Mad Season

By Dane Javier

Published on May 29, 2001


Disclaimer: I don't know them. I don't know their business. I don't know nothing. I don't know jack about their sexualities. The song featured here is "Trouble me" by the 10000 maniacs.

Author's notes: I've been getting soon good responses from some of you people out there. Thanks a lot. I'll have to warn you guys though that I will be posting only about 10 chapters to this story because I want to start on another story I have in mind after this one. Maybe I'll do a Backstreet Slash, who knows. There has been a significant absence of that genre in the net for quite some time. Its unnerving. Anyway, enjoy your time here and please care to write.

P.S a shout out to Ashley W.(November Guest and Black Magic), DLS (Brian and Me), Wolfflyer (in my dreams of you). Read their stuff. It's like milk. It does well, the hell good.

PPS Read also anything by Rachel(Human Behavior), Nsyncgrrl(All I ever wanted), Lois(all you can't leave behind), Gretchen(college life), Sarah(middle of nowhere), Druid(D-evolution), Gabriella(My surprise romance), Matt(Search and Rescue), Micheal Ellis(Studio in the Country), James(My New Life), K-Magic(Not Meant To Be), leprechaun(Bad Boy B-Rok), Billy Burrew(Christmas Carol99) and Kenitra(Millennium Love). These are like milk too.

Mad Season 4: Here With Me

"How long has Joe been like this?" Chris looked towards JC and Janine with a grim questioning.

"I don't know. Joey ditched us to follow Lance, I think, last night. I found him this morning like this. I called you and Justin soon after I found him." JC explained. He was holding on to Janine who was tearing up at the sight of her brother all curled up in the middle of the bed with free flowing anguish.

Chris arrived about an hour ago with Dani and Howie on the quickest flight that they could get to New York. After settling in, JC and Janine brought him to Joey's room and what greeted him was the most pathetic sight he ever saw. It simply broke his heart.

Joey's room was unusually clean except for the bed sheets and the clothes he wore last night all bundled in one corner. No lights were on and the curtains prevented any sunlight to enter the dark room. The stereo had on loop the most depressing songs one could think imagine. Portishhead, Nick Cave, PJ Harvey, Dido and more. And lying on the king size bed, clutching a pillow like a life preserver, was Joey in an almost catatonic state, crying silently in a fetal position.

Forcing himself to get out of the room, he headed towards his room with JC in tow. Janine stayed to watch over her brother. Both of the eldest Nsyncers entered and were greeted by the concerned looks of Howie and Dani.

"How is he?", asked Dani who sat beside Chris and snuggled up to give him comfort. JC and Howie sat opposite them on the sofa, all of them in a somber mood.

"Well, whatever JC said to me when we arrived here was an understatement. Joey looks like shit. And I honestly don't get why should Joey be like this."

"I think I know why", JC grimaced and everyone peaked at this.

"What is it, JC?", asked Howie who got closer as if this was the key to the mystery.

"I think Joey is in love with Lance and that Lance rejected him last night." Everyone's eyes had gotten big as saucers at this theory. JC saw this and continued to proceed with his explanation. "You see, last night when we first saw Lance he had this dreamy look on his face as if he found a reason to live. He chased after him and I think this was the result of that encounter. While I explained to Janine what's was going on from over our side, Joey kept on saying, "He hates me" over and over like a broken record." JC exhales a shaky breath.

"I'm scared, guys. I can't believe that this is real", JC said as he broke down. Howie gathered JC into a comforting hug and then the phone rang.

"Hello", Chris answered and conversed with the hotel's front desk. "Okay, send the package up. Can you pay the courier for me and just add it to the bill? Thank you."

Silence prevailed until Chris' package arrived, by then JC had already calmed down. Sitting back beside Dani, he met expectant faces. He opened up the contents and his face lit up as if a light bulb suddenly appeared in his head. Setting down his newly acquired information in front of JC, he said "I think I have a plan to fix everything and get Lancey-poo back. Guys, you read that while I make a few phone calls."

With that, the motion of the ball just got pushed.

On a Plane Flying Towards New York...

Justin took the next available flight there was from Seattle to New York with Christina Aguilera and Ryan Gosling, his old friends from the MMC days. They've been his constant companions in a road trip that ended yesterday in Seattle for Christina's charity concert. JC called after the concert for him to get to New York as fast as he can. Much like Howie and Dani's reaction to Chris' news, Ryan and Christina voluntarily went with Justin on the plane for support.

"What's in your mind right now, Curly?", asked Ryan from cross the aisle. His eyes stared at the young heartthrob with much worry. Justin turned his gaze from the open plane window towards his old partner-in-crime from years ago in the Mickey Mouse Club.

"I'm just scared, that's all", Justin shrugged at his old friend with his straight blond hair and enigmatic eyes. "I mean, I've come to realize how much of an asshole I've been when Lance was around. Much more when he up and pulled a Houdini on us. Now after much soul-searching and all with you and Christina these past 6 weeks have made me realize a lot more than what I figured I'd learn from the beginning of this. I've just lost one of my best friends and I was to involved with myself to see it. All because of my stupid beliefs and stubbornness, I've been too blind to see my friend in pain. I'm just scared that Lance won't forgive me"

"Curly, I have to admit to you that I agree that you were being an ass to Lance. To feel regret and remorse is only human. At least you aren't too stubborn to admit mistakes like other people. Things will turn up fine. Just don't dwell too much on the negative and go for the positive. You'll see", Ryan said with much optimism. Justin smiled at this.

Beside him, Christina began to stir to full consciousness. She pulled back her long platinum blonde hair and wiped the sleep from her eyes. After a succession of blinking, she turned to her old cast mates. "Is everything alright?", she asked with a yawn.

"For now at least", Justin replied.

"Guys, loosen up. Lance is back. Things will be okay. When we get to New York we'll be meeting with the guys and the rest of the New York-based mouseketeers. You'll be able to see Britney again, Justin." He just rolled his eyes. "Even if she is the biggest bitch in the planet."

"Oh come on Chrissy, I still don't understand how can you can say things like that to Britney when she's not here to defend herself?", Ryan asked.

"Simply put, it's because she's my best friend and she does the same thing to me. It's like a twisted and perverse way of acknowledging our friendship."

All this friendly banter made Justin feel a little at ease. He knew he needed this before he had to face Lance, if he was going to face Lance. And maybe seeing Britney won't be as bad this time around.

In James' Apartment...

He tried to concentrate on the text that he needed to study for his comprehensive test that he was going to take in a couple days. He wasn't focused; all because of Joey arriving in his apartment yesterday to rush back all the memories to his head. Damn him!

He threw his textbook at the wall and slumped to the floor. He stared at the ceiling, wishing that the high stained portion of the room would swallow him up. After what seemed like an eternity, he looked towards the hanging clock near his bedroom door and shot up when he realized what time it was. He was going to be late for class.

In 15 minutes, he was able to strip, shower, eat a quick pastrami sandwich, dress up, and brush his teeth. After checking for any flaw with his "disguise", he left his apartment. On his way out of the building, he waved at Sheila before sprint to the nearest entrance to subway.

Unaware of anything but his rush to get to school, James didn't notice a medium built man with a furtive face and a baseball cap following him. The man continued to follow James until he entered one of the local community colleges in the city. After seeing that James went to class, the "stalker" pulls out his cell phone from his pocket and speed-dialed a number.

"Hello, Mr. Kirkpatrick? Delacroix here. Your boy is apparently taking up some college. Okay, I'll send my boys on it. Don't worry, you'll have more info than the one I've had sent to you earlier by late this evening. Why thank you, sir. You business is always welcome in D&M Detective Agency. Thank you. Goodbye."

He tucked away his phone and waited for another 2 hours before James left the college for the Speakeasy.

Later that night.....

"Listen James, Derrick will be a little late so he called up to see if anyone can cover for him until he gets here. None of the other performers are available tonight but since you're here so...." James just rolled his eyes at the round about way Kelly was asking him to move his ass on stage and entertain people.

He simply sighed and said, "Okay, but I want a raise for doing this." Kelly squealed and hugged him tight while James steadied himself from dropping a tray full of Martini glasses. He smiled weakly then let go and went back to work to prevent himself from thinking anymore about Joey. He didn't notice the two familiar faces that just entered the bar as he made orders of Kamikazes, Strawberry Daiquiris, and Sex Shots.

"So this is where Lance works. JC my man, you weren't kidding when you said that this place is so fly, and it ain't a club either", said Chris as a waitress led them to a table in a dark corner.

"If it wasn't for the fact that we're here to show you Lance, Chris, I would be challenging you another contest of shots and see who can last the longest." Chris grinned at JC. "But I suppose that it could wait until all of us are together and see if Scoopy will be the first to pass out." Both of them wished silently that possibility would happen.

"Yeah", Chris said almost silently.

"Well, Gentlemen", said the waitress that broke their train of thought. "What will be your poison for the night?", she asked with a southern accent oozing with desire.

"Apple Jacks (a mix of Apple Juice and Jack Daniels) for me, if you have them", ordered Chris.

"Sam's Hard Lemonade, please", ordered JC.

"The names Mel, by the way." She flicked her long black hair and winked at them before flouncing towards the bar. That gave them both an uncomfortable lump in their pants.

Mel approached James as he finished pouring a dry martini into a glass. She handed him the order and wrote some numbers on her pad while waiting for the drinks. James cocked a look at her, she noticed this and blushed. "So, who's the lucky customer that has the pleasure of getting your undivided attention for the night?", asked James.

"Those two gentlemen in the corner who seem a little bit too serious but both of them are so cute. I think both of them are interested." James shook his head with much disapproval and continued to make the Apple Jacks.

Mel saw this and smirked with much Louisiana attitude. "You really need to get laid, James. There are many people in this place that you could go to bed with, me included, if you would just allow yourself to do it. I could probably show you a good time, if you'd let me, you know."

James rolled his eyes. "The problem with that logic is, as you very well know, is that I bat for the other team. True I could go to the sack with anyone of these guys if choose to but I don't for I just don't feel comfortable with the idea." James placed the Hard Lemon and the scotch mix on the tray. He thought of how much Chris loved his Apple Jacks.

"You're such a prude, James. I mean, how many people have hit you since you got to work." James considered but before he could say an answer, "Honestly!" said Mel.

"About 8 people, 3 girls and 5 guys", James said while looking at a spot on the counter. She continued to glare at him. "Okay, 15 people. Satisfied?"

"See! Now try to be more open to this and play the field a bit more. I'll see you later, sugar. I'll just give my number to that tall brunette. He's sooooo my type."

James rolled his eyes again as Mel sauntered across the floor to the two strangers that James couldn't quite see due to the Speakeasy's semi darkness. After filling in on some more orders, he went up on stage and ran a quick set list with tonight's band.

From their table, JC pointed out for Chris where Lance was on the stage. Chris was taken aback at what he saw. He knew that Lance changed his appearance drastically but to actually see the change was unnerving. If one of things that Chris knew about Lance was that he hated drastic changes.

"He must have hated all the shit that happened to him to possess him to alter his appearance. Damn, we are such pricks", Chris sighed in despair. He raised his glass for a large gulp. JC did a long swig of his bottle and wiped his mouth. Both looked at each other, clinked their drinks together, finished their drinks then ordered for another round.

Soon enough, James began his set and played a few songs that surprised Chris. "How in the hell did Lance learn this? It's Bob Dylan for God's sake. He doesn't listen to anything other than country. So since when does he listen, let alone, play Bob Dylan? Its like a freaky episode of the Twilight Zone."

"This is nothing. You should have heard him last night when he played some Duncan Sheik. It's like nothing I've ever heard before", JC commented.

After finishing his song, James stayed silent for a few moments and "awoke" to the clapping of the crowd. He smiled as he spotted a familiar lady sitting at the bar. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we seem to have another celebrity here in the Speakeasy tonight. Please give it up for the lady of 10,000 Maniacs fame, Miss Natalie Merchant."

Spotlights began focusing on the petite singer as she moved across the floor towards the stage. She gave James and the rest of the band a hug and spoke to the microphone, "Hello, everyone. I won't sing you a set but maybe a few songs just for tonight. James, if you want, can we sing a duet of that song I first heard you sing." James remembered and began strumming the chords of "Trouble Me". With that, Natalie began singing.

Trouble. Trouble me, disturb me With all your cares and your worries Trouble me On days when you feel spent Why let your shoulders bend Underneath is burden when My back is sturdy and strong? Trouble me, speak to me Don't mislead me The calm I feel is a storm is swelling Speak to me There's no telling where it starts or how it ends Speak to me Why are you building This thick brick wall to defend me Speak to me When your silence is my greatest fear Why let your shoulders bend Underneath this burden when My back is sturdy and strong? Speak to me, let me Have a look inside These eyes while I'm learning Let me Please don't hide them just because of tears. Let me send you off to sleep With a "There, there now stop your turning and tossing" Let me Let me know where the hurt is and How to heal Spare. Spare me. Don't me spare me. Anything Troubling. Trouble me, disturb me With all your cares and your worries Speak to me And let our words build a shelter from the storm Let me And lastly, let me know what I can mend. There's more, honestly, than my sweet my friend That you can see. Trust is what I'm offering if you Trouble me...

James and Natalie finished the song with a final crescendo. The crowd rose to a standing ovation. The applauds overwhelmed James as he turned to Natalie simply smiled at his blush. A few more songs later, Natalie left the stage much to the chagrin of the crowd. A few more after that, James left the stage to take a break. Tonight he didn't notice the faces of his old bandmates who somehow blended with the other faces of tonight's crowd.

Chris and JC asked for their bill and Mel came over. Chris pulled out a few bills and started to stand when Mel slipped a folded piece of paper into JC's pocket. JC stared at Mel's face as she said, "Call me sometime, Handsome." Then Mel moved to other table to get some orders. JC was just left stunned and Chris just cracked a grinned. "Oh, JC is going to get some!"

Shaking out of his shock, JC slapped Chris with a backhand and stalked out of the bar, but not before waving at Mel.

As the two best friends neared the exit, Kelly approached them. "Hey, y'all. How did you like the show?"

"Good. Thanks for setting this up for us Kelly", JC said with an appreciative smile. Chris copied it with much fervor.

"Hey, why do you think I asked Janine to convince you guys to come here in the first place? I had my suspicions about James, especially when Janine told me about Lance's disappearance and James' arrival here. It took me two months to realize that James was Lance with a completely new look. It was the little things that set me off, like his Mississippi accent would sound out every now and then. We would talk about NASA or watch a launch on TV; he would light up with interest. Just the little thing really."

Even with the party mood of some of the patrons of the Speakeasy, the three of them were drawn in a pensive mood. Breaking out of the trance Chris said, "Well Kelly, I was nice of you to set this up for us and all. We'll figure something out. By the way, what happened to the guy that you said that was supposed to be performing?"

"Oh Derrick? I fired him a couple of days ago but I somehow forgot to tell the rest of the employees that he's gone." Chris and JC shook their heads and gave Kelly a hug each before going outside to hail a cab.

As James came out of the back office, he saw Kelly in the entrance hugging JC and Chris. He stiffens at this and tried to ignore his impulse to go up there and attack them. He went up on stage and began the second set.

Back at the Hotel....

Janine stayed in Joey's room, much like a person on suicide watch. Howie and Dani explained the situation to Justin, Christina, and Ryan. They were all in Justin's suite, which he shared with Ryan and Christina. Their reaction was much to be expected which quickly led to more questions about what are they going to do about it.

Within 15 minutes, Chris and JC got to the hotel and went to the front desk for any of their messages. Chris got another package. As the elevator brought them to their floor, Chris and JC quickly discussed a plan of action as what to do tomorrow. Entering Justin's suite with a master key, they sat down on the only available space to sit on, the floor. Dani sat down beside Chris and held his hand.

"Guys, me and JC have a plan to get Lance back. This is all or nothing here. If he doesn't come around to what we plan to do, then it's a lost cause." Chris looked at the expectant faces surrounding him and JC. He smiled that he didn't need to confirm their involvement here because they're all willing to do this. "Tomorrow morning at 6, Justin, you and me, are going to the park for some exercise. Then we are all going on TRL tomorrow......."

Next: Chapter 5

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