Lovely Temptation

By moc.loa@N131TRJ

Published on Jun 20, 2006


LOVELY TEMPTATION Chapter Three Author: Jackie Q Pairing: Kevin and Nick

Disclaimer: This story is totally fiction. I do not know any of the members of Backstreet Boys and I'm not implying that any of the member is a homosexually. Not that there's anything wrong with that. What every a man and another man those on his own time is his business. _________________________________________________________

I woke up at the same time the bus had stopped, "Man I'm tired, hungry, and I smell." "You should keep that to your self." said Brian. He walked passed me holding his nose. "Oh shut up." I threw my pillow at him, but I missed and kind of hit Howie instead. "Kevin, what the heck?" he looked really peeved with me. "Sorry." I said Sheepishly. He shook his head and finished getting his things together.

I was about to get up when I felt someone on my arm. Oh that's right, I let Nick sleep with me last night, well it was more like he slept last night, I just kind of had my eyes close listening to him breathe. Is that weird? That was a rhetorical question people. God, he is so beautiful, I don't even want to wake him up, I just want to stay here and watch him sleep. "Yo kev, get a move on, we're going for breakfast." AJ really does know how to wreak a good thing. "Okay AJ, I'll get right on it." AJ opened the curtain of my bunk and had a huge grin on his face as he looked at me and Nick, who still was out cold.

"Isn't that cute, your living a dirty old mans dream right now, Kev."

I moved over Nick and pushed AJ out the way.

"Shut up."

"I bet you had yourself a lovely night sleep, right?"

"AJ shut up."

"Tell me Kevin, what's it like to have a sweet young hot boy in your bed, just wanting to be fucked?"

"I can't believe you don't shut up, AJ, you don't know anything."

"Oh please, I maybe young, but I'm not stupid. I see the way you look at Nicky, hell, I'm surprise that the others didn't notice." Why? Why god, why out of all the damn boy bands' did that thing' they call a human have to be in the same group as me? I could have been a navy seal, but Noooo, I had to go and join a boy band. What the hell is wrong with me? "What do you want from me AJ? Do you want to hear me say that I'm in love with Nicky?, well guess what that's not going to happen." I pushed him out the way again and headed towards the back, I was lucky that no one was back there. "Okay fine, don't tell me, but I guess you won't mind if I got tell Nick what happen to he's blue underwear." Shit! How did he know about that? I shifted uneasily under his stare. I really do wish that he would stop looking at me like that. He moved closer to me, so close he was in front of me, practically in between my legs. And if you hadn't guess it I got hard. "W-what are you doing?"

"I just want to help out your `problem'." with that being said, he cupped my hard on. "What!" I pushed him away, and tried to get up, but he only pushed me back down. "Let me help you." he crawl on top of me. I was totally taken by surprise when he pressed his lip on to mines. I tried to move out of his grip, but he is a lot stronger then he looks. He started grinding his hips in between my legs. I couldn't help it, I let out a moan, it felt good. Yeah I know, I'm a dog, but guys are like that. I made the mistake of kissing back, big mistake. "I knew you wanted this, just let go Kevin, just let go." AJ pulled back and removed his shirt, revealing a very nicely toned body. He then climb back on me and pulled me into another kiss. He moved from my lips to my neck, sucking on it gently. He then moved from between my legs and sat on my lap. Then proceeded to unzip my pants and put his hand into my underwear. I jumped when I felt his warm hand surround my cock, he began to stoke it slowly. He move and look me in the eye. He wanted to see if I wanted this, I didn' t, honestly, but its hard to say that when you have someone giving you a hand job. "Tell me Kevin, when you think about Nick, do you think about him kissing you all over, like this." He kissed my lips, nose and neck. "How about sucking on your neck?" I moaned out louder as he suck and licked my neck. "Or do you think about him kissing and sucking on your chest." I gasped as his warm mouth cover my left nipple. He moved to the next nipple and sucked harder, making groan out louder. I then felt my legs being spread apart. I looked down to see AJ on his knees, holding my cock in his hand. He wasn't really... .oh wait nope he was, I let out small moans as he licked the tip of my cock. He took his tongue and licked the pre-cum that was leaking from the head.

"AJ... we can't this." I tried to protest, but they went on deaf ears. He engulf me in his mouth, I had to bit down hard on my tongue to keep from screaming. His head bobbed up and down, making sucking noises, each time. It felt so damn good. He played with my balls, rolling them in between his hands,

squeezing every so slightly. "Do you think about Nick do this to you, letting you fuck his mouth like this?" Nick? Nick, oh god, Nick, what the hell am I

doing? I sat up and pushed him away from me. He looked up at me shocked and confusion written all over his face. I put my cock away and zipped up my pants.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't do this, this isn't right, I can't do these things with you, I love Nick, I want to do these things with Nick, not you."

"That's sweet Kevin, but in the real world Nick isn't gay or bi, he wouldn' t do those things with you in a million years, plus if Brian or Howie, hell even his parents were to find out, you'd be in jail by now." He got off the ground and took a seat next to me, I moved away, afraid that he might try something.

"At least with me, you won't have to worry about not being loved back." He tried to kiss me again, but I put my hand on his chest to stop him. "AJ, please, I can't." He looked at me, he looked so sad. He moved away and turned his back towards me. "I get it, you only like the `innocent' type." "Its not that AJ, I just love him, you have to understand that."

"I do, I guess I was just testing you or something."


"I wanted to see if you truly cared about Nicky and I guess you do, but you do know that he isn't gay right?"

"Don't remind me." I laid back on the bed with my arm over my eyes. I felt the bed sank slightly as he laid next to me. "I guess I was doing it to get over my own sick perverted thoughts about someone." He moved closer to me, but knock close that he was touching, just close.

"Who? IS it anyone I know?"

"Of course you know him." he said. I had kind of a blonde moment, but then I remember that I was a raven haired, so I really couldn't use that excuse, now could I?

I sat up looking at him. "Who?"

He smiled up at me with that big grin. "I'll never tell." then he planted a big wet one on my cheek, got up, put his shirt back on and walked out the room, leaving me there with my pants open, my erection totally gone. "Come Kevin, we got to go!" called Brian.

I could see how this day was going to play out.

Now this was apart of the job that I liked and didn't like. Pictures. It was nice in the first thirty minutes into it, but after a while it just got annoying. Kind of like Nick when he gets a sugar rush, though sometimes I like seeing him that way. All hyper and flush cheek, he is just too cute.

"Could I please get Kevin in for makeup?" said some makeup guy person. I reluctantly got out of an actually comfortable chair and met up with the makeup artist, who I later found out name is Rick.

"A man like you doesn't really need makeup, honey."

I just gave him a small smile, I wasn't really in a talkative mood, not after what AJ tried to do to me back in the bus. What the hell was he thinking anyway? If he knew that I had feelings for Nick then why would he even do that to me? I am to confused.

"Kevin, your needed on set sweetie." said Rick. Sweetie. That's something I have been called in a long time, the last person to call me that was my own mother.

I walked away from Rick and waited to listen to the photographer. I let out a yarn and just stood there and stretched. "You didn't get a good nights rest, did you Kevin?" I turned to the angelic voice.

He look sad for some reason, I don't understand. "Um, not really."

"It was because of me, wasn't it? I'm sorry Kevin." he looked almost like he was going to start crying or something. I moved close taking him over to the corner. I didn't want anyone to see this, I don't need people thinking I was some kind of band bully or something.

"No, no Nick it wasn't you. I just had a lot on my mind and that just doesn' t mix well with sleep that's all." He's head was down looking like a kicked puppy. I lifted up his chin, making him look at me. He's blue eyes were already starting to fill with tears. "Nicky you can't cry, not now, not here." I wiped the tears that were starting to fall.

Is it wrong to think that even when he's crying I just want to take him and fuck his brains out? Don't answer it, I know how sick that is, but I can't help it. He brings out so many different sides of me. The big brother, the father, the mentor, the friend, the responsible one, all that, but there is two that I really become whenever I'm near him.

Sweet Kevin: That Kevin wants to hold Nick and rock him back and forth and not let anything hurt him. I want to kiss and make all the bad things go away. I'll protect him from anything.

Then there's evil Kevin: He loves to see Nick vulnerable. He wants to see and hear Nick beg and be in fear. It's a turn on to see him cry. He wants to take Nick and fuck him until he bleeds, until he screams my name and realizes that he only belongs to me and me alone.

That Kevin was fighting his way to the surface, I'm not able to control it. I moved close to him, I was thankful that we were away in a corner were no one could see us because I would be so screwed. I started to caress his fair skin, loving the feel, it was so soft to the touch. I could only imagine what he tasted like.

His eyes flutter as I slowly touch his skin. He was leaning into the touch.

"Kevin, Nick, hurry up!" called Brian.

Nick seemed to snap out a of his trances. He blinked about three times and moved away from me. I quickly took back my hand and stood there with probably a

really stupid expression on my face. I tried to speak but nothing would come

out. "I think we should go before the photographer starts yelling at us." he said. He looked up at me and gave me a shy smile before walking away.

Any second more and I probably would have stripped him naked and fucked him up against the wall or something. Man, I need to stop thinking that way. "Come

on Kevin!" yelled Brian. "I'm coming!" sheesh! Keep your pants on.

I walked over to the guys, waiting, once again on the photographer. "Okay, I' m sorry I was keeping you guys waiting. Let's get things going. Alright, if you can Kevin, could you seat on that stool?" I did as I was told. It seemed simple, all I have to do is seat here and wait to have my picture taken, nothing major.

"Okay, Nick could I get to stand next to Kevin, yeah, that's it, but move in a little closer, yeah! That's it, good. Okay, Brian get on the left side. AJ

move next to Nick and Howie, I want you to stand on that box, you see it? Okay good, now big smiles."

I think I'm sweating, because when the guy told Nick to get closer, I didn' t think he would be this close. I could feel the warmth of his breath on my neck.

Shit! Hard again, this was starting to get real tiring. I hope I didn't look flushed in his picture. "Come on Kevin, smile like you mean it." What? I was smiling like I meant it. "A little bit more passion behind the eyes Brian, Howie move a little closer."

And then the flash of the camera.

What seem like forever, but was really just for a hour ended finally and we were off to our next stop. Interviews, YAY! I'm being sarcastic, I don't really like interviews that much, just sometimes. There's one interviewer that I really distaste is a guy name, Hunter Read, he was a totally asshole who like to try and hit on my baby. Touching him, winking, saying sexual things that no one (but me) should say to Nick. Then he had the balls to call him Nicky! I wanted to ring his stupid pale neck. I'm just glad that he's interviewing us today, I would probably die. The guys, except Nick, know that I hate him.

"How is my favorite boy band doing?" It feels like all of time just stopped right there when I heard that smooth nasally voice. I cringed the moment I heard it. I slowly turned around and as if I was being punished, there he was, Hunter Read, the biggest asshole in the world. He walked over to us, well, it was mostly over to Nick, who kind of hide behind me.

"Hey Nicky, its been a while hasn't it?" I can't believe this guys, he just

ignored us and went straight to Nick, and how dare he call him Nicky!

I think Brian could tell I wasn't to keen of this guy. "Why don't we get started with the interview." it wasn't a question it was more of a command. We quickly went in to the questions.

"So tell me guys how's the tour been so far?"

"It's been going great, the fans come out......." Okay you get the whole dish of the interview, I'm not going to bore you anymore with that.

Actually I can't remember anything because all I could think about is the many different ways that I could kill that man.

"Well it was great talking about the tour, it seems that everything is hitting off great. Actually I can't wait to see& behind the doors about what really goes on with you guys." I gave him a confused look, I notice that the others weren't fully understanding it either. "I take it Johnny didn't tell you, I going on tour with you guys for Backstage magazines."

When those words left his mouth I felt that my word had just fallen down a deep shitty hole. This was going to be a very long tour.


Ok, that's Chapter three, sorry that's its really late and that it seems a little quick at the end. If you have any Questions or comment. Email me at ( J Till next time.

Next: Chapter 5

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