London Vacation

By Ryan Zackheim

Published on Nov 26, 2015


London Vacation 7

DISCLAIMER AND COPYRIGHT: Please do not take any part or whole of this story without the author's permission. No one under the age of 18 should read this story.

WARNING: Due to the depiction of graphic sex and adult situations which may be illegal where you reside and are reading this story, I urge you to check with your local laws. Please contact the author with comments. No flames, please.


  1. First, thanks to everyone who stayed with me through all 6 chapters of "London Vacation". I've been busy with college but am back in London for Thanksgiving and decided to chronicle my sexcapades again.

  2. Second - please donate to Nifty! It's a valuable resource and would be much appreciated.

  3. That's it - hope you find what I've been up to stimulating:-P

London - it's good to be back!

It's been 4 years since I've been here, and just in time for Thanksgiving week, an arctic chill's brought an icy blast into the city as I arrive. Oh well. It's like the city's welcoming me back by making the weather kinda like how it is back in the East Coast lol! I'm in town with my parents again - instead of going to visit the extended family for Thanksgiving this year, they decided to hop across the pond to visit with Lynn, my dad's business associate, who invited them to her son's wedding up in Bath. I had the option of hanging back but since I'd had such a great time in London before, I would have been a dumbass not to tag along - especially since they agreed that I could stay in London alone whilst they went to Bath a few days early; the only requirement was that I had to get myself up there by Thanksgiving Thursday for our family gathering before the wedding over the weekend, and I was not about to look a gift horse in the mouth! I could have a fuckload of sex between Monday and Thursday!

I'm now 21, no longer the nubile 17 year old I was when I first got to London, but if anything, my sex drive seems to have gotten even stronger, if the semi-hard cock I'd been sporting ever since we got off the flight was any indication! I guess this has something to do with biology - but I also think being in London, where I'd had a bit of a sexual awakening previously, was making me extra horny too. Heathrow Airport is a clusterfuck this Monday afternoon, and even though it's only 4pm, it's looking rather dark outside once we make it to the taxi line. Mom and Dad are overnighting in London before heading to Bath tomorrow morning, and I'll join them there on Thursday morning - since Thanksgiving isn't celebrated here in the UK, the trains are running, which gives me one more night to get my rocks off in the capital city. I'd skipped a couple of days of classes at NYU so I could make this trip, and I was going to make sure every second counted!

Ever since I knew we were coming back to London, I'd been thinking back to what an awesome time I had when I was last here. In particular, I was thinking about David, Tom and Claudio, the 3 guys who had initiated me into group sex 4 years ago one long, sweaty, fuck-filled afternoon during which I still am not sure whether or not I had been raped by Claudio. I guess I can live with `forcibly fucked' lol! The experience is still etched in my memory as the most intense sexual experience of my life, and I wonder if this trip to London will yield anything that might eclipse that.

By the time we got to the hotel, I was aching with lust, which is kinda sad if you think about it, since I had not made any plans to hook up with anyone tonight. We were staying at the St Martin's Lane Hotel again, but I doubted if David and Tom were still working there - I imagine the turnover rate for concierge staff might be pretty high in a city full of hotels like London. This didn't stop me from looking around to try to spot either one of them, of course, but no luck. I wondered if any of the staff here might recognize me from the last time we stayed here, even though I look just a bit different these days. I'm wearing my blonde hair longer these days just around my nape and chin, and my features look a smidgen older, though I still get carded all the time because I apparently don't look over 18. I've been working out more - my pecs are pretty cut these days, and my arms are pretty strong. Still no six-pack though cos I just can't be bothered to starve myself lol! I think I've grown about an inch in height, but I'm still no giant, just shy of 6 feet tall. My pubes have thickened and cos I still can't be bothered to shave down there, there's now a thatch of dirty blond curls framing my cock and balls. I did shave my asshole for a while, but I haven't in the last year, so it's pretty wild down there. Guys seem to like it, so I just leave it.

The parents and I are in adjacent rooms tonight, which kinda sucks cos I'm pretty loud when I have sex - I guess this means I might not be getting much action. We're on the 4th floor, and I am pleasantly surprised to see that they've renovated the rooms, as far as I can remember. The stuff looks new, and I enjoy the floor to ceiling windows and the view for a moment. As soon as I drop my bags, the door to the adjoining room opens and my dad pokes his head into my space to tell me we're going to dinner. I look at my watch - it's only 5pm - but before I can say anything, my dad tells me he and mom insist on dinner together tonight before they head off to the theatre (yucks!), so I have no choice but to hustle. I've got half an hour, so I quickly strip off and jump in the shower to clean up after all that traveling. I've noticed these days that I'm beginning to develop a bit more of a musky smell - I'm not quite sure how I feel about it, to be honest. On another guy, I usually find this intoxicating, but on myself, I wonder if I stink sometimes lol! While I shower, I swiftly take care of draining my balls of some pent up jism. There is no way I can sit through dinner feeling so horned up! The shower is strong and loud, so I'm pretty sure my grunts as I shoot my ropey cum all over the walls of the shower stall can't be heard by my parents in their bathroom next door.

Once I'm ready and dressed, I check in with them, and as usual, dad's taking forever to shower. It's a standing joke between mom and I that dad could win an award for taking the longest showers ever, but I do sometimes wonder what he gets up to in there. I don't have sexual fantasies about my dad and I don't remember what he looks like naked these days - the last time we saw each other nude, I was about 8 or 9? Anyway, it looks like he'll be a while longer, so I tell mom I'm gonna wait downstairs in the lobby - I figured I might do a bit of cruising while waiting lol!

It's pretty dead this Monday evening in the hotel lobby - just the staff behind the reception and a lone woman sitting by herself, glued to her phone. This gives me an idea and I saunter over to the concierge. It's manned by a cute guy with olive skin and dark eyes. His name tag says his name is Joao. He smiles and politely answers my question about cell phone services here in London. I've been on Grindr for the last couple of years and find it pretty decent for snagging hookups, but I don't want to rack up a massive roaming data bill - my dad made me responsible for all my bills ever since I started college. Javier is super helpful and tells me he will get me a SIM card for my iPhone with prepaid data, minutes and texts on it, no problem, and charge it to my room. The whole time we talk, I use my Gaydar to figure out if he could be interested in a bit of fun - he's pretty hot - but no dice. He's polite and friendly but doesn't take any of my semi-flirty statements as an invitation to chat. As we finish, I ask him if David or Tom still work there, and he gives nothing away when he smiles and says that he's only been at the hotel a few months but hasn't heard of any staff in the concierge team by those names. It was a long shot anyway.

I head back upstairs since my parents haven't materialized, and when I get back into my room and check in, my dad's just emerged from the shower. I groan and tell them to let me know when they're ready to go and fire up my iPad. It's pretty old-fashioned, but I have a quick look at Craigslist to see if there are any potential hook-ups near by for later tonight. It's almost a hail mary, I know, and it looks pretty dead. I am just about to search for saunas when my parents knock on the adjoining door to indicate they are ready to go. Looks like it's gonna be a frustrating night!

We have dinner at what is billed as the oldest restaurant in London, Rules, and although the menu looks good, I don't have much of an appetite since flying tends to screw up my digestive clock. Besides, I'm still holding out hope that this little vacation will kick off tonight with some hot action for me lol! After dinner, my folks head around the corner to see a show entitled `The Play that Goes Wrong' (which does not appeal at all to me), telling me not to wander around too much and to meet them for breakfast the next morning. The night air is pretty chilly as I walk away from the theatre entrance and wonder what kind of trouble I can get myself into for the next few hours. I can't really pick up anyone since I can't bring them back to my hotel room, and I'm not about to go over to some guy's place since I have to be back in my room tonight - I won't put it past my parents to check in on me when they get back, even though I'm a grown man these days lol!

As I walk around the corner of the theatre, I see what looks like a hotel lobby. I back track to where I see a smartly dressed doorman in grey and he greets me as he opens the door. There's a busy lobby bar, and although I have no idea what hotel this is, judging from the crowd, it looks pretty swanky, lots of business suits and the like. I make my way to the bar and look around me as I wait to order. It's pretty busy, so I'm standing there for a while before I get to tell the bartender I'm looking for a rum and coke. I nurse my drink for a few minutes, surveying the crowd. The receipt from the bar tab says this is One Aldwych, a pretty nice name for the hotel, and I notice the reception counter in the far back, tucked away from the bar. I look up to where there appears to be a mezzanine restaurant and immediately, I see a guy sitting by himself. He looks to be about 50, with salt and pepper hair, and he's wearing a pair of dark-framed glasses as he reads the menu. I like the looks of him - he's got a ruddy tan, and a handsome face. Sitting down, I can't tell what his body looks like, but as I've said before, I'm not too fussy about the guys I fuck with - so long as they have a set of working cock and balls and can satisfy me, I'm pretty easy lol!

I'm staring at him now, and as he puts down the menu, he looks around briefly and I take the chance to raise my hand at him. If he sees me, and is interested, I might snag myself some fun; if not, he might think I'm waving at someone else. The gambit works and he looks at me. I give him a smile and very subtly drop my right hand down to brush against my crotch briefly, keeping my eyes on him. The waiter comes to stand before him at that moment, and he turns away for a second before turning back down to look at me. I hold his gaze, and see him turn back to the waiter. In a few moments, I watch the waiter walk away and he gets up, looking at me again, before he walks out of view. I stand still at the bar and notice a woman looking at me to my right - she's about 40 I guess, dressed in business wear, and her eyes unmistakably look interested at me. I stifle a laugh, and just then, the guy walks up to me.

`Hello,' I say to him.

Hello,' he replies, How are you this evening?'

He has a Scottish accent (I've gotten better at identifying accents since I was last here!) and somehow his words go straight to my cock, making it twitch. I adjust it slightly and lean toward him to reply, `Horny as fuck.'

He chuckles and I see he has a nice smile that makes him look younger. `You Yanks are direct, aren't you?' he says, as he looks around briefly. I raise my eyebrows at him and he cocks his head and begins to lead the way. I follow him away from the bar, toward the hotel reception. To the right of it are a pair of elevators, and he presses the Up button as we silently stand slightly apart waiting. My cock is hardening in my pants with every moment - hotel sex is my favorite kind of sex; there's something both classy and seedy about it that really gets to me. When the elevator arrives, I follow him in and see him press the button for the 4th floor - a nice coincidence that we're on the same level, but in different hotels. The car is empty so he turns to me and extends his hand, introducing himself as Shane. I almost laugh since shaking hands seems so chaste and formal given what we're about to do, but I just grin and tell him my name, Ryan. We exit the elevator at the 4th floor and I follow him down a quiet corridor to his room and wait for him to open the door before following him inside. The decor at One Aldwych is luxe but understated and a bit old fashioned compared to my room. There's a big king bed that I head toward as the door closes and Shane flicks the lights on, bathing the room in a warm glow.

I was about to have myself some dinner downstairs,' he says, The menu was good.' He paused then continued, `So, let's see what's on this menu you've got.'

Without saying anything, I start undressing. This is one of my favorite moments in any sexual encounter - the moment when I strip myself naked, presenting my body unashamedly to whoever would be fucking me. I take off my jacket and put it on a chair then kick off my shoes by it, pulling off my socks before straightening up. Shane hasn't so much as blinked as he looks at me, lust beginning to cloud his pupils, his mouth slightly open in a leer as he watches me. I pull off the sweater and T-shirt I'm wearing, exposing my smooth, hard chest and torso to him. I undo my belt and make short work of my pants, folding all my clothes neatly on the chair and stand before him in my CK briefs which are tented with my 7 inch erection obscenely pulling the fabric away, exposing my hairy ball sac at the side.

`Fuck,' Shane mutters appreciatively as he begins to unzip his own trousers and fishes out a semi-hard dick which looks incredibly tasty to me right now.

I pull off my briefs and kick them off to where my shoes and socks are beneath the chair and stand proudly naked, exposing all my flesh for his eyes. His cock quickly hardens as his eyes rake over me, and I see him looking lustfully at my hard cock which is pointing straight up at an angle that positions its head right in Shane's line of sight. He lets out a heavy sigh as he watches me flex my dick, causing it to oscillate up and down, hypnotizing him as I work my groin muscles. I start to massage my own body, letting my hands roam all over my skin, feeling my own horny sensations wash over me as I let this stranger look at me whilst I touch myself. I tweak my nipples, which instantly harden and darken and my cock starts leaking precum onto the carpeted floor.

Shane moves over to me quickly, and I feel his hands pulling me toward him urgently. I am pressed against his fully clothed body, his hands - large and surprisingly callused - are kneading my ass, squeezing and stroking them as I feel his exposed cock pressing against my hip. The skin-sheathed shaft feels thick and hot and long and I reach for it between us, causing Shane to hiss as I encase it in my hands and give it a welcome squeeze. He leans into me, and presses his lips against mine, claiming a kiss as his tongue immediately pushes into my mouth and I taste his saliva as we both let out a collective moan that fills the quiet room.

I let go of Shane's manhood briefly and begin to push at his clothes. He takes the hint and pulls away from me as he starts to get naked quickly, shoving his clothes off onto the floor urgently. I watch and I am pleased by what is revealed in stages - a strong, barrel chest that is matted with dark wiry curls that trail down a thick but firm gut. As his trousers come off, I realize that Shane was going commando, and a huge tangle of pubic curls frame his now throbbing cock. It looks to be about the same length as mine, but like the rest of Shane, it's thick. Nude, he comes back at me and grabs hold of my waist as I encircle his neck and our mouths meet again, the sound of our sloppy kisses filling the room. We slowly stumble towards the bed and fall onto it. Shane lands partly on me, pinning me down with his powerful body as his mouth never leaves mine, his tongue claiming new territory inside my mouth as his hands start caressing me all over, the calluses leaving a tingly sensation on my skin. I feel his cock rubbing against mine as he starts rutting against me and our precum starts to leak between us. I reach one hand down to grab his butt and discover a hard, tight orb of man flesh which delights me. He must work out to be so hard. His furry chest rubs against mine, causing a bit of a burn, but nothing I've not experienced before, and our combined body heat begins to cause us to sweat a little.

Shane finally pulls off my lips as he trails down my neck and begins to attack my nipples, sucking, teasing, lightly biting them and making me squirm as I allow him unfettered access to my body. I am so horny from all the hours of anticipation that I am sucking in air in gusts and instinctively spreading my legs open. Shane licks a trail down my torso and kisses my glistening cockhead before opening his mouth and sucking me into his hot mouth.

Oh fuck, yes,' I moan, bucking up against his mouth as I feel his orifice welcome my penis. Suck me!' I cry out, and he complies enthusiastically. The sound of his lips against my flesh, slurping and obscene, are like music to me as I run my hands over his hair and rock on the bed in rhythm to his ministrations. Every nerve of my cock is fired up and alive as he continues to suck me, and I feel myself getting lost in a haze of sexual freedom, allowing a Scottish bloke I just met to really get to know me just moments after we meet...

I pull Shane up by his hair toward me and he lets go of my cock, causing the fat member to flop back down onto my stomach as our lips meet again and I taste myself in his mouth.

`I want you to fuck me now,' I grunt at Shane, who needs to further encouragement. He quickly gets up and runs to the bathroom. I impatiently get up and follow him there and see him grab at his dop kit, producing a condom and a small bottle of lube. I stand behind, my cock poking against his butt crack as I let my hands run up and down his furry body, watching his hands shake as he opens the condom wrapper and puts the latex tube over his now red and angry cock. I rub my cock against him as he squeezes lube over his own dick and then, quickly, we trade places so I stand in front of the bathroom counter and hitch my right leg up on it, exposing my hairy asshole, while Shane expertly slathers on some lube, the cold slimy liquid quickly warming up against my hot ring. I brace myself against the marble tile of the counter top as I feel the large mushrooming head of Shane's cock lining up against my sphincter, tightening my grip as I ready myself for his assault. Swiftly, he pushes in and I let out a loud cry of pain as his fuckpole invades me.

`Shut up!' he mutters as his hands grab onto my shoulders and he begins to piston his fucker in and out of my tight shitter. The pain is excruciating - no matter how much I bottom, the initial pain never stops for me - and I am lost in a whirlwind of pain and pleasure as this man starts fucking me in earnest. When I open my eyes, I notice that the mirror in front of me is coated with droplets of cum, and I realize that I had shot my load when Shane entered me. My chest feels damp, and there's a string of cum caught under my chin as I look in the mirror at myself being fucked in a hotel bathroom. Shane's face is damp with sweat and his brow is furrowed as he looks down intently at where his cock is plunging in and out of my hole, mesmerized as I start to contract my assuring, milking his cock. He looks up at me, his eyes hooded with lust and he bends down, his hot sticky chest on my back as his hands reach down and front to pull at my nipples as his cock enjoys my warm embrace. The bathroom echoes with the sound of our groans and his flesh sliding against mine as we are lost in the heat of an intense fuck session. My cock, which had not softened after my orgasm, continues to tingle as Shane's ministrations send shivers of ecstasy up and down my body from where we two meet. Again, I'm leaking precum and I throw my head back against him and feel his lips nibble at my ear. Looking in the mirror, I see us both moving as one, my body moving forward with every one of his powerful thrusts into me, and I feel once again that this is what I want to fill my time in London this trip.

`I'm gonna cum boy,' Shane mutters into my ear as he picks up the pace of his fuck strokes and tightens his grip on my chest, squeezing me hard as he shivers against me, whimpering and panting like a man possessed as inside, I feel his cockhead flare and he deposits his load inside the condom. As his orgasm subsides, I open my eyes and look in the mirror and see his sated expression - bliss - as he kisses my neck and runs his hands up and down my body as he comes down from his high. I reach down and stroke my cock, feeling the hot, sticky tool tremble as I start working towards my next load. I feel the temporary emptiness in my asshole when Shane pulls out of me, but soon, my hands do their magic and I can feel my balls tightening up against me.

`I'm gonna cum again,' I say out loud, and Shane lowers himself under and behind me, and I feel his lips close over my cock as I explode, shooting my cum into his waiting mouth. The sensation of his silky lips on my tool makes me cum extra hard, and I see stars as I close my eyes. When I finally open them, I am panting, and Shane stands up in front of me and kisses me. My tangy cum fills our mouths and I feel deeply satisfied in the moment, my need for man sex temporarily fulfilled.

Afterwards, Shane allows me a quick shower before I pull my clothes back on. He remains naked the whole time I shower and get dressed, and I enjoy the sight of his strong body as he chats mindlessly to me about London and how he's in town for business and away from his boyfriend back in Scotland. I ask if they've ever played together and he grinned that they had.

`Pity he's not with you,' I say as I finish dressing and turn to look at him, now sprawled on the bed, his heavy cock soft and nestled in the fur of his cock bush. Then without saying more, I make my way to the door and let myself out. I make my way back to the lobby bar and smile at the doorman as he opens the door. I wonder if he knows I've just been royally fucked over by a stranger in the hotel - but these kinds of things must happen all the time.

Outside, the streets seem really busy and I look at my watch - it was only 8:45pm, so I figure I have some time before my parents get back to the hotel, and I slowly walk back. I notice a couple of bars, and they seem busy for a Monday night. Back at the hotel, I notice Javier is still at the concierge desk and ask if my SIM card is ready. He politely helps me to replace my US card with the new one, and even take the trouble to stick my US card onto a business card so I don't lose it on the way. I thank him profusely for his help and make my way back upstairs. My parents are not in, and I realize I feel incredibly sleepy as I sit down. Travel always tires me out, so I decide to take a short nap, lying down on my bed fully dressed.

I feel someone shaking me, and I wake up with a start. My dad is standing in front me, smiling.

Hey kiddo,' he says as he stands and walks toward my window. Looks like you fell asleep waiting up for us.'

He closes the curtains and I yawn loudly. My mom enters from the adjoining door, and we chat briefly about our plans. I'm to meet them for breakfast tomorrow and then I have Tuesday and Wednesday to myself before I check out on Thursday morning and catch a train up to meet them in Bath at Lynn's place. Once our logistics are sorted, my parents leave me in peace, closing the door behind them as they say goodnight.

It's almost midnight, so I must have napped for about 2 hours. Unfortunately, now I feel wide awake and so I decide to do a bit of repacking. I take out what I need for the next two days and hang them up and put them in the drawers, while I carefully put the rest of my stuff - including the suit I'm wearing at the wedding - in a trolley bag for my folks to take with them since they are driving up to Bath while I take the train. Once done, I realize there's nothing much to do but sleep. I undress and get ready for bed, but just as I lie down, a familiar stirring down south catches my attention. I can't believe I'm horny again, but clearly, I'm a man on a mission!

I fire up my phone and power up my Grindr profile to see what's available right now. It's almost 1am on a Monday morning, so I'm not holding out much hope, but surprisingly, there are quite a few guys online. I find the GPS system on Grindr iffy - it's hard to really tell how accurate the distances are - so I'm just scrolling down, looking at random guys when I get a message. It's from `ScotsManX', and when I look at the profile, I realize it's Shane lol!

`Still up 4 fun?' he asks.

`Always,' I reply.

`Really liked fucking u. Wanna cum back 4 more?'

I briefly think about it, but it's risky - I might not get up on time to meet my parents if I head out again.

`Maybe 2moro?' I ask.

`Text me.'

While I'm exchanging messages with Shane, I notice that someone else has sent me a text. It's from a profile named `Mike', and the photograph is of a clean-cut looking guy with dark hair and gorgeous blue eyes. He seems friendly, so we exchange a few pleasantries, and I notice Grindr has him at 120 feet away from me, and we realize we are both staying at the same hotel - he's 2 floors up from me.

`U wanna hook up?' I ask, because it's almost 1:20am.

Mike goes silent for a while, and I'm almost resigned to masturbating before hitting the sack when he replies again.

`Yes. But I have to come to u.'

`Sorry, I can't really host,' I reply.

Immediately, he responds, `Please?'

I snigger. Mike seems like a friendly and nice guy, so I give him the benefit of the doubt.

`Why can't u host?' I ask

Mike goes silent again for a long while, so I snuggle in and grab hold of my cock and start taking care of myself when his next reply comes.

`My wife is asleep next to me.'

I laugh out loud and quickly silence myself. In the silence of my room, I assess the situation and decide to take a huge risk because tonight I'm insatiable, apparently.

I quickly text Mike my room number before I can change my mind, and then go over to the adjoining doors and check that they are both shut. There's a lock on them that I notice, so I quietly turn the lock, hoping it does not wake my parents.

As I'm done, I hear a soft knocking on my door and I jump briefly before going over and opening it. I'm naked and my cock is semi-hard, but I don't care since Mike's about to get to know me very well. I pull him into the room and see that he's wearing one of the hotel's bathrobes and no shoes.

`How did you leave the room without your wife noticing?' I ask, amused.

Mike's slightly shorter than I am, and from the corn-fed good looks he's sporting, I know he's a fellow American. He looks at me hungrily, his eyes devouring my nude form as he licks his lips and replies, `I was very quiet.'

Well, you're gonna have to be completely quiet,' I tell him as I walk over to my duffle bag and take out a condom and the travel size bottle of lube I brought with me. My parents are sleeping right next door and this door here,' I motion to the adjoining door, `Leads to them. So we gotta be completely silent.'

Sheesh,' Mike says as he sits down on my bed, This is gonna be interesting.'

I stand before him and pull open his robe. Mike's got a bit of a belly and love handles, and his chest is sparsely hairy. His cock is flaccid and looks to be about 4 inches long. I sink to my knees in front of him and say, `Remember - keep your mouth shut.' Then I bend my head down and take his cock into my mouth. He tastes of soap and smells really clean and fresh. I use my right hand to play with his balls, which are heavy and furry, and I feel him harden in my mouth. To his credit, Mike remains completely silent, not even an intake of breath. The sound of me sucking him is the only sound in the room, and it is erotic and eerie at the same time.

When he's completely hard, Mike's member is about 6.5 inches long and average girth. I roll the condom over his cock and he silently lets me push him down on the bed and mount him. I lube up my hole, which feels a bit tender from Shane's earlier abuse of it, and then guide Mike's cock towards it. He starts to moan a little but I clamp my hand down on his mouth and he looks stricken at me, as if he is afraid I might call things off now. I feel his cockhead at the entrance of my hole, and very slowly, very gently, I lower myself onto him, feeling him fill me up inch by inch until I am sitting on him, his fuckstick completely embedded inside of me. Silently, we start fucking, and it takes a whole to of willpower and concentration on my part not to let my sexual animal instincts take over and just let out a series of grunts and moans which come naturally to me as I am being fucked. Instead the squelching sounds of where his cock enters and exits me with the help of lube is all the we hear. Mike's eyes are squeezed shut and his mouth is open wide as he starts to buck his hips, meeting each of my downward pushes with an upward thrust of his own. We are communicating with our bodies, telling each other what we need, and I feel myself getting completely lost in the moment as I place my hands on his chest and really start to hump him. The bed, thankfully, doesn't squeak, and very soon, we are both sweating and panting quietly. Mike's fingers find my nipples, and I notice his wedding band as I feel the sexual convulsions caused by the tweaking of my nipples course through me, sending signals directly to my leaking cock. Mike's got good stamina, and we fuck for almost 10 minutes nonstop in a rhythm that reaches a frenzy as he holds me down tightly as he roughly punches upward into my waiting chute. He grits his teeth as he cums, and I do likewise as I shoot my third load of the night onto his chest.

I get off Mike and walk over to the bathroom and fetch a facecloth to wipe him down. We clean up, and he pulls his robe back on without a word. His room key card slips out of the pocket, and I pick it up for him.

Thanks!' he grins, and says, Could we do that again?'

I looked at him and considered. Mike was cute, but I wasn't sure he and I were sexually compatible - our fuck had been about sating our needs, a moment when two guys could help each other get off, but nothing more. But I didn't want to hurt his feelings - and I wanted to keep him as a possible back-up option lol! So we exchanged information and agreed we'd play things by ear as he left the room.

Finally sated, I got into bed and set the alarm before falling into a deep, contented sleep.

Next: Chapter 8

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