Mad Season

By Dane Javier

Published on May 25, 2001


Disclaimer: Don't know any of them. Don't know nothing. If you plagiarize my work, I will hunt you down until you scream Mommy! I forgot to mention that following songs from the previous chapters. "Vincent by Don McLean, Mary Beth Maziarz' version of Daydream Believer, and Paperbag by Fiona Apple."

Author's notes: Hi again! Here's another installment of Mad Season. Like it so far? Email me your thoughts and comments, good or bad, I don't care. If you note that I use song titles for my chapter's names, its because I find it has a connection with the chapter. The same goes for the featured songs in the story. This chapter's featured song is "Secret Garden by Bruce Springsteen" because of its potential cheese factor. I'll leave you now so you can read. Go, shoo, read!

Dane :p


Napa Valley, California

"Raise you five."

"Raise you five and a ten."

"Raise you that and a twenty."

"You sure, Chris?" asks Howie as he looks at his hand while the other people on the table watch with anticipation for Chris' reaction. Howie stares at Chris with his patented poker face. Classic, passive Howie. He then took a little sip of his Merlot.

"Oh, yeah", replies Chris as he stares back at Howie with an evil glint in his eye. He looks over his cards with much glee before setting them down for the table of gamblers to see what he had. He placed a full house on the table with a smug look on his face. The other people gasp with amazement but Howie remained passive. A few moments passed before Howie smiled then Chris frowned. "Oh No!", thought Chris aloud to the other players.

"Oh Yeah," said Howie as he set down his five cards revealing all four Jacks and a five of clubs. He smugly laid back into the chair while the rest of the table groaned and Chris got up in defeat. Dani gave the now bankrupt Chris a sympathetic look and watched him go towards the back porch with a wineglass and a bottle of Chardonnay.

Much later, Chris' musings were interrupted by a grinning Howie and a giddy Dani who sat down beside him on either side, all of them staring at the same blue moon riding high in the sky. "So, how are things in the NSYNC camp, Chris?", asked Howie.

Chris broke his celestial gazing and shrugged. "Well, Lance is still missing. JC and Joey are in New York right now. Justin, last I heard, was in Los Angeles with some of the MMC crew and should be in Seattle in a day or two for Christina's Charity Concert. I, on the other hand, just lost 10 grand to Howard Dorough of the Backstreet Boys in a game of Poker." At that last comment, all three of them laughed at how the situation has been lighted up.

"And I just won 17 grand from Howie and the rest of the losers inside", Dani piped to the other two while she swirled her glass. "You should've heard Chad. He said 'Women should never be allowed anywhere near a deck of cards'."

Chris hugged and laid a lot of small kisses on his long-time girlfriend. She just made his night. "Honey, you made Howie lose. I'm set from life." Howie smacked Chris on the back of his head. "Hey, at least we all didn't make fools of ourselves like the last time."

All of they sighed at the recollection. During their college days before Howie dropped out to join the Backstreet Boys, Chris and Howie were roommates then. They would plan monthly poker nights with the same core group of friends and the few "privileged" to be invited on every third Saturday of every month until the time Howie left for Europe. Everyone in the core group decided to make it to an annual event after that but with higher stakes every year, and with every year came the self-inflicted humiliation. Last year, Howie and Chris both ended up in the Emergency room due to Alcohol Poisoning from drinking excessively for a week. Somehow, all of them kept this quiet from the rest of the world without laughing at remembering each other's misfortunes.

All three of them stayed there immersed in the dark night looking up at the bright moon. The evening began winding down hours ago and the house was mostly quiet with the occasional snort or snore. Dani and Chris both snuggled on to each other, reveling in each other's closeness, while Howie placed his legs over the two lovers. Out of the blue Chris spoke out to no one in particular, "I wonder what Lance's doing right now."

Back in New York City...

JC and Joey just couldn't believe their eyes. Lance was singing right in front of them. Singing with a guitar and a backup band. This was strange.

Lance finished his set with Richard Marx's "Hazard" before leaving the stage for a break. Before Janine could even question Joey about Lance being a potential date, JC dragged him outside so both of them could talk. Dodging all the people and furniture, they made it outside and stopped after crossing the street.

"Was that Lance we just saw?", asked a bewildered Joey.

"I don't know. We all know how talented Scoop can be if he only focused on music more than on business but after what we just seen that was just plain unbelievable. Damn, Lance singing songs other than our stuff and country. Who would have thought it possible?", JC said amazed. "And he was playing a guitar. I haven't seen him play a guitar in ages."

"That's because we haven't seen him in ages. God Josh, he looks amazing." Joey thought that Lance's new appearance suited him quite well. All the non-descript clothing and the scruffiness made Lance's more mysterious, more appealing. His dark hair made his skin even more porcelain, more intoxicating than usual and there was more character to his demeanor.

JC saw the glazed look and the first genuine smile in months in Joey's face. He saw the bounce and felt the thrill in his voice. This just confirmed what JC suspected what was wrong with Joey over the past five months. He saw the look of a man in love with someone. "So what are going to do now, Josh?", asked the anxious Joey.

"Well, we have to tread this one carefully, Joey. Scoop ran away for a reason. We don't want to scare him so he can do it again." Joey looked scared for a moment, contemplating on the possibility of losing Lance again. JC saw this and tried to calm Joey's thoughts. "Don't worry. After we talk to him, Scoop will be back." That placated Joey for now and both of them went back in to the bar.

When they got back Janine asked if Joey thought if James was cute. Joey looked at JC if he should tell her. He shook his head so Joey took that as a No. Joey looked backed at Janine. "I think he is very cute. I think I know him too." Before Janine could badger some more, James came out on stage with an announcement.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a celebrity among our drunk-laden asses tonight. He'll be singing with us tonight a few songs. My guess is that most of you ladies in the audience know him. He's here tonight for your entertainment so be nice to him. Everyone I present to you, Nick Lachey of 98 Degrees."

With that introduction, a spotlight came upon Nick and company and he stood up to go to the stage. James froze on the spot when the lights revealed Joey and JC beside Nick. The impulse to run was tempting but he did promise Nick that he would do this. He told himself that he'd run home as soon as this gig is over. "Yes, as soon as this thing is over", he thought.

Nick got on stage and greeted the steadily growing crowd, mostly women, around the area. "Hey everyone. I'll be your eye candy who happens to sing for this set. Joey, I know you this song so I'll start with this one." He looked towards James who looked like he was concentrating hard on something. He shook him out into reality and smiled meekly before going into a frenetic chording. The familiar tune soon gave way to Nick singing the lyrics of Green Day's "Basket Case". Joey flipped him the bird and laughed in spite of himself, while the rest of the table just laughed.

The set went smoothly. Who knew that Nick could sing Frank Sinatra, Eagle-Eye Cherry, and Trent Reznor amazingly well? Jess bounced the whole time while Janine slowly noticing the change in the temperament of her brother and JC. Both of them fidgeted and glanced a lot towards the guy playing the guitar. Janine should be smiling at this but she sensed that something was wrong. Jess stayed oblivious to everything except for Nick singing.

"Everyone, this is my last song for the night." The crowd of women groaned at that. "But I would like to share it with someone special. So Jess, can you come here near the stage?" Jess approached the stage with everyone looking on to her. With James' cue, they began to play "Secret Garden" by Bruce Springsteen. As Jess came near, Nick began singing again.

She'll let you in her house If you come knockin' late at night She'll let you in her mouth If the words you say are right If you pay the price She'll let you deep inside But there's a secret garden she hides

She'll let you in her car To go drivin' round She'll let you into the parts of herself That'll bring you down She'll let you in her heart If you got a hammer and a vise But into her secret garden, don't think twice

You've gone a million miles How far'd you get To that place where you can't remember And you can't forget

She'll lead you down a path There'll be tenderness in the air She'll let you come just far enough So you know she's really there She'll look at you and smile And her eyes will say She's got a secret garden Where everything you want Where everything you need Will always stay A million miles away

Jess' cheeks were lined with tears as Nick finished the song. He pulled her up to the stage and knelt in front of her, shocking the heck out of her. He pulled out velvet box out of his front pocket and held on to Jess' hands. The tears continued to stream down her face as Nick looked intently at her and said, "Jess, will you do me the honor of marrying me?" She was speechless. Boring into his eyes, she nodded a yes and Nick stood up to give her a passionate embrace. The crowd went wild when he tilled his head to give her a kiss.

Back at the table, Janine was crying as well. JC and Joey both shouted their approval. Nick and Jess just blushed. Making their way towards the table, everyone around the newly engaged couple gave their congratulations.

James quietly made a sudden exit from the stage and went to the back office to get his things. He quickly packed up his things and ran out towards the back entrance. On his way out, he bumped again into Kelly, sprawling himself on the black linoleum floor. "We have got to stop meeting like this, James dearie", Kelly quipped.

Clutching his head in pain, he stood up slowly and muttered a swear. "Kelly, I have to go. Something came up and I have to attend to it before it kicks me in the ass."

"It isn't a drug run, is it?"

"No, just preventing of what could be shit hitting the fan."

Kelly frowned with certain reluctance but let him go. "Okay, when you leave though please tell the rest of the band first that your leaving and go to table 12 for Janine to come on over to the back office. You do remember Janine from this afternoon, right?"

James nodded; hiding the relief that his excuse worked. "Is that all because I really have to go? I'll be back tomorrow bright and early." Kelly told him to take a hike. "Oh, and Kelly, you been taking a lot of spinach or something because every time I've been bumping into you lately, you feel like a steel wall."

"Just get out of here before I smack you, Wage Boy." On that note, he made his way back to the stage to talk to the band.

At the table, much of the talk circled around Nick and Jess' engagement. They didn't notice the approaching musician that cleared his throat nervously to get their attention. JC tensed up while Joey smiled widely. "James, won't you join us", asks Janine motioning towards an empty chair in the big table.

"Yeah, James. Join us", Nick encouraged.

Staring at JC, he gave a lost look. He turned to Joey and his expression changed to that of one that's holding his anger in. "No, I can't. I got things to do for tomorrow that just got my attention", he answers with a cold monotonous voice. This surprised everyone. "Janine, Kelly wants you to meet her in the back office." He looks over his two former bandmates and all he saw was pain. "I got to go." He runs out of the bar and leaves the table full of flabbergasted people. Joey stands up and chases after him.

James kept running towards his apartment that was just a few blocks away from the Speakeasy. Joey kept a steady pace in following Lance and noticed him stopping in front of an apartment building. Catching up on the door before it closed, Joey continued to trail him until the fourth floor landing where he heard a door slam. Not knowing which of the four doors on the floor is the one Lance entered, he assumed on two because it wasn't beside some kid's mini-tricycle or full of scratch marks from a large dog. The first one was an old lady with big white frizzy hair. Breathing a little uneven, he knocks on the last one hoping it was Lance on the other side of the door. It slowly cracks revealing the head of really dark brown hair and mesmerizing green eyes.

"Lance?", Joey softly asks.

The door closed and Joey heard the bolt being removed. The door remained closed though but a quiet utterance soon broke the loud waiting. "Come in." Joey entered the dwellings of the object of his affection and his heart broke at the shabby surroundings he saw. Lance just stood there near the kitchen light giving off an almost sinister form. He sensed Joey's nervousness but he didn't even care about Joey, only his wanting for some peace of mind right now. "What do you want, Joey?" He flinched at the coldness in that once mild-mannered voice.

"Lance," Joey started with difficulty. "Why did you leave us?"

Red was slowly rising in Lance's body. He wanted to shout, rant, rave obscenities, and show as much hurt as possible. "But this was Joey", Lance thought. He couldn't be mad at him no matter how much this guy has inflicted pain. His head struggled to answer that question. The logics in his head tried to come up with something but nothing made sense. "Oh Fuck it, just blurt it out", a small tone shouted inside of him.

He stared at Joey. The joker of the group, the eternal optimist, the one who partied all night but was awake bright and early the next day. Now all he saw was something desperate, a face that wanted an answer. He deserved to know what James felt. "I left because everything was getting too painful, too hard that one day I snapped. I just made a decision to leave before I disintegrated. I wanted to be happy again."

"Why didn't you tell us any of this? We could have helped you."

Anger rose finally and all the pain he felt the past months came out. "Helped me? Why in the Fuck would you want to help me, Joey? Answer me that!" Lance didn't even allow for Joey to reply. "My Mother turned her back on her son. My sister is too far away to help me. JC didn't want to be involved because it would "rock" the boat even harder. Justin and Chris made me feel like shit because I told them the truth. My company is probably in ruins by now. I've been backstabbed so many times that I don't feel like bleeding any more. But you know what Joey! You know what!!!" The anger seethed even more. "You hurt me more than anyone else did, you bastard. You abandoned me. You left me alone. You did not give me anything to help me through all the shit that happened to me."

Joey was dumbstruck by the intensity of the pain and the reasoning of Lance's words. "I'm sorry Lance", he apologized with much regret.

"Well that won't cut it, Fatone. As far as I'm concerned, you people were never my friends. So do me a favor Joey, walk out of that door and never show yourself to me again. I never want to see you or any of the guys ever again. I don't want to talk to you guys again. I hate all of you. But you know what Joe? I HATE YOU THE MOST!!!" he shouted at Joey. His breathing was the only sound to be heard after Joey ran out the door.

"I hate you" Those words ran through his head as he continued to stride out to the street. Lance hates him. Those words stung worse than the day that he found out the Lance ran away. Tears trailed down his cheeks as he took the long walk all the way back to the hotel.

JC found him in his room catatonic, all curled up in a ball hugging a pillow with a tight grip, the next morning. Not know what to do, JC decided to give Chris and Justin a call.

Back to Napa Valley

Chris, Dani, and Howie woke up to the incessant ringing of Chris' cell phone the next day. "Hello", Chris answered. All of they slept on the outside porch sofa.

Howie and Dani studied him as the volley of questions and answers came and went with the rapidly changing expressions on his face. Their curiosity peeked when Chris said, "Okay, I'll be on the next flight available to New York." Then he slumped down on the sofa with a depressing sigh.

"What happened Chris?", Dani asked. Chris looked and saw the concern in her blue eyes. He began stroking her blonde, wavy hair as he answered her. "They found Lance in New York", he said blankly.

"What? That's good news. So why the long face, honey?", she asks.

"Joey and Lance talked and fought. So Joey is now in his hotel room blaming himself for all this, and Lance doesn't want to come back. I'm leaving for the airport now so I could maybe help in this situation."

Howie and Dani traded looks and both of them nodded in silent agreement. Chris stood up to go pack as the other two followed him. As he gathered his things he noticed Dani was doing the same thing and that Howie was running back and forth waking up the rest of the college group. "What the heck are you guys doing?"

"We're going with you", Howie said bluntly as he placed his suitcase on his bed to pack.

"You're what!!"

"We're going with you, Chris. We both want to see Lance come back so we'll go with you hopefully to help out." Dani said as she and Howie continued to place things in their bags. Chris smiled at this.

"Okay", Chris said and focused back at piling in his shirts in his suitcase.

Next: Chapter 4

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