Nick and Adam

By Divine Lightning

Published on Apr 16, 1999


Well, I'd like to thank everyone for such positive comments, thus far. This is fiction, and all the standard formalities apply. Please e-mail me your comments at [] Enjoy :)

I'd like to thank everybody for their comments... I have yet to receive any type of bad remark. You guys make this even more fun to do.

Part 10:

"Hey babe, wake up," Brian told me.

I stirred and slowly opened my eyes as I focussed in on his face.

Smiling, "Morning gorgeous."

"Come on, the guys want to go out shopping and stuff today, so we need to get ready. It's already 11:30."

"11:30, this is late for you."

"Come on, let's go," Brian said grabbing my shoulder.

"Ok, ok. I'm up," I said as I sat up.

I rubbed my eyes, as I watched Brian walk into the bathroom. 'I love him so much,' I thought to myself. I got up and ran in after him.

"Guess who?" I asked as I placed my hands over his eyes.

"Hmmm? I wonder who it could possibly be? AJ!" Brian laughed.

"I love you to Bri," I said as I let go of him and kissed him.

"I'm showering, you can join me if you want."

"Well who could pass up an offer like that?" Brian smiled.

We both got into the shower, and after about 20 minutes of just rocking back and forth, while the water fell on top of us, we decided we had better get going before the guys got too upset.

"Ok? You all set?" I asked Bri.

"Yes, what about you?"

"I'm good to go."

"Cool, I got the key, let's go."

We left, and Brian locked the door.

"Hey Mike, Brian. How are you two this morning?" Kevin asked.

"We're good cuz," Brian said as he leaned over and kissed me.

Kevin smiled and walked down the hall to meet up with Howie waiting at the elevator. AJ started running down the hall to meet up with us.

"Those two love birds in there, don't want to come. So I guess it's just us then," AJ said.

"Cool, let's go," Brian replied as Howie pressed the call button.

We left the hotel, and were walking towards Time Square. We stopped at several souvenir shops on the way. AJ picked up some extravagent gold chains, and rings. Howie and Kevin grabbed a couple t-shirts for themselves.

"Hey Bri?" I called.

"Yeah, Mike?"

"What is your sign?"


"Sagitarius, Gemeni?"

"Ohhh, ummm... I think I'm Pisces. Why?"

"Just wondering?" I smiled.

The clerk smiled and walked away, doing exactly as I had told her.

"What are you getting?"

"None of your business. Now will you go browse over that way," I said waving towards the otherside of the shop.

"Fine, be that way," he replied sarcastically as he left.

The clerk returned in about 3 minutes.

"Here you go sir. The engravings are here," she said pointing to the 'B.L.' on the pendant.

"And here's the other one," pointing to M.S. on the back of the Aries pendant.

"Thank you very much," I smiled as I paid her.

She had them boxed and his wrapped. I stuffed them in my pocket and walked over to Brian.

"Ok, I'm all set," I replied as I hugged him from behind.

"So you gonna tell me what you got?" he smiled.

"Tonight, I'll give it to you. Until then, I want you to suffer."

"You're so cruel," he smiled.

"I know."

"Come on you two we're gonna head on down to China Town for lunch," Kevin called from the doorway.

"China Town?" Brian asked.

"That's what we voted so come on."

Brian and I looked at each other, shrugged, and followed Kevin out.

"I wonder what Nick and Adam are doing?" Brian whispered to me.

I smiled.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," Brian laughed.

"What are you two talking about?" AJ asked.

"Ohh, nothing," Brian said as we both laughed.

We walked for like 15 minutes until finally we started getting close.

"This place reeks!" Howie screamed.

"I know," Brian agreed.

"You actually want to eat here?" I asked.

"Wasn't my decision babe."

"I know. Well where we eating?"

"I don't know?" AJ replied.

We settled down, ordered some authentic Chineese food, and began eating.

"I'm sorry guys, but I can't eat anymore. It's making me sick with the smell of fish, and all this," I said as I stood up.

"You ok?" Brian asked with concern.

"Yeah, keep eating you guys. I'll be fine, just need to walk a bit."

They all nodded, and kept on eating as I walked to get some fresh air, that reeked of fish. I turned a corner, and pulled out a small bowl. I held it to my lips, as I lit it an inhaled. After 3 minutes, I had established a fairly decent high. I let the bowl cool down, before I shoved it back in the case and in my pocket.

"You all set?" I called as I ran back over to Brian and the guys.

"You all right?" Brian asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Let's get going," I said as I pulled Brian up.

Brian smiled at my energy. We took care of our stuff and headed back to go do some more shopping.

"You got another one of them mints babe?" Brian asked as he placed his arm around my neck.

"Mint?" I asked.

"Yeah, your breath is minty fresh, got anymore?"

"Ohh, that was a cough drop. Here you go," I replied as I handed him a halls.

"You feeling all right?" Brian asked again.

"Yeah. I'm fine, so stop asking," I smiled as I hugged him lightly.

"Hey! It's a store dedicated to me. Looney Tunes!" AJ screamed as he ran inside.

We all laughed at him, and followed him in. We played with the various toys, and AJ got a Marvin the martian baseball cap.

"Perfect," he smiled as we left.

The day continued on, all of us having a good time.

"They're not there. They didn't leave a message with the hotel either," Brian told Kevin.

"I thought that was the agreement. We let someone know where we are, at all times," Kevin said a little annoyed.

"I'm sure Nick and Adam are having a blast," I smiled.

"Yeah, I'm sure they're fine," Howie nodded.

"Yeah, well where we off to next?" Kevin asked.

"Cool, look at this place. Let's go inside," AJ exclaimed.

It was a low lit shop, with black lights, and 'glow in the dark' things all over. There were various smoking pipes in display cases. There were Marilyn Manson, Kiss, Korn, and several other heavy band posters plastered all over the walls. The 2 men that were at the counter looked like big bikers. Wearing leather jackets, and t-shirts praising the devil.

"I don't like this place," Kevin stated.

"Just a bit," Howie chimed as he followed AJ inside.

I smiled and ran in with them. Brian and Kevin waited outside for 3 minutes, then decided to go in after them. They looked around at all the stars, and radiant posters reacting to the black light. Kevin felt very uncomfortable in here, but waited patiently as the others shopped. Brian walked over to me, and grabbed ahold of my hand.

"Hey Bri," I smiled as I continued fanning through posters.

"Find anything?"

"Nope, not yet. But lookat all the cool bowls and bongs they got over here," I smiled as I pulled him over to the display cases.

"Cool huh?"

"Yeah, sure," Brian replied being unenthusiatic.

"Shit!" the clerk screamed.

Brian and I spun around as several cops barged in to the shop.

"Freeze!" one of them screamed.

We all raised our hands while the cops started searching us. The two clerks were hand cuffed and arrested for drug dealing and theft.

"Well, what's your guys's stories?" one of them asked with an attitude.

"We're all together sir. Just browsing around," Kevin spoke meakly.

"Keep searching them," he barked while they continued going through my pockets.

"Sir!" one of them screamed once he discovered my secret.

I looked at the floor and whispered, "Shit."

Brian looked over at the cop who called out.

"Just browsing 'ey? Arrest them," the head cop ordered as he continued looking around the shop.

"What the hell are you doing? Do you know who we are?" Howie asked.

"You have the right to remain silent, so I suggest you use it!" the cop barked.

"Geez," Brian said as they locked the cuffs on his wrist.

I didn't budge, or say a word the whole ride to the police department. I dwelled on what I had just done. 'How could I do this to Brian?' I asked myself. 'I'm a horrible person.' I convinced myself.

After the pictures, and paper work, we were all thrown in to the cell.

"What the fuck do you think you were doing, carrying marijuana on you? What the hell were you doing with it in the first place?" Kevin screamed with anger.

I just sat down and craddled myself as I withdrew myself from the world.

"I don't want you near my cousin, is that clear! You're going home as soon as we are out, and it's over!" Kevin yelled as he kicked the bars.

"I can't believe it, we're in jail," Howie said as he sat down.

"Well believe it. We're in here, and it's all brainy's fault," AJ said bitterly.

The cop escorted Brian back to the cell, and locked us back up.

"Well?" AJ asked.

"There not in right now. I left a message with the desk. I just hope that we get out before management finds out," Brian said.

"Brian we need to talk. We need to talk now," Kevin said coldly.

"Well, can't it wait a bit. Mike needs me."

"Don't you even go near him. Is that understood. I may only be your cousin, but this is for your own good. Mike is going home as soon as we get out of here. You and him are through, I can't believe he was on pot," Kevin stated angrily.

"Kevin, I knew about it. I can't just let him go either, I love him," Brian said.

"You knew! You knew! I can't believe what I'm hearing. You of all people should understand me. Well then I'm sorry. I refuse to allow him to corrupt this group or my cousin. I want you two through. Until we get out, you're not to tlak with him, and he's not to go near you. Now get over there," Kevin barked as he pointed Brian towards the furthest bench.



Brian stormed off pissed. 'I thought Kevin was the level headed father. He hates me, they all hate me!' Tears began to form, and a couple streamed down my face. 'They tore open his gift,' ran through my head, which caused even more tears to follow.

"Kevin, please?" Brian begged.

"You heard me, no," he hissed back.

I hadn't eaten in several hours. I lost all sense of being. All I wanted to do was die right here, right now.

"Adam? What about him?" Kevin asked.

"Brian, is Adam on this shit too?" Kevin commanded.

"No. I don't think so," Brian replied softly.

"Look, it's getting late you two. We don't know when Nick is gonna come and get us. But I think it's about time we get set up for bed," AJ said calmly.

"Sleep? How can you sleep here?" Howie said sarcastically.

"Well, I'm gonna try," AJ replied as he stretched out on the hard bench.

Howie just shook his head, sat on the bench and ran his hands through his hair.

I had lost all sense of time. I hadn't even noticed when Nick and Adam had shown up. I lost all feeling in my legs, my hands were freezing, and I couldn't think of anything but leaving this miserable planet. I at least wanted to be back home, in my own bed, by myself, for the rest of my life.

Adam called over to me as he left us in here. I was too upset to really care.

"Great, just great! We're stuck here until 9 in the morning!" Kevin screamed as he sat on the bench.

Kevin starred at the ground, supporting his head with his hands. Brian used this chance to go to Mike, since Kevin wasn't paying attention.

I felt a hand wrap around me and pull me closer.

"Hey Mike? I'm so sorry about Kevin," he whispered.

I didn't respond.

"Come on Mike, talk to me," he said as he grabbed my hand.

"Jesus, your freezing," he exclaimed as he pulled me into his arms and held me.

He laid my head on his shoulder and wrapped me in his arms. His warmth soothed me and I began to react to his presence.

"Brian?" I whispered softly.

"I'm so sorry I hurt you," I continued as I began to cry some more.

"It was an accident. It's something we will work through. You'll have to pay a fine, and hopefully that's it. I will be here with you through it all," Brian told me.

I calmed down. I was no longer crying, but falling fast asleep in his arms. Brian ran his fingers through my hair, and rocked me back and forth lightly.

"Go on. Go to sleep. I'll be here," were the last words I heard from Brian.


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Next: Chapter 11

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