London Vacation

By Ryan Zackheim

Published on Mar 4, 2017


London Vacation 11

DISCLAIMER AND COPYRIGHT: Please do not take any part or whole of this story without the author's permission. No one under the age of 18 should read this story.

WARNING: Due to the depiction of graphic sex and adult situations which may be illegal where you reside and are reading this story, I urge you to check with your local laws. Please contact the author with comments. No flames, please.


  1. I am unforgivably late in this installment. I had most of it written, then my computer had a bit of a mishap and I only just got round to having the old hard disk fixed, while working on my new laptop:-) Sorry for the long hiatus! Thanks to Alex Smith for the nudge to get this posted, too!

  2. I really appreciate all the great email and feedback I received. Again, if I haven't replied, sorry! Life got busy! But I truly like hearing from you, and hope you don't feel shy in giving feedback. I also enjoyed some of the great pics some of you sent lol! Send more pics - I'm still a sex hound and can always use more spankbank material!

  3. Please donate to Nifty! It's a valuable resource and would be much appreciated.

  4. Lastly, this is it from me for a while. More stuff has been happening for me, but I gotta live it and only when I have a bit of time, will I get round to writing it!

The sun's rays woke me up the next day. In my fatigue, I had forgotten to close the curtains last night/this morning when I had come back to the hotel room after my inaugural visit to a gay sauna, and I was feeling dead tired as I stumbled out of bed and jerked the black out blinds shut before falling back onto the comfortable bed and into slumber...

The phone's shrill ring startled me and I jerked awake for a moment lost and disorientated. Then, on instinct, I reached for the phone and muttered a barely human 'hello'. It was the reception desk, apologetically informing me that I had a call. Shit! I looked at the bedside clock - it was just past noon. I tried to make myself sound human and told them to patch the call through. It was my mom, sounding a bit agitated, asking why I hadn't picked up my cell nor returned her messages this morning. I reached for my mobile phone and realized it was dead, and told her so. Apologizing as contritely as I could, I made up a lie about not feeling very well to explain my sleeping in late - I couldn't very well tell her her baby boy had been out till the early hours sucking and fucking in a gay sauna, could I, lol! I felt guilty when her tone softened, and we talked for a bit before she rang off, reminding me to get myself to Bath early tomorrow morning.

I lay back down on the fiendishly comfortable bed and contemplated going back to sleep again but forced myself to wake up. For once, I wasn't even half hard - talking to your mom would kill your morning wood! I got out of bed and headed to the bathroom, and noticed a note on the floor by the door. It was a note from Mike: 'Thanks for an unforgettable time. Take care of yourself and if ever you're in Boulder, CO, here's how to contact me' and his cell phone number and email address were listed. He was sweet, and I instinctively reached down to rub my hairy ass hole as I remembered how determinedly and sexily he had claimed my body as his earlier this morning in front of several other men at the sauna.

I plugged my phone into the charger after I'd emerged from the shower. I was ravenous because it was almost 1pm and I decided to head out for lunch and a wander about. The day was chilly but sunny, and I found a great little brasserie right by the hotel and wolfed down a steak frites and a glass of red wine while I watched the world go by from a table right by the sidewalk windows. London is full of people even in this cold weather, especially tourists, and as my eyes fell on the National Portrait Gallery across the way, I thought of a nice 'piece of rough' I had picked up there - the first guy who fucked me in London, actually - and marvelled again at how far I've come. I was never sexually shy, but the evolution - or is it devolution lol - from an enthusiastic 17 year old novice with some experience of gay sex to the budding 21 year old sex pig I now was becoming was quite something, if I do say so myself, and I wondered what else lay in my sexual future.

After lunch, I felt quite stuffed up, having eaten a bit too quickly, and I decided to take a walk. I wandered around Leicester Square, and on a whim, decided to get myself a matinee ticket at the half-price ticket booth to 'Phantom of the Opera'. I've grown up in New York and never seen the show, if you can believe it, lol! I have to say that I was a sucker for the histrionic melodrama and high camp music of the show, and impressed by the sturdy bones of a well oiled company that made the experience of watching the show entertaining and surprisingly moving for me. I guess I am a sucker for romance!

By the time I got back to the hotel, my phone was fully charged. It had already gotten dark when I left the theatre and I saw that it was just coming to 5pm. I decided to get myself together and started packing my bag. I was aware that I hadn't really thought about sex much today, and this alone made me start to harden - what can I say, I'm a horny 21 year old guy! I paused to save Mike's details in my phone, and threw the sheet of paper away before I returned to the task at hand. I rang down to reception to arrange for an early wake up call because I didn't want to risk oversleeping again, and when all the logistics had been taken care of, I sat down by the window and looked out at the darkened London sky and what bits of the skyline I could see from my hotel room window, wondering what I would do next.

Thoughts from earlier today resurfaced - how my sexual awakening had been progressing in the last few years, and how London was so instrumental to introducing me to new aspects of my sexuality, my needs and my nature, and my raging hormones did all the rest. I began to put away all my luggage in the closet, laid out what I was going to wear tomorrow morning, and cleaned myself out thoroughly in the bathroom for the night's activities. I'd learnt how to properly douche myself ever since I was sexually active, and I was feeling confident, clean and ready. But I still had no clear idea of what I was going to do and with who lol! I picked up my phone and powered up Grindr to see what was on offer, and immediately got a ping. It was 29 year old guy whose profile I had seen over the last couple of days - he was really handsome, with dark hair and pale eyes, and from the looks of the photo on his profile, also very hairy, which I was feeling quite excited by this evening! His opening gambit was the standard 'hi', so I wrote him back, indicating that I was horny. While waiting for his response, I looked around some more and saw that there was someone else very close by - another hotel guest, I guessed. His profile was of his torso, which was ripped and shredded with clearly defined abs and a huge chest. This guy looked really strong lol! The app indicated he had been online a few minutes ago, so I tried him anyway, sending him a very clear message 'wanna fuck around?' and attaching 2 photos of me nude to whet his appetite. (Yeah, I have to make sure my parents never touch my phone because I don't want to them to find the naked pix of me and other guys in there lol!) As soon as I'd done this, I went back to sexting with the first guy, who it turns out is Italian. He's flirty and funny and kinda charming and we're having a good time when I get a response from the other dude who texted, quite simply, 'yes - free at 10' and included a face pic. He's ugly hot, if you know what I mean - like a meathead, a bit dumb looking, but with heavily hooded eyes that look smoking hot to me, and a wide mouth that's pulled into a shit-eating grin. I texted him back my room number and tell him to swing by at 10.

I went back to sexting Michele - the Italian guy - whose questionable command of English made our convo rather hilarious. Abruptly, he indicated he had to go and signed off. Shit - what a waste of time, I thought. It's just a little over 6pm and I decided to text Michele my room number and told him to stop by later if he felt up for it. I looked out the window and the darkness made the night seem secretive and intriguing. I could stay in and keep trawling for sex, but I decided that I'd hit the gym for a bit because, let's face it, the only exercise I had had since I got to London this time around was sex, and while it had been loads of fun and had been a solid work-out lol, I was aware that I was going to this wedding and it would be more eating and holidaying and so I thought I'd better get in some proper exercise while I could! Besides, it was almost dinner-time, and I figured the gym would be empty.

I didn't have any gym wear, but I was pretty sure the impressive looking 'Gymbox' downstairs would sell something suitable, so I pulled on some clothes and headed back downstairs. According to the hotel information, 'Gymbox' is a chain of gyms with DJs spinning records while you work out, and this seemed pretty cool to me. The entrance was dark and the stairs down were also pretty dimly lit. As I descended, the music got louder and louder and I thought this was going to be pretty cool. I went to the counter and showed them my hotel key card and asked about maybe going for a swim - unfortunately, there wasn't a pool! I thought buying a pair of speedos would be the cheapest way to get a work-out but ended up shelling out a fair chunk of change for a work out top and a pair of running shorts. I wasn't going to do any cardio and asked if I could just wear my Onitsuke Tiger sneakers and they didn't mind and took the tags off the stuff I just bought for me. I ducked around the corner to the locker room, which was small and relatively empty, considering how loud the music was in the rest of the joint. I didn't bother with a locker - just got out of my clothes, put on the new ones, and headed back out. I hit the weight machines in the order I usually do back home - my workout's kinda routine, so I won't bore you with the details. I did notice that all the people in the gym seemed to be incredibly fit and attractive. The women were gorgeous, many working out in full make-up lol! I don't know how they did it! The guys were pretty standard, with one or two lookers, but I got a strictly hetero vibe from most of them, which didn't stop me from trying to catch one or two of their eyes though. I ran through my routine, working up a light sweat, and decided I'd had enough. It was almost 7pm, and I headed back into the locker room to get my stuff which I had stashed away - the staff had kindly loaned me a lock - and was about ready to go when I noticed a guy checking me out.

He looked to be in his 30s or so, tall with sandy hair and what I would describe as a kind face - he looked fatherly, and though I don't have a daddy kink, something about him seemed to stir my loins and I found myself sitting down and pretending to look through my stuff for a moment. He was still dressed in his workout gear and from what I could see, he was packing a nice package in his shorts. I looked at him and caught his eye and gave him my best smile.

'How's it going?' I asked, giving him an obvious once over to let him know I was interested.

He smiled nervously. 'Good, good,' he replied, and looked around uncomfortably. He gathered up his things and I saw him take hold of a key card like mine in his hand.

'Are you staying at the hotel?' I asked, flashing my card for him to see. He nodded silently and gave me a tight smile before turning and walking towards the exit. Oh well - I guess he wasn't interested. I looked around the locker room some more. It wasn't big and there wasn't any one else around, it seemed, which was a pity. I sighed and made my way to the gym floor, up the stairs and headed back into the hotel.

When I got back into my room, I could feel myself getting hornier by the minute, and I went back on Grindr to check out whose about. My cock was semi-erect, and I gave it a few interested tugs as I continued scrolling and noticed that there had been a surge of activity and I had quite a few interested pings from guys - 2 in particular caught my attention because they were close by. 'Ed' had a profile pic that showed a heavily bearded dirty blond haired guy with piercing blue eyes - his texts indicated he was keen for what he called 'a shag' (how fun!) immediately. I liked the look of him, so I told him to come by. As soon as I was done sending that text, I turned back to the other guy I was keen on, 'DJ', cute with a naughty smile and either a very high forehead or the beginning signs of balding lol! I didn't care because he looked like he had a hot bod and said he wasn't far - near Harley Street - so I also gave him my room number and then I busied myself, stripping off my clothes and grabbing my stash of condoms and lube and putting them by the nightstand as I waited.

I was just contemplating a shower to wash off the smell of sweat when the phone rang, the shrillness really cutting through the relative quiet of my room, and I jumped. It was the front desk, saying 'Ed' was here to see me and should they send him up? I laughed and told them to do so, and also that I was expecting DJ, and that they should send him up when he got here. After what seemed like seconds, there was an urgent knock on my door. I didn't bother with the peephole because, quite honestly, I would have fucked whoever it was behind that door, so long as it was a guy with a dick lol! Ed turned out to be short - about 5 foot 4 - with a stocky frame, and his eyes raked over me, taking in my flesh as I stepped aside to let him in. As I closed the door, he walked stiffly into the room and I smiled - he clearly had a woody that made walking tough!

'Hey,' he had a really deep masculine voice which caused my cock to twitch, and he put the messenger bag he was carrying on the floor as he turned to face me. I smiled at him as I walked toward him and I could feel the heat radiating from him when I got close.

'I just got back from the gym - is that OK, or do you want me to take a quick shower?' I asked.

His answer was to reach up and pull me down slightly to kiss him - it was ticklish, his thick beard scratchy and unfamiliar to me. His mouth was eager, his lips strong, and he stuck his tongue into my mouth urgently while his arms encircled me, pulling me to his tight, compact body. I could feel his muscular chest and thick trunk as it pushed against me, while the hard length of his cock pressed against my thighs - he felt really hard, and I pulled my mouth from his, saying ,'I wanna taste your cock.'

Wordlessly, he loosened his grip on me and I sank to my knees and sat on my haunches and began undoing his pants. He busied himself with throwing off his coat and stripping off his sweater and shirt. When I had his belt undone and pants unbuckled, I looked up at his chiseled body which was covered in fuzz, and he undid the rest of his pants, kicked off his shoes and pulled his trousers down. When he stood up, I was greeted with the sight of a beautiful piece of man meat that was really thick, if not very long, framed by a huge cock bush that had obviously never been trimmed. 'Suck me,' he said softly, his low voice an aphrodisiac to me as I found myself approaching his proud manhood with excitement. He was uncut, and I encircled his hot, hard cock and massaged it slowly, watching his foreskin retract further from the mushroom head that was already a dark red color. His member was veiny, kinda ugly, and incredibly thick. I took a deep breath and took it into my mouth. His girth stretched my lips more than I could remember, and I savored the silky taste of him in my mouth as he impatiently began pushing himself in, forcing my mouth ever wider as I felt his fucker reach further into my oral cavity, grazing my tongue and upper palate. He moaned low and loud, and I grabbed hold of his hairy ass cheeks and began sucking him expertly, letting his taste fill me as I took all of him in till my nose was pressed against his thick mass of pubes, their wiry strands irritating my face but somehow hypnotizing me as I bobbed my head back and forth on his pecker.

'Fucking good,' he muttered as his hands assumed the time-honored position on the sides of my head and he held me still as he began pistoning his now leaking fucktool into my mouth. The sound of my spit gurgling in my mouth as his cock pushed in and out filled the air, along with his and my own labored breathing. My cock was pointing at full attention, pointing straight up and lying against my belly, the stream of clear precum coating my skin as I enjoyed this man's thick, juicy cock as it fucked my mouth. 'Oh fuck yeah,' he said again as I withdrew my mouth, letting his heavy tool fall out of my sore lips. His penis was wet with my saliva and looked to be the thickest cock I'd ever seen.

'You gotta fuck me with that, man,' I told him as I got up and headed to the bed. Standing, I realized I was a whole head taller than he was, but it didn't matter - short, incredibly muscular Ed with the incredibly thick dick was what I needed in me.

'I wanna eat your hole,' he said with that sexy voice of his, and although I was impatient for him to stick it in me, I bent over the bed and spread my legs wide. I felt his breath before I felt his ticklish beard grazing my inner thighs and the tender flesh around my ass cheeks. He kissed my shithole and said, 'You smell like you had a good workout,' and then attacked my hole with gusto, sliding his tongue up my hairy crevice and using his hands to hold my cheeks apart. The feeling of his tongue against my pucker was electrifying, especially knowing that he was getting off on my natural scent, and I groaned in appreciation of his efforts to slick me up.

'Your hole is so tasty,' he said, again with that sexy voice of his, and I pushed my ass backward, indicating he should put his tongue back to good use. 'Eat me hole, dude,' I muttered to him as I enjoyed his ministrations, each lick and stab of his tongue sending a jolt of pleasure through me, hardening my nipples, causing my cock to leak. As I started to get lost in pleasure, all I could hear were his enthusiastic slurps and my heavy breathing, mixing together in the sounds of sexual activity.

'Gotta fuck,' he said suddenly, removing his face from my hole. I got up and reached over to the nightstand and tossed him a condom while grabbing the bottle of lube and began lubing my hairy asshole up - he might have gotten me slick and soft, but his beercan cock was the thickest I've seen and I wasn't going to take any chances! He expertly tore off the wrapper and I watched as he stretched the latex over his fat fuckstick. I was worried it was going to break, but it seemed to hold. I got some lube on my hand and reached over to his cock, enjoying the steel-like shaft encased in the thin protective layer.

'Shit,' he said, and I saw that the condom had ripped at the base of his cock and slipped off my hand as I massaged it.

'Fuck!' I said, disappointed, but he leaned over and kissed me, saying, 'Don't worry babe'. He walked over to his bag and fished around for a bit and took out a condom. 'Being so thick, I carry my own,' he said with a smile, his voice tinged with pride, and I grinned.

Again he suited up, this time without any problem, and I watched with fascination as his incredibly stout cock came toward me, proudly jutting forth from the mass of curls at his crotch. I swallowed, slightly nervous, as I realized this was going to hurt - I had honestly never taken such a thick fuckpole up my shitter before, and I wasn't sure I was going to like it. But any hesitation was overridden by my desire to be fucked, to accept the challenge of accommodating this massive dong, and to feel it claiming its space in my willing body.

'I'm gonna lie down and let you ease yourself onto me,' he said as he got on the bed, his proud member standing straight up. I climbed on and straddled him, lubing him up with the slimy liquid on my hand, and very carefully, I positioned him against my opening.

'Easy babe,' he encouraged, his voice low and steady, as I slowly felt his cockhead pushing its way into my asshole. The first few moments were fine as I enjoyed the familiar warmth of a man's dick penetrating me, but as I eased myself further down, his thickness met with resistance from my inner sanctum, and I could feel the pain of being stretched beyond my comfort zone, causing my breathing to become labored and ragged as I began to whimper.

'Shhh,' Ed soothed, ' Take it slow babe, you're a real champ, sitting on my fat cock, yeah babe, go real slow, real slow, nice and easy, don't rush it...'

The searing pain at my shit chute was overwhelming, and I felt tears stinging my eyes as I valiantly continued to lower myself down on his fuckstick. I could feel my erection wilting from the sting, and I realized I was groaning loudly, my voice filling the room. I looked down at Ed and saw that he was staring at me intently, his eyes boring into me, his face as mask of determination as he reached up and began tweaking my nipples, distracting me from what was happening down below by focusing me on the tingles of pleasure up top.

'Fucking hell! Shiiit!' I exclaimed as I finally bottomed out and felt my balls nestling against Ed's thick tatch of pubic hair, and his cock was fully embedded into my sex canal. Ed's hands, callused and rough, were pawing at my nipples, tugging at them, twisting them, sending little jolts of pain and pleasure that went straight to my cock. I tentatively moved around on him, sitting my full weight heavily on Ed as I felt his hot, thick poker inside of me - I had never felt so fully filled with cock, which surprised me. I guess it really isn't just about length guys! At least not for me.

'You're a fucking champ, babe,' Ed grunted at me, his voice heavy with lust, as I felt him shifting below me, his hips trying to buck up as he tried to start fucking me. His hands continued their assault of my nipples and I placed my hands on his hairy chest, steadying myself on him as I shifted my weight back on my thighs and calves, allowing Ed the space to move up and down, pushing his cock in and out of my thoroughly stretched hole. Each time he pushed in, he grunted a deep, loud satisfied growl which I matched with my own guttural noises. I was still feeling uncomfortable, but the pain was subsiding quickly as I got used to the sensation of his full pecker pushing through my assring, the friction now shooting jabs of pleasure that coursed through my entire body. As his massively thick cock fucked virgin territory in my ass, I began to get lost in the awesome sensations that he was eliciting in me. I was proud of how I was riding him like a champion, and I soon became aware of our simultaneous moans of ecstasy as the bed rocked beneath our combined weight, and the distinct sound of my cock and balls slapping against his furry stomach joined the symphony.

'God you're a fantastic fuck,' Ed was breathing heavily, his brow heavy with sweat. He pulled me down and kissed me, his tongue mimicking his anal spear as he stabbed it into my mouth just as his meat kept jabbing into my ass. Sloppily, we kissed, our sweaty torsos pressed together as I pushed down to meet each upward thrust from him, our bodies in sync as we fucked. I was lost in how good I was feeling, allowing Ed's cum pumper easy access into my very being. We were two men lost in a primal haze meeting our basic sexual needs, and it was good.

'Oh yes, yes!' I found myself saying as I came up for air, sweat dripping down my face. Ed sat up, causing me to fall backward. 'I wanna take over,' he said, his low voice husky with want.

Just then, there was a knock on the door and we froze. Ed looked at me quizzically, his cock still inside me. I looked at the bedside table clock and saw that it was almost 8:30pm. I held up my hand to tap him on his chest, indicating he should let me up. Reluctantly, he pulled his still engorged cock from me, and an audible 'plop' could be heard, causing me to laugh. Ed grinned with pride. I swung my legs over and gingerly stood up as another knock sounded.

'Coming!' I called out, feeling slightly woozy from the blood rushing to my head from getting up so quickly. My asshole felt raw and tender, and I knew I was going to walk funny tomorrow, damnit! I waddled toward the door and opened it without checking the peephole again - I mean, I figured, whoever it was was either going to like what they saw, or not, and I really didn't give a fuck lol!

Outside stood Michele, the hot Italian. When he saw me, his eyes widened in surprise, and I cocked my head to indicate he should get in the room. Without hesitation, he crossed the threshold and I shut the door behind him. He slowed down when he saw Ed lounging on the bed calmly, his thick choker of a man trunk still proudly erect, shiny and slick with lube, sweat and my ass juices.

'Strip and join in,' I said to Michele as I walked to the bed and lay down on my back and raised my legs up in an open V, inviting Ed to take his place between. He didn't hesitate and quickly scrambled off the bed and positioned himself, which was remarkably easy since his short stature meant that he had no trouble positioning his cock at the entrance of my hole, with my ass basically at the edge of the mattress. Swiftly, he lined up and pushed in at the same time, knocking the wind out of me as I felt his invading flesh rocket ram into me.

'Ah FUCK!' I yelled in appreciation of welcoming his fucker back into me. Picking right back where he left off, Ed was fucking in and out of me with great vigor and gusto, and I loved every punch of his cock into me as my hands joined his at my tits, rubbing his sandpapery palms against the skin of my chest and drawing their rough texture against my sensitive nipples, adding to my pleasure. Our fuck sounds filled the room, and I looked over at Michele, who was now nude. His eyes regarded us with naked lust, and I was glad to see that he was trim and fit, and true to his advertizing, he was hairy all over. I waved him over to the bed, and he climbed on, angling his handsome cock at my face. I grabbed hold of his hot member and guided it toward my open mouth and greedily began sucking it. He was also uncut, and I tasted a mixture of piss and precum as the ripe scent of man filled my nose. His dark crotch bush tickled my face, just as Ed's similarly wild thicket of pubes tickled my balls with each energetic thrust.

'Mio dio!' Michele exclaimed as I swallowed most of his Italian sausage into my hot little mouth, sucking hard as I felt the length of his maleness fill me. I reached around and grabbed hold of his ass cheeks - hairy as well! - and began looking for his hole, which was guarded by a dense thicket of wiry hairs. When I located it, I pushed against it roughly, eliciting gasps from Michele.

'Sit on my face,' I commanded Michele, who seemed a bit uncomprehending. I let go of his ass cheeks, and pulled his cock up and away from me, causing his hips to buckle forward and swinging his ass towards my face. Michele got the hint and straddled the sides of my head, lowering his ass towards me. I yanked the globes of his fine ass apart and craned my neck upward to lick up the hairy crack. His hair was thick and coarse, and I enjoyed slicking it up with my spit as I kneaded his beautiful buttocks, slapping them now and then. I heard Michele groan, and from the angle I was lying at, I could see that Ed had leaned forward to take his cock into his mouth, sucking him off as his pace slowed somewhat. I spat into Michele's ass and wet two fingers and went in search of his hole - I quickly found it and stuck my fingers in roughly, causing him to wince and whimper above me.

I could hear Ed slurping on Michele's fuck flute and I used my legs to push against his chest lightly. He got the hint and backed away from me, his cock again making a 'plop' sound as he withdrew.

'I wanna fuck you,' I said to Michele as I slapped his ass. He seemed to understand this, and turned his body so he was no longer above me. I got up and reached for a condom as Michele lay on his back and took up the position I had been in just a moment ago. I pushed him slightly so he scooted up the bed so that his ass wasn't hanging off the side of the bed. I was keen to try a chain fuck, which I hadn't experienced before, and I lubed him up after I had dressed my very hard cock with a condom and climbed in between his legs. I raised his legs and placed them on my shoulders and turned round to look at Ed and gave him a nod, which was all he needed to climb on behind me.

As I slowly entered Michele, his tight shitter stretching impressively to accommodate me, I made sure my own legs were spread wide so my asshole was open for the return of Ed's marauding pecker.

'You're a slutty bottom, aren't you?' I taunted Michele, whose eyes were rolled back, his face a mask of bliss as I fed him my long fucker. Behind me, I felt Ed re-enter, and I immediately began rocking my hips. It was an amazing feeling, having my cock buried deep inside the Italian stranger who had just joined us moments ago, while the thickest cock I'd ever taken continued to ride me mercilessly. I allowed Ed to set the pace, and soon, we were a sweating, grunting mess of flesh, muscles, cock, ass and sexual energy. Michele wasn't shy, crying out, his face contorted with lust and exertion as he accepted my thrusting cock. Behind me, Ed's breathing was an erratic series of gasps, and he pressed himself against me, letting me feel his matted chest hair against my back. I bent down and pressed myself against Michele's equally hairy chest, catching his cock between us, rubbing it as I fucked myself into his easy hole, reveling in the hairy manwich I was in between. Our collective body heat was combustible and the unmistakable rumblings in my lower abdomen told me I was close.

'I'm gonna come!' Ed hissed urgently against my ear as he increased his pace further and his right arm came across my neck, grabbing me in a tight chokehold as he insistently forced himself into me with wild abandon, in turn causing me to hammer mercilessly into Michele, who was alternating between whimpers and grunts of lustful satiation.

'FUCK FUCK FUCK,' Ed yelled into my ear as he pumped hard and held still, shooting his seed into the extra wide condom he wore, his hose still deeply embedded inside of me. 'Oh fuck yeah, babe - oh fuck yeah'

Below me, I saw that Michele was urgently jacking his cock with one hand while his other hand pulled at his pink nipples which were peeking out from the tendrils of black chest hair. 'Mio dio, mio dio,' he kept whispering as he looked at me as I continued letting my manhood sink again and again into him. I like fucking a compliant guy and Michele's submissiveness and his incredibly handsome face twisted into a wanton expression of pure animal lust was a huge turn on. After Ed pulled out of me, I eased myself out of the hot, tight hole and scrambled up Michele's body and pulled off the condom and began jerking off furiously at his face. He quickly arched his head forward to take my cock head in his mouth, and as his tongue teased my piss slit, I felt myself orgasm with a ferocious power that caused me to squeeze my eyes shut as I gave myself over to releasing my steamy man cream into Michele's waiting mouth, Shot after shot of my hot cum was eagerly hoovered up and swallowed as I yelled out incomprehensibly, focusing exclusively on the intense feeling of sexual high that I was experiencing in the moment.

As I came off my high, I felt a hot splat against my back, and realized that Michele was coming. I turned round to see Ed move from licking Michele's hairy ballsac to covering his mouth over the cumming fuckhead, eagerly swallowing his male juice just as Michele had swallowed mine. I climbed off Michele and lay down beside him, caressing his body as he jerked spastically, his orgasm taking over him as he groaned with joy. When he was spent, Ed climbed onboard onto both of our bodies, and all our lips met together in a three-way kiss, the collective taste of both our cum mixing together amongst us as we ran our hands across each other, grabbing hold of the flesh that just moments ago had been intimately connected in a most primal and necessary way for each of us.

Temporarily sated, I lay back lazily as Ed, then Michele, slowly got up off the bed. 'Grab some towels to dry off,' I offered, and Ed went into the bathroom and returned with towels for each of us. Silently, almost shyly, they dried off and dressed discreetly, turning their bodies away from each other. I found this amusing but understood - sometimes, when you've shared something so personal, so private, so pure with someone else, you need to hide a bit of yourself away, to collect your thoughts. I raked over their bodies, especially Ed's fat dick, and marvelled at how I had managed a sexual first - a manwich with me in the middle - and a very hairy one no less! I sighed and dried off, still enjoying the tangy taste of cum in my mouth, and cast a quick look at the clock - it was just past 10pm.

Ed, fully dressed, came back to the bed and leaned down to give me a kiss. 'Thanks mate. I had a lot of fun,' he said with a smile. I grinned at him.

"Ciao, ciao!' Michele said, holding his hand up in a wave once he, too, was fully dressed. I waved, and together, the two of them walked toward the door. I heard the door open and slowly shut, leaving the room silent save for my slightly heavy breathing. The bed was a bit messy, and the area we had been fucking on was slightly damp from sweat and spilt lube. I closed my eyes and relaxed for a moment. I love the afterglow of sex almost as much as I enjoy the act of sex itself, and I savored the memory of what had just transpired. Both of them had been hot in his own way, their coincidental hairiness helping me realize how much I enjoy furry guys. I wondered if I would become hairy eventually as I reached down to my hair asshole, which was completely damp from lube and sweat. I held my fingers up to my nose and inhaled deeply, the stench of sex filling me with a heady aroma of desire and I felt my cock begin to stir again.

I rolled over and picked up my phone. I had a few pings from Grindr, among them a couple in their 40s, who looked quite interesting, but no news from my ugly hot meathead, which left me a little disappointed. I put the phone down for a bit and closed my eyes, replaying the evening so far in my mind, and couldn't help letting out a little laugh.

'Fuck me,' I exhaled as I reached down to my sticky cock and felt the residue of sexual release all over my body. Inhaling deeply, I could smell man sex in the air and I drifted off....

I must have been a lot more tired than I realized - I had been to the gym, after all, before taking on two furry dudes at once - and the next time I awoke, it was almost 5am. My body clock was all screwed up from keeping weird fuck hours and some residual jet lag. Amazingly, the room still reeked of cum and sweat, and I lifted my right arm and sniffed my armpit to check - yep, I was rank lol! My mouth felt clammy, caked as it was with spit, cum and sweat, and I exhaled heavily as I rolled round to check my phone. Damn - ugly hot meathead had sent me a bunch of pings after midnight, the last at almost 1am. He'd included a fully nude pic of himself, and I felt my cock stir at the sight of his fine specimen of manhood on display. His cock looked almost 8 inches long, and not too thick, jutting out from a neatly trimmed dark blond bush. His abs were rock hard, as was the rest of his body, which was mostly smooth save for a light smattering of hair across his pecs. What really got me, though, was his face - he wasn't conventionally handsome by a long shot, but there was something I found so attractive about his heavy brow and his lopsided smile and slightly crooked teeth that combined with what came across as supreme self-confidence, even a bit of a swagger, that made me feel really interested in meeting him. I fired off a text: 'Sorry - had too much fun earlier and fell asleep but woke up horny now. U up?'

I put the phone down and closed my eyes, only to be startled by an almost immediate ping from my phone.

'yeah im up. wanna meet?'

I smiled and texted back the affirmative, adding 'im ryan btw'

'stu' he replied, and added in the next message, 'wanna meet me at entrance of ur hotel in 10m?'

I hesitated since I was, quite frankly, pretty content with my state of nudity and comfort. But I thought about how Stu looked and decided to take a chance. After texting him back, I rummaged through my already packed bag and pulled out some worn clothes - I already stank, and it was cold outside, so I figured it didn't matter lol! I made sure I was warm enough by pulling on a beanie to tame my wild hair, checked that I had my room key card and headed out.

Downstairs, as I cut across the deserted lobby, I saw Stu standing outside the glass door and waved. Outside, it was freezing - fuck! He looked at me and grinned that grin that made me weak at the knees and cocked his head indicating that I should follow him. He was dressed like I was, in a hoodie, jeans and sneakers, his head similarly covered with a hoodie.

'Man it's fucking cold,' I muttered to him as I followed him up St Martin's Lane.

'I thought we'd do something fun,' Stu said, and I realized that he was East Coast American, like me, and he had a voice that sounded like warm chocolate to my ears. He cracked a smile that made his lazy bedroom eyes light up with something naughty, and reached out to grab my hand and pulled me along as we turned right at the corner, where surprisingly, there were a couple of cabs plying their trade at this godforsaken hour. Stu seemed to know where he was going, so I asked where our destination was.

'No idea,' he laughed, 'I figured we'd find a spot and heat up!'

'We could have stayed in my hotel room...' I began, and he stopped suddenly, causing me to slam into his strong body. He grabbed hold of my face and whispered to me, 'What's the fun in that?' and kissed me, surprisingly tenderly and sweetly, before pulling me along as we turned left up a cobblestone street that meandered this way and that. We walked past a couple of quiet storefronts, an office buidling that had a security guard sound asleep at the security desk, and just before a brightly lit H&M outlet, we spotted a dark alleyway and Stu tugged me in.

This little pedestrian walkway was quiet brightly lit, but we saw a dark archway ahead and headed there. Once in the shadows, Stu pushed me against the brick wall and pinned me in place as he leaned in for a kiss. His lips were hard, demanding and he wasted no time in rubbing his crotch against mine, and I could feel his hard maleness against my own as the sounds of our lips and tongues playing permeated the relative quiet.

'You ever done it in public?' he asked, his eyes locked on mine, his pupils blown with lust. I shook my head silently, and he grinned again and stuck his tongue out, licking a path from my chin up to my nose, before making his way to my neck. He moaned and whispered in between kisses, 'You smell and taste of sex and cum.'

'I'm a filthy boy,' I replied playfully, and he stopped and looked at me, his expression hot and hungry, saying, 'I like filthy boys.'

We made out ferociously even though it was cold, the heat of our desires warming us up enough to keep us going for a good while as our mouths found each other in the dark. Stu was an expert kisser - an art that's not appreciated enough by us guys I sometimes think - and conveyed so much to me as we connected mouth to mouth, tongue to tongue. As I tasted him, hearing him groan, feeling his need straining valiantly in his pants as he rubbed himself against my own erection, I felt a deep connection with him that maybe went a bit beyond pure animal lust.

Impatient, I let my hands roam under his hoodie and the sweatshirt he wore underneath it, and he winced as my cold hands rubbed against his taut skin that encased his solid muscular bod. He likewise reached down into the back of my pants, his chilly palm kneading my hard ass, causing me to gasp, which caused him to giggle loudly.

'Shhh,' I hissed, trying to control my own laughter.

'Let's get this show on the road,' Stu muttered, his tone suddenly serious, and he began to undo my fly as I pushed my top up slightly, exposing part of my abs to him. He pulled my already hard dick out and gave it a few enthusiastic pulls, causing me to harden even more. Out here in the open, in a corner of an alleyway, I was excited by the thought that even though it was still dark, it was technically almost 6am and surely people might be starting their day.

Stu kissed me hard before sinking to his knees and immediately taking me into his mouth. His warm lips encircled my strong male root and I looked down with joy as he noisily sucked me, his hands massaging my balls as his mouth hoovered the length and breadth of my cock with skill and excitement.

'Uh - that feels fucking awesome, dude,' I told him. Stu was pretty expert at cocksucking, and as he ministered to my member, I grabbed hold of his beanie-enclosed head and held it still as I started fucking his mouth, slowly first, then faster and faster as I picked up the pace, egged on by Stu's grunting and the obscene noises his wet, hot mouth made against my now slick and slimy fuckstick. I could feel his tongue flicking over my opening, each touch sending jolts of electric sensations coursing through all of me as I focused on getting off out in the open with this hot stranger who I was really attracted to.

As my balls began to rise up in anticipation of shooting my load, Stu pulled off my cock and stood up. He had taken out his own cock while on his knees, and his swollen joystick hit mine as he stood before me. He grabbed both our cocks in his hands and began to jerk us off, our hips thrusting in and out in rhythm as our grunts grew louder as our instincts took over and we became two men urgently seeking release from our basest desires.

Stu leaned over to kiss me, his mouth hard and marauding as his hands increased their pace, jacking us off with ever great urgency. I kept my eyes open, watching his closed eyes, his flickering eyelashes and feeling his hot breath against my face as we chased our sexual high.

'Ugh,' Stu groaned, and pulled his lips off mine as he separated our cocks and started jerking me with his right hand while his left hand went to town on his own tool. I pushed his hand away and sank down on my knees, sticking out my tongue to lick at his mushroom cockhead, which caused him to swear really loudly, 'Fucking... shit, fuck yeah!' That was all the encouragement I needed as I took him in, welcoming his new cock into my well-used mouth, savoring his distinct taste as the salty sweet taste of his precum permeated my senses.

'Fuck I'm gonna shoot,' he warned, and I clamped my lips down over his cockhead as he continued jerking off furiously, his breathing loud and ragged. We were reckless but we didn't really care, and I moaned in appreciation as I felt his searing hot love nectar careening down into the back of my throat, one, two, three huge shots filling my mouth completely with the bitter taste of him. I felt some of his cum dripping out the side of my mouth, despite my swallowing eagerly. As I drank his protein-rich ejaculate, Stu looked down at me, his heavily lidded eyes a gorgeous mask of sexual desire as he spilled himself into me, sticking out his own tongue with wanton lust, watching me get my fill of him.

Spent, he pulled his cock from the warmth of my mouth and pulled me up, eagerly joining our mouths and proceeding to use his tongues to invade the deeper caverns of my oral cavity, lapping up his own sweet cum as we swapped spit. 'I loved cumming for you,' he said, smiling as his cold hand grabbed hold of my still swollen cock and began jacking me again. Leaning down, he spat on my cock and kept on tugging at me. 'You're bigger than I am,' he said, his voice soft and almost tender, and he smiled at me, at once naughty and - could it be? - a bit shy.

'Cum for me?' he asked as he looked in my eyes, and I nodded urgently, my breathing already labored as I responded to his expert masturbatory skills. Returning the favor, he knelt before me and quickly stuffed his face with my manmeat and soon, the air was filled with the unmistakable sound of him sucking me off as I encouraged him along, 'Fucking suck my dick, man. That's it - make me shoot for you, dude.'

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a figure walking by not 10 feet away and I froze for a moment, but the woman (I think it was a woman lol!) didn't seem to notice us, and Stu never stopped, sucking me as if my cock was the only thing that sustained life for him, and pretty soon, I threw my head back and felt a low, guttural growl building up within me as I started my orgasm. Nutting into his mouth out in the fucking cold open air, I felt Stu's now warm hands rubbing up and down the length of my torso, and my ass, as he drank my hot load till I was as spent as he had been a few moments ago.

'Fuck, that was awesome,' I whispered when I regained the ability to talk.

'You're awesome,' Stu smiled as he stood up, licking his lips with satisfaction, as we both started putting our cocks away and buttoning up our pants. Once dressed, he grabbed hold of my hand and we began walking back the same way we had come. We walked silently, but I was keenly aware that there was something passing between us. I'm no stranger to random casual hookups, and I could tell he was just as, if not even more, experienced as I was, but from the way we were in comfortable silence and the little looks we exchanged, I wondered if maybe I would remember him far longer than any other guys I had fucked around with in the last few years.

At the entrance to the hotel, I slowed down, but Stu kept pulling me as he smiled and walked into the hotel. He leaned in as we got to the elevators and asked, 'Your room or mine?' I pushed the button to my floor, and we rode up in silence.

Once in my room, we wordlessly took off our clothes, neither of us shy, especially not after we had already sampled each other's goods and bodily fluids lol! I led Stu to the bathroom and we got in the shower, allowing the warm water to wash over us as we washed and soaped ourselves, first individually, then each other. I loved the feel of his hands on my body, softly caressing my skin as he washed away evidence of the other men I'd fucked and been fucked by earlier that night, and I did likewise for him, though I had no idea if he was as insatiable as I am. We kissed softly, and our cocks maintained semi-erections as we took our time. I was very aware that this was not something I had ever done - ever wanted to do - with any of the fuck buddies and strangers I had been with before; not even Todd. When we finally shut off the water and began to towel each other off, I began to feel a bit freaked out by what was happening.

'I dunno what's happening, but maybe you should go?' I asked as we emerged from the bathroom.

Stu, his magnificent nude body so hard and sculpted like a statue, looked at me quietly and nodded. Wordlessly, he dressed while I sat down on the bed and watched him. When he was done, he hesitated for a moment, before striding over and giving me a long, tender kiss. He looked at me, his eyes searching, and then he grinned and winked at me as he turned and walked out of the room.

Lying on the bed, I realized I could overthink things, or I could switch off and try to get some sleep. It was almost 6:15am, and I figured I had a little over 2 hours before the wake up call I had arranged would come a-calling. Given the amount of sex I had enjoyed during the last 12 hours, I fell deeply asleep without any trouble.

When the wake up call came, I felt ready to get up and get going. I looked at my phone - there were a few pings, and one pretty substantial one from Stu, which I read with surprise and some level of unfamiliar excitement. I got up, got ready, and managed to get to the train station on time to catch the train to Bath I was scheduled for. The rest of this particular London vacation was a big yawn sexually - nothing kills my buzz as much as enforced cheer and close quarters with my parents - but I will sign off by saying that that was not the last encounter I had with Stu. Maybe one day - if I ever have enough time (again sorry this last chapter is so fucking late) - I will tell you about my sexual adventures... as one half of a couple with Stu:-)

Next: Chapter 12

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