Nick and Jimmy

By The Goblin

Published on Jun 16, 2016


"Nick and Jimmy" By The Goblin

Nifty Archive: Gay Male: Celebrity

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of Nick Robinson or Jimmy Bennet or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

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Chapter 18

"Nick? What's the matter?" Jimmy asked.

The waiter stood there with an awkward smile.

"He had the Lobster." I said.

We both leaned back so that the waiter could put the food in front of us. It smelled good. But I was at a loss of what to say.

The waiter looked at Jimmy then back at me. "Is there anything else I can get you right...?"

"No. No thank you." I said.

He nodded. "Enjoy."

"Steve do me a favor?"


"Call Chloe, Peter, and Kayla and let them know we're okay?"

"Of course."

"Thanks man."

I hung up the phone on Steve without waiting for a response.

"Nick what's wrong?"

I put an elbow on the arm of my chair then rested my chin and mouth in my palm.


"It's out."


"Us. It. We're out."

Jimmy made a circle expression with his mouth and looked down. He put both of his hands on the table around his plate. I looked around then slid my hand across the table to lightly lick my fingers in with his. This also caused him to look around. No one was watching but neither of us were too comfortable with public displays of affection.

"Jimmy I..."

I didn't know what to say. He looked into my eyes and slowly blinked. He shook his head ever so slightly. Then something happened I never expected. I thought the worse in him would come to the surface but he pushed his fingers further into mine before letting go. Then he took a fork and dug into his rice.

I watched him take a few bites. "You heard what I said right?"

"Mm Hmm." He nodded while chewing.

Then he let go of my hand to hold his plate while he dug into that poor lobster's tail.

"Do you know what that means?"

"Yes." He spoke with his mouth full.

"And you're eating anyway?"

"I'm hungry Nick. And I'm tired."

"I'm exhausted Jimmy. And this whole thing is just beginning."

He stopped forking his food for a moment. "I know."

"Aren't you worried?"

He swallowed. "I'm scared shitless."

"It doesn't look like it."

"I just...I just don't have it in me right now."

"I know." I said with a nervous chuckle.

He put his fork down and looked at the table. "I don't want people to look at me like this. At us like this. But what are we going to do Nick?"

I had no real answer for him. My mind raced through a thousand possibilities a minute but I had no coherent thoughts that I could form into words.

I looked at my phone again and remembered our parents. "Call your mom. I'm sure she's worried."

"It's way too late for that."

I began sending my own mother a message. "At least text her."

He stopped eating long enough to turn his phone on. The start-up music cause attention from the other patrons and Jimmy did his best to cover the speaker with his thumb. After that his own phone began vibrating non-stop as a barrage of messages came through.

We both sent our messages and almost put our phones down at the same time.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

For the first time it was I that looked to him for strength. I looked to him for an answer. I searched for something that I couldn't grasp.

He smiled again. Worrisome, but understanding. "Eat your steak you cow killer."

I smiled at his banter. He always made me smile. No matter what.

I picked up a fork and a knife. "Lobster murderer."

"Hey cows are cute."


"And Lobsters are scary."

"Scary enough to eat?"

"I can deal with the tail, if it was the whole thing looking back at me..." he shook his head.

"Uh huh." I took my first bite of meat.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He lightly kicked me under the table.

I finished chewing then swallowed. "What if I think lobsters were cute?"

"You soooo don't"

I smiled at him. "Maybe you're right."

My phone began vibrating and I saw the word "Mom" appear on my screen.

Before I could say anything Jimmy's phone did the same. I could see that it was his mom calling as well.

We both answered our phones.



"Hi mom."

"Are you..."

"Yes we're fine, I just forget..."

"We are all worried sick."

"Sorry I forgot to turn my phone on."

"Did you make it okay."


"Where are you?"

"At the hotel's restaurant."

"And Jimmy."

I looked at him as he was pretty much having the same conversation. "Mom we're fine."

"He needs to call his mother, she's frantic."

"He's on the phone with her now."


"We know what's going on mom."

She didn't say anything.

"I just got off the phone with Steve."

I could hear the slightest sniffle.

"Are you crying?" I asked.

She didn't answer. Another sniffle came.

It hit me in my heart. "Mom please don't cry."

"We're just so helpless. We don't know what to do."

"You're not helpless. You've done everything."

"It's our job to protect you. But we can't"

"It's okay mom."

"No. It's not.

I couldn't argue with her. She was right. It wasn't okay. I hated how happiness came with this storm cloud. I hated the feeling of contempt for people that was growing inside of me.

I had to stop myself from crying.

"Mom its fine. We're okay. I promise you we are perfectly fine. We are safe. We are secure."

"I want so bad to go online and read the story." She said. "But I can't bring myself to see what others think of you."

Another shot to the heart.

"Mom. I really don't care."


"Sorry that came out wrong." I looked across the table. "I only care about what one person thinks of me."

Jimmy made a sarcastic face. Then he went back to arguing with his mother. "No. I said we're fine..."

"What are you guys going to do now?" My mom asked.

"I don't know. I really don't. It's enough just to try and get through our dinner."

"You're eating?"

I let out a small laugh. "Yeah. Our food just came."

She was quiet for a few more moments.

"Mom really were fine. We will be alright."

"Call me in the morning?"

"Of course but that's afternoon for you."

"I know."

More silence.

"Nick. I love you."

"I love you too. Tell dad I love him."

"Yes. Don't forget to call..."

"Mom! I won't forget.


"Good night. Tell Jimmy...tell him good night for us. Tell him to take care of himself."

"I will."

That night there was a party at the bar. We did not go. We walked on the dark beach. Behind us the light from the party began to fade as the moon light took over. The only other action on the beach was all the way at the end where we could see people sitting around a fire.

We walked slowly.

"Stop for a minute." Jimmy said.

I looked down as he bent over.

"Now?" I asked.

He looked up at me with playful disbelief. "No. Not that."

He leaned to the side so that I could see that he was untying his shoes.

He stood up and slipped his oversized-for-his-body feet from their prison. He held onto my shoulder for balance as he took his socks off one at a time.

"Well come on." He said while he rolled up the cuffs of his jeans.

I was wearing shorts.

I began to take my shoes off. "Only you wear pans on an island."

"Have you seen my legs?" He asked with personal distaste.

"Yes." I bit my lip with a perverted smile. "I have."

After I was barefoot we both walked towards the in and out of the water.

The sand beneath the surface would cover our feet. It felt comfortable but still scary at the same time.

The ocean was dark. Who knew what was out there.

Jimmy looked around than held out his hand. "Walk with me."

I trusted him and held onto his hand. We walked slowly down the beach in the same direction as the fire but slow enough to keep our distance for a bit.

"The sky is amazing." Jimmy said.

I hadn't even noticed. I looked up to see what he saw and you could actually see the line of the Milky Way.

I looked at his smiling face. "Once when we were kids our dad took us camping Olympic National Park."

"I love camping. I haven't been since I was little."

I let out a small laugh. "It rained almost the entire time."

"That sucks."

"Except the last night. We had a fire, finally, on the third night."

Jimmy didn't say anything. He kept his eyes upwards and only looked down to make sure he knew where he was walking.

"It's wasn't the fire that got me though."

"What was it?"

"The sky. The stars. I never seen them so bright."

"It really is neat." Jimmy said.

"It's also the first time I learned that it's never too late. Things have a way of getting better, eventually."

"Well I'm glad you get to see the stars again, even if you're being super lame about it."

I squeezed his hand. "Asshole."

"You love me anyway."

"I do. But this is much better. This is much brighter."

I stopped walked to face him. "And you're here. You're with me."

I waited a few moments for his sarcastic comeback. Instead a large smile came across his face.

Deep into his forest greens, I used the back of my free hand to stroke his cheek.

I leaned down to give him a simple, quick, albeit meaningful kiss.

After I smile and made a curious but disturbed face.

"What's that look for?" Jimmy asked.

"Is that what lobster tastes like."

"You're so weird."

"Yeah. But to quote my favorite person, you love me anyway."

He smiled up at me. "I do."

We continued our casual walk. I was so tired, and the effects of the wine didn't help much. My first yawn was a deep one.

After seeing my yawn Jimmy produced his own with a long sigh at the end.

"I'm so tired." Jimmy said.

"Tell me about it."

His eyes opened wide. "I think I'm drunk."

"I'm definitely buzzed."

"You have no idea."

"What?" I asked.

"The things I'd do to you if I hadn't been up for twenty four hours."

I looked at the time on my phone. "You're right. But I said tomorrow night I'm going to take you on the beach."

"No you didn't." Jimmy smiled.

"Yes I did."

"No sir, as you so eloquently said, tomorrow night I'm going to fuck you on the beach."

I laughed and squeezed his hand again. "Come on. Let's go back."

That night we left the screened window in the bedroom open. He cuddled his back into me and held the arm I wrapped around his chest. As I fought to stay awake I would softly kiss the back of his head a few times. His hair smelled like him. A scent I would never get enough of.

Once I was sure he was finally out I allowed myself to fall asleep too. A peaceful serenity came to my entire being for just a little bit that night. The warmth from his body, his scent, and the sound of the waves.

I was at home, even when I wasn't.

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of a seagull screeching off in the distance. Before my eyes were open I could hear the waves and smell the ocean.

We had adjusted our positions throughout the night. I lay on my back and Jimmy on his side with his right arm draped over across my stomach.

He was still very much asleep with that adorable look of anger and confusion on his face.

Carefully I reached down and lightly grabbed his wrist. I lifted his arm from my stomach and slowly rolled my body to the side, hoping not to wake him.

As I got up from the bed, he shifted position so that he was curled up with both arms curled into his chest. I leaned down to kiss him on the cheek.

Very quietly I unzipped my suit case and searched for proper running attire. It was probably already eighty degrees out so I opted for a grey tank top and a pair of shorts. I put on my favorite running shoes then walked out onto the veranda.

The beach was just waking with life as well and there were already a few people out in chairs and on blankets. A few swimmers even a few surfers.

Facing the Ocean I did a few yoga stretches to prepare my body for a run. I island was very small and only had a circumference of about 1.6 miles. I would have to jog around it at least 4 times to get in my run.

When I ran alone in LA I would almost always wear headphones. In paradise and didn't want to miss a thing. I wanted all five of my senses at full alert so that I could remember it all for as long as I could. However I did keep my phone on my in case Jimmy woke up before I got back.

Almost the entire Island was owned by the resort. There were less than five private residences but the remainder of the land was owned by the Fiji Government.

Every once in a while I would pass someone sweeping debris into a dustpan, another person set a table at the beach, and another cut grass. I didn't know how anyone could get any work done in this place. It was so beautiful that all I wanted to do is take it all in.

Costa Rica, and the Caribbean had nothing on the South Pacific. Not even a full day in and I knew I didn't want to leave.

Round three around the island saw the beaches and walkways become a bit more populated. Not much but was enough that I started searching from the corners of my eyes, making sure no one recognized me.

I passed by a small grocery store and decided to stop there.

I bent down to touch my toes and stretch my back, then back up to bend backwards and stretch it the opposite direction. I held on to a wood post to grab each foot from behind me to stretch the muscles in my leg.

I was not too sweaty and I could see from outside that the store was empty except for the clerk.

Inside the food option were extremely limited. I found a bag of white rice. Some cinnamon. Sugar. Orange juice. Milk. Eggs. A loaf of wheat bread. Butter. And something that looked like syrup.

The walk back to the resort did not take long at all.

I put the groceries away and took a peek at Jimmy who was still sleeping but had rolled over to his other side while I was away.

After I picked out some clean clothes I used the shower in the bathroom off the living room so that I wouldn't wake up Jimmy.

I dried off and looked again in the master bedroom. He was still asleep, though the look on his face was now relaxed.

Back in the kitchen I inspected the pots and pans and cooking utensils. They appeared clean but on the side of caution I gave them a quick wash anyway.

I turned on the TV but made sure it wasn't too loud. The news from the mainland was mostly in English but had subtitles in an Asian language I couldn't even try to understand. It was mostly for background noise anyway.

I rinsed the rice and picked out any odd pieces. I noticed the suite came with a rice cooker so I didn't have to boil it in a pan.

While the rice steamed I beat the eggs with some milk and cinnamon. With the frying pan on medium I took six pieces of bread from the loaf.

Down the hall I could hear the master bathroom door close and assumed that he was awake.

After buttering the pan I coated two pieces of bread in the egg concoction and threw them on the pan to their immediate simmer.

The master bath door opened and I could hear the toilet flushing. He was definitely awake.

He stretched into the living room, doing this weird thing where he curled his long toes beneath his feet to crack them.

"Good morning." I said as he made eye contact.

"Hey." He said with a groggy smile. "Did you make coffee?"

"Since when do you drink coffee?"

"Today I do."

He turned to come around the counter and stood by me as he stared at the coffee maker trying to figure it out.

"Sit." I said.

After I flipped the two pieces of bread I quickly moved to make some coffee. Everything had to be perfectly timed so that I didn't burn anything and everything was done at the same time. Cooking is really more science than it is food prep.

"That smells so good." He said as he sat on a stool at the counter.


"What are you making?"

"Rice and French toast."

"What kind of rice?"

"Morning Rice."

His eyes squinted. "What the hell is that?"

"Just white rice with cinnamon, sugar, butter, and milk."

"I've never had that before."

The doubt on his face said it all.

"It tastes like Horchata?"

"Whore what!?!"

"Really? The entire time you've lived in LA and you've never heard that word before? I thought you were a foodie."

He shook his head in confusion.

I laughed. "Never mind."

"Is it good?"

"Trust me," I said, "It's good. My mom used to make it all the time when we were kids."

Then two more slices of bread into the batter than onto the buttered pan.

I reached in the fridge and pulled out the orange juice. "Want some?"

Jimmy nodded still trying to wake up.

A commercial came on TV that caught his attention. It was weird and involved a talking dog in a language we couldn't understand. Thirty seconds of confusion and I had no idea what they were selling.

Jimmy looked back at me. "What the hell was that?"

I raised an eye brow. "I have no idea."

The coffee was only half way done by the time I finished cooking but I poured us each a cup regardless of how strong it might be.

I fixed us each a plate and a bowl of rice and moved them to the counter.

I took out the rest of the condiments and put them in front of our dishes.

I sat down next to him.

He watched me prep my rice then pretty much did the same thing as I did.

He took a bite and closed his eyes. "That's excellent."

"I know."


I smiled and kept eating.

"Why don't you cook for me more often?"

"That's what we got Steve for."

"Yeah, but I'd eat anything you made."

"Really? I've never seen you turn down food before."

"You know what I mean."

We kept eating without much more conversation. We didn't need to talk as much as we did when we first got together. I used to think that when couples sat in silence it was a sign of their weakening relationship but with us it was a show of strength.

After breakfast he took a shower and got dressed. He came out of the bedroom in a red shirt that said "#celebratehousekeepingweek" on it. It was too big on him but the sentiment made me smile.

"Nice shirt."

"I like this color red. Where did you get it from anyway?"

"I stayed at a hotel last summer and asked the housekeeping manager if I could buy one from him, he just gave it to me."

"That's what I like about you." He said.


"You're rich and cheap."

"Hey I'm not cheap, this trip cost a small fortune."

"How much?"

"So anyway what are we going to do today?"


I smiled.

He looked out towards the ocean.

"So what do you want to do?"

"As if you have to ask."

I truly had no idea and kept my quizzical gaze.

"We're going surfing."


He nodded.

"I've never been on a surf board in my life. How about I just sit on the beach and watch you."

"No, no, no, no, no." He shook his head. "You're not getting off that easy."

"Seriously I'll probably break my neck then get eaten by a shark."

He smiled. "No you won't."

"How do you know?"

"Have you ever been skate boarding."

"Oh yeah. Steve and I did the whole grunge thing from ages 13-15."

"See you'll do fine."

"Surfing is like skateboarding?"

"Actually not at all, but pretty much the same principle."

I laughed. "Asphalt, salt water, same thing."

"No. Not that." He laughed also. "The whole balancing thing is kind of the same."

"But we don't even have surf boards, or wet suits."

A perverted smile came across Jimmy's face as he looked me up and down.


"Nothing. I saw in the directory that there is a shop we can rent those things from."

"For how much?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it. I'll pay for something for once."

Later on the beach we found one of those stand-alone dressing booths made out of thick drapes. The beach wasn't too crowded so we both changed together.

The suits were skin tight and I couldn't help but stare at Jimmy's ass as he pulled his arms through the sleeves with his back to me. A flood of memories, mostly good, but some bad came back to me. It was hard to imagine a time when he and I were at odds and couldn't bring ourselves to talk to each other.

First we started on dry sand. He faced the boards to the ocean and went through the process of paddling out then catching a wave. He told me the dos and don'ts and ran through a rudimentary lesson. I felt kind of dumb pretending to surf on the sand but I've seen it done in movies enough times to know that this was normal for beginners. I just hated looking like an amateur at anything.

After thirty minutes of his tutelage he picked up his boards and looked out at the ocean with a huge smile on his face.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

I bent backwards to crack my back. "I don't think so, but if we don't go now..."

I realized Jimmy's attention shifted downwards.

A shy smile came across my face. "Mr. Bennett my eyes are up here."

"Sorry it's just, maybe this wasn't a good idea." His smile got wider.

My brow squinted. "Why not?"

He laughed. "With all that weight shifted to your right leg you might not even be able to stand up."

"Be quiet."

"Seriously. It should be a crime for people as big as you to wear clothes so tight."

"Hey now you picked them out."

"True." He said.

Without any more words spoken. He grabbed his board and trotted towards the water. I walked right behind him. He threw his board down and it made a slapping sound. The waves pushed it to his side back towards the shore but he caught it with his hand. He laid down on top of it and his suit outlined his globes.

"Maybe I should just ride you on the board."

"Careful. If you get hard you'll rip a hole right through that and there goes my deposit."

I laughed again and followed his lead. We paddled out fighting against the strong waves. It took all of my strength to keep up with him. In all those movies, they made it seem a lot easier than this.

Jimmy looked over at me, his hair soaked. "Okay. Not this one coming up...but the one after that." He yelled.

A wave washed through and under us. The second one was not too far off. We turned for the shore and started paddling back.

"Here it comes." Jimmy yelled. "Are you ready?"

"Yeah." I yelled back.

We paddled faster and as the wave came right up on us he jumped up like a pro while I barely stood to my feet.

For just a few seconds I was actually doing it. It felt amazing and my smile grew wide. Then as the first hint of the slightest direction change I got thrown side first into the water.

I surfaced just in time to see his head looking back just above the wave.

I rode the board on my stomach back to him.

"Are you okay?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

"That was amazing."

"I told you. Look you're a natural."

"I barely lasted five seconds."

"Most first timers are lucky to last just one."


He nodded.

"Again?" I asked with a smile that showed my new found fondness for surfing.


We repeated what we did before, paddled out from the shore then he decided which wave we would catch. This time I lasted a bit longer. He was right. I could feel that I used the same muscle groups as I used to use back when I was a skateboarder.

"Again?" I asked.

"Of course." He laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing. I just love surfing, and I'm glad you're enjoying this."

"Enjoying this? I'm already fucking in love with this."

We went a few more rounds and I got better and better with each try.

We paddled out again. I constantly watched the shore to gauge our distance but something caught my eye as we got all the way back out. A woman and a man were waving their arms in the air and looked like they were trying to call out. Jimmy noticed that my attention was distracted and he looked back to see what I was looking at.

I didn't understand their meaning but right away Jimmy's face changed. He looked around frantically. His expression was just starting to scare me when he finally spoke."

"Oh Shit!"


Jimmy jumped up on his board on his hands and knees. "Get your arms out of the!" He yelled.

I looked forward in time to see a fin sink below the surface about thirty feet out. It looked like it was coming in our direction.

"What the fuck was that Jimmy."

"Most surfers go their whole lives without ever seeing one."

I jumped up on my hands and knees just like he did and tried to remain still.

"What do we do?" I asked in a panic.

His forest greens locked into me. "Hope for the best." be continued...

Sorry for the month and a half long delay. I've already began the next installment and it should be out by Wednesday.

HAPPY PRIDE MONTH to my wonderful family.

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Next: Chapter 19

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