Lovely Temptation

By moc.loa@N131TRJ

Published on Aug 19, 2006



Chapter Six

Author: Jackie Q

Pairing: Kevin and Nick

Disclaimer: This story is totally fiction. I do not know any of the members of Backstreet Boys and I'm not implying that any of the member is a homosexually. Not that there's anything wrong with that. What every a man and another man those on his own time is his business. _________________________________________________________

The next day, I felt like I was flying, nothing could bring me down, no one could piss on my birthday cake. I woke up next to my angel, we finally got to eat something that didn't look like it was going to kill us and the show went

off with out any problems, nothing could go wrong, right?

I was wrong, the problem was waiting for me back at the bus.

Nick was taking a nap and the others where in the back playing cards. Leaving me stuck with, you guessed it, Hunter, the shit head, Read. He walked in the room, with a sick smile on his face. I just ignored him and went on reading my book. He sat down next to me, looking at me, then around the bus. "Where' s Nicky?" I cringed when he used his nickname. "He's sleeping." I said through clenched teeth. "Really? I'm surprised that your not in there with him, seeing that's sleeping together is something you should be good at." I looked up from my book, confusion written on my face. His smile just grew into a grin. "What's that suppose to mean?" I asked. He rolled his eyes, seating back in the seat. "Oh don't play dumb with me, I saw you and Nick at the pool. A very nice show, if its alright for me to say." Oh good God, he knew, he didn 't just know, he fucking saw it, live! "You don't know what your talking about." I whispered. Why do I insisted on lying, when he already knew about me and Nick. I mean Nick and I, oh man.

"Oh, but I think I do." he said. I didn't know what to do. Should I just stop talking and finish my book or beat the shit out of him and make him keep this a secret. "I wonder what Lou or Johnny or even the other guys would think if they found out that you like fucking little boys. And you can only imagine

what Nick's parents would think."

"I've never done that with Nick, I love him."

"Oh come on Kevin, don't give me that bull. He's only fourteen, what the hell does he know about love? Just face it, you love knowing that he would spread like a slut for you if you asked" That's when I lost it, he had no right saying that about Nick. I grabbed his neck and throw him off the couch onto the floor. "You shut your fucking mouth, don't you dare say that about Nick." I sneered at him. He didn't say anything, all he did was laugh at me. He was laughing at me! I should just ripe his heart out right here. "Oh come on, don' t be like that, tell me, what's he taste like?" I pulled my fist back and started beating on this guy. I was loosing control, I didn't care if I killed this guys, all I wanted to do was end his life.

I started fighting when I felt hands wrap around my arms. I could hear Howie and Brian yelling at me to stop, but I couldn't really understand, I was to angry, I just wanted to cause Hunter pain. AJ had pulled Hunter away from me and now he was holding me back. That's when I heard the angelic voice. " Kevin? I can't sleep." I looked to see Nicky rubbing his eyes. "What are you doing?" he stared at me in fear and confusion. I stop struggling with Howie and Brian looking at my puppy. I was upsetting him, I didn't mean to. I pulled out of there grasp and went to Nick. I pulled him into my arms, in that point, he started crying. "Why? Why were you fighting?" he sobbed into chest. "I don' t want you to fight." I guided him back to the bed, not caring about the looks that I was getting from the guys or that fucker Hunter.

I pulled back the curtain and let him go in first then I followed. He sniffed and rubbed his nose on his arm, looking at me with big puffy red eyes. I wiped away the tears that formed in his eyes. "I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to

upset you. Don't cry. Shh. No, don't cry." I rocked him back and forth. I think it was working because his breathing began to level down a bit. He began to realize in my arms. I petted his head, kissing him on the top of his head. "Don't fight Kevin, please, don't fight again." Nick said before falling asleep again. I moved a bit, so that he could have the bed to lay down on, I moved so that I was up against the wall. I just stayed there watching him sleep, it made me feel peaceful for some reason, I guess it was knowing that he was this close and that he was in my safe care. I yarned and pulled him closer, I stared at him one last time, and gave him a kiss before falling asleep.

Later that day I had just woken up from not a that so good sleep, its Hunter' s fault I just know it. When I got out the bunk, I saw that the guys were all watching a movie, what it was, I wasn't sure, I didn't care I needed something to drink.

I pulled out a cold beer, feeling relief, as the cool drink poured down my throat. I really needed that so badly. "Hey." I literally jumped out my skin when I heard Brian. "Jeez, give me a heart attack, why don't cha."

"Sorry. How's Nick?"

"Nick? Oh, um he's doing fine, he's sleeping right now actually."

"That's good."

There was an awkward silence between us. Something that doesn't happen unless one of us isn't talking to the other. Some one should talk. Maybe I should, but he was the one who scared me so he should say something first.

"So are you sleeping with him?"


"In the bunk, are you sleeping with him in the bunk?" Brian face grew red for some reason. I don't want to think that he knows because that's impossible, he couldn't know, not unless AJ told him. No, AJ wouldn't do that, but that little shit Hunter would. But Brian wouldn't believe him, would he? God I hope not.

"I guess so, I mean if he wants me too, its just that Nick's gotten so use to sleeping with me, that is in the bed with me, not actually sleeping as in sex, because that's not what we do." Nice, Kevin real good, way to act all cool and stuff. I should just shot myself in the foot.

"So why were you beating Hunter's face in before?" asked Brian. So he was trying to change the subject, which was good, because I wasn't doing to good with the words.

"Hunter was being an ass." I said like it was suppose to justify for anything, I know it didn't, but it made me feel better.

"So much of an ass that you gave him a bloody nose?" Brian said lifting an eyebrow.


Brian rolled his eyes. "Well, what did he do?"

I knew that he was going to ask that, I totally saw that coming. Why could he just drop this, why did he have to bring this up actually, I was doing just fine until he started asking question. "He said some things."

"What things?"

"Just things...jeez Brian its not a big deal, just let it go, I did."

"It's a big deal when someone gets a bloody nose. Now tell me what happen, if you don't you know I'll never let you hear the end of it." And he meant it. He was as stubborn as me when it came to getting things that we wanted.

"Nothing that you have to worry about, look I'm going back to bed, I'm tired, wake me up when we get there." I turned my back to him before he could say anything. I just didn't want to hear anymore from him. I mean I love the guy, he's family, but even family can be annoying.

I went back to the bunk and rested near Nick, he hadn't moved much since I left. I tried to go to sleep but Hunter's words were imbedded in my head. I didn't want Nick for that, I wanted him because I was in love with him, not in lust with him. I just have to keep that in mind.

Nick rolled over, wrapping his arms around me, nuzzling my chest. Yeah, I love him alright. No matter what shit head says.


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