Lovely Temptation

By moc.loa@N131TRJ

Published on Jul 9, 2006


LOVELY TEMPTATION Chapter Four Author: Jackie Q Pairing: Kevin and Nick

Disclaimer: This story is totally fiction. I do not know any of the members of Backstreet Boys and I'm not implying that any of the member is a homosexually. Not that there's anything wrong with that. What every a man and another man those on his own time is his business. _________________________________________________________

It hasn't even been a whole four weeks and already that slimy son of a bastard was trying to move in on my boy. Didn't he realize how uncomfortable he made Nick feel when ever he touched him or said things that someone of his age and innocents doesn't understand? Oh, this man makes me want to scream my head

off! You should see what's he is doing right now. He practically seating on his lap, so close, Nick could possible smell what he had for dinner. I could see that Nick didn't want to be talking to him, but he looked almost trapped.

I had to do something.

"Um, Nick I need to talk to you."

He looked up at me and his face showed signs of relief, but of course that little snot had to say something. "Actually Kevin, me and Nick here, were trying to get to know each other a little better, ain't that right Nicky?" I literary almost lost it when he used my nickname for him. How dare he use that name, I would have jumped him and ripped his head off his shoulders, but Nicky was right there, and I'm pretty sure he would have nothing but nightmares from something like that. So I reframed from doing so and I stood there clutching my fist and trying to not look mad.

"Um actually Hunter, Kevin did say before that he wanted to talk to me, he said that it was very important, I'm sure we can talk another time." said Nick. That's right Nicky, you tell that man that you want to be with me not his older nasty ass. Okay wait, what am I saying, me and Hunter are the same age, get a grip of yourself Richardson.

"But I was really hoping that we could talk." said Hunter, was it me or could I hear a hint of jealousy in his voice? Ha! The little bastard was jeal ousy, of me and how Nick wanted to talk with me and only me. "Next time okay Hunter." Before Hunter could say anything Nick grabbed my hand and literally ran out the room dragging me behind. Once we were in the other room, we kind of just sat on the bed not really saying much of anything. There were moments when it looked like one of us was going to say something, but nothing was said. Finally, "Thanks Kevin." "For what?" "For coming in there when you did. Its not like I hate him or anything, its just that he asks me a lot of questions about--" he just stopped and got red in the face. He looked like he was blushing. "Nicky, what would he ask you, you can tell me, I won't get mad." and rip his heart out of his chest. " He'll asks me things, like if I like girls and I tell him that I really don' t think about girls in that sort of way." WHAT!! He doesn't, that means he maybe--- Holy shit! Okay Kevin calm down. "What do you mean, sweetie?" "I mean, if I see a really pretty girl, I'll think oh she's pretty, but that's it, but if I see a really hot guy, I'll think `I wonder what he looks like naked or He's got a cute butt." He started giggling like a little school girl. I sat there shocked at what I had just heard. "Nick, I'm not sure if I really understand." "I mean, that I find boys, men attractive. I think about guys, I mean I know I shouldn't but, I can't help it."

HE FINDS GUYS ATTRACTIVE!!??!?! Oh thank you god, thank you, thank you. Oh get a hold of yourself Kevin. He's too young to know what he's talking about. He may just be confuse, yeah that's it. "I know what your thinking. Your thinking that I must be confuse, but I'm not, I like men, Kevin." That's when he started crying, I took him into my arms and held him. I always dreamt of this moment, getting a chance to hold him in my arms, only thing is that he wouldn't be crying, he would be happy. "Nicky, tell me, why are you crying?"

"Because, I don't want you to hate me." he sobbed.

"Why would I hate you?"

"Because, your religion."

"Oh sweetie, that has nothing to do with it. I would never hate you because of that. I don't care if your bi or gay and I'm sure Brian and the guys won't

care either."


"Yes, really." I tapped his nose with my finger, I was happy to hear him giggle when I did that. He wrapped his arms around my neck and settled in my arms, he nuzzled my neck. I couldn't help it, I kissed him on the forehead, then

on his cheek, and then softly on the lips. He didn't move away or freak out. He just looked up at me and smile and gave me a small shy kiss back. It was only a little kiss, but it sent a tingle through my body. I lost control over myself, I couldn't hold back anymore. I capture his lips, hearing a little gasp as I did so. My agile tongue slide and winded around with Nick's own tongue. It was a sweet, hot, sexy kiss. The kind of kiss that takes a person's breath away. God, I was getting really hard. I pulled away suddenly, realizing what I was doing. I looked down at Nick, seeing a glaze hungry look in his eye. "Why'd you stop?" What?! "What?" "I said why did you stop? You didn't have to." he reached behind my head and pulled me down so that our lips were touching again. Our mouths moved in one motion, it was like heaven. "Guys?" Shit! I pulled away from Nick like I was burned. He fell on the floor, and just blinked up at me like some kind of fish. Brian enter the room, looking at Nick, then at me. He shook his head. "We're stopping for a bite to eat." " Alright we'll be there." I said. "You guys alright? Nick you doing okay?" Nick didn't say anything but nodded, he just kept staring at me. Brian gave us one more look over and then went away. Once he was gone, I helped Nick up. "I' m sorry sweetie." "I'm okay Kevin." He bite his lip. God he was so cute when he did that. "That was really nice Kevin. Can we do some more." he had a glint in his eyes. I just stood there speechless, my dream, my fantasy, was actually coming true and asking me to do more with me? I think I'm gonna faint. He took a hold of my shirt and looked up at me with pleading eyes. "We should go catch up with the guys." I removed his hands from my shirt and stepped back. He started giving me the puppy dog eyes, I needed to get out of here, fast. So I took that chance and open the door and began to walk out. I stopped when I hurt a small little whimper. "Nick, we'll talk about this later, I promise." I made sure to face him this time. "Kay." He gave me a little smile and walked out, I followed close behind.

We finally caught up with guys, I made sure that Nick sat next to me, instead of that ugly son of a bitch Hunter. I didn't really feel like eating and just had fries, which started off the `are you feeling okay?' question, now I know how Nick feels whenever his gets sick. "Kev, that's all your gonna eat?"

asked Howie. "Yeah, I'm not that hungry." I said softly. Of course that little shit had to say something. "You shouldn't starve yourself, no one likes a sick skinny old bastard." No. He. Did not. Just. Say that! I would have said something back but I felt a hand on my thigh. It was Nick's, he didn't want me loosing it, so I wouldn't. I just laughed it off and went back to eating my fries. The others looked at me in shock, well, not Nick. I guess they were shock that I didn't bite his head off.

After lunch we all piled back into the bus, it turns out that we were only a couple of stops away from the next hotel, something that I was happy about. And I think Nick was too, because I would always catch him looking, well it was more like staring at me with a sweet smile on his face.

And like always Nick and I shared the same room, I think he would have started dancing, if it weren't for the fact that all those people were there. I put my bag by the end of my bed and flopped down on it. I'm tired and I don't feel like talking. That shit head voice is still in my head. I shouldn't let something like that get to me, but it did. I know he only did it piss me off and show Nick what a totally loser I am, but I don't think it work much.

"Kevin?" I looked to see Nick staring down at me. He tilted his head and bit down on his bottom lip. "Hey."

"Are you mad?"

"About how much of an ass Hunter is? Yes, yes I am." He laid down next to me. I think he's trying to make me feel better. "Please don't be mad, I don't

like seeing you mad." He got on top of me and before I could do anything, his lips were on mine. I could fight it, I gave in, yeah I know, I'm a sad, sad man, but this sad, sad man was making out with a very hot blonde, so screw you. I sat up, still holding him and kissed him, but much harder. He clawed at my shirt, trying to remove it himself. I moved back and quickly took it off and tossed it. Nick's eyes widen in surprise. "Nick, you've seen me without my shirt off before, why look so surprise now?" "This is different, this you making out with me without a shirt on. I've dreamt of this moment." he started blushing when he said that. It was so cute. "You are too cute, you that?"

He frown, he then got off me and turned his back to me. "Nicky? What's wrong?" "Is that all you see? You only see me as cute?" he had tears in his eyes. No, not now, god I love seeing him this way. I took him in my arms and held him close. "There's nothing wrong with me thinking your cute. I love you Nicky, yes, I do don't be so shocked. I love seeing you this way, so vulnerable, so.." I couldn't take anymore. I pulled him in, crashing my lips into his, pushing my tongue into his sweet mouth.

My hand travel down to his thigh and in between his legs. He moaned into my mouth when I started rubbing him through his jeans. I laid him down and started to unbutton his pants, I looked up to his if it was okay to do so, all I saw was a glaze hungry look in his eyes. I pulled his pant down and stuck my hand into his boxers. This is what I've been dreaming about since the first time I have met him. I felt the already hard cock in my hand, I started stroking it, Nick pulled away and started gasping. His face was flush, his lips were bruise and puffy. He look so beautiful. Hair kept getting in his face, I could just fuck him. "Kevin... I feel... Oh!" I sat back fascinated, as I watched the hot sweet liquid leave his body. He shook under me, then relax. Did I ever mention that he is really cute when he blushes?

"Kevin, that felt so good. I never done anything like that before."

"Good, I don't want to hear you doing anything like that with anybody else but me."

You looked at me with huge eyes. "Then, you want to be my boyfriend?"

I nodded and he pulled me down and hugged me tightly. I pulled back, and gave him a sweet kiss. "Come on, let's get some sleep, okay?" He yarned, I'll take that as a agreement. He rested his head on my chest and drifted off to sleep. I just laid there, listening to his soft breathing.

This day went from bad, to just lovely. sigh good-night. -------------------------------------------------------------------------


Okay that chapter four. I know it short and it took this long to write it. Sorry, anyway if you have any comments email me at (

Till next time. Kisses, Kisses.

Next: Chapter 6

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