Nick and Adam

By Divine Lightning

Published on Dec 18, 1998


Well, this is my first attempt at a story like this. This is fiction, and all the standard formalities apply. Please e-mail me your comments at []

Part 3:

Kevin and I went to a subway at a more secluded area of the park, hoping he wouldn't be recognized. Thankfully he hadn't been noticed by the guy working at the stand.

"Where is Brian, by the way," I asked?

"He is off on his own. Like I said, he was very upset," Kevin said.

"Hmmm... I should probably talk with him. Maybe patch this all up," I said.

"I don't know? He needs some time before he confronts you, I think," he stated.

"How long do you think it'll take him before he calms down," I asked?

"Good question. This is the first time either of them have attempted anything serious since their breakup," he said.

"Speaking of which, why'd they breakup in the first place," I questioned?

"Well, they're best friends. Have been since they met. Well they knew eachother weren't straight. They let us all know about that a month after the group formed. Anyhow, one thing led to another and they attempted a relationship," he said.

"Well things started out great and continued to do so for awhile. Then things started to get rough. They quarrelled constantly, and it started affecting us as a group too," he continued as I listened contently.

"They sat and talked things out. They decided they'd be the best of friends (for life); but a love life would never work, so there it is. They maintained their friendship after a love affair and they've never seemed happier," he finished.

"And now I'm here screwing everything up, huh," I asked as I lowered my head.

"Maybe I should just leave now," I said as I started to cry.

"NO! You don't have to. You'd do more damage then good," he said sternly but sincerely.

"How do you figure," I asked as I looked at him with red eyes and tears falling down my cheeks?

"You'd devistate Nick, and he'd blame Bri. They'd never speak to eachother," Kevin said.

"What am I supposed to do then," I pleaded while I wiped the tears from my eyes?

"Just let time take care of that one," he said as he grabbed my hand and patted my arm.

"Well, I think we had better head back; before my luck runs out and we get bombarded with fans, ok," he said as he stood up.

"Alright, let's go," I said as I began to get up too.

We walked back towards the hotel, thankfully without any incidents. When we reached their floor, we got off of the elevator, and headed down the hall.

"I wonder if he's up yet," I said as I stopped outside Nick's door.

"I hate to wake him if he's not," I continued.

"Maybe he left a message with the receptionist down at the desk," he said as he unlocked his door and walked in.

"I'll check," he called out.

Kevin called the clerk donwstairs as I entered his room awaiting an answer.

"Well," I asked?

"Nothing, he's probably still sleeping," he said.

"Oh, so now what do you wanna do," I asked Kevin?

"I don't know? Lounge around I guess, don't get to do that very often," he said as he removed his shoes.

"Close the door and make yourself comfortable," he said as he waved his hand towards me.

"So how long are you stayin' here," I asked?

"I don't know, are next concert isn't for another two and a half weeks. All we have are some interviews and a couple photo shoots to do," he explained.

"Cool, are they around here," I asked?

"Well, we have an interview in Orlando the day after tomorrow, and a photo shoot the day after that. Then we'll probably stay down there for an extra day before flyin' to New York City. Then we'll be there for about 2 weeks doin' the rest of our interviews and shoots," he explained to me.

"Oh...," I said in a dissappointed tone.

"Don't worry, things will be fine," he said tryin to cheer me up.

"How, I'm never gonna see him after tommorrow," I practically screamed at Kevin.

"Things will work out, trust me. They always do," he said once again in a soothing voice.

"I don't see how, but I hope you're right," I said with a sniffle being on the virge of tears once again.

"Come on, it's been a long day for you, why don't you take a nap," he said pulling the covers back from his bed.

I shook my head no, as I began to take in deep breaths trying to keep myself from balling once more today.

"No, is not an answer, now come on," he said as he pulled me into his bed.

"Thanks," I said as I closed my eyes.

"Don't worry, just go to sleep," he said as he covered me up.

He turned the lights off and left his room. I rolled to my side and fell asleep.

"Hey...hey, Adam," I heard as I was being shookin' awake.

"Adam, come on... wakey, wakey," Nick said in a giggly voice.

I opened my eyes and turned towards his voice.

"Hi," I said with a big smile.

"Hi. We both have been sleeping all day. I got up almost three hours ago, and well, I wanted to kiss you. So, I got you up," he said smirking at me.

He leaned down and kissed me passionately. Our toungues danced within eachother's mouths for a couple of minutes.

"You can wake me anytime for that," I said as I began to sit up.

"I didn't think you'd mind much," he said laughing.

"What time is it," I asked as I rubbed my eyes and stretched.

"It's almost 7 o'clock," he replied.

"Jeez, we really did sleep the day away," I smiled.

"Well, I guess we'll just have to make up for lost time," he said with a tint of mischief in his voice.

I threw my arms around him, buried my face in his chest, and squeezed him as close to me as I could without hurting him.

"I don't want you to leave me," I yelled into his chest!

"Wow... who said I was leaving you," he asked as he held me and patted my head?

"You guys have got to fly to Florida tomorrow, Kevin said so," I said as I began to choke up.

He squeezed me even closer to him, as he began to choke up with tears aswell.

"You know something? I haven't been this emotional in a long time," he laughed through his tears.

"I'm not goin' anywhere without you, if I have any say about it," he said trying to sooth my pain.

"Yeah, and how you gonna do that," I asked lifting my face, now wet with tears, and starring deep into his eyes?

"You just leave that up to me," he said.

He took his shirt and wiped the tears from my face. Lifted me towards him and kissed me once again. We sat there just holding eachother for awhile, listening to eachother breath and feeling the warmth from eachother's bodies.

"Come on, Let's go out for a walk," he said as he lifted me up to my feet with him.

"We'll go get washed up, that'll wake you up. Then we'll get something to eat, maybe hit a couple of rides, and have a good ol' time," he said with the cutest smile.

"Ok," I replied as I headed into Kevin' bathroom.

"Uhhh..., we have all your stuff in my room," Nick called to me.

"Oh yeah, forgot which room I was in," I smiled.

"Come on," Nick said as he extended his hand out for me to take.

He grabbed my shoes and pulled me out of the room (closing the door behind us). He pulled me down the hall, opened his room's door, led me in and closed that one. He then dragged me into the bathroom and started running some warm water in the sink. He took a wash cloth and started cleaning my face with it.

"You know I can do this, I'm not four years old," I told him as I started busting out laughing.

"I like it, so leave me alone," he replied with a slight smile.

I stopped laughing and let him finish. When we were all set to go out, I gave him a kiss, and hug, and we walked out of the room. We headed out of the hotel, and out to the picnic area of the park. We slowly walked as the sun began to set, casting a deep orange light across the clear sky. I held his hand as we continued our slow walk, since there was nobody around.

"I have a question," Nick asked?

"Anything," I responded.

"Your job, can you get a leave of absence," he asked?

"I don't know, why," I questioned?

"Well, I was thinking, maybe you could join us on our tour," he said enthusiastically.

"Go with you guys on tour, ohh my God," I screamed, exploding with excitement.

"Yeah, Kevin likes you. AJ and Howie don't 'really' know you, but so far they have a good impression of you and Bri...," Nick looked down at the ground.

"...who would love the thought of me dead in a ditch at this very moment," I said.

"I know, I know. He'll get over it though, " he said as he looked up at me again.

"I talked to Kevin, has he talked to Brian yet," I asked.

"I don't know, I did see Kevin and Brian heading out to the park a couple of hours ago," Nick replied.

"I hope Kevin talks to him for me," I said worriedly.

"Anyhow, I need to talk to management about your trip," he said changing the subject.

I smiled, grabbed his hand and pulled Nick to me. I looked deeply into his beautiful eyes. I slowly moved my lips towards his as I closed my own eyes. I felt his warm, moist lips press up against my own. He opened his mouth to allow my toungue access. I felt him press his hips into me. I could feel his hard cock through all the material, as I'm sure he could feel mine. I ran my hands up and down his back as we continued.

"Would you guys mind taking that someplace else," we heard screaming at us from a few inches away from our ears.

We both jumped in fright and fell to the ground after tripping over eachother.

"AJ you ass," Nick screamed as we both got up.

"Gotcha," AJ said, as he busted out laughing.

"Nick, Kevin would have killed you if he saw you acting this way in a public area, anybody could have seen you," AJ said sternly, yet with a tint of laugter in his voice too.

"Sorry," I said.

"Oh well, just wanted to see what you guys were up to. Howie went off with some chick and I haven't seen nor heard wind of either Kevin or Brian," AJ continued.

"Well, I don't know where they are," Nick stated.

"Have you guys eaten yet," AJ asked?

"No, not yet," Nick replied.

"Hungry," AJ asked with a smile?

"Adam," Nick asked as he looked at me?

"Sure," I smiled back.

"Alright, let's go," AJ said as he started off towards the park.

"I love you," I said to Nick as I grabbed his hand and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

"I love you too," Nick responded.

"Come on you two love birds," AJ called from up ahead, "and Nick be more careful, we're out in public."

We released eachother's hands and went off to the park. We stopped for some burgers and pizza, and were headed back to the hotel to eat it there when some girl screamed out that Nick and AJ were there.

"Shit," AJ said!

"Here, Adam," Nick yelled as he handed me all the food.

"Sorry, but we're about to get stampeded, wait for us in my room, k," Nick asked?

"Sure, I'll catch you whenever," I smiled as I ran out of the line of fire.

Soon enough, there was a swarm of about 50+ people surrounding them for autographs and to just touch them. I stood there and watched the spectacle for a few moments, turned away, and headed towards the hotel laughing about the whole incident. 30 minutes later they finally came up.

"Took you guys long enough," I said as I stood up off of the hallway floor!

"Why are you out here," Nick asked?

"Because someone had the key," I said as I crossed my arms.

"Oh yeah, forgot about that. Sorry hun'," Nick said as he fished out his keys.

"Oh yeah, the food is cold, great," AJ said as he started pickin' it up off of the floor.

"Here, gimme," I said snatching it from AJ.

I walked to the elevator, and rode down to the first floor. I walked to the front desk, and asked the clerk to microwave everything. She ablidged. I returned in about 5 minutes with hot food in my hands. I pushed the door open to find Nick cleaning his room up. I set the food down on the small table in the corner.

"Dinner is served," I said.

"Cool, I'm starving," AJ said as he began to dig into the pizza.

"Yeah, thanks," Nick said grabbing his own slice.

"No, thank the microwave," I said as I unwrapped a burger.

I helped Nick clean up. AJ watched MTV and continued to eat. AJ and I finally had a chance to talk. He was cool. We had a good time.

"Oh yeah. Nick, what did you and AJ talk about earlier," I asked.

"Huh, what are you talkin' about," Nick asked?

"Remember when I was out in the hall with Howie, and AJ wanted to talk to you about something in his room? You said you'd tell me," I stated.

"It was nothing major, I wanted to know his true feelings towards you. It was kind of a shock to still see you around this morning. I'm happy for you guys, I really am," AJ told me with a smile

"Cool," I said.

"You know what," AJ said looking at the clock?

"It's starting to get late, and we still haven't seen Bri or Kev," AJ asked.

"I hope everything's alright," I said?

"Why wouldn't it be," AJ asked?

"Don't worry about it, I don't want to get into it now. However, I do need to talk to Kevin, and like now," Nick said.

"Oh... ok," AJ said.

"So what do you need to talk to Kev about," AJ questioned?

"Well, I love Adam, and I don't want to leave him, so...," Nick started.

"... and so you want him to come along with us, right," AJ asked?

"Yup, what do you think," Nick asked?

AJ starred at me for about a minute or so. I began to feel a little uncomfortable. I looked from AJ to Nick (who was wondering what AJ was doing himself), and then back to AJ.

"What," I asked AJ?

"Sure, I'd love to have you along. I need to get you a bit more assertive and outgoing," AJ smiled at me.

"Cool," I replied with a smile.

"Well, that's one. Now three more to go," Nick said.

We all looked up at the door when there was a knock.

"Hello," Nick yelled to the door?

"Nick, it's me Kevin, can I come in," we heard from the otherside.

"Well, speak of the devil," AJ said to us.

"Yeah, it's unlocked," Nick yelled back.

Kevin swung the door open.

"Oh, hi AJ," Kevin said.

"Can you excuse us a minute or so, I gotta talk to these two," Kevin asked?

"Sure. Adam, Nick, I'll catch you guys later," AJ said as he got out of the chair and headed out of the room past Kevin.

Kevin closed the door behind AJ, and walked towards the two of us who were sitting on the side of the bed.

"Alright, I've been talkin' to Brian. After an hour of tears I got him to finally calm down. We talked about the current situation. I told him about what I felt about it, and explained to him your feelings towards eachother," he explained.

"He's still not very happy, and I don't think he's ready to talk with you yet, Adam. But, he's willing to accept you two. He apologizes, Nick, for what he said to you earlier and wanted me to tell you that he didn't mean it," he continued.

"I know he didn't," Nick replied.

"Now, the next problem is tomorrow. We're leaving for Florida, what do you two plan on doing," Kevin looked at us questioningly?

"Well, that's what I wanted to ask you," Nick replied?

"Can he go on tour with us. Please," Nick pleaded with Kevin?

"Well, I don't mind. I'd enjoy having him, but it's not my decision. That's up to all of us and then we have to get management approval. I don't know what John will say about it," Kevin answered.

"But I'll talk to him," he told us.

"Thanks, Kev. Well, AJ said he'd like him to tag along, and you said you wouldn't mind, and I want him, obviously. That leaves Howie and Bri," Nick said becoming less happy as he said 'Bri'.

"I think if Brian knows how happy Adam makes you, and since Brian and you are like the best of friends, then there shouldn't be too big of a problem," Kevin said trying to cheer up Nick.

"I hope you're right," Nick stated.

"Come on, give him some credit, he's a sweet guy, you of all people should know that. Why do you think he's so bummed in the first place. He is, afterall, over worried for your safety," Kevin said sticking up for his cousin.

"You're right," Nick replied.

"Is he in his room, " Nick asked?

"Well, that's where I left him," Kevin replied.

"I'll be back, I need to patch this thing up," Nick said.

Nick quickly kissed me on the cheek, and squeezed my hand. He then left the room.

"I'll be in my room, if you need me. I'm gonna call John, our manager. Then I'll get back to you guys. Have you cleared this through your parents and your job yet," Kevin asked?

"Uhhh... no," I said dumbstruck.

"Well, you should atleast talk to your parents about it, then once we get approval from our boss, we'll talk with yours, alright," he said as he stood to leave.

"Sure, I'll call home now," I answered back.

Kevin left, and I called home. My mom wasn't too thrilled with the idea, and wanted to meet the person who was taking her first born away from her. She also was concerned about my job and everything else. She also questioned leaving my friends hanging without saying good-bye and my family too. I told her I'd answer those questions once approval was given. I heard a knocking at the door, so I quickly finished up the conversation and told her I'd get back to her soon.

"Come in," I yelled, as I hung up the phone.

"Hi Adam," Howie said as he peeked his head in the room.

"Hi, Nick's in Brian's room," I told him.

"Ok, actually I wanted to tell you that I talked to Kevin about you commin' along, and to tell you I'm cool with it. Like I said, I may take you up on your offer for computer lessons," he said laughingly.

"Cool, no prob. I'd me more than happy to show you," I happily said to him.

"Cool, well, I'm callin' it a night. Have a good one. See ya tomorrow," he said.

"You too," I said as he left, and closed the door.

I laid down on the bed with my hands behind my head thinking about what has happened to me in the last 48 hours. How in just two days I met the man of my dreams and found out he liked me. How I may have the possibility of touring with my love, who just so happens to be one of the Backstreet Boys. Who knows what else can happen. All I know, is that I want this to never end. I just wish Mike was here. He is my best friend, it seems horrible to leave the person who helped me become who I am, behind. If it weren't for him, I'd probably never accepted the fact I was gay. These thoughts circulated through my head for a long while, as I slowly closed my eyes and began to get sleepy once again. I snapped awake as the phone rang a foot away from my head.

"Hello," I asked into the receiver?

"Adam, it's Kev. I just finished talkin' to John. I explained everything, and though it was against his better judgement, he needs Nick to be at his best. So, he'll let you come with us," he said happily.

"Really, I can't believe this, GREAT," I screamed!

"Ok, ok. Calm down. Next, we have to discuss your parents and your job. Did you speak with home," he asked.

"Yeah, my mom wants to meet Nick and you guys, so she knows who's taking me away," I said laughing into the phone.

"Understandable, well. Can we make the trip and be back to the hotel by 8:30 tomorrow night," he asked me?

"Yeah, it's an hour and 10minutes one way," I replied.

"Ok, we'll plan on goin' tomorrow morning then. What about your job," he asked?

"Well, I don't know what to do about that. I mean... well, I don't know," I said in a complete confused state.

"I'll go with you there, and we can talk it out with your boss, alright," he told me.

"That'd be great," I said.

"Alright, I'll inform the guys about tomorrow, tell your mom we'll be there around 11 (ish)," he said.

"Alright, thanks for all your help Kevin," I said sincerely.

"No prob. What else is the father of the group supposed to do," he said sarcastically.

"Cool, thanks," I said laughing at his sarcasm.

"Talk to you later. Good night," he said as he hung up the phone.

I hung up the phone, and called my mom informing her of tomorrow's plans. She agreed, and planned on calling into work. Nick came into the room just as I finished talkin to her.

"Who were you talkin' to," Nick asked?

"My mom, did Kevin talk to you yet," I asked?

"Isn't it great," Nick shouted to me as he ran to me.

"YES," I screamed back, as we hugged eachother.

"Alright, before we go any further, Brian would like to talk to you," Nick said smiling and looking deep into my eyes.

I took a deep breath, and kissed him on the lips.

"Alright, here I go," I said as I left his arms and headed towards the door.

"Don't worry, he's a great guy, and he's pretty much over it, I think," he said unconcerned.

I smiled back and nodded ok as I closed the door behind me. I slowly walked to Brian's room. I placed my hand an inch from the handle and paused. My mind was running wild with all sorts of horrific thoughts. He could be standing there with a club ready to smack me across the head or something. I shook my head, convincing myself that he wouldn't do something like that, and finally knocked on the door (assuming that he wouldn't want me to just open the door).

"Come on in," I heard Brian call from the otherside.

'Here I go', I thought to myself as I turned the door handle.

"Hi," I said as I closed the door behind me.

"Hi Adam," Brian said as he sighed.

"Nick said you wanted to see me," I said.

"Yes I did," Brian said as he sat up on his bed.

"I want to apologize for my actions today. I was unfair to both you and Nick. I just don't want to see him get hurt," Brian said.

"I understand, and you don't have to apologize. I just hope that you give me a chance," I said.

"I think after talkin' to Nicky, I can. He definitely loves you, and from what Kevin's told me, you truely love him. So, all I ask is that you don't break his heart. It kills me to see him upset," he said sincerely.

"I'd never do anything to upset him. I've only known him two days, and I know that I'd give my life for his. I know it seems rushed and quick, but I can't help it, I love him," I told him.

"Don't tell Nicky this, but I'm jealous," Brian said as he laughed.

"I'm flattered, I mean nobody has ever been jealous of me for anything other than my computer knowledge," I replied laughing with him.

"Brian, from the things both Nicky and Kev have told me about you, and the fact that you are so concerned about Nick, it re-enforces the fact that you're a sweet guy. Anybody would be extremely lucky to have you as a love, a friend, even an aquaintance. You will find your love, and you'll be happy. Who knows if me and Nick will last, but I'd like to think it will," I said makin Brian smile at the compliment.

"As for you commin' along with us on the tour," he said with a tone that made me feel like he didn't want me along?

"I think I'd like to try and become friends, so it's ok with me," he said smiling.

My eyes lit up.

"Thank you, I'd love to become friends," I said barely containing myself.

He stood up and walked over to me. He extended his hand, and I shook it. He then pulled me to him and gave me a hug.

"I'm sorry for upsetting you," he said as he squeezed me tighter.

"It's ok," I said as I patted his back.

We let go of each other.

"Well, as you know I'm pretty beat from all the mix of emotions and arguments today," he laughed.

"And we have a trip tomorrow, to go and see your mom, so I'm headin' to bed," he said as he opened the door for me.

"Alright, it was nice to finally talk with you," I said as I left.

"Tell Nicky I said goodnight, and have a good one yourself. I'll see you in the morning," he said smiling.

"You too," I smiled back at him.

I heard the door close behind me as I began walkin' to Nick's room. I walked in the room, and found Nick (in his boxers) lying on the bed watchin' some movie on tv. He shut the tv off and turned to me.

"So, how'd it go," he asked?

"Everything's great. He actually seems excited about me stayin' and us becoming friends. He apologized for everything and was lookin' forward to commin' out to meet my mom. He wished you a goodnight, and went to bed early," I explained.

"Cool," he said happily.

"Now, let's see, where did we leave off," Nick said slyly.

He sat up grabbed a hold of my shirt and pulled me down on top of him. He pushed his toungue in my mouth, and wrapped it around my own. We grinded our cocks as they hardened.

"I want you SO bad," I exclaimed!

"I know the feeling," Nick replied as he began pulling my shirt over my head.

I sat up to remove my shoes. Just when I dropped the last one, he pulled me back on top of him and he started kissing my neck. I moaned with pleasure. He moved down to my chest where he began licking each of my nipples. That caused me to moan even louder. I could see a slight smile form on his face as he continued to do this.

He began undoing my jeans with his fingers as he kissed my stomach. When he had it undone, and the zipper down, he ripped them off of my body. He threw them on the floor and came back up to kiss me.

"Can I fuck you," he asked between his heavy breaths.

"You can do anything you want, right now," I said in a daze.

With that, he slipped out of his boxers and slipped me out of mine. He then started kissing my neck once more. He pressed his cock up against mine. He then slowly moved lower and lower until he was kissing my cock head. He began to lick the entire length of my shaft. Then with no warning, slammed the whole thing down his throat. I let out a scream of pleasure.

"Shhh...," Nick said laughing his head off.

"Sorry," I said, laughing just as hard as he was.

He then kissed my cock head once more. He then grabbed a small bottle of lube he had set on the side table. Placed a dab on my hole, and some on his cock. Once everything was ready, he positioned my feet on his shoulders, and his cock head on my hole. He slowly pushed until his head squeezed inside of me. I took in a quick gasp of air as my whole body tensed up, due to the initial pain.

"Relax," Nick said, softly as he looked down at me with a smile.

I looked at his cute face, and smiled back. I managed to relax myself. With that he slowly moved in further. He was close enough to kiss me now, and that helped me relax even more. Infact, I was concentrating on his cute face, and our kiss, that I didn't realize he was all the way in me. It was when he pulled out a little and pressed back in that I felt a wave of pleasure flood my body. Nick took that as an ok to continue fucking me, and to go a little faster.

It didn't take him long before he was pounding away at me. Both of us had our eyes closed, and our bodies were pouring out sweat.

"I'm getting close," Nick whispered.

"Let it go. Give it to me," I pleaded.

"Here it comes," he said as he threw his head back.

Nick started convulsing with the orgasm. He moaned with pleasure as the orgasm continued. It felt wonderful to feel his warm cum flood my inside. He slowed his motions, and calmed down. We finally opened our eyes, and he looked down at me. Both of us had huge smiles on our faces. He leaned down, kissed me, and then positioned himself next to me on the bed.

"I love you Nicky," I said as I wrapped my arms around his body.

"I love you too, Adam," he replied in a whisper.

"Do me a favor," he asked me.

"Anything," I replied.

"Don't ever leave me," he asked sincerely.

"Never. I don't think I could survive without you," I answered.

"Thanks," he said as he moved himself closer to me.

I pulled the covers over top of us, and kissed his neck. I squeezed him as close to me as I could, and cuddled up next to him. I could hear his breathing, slow and deep. I knew he must have fallen asleep.

"I will never leave, I love you too much," I whispered to him once again.

I then closed my own eyes, thinking about how lucky I was, and the great adventure I was about to embark upon.

To Be Continued

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Next: Chapter 4

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