London Vacation

By Ryan Zackheim

Published on Jul 12, 2017


London Vacation 12

DISCLAIMER AND COPYRIGHT: Please do not take any part or whole of this story without the author's permission. No one under the age of 18 should read this story.

WARNING: Due to the depiction of graphic sex and adult situations which may be illegal where you reside and are reading this story, I urge you to check with your local laws. Please contact the author with comments. No flames, please.


  1. Hey guys - it's been almost 2 years since I was in London (I posted the last two parts of my 2015 trip really late - sorry!) and it was time to come back! In fact, it was in writing part 11 that I started feeling like I should make a return visit to this city

  2. I'm not going to write about Stu and I because we're no longer together. Maybe one day I will, but for now, let's not go there

  3. As usual, thanks to all the guys who gave great feedback - I've enjoyed hearing from you all. I've tried to be as accurate as I can with everything I've written, and these latest bits are no exception 4. Please donate to Nifty! It's a valuable resource and would be much appreciated.

London! As my plane touched down at Heathrow, I felt a great sense of anticipation - every time I'm in London, I have a great time, and I was expecting the same this year. I used to travel here with my parents, but this year, I'm flying solo. It's not a long trip - just a couple of days away from work (yes, I'm now working - schoolboy no more!), long enough to scratch my itch lol!

The UA flight from Newark was uneventful - no one getting dragged off the plane thankfully. When I finally emerged from Terminal 2 at Heathrow, though, the unreasonably warm weather hit me. I've never known London to be this warm, but compared to the heat wave back in NYC, this was still miles better! I checked my phone for any messages and started up my Uber app to catch a ride.

It was late afternoon by the time the Uber driver dropped me off in front of 65 Star Road with my bag. Throughout the drive from Heathrow Airport, I found myself taking in the sights of West London -- an area I wasn't familiar with, but had decided I was going to call home for the next few days because the living situation I had arranged was pretty sweet, as you will see.

Ever since 2011, when the taking root of my voracious sexual appetite coincided with a family vacation here in London, I have thought of this city as my `sexual home'. I know it sounds silly, but the guys I met here are the ones who feature most prominently in my spank bank.

Since that first trip when I was 17, I've started and completed college, had a semi-serious relationship that ended in flames, and started working. I had a couple of vacation days to clear, so since I've always had a great time here, I thought I'd come back for some real rest and relaxation lol!

Although I could have gone the usual hotel (St Martin's Lane, anyone?) or AirBnB route, I had something a little different in mind and posted an ad on my old friend, Craigslist, detailing what I had in mind. To be honest, I couldn't believe people still use CL, but clearly they do!

I received quite a lot of responses, and winnowed them down to 2: One from Mateo, a Spanish guy who was looking for someone to take over his room for 2 weeks while he was away, and another from Mark, a guy in his late 40s who offered a spare room in a house he shared with his partner Cory.

It was Mark and Cory's place I was standing in front of at the moment as the Uber pulled away. The house was an unassuming 2 storey terrace with a white door along what seemed to be a residential street as I looked around. I remember passing by the Queen's Tennis Club as the driver took me here, and I took a moment to take a breath before I rang the doorbell.

Within seconds, the door opened and Mark was standing in front of me, a grin on his face. We had conversed via Skype, so I knew he was a daddy-type with a buff physique and a thick Northern accent which always makes me horny. What is it about that accent that gets my sexual juices flowing?

`Hey, Ryan!' Mark said in a friendly tone as he opened his arms to hug me. As I responded, I felt his hard, muscular body pressing against mine, and I inhaled his scent, which smelt faintly of tobacco and aftershave. The weather was warm, and Mark was dressed in shorts and a white t-shirt which felt soft to the touch of my hands as I hugged him back.

`Come in, come in,' Mark said as he let go, and took hold of my bag and led me into the house. The little hallway led to a living room and kitchen, with a small grassy patio out back framed by a set of sliding glass doors. Beyond that was a wooden fence and the backyard of a neighbor's house. Mark was giving me a tour, pointing out the toilet to the side, as I took in the simply furnished surroundings. It was nothing fancy, but I'd seen worse in my days as a student, and this looked several steps up from that so I was reasonably pleased.

Mark led the way up a surprisingly wide set of stairs to the second floor which ended in front of three doors. The bathroom was directly in front of the stairs, and I could see it was a good size, with a full bath tub on the left, sink and toilet in the middle, and a shower vestibule on the right. A window above the toilet and sink provided a view of the neighbor in the back, while a large wall mirror spanned the length of the bath tub on the left wall, giving the bathroom a lot of light.

Nice mirror in the bathroom,' I commented, a hint of mischief in my voice, and Mark looked at me and grinned. He had very strong features, and his close cropped hair was all silver, which made a good contrast to his ruddy complexion. Turning out of the bathroom, he led me to the bedroom on the right of the stairs, which had a queen sized bed and was simply furnished with a desk and chair, a closet, a chest of drawers and an armchair with a nightstand next to it. There were two windows in the room on opposite walls -- the one facing the front had heavy blinds which were drawn at the moment, letting in the light, and the one in the back was smaller and had a light curtain over it, through which I could just make out the outline of the back neighbor's house. Mark put down my bag. This is yours -- it's simple but comfy.'

`Thanks,' I smiled, and pushed my bag further into the room and put down the carry-on bag I had slung around me.

`Why don't you take a moment, and come look for me next door when you're done,' he nodded toward the other bedroom to the left of the stairs.

I had slept soundly on the plane ride over -- thank you, anti-histamines! -- and so felt quite alive and awake. It was about 3pm, so I made swift work of unpacking. I hadn't packed too much stuff because... well, I wasn't planning on being dressed very much lol! In the last few years, I've really come into my sexuality and I realized that I am horny almost all the time. I've had days where I've jerked off three to four times in a row, and still had more libido leftover for later, which isn't uncommon among men my age, I think. I was never `virginal', but my love of sex has led me back here to London, the city where many of the most fulfilling sexual encounters I have had have taken place, hungry and eager for more.

With everything put away in my room, I pulled out my toiletries and headed to the bathroom with my towel. It was only then that I realized that there wasn't a door to my bedroom. Nor was there a door in the other room -- which from where I was standing in the moment, looked quite dark and shadowy -- or on the bathroom doorway! This was interesting, but I didn't really care because I had been quite clear with Mark and Cory about the purpose of my visit to London.

I had imagined the conversation would be awkward -- how do I tell a complete stranger I want to rent a room in their place for a couple of nights because I basically wanted to fuck my brains out while I'm here? Surprisingly, once I actually got the words out, I found that people either never responded again, or they did so with interest. Mark and Cory had made it clear they were a couple who enjoyed extracurricular sexual company, and I had been treated to the sight of both their nude forms via Skype, so this arrangement without the doors didn't faze me at all.

I stripped and put my toiletries where I thought it made sense to leave them, and hopped into the shower vestibule, enjoying the water that washed away any residual fatigue in my body from the travel while enjoying the view of myself in the big mirror that faced me. My efforts at the gym over the years have been paying off, especially in the last 3 months where I've been pushing myself harder at the gym. My pecs were well defined and, in contrast to my previously hairless form, a very light dusting of dark blond hair had appeared over my chest. My nipples -- so sensitive and pink -- were hardening and darkening now as I looked at my body admiringly. I admit to being a bit narcissistic on this front, but I couldn't help it. My body had given me -- and many men -- a lot of pleasure, and as I rinsed the shampoo from my head, I saw the strong curves of my biceps and triceps and the surprisingly large thatch of dark blonde underarm pubes that was getting soaked as I continued my shower. My abs were hard, though I still don't have a six pack, and broad shoulders tapered into my narrow waist from which a happy trail emerged just below my belly button as it went increasingly wild the further south it grew until a tangle of curls framed my now glistening and semi-hard cock. All this hair was still relatively new to me, having not been a hirsute teenager, and I was enjoying the feel of the rough tendrils in my hands whenever I brushed my hands across my skin. I didn't bother to shave because my cock was a good size, as were my heavy balls, which I was now soaping enthusiastically before my hands reached behind me to my anus. Strangely, that was the one area of my anatomy that had become hairy earliest upon puberty, and though I had shaved it in the past, I now let the hair run free there as well, and I enjoyed stroking the thick, coarse curls whenever I cleaned myself there.

I stuck a soapy finger into my asshole, just for the fun of it, and felt my cock twitching in response. I had rubbed one out this morning before heading to Newark to catch my flight, which meant it had been almost a whole half a day since my last release -- an interval not unheard of, but one I hoped to avoid during this season of sex.

I toweled dry, enjoying how the mirror never fogged over thanks to the ventilation that comes from not having a door. I also noticed that the window didn't have blinds, and looking out, I realized it looked straight into the neighbor's bedroom. No one was home at the moment, and the height of the window probably meant no one could actually see more than my upper torso, but the thought of easy voyeurism sent another thrill through my body. I was relaxed and ready as I wrapped the towel loosely around my hips and turned right as I walked out the bathroom.

The reason for the darkness in Mark and Cory's room was immediately clear to me as I saw that he had the blinds down on one window, and the other facing the back had a dark curtain drawn over it. The room was larger than mine, with a king sized bed occupying the center, a large wardrobe unit, a standing mirror, and two arm chairs. There was a large screen television mounted on the wall facing the bed, and everything seemed nicely furnished. But the thing that struck me most about the room was the smell -- it smelt of sex and men, and instantly, I felt aroused; how much sex did they have that even without doors and those big windows, the room reeked of it?

Mark was sitting down in one of the arm chairs. He had taken off his t-shirt and was just dressed in his shorts, reading what looked like a really thick novel. With his reading glasses on, he looked almost intellectual, and he looked up and smiled at me as I walked further into the room.

`All freshened up I see,' he said as he slipped a placeholder between the pages and put the book down.

My half-hard cock was pushing against the material of my towel, and because I've never been shy about my sexual desire, I let myself continue to harden as I walked toward this man who was to be my landlord for the next few days.

`Would you like a first instalment on the rent I owe you?' I asked as I stood in front of him.

`Don't mind if I do,' Mark said, his voice low and sexy as his eyes raked over my body before coming to rest at my crotch which was at his eye level. He reached forward and gently tugged my towel which quickly fell away onto the floor, exposing my youthful cock and balls to his feasting eyes. I was fully hard now, and my cock head was exposed as my member pointed up toward Mark's face at a 45 degree angle from my flat torso.

Silently, Mark used both his hands -- which were surprisingly calloused and rough -- to pull me toward him. He caressed my hips as his lips parted and his tongue emerged to lick the tip of my cock, teasing my piss slit with his moist muscle, tasting me, testing me out. His hands rubbed up and down my hips and began reaching back to my buttocks with their very light sprinkling of downy hairs, kneading the muscular orbs as he opened wide his mouth and engulfed my cock head inside the warmth of his oral cavity. I felt the damp heat of his mouth around my cock and let out a purr of satisfaction -- it's been a while since a man had sucked me, and I enjoyed his ministrations as wet sucking noises began to fill the room whilst I fed Mark my man meat.

I found myself looking through the slits of the window blinds, at the bright sunlight outside, and wondered if people on the street walking by could imagine the rental payment that was being doled out at this very moment as they hurried by on this weekday afternoon. Mark's mouth was eager and hungry, and he took more and more of my penis into his mouth, and I found myself breathing heavily in time with his suction intervals -- in, out, as pleasure coursed through my body. I placed my hands on either side of his face and gently held his head still as I began to fuck his mouth slowly, pushing more and more of myself into his willing throat until my pubic bush was pressed up against his nose and he was deeply inhaling me, his hands grabbing at my butt, pulling the cheeks apart as his fingers rubbed against my hairy asshole, each brush a shock to my sexual circuit.

I eased up and let go of his head after a while, pulling my saliva coated cock out of his mouth.

`You ready for me, boy?' Mark asked as he stood up quickly and pushed his shorts down, exposing a powerful set of thighs between which a massive curved pecker jutted out obscenely at me. His organ was of average thickness and pointed to the left mid way down its considerable length, tapering into a mushroom head that was already red and leaking precum.

I nodded as I silently watched him kick off his shorts and reach for a condom from a bowl filled with condoms by the bed stand. As he sheathed up, I took the bottle of lube beside the bowl and squirted a generous dollop into my hand and rubbed some on my cock before sliding the rest into my shit chute, greasing it up for action. Wordlessly, Mark turned me over and pushed me onto the bed face down, kicking my legs apart as he positioned himself in between them and bent over me. I could feel his hot, strong body covering mine as his thick crooked cock pressed against my ass as he rubbed it over and over against me. Guiding his cock with one hand towards my hole while his other hand pressed lightly on my back, keeping me prone, I felt the familiar searing sting as the head of his fucker penetrated me, forcing me open to his invading pecker. I let out a cry, which filled the warm, dark room. Mark kept slowly pushing himself into me, filling me up with his meat as my hole stretched more and more to accommodate the thickening lower sections of his fuck pole. I breathed deeply and realized that the bed sheet smelt of dried cum -- the source of the stench of man sex! -- and the heady aroma further inflamed my lust for fucking as I moaned in appreciation of the cock that was being fed to me from behind.

`You like that?' Mark grunted at me as I felt him bottoming out, his cock bush flush against my ass.

`Fuck yeah,' I answered in a voice thick with lust and longing. It didn't matter that I had barely said anything to Mark since we met in person. Our deal was clear -- fucks for fun and payment. He and Cory had been generous, not insisting on daily payments while I lived rent-free with them for the four days we agreed, but even while we were negotiating via Skype, seeing them and how hot they were, I knew I would have sex with them a few times a day if they wanted to in exchange for the free room.

Behind me now, Mark began to piston into me with increasing speed and vigor. My asshole, long used to being invaded by manly weapons, was still tight thanks to genetics and my fervent exercise of it, and I could tell that Mark was enjoying the tension my asshole walls were providing to his member as he slid in and out of me. The room was hot, and we were both sweating now. I could feel Mark's damp chest against my back, the sticky sensation of our fleshly connection fanning outwards from where we were physically joined together, permeating every inch of our bodies as we gave ourselves over to enjoying each other. The sounds of our fucking -- the slap, slap, slap of his hips against my buttocks, his balls against mine, and the grunts and groans that heightened my animalistic lust -- was like a soundtrack in the dark room.

`You're even hotter than I expected,' Mark whispered into my ear, his hot breath tickling my neck as he leaned himself fully onto me and pushed ever harder into me. He yanked my hair back with his right hand as his left arm encircled my neck. I was panting with excitement and sexual frenzy, and this rough treatment tipped me into an even higher plane of arousal. I felt owned and this intensified my longing, and I could feel Mark's thick, hard fuck tool pounding into me while my own cock ached and chafed as my groin was pushed into the bed. I breathed in deeply, allowing the smell of sex to fully fill my senses, and as his cock touched my prostate with each push, I let out a cry that was loud and necessary and came into the sheets, my hot cum instantly staining my own abdomen and abs. Above me, Mark just carried on fucking, focusing his attention on his own climax. I was a rag doll in his control, limp as he tugged and pushed and rutted in and out of me till I felt him shiver and heard him let out a long groan. Inside my fuck hole, I could feel his cockhead pulsing as he shot his cum into the condom while deeply embedded in my bowels.

`Fuck, fuck, fuck...' he uttered as the last of his seed was spilled, and he collapsed on top of me.

We were a sweaty mess, and the stale smell of cum wafted around us as I caught my breath slowly.

`That was amazing, thanks,' I said, as I shifted beneath him. Mark rolled off me to one side and I turned to look at him, a satisfied smile on my lips.

`You are one hot fuck,' Mark said as he ran his hand down my side, pausing at my hip bone to give it a little squeeze, before he reached down toward my cock, tugging at the soggy, cum spattered cock bush around it and bringing it to his lips as he licked my fast drying cum off his fingers. I leaned over and kissed him, tasting the familiar flavor of my man batter in his mouth as we sucked on each other's tongues and our hands began roaming up and down our bodies.

We continued making out for a while longer, savoring the afterglow of good sex, till I lay back with a contented sigh, feeling sleepy.

`What time is it?' I asked, my voice thick and slow.

`Almost 5,' Mark replied, lying flat on the bed.

I sat up and looked in the mirror. My hair was a mess, but my face had that healthy glow that came from a good seeing to. I looked over at Mark -- although he was probably in his late 40s, his body was tight and strong. There were the beginnings of love handles and there was a broadness to his body that came with age, but overall, he was a good specimen, and that cock, even soft as it was now, was a beauty. The condom was slipping off, and I reached down to pull it off, spilling the spunky contents onto his cock. He watched me with hooded eyes as I leaned down and licked up his man juice. He tasted different -- every man tastes different, I have found -- his semen thick and gloopy, a strong tangy taste to it.

`You are one dirty fucker,' Mark chuckled as I kept teasing his cock, having cleaned up his cum. He was hardening slightly, but I knew that it was unlikely he could go for round two now. I licked a line up his body and our lips met again.

`I'll go get cleaned up -- again,' I said. I got up and picked up my still damp towel from the floor and headed back into the bathroom.

After a second shower, I looked into Mark and Cory's room and saw that it was empty. I got dressed in a clean shirt and a pair of shorts, going commando, and headed down stairs.

Mark was seated on the sofa, shirtless in a small pair of white briefs. He was still reading that tome, so I sat by him and asked him what it was.

`A Little Life,' he said and showed me the cover. I had heard about this novel -- all 700+ pages of it -- and had been intrigued.

`If you finish it while I'm still here, maybe I could borrow it?' I asked.

`Sure,' he replied and went back to reading.

I stood up. `I think I'm going to take a walk around the neighborhood.'

Mark got up and gave me a set of keys, showing me how they worked, and explaining a bit of the area's layout.

`Cory won't be back till late tonight, he's got to work, so you probably won't meet him till tomorrow morning,' Mark said.

`Will you be up waiting for him?' I asked.

Mark smiled. `Maybe. Our room is always open so feel free to come in any time,' he said, making sure I understood what he meant by gently squeezing my right pec as he talked.

`If you're up, maybe we could fool around some more,' I said, as I headed to the door. I smiled and waved as I let myself out.

The street was still quite quiet, so I took a leisurely stroll. My sense of direction is pretty good, so I was able to make my way around up the main artery called North End Road and stopped into West Kensington Underground Station to purchase an Oyster card, before going further along up what looked like a highway (very strange) and suddenly found myself in front of a big supermarket called Tesco. Curious, I went inside and spent a good amount of time wandering the aisles, looking at the different groceries compared to what I was familiar with back in New York, and generally being a bit geeky.

I lost track of time, and when I left the store, the sun was setting. It was still bright and the day was still clear, but now, the roads were heavy with traffic, and as I turned back onto North End Road, I saw lots of people making their way home. I walked slowly and observed them, and took my time.

Although I hadn't eaten on the plane, having slept the whole way over, I wasn't feeling very hungry even though it was probably dinner time because of all the good protein (mine and Mark's) I had consumed recently. I chuckled to myself as I walked past a Costa coffee shop, a few minimarts, a Thai restaurant and a kebab store. I stopped to look from outside the window to watch the guy slicing from a large hunk of meat, when one of the customers caught my eye.

He looked to be in his 20s, in a nondescript blue suit. He was tall, nice haircut, and his expression was serious and distracted. I stared openly at him for a while, and he noticed me looking. Emboldened by the fact that I've successfully picked up guys from just about anywhere in New York, I gave him a friendly smile -- nothing that could be misconstrued as a come-on, though offering the possibility. He looked away and didn't return my gaze -- a pity. He ordered something to go and paid for it. As he emerged from the store, he looked at me briefly as if he was going to say something, but then turned and carried on. It was the direction I was heading towards Mark and Cory's, so I followed behind him in a few paces, careful not to seem as if I was tailing him, but letting him know I was there if he was interested.

He didn't turn round, but as he walked down Challoner Street (I read the sign), I looked at the houses we were walking by and I peeked into some of the people going about their evenings. Kebab guy walked off, but I slowed down as I spotted a guy casually smoking while standing in front of an open window. I looked at the sky and decided to throw caution to the wind.

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