Nick and Jimmy

By The Goblin

Published on Feb 25, 2016


"Nick and Jimmy" By The Goblin

Nifty Archive: Gay Male: Celebrity

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of Nick Robinson or Jimmy Bennet or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

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Chapter 11

"Jimmy?" I looked into his eyes but he was void of anything other than turmoil.


He still did not say anything.

Steve sat back down on the couch, "Do you want me to slap the shit out of him?"

Both Jimmy and I looked at Steve in recognition of the dumb thing he said.

"What are we going to do?"

I didn't have any answers for him. I didn't know what to say. I knew he always looked to me to make everything alright but this time I had nothing. This time I was completely powerless to stop things from spinning in the direction they were going.

I didn't know how to say I didn't know. I didn't know how to let him down.

I looked into his eyes and I could tell that he already knew. I put a hand on his shoulder and pulled him close until his head was resting on my shoulder.

"I don't know what to say." I said.

"I know."

"I wish I could..."


"But I'm supposed to protect you."

"...and who's supposed to protect you?" He asked.

"My mother?"

"What?" He said raising his head from my shoulder.

"...and your mother?" I said with confusion.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He asked.

"Outside! Our mothers!"


He stood on the tips of his toes to look through the front window.

"What are they do...they're together?" He said.

Steve called out. "Dude your mom is here."

"I'm not blind Steve."

I looked around the room. The bottle of vodka still sat on the counter in front of me so I grabbed it to put it away. I looked around to make sure there wasn't anything else to hide right off.

"Your bedroom!" Jimmy said.

"I think it's too late to hide now."

"No Nick. I mean...there's something on your nightstand."

"Ewe!" Steve said.

"Shit!" I ran for the door just as the doorbell rank. "Steve can you get the door?"

"Why do I have to...?"

"Steve!" Jimmy said looking into the mirror and making sure his hair was okay.


He got up to open the door.

"Steven?" The surprise was obvious in my mother's voice. "What are you doing here?"

"Oh you know. This is where I ended up."

"Uh huh. Is my son home?"

"Yes he is."

"Well are you going to move so we can come in?"

"Yes. Yes."

First walked in my mother, followed by Jimmy's.

"Mom." I said as I shut the bedroom door.


"Mom." Jimmy said.

"James. Nick."

"...and I'm Steve."

The four of us looked at him. I nodded towards the door.

"...and I was just about to go for a drive."

I shook my head.

"I mean a walk."

I nodded and we all watched him walk out.

"When did you get in?" I asked.

"Last night."

"How do you do you two know each other?"

"We're newly acquainted." Jimmy's mom said.

I gestured with my hand. "But how? You've never even met before."

"Well, your uncle Joe has a way of finding..."

"Your brother is a private investigator mom." I cut her off.


"You used a private investigator to track down his family?

Both Jimmy and I looked at my mother.

"I've already forgiven her." Jimmy's mom said.

I put my hand to my forehead.

"What's going on?" Jimmy asked.

"Really?" I said.

"Well," my mother said, "When you wouldn't answer my phone calls I found out that I wasn't the only one being ignored."

"...and when your mother called me I realized we had a lot in common in that department."

"There's a reason for that mom." Jimmy said.

I looked at my mother and bit my lip. She did the same.

"Jimmy. Honey."

"No seriously. I'm still mad about things."

"No wonder they get along." My mom said. "So much alike."

Jimmy looked at my mom and shook his head.

"Don't do that." I said.

"What?" My mom asked.

"Don't make light of a serious situation."

"I'm not."

"Nick. I understand that you and my son have become better friends."

"Boyfriends." Jimmy corrected her.

Both of our mother's looked away from us.

"Why are you here?" I asked. "...if neither of you can look us in the eye?"

"Don't say that Nick." My mom said.

"Well it's true. He's my boyfriend mom."

She looked away again.

"See. You came all this way and you can't even face the truth."

"Oh I've faced the truth. Years ago."

"Then why can't you even look at me? At us?"

"We're here aren't we?" Jimmy's mom asked.

I looked her in the eye and though the anger was there I knew I could not speak to her the way that I spoke to my own mother. I could not demand the answers that I did of my own flesh. But Jimmy could.

"Why did you come here?"

Jimmy and I stood together facing them.

"We saw you on TV." My mother said. "Your dad and I."

"Does he know?"

"Yes I told him like you asked."

"What about..."

"No. You're going to have to tell your brother's and sister's yourself."

"So you saw us on TV and..."

She stopped and looked at Jimmy's mom.

"We may not know...we don't understand what's going on with you two." Jimmy's mom said.

"Well good thing you don't have to." He said.

"Jimmy. Just hear us out."

He just looked down.

She continued, "We have no idea what this must be like. But we know can't be stopped."

Neither Jimmy nor I had anything to say.

My mother looked at me. "We might not understand all of this, but we do love you."

"No matter what." Jimmy's mom said.

I stood with my hands on my hips. Jimmy sat with his arms crossed.

"I don't know what to say." Jimmy said.

"...and we do?" His mother asked. "This doesn't come easy to us either."

"Well you're not the one that has to live with it."

"Stop right there."

"No, you have no idea..."

"The fear? The constant questioning? Wondering if you're safe? Wondering if something bad might happen to you? It's always there. So don't think it's not."

He looked away from his mother and I looked at mine.

"Nick?" She said.

I sideways nodded my head towards the patio door and we both walked towards it to leave Jimmy with his mother.

I shut the door and the outside noise made it just a bit too hard to hear what Jimmy and his mother were talking about inside. The air was chilly but not unbearable as Los Angeles winters were like Seattle Springs. My mother walked down the short stairs to the back yard and I followed her. She reached down and picked up a broken cigarette butt from the blades.

"How long has Steve been here? Your father just talked to him the other day."

"He's almost been here a week."

"Is he living here now?"

"Just for a little while."

"So he knows."

"Not for long. He just found out."

"How long?"

"Almost a week."

She nodded. "I always wondered about you two."

"He and way..."

"Yeah I'm glad at least you have better sense than that."

We were quiet for a minute.

"How long have you known?"

"You know...I've always known. Since you were a little boy you were always different."

I didn't say anything.

"Despite your other brother and sister you are the oldest of my children. They say the oldest always assumes more responsibility."

She looked around the back yard and at the house. "They are right."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm proud of you Nick. The person you've become. Most parents only dream that their children become this successful."

"None of this comes easy."

"...and it never will."

"For you it did." I said.

"No. No I was lucky."

I looked at her as she watched one of my elderly neighbors water the plants in their back yards.

"How so?" I asked.

"I was young when I had you, but your father is older than me. Smarter than me. More experienced in this whole life thing."

"Yeah but with all of us kids none of this could have been easy."

"My kids are awesome. They've practically raised themselves without any problems."

We both looked back at my patio door and could see that Jimmy and his mother were arguing.

"She's got her hands full doesn't she?" My mother asked.

I smiled and bit my lip as I watched the person I loved gesture towards the patio door. We couldn't hear them but I knew he wasn't being quiet about whatever he was saying.

"You have no idea." I said.

"Do you love him?"

Instantly my shyness took over. "Come on."

"Seriously Nick. Do you?"

I nodded as both of us looked in on them. "I do."

"He seems like a decent person."

I smiled. "He is."

"Then I'm happy for you."

I knew it took a lot. The progress that she made in a short amount of time. I looked at her and could tell that a lot was going through her mind. She had to reach up to hug me.

"You're a man now but you'll always be my baby boy."

I couldn't help but smile. I was happy that everything in this aspect was coming to closure and when we both looked back at the house I could see Jimmy and his mom crying and hugging.

I couldn't help but let an inappropriate laugh escape from me.

"What's so funny?"

"Seriously a minute ago they were yelling."

"Isn't that life though?"

"How do you mean?"

"One moment everything is a huge fight, and the next it's not."

Her wisdom was always welcome. I thought about what she said for a moment then I nodded my head. "Yeah. It is."

"You know you're not done yet right?"

"Done with what?"

"You have to tell your brothers and sisters."

I thought about it for a moment. "That doesn't seem that scary now."


"Now that you and dad know."

She nodded her head. "About that Nick..."


"You still need to call and talk to him."

The fear in me rose a little bit when I realized that I would still have to face my father.

"You know," she said, "he's off work today."

Then my heart began to pound. Both my mother and I looked in the door and Jimmy's mom acknowledged that it was okay.

As my mom began to walk up the stairs I grabbed her by the arm, "go ahead. I'm going to call him now."

"Are you sure? I didn't mean to pressure you..."

"I can't keep dragging this out." I said while shaking my head.

She nodded at me and continued for the door. When she was all the way inside I dug my phone out of my pocket.

The phone rang once and despite the chill in the air I could feel sweat began to form on my forehead. The phone rang a second time. Then a third.



"Hey kid. How are you?"

Just then Jimmy came out and I smiled at him.

"Good how are you?"

"I'm good."

"So mom's here."

"I know."

"I know you know."

He didn't say anything. I didn't want to say anything. Jimmy walked up and rubbed the back of my neck. This did not go unnoticed by my neighbor watering their plants.

"I'm sorry dad."

"No. Don't be sorry. I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I don't know what to say."

"Are you mad?"

"No! Why would I be?"

"I don't know. You know that I'm not going to continue on with your line."

He laughed, "...and you know that you have six brothers and sisters."

I laughed also. "How could I forget?"

"Don't worry about us kid."

I didn't say anything. I made eye contact with Jimmy.

"You have enough on your plate."

"Yeah I do."

"What are you and you're friend going to do."

I did not feel the need to correct his terminology. I felt it best that he came to terms with what Jimmy and I were on his own.

"I have no idea."

"You know it's really none of their business."

"Yeah but...Everyone is going to find out."

"...and when they do, they'll know my son for the man that he is."

A small tear escaped my right eye. Jimmy reached up and wiped it away.

"Dad I...I love you."

We never really talked about serious things.

"...and I love you."

I looked at both of our mother's sitting inside at the breakfast bar. My mother was doing all the talking and Jimmy's mom was nodding. Jimmy only wore a t-shirt and he crossed his arms in defense of the wind.

"I gotta go dad."

"Yeah. You are coming up for Christmas right?"

"Of course."

"Are you bringing your friend?"

" that okay?"

"Yes. Yes it is."


"Call me before Christmas?" He asked.

"Yeah. Of course."

"Bye Nick. Take care of yourself."

"Bye dad."

I put the phone back in my pocket. Though I only talked for a couple of minutes it felt warm on my leg.

"Your cold." I said to Jimmy.

"So are you." He said while touching my bicep above the inner elbow.

This caused goosebumps to form on my arm and reminded me of the first time he touched me. That first date we had when I took him to the studio and we were on that climate controlled set. I couldn't help but smile.

"What's so funny?"


"Tell me!" He said and pinched my arm.

"Ow shit."

"Well are you going to tell me?"

I looked him in the eyes and he looked up at me.

"Rain Forest."

"Dark Unknown."

"I don't think this is ever going to get old."

I reached out and grabbed his arms by the forearm then let my hands to drop until I held his. I could not resist any longer. My comfort level was at an all-time high. I leaned down to kiss his lips. No longer caring if our mothers could see us.

Then my neighbor cleared her throat. Instantly I shot back up and we let go of the other's hands. Though my back yard was hidden from the street we both still looked around. We both subconsciously wanted to make sure that no one else saw.

For just a few moments we forgot about the world at large and what it meant for us to fall in love.

The next day my mother flew back home and I drove her to the airport myself. I was sad to see her go but there was a new part of me that stayed. I never knew that this whole thing would get easier and I took comfort that it did. I was glad that things were finally coming out though I still feared what this would mean for me as an actor.

That Friday night, Chloe and I had to attend a Hollywood Premiere. This was a necessary part of our lives however sometimes I just missed being a simple actor in smaller productions. I never realized how much the attention would weigh on me, as much as it gave me confidence.

We arrived together in a Lincoln sedan and dressed up to complement each other. She wore a white gown to my gray tuxedo, both faux vintage. She was beautiful as always but was a pale contrast to my dark features.

The moment we arrived at the red carpet cameras flashed and words were shouted. I couldn't help but smile at everyone calling our names and did my best to make sure the thousand camera flashes caught my best side. Everything was going great until I caught a familiar face in the crowd.

I locked eyes with the man who followed me. He knew who I was though the masses did not. He nodded at me as if we were old friends but I had to hide the insult I felt and keep smiling. So I just opened my mouth and used my middle finger to scratch the corner.

"Do you see who I see?" Chloe asked through a fake smile.

"You mean our new jogging companion?" I returned with the same fake look.


"Maybe he'll get trampled by the crowd." I said as I held out my arm for her to hook her wrist through.

"Yeah." She said as we continued our walk towards the front door.

The movie was pretty decent and I still found myself star struck every time I went to one of these things. We talked with a few celebrities at the after party but all I could do was watch the clock.

"Do you have to be somewhere else?" Chloe asked.

"'s just."

"I know." She rolled her eyes.

"I can't help it."

"You know you've only been apart from him for about four hours right?"

"I know it's just...I don't know. I'm in love."

"Don't get burned out."

I thought about it for a moment. "I don't think that's possible."

"Never say never."

"I didn't say never."

"You know what I mean."


I still couldn't get him out of my head. We took separate cars home and it took my driver almost an hour to reach my house from downtown.

The moment I walked in the door I saw him sitting alone with his guitar over his lap.

"Where's Steve?"

He stood up, "He went out."

"Did he say when he would be back?"

He shook his head.

I took my jacket off then undid my dress tie.

"How was the premiere?"


I figured it was unnecessary to tell him who we ran into.

"How's Chloe."

"Good." I said with a smile.

"How are you?"

That I did not answer with words. I stared him up and down and bit my lip. Then I threw my keys which landed on the table.

"I know that look." He said.

"What look?"

"Mm hmm."

He walked closer until he stood before me.

"You what look?"

"My face almost never changes." I said.


He gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Besides even if I did have a look..."

"But like you said, you don't." He said before walking away from me to sit back down.

I watched him from where I stood, my mouth open in surprise. He began to play something random on his guitar.


"What?" he sang while hitting a single note.

"You're just going to go back to strumming your instrument."

He sang while he played, "Would you rather I be strumming yours?"

I tilted my head and looked at him as deep as I could. Trying to seem as attractive as I could but he kept playing.

"I hate acoustic guitars." I said.

"Not me," he said while placing his between his legs.

I had to laugh, "Get the fuck over here."

He got up, "That sounds kind of threatening Nicholas."

It drove me crazy every time he said my full name.

"Maybe it is."

"I should call for help."

"Maybe you should." I bit my lip.

He walked over to me all the while checking me out.

"What are you looking at?"

"What do you think?"

He reached up to wrap his arms around my neck and I put my hands to his side.

I pressed my hardness into him. "Are you looking at this?"

"Maybe." He said with a slight squint of his eye. "Or maybe those lips."

"Oh really?" I asked before kissing him.

"Or maybe those eyes."

"The normal one or the small one?"

"Be quiet." He smiled.

I let my hands fall down to his waist as I kicked off one shoe at a time. Dress shoes are not the easiest to remove without untying them.

"You smell good." He said.

"Do I?"


He stood on his toes to kiss me open mouthed. His breath tasted minty and I couldn't get enough of his tongue. With our lips locked in placed I walked him backwards towards the bedroom. When we got there he clumsily reached back a hand trying to feel for the knob. I looked beyond him and opened it for him.

Once we were both inside I slammed the door shut and we continued exploring each other's tongues. He did kind of have a big mouth but he was still an excellent kisser. His full red lips were always welcome on any part of my body.

I reached down and pulled his shirt up over his head. This caused his hair to be slightly disturbed but he still turned me on immensely. Then without caution he grabbed at the top of my shirt and undid one button. Once one was undone he threw away all reservation and ripped open my shirt so that all the buttons were forced undone at once.

With force he grabbed my belt buckle and I began to grow harder just thinking about what was going to come next. My body swayed as he pulled and positioned until my belt was off and my pants were coming down.

I returned the favor and pulled down the pajama pants he wore. Both of us stood almost naked in our underwear. I knew that mine were bulging out as I felt light headed from the loss of blood elsewhere in my body. He turned me around and pushed me back until I was laying on the bed with my legs hanging off.

Our lips met again as he climbed on top of me and I could feel his warmth from between his legs rested on top of me. I was becoming so hard that I thought I could use it to lift him up. He continue to kiss me and started rubbing his hands over my chest. I explored the curvature of his sides and how his back connected to his nice ass.

He let up from our kiss to catch his breath and I realized that I needed to catch mine as well.

Then he got up to pull off my underwear and he did the same with his. He got back on me, naked this time, and I could feel all of him pressed down on top of me. I looked down to see that he was leaking and when he began to slide over me I could tell I was leaking just as much between his legs.

"What did you do with the bottle?" He asked me.

I reached behind me to the night stand drawer and got it out. Before I could do anything with it he grabbed it from my hands. And smeared some on is finger.

He reached behind himself and I could tell by the look on his face that he had inserted a finger or two. I breathed even heavier and could smell his sweat mixed in with his natural scent. His sweat began to glisten on his bare smooth chest and I could feel myself throbbing in between us.

He used a generous amount of the lube on the palm of his hand and began to stroke my length until it was entirely covered.

My eyes glossed over as I laid completely down almost unable to keep myself up.

This time something was different. It was not at all like before. I gave myself over to his complete control and I could feel when he positioned my head against his hole.

He never looked away from my eyes. His dark greens held onto that look of determination. He never winced and he didn't even pause. He sat all the way down with all of me going inside of him with ease. I shook a little but he still kept up the same demeanor.

I panted, "You're getting so much better at this."

"I've been practicing."

I didn't say anything else. I just tried to catch my breath as I could feel the tension in his muscles began to dissipate.

Then he began to pull me back out of him. I sat up again and breathed even heavier than I was before, not caring that I breathed directly in his face.

"Oh shit." I said as he pulled me almost all the way out to the tip.

Then without being careful, he pushed himself all the way back down on top of me. My mouth wide opened as a line of his precum plastered across my stomach.

"Are you okay?" I asked him remembering how much that kind of force would have hurt him days ago.

He raised his eye brow and nodded at me then pulled me all the way out. With one hand he balanced his body so that he could begin to ride me. He was getting very good at it as he pulled me all the way out then force me all the way back in with one hand.

I could feel his insides getting used to the assault he was inflicting on himself as he held onto me and rode me up and down.

My bed began to creak from his motions but I did not care whether or not Steve came home early. I was single minded and could only focus on the muscles in his body and the changing looks on his face as he forced me in and out of him over and over again.

Before I was able to stop myself. Before I was too scared of what I could do to him had I lost all control. But I knew we had reached a level beyond all of that.

I grabbed him by the waist and pushed all the way into him. He removed his hand so that he now had both hands on my shoulders. I was done with lying down and letting him do all the work.

Without pulling out of him I grabbed onto his sides. He must have anticipated what was coming next as he grabbed onto my shoulders for support. I flipped him over so that his back was on the bed and his head was against the board. He rest his feet against the front of my shoulders and I began to pull almost all of the way out of him. His mouth opened wide as he began to felt the absence of me being inside of him.

Then. With all of my strength. I pushed back into him. I watched him for the slightest hint that this onslaught was not welcome, but he smiled and looked deep into my eyes.

So I pulled out again and he put one hand on my lower back, and one cupped my ass. Again, without my usual fear, I pushed hard and fast back into him.

"Oh fuck yeah," he let out.

"You like that? You like my dick deep inside of you?"

He tried to pull me further into him but I was already as deep as I could go. So I pulled out again and then went all the way back in.

At first I was slow but he kept pulling me back every time I pulled out. I knew that I no longer had to be as careful as I once was. So I began the assault on his hot, tight hole.

His breathing and moans began to echo my pounding as every time I slid back into him he let out a moan, a pant, an "oh shit, oh fuck."

I moved my body in a way so that with my free hand I could begin to stroke him. His hardness and precum were obvious signs that he was loving the onslaught I was giving him. With all of my strength I continued to pound.

I tried to kiss him but it was hard enough to fuck him while jacking him off and keep my breath so I found comfort in just looking into his eyes. His blissful, wonton, lustful eyes as I slid quickly in and out of him.

I could tell by his shaking that he would not be able to hold on for much longer. I, on the other hand, was not quite there yet. I still continued to stroke him however and I could feel him getting harder in my hand.

He wrapped both arms around my back and began to yell out very loudly, "Oh shit...Oh shit...OH FUCK!"

Then I watched as he painted us both with his thick white discharge. One shot even flew over his chest and landed on his chin.

Seeing this I knew I wasn't far. My own eruptions began before I could pull completely out of him. Before I could grab ahold of myself I managed to shoot between his legs and on the bed. Then I stroked myself as I finished off cumming on his stomach.

Both of us breathed heavily as the numbness again reached my limbs.

One leg at a time, he removed his ankles from my shoulders and rested them around me as I kneeled in between him.

"You're shaking Nick."

I smiled. "I can't help it."

He moved a bit and I held my body up so that he could stretch out his legs and I lay next to him on my stomach. I put an arm over his chest and he began to trace his finger on my sweaty back. My breathing caused my body to rise and fall and I laid my head so that our faces were only inches apart.

"You're beautiful." I said.

"I thought you weren't supposed to call a guy beautiful."

"Well you know."

He continued tracing on my back a bit more before letting his hand rest there.

"I can still feel you heart." He said.

"I can feel yours."

I laid on my side and he copied this move so that we were now facing each other.

We laid there for a few moments. Our softening bodies receptive of each other and I could see his thought process was hard at work.

"What are you thinking about?"


I smiled.

"Well at least it's not food."

"Oh I could eat."

"Of course you can."

"Aren't you hungry?"

"Yeah, all I've had since lunch was some cheese and crackers at the party."

"I saw a frozen pizza in your freezer."

"Shower first?"

"As if you had to ask."

We got up then held out my hand to help him up. When he was on his feet I grabbed hold of my sheets to take them with to wash.

I opened the door to see if Steve had made it back and when I saw that all was clear we headed for the bathroom. Along the way I set the oven to preheat.

In the shower I could see that he was deep in thought again.

"What about me are you thinking about?"

"I don't know."

"Tell me."

"Do you ever think we will get tired of this?"

"Chloe seems to think so."


"Yeah she thinks were going to get burned out."

"Why would she think that?"

"Maybe because I'm always up your ass."

He smiled at me. "Let me rinse off."

I moved over to let him under the water.

"But what do you think?" He asked.

"I hope we don't."

"I don't know what else we should be doing."

"Well tomorrow will be different."

"How so?"

"When your friends get here, Chloe and Peter, we'll have more than just each other to look at."

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that. Do you want the water back?"

I shook my head.

"I like your friends." He said.

"They're your friends now too."

"Maybe." He said with squinted eyes.

"They are!" I pinched his side.

"No fair."


"You can't use my tactics against me."

You're right." I reached out to tickle his arm pit.

He pulled away with a laugh.

"Are you done?" He asked.


He shut off the shower and immediately I could hear the TV going in the living room.

"Steve's back." We both said in unison.

When I opened the door he called out, "Dude it's two in the morning, are you guys cooking?"

I could tell by the sound of his voice that he had been drinking.

"Jimmy wants frozen pizza."

"Of course he does."

"Hey now."

We both walked to the bedroom draped in towels. Either way Steve didn't look at us though I didn't care if he saw us anyway.

I was dressed and out of the bedroom before Jimmy was.

"Where did you go tonight?" I asked Steve as I put the pizza in the oven.

"At first to a club, then to a party."

"Who's Party?"

"I don't know. I went with this really hot chick."

"We missed hot chicks?" Jimmy asked as he emerged from the bedroom.

"Uh huh." I said.

"Yeah but..."

"What?" I asked.

"Never mind man."

"What happened Steve?"

"So I told them that I knew you, hoping that..."

"It would get you laid." Jimmy said.


"...and..." I said.

"Man I don't know if I should even tell you this."

"Spit it out."

"One of the girls asked me if you were gay."

And that is how the gay rumors started. be continued...

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Next: Chapter 12

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