Mr Hottie

By Photo Guy / Greg

Published on Jul 27, 2012


Mr. Hottie

By: Photo Guy ( Story Consultant: Drew Editor and Proofreader: Jere

The author copyrights this story, with permission for posting on the Nifty Archive. It may not be copied to another website without prior approval from the author.

This is a fictional story ... any similarities to actual people, places, events or other entities is purely coincidental. The story involves gay sex, and was written solely for the reading enjoyment of adults who aren't offended by the subject matter! If you are underage, or this type of material is illegal where you live, please leave now.

I want to take a moment to thank those of you who were kind enough to email after the last chapter.

Chapter 28

As they walked to get the car, the men joked and laughed, drawing a few approving smiles, but mostly curious stares from passersby. However, their minds were so fixed on each other, that they didn't notice anything else. The three and a half block walk was over in no time.

"Fuck, Jem!" Liam exclaimed, stopping in his tracks. "We need to be on the other side of the street."

Rather than backtrack, or walk to the end of the long city block they were on and cross at a pedestrian crosswalk, Liam suggested they jaywalk to the garage. After waiting for the one way traffic to pass, the men sprinted at a diagonal across Stout Street. Liam reached the opposite side first and bounded onto the curb. Jeremy's eyes were focused on the backside of his lover, and, out of the corner of his eye, he misjudged the length of the final stride onto the curb. His right ankle turned with a snap, as the foot rolled off the curbing into the gutter.

"Damn it to fucking hell!" The pain was excruciating, but, somehow, Jeremy managed to keep from falling.

"What happened?" Liam turned to see Jeremy hobble onto the sidewalk.

"I turned my fuckin' ankle." Jeremy tried to walk it off, while Liam waited.

Chuckling, Liam wrapped his arm around his boyfriend's waist. He shook his head, and nodded toward Jeremy, before speaking in the direction of an invisible, third person. "He's sexy ... but my Jem's a klutz, too!"

"Thanks, loads!" Jeremy managed a wan smile, while swatting Liam's bum.

"Seriously, are you going to be okay?"

Though his foot hurt like hell, Jeremy tried to smile again, while leaning on Liam for support. He decided a lie was called for. "Yeah, I think so; it feels some better." Slowly the men shuffled toward the parking garage elevator, and finally made it to the third floor, where Liam had parked the car. With an arm around Liam, Jeremy hopped to the car. Having twisted an ankle once before, Jeremy knew it would take a while for the pain to subside. "I'm sorry to be such a baby, Liam, but could you help me into the car, too?"

"Hey ... you can be a baby around me all you want, Jem!"

Liam opened the passenger door, and supported Jeremy's weight, as the injured man lowered himself into the low slung coupe. Liam felt awful. In his mind, it was his fault that the accident had happened, since he'd been the one to suggest they jaywalk. Already, that bad suggestion had caused Jeremy a lot of suffering, not to mention that it would have taken them less time to reach the car, if they had walked the extra distance.

After settling into the seat, Jeremy began to massage his ankle and foot; and by the time Liam had deposited the duffle bag onto the back seat, got in, and slid the key into the ignition, the throbbing had lessened.

"Do I need to take you by the ER?" Liam asked, buckling up, before turning the key.

"No, I think it's going to be all right. It feels a lot better when I'm sitting down." Jeremy's smile was authentic ... for the first time since the accident. He reached around for the seatbelt and fastened it.

Relieved, Liam started the car, whipped it through the garage, paid the parking toll, and turned left on Stout. After making another left on Twentieth Street and driving several blocks, he turned the car onto the freeway entrance ramp. Quickly accelerating to 55, Liam merged with the early afternoon I-25 traffic. As soon as possible, he changed lanes to the left. They were traveling in the innermost passing lane, when the amber `Low Gas' warning light flashed on.

"Looks like we're going to need to get gas before long," Liam commented. "And I could use some lunch, too!"

"You and me both," Jeremy agreed. Now that his foot was feeling quite a bit better, his stomach was beginning to grumble. He clicked on the radio, where long-dead, Louis Armstrong's gravelly voice was intoning Ain't Misbehavin'. "How about a little music?"


Since both men liked jazz, Jeremy left the satellite radio tuned to the station where he found it, as Liam drove through the heavy traffic. After a few miles, two lanes of I-270 entered on the right, while an equal number exited to the left as the Boulder Turnpike, or US 36. Liam kept to the middle lanes and I-25. As soon as all the new drivers had merged, the traffic flow smoothed out. A few miles further along, they exited at the Denver suburb of Northglenn, for gas and lunch at Cracker Barrel. Liam steered the car into the first parking spot he found at the busy restaurant.

The pain in Jeremy's foot had subsided to a dull ache, until he stepped out of the car.

"Damn, Liam ... something's really not right here."

"With your foot, you mean?"

Jeremy shook his head. "Yeah. I think I will have you take me by Urgent Care after we get back to Longmont."

"Shit ... it's that bad?"

Jeremy nodded, before half-joking, "I hope I didn't break something." He limped a few steps, fighting back tears from the sharp pain he felt in his right foot, every time he tried to put weight on it.

Liam offered his shoulder for support. "Do you want me to take you to the doctor's right now?"

Jeremy tried to smile. "No, let's get something to eat first."

The men hobbled through the front door and made their way between the cluttered merchandise in the `Old Country Store' at the front of the restaurant. To plenty of stares ... unfortunately, not the same kind they had received the night before ... the men were seated at a table in the bustling establishment.

"This really IS going to be a birthday to remember!" Jeremy chuckled, as he opened the menu. "Hot sex and a trip to the Emergency Room!"

"Yeah ... well, I could do without the last thing," Liam commented, still feeling responsible for the accident.

"Me, too; but I need to tell you, Liam, last night more than makes up for anything else!"

Liam smiled feebly. "Thanks, Jem; right about now, that's exactly what I needed to hear."

The hungry men ordered and enjoyed a leisurely meal. Cracker Barrel's country cooking probably wasn't the most healthful fare, but it sure did taste good! While he was seated, Jeremy's foot was okay ... only a dull ache ... but when he stood and tried to put weight on it, the pain was intense.

Jeremy winced. "I'm going to need your shoulder again, Liam."

Liam smiled. "Jem, you've got my shoulder, and all the rest of me, for as long as you want it!"

"Like forever?"

"I was hoping you'd say something like that." Liam smiled broadly for the first time that afternoon. "Yep ... I'm yours `until you find someone better."

Jeremy chuckled; he never saw himself finding anyone better than Liam, and told him so.

Liam paid the bill and the men shuffled from the restaurant. At the gas station, next door, Liam filled the tank. Soon the men were on the highway again, headed north. Several minutes later, Liam was parking the car in one of the handicapped spaces at the Longmont Clinic, across the street from the hospital. He helped Jeremy inside, and, after a stint in the large waiting room, a nurse ushered them into an examination room.

Jeremy replayed everything that had happened to the attending nurse, who keyed the information into a computer, before taking his blood pressure ... which was strangely high. A few minutes after the nurse left the room, a female doctor entered. After rolling up his pants leg, she examined Jeremy's swollen foot and ankle, gently probing with her fingers, before ordering x-rays be taken. The nurse returned with a wheelchair, and gave the men directions to the Radiology Department at the hospital. Carefully, Liam pushed Jeremy through a fairly long tunnel, beneath Mountain View Avenue, before taking the elevator up two floors to Radiology. The waiting room was already crowded with people, as Liam signed Jeremy in. While they waited ... and waited ... and waited some more, Jeremy filled out another sheaf of paperwork. Looking up, after completing the last form, he asked Liam what time it was.

Liam pulled his phone out of the waist pouch and shook his head. "Shit, it's almost four! I'd better text Shaun, to let him know why we aren't home yet."

Jeremy agreed. "Who knows how much longer we're going to be here..." While Liam keyed in a brief message, Jeremy glanced around the waiting room; he noticed at least three people who had been there when they arrived.

Finally, Jeremy was wheeled into the room to be x-rayed ... both foot and ankle ... and by the time Liam had wheeled him back to Urgent Care, the doctor had the x-rays on her computer.

Businesslike, she smiled at Jeremy. "Well, I've got good news and bad. Your ankle will be fine ... nothing's broken there ... but you do have a fracture in the fifth metatarsal bone ... on the outside of your foot where all the swelling is. From what I can tell, it's a clean break."

She paused a moment ... probably to let Jeremy ask a question or two ... but he was too stunned by her words to say anything. While many of his childhood friends had suffered broken arms, Jeremy had gone through childhood, and several bad falls, without any broken bones. Though he'd joked to Liam about having a broken foot, he never actually thought he had one!

She continued. "We'll fix you up with a boot and a pair of crutches. In a few minutes, someone will be in to help you with both of those. You can take 400 mg of Ibuprofen every four hours for the pain. Absolutely NO weight bearing on the foot ... and you need to keep it elevated with icepacks for 72 hours ... so the pain and swelling don't get too bad. Be sure to stop by the front desk before you leave, to make an appointment with Orthopedics, as early as possible." She smiled again. "Any questions?"

"Um ... I'll be able to work, won't I?"

"What do you do for a living?" the doctor asked.

Jeremy smiled. "I'm a high school math teacher."

She shook her head and smiled knowingly. "You should be able to. But you'll probably want to do most of your teaching from behind a desk ... and leave the hall monitoring to someone else. You will need to call in sick tomorrow, though."

Jeremy nodded that he understood. Fuck, that would make two sick days in a row ... but it couldn't be helped.

"Anything else you'd like to know?" While the doctor didn't rush Jeremy, it was obvious she had other patients to see.

"I guess not," Jeremy replied slowly. After the doctor had left the room, leaving the door open behind her, Jeremy glanced toward Liam. He couldn't help but wonder how his lover would react to the idea of a lame boyfriend. Jeremy shook his head. "I'm sorry about all of this shit."

Liam chuckled. "I know; so am I. But look at the bright side ... now, I get to nurse you back to health!"

Jeremy smiled. "I guess I hadn't thought about it that way."

"My treatment is unorthodox, but I bet you'll respond to it just fine!" Liam smirked sexily. "Seriously, Jem, I bet even the boys will pitch in around the apartment and at school."

"They'll have to," Jeremy agreed.

The men talked for a few minutes, before a heavyset, but young and jovial, physician's assistant came through the door, carrying a pair of adjustable, aluminum crutches and a large, padded, light gray, plastic boot. He knelt beside Jeremy's broken foot, pulling down his pants leg. Again, Jeremy thanked his lucky stars that Liam had brought a change of clothing in his duffel bag. It wouldn't have been possible to roll up the pants leg of the tight jeans, and Jeremy would have been very embarrassed to have been `bare assed' in the doctor's office.

"Have you ever used one of these before?" the young man asked, as he opened the overlapping foam rubber on the front of the boot.

"No." Jeremy smiled and shook his head.

"Well, they aren't too hard to get used to." The assistant lifted Jeremy's foot and slipped it through the front of the opened boot. "Be sure your heel is seated all the way against the back." Carefully, but firmly, he positioned Jeremy's foot correctly, before fastening the boot closed with Velcro. "I'm guessing you've never been on crutches, either."

When Jeremy again shook his head `no', Liam gave out with a short laugh. "You don't know what you've missed, Jem!"

"Your friend's right," the young man agreed. "But you'll get used to them in no time; I promise." He didn't add that Jeremy really had no choice!

Over the next several minutes, Jeremy was given instructions on how to walk with crutches, and after practicing a bit, he felt he could make it as far as the car, without falling. The more he walked using them, the more confident he became, though it was still very awkward.

The men made the first available appointment with the orthopedic foot specialist ... for Thursday morning, two weeks out ... and were finished at the clinic by a few minutes before six. Liam followed Jeremy to the car, ready to lend an immediate helping hand, if his lover stumbled. But Jeremy made it across the sloping parking lot just fine. Liam opened the car door and held it, while Jeremy slowly tucked himself inside, and then maneuvered the crutches into the car.

"I guess you're going to be driving me everyplace," Jeremy commented ruefully, after Liam got behind the wheel. "With my right foot in a boot like this, I couldn't drive anywhere, even if I tried."

"So now I'm a chauffeur service, am I?" Pausing for a moment or two, Liam pretended to be put off, before turning to Jeremy and smiling. "Hey, you can always count on me, Jem."

"Thanks! I knew I could."

After the short ten minute drive to the apartment complex, the men reversed the awkward process they had just followed at the clinic parking lot. Liam closely followed Jeremy to the stairs; again, ready to lend a hand if needed.

"Now THIS is going to be a challenge!" Jeremy stopped at the foot of the stairs, glancing toward the top of both flights. They had never seemed so long! "I wonder what's the best way to tackle these?"

One summer, as a preteen, Liam had badly twisted his left knee in a horseback riding accident, while with some friends. It had been in a cast for six, very long weeks. Though he'd gotten really good on crutches, they were still a major pain in the ass. His family's house was all on one level, however, so he never had to negotiate all that many stairs. Even so, as one who had `been there, done that', Liam had a few suggestions for Jeremy.

"Why don't you hand me the crutches, and lean on the railing with your left arm ... then try hopping up the stairs? Or you could just lean on me for support, if you want. I won't let you fall; I promise."

"I think I like your second idea better." Jeremy smiled, while awkwardly handing the crutches to Liam, who ran them up the stairs and carelessly leaned them against the apartment door. As he was running down the upper flight of stairs, the crutches loudly fell to the wooden floor of the breezeway. A few seconds later, Liam was at Jeremy's side again. Jeremy wrapped his right arm around Liam's neck, while tightly gripping the railing with his left hand. Still holding his right foot off the ground behind him, Jeremy put almost all his weight on Liam's shoulder, and lifted his left foot onto the first stair. It was a slow, laborious process, as the men began to climb the staircase.

The door to the Carter apartment opened, and Zach's head and naked chest peered out.

While zipping his jeans, he stepped over the fallen crutches and into the breezeway. "It's your dad and Liam," he called back into the apartment. Carefree, he trotted, barefoot, down a few stairs. "How did all this happen, anyways, Mr. C?" Though he sure hoped Mr. Carter wasn't badly hurt, he couldn't help but think he looked hot, all vulnerable, the way he was right then. Maybe it could be HIM helping Mr. Hottie up the stairs one day soon!

"Dad ... what happened to you?" Shaun called out, as his head popped out of the door.

Jeremy glanced at the two teens and shook his head. "Boys, it all happened so fast." After he and Liam made it to the second floor landing, where both boys waited, he added, "I'll tell you about everything, after we get inside ... but, to make a long story short, my foot is broken."

"No way, Dad!"

"Oh, yea, son ... way."

Again, Jeremy shook his head over the stupid accident. His life was going to be turned upside down for the next couple of months, and all because of a brief moment of carelessness. But that was the very nature of an accident, he supposed. With the boys trying to help, the four clambered up the remaining flight of stairs. When they reached the landing, Shaun handed the crutches to his father, and they slowly made their way into the apartment. Zach closed the door behind them.

"What have you boys been doing all afternoon?" Jeremy asked, while awkwardly settling into the couch. He lay the crutches on the floor, while Zach snatched his pack from off the sofa, setting it on the floor, before Jeremy swung his legs onto the sofa cushions.

Shaun shrugged his shoulders. "We've been upstairs on the computer." He sat on the arm of the couch beside his dad. "So how DID you break your foot?"

"Well, Shaun..."

Before Jeremy said more, Liam asked Zach if he planned to stay for supper ... he was, and had already cleared it with his mom. As Jeremy began to tell the boys about his birthday, and how it had begun so well, Liam ordered a couple of pizzas and a two liter bottle of Coke from Dominoes. After placing the order, Liam joined Jeremy and the boys in the living room, and chimed-in with added details from time to time. Though the men left out all the sexy details about Jeremy's birthday celebration, and devoted most of their description to how Jeremy broke his foot and everything that happened afterwards, the boys used their imaginations to fill in all the blank spots.

"I bet it hurts something awful!" Shaun said, during a brief lull.

Jeremy smiled. "It did hurt a LOT, at first." He thought back to earlier that afternoon, and some of the choice words he had used. Since he was a school teacher, he normally tried his best not to cuss. He'd always been afraid, if he cursed all the time when he was away from school, those same words might easily roll off his tongue in the classroom. He didn't want that to happen. "Liam better never repeat some of the stuff I said when it broke ... or until I saw the doctor."

"Hmmmmmmm." Liam took hold of his chin, as if he'd have to think about that request, and the boys chuckled.

"Sure, take advantage of the invalid." Jeremy smiled at Liam. "But, seriously, boys, my foot doesn't hurt at all right now."

"That's awesome news!" Zach grinned. He paused for a few moments, before sadly shaking his head. "Six whole weeks on crutches, though ... man..."

"I know, Zach. I'm going to be relying on all three of you guys for plenty of help."

"Anything you need, Mr. C, just ask."

"Yeah, Dad ... you can always count on us."

"Thanks, boys!" Jeremy smiled warmly. "Now, why don't you two tell Liam and me about your day?"

Shaun sighed. "Well, your sub was deaf as they come."

"Don't tell me they got Mrs. Schmidt again?"

"Yep, that was her name." Shaking his head, Zach laughed.

"Poor woman."

"Poor US, you mean, Dad."

"Maybe." Jeremy smiled. "But I feel sorry for her. I can guess how some of my students would take advantage of her." He ticked off a few problem kids in his mind. "At least, I know I can count on you boys to behave."

Silence, as a long glance passed between Shaun and Zach. Jeremy was busy, trying to make his foot comfortable, and didn't notice ... but Liam did. He didn't say anything, but gave both boys stern looks. They got the hint.

Abruptly, Shaun changed the subject. "Hey, Dad ... we were on the computer, reading about Zach as a little kid, when you guys got home." He giggled, as he thought about, but didn't mention, the sexy pics and videos they had been jacking off to right after they got home from school ... or that they had been planning to shoot for a second time over Us Guys, before they heard the loud bang of the crutches falling outside the front door, and Zach ran down from the loft to check it out.

"What?" Interested, Jeremy looked up. "Does your mom have a blog, or something, Zach?"

Zach chuckled. "MY mom? You've gotta be kidding! She's like almost clueless when it comes to computer stuff. No, we were reading..."

Someone loudly knocked on the front door, commanding everyone's attention. "Pizza delivery," a man's voice called out.

Reaching for his wallet, Liam stood. "You guys get out some glasses and put ice in them, while I pay for the pizzas and pop."

Immediately, the boys headed toward the kitchen; and, moments later, Liam sat two large pizza cartons on the dining room table and handed the two liter bottle of Coke to Shaun. Shaun twisted off the cap and began to fill a glass, while Liam opened the top pizza carton. Pizza had always been one of his favorite foods, and he smiled at the savory pie, before folding the lid under the box.

"Let's all eat in the living room, with Jem," he suggested. "Zach, there are a few TV trays upstairs. Why don't you get one for Jem and another one for the pizzas?"


"I'll just sit on the floor," Shaun said, while slowly filling the second glass with Coke.

"Yeah, me, too," Zach agreed, as he raced up the stairs to the loft, taking them two at a time. Seconds later, he was almost running down them, TV trays in each hand. He opened the trays, while the others set out the food, drinks, and plates.

Leaving the couch to Jeremy alone, so he could stretch out his leg, the others claimed places to sit ... the boys on the floor, and Liam in the chair by the door. Before long, each had food and drink before him, and was eating heartily.

Jeremy washed down a large bite of pizza with a swallow of soda, before asking, "Zach, what was it you were starting to say when the pizza guy knocked at the door?"

I think I will end this chapter with those words. There wasn't any sexy action in chapter 28, but a lot happened, nevertheless. lol I hope you guys enjoyed it! If you'd like to comment on this chapter, my email address is Have a great week everyone!


I have a few other stories on Nifty, in the Gay/Incest section:

You can always access them by clicking on the Prolific Authors' tab and scrolling down to my pen name, PhotoGuy'.

"I'll Suck You" - Final Post Date: June 25, 2007 "I've Got the Best Family" - Final Post Date: May 23, 2008 "Us Guys" - Final Post Date: May 29, 2009 "More is Better" - Final Post Date: March 4, 2011

If you would like to join the Yahoo! Group for my stories, you can do that here:

Next: Chapter 29

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