Nick and Adam

By Divine Lightning

Published on Feb 23, 1999


Well, I'd like to thank everyone for such positive comments, thus far. This is fiction, and all the standard formalities apply. Please e-mail me your comments at [] Enjoy :) I'd like to thank everybody for their comments... I have yet to receive any type of bad remark. You guys make this even more fun to do.

Part 8:

I continued to look out over the city and listen to the wind lightly blow past me.

I looked over to the sliding glass doors when Nick walked over to me.

"Hey hun, how are you this fine morning?" I asked smiling over at him.

He didn't say a word and just leaned down to kiss me. He then pulled me down and held me in his arms.

"I love it," he said as he slowly let me go.

"Well, the instant I saw it, I wanted it for you," I said as I kissed him again.

"Hey, I don't want to cut this short, but we need you to get ready for today," I said as I slowly pulled him inside with me.

"I know, I know," he said as he started to yawn.

I laughed slightly and helped him into the bathroom.

"Come on, Kevin is not gonna be in a good mood. Not at all, he brought Howie in about 5 hours ago," I told him.

"Ohh, great. Where was he?" Nick questioned as he turned on the shower.

"He was found, passed out in a bar from drinking, Kevin told me," I replied.

Nick finished his shower and got dressed in some casual clothes for rehearsal.

"Now, I want you to put it on me for the first time," Nick said as he handed me the bracelet.

"You're such a sweet heart," I smiled as I took it from him.

I took his hand, and kissed him lightly on the lips. I then placed the bracelet on his wrist and clasped it closed. I then examined it on his wrist as I twisted his arm and hand from side to side.

"Perfect," I said with satisfaction.

Then I kissed him and pulled him down on to the bed with me. We wrestled around a bit, and then the shouting began.

"Nick get your ass in gear!" Kevin shouted from the other side of the door.

We stopped as soon as we heard it.

"Here we go. The day from hell," Nick said as he slowly got up off of me.

He went and opened the door as I got up myself.

"I'm up and ready, Kev," Nick said sweetly to Kev as he was banging on Howie's door.

"Good, you can help me get Howie up and at it," Kevin said angrily.

Nick walked to Kevin just as Howie opened the door.

"Come on, we have to be to rehearsal in about 30 mins, and you're not even showered," Kev yelled.

"Yeah, now lets get movin'," Nick added.

Both Kev and Nick walked into Howie's room, and shut the door behind them.

I looked down the other end of the hallway and saw Brian's door open. Mike walked out followed by Brian.

"Hey guys, how are you?" I asked.

They both smiled at me, "We're doin' just fine," Brian replied.

"You?" Mike asked.

"Me and Nick are great," I happily replied.

"By the way, I'm forewarning you, Kevin is in a retched mood. He didn't get much sleep last night, and Howie's probably gonna have the worse hangover today, all day," I laughed.

"This should be interesting," Brian replied as he shook his head.

Suddenly, without warning, AJ's door flew open and he jumped out into the hallway.

"No fear, AJ is here," he screamed as he landed on his knees and spread his arms in our direction.

All three of us started crackin' up.

"You're nuts," Mike told him.

"No I'm not, you all are just boring," AJ replied as he stood up.

"So where's the party?" he asked.

"Nick and Kev are tryin' to get Howie ready in time," I informed him.

"Ahh, so the missing has been found. Where was he?" he asked.

"He was found in a bar, out cold," I replied.

"Ahhh, gettin off on grandpa's ol' cough medicine," AJ smiled.

"Come on, let's go eat before it's too late," AJ said as he started pulling all three of us with him.

"Where we goin' to eat?" I asked between laughs.

"They're supposed to have a buffet for us at the rehearsal, so the earlier we get there, the longer we can eat," he said as he hit the elevator call button.

"What about Nick, Kev, and Howie?" Brian asked.

"They'll catch up with us," AJ said.

AJ then walked over to Howie's door, "Won't you guys?" he screamed at the door and walked back over to us. The door opened and Nick stuck his head out into the hall.

"Won't we what, AJ?" Nick asked.

"We're leavin' without you so we can have more time to eat," AJ said as he smirked at him.

The elevator doors finally opened and AJ walked on to the elevator.

"Come on guys, wait just a few more minutes. We'll have Howie ready soon, and then we can go," Nick pleaded.

I started to walk towards Nick.

"Ohh no you don't," AJ said as he grabbed my shirt and pulled me on to the elevator along with Mike and Brian.

"Hey!" I yelled as the doors closed.

"Wait!" Nick screamed at us.

AJ reached over and pressed the button for the lobby.

"AJ? Why can't we wait for them?" Brian asked.

"We are, we're just gonna scare them a bit," he said smiling at us devilishly.

"You are just plain cruel, dude," Brian said.

"I know," AJ replied very pleased with himself as he put his shades on.

He leaned back against the elevator and folded his arms. The elevator 'dinged' and the doors opened. AJ then reached over and pressed the button to close the doors.

"Ok, we wait for about a minute and head back up," he smirked.

We stood there laughing quietly when the elevator started climbing on it's own.

"And here it goes. Where we'll stop nobody knows," AJ said in a crazy voice.

"See what I have had to deal with for the past four years, Mike," Brian told Mike.

"And you loved every minute of it too," AJ stated.

The elevator stopped at our floor and the doors opened. Nick, Kevin, and a very sick looking Howie were awaiting.

"You assholes! You know how hard it was to get him ready in two minutes," Nick screamed.

"Got the job done, now let's eat," AJ said anxiously.

I grabbed Nick's hand as he walked in, and then Kevin and Howie got on. We headed down to the lobby, got off of the elevator and into the awaiting limo.

On the way to the rehearsal, we were mostly quiet. I laid my head on Nick's shoulder as I held his hand. I fumbled with the bracelet for most of the trip, admiring it's beauty.

"Guys, I don't feel so hot," Howie said sickly.

"Well, if you weren't out fucking drinking for the past two days, you'd feel fine!" Kevin barked at him.

"Take it easy on him Kev, he's been upset all week," AJ defended him.

"Yeah, well, this concert is gonna be quite the achievement is we actually manage to pull it off," Kevin said grabbing his head.

"Hey Brian? Guess what I got this morning?" Nick said anxiously.

"What?" he asked smirking at me.

"This," Nick stated as he stuck his wrist out in front of Brian's face.

Brian looked at it, and fumbled with it a bit. He had a smile on his face and nodded in awe.

"Nice, it's awesome, Nick. You have great taste Adam," Brian told us.

"Thanks," I said as I kissed Nick on the cheek.

"Oooo..., pretty," AJ said as he practically ripped Nick's arm from him.

"Hey," Nick yelled.

AJ then looked over at me, "Such the romantic, aren't we?"

I nodded and smiled.

"Guys, I'm getting car sick," Howie bellowed.

"Ohhh, shit!" everybody yelled as they all moved away from him.

"Come on open the window, get some fresh air," AJ said as he reached over to lower the window.

"We're almost there, I think," AJ informed him.

"If he throws up, he'll feel a lot better," Mike said.

"In what?" Kevin asked as he looked around the limo.

Howie started to moan in sickness.

"We're here," Brian said in relief.

"Hurry, we got to get him to the bathroom!," AJ shouted.

As soon as the limo stopped, we flung the doors open. AJ, Kevin, and Brian carried Howie to the rehearsal hall. Nick, Mike, and I were not far behind. Thankfully their wasn't anybody awaiting their arrival. We managed our way to the bathroom, and we stopped outside the bathroom door. AJ, Brian, and Kev walked out.

"Not a pretty sight," AJ said.

"Ok, why don't you guys go and eat, and I'll wait for Howie," Kevin told us.

"No, you need to eat just as much as the others. You go ahead, I'll wait for him," I spoke up.

Nick looked at me funny.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine. I'll catch up with ya later," I replied.

"All right, come on let's go eat," Kevin said.

Nick started to walk towards me but AJ grabbed the back of his shirt.

"That means you too, lover boy," AJ laughed.

Nick looked upset as he went with the others.

I waited about 3 minutes and then I decided to see if Howie was still alive. I found him splashing cold water on his face at the sink.

"Are you all right Howie?" I asked shyly.

"I'm not at my best if you haven't noticed," he forced out with a slight smile.

"Yeah, I know," I replied.

"Listen, I'm sorry about bein' such an ass these past two weeks. I didn't really mean what I said to you the other day," he started as he turned towards me.

"I realize you fell in love with her. And I know that me being here seems so unfair. I'm sorry about it, but I know you'll be able to find someone else," I told him.

"I hope you're right. But I don't think that I will, working in this business," he stated as he splashed another handful of water on his face.

"Don't say that. Look at Nick and Brian," I smiled.

"Yeah, well it seems they always have all the luck," he sadly said.

"Howie that's your problem. Quit with the depressing thoughts. If you think that way then that is what is going to happen. It's not easy but you need to think positively. Look at me, I never thought I'd ever have a relationship with anybody, let alone Nick," I continued.

"Well, it's too hard for me to do," he replied.

"Howie! Quit it, just go out there, get something to eat, and think to yourself that this day is the beginning of a new you. All you need is to think that you're bound to find someone just as good as her, if not better. Otherwise, this is gonna continue to build up until it breaks you. Then you're gonna go insanely nuts," I laughed.

"Do you really think someone better than Ashley will come around, and want me for who I am not what I am?" he asked seriously as he looked me directly in the eyes.

"Of course," I reassured him

He dried his face with some paper towels and walked over to me.

He gave me a hug, "Thank you, and I'm sorry for everything," he said.

I returned the hug, "Don't worry about it," I replied.

"All right, I'm starving. Let's go eat," I told him as I headed out of the bathroom.

"Yeah, that does sound good," he replied as he followed me out.

We walked down the hall looking for the guys and the food. We finally found them, and the buffet laid out for us. Howie and I immediately started stuffing our plates full of food.

"Hey guys, how you feeling D?" AJ asked as he looked up.

"Better now, I doubt this headache is goin to go, but I'll be fine," he reassured.

"Cool," AJ replied and continued to eat.

Nick walked up behind me and whispered, "Everything ok?"

"Everything's just fine," I whispered back.

I walked with Nick over to the couch and started to eat.

Once we finished eating, they were off to practice. Mike and I sat and watched them go through several songs. We eventually started walking around the building chatting back and forth about how lucky we are, how much fun we were having, and how we hoped none of this would ever end.

It had been 4 hours since they started practice and it was getting close to 4 p.m. We were sitting outside continuing our conversation when Brian and Nick had caught up with us.

"Hey guys, where you been?" Nick asked.

"We were just talkin' about you," I smiled.

"Ohhh, good or bad?" Brian asked.

"You and bad don't go together, Bri," Mike stated.

"I love you too babe," Brian replied.

Mike smiled and we stood up.

"So now what?" I asked.

"We have a half hour break before we head over to Central Park for final sound checks," Nick said.

"Cool," I replied

Nick then grabbed my hand and started pulling me away from Mike and Brian.

"Bye guys," I laughed as he pulled.

"Bye," both of them replied.

"So where we off to?" I asked Nick

"I don't know, to be alone?" he smiled back at me.

We went back into the room where they had been rehearsing. We walked to the very back and he pulled me down to the floor with him. After I stopped laughing and wrestling with him, we kissed.

"I love you so much," he said as he looked deeply in my eyes and held my hand.

"I love you too, Nicky," I smiled back.

We leaned in for another kiss that lasted for a few minutes. I then pulled him around and wrapped my arms and legs around his body and slowly rocked him back and forth.

He leaned his head back on my shoulder and closed his eyes. He slowly began to fall asleep. I moved slightly so he could lay his head down on my lap and his body on the floor.

I ran my fingers through his hair as he laid there peacefully. I don't know how long we were there, but I was happy and I know it didn't last long enough because soon enough Kevin's voice came bellowing in the room.

"Nick? Adam?" he yelled.

Nick slowly stirred and opened his eyes. He smiled up at me as I leaned down to kiss him.

"NICK!!! Where in the hell are they?" he yelled.

"Kevin, we're in here," Nick screamed back as he sat up.

Kevin walked up to us.

"Come on guys, we've been looking all over for you," Kevin said as we looked up to him.

He pulled both of us to our feet.

"We gotta get goin' over to the park for final sound checks and shit. Then we have to get made up, dressed up, and our hair done. And all of it in the next 3 and a half hours," he sighed.

"Sounds like fun. Come on Adam, let's get movin'," Nick said as he grabbed my hand and we walked out with Kevin.

We walked out of the building and into the limo. It then sped off to our next destination.

When we arrived at the park, people were all over the place. Crews were setting up the stage, the lights, the speakers, everything. There were also a large amount of police and security on the premises. They were keeping the building crowd out of the way and under control. Nick leaned over to me and gave me a kiss.

"I probably won't see you until after the concert, because I'm gonna be all over," Nick explained.

"Ok, " I said sadly.

"You and Mike get special passes though, so you're allowed anywhere. You also get to be right up front during the show too," Kevin told us.

"Cool," Mike said.

"Yeah," I agreed.

"Well, here we are fellas, let's start the rush," AJ said as he stepped out of the limo.

"Oh boy," Kevin said sarcastically.

"Later babe," Brian replied as he gave Mike a quick kiss.

"I love you," Mike replied.

Nick ran his fingers through my hair, and then stepped out of the limo as he pulled me up and out as well.

"Coming Mike?" I laughed.

"Yeah, yeah," he smirked.

We closed the door and the limo was off. I looked around at all the commotion, and you could hear the fans in the distance screaming. Mike and I stood in awe.

"Wow, this is amazing," I stated.

"It sure is, dude," he replied.

"Well, they're gonna be busy why don't we go for a walk to pass the time?" I questioned.

"Yeah, let's go. But first let's go get our passes from Kev, so we can get back in," Mike said.

"Yeah, that would help," I laughed.

We ran over, grabbed our passes and told Kevin what we were gonna do. He approved and was off. Mike and I then started to stroll through the various paths in the park. We admired how huge it was, and how beautiful everything appeared. We weren't payin' attention to where we were really going just kept on walking until one of the officers came running at us.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked Mike.

"I don't know?" he replied confused.

"Hey, you two. Get behind the lines, now!" he screamed as he came closer.

"What?" Mike asked.

"You need to be behind the police lines. You don't have authorization to be here," he insisted.

"These give us the authority to be here, sir," I told him as I showed him the pass hanging around my neck.

"I will need to call and check before I can let you go, he replied nastily.

I rolled my eyes as he radioed for his chief. He explained the situation and after the matter of a five minute conversation we were finally let go. We shook our heads in disgust as we headed back towards the stage. We talked about how much of an ass the cop seemed to be and how long he stood there bull shitting about nothing before he let us go.

When we got there, we found a bench and sat down. I was now starting to get tired after today's exhausting activities. Mike also started to yawn. The concert was to start in about an hour and people were running every which way. We heard sound checks play out over the several loud speakers which were set up throughout the area.

We were then informed that the crowd would be let in to the area in about ten minutes.

"Great, a mass of screaming teenage girls, I can't hardly wait," I said sarcastically as Mike laughed at me.

I smiled and we got up. Police barricades were setup behind the stage to prevent people from messing with the equipment. We grabbed a spot in front of the stage, and prepared for the massive rush. A security guard checked our passes, and then helped setup the barricade in front of the stage, and behind us.

"Thank God. That should at least keep the people from crushing us," Mike said with a sigh of relief.

I nodded in agreement and we sat on the ground.

"Here they come," the security guards yelled back and forth.

Mike and I turned behind us and saw this huge mob of people rushing towards the stage.

"Ohh my God! It's massive," I said in awe.

"Fuckin' right," Mike said equally surprised.

We stood to watch the masses gather in front. Security was ready to prevent people from pushing pass the barricade.

We got several odd looks by the people up front, and several remarks claiming we were faggots for being here. Mike and I just smiled at them as we swore at them under our breathes.

"I can't wait to get back to the hotel," I exclaimed.

"Me either, I'm exhausted," Mike smiled.

"I don't know how they do this all the time," I asked.

"I know, of course tonight is gonna be extra tough on them," Mike stated.

"I know, I feel so bad for them," I replied.

"Don't worry. Everything will work out just fine. It always does in the end. I've told you that since I met you," Mike smiled.

"Yeah, I know. I should know not to doubt you by now," I laughed.

He smiled at me and then we sat down on the ground again waiting for it to start.

I heard one of the guards say there was about five minutes until show time.

Soon enough the lights came up, and smoke came pouring out of the stage as the music to 'Everybody' came pouring out. They looked great, and they sounded great. Mike and I were watchin' every move they did as we, along with the rest of the crowd, sang along. Even if we weren't that great, the whole crowd kinda matched them closely as a whole.

As the night proceeded, Brian sang 'I'll Never Break Your Heart', and looked at Mike most of the time, which made him VERY happy. Finally, after a couple hours of exhausting screaming, singing, and jumping, the guys finished up with 'As Long As You Love Me'.

They came out and did their good-byes, and Nick looked cuter than ever.

"Come on, let's go," Mike said as he yanked me to the side of the stage.

"Between you and Nick, I'm surprised my arm hasn't fallen off," I laughed.

"Come on shithead, let's go see them and congratulate them," he yelled back.

"I'm commin', I'm commin'," I replied.

We got past the security, and caught up with the guys who looked like they were about to die.

"You guys were great out there," I said as I gave Nick a hug.

"Thanks," Nick replied.

"Yeah, thanks," the others said.

Mike kissed Brian quickly on the lips.

"I saw you watchin' me during that song," Mike told him.

"Yeah?" Brian said sarcastically.

"I loved every minute of it," Mike smiled back.

"Good," Brian agreed.

"Ok you guys, watch it, we're still in public, and I don't know if we have any guests we are to meet tonight," Kevin stated.

The guys continued to get changed into comfortable clothes, as Mike and I collapsed on the ground outside the trailer.

"You two look as bad as we do," AJ stated as he slowly walked out.

"Yeah," I replied as I yawned.

"We should be headin' back soon, I hope," he said.

The others finally came out, looking better, but still tired. Well, thankfully we don't have anyone coming to see us, so we can head on back to the hotel," Kevin said as he looked over at Mike and I.

"Hey come on, we're goin' back to the hotel," Nick said as he shook me awake.

"Huh? Where are we?" I said as I began to focus on him.

"We're headin' home, now come on," Nick told me as he began pulling me up.

I was out of it, so Nick held me up and helped me walk over to the limo, and with everyone's help, managed to get me in the limo.

I was fading in and out of sleep. I felt so safe in Nick's arms, as we rode back.

"Come on, we're almost there. I can't carry you in, you're too heavy," Nick whispered with a laugh.

"Hey? I'll get you for that one later," I replied as I tried to wake myself up.

After about ten minutes, the limo came to a halt. The doors opened, and I managed to pull myself out on my own this time.

"Man, it's cold out here," I said with a shiver.

"Come on, let's go to bed," Nick said as he slung his arm around my neck.

"Ok,Nicky," I smiled.

We all headed up to our rooms, the goodnights were said, and Nick and I went into our room. We both dressed down to our boxers.

"You send chills up my spine each and every time I see you," I smiled as I watched him slowly crawl in bed.

"Well, you gonna stand there starring, or you gonna join me?" he replied with a grin.

I walked over, and slid into the bed. I leaned on my side, and slowly ran my hand across his face. I leaned into kiss him, and our lips locked for a few minutes.

"I hope this never ends. I mean everything is just so perfect, ya know?" I told him.

"Yeah, I know exactly what you mean. You are by far the only thing better than the Backstreet Boys to happen to me in my life," he smiled.

I then wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to me. I held him as we fell asleep.

We didn't move from that position until we were both startled by the knocking on the door.

"Hmmm? Who is it?" I yelled at the door.

"It's AJ, you guys gonna sleep the whole day away?" he asked.

"What?" Nick yelled in reply.

I looked over at the clock and it read 12:30pm.

"Wow Nick, it's past noon," I said to him.

"Really? I haven't been able to sleep this long in like forever," he said with satisfaction.

"Go away AJ, we don't want to get up yet," Nick called out.

"Fine suit yourselves, but we're headin' out to do some shopping, all right?" AJ said, hoping we would change our minds.

"If you need us, we'll be here, otherwise, I'll call ya. Have fun," Nick replied.

"Ok, have a good one you two," AJ said as he walked away.

Nick let out a sigh of relief.

"Just you and me today," he said contently.

I squeezed him even tighter to me, "I know," I answered back just as happily.

We settled back down in the bed, and relaxed as we both shut our eyes. I opened mine back up and slowly kissed the back of Nick's neck. I then ran my tongue ever so lightly across the back of his neck, and then slowly blew air across it. Nick got the biggest shiver and shook quite severely.

"Hey, what you doin' back there?" he asked.

"Just messin' with ya," I replied as I leaned over and kissed him.

"I think today is gonna be a great day," I told him.

"Yeah, me too," he said looking into my eyes with a bright smile.


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