Nick and Jimmy

By The Goblin

Published on Feb 3, 2016


"Nick and Jimmy" By The Goblin

Nifty Archive: Gay Male: Celebrity

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of Nick Robinson or Jimmy Bennet or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

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Chapter 6

I looked around the room. All six of my guests seemed to be thinking different things as they all looked at one another. Some of us were close friends, most of us were complete strangers. True to awkwardness Peter coughed. Chloe smiled at him then looked at me with a quizzical look. I looked at everyone else who also seemed to be looking at me as well.

"Alright. So. What does everyone want to do?"

"Driiiiink," Steve said while sitting back down on the couch.

"Yes!" Jake said. Kayla giving him a skeptical look.

"I'm down." Jimmy surprisingly said.

"I can't buy," I said.

Steve said, "Neither can I."

Nick and Kayla shook their heads and I knew Jimmy was too young.

I gave Chloe a questioning look.

She shook her head, "Don't look at me."

"Jesus Christ children," Peter announced, "who's driving me?"

I didn't realize how young everyone was until just this moment. Although we were all legal adults the room was virtually full of kids who couldn't wait to break the law.

"What's your poison?" Steve raised his eyebrow towards Chloe.

"Annoying guys who think they have a chance."

"Damn that's harsh."

"They kill me every time."

Kayla and I laughed at what Chloe said.

"I say beer." Steve said.

"Second that." Jake said.

"No way, that's nasty." Jimmy said.

"Then what do you drink?" Chloe asked.

"I don't coolers."

Steve laughed when Jimmy said this, "no way man."

"Hey now," as a reaction I came to his defense without thinking.

"What are you going to drink wine coolers with him?"

"Maybe." I said.

Peter coughed again.

"Are you okay?" Kayla asked him.

"He's coming down with something," Chloe pinched his shoulder.

"Ouch." Peter said rubbing the spot she pinched.

"Alright," I said. "I'll drive you Peter." I looked at Jimmy, "Do you want to go with."


"Chloe you're in charge while I'm gone."

"I got this." Steve said.

"Okay. Chloe you're in charge while I'm gone." I repeated with a laugh.

"Fuck everyone's hating on me today."

"You must be used to it by now." Chloe said.

Kayla laughed again.

The three of us got into the car with Jimmy up front.

"So Peter, I didn't know you guys were going to be here."

"I didn't either. Chloe made me."

I could feel Jimmy's eyes on me as I backed out of the driveway and into the street.

"Sorry," I said, "I didn't know what else to do. Steve doesn't know."

"Peter does?" Jimmy asked.

"Yes." We both answered.

"It's okay, I really am okay." Peter said.

"What about Chloe?" Jimmy asked.

I was silent as I turned a corner.

"She knows?"

"She knew before we even met."

"What does that mean?"

"Well," Peter said, "she had her ideas about you since you guys worked together."

"You all talked about this?"

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Jimmy, sweetie." Peter said, "She loves you this way."

"Yeah but, I don't know, I just wish..."

"What?" I asked.

"Never mind."

The rest of the five minute car ride was quiet until we pulled up. I handed Peter all of the cash he would need.

"What am I getting?"

"Three cases of bud light, two bottles of red wine, sprite, grenadine, and vodka." I was quick to respond.

After the door shut Jimmy said, "I just wish you would have told me before now."

"I'm sorry."

"Now I have to look her in the eye."

"Is that really so hard."

He didn't say anything. I could tell he was upset but he couldn't let it go too far since so many people waited on us in expectation.

"I'm sorry Jimmy. I didn't mean that."

Again he didn't say anything right away.

"I didn't know how to tell you."

He looked at me with a mixture of anger and hurt.

"Really, if I could take it back I would."

"Stop. It's fine. It's just surprising." He put a hand on my knee.

I looked around the parking lot and the closest person was about six cars away.

I put my hand on top of his, "I'm glad you're here though."

He smiled at me, "This night's going to get crazy you know that right?"

"Why do you say that?" I asked though I was already aware.

"I don't know. I can just tell that something crazy is going to happen."


I felt like he was overreacting just a little bit.

"It's true. I mean, my friends, your friends..."

"Chloe is your friend too."

"You know what I mean."

There was another break in our conversation.

"You look really good today," Jimmy said.

"You always look good."

He smiled at me. This time I didn't look around. I didn't check the lot. I didn't care. For the most part it seemed that neither had he. I leaned in for a quick kiss. A momentary embrace of our lips that always seemed to make everything alright again. We unlocked just as a car pulled up on his side.

The driver got out and I knew she saw us. Jimmy knew she saw us. Though the fear was relevant I knew that things were changing. I wasn't as scared about this as I had been previously. I was starting to become more bothered with hiding my affection than I was scared of it. I think Jimmy was also as he smiled at me with a slight laugh after she walked in the store.

When I saw Peter come out struggling with his arms full I popped the trunk. I got out to help him and grabbed the bagged bottles he balanced on top of the cases. Then we both got back in the car.

Jimmy looked back at him and said, "That Looked heavy."

"I'm getting stronger. Thanks to your boyfriend here I've been taking better care of myself."

Both Jimmy and I froze for a moment and looked at each other.

"My boyfriend?"

I raised a brow at him with a smile.

"You boys are weird."

Neither of us responded.

"Seriously. You're famous, you're rich, you're hot, and you both look so good together."

"Yes," Jimmy said and put his hand on my lap, "My boyfriend."

His touch and his words sent chills down my back. We had never been openly affectionate in front of another person before. I even surprised myself. I welcomed the title with a smile and then backed out of the parking stall. It's weird how you can spend so many years with stagnant thoughts and then one day wake up to being something entirely different. I had Jimmy to thank for this, my new found happiness.

A few minutes later Peter said, "...and just remember Jimmy, I might be femme but I can still kick some ass."

"Is that a threat?" He laughed.

"No. But be good to our boy here. He's very sensitive."

"Why does everyone keep saying that about me? Have you seen my arms lately?"

"It's true," Jimmy nodded, "you are."

I smiled at him with a perverted look, "I can show you sensitive."

In the rearview mirror Peter looked away while trying to hide his awkward smile.

Jimmy's eyes bugged out in embarrassment and he looked back at Peter before pinching my arm, "Shhhhhh don't say that in front of people."

"Ow!" I pulled away from him in my seat with a smile. "He's not people."

"Thanks ass." Peter said from behind while kneeing my seat.

Jimmy asked "Besides who said you get to desensitize me?"

It was my turn to be embarrassed but I couldn't help but bite my lower lip at the thought.

"Oh look, there's your house, I'm so glad this ride is over," Peter said with his gaze fixated on the window.

"What took so long?" Steve asked after Jimmy opened the door to let Peter and I carry everything in.

"Dude, we weren't even gone fifteen minutes."

I looked around the room and noticed that Jake and Steve were already playing cards in the living room while Chloe and Kayla were sitting at the breakfast bar talking.

Peter and Jimmy abandoned me to sit down in the living room and Kayla joined her boyfriend. Chloe got up to help me put everything away and we were far enough away from the main conversation to talk.

"So?" She asked.


"You and Jimmy are..."

"I don't know what we are."

"When did you start talking to him again?"

"The night before Thanksgiving."

The bottles clanged as I set them in the fridge one at a time.

"Who initiated the conversation?"

"It doesn't even matter."

"It totally matters."

I hesitated for a moment, "he did. Why?"


"Why does that even matter?"

"Because I don't want you to get..."

"Get what? Hurt again?"


I looked past the dining area to see Jimmy in the living room. He was laughing at something Jake was saying. They all were.

"His friends seem alright." I said going back to balancing bottles on the wire shelf.

"Right. About that."

"What Chloe."

"So I don't want to freak you out or anything but..."

"Jesus woman spit it out."

"She had a lot of questions."



"What kind of questions?"

"I don't know. You know, never mind. I shouldn't have said anything."

Her avoidance was getting annoying.

"Seriously Chloe, tell me."

"I don't want to scare you."

"If you don't tell me I'm going to tell Steve you think he's cute."

"Nick, you will never be able to have children!"

"Probably not, but that's beside the point."

I finished putting the last bottle away then turned to look at her as I started to break down the card board boxes. She was still hesitant but I did not stop my cold stare into her eyes.

"Fine. She wants to know how you met him. If I've ever known you to have a girlfriend? If I know why he went to Seattle?"

"Did you tell her why?"

She let out a small laugh, "I didn't even know he went to Seattle until she asked me."

"Well what did you tell her?

"I told her I didn't know how you met or anything."

"What about the girlfriend part?"

"She knows Nick."

"Did she say that?"

"No but why else would she ask me?"

I looked away from Chloe and pinned the folded boxes behind the garbage can. She leaned against the counter and opened a bottle.

"We barely know how to admit it to each other, I have no idea how were even going to start to telling other people."

"Tell people what?" Steve asked.

I did not see him get up and had no idea that he was standing on the other side of the breakfast bar. Peter was entertaining the other three so thankfully they were not paying attention.

I didn't know what else to do so I opened the fridge and pulled out a few bottles.

"Thirsty?" I held one up to Steve.


Steve took the bottle from me. He was never one to go to deep so he just left it at that. However from the look on his face I knew that I would only be able to make a few more excuses before he became more demanding. Before he would want to know what was going on. I was thankful for the moment, but fearful for the future.

My fear was broken as Steve shot a beer cap across the kitchen missing Chloe's face by a few inches.

"You just almost lost an eye." She said.

"I'd give my right eye." He said with a wink before turning back to the living room.

"How is it that you two are friends again?"

"I've known him since seventh grade." I said while picking up the cap.

She had an annoyed but thoughtful look on her face. Then she shook her head and took a drink from her bottle.

Then Jimmy walked in to the kitchen.

"What are you two talking about in here?"

He looked at both of us one at a time but neither had an answer.

He smiled, "or should I ask what else?"

Chloe looked at him, "You know whenever you try to act serious it just makes your face more funny looking."

"Hey now." I said.

"Aww and your boyfriend comes to your defense."

"...and there it is again," Jimmy said with a nervous laugh, "My boyfriend..."

"Hey now," I said in my own defense, "It's not that bad."

"Really, and have you seen how cute he is." She said while squeezing my cheeks. "Lucky you."

Jimmy smiled, "Yes lucky me."

"...and be good to him James."

"I am!"

"No really. He's very sensitive and I don't want..."

"Really? How am I so sensitive? Have any of you seen me in action?"

Jimmy joined me in looking at her with a questioning look.

"Honey, I hate to tell you this but those are just movies. Do you really think I killed all those people? I couldn't hurt a fly."

"What's taking so long in there?" Steve yelled out.

Chloe became annoyed, "Then again, maybe I could kill just one person."

I laughed, "He'll grow on you."

"Like a mole that I need checked."

Jimmy smiled. Then Chloe went to sit down next to Peter. I could smell him as he stood close to me. For a moment I wished that I could just pull him into my bedroom. Take him away from the group without questions being asked. I really wanted to feel natural about it all. But I was scared as hell.

"I had Peter get the wine for you." I said.


"It's kind of like a wine cooler, just completely different."

Jimmy laughed, "How is it like a wine cooler and completely different from a wine cooler at the same time?"

"Hold on."

I got a bottle opener from my drawer. He watched on as I went through the task of opening the bottle. Just as the cork popped out Peter walked in.

"Can I have some of that?"

"Maybe." I said.

I took two stemmed glasses out of the cabinet but had to rinse them out as it had been a long time since they were used.

Peter was the first to drink, "That's so good, and I have good taste."

Then Jimmy took a drink and winced while forcing himself to swallow.

"Shit. That's fucking bitter."

I took his glass and smelled it before I took a drink also.

"Red wine always is," Peter said.

"How am I supposed to drink that?"

"Aww it's your first time?"


"Force the first glass down. Any way you can. After that it'll all go down much easier."

I sat quietly as a mental image popped in my head. Jimmy going down. Those lips.

He took another drink. Then a third. Then a fourth.

"See it gets easier." Peter said.

"What am I just supposed to get too drunk to notice the taste?"

"Ding ding ding, we have a winner."

"That's really all alcohol for me." I said.

"Really?" Peter asked.

"Yes I hate the way it all tastes but once I'm buzzed I don't even care anymore."

"Do you drink a lot?" Jimmy asked.

"No, almost not at all." I said reaching in the fridge for a bottle of beer. "But when in Rome."

"You're saying that wrong." Peter said.


"I don't know."


Steve came in with an empty bottle and put it on the counter.

"You're done already?"

"Yes MOM I am."

Peter left the conversation to bring drinks to Kayla and Jake.

Steve asked, "So that guy Peter, he's Chloe's friend?"

"My friend too."

"Really, because I mean, he seems kind of..." He said while shaking his hand from side to side.

"Gay?" Jimmy said.

"Yes! I don't want to be rude or anything."

"YOU? You don't want to be rude?" I laughed.

"You know what I mean. You know me Nick, I'm cool with everyone."


Jimmy and I both lifted our drinks at the worse time.

"Just as long as he doesn't hit on me."

Both of us almost spit out the drink we were trying to swallow.

Jimmy had a look of disbelief covered by a smile. I had beer on my shirt.

I looked at Steve, "I don't think you have anything to worry about."

"Chloe on the other hand, the things I would do..."

"You think you have a chance?" Jimmy asked.

"Why are you after that?"

More beer on my shirt.

"That, is a woman, and she has a name," I corrected his brashness.

I pulled down a paper towel but it didn't do anything in the way of hiding the two wet spots on my chest.

"Uh, she's not really my type." Jimmy said.

"Good because I thought she liked you."

"I hope not." Jimmy said.

"What's wrong with you guys?" Steve asked.

We both looked at him misunderstanding the question.

"Man I would never want to be famous, you don't even know a beautiful woman when you see one anymore." He motioned with his hand, "This shit desensitizes you."

"Thaaaaats it." Jimmy said with a raised brow in my direction.

I kept looking down at the wet spot on my shirt. Knowing I had a tank top on I pulled it over my head.

"You're not even drunk and you already lost your shirt," Chloe called out.

"I spilled beer on it."

"He'll use any excuse to get it off," she said to Kayla and Jake.

Steve looked at me kind of envious. We were the same height and had the same structure but where he was skin and bone I was developing good muscles. Jimmy looked at me as he took a drink from his glass, letting it sit on his lip just a bit too long. On sight of that I could feel my excitement start to grow. But everyone was looking at me. Quickly I decided to turn for my bedroom to put on a clean shirt.

When I returned everyone was sitting in the living room. I grabbed another drink and joined them. All seats were taken and instead of grabbing a stool from the breakfast bar I just sat on the arm of the chair Jimmy was in.

"Do you want to sit down?" He asked me outside of the main conversation.

"No," I'd stand all night before I let you give up your seat," I said only loud enough for him to hear.

He didn't say anything back. He just smiled and took another drink.

Peter said, "See I told you it gets easier." Then he motioned like he was taking a drink to put the pressure on Jimmy to drink more.

Jake aimlessly shuffled the deck of cards that he and Steve were playing with earlier.

"Does anyone know how to play waterfalls?" Kayla asked.

"What's that?" Jimmy asked.

Jake explained, "You put a deck of cards in the middle of the table, everyone takes a turn drawing and each card means something different."

"What do they mean?"

"Like two means take two drinks."

"Ten means ten drinks?" Jimmy asked in disbelief.

"No, each card is different."

"Hold on, I'll pull up the rules on my phone." Kayla said.

I was interested though I've never played before. When things got rolling however I knew why they called it a drinking game. At only two drinks I was very well buzzed. After two rounds of cards everyone was already well on their way to being drunk.

"I'm starving," Jimmy said.

"Of course you are." I smiled at him.

"Pizza?" Steve asked.

"I knew you would say that," Chloe chided him.


"Just look at you?"

"Does anybody besides Princess Chloe not want pizza?"

"I never said I didn't want pizza."

"Then why did you say anything at all?"

"You know, it's going to be hard to eat without a tongue." She smiled as her banter became a little more playful.

"If I had a dollar every time you threatened me."

"Then you'd have two dollars."

"So pizza it is?" I asked.

Nobody in their state of mind turned it down so I ordered a ton of food from a place around the corner. I was sure way more than what we were going to eat.

The night progressed on easier than I thought it would. The questions that hung heavy in the air didn't come up as much as I thought they would. I was not sure if everyone already knew, or if nobody cared, I was not sure what they were thinking and I didn't care either. I was too drunk to think about what other people wanted.

Whenever he got the chance and nobody was looking Jimmy would find a way to touch me. Whether it was his hand on my back, or our knees pushed together, I didn't go too long without feeling his warmth. Mostly I could just smell his scent and take comfort in the sound of his voice.

At about one in the morning everyone was pretty much wasted except Peter. He drank as much as the rest of us but was obviously better at it than we were. When Jimmy spoke I could smell the wine on his breath. It wasn't bad or anything but it reminded me to make a conscious effort not to breathe beer breath in his direction.

"How are we going to get home?" Peter asked Chloe.

"You're not!" I said. "I have two air mattresses, just let me find the compressor."

I got up and Jimmy followed me to my bedroom. The moment we got all the way in he shut the door behind him.

"Aren't you afraid what they're going to think?" I slurred.

He looked up as if he were thinking about it, "yes."

I smiled at his honest answer and put my hands around his waist. He wrapped his arms around my neck and I no longer cared about how my breath smelled. We kissed for a moment. Careful that our drunken tongues didn't go all out into hoover mode. I always was careful with how I embraced him, never wanting to leave him turned off or disgusted in any way. I was sure we were beyond that but I always reminded myself to be at my best with him.

"Dude I'm tired!" I could hear Steve complain from the front room.

Jimmy rolled his eyes and walked towards the door, "They're going to start talking soon."

"I think they already are." I slipped.

I was glad he didn't question that last comment I made. I didn't want to make him paranoid on top of being drunk. He opened the door to our friend's mindless slurred chatter.

"Where are you going to sleep?" I asked him.

He looked past me to my bed.

"Are you sure?"

He reached out and touched the lock on my door then jiggled the handle.

"But aren't you scared what they might think?"

He thought about that question for a moment then smiled, "Yes."

"You have bigger balls than I do."

"On the contrary," he had a perverted smile as he looked me up and down.

"You know what I mean."

He smiled.

"How are you going to pull it off?" I asked.

"With my hands," he jokingly reached for my belt.

"Oh really?" I peaked at the open door.

"I'm going to wait until Steve passes out."

"That shouldn't take long."

"I know right."

I found the compressor on top of the crate that had the two queen sized air mattresses then we returned to the living room.

"Alright," I said looking at the five drunks, "Jake and Kayla, you guys can have one of these in the spare room, and Chloe..."

"So babe," Steve interrupted, "Need someone to keep you warm tonight?"

Her faced changed to one with a flirtatious smile, "As a matter of fact I do."

In our drunken surprise everyone looked at Chloe. She took one sly glance around the room.

"Peter, you're sleeping on the other mattress with me."

"Burn!" Kayla said.

"Great, I have no problem getting women into bed."

"Man don't knock it til you try it." Jake said.

"Been there, done that!"

Chloe said, "I don't need to know this about you."

I laughed. "Alright then, Steve you get the couch."

He looked at Chloe, "When your bed runs out of air, you'll know where to find me."

She shook her head, "the world is full of air my friend."

After the air mattresses were full and everyone was tucked in, Jimmy laid out on the love seat to pretend he was going to sleep. I made it to my bedroom and kicked off my pants, then my shirts until I laid on my bed in just boxers. I was hot so I didn't bother to get under the blankets just yet. I sat and listened for what seemed to be a long time. The house was quiet. I was starting to doze off when I heard the slightest noise come from the turn of my door knob.

Jimmy quietly walked in and carefully locked the door behind him. He stood there for a moment looking at me. It wasn't like before in Seattle. Neither of us seemed to be scared. A smile grew on his face as I ran a hand down my chest.

He reached for the bottom of his t-shirt and pulled it inside out over his head. I couldn't help but touch myself at sight of his slight definition. His pants already barely hung from his hips and they fell almost immediately after he undid his belt.

I smiled.

"What's so funny?"

"You didn't even have to unbutton them."

He stepped out of his pants, "do you know how hard it is to find clothes that fit me?"

"Just admit defeat and shop in the junior section."

"Asshole," he said with a smile.

Then he walked to the foot of my bed. I already had a hand down the elastic of my boxers as I could feel my hardness snaking its way up my arm. He crawled onto the bed and over my legs. He sat down on me with all of his weight which only made me push into him. I could feel the warmth radiating from between his legs as he sat with both legs on either side of my hips. He reached his hands up and started rubbing my chest. My hands were on his waistband and I hooked two fingers beneath to slowly start pulling them down. He got up in a push up position and I sat up so that I could pull them past his ankles.

When he sat back down on me, I noticed that his pubes weren't as wild as they were before. In fact there wasn't much there at all.

"You shaved?"

He laughed, "I tried trimming but one thing led to another and what you see is what you get."

"Let me do it for you next time."

"That's weird."

"No it's not."

He smiled and leaned all the way down on top of me. We kissed for a moment, my hands holding his ass while he ran his fingers through my hair. Between kisses, my heavy breathing was enough to slightly lift his whole body each time. I could feel his breathing as well as his heartbeat. His heartbeat was abnormally fast.

"Are you okay?"

He grinded himself into me, "excited."

Then as he grinded we kissed some more. He rubbed from my shoulders down my chest to my abs. Then I could feel his fingers hook into my waistband.

"Let's take these off."

I pushed up as he stood back up on the foot of the bed to pull then off of me. Once it was free, my dick flopped back up to make a smacking sound on my lower stomach.

He laughed.


"Nothing," he said while getting back on top of me. Then he grabbed a hold of me at the base to pull it back into the downward position again. Then he released it to the same slapping noise as before. "It's just so fucking big."

"Stop." I smiled then bit my lower lip.

"Never," he said with a wink. Then went back to kissing me.

After a couple of minutes his mouth left mine as he continued downward. First kissing my chin. Then I could feel him nibble at my neck. My pulsating hardness was almost enough to lift him up. From my neck he moved to my chest and I had to curl both lips in to keep from making any sound as his tongue flickered across my nipple.

"Is that good?" He whispered.

I just nodded and watched as his mouth left my chest with light kisses down past my belly button. His chin was rested at the tip of my dick and another twitch from it gave him the okay to go ahead.

He grabbed me with both hands and at first began to lick my thigh. The sensation when his tongue found my balls was amazing. Almost unbearable and I grabbed his arm in an attempt to stop him but he knew I didn't want him to stop. He released his grip and from the bottom of my balls he rand his tongue up the full length of my shaft until he was barely licking the tip of it.

Just when I started to feel bad for how much I precummed I realized that he was actually enjoying it. My excitement rose as I watched him lick it all off. Then without further delay, he slowly took me into his mouth. The warmth, the wetness, it all made me quiver and instantly my hands found his hair.

He started with a slow rhythm, again the feeling was almost too much to bare. He tried to take it all on but only got half way before coughing.

"Be careful."

"That thing is dangerous," he whispered before diving back in.

I wanted him more than I could say. I wanted to cum so badly but at the same time I wanted this to last as long as I could make it last.

His motions got faster and he learned to take his cues from my quiet moans of pleasure. The oral examination was sloppy in only the way a beginner could execute but it didn't make it any less hot. I knew that if I let him continue with his fast suctioning motions that I would soon erupt into his mouth. I grabbed him from the waist to pull him back up until we were kissing again. Then I rolled him over so that now I was leaning over him. Despite the muscles I had developed I was almost too weak to hold myself up.

"You're trembling." He said.

"I've never done this before," I said looking down at his hardness then back at him. "I don't want to do anything dumb."

"You'll do fine," he said.

I followed his lead and mimicked exactly what he did to me before. I started with his neck and by the time I reached his chest I could taste his scent, that wonderful scent, with a hint of salt.

I knew he watched me but as I kissed down his stomach I was too shy to look him in the eye. When I felt his hardness on my own cheek I rubbed my cheek against it.

He laughed.

"What?" I smiled.

"Your stubble, it tickles."

I rubbed my chin across the head to which he convulsed for a moment with a moan.

I continued to do as he did and at first I licked his balls. They also smelled of him but they did not feel at all how I imagined. He jumped again and put a hand to the back of my head but just to let it rest there. Without much more delay I ran my tongue up and down the length of his shaft as it jumped and hit me in the face a few times.

"Sorry." He said.

I did not respond, instead my gaze was fixated on his tip. He was also oozing with delight and a fear came over me. I never thought things would go this far and I had no idea how it would taste. Slowly I touched the tip of my tongue to the tip of his dick. The taste was actually amazing and I quickly cleaned it up with my mouth only sucking on the tip hoping for more. Then I dove down.

I was pretty much able to take all of him in and could feel my lips pressed into his body. He twitched a little bit inside of me and I had to pull back up to stop coughing as he did before.

"You taste so good." I said before going back down.

I couldn't control my motions as well as he did before. I started fast and slowly got faster. I took his moans as hints to continue doing certain things. He felt hard but very soft in my mouth and every time I came back up I made sure to flick my tongue across his head.

"I told you you'll do fine," he whispered between breaths of air.

I kept going and he now had both of his hands over my ears. He began to grind into me but then stopped himself.

"Lay on your back," he demanded.

I didn't even question it. I laid flat down as he turned upside down from the direction I was laying in.

"Scoot down a little."

I complied.

He carefully placed a leg over my face until he was completely over me. I had full view of all of him as he balanced over me, legs spread. I couldn't see what he was doing from that position but I could feel him take me back in his mouth. It felt just like it did before. The warmth, the wetness but as I took him in my mouth a new sensation hit me as he began to moan. I could feel his vocals vibrating against the head.

I did not want to cause him any harm so I used every trick in the book to stop myself from thrusting into his mouth. He, on the other hand, wasted no time in slowly thrusting into mine. I let him know it was okay by taking him all the way in to the base again.

As I watched his ass flex from his thrusting I couldn't help the thoughts that raced through my head. I pulled him out of me and continued to rub him with one hand while I sucked on my other finger. I didn't even know how he would receive this but I knew I had to try. I couldn't believe what was happening, or what was about to happen.

When my finger was good and moist I took him back in with my mouth and the taste of precum came with his continued thrusting.

At first I just put a hand on one of his cheeks and he did not flinch. He moved in a new way that I interpreted as inviting so I allowed my finger to find a good place to rest. With one final push into my finger I knew he wanted it. As we sucked on each other I allowed my finger to slowly make its way into his inviting warmth. He let up for a moment and constricted around my finger, almost as if someone was pulling on it. He jumped a bit after a few more centimeters.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No way."

We went back to our oral exploration as I pushed my finger deep into him. He was tight around it and I didn't want to hurt him so I left it there and just kind of wriggled it a little bit. I could see everything I was doing and knew that on sight of it all I wouldn't be able to hold for much longer. He was probably experiencing a similar exhilaration as he began to shake and breathe very heavily around me in his mouth.

His thrusts became deeper and my threshold for taking him into my throat was almost completely broken.

As he started to shake harder I could feel his muscles tighten around my finger. This thrilled me beyond comprehension and as I began to let go I could hear his breathing had become uncontrollable. He started just before I did as I was surprised when a large amount of salty warmth started pumping into my mouth. I couldn't hold myself no longer and did the same to him. Convulsion after convulsion as I was sure I released a large amount into his mouth, but he never let me go. He made the cutest noise as he finished emptying completely and I continued to suck. He returned the favor and went down for one last dive onto my extremely sensitive dick.

After a few seconds debate, I swallowed the contents and I could feel it coating my throat.

"Oh my god." I quivered as it was too much to handle.

He lifted his head and said, "No shit."

Then all of his weight collapsed on top of me. Both of us were starting to go soft when I started to pull my finger out.

He let out a sigh and erratic breaths as he did his best to relax his muscles so that I might have my hand back. After the slow exit he collapsed on the bed next to me, still upside down and partially laying on his back. I looked down at him a few times but I was also barely able to hold my head up.

We laid there a few more minutes. I rubbed the hair on his legs then bit his baby toe.

"Pervert." He said with a smile.

I got up to grab a towel from my closet. When I looked back at him I realized there really wasn't anything to clean up.

"Where did it all go?" I asked.

He looked at me with a perverted and embarrassed smile while patting his stomach.

I smiled back at him and threw the clean towel on the floor. He flipped himself so that his head lay on my pillow. I didn't have the heart to be possessive and I let him stay there as I cuddled up next to him on a pillow that I never really used.

We laid quietly for a few minutes. Just looking at each other. I noticed that he had some crust left on his lip and bashfully smiled as I rubbed it off. He stayed with his head down but scooted closer so that we could kiss. The green rain forest looking deep into my own eyes.

"You're amazing." I said.

"You're unreal." He smiled back.

On top of everything, the heavy work out, the alcohol consumed, the late hour we just slowly began to fall asleep facing each other. I reached an arm out to pull him closer and held him into me as he just put a hand to rest on my chest.

We fell asleep naked that way and I was on top of the world. I never imagined I would find this. I never thought I would know this type of happiness.

The next morning I woke up to the scent of his hair pressed into my face and softly kissed the back of his head. His feet were pressed into my knees as he was curled into me. I lifted my head enough to see that it was already ten in the morning. I caught a glimpse of his face as a small amount of sunlight came through the shades and cast the morning light onto his face. His face was always scrunched up as if he were mad at something when he slept, but I never cared.

"Perfect," I whispered into his sleeping ear.

His eyes slowly opened as the angry look went away.

"Liar," his crackled voice whispered back.

He cleared his throat and turned to look at me. We stayed that way for a minute, nothing needed to be said right away.

"Dark unknown." He said.

"Green rain forest."

I moved a hand to pat down his hair then ran a finger over his lips.



"I want to say something but I don't want to weird you out."

"Never. Well maybe."

"Ass." He said as he pinched my arm.

"Ow! That's abuse you know."

He smiled at me.

"What did you want to say?"

He swallowed and looked at the window. The bright sun causing him to wince.

"Do you want to make sure the world's the same first?"

He turned back towards me, "No."


"I think I...What I want to say...I lo..."

The door knob rattled.

"Wake up bitches, everyone else is up." Steve said through the closed door.

I gave Jimmy a questioning and fearful look.

"I locked it last night," he whispered loudly.

Just then the knob shook again and the lock popped open.

There we were, cuddled into each other naked under a thin sheet. Steve looking at us with complete shock on his face.

"Dude what the fuck are you guys doing?" be continued...

Feel free to provide feedback:

Thank you for the feedback you all have already given me and sorry for the delay in posting. I moved on the first and now that I am all settled I am ready to keep this story moving.

Next: Chapter 7

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