Nova Baiae

By Christian Q

Published on Apr 11, 2019


Nova Baiae Rhodri's Story Chapter Two "Arrival"

Posted by Jean-Christophe: April, 2019

This is a story of slave fiction which contains elements of coercion and male on male sex. If you are under eighteen years or the legal age of your jurisdiction, you need to leave NOW. Similarly, if you find the subject matter offends you or is not to your taste, then read no further.

This story is the product of the writer's imagination and not based on any actual persons or events. Please respect the integrity of the writer's work and don't do any rewrites, make alterations or add another person's artwork without permission.

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Chapter 2:

As our vessel berths at the wharf, Karelius takes his leave of me. He shakes my hand warmly and wishes me an enjoyable stay on Nova Baiae.

"I hope your visit with us is a pleasant one, Rhodri and that you find the experience rewarding. I'm sure our paths will cross again before your stay ends; possibly at Saturday's slave auction if you attend. I'll be there casting an eye over the livestock. You should visit too. You'll find it most interesting."

I thank Karelius and tell him that I will be attending the slave auction. However, I don't tell him this will be one of the highlights of my visit. But in truth, it will be, and I look forward to seeing the naked slaves displayed for sale, the humiliating inspections they will undergo and, of course, the ultimate indignity as each man stands shamefully nude on the auction-block to be haggled over. The thought is a highly-charged one and I am aroused to such a state that my cock strains within the tight constraint of my undergarments. Embarrassed, I realize that Karelius is aware of my condition and is smiling broadly at my discomfit. I am relieved as he tugs on the leashes of his two slaves and orders them to their feet. With one final farewell, he turns and walks away, followed by Ajax and Apollo leaving me free to take in the unfamiliar surroundings of the harbour and its adjacent town from the vessel's deck.

Very obviously, the consortium of businessmen who control the island have striven - successfully - to replicate a small and ancient Roman port. At the end of the wharf an impressive, stone gateway gives access into the town beyond and even at this distance, I can read the inscription above the gateway which denotes its purpose – Porta Marina (the Sea gate).

But it is the hustle and bustle of the port itself that holds my interest. The wharf is a hive of activity and most of it involves slaves going about their labors. Some stand at the foot of the gangplank with their heads bowed in respect waiting for the passengers to disembark before they begin the work of unloading the ship's cargo. Yet others are resting between the shafts of rickshaw type carts made to replicate chariots ready to transport the new arrivals to their destinations and others are yoked in teams to empty, timber carts waiting to receive and deliver the ship's cargo to warehouses or shops.

And one group attracts my attention. It consists of twelve slaves kneeling in position alongside an ornately decorated litter which I instinctively know is waiting for Karelius. The one thing in common that all the slaves share is their nudity, the metal collars they wear around their necks and genitals and the brands that are seared into their left flanks. The small brand is in the Roman style of lettering and consists of the characters SNB" which I assume signifies servus Nova Baiae meaning a slave of Nova Baiae. Over the course of the next few days, my assumption will prove correct and I'll even get to watch as newly arrived slaves are similarly marked.

I watch as Karelius, followed by his two leashed slaves, walks down the gangplank, to be greeted by a brutish man whose tunic and the whip he carries mark him out as an overseer. Karelius calls the man, Balbus and they briefly talk together before Karelius moves towards the litter. As he does so, all twelve litter-bearers lean forward and press their foreheads and the palms of their hands to the wharf's cobblestones in obeisance to their returning master.

Karelius ignores the litter-slaves and silently attaches Ajax's and Apollo's leashes to the rear before stepping up to enter the litter from the back of a thirteenth slave kneeling on all fours. This slave is perfectly matched to the twelve chained to the litter and obviously he is part of the team. In fact, he is the spare; much as an automobile has a spare tyre this slave accompanies the litter to replace any of the twelve slaves should they fall or have an accident.

The "spare" helps his master settle by arranging the plush velvet cushions allowing Karelius to recline back in comfort before taking up his position at the side of the litter. The overhead canopy shields Karelius from the late afternoon sun but doesn't restricts his view. From his position of comfort, Karelius watches as his new purchases from the mainland are brought ashore and loaded by the overseer into a four wheeled, caged conveyance drawn by a team of ten, burly, naked slaves obviously chosen for their brute strength.

Karelius watches as Rhodri surveys the activity happening on the wharf. This young man interests him and Karelius recognizes his "potential". Rhodri is fashionably dressed in light summer clothing consisting of shorts, t-shirt and leather sandals. His clothing does nothing to hide his imposing physique. In fact, the opposite is true. The tight-fitting shirt accentuates the swelling pectoral muscles of his manly chest and the width of his broad shoulders. The shorts are close fitting emphasizing Rhodri's thick thighs and long, muscular legs. From his vantage point, Karelius is even able to appreciate Rhodri's shapely ass and the suggestive bulge in his groin.

Karelius notes Rhodri's blond hair, blue eyes, aquiline nose and the full, sensuous, red lips. These all combine to make him a most handsome, young man and the stylish, one-day stubble on his youthful face accentuates his manliness. The exposed limbs, dusted with a fine, golden down, have been darkened to a rich, golden color by exposure to the sun and Karelius wonders if the rest of his body is similarly tanned. Although, he suspects his ass and midriff are milky-white and he frowns at the thought.

Clearly, Rhodri is a well-educated, young man. His ability to peak both Latin and Greek, together with is wide knowledge and understanding of the ancient Roman lifestyle attest to that. And Karelius suspects they also have other shared traits. He envisages having Rhodri visit his villa and engaging him in a lively discussion about their shared predilection for slavery.

Overall, Karelius is most taken with this young visitor to Nova Baiae.

I watch as Karelius settles into his litter and I am envious of him. The notion of travelling in a litter borne by twelve, magnificent, naked slaves is very erotic. I can visualize reclining back among the litter's plush cushions and watching as the stressed muscles in the slaves' sweat-sodden torsos are called into play by the combine weight of the litter and its occupant.

The last of the passengers has now disembarked; some are greeted by welcoming friends while others – plainly tourists like me - stand around looking lost and unsure of what to do next. I am the last passenger to leave and even as I step down from the gangplank, several slave-drivers waste little time in whipping their charges into action. Their whips crackle harshly through the afternoon's stillness and the resounding thwacks as leather strikes naked backs and shoulders are answered with the cries of pain from the tormented stevedore-slaves.

My cock is aroused as never before and I feel the warm stickiness of my precum adhering to my clothing. I'd never seen such scenes before although I had often imagined similar ones in my erotic fantasies. Indeed, it is these fantasies that have brought me to Nova Baiae for I am anxious to witness slavery as it was practiced in ancient times. And what I am now witnessing plays to the sadistic aspect of my sexuality. How I wish, I was an overseer wielding his whip and applying it to some hapless slave's ass or back. Even as I watch, one overseer lays his lash across the naked buttocks of a slave barely five feet from where I am standing. I feel the cool draught on my cheek caused by the whip as it travels through the air and I see the evidence of the lash's effectiveness as it materialises as a livid, red stripe on the slave's ass-cheeks.

I am in no hurry to leave the wharf; there is much to hold me there and for me to see.

Soon, the slaves are staggering down the gangplank with their knees buckling under the heavy load of boxes and crates which they load onto the waiting narrow carts. As soon as a cart is fully loaded, its team of brute-slaves is whipped into action. I watch as their tendons tighten and their overdeveloped muscles strain to move their dray forward. The notion that men can be used as beasts-of-burden is an erotic one and I envy the drivers who control their teams with their whips. It is easy to imagine I am such an overseer regularly applying my whip to straining backs urging the slaves under my supervision to greater effort.

Later, as I become more familiar with the layout of Nova Baiae, it will make sense why brawny slaves and not larger horses, donkeys or mules are used to haul these carts. As in Pompeii, the streets are too narrow to allow the passage of more than one cart at a time. In ancient Pompeii, the control of traffic was rigidly controlled and allowed for "one-way traffic" at regulated times of the day.

My pleasant reverie is cut short by a call from Karelius who has just settled into his litter.

"Rhodri! A moment of your time please."

I wander over to the litter and gaze down on the crouching, naked slaves. I smell their sweat and see the twitching of their muscles as they await their master's command to "Stand and walk on!"

I'm curious as to what Karelius wants and I ask pleasantly.

"What can I do for you, Karelius?"

"Rhodri! It's more a case of what I can do for you. I have been watching you and I can see that you are a man who shares my interests. Obviously, the sight of naked slaves arouses you." Karelius' reference is pointed. He has noticed my arousal and I blush beetroot red from embarrassment. He laughs at my predicament and continues, "Don't feel embarrassed, Rhodri. You have no need to. Slaves do have that effect upon me too."

"I have to admit that I'd not expected to find Nova Baiae so ... How can I put it ... It's so `in your face', Karelius."

"How so, Rhodri?"

"I hadn't expected to see so many slaves. Somehow I thought they'd be less conspicuous."

"Rhodri, Nova Baiae depends heavily on its slaves for its success. Slaves are employed in every aspect of life on the island and you can't avoid them. Wherever you go, you'll be confronted by slaves going about their labours. As well as privately owned slaves you'll also find public slaves. Slaves were very much a part of ancient Roman society Rhodri and you'd have seen them everywhere. And that is also the case at Nova Baiae. They're unavoidable! I trust you don't find them confronting?"

"No! Not at all, Karelius! Quite the opposite in fact. I'm fascinated by the fact that there are so many slaves. They far outnumber my expectations."

"Slaves are essential to our way of life here on Nova Baiae, Rhodri. Without them we wouldn't enjoy the lifestyle we do. There are two categories of slaves on the island; the privately-owned slave and the "servus publicus" owned by the community who works on maintaining roads, bridges and public buildings or rowing one of our tourist galleys."

"Tourist galleys! What are they, Karelius?"

"We have found that the tourist who comes to our island likes to immerse himself in all aspects of the Roman way of life. And of course, galleys and galley-slaves were very much a part of Roman society. Or that is what the old-time epic movies would have us believe. Here, we operate a number of sightseeing galleys manned by oar-slaves and crewed by fee-paying tourists for daytrips circumnavigating the island. They are extremely popular and are a major contributor to the island's economy. In fact, here is one of the galleys returning to port as we speak."

I'm astounded by Karelius' comments that the island operates a number of galleys to take tourists on day-trips around the island's spectacular coastline. I resolve to go on such a trip as soon as I have settled into the island. But for now, Karelius draws my attention to a galley that is returning from such a voyage.

It is an exact replica of a Roman galley which I'd seen in an old movie some years ago. Of course, it's a much smaller, sleeker version than the great war-galley which had housed Ben Hur but just as colorfully painted and decorated.

Even from this distance, I can hear the creaking of the heavy, wooden oars straining in their rowlocks and the sinister whine of cruel whips – no doubt wielded by over-enthusiastic tourists paying for the privilege – and the loud `thwack' of leather striking naked flesh.

"The galley is a thing of beauty, is it not, Rhodri?"

"Indeed, it is Karelius!"

"However, Rhodri its true beauty is below deck on the rowing-benches watching as the naked slaves toil at the oars. I would recommend that you take a day trip on a galley if time permits."

"I intend to do so, Karelius. But I'm holding you up and I apologize. What can I do for you?"

"Rhodri, I recommended the inn of Soterus to you earlier. I have taken the liberty of sending one of my slaves ahead of you with a request from me that Soterus take good care of you. I am known to Soterus and he owes me several favors and I have asked that he offers you his best accommodation and hospitality at a reasonable price. I hope I haven't overstepped the mark by doing so, Rhodri?"

"No, not at all, Karelius." I am honoured by Karelius' kind gesture. "That's very kind of you and I do appreciate your interest in me. How far is it to the inn?"

Karelius tells me the inn is close by and gives me directions on how to find it. He tells me to follow the line of erect penises carved into the raised paving stones; the cockheads all point in the same direction and lead to the Pullo's Brothel of male whore slaves in the next street beyond Soterus' inn. I am familiar with these phallic symbols; I have seen them both in Pompeii and Ephesus and they can't be missed. No doubt, in ancient times, visitors to a strange city would have no problem in finding a brothel – either male, female or mixed - that catered to his sexual preferences.

As he prepares to leave, he bids me goodbye.

"I hope you enjoy your stay with us Rhodri. There is so much to see on Nova Baiae. Make sure you see as much of our beautiful island as you can. And immerse yourself in our culture."

Thank you, Karelius. I intend to see and do as much as I can while I'm here. And thank you, for your warm welcome and assistance with my accommodation. I truly appreciate it. Once again – goodbye and who knows we might meet one another again before I leave."

"Indeed, Rhodri! I'm sure we'll bump into one another over the next few days. But now I must get these lazy brutes to their feet. I'm anxious to get back to my villa for a bath and a massage. ON YOUR FEET, SLAVES!"

Karelius'' command is imperious and in a perfectly choreographed movement, the litter bearers stand and wait for their Master's order to.


As one, the slaves step forward and as Karelius settles back into his litter, I see the enormous stress placed on the slaves' nude bodies. Their sinews are stretched to the limit and their powerful muscles bulge under the enormous weight of the litter while their bodies are bathed in sweat. I watch enviously until the litter leaves the wharf and armed with Karelius' directions, I sets out to find the Via Herculaneum and the Caupona Soterus. If only I had the services of a litter and slaves to carry me to the inn.

As I prepare to leave the wharf, I stop to watch as a shipment of new slaves is unloaded. They are the last to leave the ship and they number somewhere between thirty and forty. All are young, naked and in chains. Overseers drive them down the gangplank with their cruel whips before calling on them to halt. Then, they are lined up in two parallel, single files as heavy chains are attached to their neck collars. The slaves' faces are studies in shock, disbelief, bewilderment or panic. They are all newly enslaved young men from the mainland and have been bought to Nova Baiae to be sold at next Saturday's auction. Once they are shackled together at the neck, the overseers drive them forward towards the waiting slave-pens that have been cleaned and made ready for their arrival. Of course, they are unaware that over the next few days they'll be branded and made ready for inspection before they are sold.

Whilst, I feel a degree of sympathy for the slaves' plights, I remind myself that, as a scholar, I have come to Nova Baiae to study this modern replica of an ancient Roman society. Like ancient Rome where slavery was openly tolerated Nova Baiae lives up to its claim of being a true representation of Roman society and slavery is not only accepted here but enthusiastically practiced by those fortunate enough to be free citizens.

Over the coming days, I will be exposed to Nova Baiae's slaves and witness how they live their lives of servitude to their masters.

To be continued . . . . . .

Next: Chapter 3

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