
By Tyerone Johnson

Published on Feb 5, 2004


Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all related characters are the property of J.K. Rowling. This story is a work of fiction and is not meant to imply the true sexual orientation of the characters involved.

Hi my name's Tyerone and until last month I thought wizards didn't exist. I'd just finished training when a golden brown owl dropped a letter at feet. The owl hooted as if to say open it already, we you. I felt a strange energy radiating from it and didn't know if I should open it not. Curiosity got the better of me and I could hardly believe what I read: "Dear Mr. Johnson, we are pleased to inform that you have been accepted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The term will begin September 1, please be on platform 9 3/4 at Kings cross Train station before 10AM. As our records Indicate you are a few months shy of your 16th birthday and thus shall be placed with the other sixth years. Due to your unusual situation you will be tutored until you're up to par with your fellow classmates. All the textbooks and supplies you will need are waiting for you at Gringots bank in Diagon Alley in vault 908. You will still however need to get a wand which can found at Olavanders. Last, but not least it is my duty to inform you that you are the first of your bloodline to attend Hogwarts in nearly 3,000 years. Long ago your ancestors the Dragon Bloods and Snake Fangs were stripped of their magical abilities due to their cruelty towards muggles. It is my hope that you will use your powers wisely lest history repeats itself. "Sincerely, Deputy Headmistress Minerva McGonagall

I spent the short weeks before the start of school trying to convince my parents to let me go and after much fighting, they finally agreed to let me go. At first I was skeptical about this whole magic business, but then again with what I've been through in the past two years, anything's possible. About a week before the start of term I arrived in Diagon Alley and headed for Gringots. McGonagall had neglected to mention that the bank was run by goblins, but it wasn't that much of shock compared to gnarly things I'm come up against. After filling out stack upon stack of forms I was informed that vaults 900-980 also belonged to me.

"Come again, what in the hell could all those vaults be for?"

"Galleons my dear boy, your ancestors were how you put it, loaded. You are now the richest wizard to ever walk the face of the earth. You also own the majority the stores here in Diagon Alley, as well as several companies world wide."

"Not that I'm complaining or anything, but how can that be possible?'

"Well your ancestors were quite the entrepreneurs in their time, and when they were stripped of their powers all their businesses and companies were allocated to other families, such as The Malfoys, with the condition that should their curse be broken their heir, you, would regain full control them."

"Thanks that explained everything I wanted to know, by the by how far is Olavanders from here?"

"Oh it's only about a block east of here, but let's get you to your vault first.

As the door to vault 908 opened I couldn't believe my eyes. There shelves of books that lined the walls and on top of one of the bookcases I spotted what looked to be a phoenix in a cage.

"Is that what I think it is?'

"Yes Mr. Johnson, Alexander has been in your family for a very long time."

After finished sorting through the camber I brought l Alex, several robes with family crests, as well as a cauldron, a couple of family albums and a few interesting books on the dark arts with me. Interestingly enough the Dragon Bloods crest is a picture of marlin's familiar Draco with the words protect, love, and heal underneath. The Snake Fang crest was that of basilisk with the words honor, loyalty, and sacrifice underneath. I wonder what could have caused my forefathers to turn evil. Oh way I'll worry about that latter. As we left the camber and headed to vault 909 I couldn't help but wonder what life would be like from know on.

I withdrew 20 galleons and then headed to Olavanders with Alex singing a joyous melody the whole way. When I was ten feet from the store the most gorgeous guy I've ever seen bumped into me.

"Hey watches were you're going asshole, stupid mud bloods."

"First off you bumped into me you self centered jackass. Secondly, you disrespect again and before I'm done with you you'll be begging to slit your throat".

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean what said honestly."

As I stared into his terror filled silver eyes I saw into his soul and felt all the pain his father inflicted upon him.

"That's OK kid I didn't really mean what I said either you just pissed me off, friends?'

"Yeah friends, I'd Like that a lot I don't really have that many true friends?'

"I'm Tyerone, but call me TJ. I'm 15 and from the US, how about you?"

"My name is Draco Malfoy; I'm from a small town 50 miles north of here. I'm 15 as well. I'll 16 come September 12."

"No way, my birthday is September 10!"

"Well it was nice talking to you, but I have to go get my wand replaced, stupid Potter."

Hey I was on way their when we bumped into each other, you want to head there together?'

"Sure that sounds like fun."

Mr. Olavander was very surprised indeed when Draco and I entered his shop laughing hysterically. I'd relayed the story of how dog Rex tried to eat a five dollar bill of mine once.

"Hello Mr. Malfoy, how are you and who is your friend there?'

"This is'


"How may I help you?'

"I need to get a wand."

"Say no more, I know just the one. 12 inches long, maple wood, with a unicorn tear core."

I tried the wand but I only wound up shattering the nearby window.

"No definitely not, try this one: 10in long, oak, with a dragon scale core.

I tried that one as well but managed to cause a small earthquake this time.

"Here let me try something and I it doesn't work I'll pay twice the price of the wand, deal?'

I closed my eyes and felt a pull to the back of the store. The force got stronger as work my way to the storage room, until I came upon long silver wand with red streaks. As I picked it up roses began to fill the air.

"Well I think that's the right one, how much do I owe you?'

"Umm, let me see; wait minute this can't be the right wand, only those of the cursed bloodlines can wield this type of wand."

"By cursed blood lines you mean the heirs of the Dragon blood and Snake Fang Families, right?"

"Yes that exactly what I mean."

"OK, so how much?'

"Free, please just don't hurt me."

"Nonsense, you're a good man there's no reason why I should hurt. Not to be redundant or anything, but how much is the wand?"

"Umm that will be 9 galleons, and the wand comes with a life

time repair/replace warranty."

"OK here you go and have a nice day Mr. Olavander."

Here you are Mr. Malfoy, everything's all paid for."

"That was weird I never seen anything like It. How did just pick your wand like that?'

"Well it's kind of hard to but I'll try to explain as easy as possible. You your wand is designed to react at maximum only to your specific energy signature. Because I can sense different energy sources I simply locked on to the wand that reacted the strongest with me."

"Wow, you think you could show hoe to do that?"

"Sure it shouldn't be all that hard considering you're a wizard, but not right now you have learn to channel and release energy first:

"What do you mean?"

"Here I'll show you what I mean."

I told Draco to follow me outside and then I demonstrated a simple, for me, ki blast. My right started to glow deep grey as I formed the energy into a ball and then released in a vacant section of the street. Instantly a small crater formed where the street once was. Smoke and debris quickly filled the area outside Olavanders. Draco looked on at me with his mouth gaping open and eyes the size of saucers. Mr. Oalavander rushed outside after the explosion and stared at me with a look of pure horror on his face.

"Relax I'll fix everything better than new."

With one wave of hand the cloud of debris and

smoke was gone, and the street was back to normal.

"How do you just do that, one second there was

hole three feet wide and the next nothing."

"I simply just the energy form the smoke and

debris to repair the street."


The few weeks before the start of term flew by and

before I knew it September1st. When I boarded the

Hogwarts Express there were only 2 empty compartments.

I enter the last one and changed into standard dress

robe. After about three minutes of meditation I was

interrupted by a very loud argument.

"You call her a mud blood again and you'll be

eating all you're meals with a straw, ferret face."

" Aww isn't that sweet, lil', wittle weasel is

defending his whore, opps I mean girlfriend."

"You sodding bastard you'll pay for that."

Ron charged towards Malfoy and delivered a viscous

uppercut before Crabbe and Goyle stepped in."

Seeing this chaos I stepped in and pulled the two

oafs off the red head kid and knocked some sense into

them. One landed hard on his ass, and the other landed

not to far from him.

"Hey what did you do that for, the weasel started

the whole thing."

"You started it by calling that girl a mud blood

and you know it. Need I remind you that I almost kick

your ass earlier for calling me the exact same thing?"

"No you don't, I'm sorry just don't stop being

friends with me, please?"

There it was again the pain and hurt in his eyes.

Although I've only known him a short time I can't stand

to see hurt. I know deep he really is a good, he just

acting the way his father taught him to be.

"We're still friends, even though you can be a

total shithead at times."

"OK guys lets just leave before Malfoy starts

anything else."

"Good idea Harry, by the way who's the new guy?"

"My name's Tyerone, I'm 15, American, and half

black and white."

"Hi I'm Ron Weasley, that's Hermione Granger, and

he's of course Harry Potter. You know The Boy Who


"More Like the Boy who Jizzed."

"No one was talking to you Malfoy, so put a cork

in it would you."

"Hey leave Draco alone, his heart's in the right

he just has bit of an attitude problem."

"I don't believe it someone stuck up for Malfoy.

Mione love has hell finally frozen over?"

"Why Ronald I do believe it has."

Three Gryffindors laughed uncontrollably as they

entered their compartment.


"What?," the three Slytherings said in unison.

"Oh, it's Japanese, it means idiot, fool, or


"Remind me to write that down Goyle."

"Come on we might as well enjoy the last minutes

of the train ride."

"Yeah you're right TJ. But there's something I

have to tell you first Ok?"

"Sure what is it Draco?"

"Vice, Gorge would you mind stepping outside for a

few minutes?"

"Sure Draco."

"Since I've meet you Tyerone my life has been so

much better. When I'm around you I fell so happy and

carefree. I'm so comfortable around you that I don't

feel like I have to play some part, I can just be me.

What I trying to say is that I really like you and hope

you still want to be my friend after what I'm about to

tell you."

"I like you a lot too Draco."

"I don't think you understand what I mean."

"Draco I know exactly what you're and I feel the

same way."

I lean forward and brushed my lips against his and

deepened the kiss as he overcame his surprise and

pulled me forward. For what seemed like hours we

kissed, our tongues locked in battle for dominance. His

hands were all over my body groping and caressing in

the most deliciously intense ways. My hands were busy

massaging his fabulous ass. Finally we broke the

kiss caught our breath.

"That was.In-fucking-credible!"

"Yeah, it was, but we have to stop Draco, there's

only like 2minutes before we get to Hogwarts."

Reluctantly we separated and fixed our cloths.

"Oh, fuck I just remembered About Crabbe and

Goyle. There were outside the door this entire time the

heard everything."

"Shhh, I put a silence charm on the door right

after they left, so stop crying baby."


"Well while I was meditating I discovered that if

I concentrated hard enough I could do wand less magic."

"Well you're just full of wonderful surprises,

aren't you?"

"Yes, and I'll share all of them when ready, k?"

Ok, I don't think I could handle anymore today."

After what seemed like days it was finally my turn

to try on the sorting hat.

"Hmm, brave, honesty, and loyal. You'd do well in

Gryffindor. Wait there's a great darkness that you keep

deep inside, only releasing when in the heat of battle

or angered. The path to Slythering is strong indeed,

yet there is still more. You possess great intellect

and Just as easily thrive in Raven Claw. There is also

great purity within you. You would thrive in any house

here, but the task is finding the one that will serve

you that most for you're stay here. Although there is

great darkness in you there is also great light. Above

all else there is enormous thirst, no drive to protect

those you now matter the cost to you. For this reason I

am placing you into: Gryffindor!"

The applause from the Gryffindors was deafening.

As I walked passed the Slytherings I mouthed the words

I'm sorry to Draco. I knew things were going to be

tougher now that we were in rival houses, but I knew

somehow we would find a way to be together.

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Next: Chapter 2

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