Nova Baiae

By Christian Q

Published on Jun 10, 2019


Nova Baiae Rhodri's Story Chapter Seven The Evening's Entertainment

This is a story of erotic fiction meant to be read by adults over the age of eighteen years

Posted by Jean-Christophe: June, 2019

My blog, "Slaves through the Ages" can be found at

"The characters and ideas contained in this story are products of the writer's imagination and bear no resemblance to actual persons or events. Please respect the integrity of the story and don't do any rewrites, make alterations or add another's artwork or pictures"

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Chapter 7:

"You're in luck tonight, boy." Casca tells his dog. "You're being given a bitch to fuck as amusement for Master Soterus' patrons. Which slave is he to fuck, Soterus?"

"I've chosen Virgil. It's several nights since he was last used."

"Ahh a good choice! From memory that slave hates being fucked."

"Yes, he does! And it's amusing to watch his resentment at being made to offer up his ass for use. I always enjoy watching his humiliation and shame as he is fucked. And tonight, it will be special; he's to be fucked by your dog."

"Well I'm sure Rufus will put on a good show. Won't you boy?" Casca asks as he affectionately pats his dog-slave's head."

Rufus barks his agreement!

Soterus excuses himself and goes to the kitchen. He returns immediately leading a young slave by his cock. The slave is very similar in build and appearance to both Aeolus and Ovid. The only difference I can discern is that his hair is brown which differs in color to that of the other two slaves. Otherwise, all three slaves are cast in the same mold.

As the evening has progressed the tavern has become more boisterous. The cheap wine has been flowing freely and it has loosened tongues and overcome inhibitions. The room reverberates with loud laughter, crude expletives, obscene jokes and bawdy songs.

Soterus leads the slave Virgil into the centre of the tavern and calls for quiet. At first, he is ignored but not out of disrespect; rather it is because he's not heard. Once more he calls for quiet and slowly the calls for silence pass around the room from table to table. Eventually, all the patrons fall silent and look towards Soterus and his slave.

I discern a note of anticipation among the patrons. Indeed, they know that it is time for Soterus' slaves to "perform" for their amusement.

"Thank you, gentlemen!" Soterus announces. "I believe it's time for a little light entertainment and my old friend Casca has kindly consented to me using his dog-slave to help entertain you this evening. My slave, Virgil," and to emphasize the point he cruelly tugs at the slave's cock eliciting a yelp of pain, "will serve as the bitch and Casca's dog, Rufus will mount him."

Soterus' words are greeted with cheers and hand clapping

Using the cane, he is carrying, Soterus viciously swipes it across the slave's ass and orders, him to.

"Get into position! Onto your hands and knees."

The slave immediately drops to all fours as the patron's roar their approval. Some are more vocal than others and shout to Soterus.

"Have the slave spread his legs so we can see his balls hanging down."

Soterus is quick to oblige and uses his cane to good effect. He orders Virgil to spread his knees as far as is anatomically possible thus exposing his generous sized balls to the scrutiny of all in the room.

Casca and I have a good vantage point as we are sitting close to where the slave is crouching. We have an unimpeded view and I can see the slave's body convulsed by trembling. I wonder if it's caused by shame and embarrassment at his very public humiliation or from anticipation of what he knows is to follow. Even Rufus is showing a growing interest in the proceedings. He stands on all fours with his tongue lolling out of his open mouth; saliva drools from the corners of his mouth and stains the flag-stoned floor. From time to time he growls softly and it's evident that he is looking forward to mounting the hapless slave. Rufus amazes me with his canine attributes. Not all that long ago, and despite being a slave, he'd have retained something of his humanity. Now, however, he has been turned into a dog and exhibits all the actions and characteristics of his canine counterparts. I wonder how long it had taken Casca to turn Rufus into the animal he has become. It occurs to me that Rufus is living testimony to the methods Casca uses to turn men into docile, obedient pets. Although erotic, the thought of being turned into a dog-slave repulses me.

"We can't see his hole!" Someone shouts out impatiently. "Have him lower his head and raise his ass so that we can see his fuck-hole!"

The silence of the room is broken by the sibilant hiss of Soterus' cane as it falls across Virgil's vulnerable shoulders. He cries out in pain as Soterus orders him to.

"Lower your head to the floor, boy!"

The slave lowers his head as his Master has commanded but still Soterus isn't satisfied. Twice the cane flails Virgil's naked shoulders as he is ordered to.

"Get your nose to the floor, boy!"

Soterus then turns his attention to the slave's hindquarters. As the cane cruelly cuts into Virgil's buttocks, Soterus tells him to

"Raise your ass to the roof, slave. Show your ass-hole to the room."

Virgil raises his ass as commanded and tries to spread his legs even further apart. And his actions have the desired effect and even in the dim, shadowy, lamp lit room I can his ass-hole is exposed to full view.

Loud jeering and catcalls echo around the room as the inn's customers lean forward to get a better view of the slave. This further inflames Rufus. His already engorged cock seems to grow in size and he is straining at the end of his leash. He is still tethered to the leg of our table1 and his master restrains him with a slap.

"Quieten down, Rufus. It's not yet time!"

Soterus orders Aeolus to fetch some goose fat from the kitchen and when the slave returns his Master orders him to.

"Grease his hole, slave!"

I watch as Aeolus scoops some grease from a bowl and applies it to Virgil's puckering orifice. As Aeolus' finger touches the sensitive flesh of his ass-hole a shudder ripples throughout Virgil's body and he emits a soft moan.

I am finding the whole scene very erotic and my erection is uncomfortably caught up in my undergarment. I am embarrassed lest someone notices my condition and I surreptiously move my hands down to my groin to maneuver my hard cock into a more comfortable position. Then, I note that I have no cause for embarrassment; many of the inn's patrons have released their cocks by lifting their tunics and untying the subligaculum they wear as an undergarment. As I gaze around the room, I see many exposed penises being lovingly stroked. Evidently, there are no inhibitions about exposing your penis so openly on Nova Baiae. But I recall that in ancient Rome the penis was revered and even venerated. The Romans weren't prudish about sex and as I look at the murals adorning the tavern's walls, I see ample evidence of their enlightened tolerance.

"Work the grease well up into his shute!" Soterus exhorts his slave, Aeolus and he adds emphasis to his words by viciously swinging his cane against the slave's ass. "Make sure he's well-greased. The dog has a huge prick and the slave has to be able to take it all into him. Besides, I don't want my slave damaged by the dog's cock."

As I glance at Rufus, Soterus' words that "the dog has a huge prick" is plainly evident. The dog-slave's cock is engorged to such an extent that the enlarged veins in his shaft give it a gnarled effect. How glad I am that I'm not on the receiving end of so large a cock. It will be interesting to watch as Virgil struggles to accommodate it.

Soterus tests Aeolus' handiwork by inserting a finger into the slave Virgil's ass. Satisfied, he withdraws his finger and walks to our table. He offers his finger to Rufus who sniffs at it and then enthusiastically licks it clean. I wonder if it is the taste of the goose fat or of the slave's ass that causes him to bark loudly.

Soterus unties the leash from the table leg and to the boisterous cheers of the tavern's patrons, he leads the dog-slave over to where Virgil is waiting. Rufus can barely contain himself. At first, he sniffs at the slave's ass much as a real dog would. Then, he licks the slave's balls and ass-hole before moving to the slave's side. With his hands encased in his leather mittens, Rufus must rely on his tongue to make tactile contact with Virgil. Rufus lowers his head and with the skill of a contortionist, he somehow manages to get his face far enough under Virgil's belly for his tongue to contact the slave's cock.

The touch of the dog-slave's tongue electrifies Virgil. He begins to moan softly and his body trembles as Rufus' tongue arouses him to an erection. So great is his pleasure that Virgil involuntarily tries to raise his ass higher to give Rufus greater access to his genitals.

And all the while, Casca beams his approval of his dog-slave's behavior.

It's obvious that the two slaves are becoming more aroused. From my vantage point, I can see the hind-quarters of both slaves. Their swollen balls and inflamed cocks are clearly visible and dripping copiously.

I watch the interaction between the two slaves with a mixture of fascination and revulsion. I am disturbed that Rufus, as a slave, can be made to live and act like a canine at the mere whim of his owner. Whilst, I wholeheartedly support the notion of slavery, I have always seen the role of a slave as that of providing labour and sexual pleasure to its master. And I have no problem with that. However, the scene being played out before me seems tawdry and degrading and yet I am held spellbound by it. Eagerly, I lean forward in my chair to get a better view of Rufus and Virgil.

Quite obviously both slaves are excited and both seem oblivious to the insults, the jeers, the catcalls and the taunts of the inn's patrons. If either slave is aware of them then they are ignoring them. Rufus scuffles on all fours to get better access to Virgil's underside and to assist him Virgil arches his back upwards so that the dog-slave can bury his face under his belly. I watch as Rufus uses his moist tongue to vigorously lick Virgil's pulsating cock, his trembling abdominals and his very erect nipples. As Rufus seeks to further arouse his "bitch" for the night, he excitedly wriggles his ass causing the faux dog's tail obscenely implanted in his anus to swish from side to side. Rufus' tail fascinates me in that its movements are so lifelike; just like those of a real dog. How does it achieve such realism, I wonder?

I am unaware that the tail has been skillfully designed to simulate as much as possible the actions of a real dog's tail. A precision instrument, it works through the involuntary contractions of the dog-slave's anal muscles as is currently the case with Rufus. In his current state of high sexual arousal, he has no control over the puckering of his ass-hole or the internal workings of his rectal muscles. In all probability, Rufus is unaware of his wildly wagging tail.

And of course, I'm also not aware of the local "pet shop" whose proprietor specializes in the supply and fitting of all the accoutrements of dog-slavedom to his many clients.

Suddenly, Rufus scampers to his fellow slave's rear and quickly mounts him in true dog fashion. In the eagerness and volatility of his arousal, Rufus misses his mark and as his rampant cock vainly stabs at Virgil's anus, he shows his frustration by growling menacingly. Clearly, Rufus blames Virgil for his inability to connect. Twice more, he thrusts his hips forward and twice more he is unsuccessful.

Some of the inn's patrons are growing impatient and shout their coarse disapproval at the two rutting slaves by chanting derisively.

"Why are we waiting? Why are we waiting? Fuck the bitch, you useless mutt! Fuck him!"

Stung by these taunts, Rufus quickly moves to Virgil's front end and barks angrily into his face as though he is admonishing his fellow slave for their failure. Then, he lunges forward to gently nip Virgil's nose and growls deeply at him. Virgil yelps at the unexpectedness of having his nose nipped by Rufus but he clearly gets the message. He lowers his chest to the flag-stoned floor in total submission to the alpha dog. This elevates Virgil's ass and to give Rufus easier access to his body, he also spreads his knees apart. Rufus wastes no further time; he scampers back to Virgil's rear and sniffs at his ass-crack before using his tongue to relax and open up the quivering pucker for the imminent entry of his cock.

Both Rufus and Virgil sport rampant erections and are leaking precum profusely. The two slaves are "clean-skins" and I will learn that this is mandated by the island's Senate for all slaves on Nova Baiae. I see the pearl-like beads gleaming on the head of Rufus cut cock and I note the thin, silver sliver of precum hanging precariously from Virgil's very visible piss-slit as it threads its way down to the floor. And I am aware that I too am oozing profusely. However, a quick glance around the room at my fellow patrons shows me that I'm not alone. Everywhere, I see that rampantly erect cocks - some being enthusiastically masturbated by their owners - are the order of the night.

Rufus wastes no more time and quickly mounts his fellow slave. This time he is successful - no doubt he is aided by the lowering of Virgil's chest, the elevation of his ass and the spreading of his knees - and with a powerful lunge of his haunches, he drives his hungry cock deep into the pulsing orifice.

There is no finesse in Rufus' violent fucking of his fellow slave. It lacks any consideration for Virgil's enjoyment or thought for his discomfort and it is all about satisfying his own animal lust. With jackhammer rapidity, Rufus mercilessly "rides" Virgil and with each thrust of his hips, he emits a guttural growl from deep within his belly while Virgil answers with a plaintive whimper.

The patrons show their approval of the tableau being played out before them by synchronized hand-clapping, loud foot-stamping and the rhythmic chanting of "Fuck him! Fuck him!"

And if I am honest with myself, I have to admit to being caught up in the moment and enthusiastically join with the other patrons in encouraging the two slaves entertaining us. I have only been on Nova Baiae for a few hours and yet I am sharing in an aspect of local life I'd not been prepared for.

My studies had taught me that, unfairly, ancient Rome has a reputation for debauchery when in fact most aspects of Roman life under the paterfamilias system were highly moralistic. True, as in all societies, there were Romans who pushed the boundaries to the limits as evidenced by some of their emperors. However, the average Roman had a healthy attitude towards sex and venerated it as shown in the murals of Pompeii. Prudery, the bane of the modern world, manifested itself in later, post-Roman societies. And I guess I had believed this would be the situation on Nova Baiae. How wrong I was to naively believe that!

My stay on the island will reveal that unlike Rome, the lifestyle is indeed hedonistic, debauched and homosexual. This is entirely due to it being a male dominated society of Masters and slaves and tonight I catch my first glimpse of life as it is lived by the locals. And I like what I am seeing!

As Rufus and Virgil titillate and entertain us with their sexual gymnastics, the noise from the patrons reaches a crescendo. Tongues and vocal chords have been loosened by the consumption of too much wine and now the purse-strings are loosened as well. From all around the room, coins are tossed towards the performers. Soterus' other slaves, Aeolus and Ovid scramble to quickly gather up the money which, after the inn is closed, will be divided equally between Soterus and Casca as a reward for allowing their slaves to perform tonight's entertainment.

The air in the room is heavy with the scent and sounds of the two slaves' rutting ritual. It is an intoxicating mix of sex, sweat, semen and the primal sounds as they surrender to their lust-filled pleasure. And it serves as a powerful aphrodisiac; I have never been so erotically aroused as I am at this moment.

However, if I'd hoped for a prolonged exhibition of Rufus' and Virgil's coupling, then I am doomed to disappointment. Rufus' need is such that that he can't wait and all too soon he reaches his climax. I watch as he arches his back and see the rapid, involuntary clenching of his buttocks as he pumps his seed deep into Virgil's ass. I hear his animal grunts of satisfaction and Virgil's answering moans of pleasure as he too reaches orgasm. Both slaves ejaculate at the same time. Virgil's ejaculate is copious and the long line of his semen gleams milky against the dark flagstones of the floor beneath his belly.

As both slaves slowly wilt, their performance is greeted with sustained applause from their appreciative audience

Rufus sits on his haunches with his chest still heaving from his exertions and Virgil remains on all fours as he too recovers. Suddenly, Soterus steps forward and applies a thick, leather strap to Virgil's ass with the command.

"Get to your feet, slave! Clean yourself up and return to your kitchen duties. There are pots and pans to be cleaned and dishes to wash. Move your lazy ass - NOW!"

Virgil cries out in pain as the strap falls diagonally across his back and he hastens away to the kitchen to do his master's bidding. And as he does so, the young slave, Aeolus silently materializes with a bucket and cloth to clean up Virgil's mess.

However, Soterus holds a scrap of cold meat in front of Rufus as a reward. As Rufus hungrily gulps down the tasty morsel, the inn-keeper almost affectionately ruffles his hair and tells him.

"Good dog, Rufus! You put on quite a show tonight, boy!"

Soterus' approach to Rufus and Virgil is in sharp contrast to one another. Callously, he beats Virgil with his leather strap but rewards Rufus with a tasty titbit of leftover meat. One he treats as a favored pet and the other as a miserable slave. I reflect on this and see the vagaries of a chattel slave's life whose fate is no longer in his hands. The life he is made to live or the travails that befall him are purely at the whim of his master. And this his will become more apparent to me during my stay on the island.

The evening is growing late and the inn's patrons take their leave. As they drunkenly stagger out into the darkened streets leading to their homes, many acknowledge Rufus' contribution to the night's entertainment by ruffling his hair, stroking his back or patting his ass. Some, more forward than others, reach between his thighs to grope at his once again tumescent cock and balls. Rufus accepts this with equanimity; clearly, he is no stranger to this attention and his tail wags happily in appreciation.

Soon, the inn is empty save for Casca and Rufus who lies quietly on his belly as his master's feet watching as Casca and the innkeeper count out the night's gratuities. It has been a good night thanks to Rufus' performance.

It has been a long day for me since I left my home on the mainland and arrived in Nova Baiae. The excitement of my arrival, my new-found friendship with Karelius and the night's events have made me tired and, to be honest, I have quaffed too much wine dining with Casca. But it has been a happy day and I am feeling very contented and I look forward to visiting Volpiscus' slave-pens tomorrow and watching as the newly arrived slaves are branded, collared and made ready for the next auction.

As I bid Casca goodnight, Rufus raises his head from between his front paws and pants at me. He scrambles on to all fours and begins to suggestively rub his body against my right leg. Casca laughs and tells me.

"Rufus has taken quite a fancy to you, Rhodri. That's his way of telling you he'd like you to fuck him. You seem to have a way with dogs. Did you have one as a boyhood pet?"

"Yes Casca, my family did keep a dog as the family pet when I was growing up. He's long gone now of course."

"He was a genuine dog" Casca asks, "and not a slave like Rufus?"

"Yes, he was a real canine, Casca. To tell you the truth I didn't know about dog-slaves until I saw Rufus."

"They're not common on the mainland, Rhodri?" Soterus asks.

"Not to my knowledge, Soterus."

"Well they are on Nova Baiae." He replies. "Many men keep them as pets."

"What breed was your dog, Rhodri?' Casca asks.

"Noof was a 'bitsa' Casca. He was a mongrel of several mixed breeds."

"Noof? That was its name?' Casca asks. "That's an unusual name for a dog. Why call him, Noof?"

"Apparently when I quite young, I couldn't say woof," I blushingly reply, "and whenever he barked, I said 'the doggy noofed'. The name kind of stuck, I guess, Casca."

"I love it!" Casca laughs. "I'll keep it in mind for the new pup I hope to buy at the next auction."

Suddenly, I feel very woozy - too much wine had passed my lips - and Soterus, ever the perfect host, orders the slave Ovid to show me to my room and to stay with me until the morning.

As I follow unsteadily behind Ovid, I am treated to the erotic undulations of his ass-cheeks as he climbs the stairs leading to the upper floor of the inn. Lasciviously, I lick my lips at the thought of fucking his pert, curvaceous ass. However, despite my spirit being willing my flesh is weak due to the excess of wine I'd consumed and fucking Ovid will have to wait until the morning.

Ovid helps me to strip naked and through my wine-fogged mind, I appraise him in all his own naked glory. The flickering candlelight bathes his body in a golden glow and the play of light and shade erotically highlights the contours and planes of his muscular torso. He is truly a magnificent slave and I can well understand why my new friend, Karelius wants to own him. His strong, muscular body well equips him to serve as one of Karelius' litter-bearers and I look forward to seeing him serve in that role.

Tonight, I aspire to own a slave like Ovid but reality tells me that he is a rich man's slave while practicality tells me it will be several years of working at my career - whatever that might be - before I have sufficient funds to even consider buying such an expensive piece of slave-flesh. But I console myself that, through Soterus' generosity, I can briefly enjoy Ovid's gloriously, masculine body. His ass just begs to be plowed by my eager, hungry cock.

Ovid assists me into my bed; I order him to extinguish the candle and to lie with me. Reaching out I take him into a close embrace. I feel the warmth of his body, the strong rhythmic beating of his heart and the heightened rise and fall of his manly chest as he breathes. Like a drunkard, I breath in the intoxicating aroma of his manly, aphrodisiac scent and press my firm nakedness against his own hard, muscular nakedness. I draw him closer until our chest and bellies touch and our erect cocks "cross swords" with electrifying intensity. Reaching behind him, my finger slips into the deep crevasse between his firm buttocks searching for his warm, moist ass-hole and as my finger gently teases his quivering pucker, an anticipatory shiver ripples through our bodies. But I am very tired; far too tired to fuck. That pleasure will have to wait until the morning and Ovid will still be here alongside of me. Almost immediately, I drift into the deep sleep of the truly contented.

Nova Baiae is all I had anticipated it would be and I know I will enjoy my visit here.

To be continued .............

Next: Chapter 8

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