Nova Baiae

By Christian Q

Published on Jan 5, 2020


Nova Baiae Rhodri's Story Chapter Eleven "Senator Maximus"

This is a story of erotic fiction meant to be read by adults over the age of eighteen years

Written by Jean-Christophe, posted January, 2020

"The characters and ideas contained in this story are products of the writer's imagination and bear no resemblance to actual persons or events. Please respect the integrity of the story and don't do any rewrites, make alterations or add another's artwork or pictures"

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Chapter 11:

As the first rays of the sun herald a new day, we are noisily awakened by the loud shouting of our slave-handlers and the noisy cracking of their whips. Uppermost in my mind is the uncertainty of what is to happen next; what unknown horrors and unspeakable terrors await us. And yet, I do know from the conversations at Soterus' tavern what is to happen. Today, we are to be previewed by a select group of buyers before we are placed on public display prior to Saturday's auction.

Firstly, we are ordered to empty our bladders and bowels in the noisome, open drain that flows through the cells after which we are fed and watered like stabled animals. The food is a tasteless, glutinous mess of mixed grains which we eat from our cupped hands and the liquid we are given to drink is an odd concoction of water, diluted vinegar or sour wine - it was hard to determine which - and a few added drops of olive oil. However, strangely enough, I have to say I feel satisfied, my belly is full and I no longer suffer from the hunger pangs that had disturbed me throughout the night. Later, we are to learn this and a ration of black bread is standard fare for most slaves on Nova Baiae.

After this, we are left to ourselves and our innermost thoughts and fears!

We don't have long to wait before the first of the select group of buyers arrive to inspect us. For the past fifteen minutes or so, a small crowd of men has gathered on the narrow street outside the gates opening into the slave pens and wait impatiently for them to open. Obviously, they are eager to inspect us and as they wait, they begin to mutter among themselves about the delay. Soon their muttering grows louder as one of them calls for Volpiscus.

"Volpiscus! Volpiscus! Why are we waiting? Come along man, we haven't all day to waste. We are all busy men. We want to view your livestock. Open the gates and let us in!"

Stirred by the commotion, an angry Volpiscus appears in the courtyard accompanied by an older, naked slave who he orders to,

"Open the gates! And be quick about it unless you want to feel more of my whip on your worthless hide."

As the slave hurries to do Volpiscus' bidding, the slave-handlers order the trembling occupants of the pens to stand at the front of their prison and grab hold of the bars at chest height ready for inspection. The three of us hasten into position with a clearly distraught, trembling Telemachus standing between Cleon and me as though drawing support from us. The tituli hang heavily around our necks and rest on our bare chests.

As Volpiscus' slave unlocks the gate and opens it, the crowd falls silent and stands to one side to allow one of their number to enter. This man is dressed in a snowy white toga edged with purple which marks him as a senator and a member of the governing counsel of the island thus entitling him to their deference and respect.

And yet, despite his impressive rank and his toga, he presents a sorry sight. It is hard to determine his age as he is grossly overweight with a florid complexion, a balding head and he is in obvious poor, physical condition. The mere act of walking is clearly a problem - he is perspiring profusely from the exertion of doing so - and he is physically supported by a handsome, dark-haired slave. This slave is aged most probably in his mid-twenties and although he lacks the bulk of a heavy-duty labour slave, he possesses the physique of an athlete. He is naked save for a slave collar around his neck while his hairless torso and limbs are coated with a high-gloss body oil that catches and reflects the early morning sunlight which enhances his imposing musculature. Altogether, the slave presents an erotic picture.

Volpiscus greeting to the senator is almost ingratiating.

"Welcome Senator Maximus! I am......."

However, his welcome is cut short by the clearly irate senator.

"Really Volpiscus! It's not good enough to keep your important clients waiting until you open your establishment. You are aware, are you not, that we were kept standing in the street waiting on you?"

"I am sorry, Senator Maximus," Volpiscus answers sullenly, "But there is much to be done before the slaves are ready for inspection. They have to be fed and watered and ....."

"Enough of your feeble excuses, Volpiscus. You kept me - a senator - waiting in the street. Surely it would be better to feed your slaves earlier thus allowing you to open your gates when your first client arrives. After all, what is more important to you; the comfort of your animals or the convenience of your valued clients. The interests of a slave are never placed before those of a freeman. But enough of that! What have you got to show me? Are there any slaves who might interest me enough to bring me to Saturday's auction?"

"I have a number of excellent slaves to show you, senator." Volpiscus replies. "This is a fresh batch of newly enslaved from the mainland. They arrived two days ago. True, they are untested and untried but as yet their muscles are untorn by heavy labour. Allow me to escort you on your inspection, Maximus? Shall we start at the first pen?"

"No, I would like to start with those three." Maximus points past Volpiscus to where the three of us are standing with our bodies pressed to the bars. "Clearly, they have been singled out for special attention. Am I not correct, Volpiscus?"

"Those three are virtually spoken for." Volpiscus answers. "They have been placed together ready for the clients' inspections."

"Have they been sold?" Maximus asks. "Has a deposit been paid on them?"

"No," Volpiscus answers defensively, "they haven't been sold as yet."

"Then, as no money has changed hand and under the laws of the governing counsel, they are still for sale and I am free to examine them." Maximus replies imperiously.

Volpiscus is worried. He knows that Karelius will be visiting later to inspect the young mainlander previously known as Rhodri but now renamed Chrysos and that the innkeeper, Soterus has expressed an interest in the young slave, Telemachus as a replacement for the one he has sold to Karelius. And from their conversations, Volpiscus knows his friend Casca might just be interested in the slave Cleon as the blond addition to his canine kennels. The last thing he needs is for Maximus to show an interest in any of the three slaves. But Maximus is too powerful a man with a reputation for harboring grudges against those who cross him and Volpiscus has no wish to make an enemy of him.

He trudges behind Maximus who, aided by his slave, Maxipor, waddles unsteadily to the pen where we are lined up ready for his inspection.

Maximus pauses in front the pen and peers intently at our trembling, naked bodies. His gimlet eyes seek out our strengths and any weaknesses. And judging by his reaction, he is pleasantly surprised by what he sees.

"These are indeed fine slaves, Volpiscus. The older two are impressive brutes ideally suited to hard manual labour while the youngest one is a delight to the eye and more suited to the bedchamber. Please be kind enough to have them press up against the bars so that I can gauge the hardness of their bodies."

We respond to Volpiscus angry order to "Move closer to the bars, slaves!"

I stand with my chest and belly pressed hard up against the bars and I am humiliatingly aware that my genitals are poking through the gap. My semi-flaccid cock attracts Maximus' attention and he reaches out and takes it in his hand. His pudgy, sausage-like fingers encircle my shaft as he slowly works my cock. Try as I might, I can't fight him and my cock stiffens and hardens into a massive erection as my balls retract closer to my body. I feel a finger nail rake the underside of my shaft and I wince from the sudden discomfort it causes. Then, I feel the first spurts of precum as it dribbles out of my piss-slit and wends its way downwards to the cobblestoned floor.

"Ahh! I see the slave is hair-triggered." Maximus wheezes. "I like that in a slave. An erect cock protruding proudly from a slave's belly is a sign of his virility and strength. And it would seem this slave meets those criteria. Does the slave have a name, Volpiscus?"

"I named him Chrysos at his branding, Maximus"

"And the other two. What are their names, Volpiscus?"

"Maximus, the stripling is called Telemachus and the older slave bears the name of Cleon."

"Then have the one called Cleon stand beside Chrysos," Maximus commands, "so that I can compare the two."

On Volpiscus' command, Cleon moves swiftly into position alongside me and presses his body as close to the bars as possible. For several moments, Maximus casts his beady eyes over Cleon - much as he'd done with me. With his attention no longer focused on me, I am free to make a quick, visual assessment of this man who could conceivably be my future master.

As already noted, the senator is overweight - morbidly so - and seems to stand only with the help of his slave. Clearly, Maximus's weight is thrown onto the slave whose tensed muscles indicate the strain placed on them in supporting his master's bulk. Maximus's enormous, protruding belly suggests an over-indulgence in eating unhealthy foods while the drooping jowls and bulbous nose which dominate his pudgy, lard colored face are suffused with a spiderweb of fine veins revealing his excessive love of fine wine.

Normally, he would cut an almost comedic figure but the narrow slits of his eyes and the thin, cruel line of his lips suggests something more sinister. Instinctively, I know he is a cruel man who doubtlessly enjoy inflicting pain on his slaves.

As he continues to leer at Cleon, Maximus reaches out - as he'd done with me - and takes Cleon's cock into his clammy grasp. I see Cleon's body tense as he grinds his teeth to vainly avoid an unwanted erection. Soon, within mere seconds, Cleon's erection matches mine and our willfully disobedient cocks provocatively poke out through the bars.

Maximus takes my penis in his free hand and slowly masturbates both Cleon's and my cocks. As best I can, I struggle against this loathsome man's unwanted attention but I am fighting a losing battle. Soon, feelings of pleasure engulf me and I find myself responding to the stimulus of having my cock mercilessly teased. My knees sag and my hip thrusts synchronize with Maximus's hand strokes as I helplessly hump the bars of my prison. I am overtaken by the pleasurable sensation of the involuntary flexing of my ass-cheeks and the exquisite puckering of my ass-hole as I feel the red-hot blood engorge my penis. I am aware of the churning in my balls and the rising tide of my semen as I approach a thunderous ejaculation.

My need for release is primal! Ejaculation, as a bodily function, is basic to the male of the species and I am no different. Momentarily, I forget about the dire nature of my current circumstance or that I am a naked slave imprisoned behind bars. Or that I am not in control. The fact that this loathsome creature is manipulating me against my will is of secondary importance to my desire to climax.

Frustratingly, and without any warning, Maximus lets go our cocks and reaching through the bars, he places his hands on my shoulders to judge their width and strength. Then, his hands move to the balls of my biceps and I feel his fingers dig deep into my flesh - his fingers are surprisingly strong - testing for their hardness. Next, his hands roam over my upper body, cruelly pinching and squeezing my nipples and ruffling the hair on my chest. A finger traces over the treasure-trail bisecting my abdomen and probes the depth of my navel. Satisfied that I don't have a hernia, he switches his attention to Cleon and subjects him to the same examination.

As Maximus maneuvers himself into position to examine Cleon, I catch sight of his slave's back which is marked with a crisscross pattern of angry welts. Some are bluish-black in color and are obviously older than the bright red ones of a very recent beating which are superimposed over them. Clearly, the slave is whipped regularly and my guess is the latest one happened this very morning. I wonder for what reason he was beaten and it seems inconceivable to me that Maximus could have administered it. I wonder - does he have an overseer who controls and punishes his slaves?

I'm not to know that Maximus does indeed have an overseer to control and discipline his household slaves. The slave is named Niger who was kidnapped many years ago from the mainland and brought to Nova Baiae. Maximus, impressed by Niger's brute size and great muscular strength, bought him at great cost to serve as his enforcer - a task Niger relishes with eager enthusiasm.

I stand silently as Cleon is scrutinized. I am aware of the tensing of his body, the trembling of his limbs and the sharp intake of his breath as his nipples too are sorely tested. My own examination seemed to last forever but I know this isn't so because Maximus's scrutiny of Cleon is over in about three to four minutes. Then, for the first time, he speaks directly to us and not through Volpiscus.

"Turn around, slaves with your backs to me." He snaps. "I wish to see more of you. Move back closer to the bars."

With my back to him, I can't see what is happening to Cleon but I hear Maximus order him to "raise your arms slave!" But for what purpose, I don't know.

Then, it is my turn. I sense rather than see Maximus move behind me. But I feel his hands on my shoulders once again squeezing and gauging them for their width and power before sliding down my arms to my wrists. I feel his cold clammy fingers encircle my narrow waist and he orders me to "raise your arms above your head slave!" His hands move up the widening "V" of my body to my armpits before roaming freely over my back to test the different muscle groups. Then, a finger traces down my spine from my neck to my quivering ass. His hands come to rest on my buttocks and he begins to knead them much as a baker kneads his dough. For some unknown reason, I shiver at his touch which I find menacing.

Volpiscus is growing anxious! Maximus's inspection of the two slaves is taking too long. He needs to move him along before the arrival of Soterus or Casca. Or, the gods forbid, before Karelius. He knows there is rivalry between Karelius and Maximus who each lead separate factions within the Senate and the enmity between the two is common knowledge. Each barely tolerates the other. The last thing he wants is for the two most powerful men on Nova Baiae to meet face to face and show a common interest in the slave, Chrysos.

"Do you wish to inspect the third slave, Maximus?" He asks hoping to move things along.

"No, I think not, Volpiscus! He's a handsome slave and well deserving of my interest but I have several pretty boys just like him at home and they are meeting my needs at the moment. Therefore, I will pass on him. But these two handsome brutes do interest me and they are just what I am looking for. They are strong, lusty animals perfectly matched in height, musculature, appearance and color which equips them most admirably for my needs."

Volpiscus anxiety level moves up a notch. It would seem that Maximus is interested in the same slave, Chrysos, as Karelius. Although, it was Karelius who had connived to have Rhodri snatched into slavery, he'd played no part in his actual abduction and enslavement. Such an action would be against the laws of the governing counsel who go to great pains to protect the island's tourist industry and the risk to Karelius' position and standing would be too great for him to have been actively involved in such a nefarious plan. He'd simply "called in past favors" and hinted to Soterus and Volpiscus of his desire to own Rhodri and he'd left them to do his dirty work and arrange for Rhodri's enslavement. And because there isn't any evidence connecting Karelius to their scheme, he is free to bid for Chrysos at Saturday's auction. They had taken the risk - not Karelius - and should it ever become known, then it would be they who face prosecution and punishment.

The need to have Maximus move on before Karelius' arrival becomes more imperative. The last thing Volpiscus needs is a face to face confrontation between Karelius and Maximus over the slave, Chrysos.

"And what are those needs, Maximus?" Volpiscus asks. "Why do you want these particular slaves. I can show you others equally as impressive as these two. Would you like to see them?"

"No, these are the slaves that interest me and they are the ones I will be bidding for at Saturday's auction. And as for why I want them. Obviously, you'll have noticed old age is catching up with me and I am no longer as mobile as I once was. My position as a senator calls for a certain gravitas on my part and to that end, I have ordered a special sedan chair which I can use for quick transportation. It will require two brawny, muscular slaves to carry it and these two are perfectly suited for that role. Of course, I could be like certain other senators who ostentatiously display their wealth and position by the use of massive, gaudily decorated litters that require an army of slaves to bear them. But I see this as very plebeian whereas my approach to my role as a senator is more that of the patrician."

Even with my back to them, I can't but help overhear this conversation and it fills me with dread. Maximus intends that Cleon and I are to be his beasts-of-burden doomed to carry his massive bulk in a sedan chair. Such a prospect appalls me but as a slave I have no control over my future. I have lost my humanity and I am now just as object or as the ancient Romans liked to call their slaves - I am a "talking tool".

"But I do need to move on." Maximus continues. "I am the council member in charge of the public works programs and recently I noticed the "servi publici" (public slaves) weren't fulfilling their current work quotas. I have introduced more stringent rules and harsher punishments to ensure they work harder. One innovation I introduced is the use by their overseers of heavier, four thronged whips made of hippopotamus hide and I wish to see how effective these new whips are proving. A few bleeding backs will hopefully make the lazy dogs work harder."

"Then, I won't detain you, Maximus." Volpiscus adds hopefully. "You have important matters to attend to, obviously."

"I'll just finish my inspection of these two slaves." Maximus replies and then turns his attention to us.

"Press your asses hard up against the bars," He barks, "spread your feet and bend at the waist."

"Both of us scramble into position and press back against the bars of our prison, shuffle our feet apart and then bend forward. Instinctively, we know what is to happen next and I feel my body burn with shame at the prospect.

"Press your buttocks back," Maximus continues, "reach behind and spread your ass-cheeks so I can check your assholes, slaves."

Maximus begins with Cleon and as I await my turn, it's hard to describe the humiliation I feel at having the most intimate and private part of my body opened up for his impending scrutiny. I hear Cleon's sharp intake of breath and his labored grunts and can only guess at what is causing them. Maximus' examination of Cleon takes but a few minutes and then it is my turn. Looking back between my outstretched legs I see Maximus, aided by his slave, Maxipor, move into position directly behind me. I shiver as I feel his pudgy finger move along my sensitive perineum and up through my ass-crack to the base of my spine before returning to my puckering anus. As he gently teases my quivering orifice, I am aware of my heavy breathing and I brace myself for the inevitable digital penetration.

Maximus playfully teases the sensitive flesh of my asshole and I begin to quiver from the pleasure this gives me. I am disgusted by my reaction to the ministrations of this repulsive man who plans to be my master. Is this what awaits me - or worse - if I become his slave. Then, without warning, his finger thrusts deep inside of me and I grunt audibly as he begins probing and searching for my prostate. I respond, once more, by becoming erect. Looking back, I can see a long, silver thread of my precum hanging precariously from my piss-slit as he finger-fucks me. As his finger slides in and out of my ass, I feel the shame and humiliation that all slaves experience. We are no longer free men who control our actions. We have become the "playthings" of our masters and we must endure whatever indignities or cruelties they chose to inflict upon them.

The concept of slavery has always interested me but only ever in an academic sense and always from the viewpoint of a master and never as a slave. Afterall, this is one of the reasons why I had come to Nova Baiae. I wanted to see how slavery was practiced in ancient cultures. Now I am finding out at firsthand.

Maximus continues to finger-fuck me while commenting at the same time.

"This slave, like the other is very tight assed. Both would have trouble accommodating my not unimpressive member." Maximus boasts. "Even my slave, struggles when I fuck him which I do regularly, isn't that so, Maxipor?"

"Yes, Domine" Maxipor lies. "Domine, your noble member puts that of Priapus to shame, Domine."

The slave's answer pleases Maximus, even if it isn't true. It has been some time since Maximus has actually fucked a slave due to his inability to maintain an erection. Rather, he derives sadistic pleasure from watching as a slave is whipped and then fucked by his slave, Niger who acts as his proxy. Vanity forces him to boast about his non-existent sexual prowess rather than his long-vanished virility and potency. The reality is these two slaves would find it difficult to accommodate Niger's massive cock.

"But that problem isn't insurmountable," he continues, "and should I buy them, then I will simply need to stretch their ass-holes and open them up for my cock. And I have the perfect tool for that purpose. My slave, Niger has a monstrous cock"

Finally, his inspection of me is finished and Maximus withdraws his finger from my ass. He orders Cleon and me to stand and face him through the bars. He commands me to open my mouth to examine the soundness of my teeth and the health of my tongue. As he does so, I am aware that the same finger had, just moments ago, been thrust deep within my asshole and before that Cleon's. My stomach churns at the thought.

"Slave," Maximus asks, "do you have problems shitting and pissing?"

I bristle at being asked such a personal question but know I can't show my distaste and answer humbly.

"No, Domine, both bodily functions are working as they should, Domine."

"Excellent, slave! With a sound mouth and a healthy anus, we are assured of your good digestion and thus of your good health."

Maximus repeats this humiliating inspection with Cleon and is as satisfied with his answers as he was with mine. He turns his back to us and speaks to Volpiscus.

"Volpiscus, these two slaves do interest me and I will return on Saturday to bid for them. But now, I must take my leave to attend to my official duties."

"Of course, Senator." Volpiscus heaves a sigh of relief. It appears that Maximus and Karelius won't come face to face, after all. "Maximus, allow me to escort you from my premises and I look forward to your return for Saturday's auction."

We watch from behind the bars of our prison as Maximus and his slave, Maxipor depart. I heave a sigh of relief that our ordeal is over. However, my relief is short-lived; already other prospective buyers are lining up eager to inspect us. They set the pattern for the rest of the day.

To be continued ..............

Next: Chapter 12

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