michael walked up to where Cory and Derrick sat and gave them both a hug. "Let's get out of here." Michael stated firmly.

"Mr. Caine, you will be able to return for the rest of the trial, and if you want to make an impact statement before sentencing please let me know." Dylan said as he walked up.

"Thank you and yes I will have a statement written. Mr. Master these are my two boys, Cory and Derrick." Michael said as he held his boys.

"Hello gentlemen."

"Hi. Derrick said shyly.

Driving back to the Parkers house Michael felt a weight fall from his shoulders. His part in the trial was over now he could concentrate on his family and his company that is until college started again. Once at the Parkers' home Michael removed his jacket and sat with the two boys in the front room while Scott and Richie were telling Michael about how Derrick broke his arm and that his bike was a total mess.

"Well we can get him a new one, maybe one like Cory's so they can both have the same thing. Now guys once this trial is over and done, I have to go up to Seattle for a while. I know that I am not spending the time I should with you and trust me I want to, but this trip is important and I can't get out of it." Michael stated.

"How long you be gone daddy?" Cory asked.

"I am hoping no more than two weeks, but I promise when I get back I will have a surprise for you both." Michael answered.

"Okay, but you promise to call every day?" Derrick asked.

"You bet, I can't let my turkey's go to sleep without saying goodnight to them can I?"


Snuggling up tighter with the boys Michael closed his eyes and relaxed.


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