Mad Season

By Dane Javier

Published on Jun 30, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know them nor am I in it any of their damn business. It's all fiction, baby. All that and today's featured songs are "Human" by the Pretenders and "Fragile" by Sting. Today's chapter title more applies to the Travis' version of this song rather than Britney's.

Author's Notes: Sorry if this seems like forever to bring out. Got too many things to do. I have a few questions for you. Please respond so I can put it in my next chapter. What kind of Britney do you want to read? How about the rest of the BSB? And maybe even Pink and Sisqo?

I say hey to Shaun, Ashley, Josh, Sam, and Jose. Go on and read. Enjoy.

Mad Season Chapter 8: Hit Me Baby One More Time

James didn't know what hit him. One minute, he was waiting in the room of the musician that they were going to interview, the next he was surrounded by his former band mates. Kelly made some excuse to leave the room because she left her purse downstairs and was nowhere to be seen. James felt trapped and claustrophobic, much like what happened in Central Park.

James sat on the bed with his back to the headboard. JC sat on one corner of the bed that was near the door. Chris sat on the floor in the bed's other corner eating some chips nonchalantly. Justin situated himself on the sofa near the window, and Joey was on a chair farthest for him. James could hear the mumblings of the NSYNC bodyguards outside the room door and the connecting door. In every sense of the word, this was a trap.

They remained silent except for the sound of Chris' munching. James remained stuck on the headboard while JC and Justin just eyed the room with some unknown fascination. Joey just stared at Lance, which unnerved him. After an eternity of tension, Lance's voice broke the air.

"Look, are we going to stay like this all night or can we do this some other time? I got an early class tomorrow morning?", he said with exasperation. "I have things to do so let's get this over with."

This surprised the guys. Lance usually took a round about route when talking with people. He wasn't known for being blunt. Chris, being the first to recover, started.

"As per agreed upon by all members of the group NSYNC, JC Chasez and Chris Kirkpatrick have called a group meeting. Now roll call," he said in a mock business tone.

"Do we have to do this?," asked Justin in a whine.

"Yes, Justin. Tradition, you know," countered JC with rolling eyes though his thoughts felt the same as Justin.

"Okay, resume with the meeting. Justin Randall Timberlake AKA the Memphis Mophead," bellowed Chris all the while he continued to crunch on his Dorito's.


"Joseph Anthony Fatone Jr. AKA the Slut of Broadway."

"Here," Joey said with a soft sound that barely registered to the other's ears.

"James Lance Bass AKA Mississippi Poofu."

"Present," said James with a hint of annoyance at the nickname, which he always hated. The rest of them noticed it and went on with the group meeting.

"Joshua Scott Chasez AKA the Spaz of Maryland."


"And Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick AKA the Coolest MotherFucker on the planet."

That was followed by four very distinct snorts and a round of "You wish".

Chris sighed and tilted his head slightly while bringing a chip to his mouth. "A guy can dream, can't he? Anyway, all present and accounted for. First order of business is the current status of Lance in the group. JC, since you called for this meeting, you have the floor."

JC stood up while he muttered quietly to Chris. "Goober".

"Hey" Chris threw some chips at him but ignored him for most of it.

Exhaling loudly as if to command attention, JC said, "Lance, I know we have all hurt you in one way or another after you came out to us, and I would like to say sorry to you. I haven't been a good friend to you by not defending you and sticking by your side. For that, I'm really sorry."

James looked at his friend and threw himself at him. He gave him a bear hug and lifted him off the floor. JC smiled. Looking over Lance's shoulders, he saw Chris and Justin smiling. He saw Joey smiling too but with a guarded nervousness. JC knew that Lance didn't see the apology and he was just paving the way for a more private and personal repeat performance. JC managed to release himself and mentally coaxed Joey to say something while staring at him straight in the eye.

Clinton, Mississippi...

Diane Bass sat alone in her kitchen. About an hour ago, Stacey and Ford came to pick up her husband, Jim, and they left for the airport. Stacey gave her a cold stare as they drove away in Ford's Explorer. She was losing her family one by one, and couldn't understand why.

It was drizzling slightly outside and the air was warm with humidity. Her famous Iced Tea, which is a favorite of the boys, somehow tasted bland. She just stared at it with its octagonal glass as she gathered her thoughts of the pass few months. Her lips curved into a frown and looked out towards the living room where much of the fighting had happened five months ago.

She was slowly regretting her decision of disowning her only son. But she couldn't help it. Her beliefs say that her own son is an abomination. A walking, living sin that will burn in hell. She couldn't accept it, or she will burn too.

For this, she is suffering. When Lance left, she and Stacey had a long shouting match that ended up with her giving her daughter an ultimatum. Leave and join Lance or stay with the family. Stacey's choice was clear and left the house without so much as a pleading. This shocked Diane for she couldn't comprehend why.

Ford took Stacey's side, that was expected, but she didn't expect was the confused position of her husband. Jim was always the one that took Lance's side, even when she had her reservations about Lance joining NSYNC. Before anything else, he wants to talk to him. Even more unexpected was that the rest of her family didn't talk to her because what she did to Lance. "I am right, am I?", she thought.

Getting a headache from the woolgathering that she was doing, she turned on radio and placed it on some random station, hoping that it would play something soothing. On the first clear reception, she got one of the local top 40. It was only starting to play a song by The Pretenders.

I play a good game, but not good as you I can be a little cold, but you can be so cruel I'm not made of brick, I'm not made of stone But I had you fooled enough to take me on If love was a war, it's you who has won While I was confessing it, you held your tongue Now the damage is done...

CHORUS: Well there's blood in these veins And I cry when in pain I'm only human on the inside And if looks can deceive Make it hard to believe I'm only human on the inside

I thought you'd come through, I thought you'd come clean You were the best thing I should never have seen But you go to extremes, you push me too far Then you keep going 'til you break my heart Yeah, you break my heart

See I bleed and I bruise, oh, but what's it to you I'm only human on the inside And if looks could deceive, Make it hard to believe I'm only human on the inside I crash and I burn, maybe some day you'll learn I'm only human on the inside I stumble and fall, baby, under it all I'm only human on the inside And the damage is done...


I crash and I burn, maybe some day you'll learn I stumble and fall, baby, I do it all I'm only human on the inside

Diane had a thought and decided to do something about all this. Jim told her that they found Lance in New York and for some reason she was relieved. She was tired of all the silent wars and all the blame that was placed on her. It was time to take some action. She sat up from the kitchen table and grabbed the cordless phone in the hallway on her way up to the master's bedroom. She dialed for information, jotted down a number, and dialed again.

"Hello. Yes, I would like to ask if there are any available flights to New York tonight. 8:45? Economy? Sure, I'll take it."

Back in New York...

Lance looked at Joey as he approached him with a blank face. Justin, Chris and JC stared at the two and just waited for the next thing to happen. Lance began to worry as Joey continued to look at him with glazed eyes, as if he was trying to control his tears. A few moments passed.

It was as if the tension in Joey's body gave way to some force of will. The rest of the guys were surprised at the breakdown of Joey's composure as he kneeled down in front of Lance and hugged him tightly. Lance felt Joey cry into his shirt and embraced Joey's torso. Soon Lance was tearing up at the heart anguish when he heard Joey say, "I'm sorry", over and over. Lance managed to move Joey to the bed and the other three NSYNCers silently motioned for the door. As they closed the door, Chris pepped up and said, "This concludes the meeting for now. We will reconvene later when we go out for dinner." Then he moved on his merry way to Justin's suite where he knew everyone else was.

JC and Justin looked at each, then to the door where they just came out of, then to Chris who was skipping like Dorothy going down the yellow brick road. "Goober", they both muttered then they both let out.

La Guardia...

Howie and Christina waited patiently at the arrival terminal for Lance's dad, sister, and brother-in-law. The weekend fly-by-night crowds slowly trickled out of the airport and were going towards their loved ones or to some taxis. The place smelled stale as if the ventilation was shot or something. Howie crinkled his nose at the smell then started to look for a place to get some coffee. He seemed to have forgotten Christina somewhere, he only realized this after he asked for Christina order but she wasn't there. Howie grabbed his cup and started to look for a small woman with a white bucket hat and black shades.

"Great, now I have to find four people in this crowd," Howie thought before a pair of hands slapped his shoulders and made him jump. He felt the coffee spill down his shirt and pants. Turning around, he glared at Christina for all its worth. "Dammit Chrissy. Where were you? Look at my pants! You are paying for the dry cleaning, you know," Howie threatened.

Howie became perplexed at the sound of not one, but four sets of laughter. He turned around and jumped when he saw Lance's family behind him. A bit annoyed, Howie herded everyone to the limo. With a soft voice, he whispered to Christina's ear.

"I'll get you, my pretty, when you least expect it."

Christina laughed at him mirthfully. "We'll see, Howard dear." With that, she shachey-ed out to the waiting limo. A small smile appeared on Howie's face, and then he entered and closed the door. Christina told the driver to go.

A few hours later back in the hotel...

Joey explained with an emotion-filled voice about everything. About why he was avoiding Lance all those months ago. About all the things that he when through when he left. And about his feelings for the young bass. Lance and Joey didn't move the whole time as they talked, asking about each other and about each other's feelings.

"I don't know Joey. I've loved you for so long that I'm not sure of myself anymore. I want to be with you and all, but I want to think about this to see if this is what I really want," James said with sad longing.

Joey frowned slightly but immediately lit up. "I can wait, Lance. I've waited for 7 years for this. I can wait a little longer. At least now, I have some hope." Then he leaned upwards to give Lance a kiss. It was short and reassuring. It made their spines tingle with promise. And it made the entire world seem peaceful, even if just for a few moments.

They both stayed close to each other until Joey started to drift off into the most contented sleep in his life. James smiled at the sleeping figure in his arms. He guessed that this took a lot of emotional stress off his mind. James decided to take a quick shower as Joey slept on. The entire set-up made him mad but to not so much as to stay angry with the guys any longer. He felt grimy even if he did take a shower only a few hours ago. As he soaped himself carefully, he began to reevaluate his situation. He knew he left his old life of this one, but is he ready to return to the spotlight? To have a relationship with Joey? After all, this was what he always wanted.

Weighing the pros and cons, he decided that he was undecided by the whole thing. He still needed time to think. Too many thoughts began to converge in his mind so James started to sing, something he always knew would calm him down.

If blood will flow when flesh and steel are one Drying in the color of the evening sun Tomorrow's rain will wash the stains away But something in our minds will always stay

Perhaps this final act was meant To clinch a lifetime's argument That nothing comes from violence and nothing ever could For all those born beneath an angry star Lest we forget how fragile we are

On and on the rain will fall Like tears from a star Like tears from a star On and on the rain will say How fragile we are How fragile we are

On and on the rain will fall Like tears from a star Like tears from a star On and on the rain will say How fragile we are How fragile we are How fragile we are How fragile we are

James turned off the water and toweled himself dry. He walked back into bedroom in his boxers and noticed that Joey was awake and on the phone. He placed the phone back on the handle and faced James with a big smile on his face. James beamed and blushed; just then the rest of the guys came in the room with a room service cart full of food.

As they ate, it was starting to feel like old times again. Chris and Justin continually playing with their food while JC admonishing them for act like children. Joey joked with all of them and made everyone laughed. Lance remained quiet but always had a comeback or a smart remark that always threw everybody off guard. He was also known as the "King of the Silent Comeback".

After about an hour or so, JC asked for silence and looked at Lance with his piercing blue eyes. "Lance, we need to know if you'll come back or not with us. I know it may sound insensitive but we need to know if NSYNC will there. You said in your letter to find someone else and go on, but we couldn't do that because we wouldn't be NSYNC without you. Its either we're together or we're not. Do you have a decision about this?," he said flowingly, you could almost hear the pleading in his voice.

James lifted his head and eyed his band mates carefully, and a few moments longer on Joey. "Guys, no matter what you're still my brothers and I love you all like my own family. What I'm asking of you guys is to respect my decision, no matter what it is. Can you guys do that?"

The guys looked at each other and performed a silent census. Chris and Justin nodded vigorously. JC smiled and said, "yes". Joey reached over to Lance's hand and squeezed them for support. James curved his lips and hoped that they would accept this.

"My decision is no..........."


Hope you guys liked this. Remember to email me your responses and to read my other work, "Love, Words, and Intentions". Til then Peace and Prosperity.

Next: Chapter 9

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