
By Tyerone Johnson

Published on Aug 19, 2004


Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all related characters are the property of J.K. Rowling; My Immortal copyright 2003 by Evanescence and Wind-up Entertainment Inc. Author Notice: Sorry about the long wait, I've been busy moving. Also / denotes telepathic messages and ~ denotes thoughts.

The five of us entered Snape's classroom with only two minutes to spare. Harry and company joined Neville at the desks directly to the right of the door. I had just taken my seat next to Vincent and Draco when Snape called me to his desk.

"Johnson I want to make one thing very clear to you. I will not tolerate cheating of any kind in my classroom. I still haven't figured out how you managed to complete five years worth of potions homework and assignments in under a week, but I will personally make sure you never step foot in this or any other school of magic for the rest of your life when I do. Until then if you so much as step one foot out of line I'll do everything in my power to make you're time at Hogwarts a living hell, now take your seat."

I closed my eyes and tried to suppress the overwhelming urge to incinerate the greasy haired git that stood before me.

~Come on now focus, don't let tall, pale, and ugly over there get to you~

"What's the matter Johnson, you're not going to start crying now?"

In that instance the dam holding back my rage exploded as my now crimson eyes glared daggers at Snape. I felt my energy level soaring and heard the screams and cries of my classmates as the floor beneath me cracked and levitated before being reduced to ashes.

"You dare dishonor me; you who aren't even worthy of licking the shit from crevice of my ass let alone speak my name. You dare stand here and have the audacity to threaten me, you pathetic little worm."

The Potions Master swiftly withdrew his wand preparing to attack, but before Snape had a chance to utter a spell a wall of flames engulfed him.

"No! Please don't kill him, he didn't mean any of it."

Draco's words reached me in time, but the damage had already been done. The potion master's unconscious, bloody, charred body lay on the floor behind his desk. Shortly thereafter McGonagall arrived and escorted to Dumbledore's office.

"Mr. Johnson I wish we were meeting under more pleasant circumstances, but sadly that is not the case. I hoped that you would have heeded Minerva's words, but as this incident has shown you still have a long way to go before you are ready to take your place at Hogwarts. I will make my decision on whether or not to expel you tonight at dinner. For the rest of the day you will be confined to your dorm. Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"My actions were justified simple by the fact Snape disrespected me. That alone was grounds for death, but he dared to mock me and for that his death was assured. The only reason he is even alive is because Draco is fond of him. As for being expelled I couldn't care less. I have more important matters to attend to."

"Drop the act Tyerone; I know you're very scared of leaving Hogwarts, but more importantly your boyfriend. As for Severus it is true he isn't the most pleasant man to be around, but that still doesn't justify you attacking him. At this very moment Prof Snape is fighting for his life at St. Mungo's hospital all because of your actions."

"Whatever I'm gone."

The irate teen marched back to his dorm and began packing his belongings. When he was finished packing the dark haired boy began to write a letter:

Dear Draco, by the time this letter reaches I will be gone. Don't waste your time pining over me, move on. Thing wouldn't have worked out anyways we are worlds apart. My relationship with you would have only got in the way of my mission so it's best that you just forget about me, goodbye.

Love always,


With tears rolling down his cheeks the forlorn boy vanished in a cloud of flames. Around one Draco brought a plate of food to the Gryffindor's room.

~I can't believe he did that Snape. How can my boyfriend be so sweet and loving yet be filled with such rage. What scares me the most is how he could smile while doing it? I hope something like this never happens again~

"Hey love open up I've brought you some lunch. Come on stop joking around and open up the bloody door already. Very well then, "Aloha Mora."

The blonde boy put his wand back into his pocket and entered the darkened room. After depositing the tray on a nearby desk he began searching for his lost lover. Out of the corner of his right eye he spotted the letter and went to investigate it. After Draco finished reading it he was speechless. Tears began streaming down his delicate pale face as he ran all the way to McGonagall's classroom.

~Oh gods how could he just leave like without at least saying goodbye to me in person? I thought he loved; I guess it was all just a lie. ~

Tears began rolling uncontrollable down his delicate pale face as he ran full speed to McGonagall's classroom.

"What in Merlin's name is the meaning of this intrusion, Mr. Malfoy?"

"It's Tyerone, he's runway."

"Oh my, that's indeed troubling news. Come along let's go inform Dumbledore of this latest development. Here, dry your eyes; I'm sure everything will work in the end."

Meanwhile, in the south end of the universe Tyerone was engage in a particularly viscous argument with Phenix.

"Stay out of this; it's none of your business who I fuck much less who I love."

"Don't you dare give me that shit you spineless ass hole. The old man was right you are scared of losing Draco. So much so you've closed your heart off to him."

"Shut your goddamn mouth; you don't know jack shit about how I feel. How could you possible begin to comprehend what I'm feeling?"

"Come off it numb nuts: you know as well I do that our thoughts and emotions are connected. Why am I even having this discussion with you? Draco is crying his eyes out right now and you couldn't give a rat's ass."

"Emotions are for the weak and will only get in the way of our mission. If we are to accomplish our goal then we mustn't have any emotional attachments."

"You're wrong; it is our emotions that give us strength. It was your rage that unlocked our latent powers and awakened me. It was our love for Pyriel and Catherine that allowed us to reach our ultimate form. And it is your love for Draco that made you flee Hogwarts."

"Put a cork in it; I never loved Draco he was just a nice piece of ass."

"Liar, you love him more than words could ever begin to describe. I won't stand by and let you waste one of the universe's most precious gifts. If you won't admit your true feelings then I'll have to beat some sense into that that thick skull of yours."

"So be it, but want makes you think you can actually defeat me this time?"

"You're lacking the one thing that made you stronger than me, your emotions."

The two warriors charged towards each other. Phenix fazed out at the last second and caught Tyerone off guard with a vicious axel kick to his back. The Gryffindor got back on his feet and retaliated with hellish hammer fist to the right side of Phenix's head, sending the prince crashing into a mountain. The mountain was reduced to rubble as Phenix powered up to battle mode. His long flowing silver hair spiked upward, his eyes became pools of crimson, and power increased by a hundred folds.

"Two can play at that game."

The Gryffindor's deep dark brown hair changed to blood red and spiked upwards in a series of Mohawks, his eye became deep silver, and his energy level also increased by a hundred folds.

The two young men stared down one another searching for their moment of attack. Out of nowhere Phenix struck with a devastating elbow strike to Tyerone's chest, shattering three of his ribs and puncturing his left lung. As the pain surged through his body the boy's determination to win swelled and he unleashed a torrent of ki blasts. The silver haired prince was able to doge most of the blasts, but the dozen that he could escape disabled his right arm, left leg, right eye, and reduced his power by half. Not willing to admit defeat he powered up to his ultimate form and burst into pewter flames as he transformed into his name sake.

"You do know you've grown so weak that you'll only be able to maintain that form for another 20 seconds."

"I only need five to finish you off."

"Well you better hurry only 12 seconds left."

A wall of flames surrounded Tyerone and he struggled to breathe as the air was suck from his remaining lung. With his last remaining breath the Gryffindor neutralized the attack and fire vicious torrent of ki blasts causing the great winged prince to stagger and rapidly plummet. With one second left Phenix launched an enormous ki blast that left a crater fifty feet wide. When everything was over the two young men lay unconscious and barely breathing. After four hours all their wounds had healed any their power levels had increased by ten folds. They both regained consciousness at the same time.

"Well, you finally beat me; I guess I should reconsider my attitude on emotions."

"You're damn right you should; oh by the way you really should learn how to turn off our regenerative ability. It started sapping your power as soon I punctured your lung."

"I almost figured it out while we were fighting, so it won't take that long to master. Come on it's time we headed back and face our punishment."

Before returning to Hogwarts the Pyrielian prince decided to pay Snape a visit. Upon seeing the Gryffindor Snape began whimpering.

"Relax Severus all your wounds will be gone in less than a minute."

Tyerone placed his right hand over the Potions Master's burnt, blistered, bleeding body and began to concentrate. A brilliant white aura surrounded him and then flowed into the bewildered teacher. A short while later Snape was good as new.

Dumbledore was quite surprised to see Tyerone waiting in his office when entered.

"Well hello Mr. Johnson I'm glad you're back with us; you had us all worried about your whereabouts. Might I ask were you had gone to?"

"Trilax-7, it's a medium sized planet in the south end of the universe. I go there from time to time when I need to be alone."

"Suit yourself, I don't really mind not knowing were you went to; as for your punishment you won't be expelled, this time. However, should an incident like this occur again I won't be so lenient. You will serve four hours detention with Mr. Filch and Prof McGonagall tomorrow night and all of next week. On a lighter note I wish you and Mr. Malfoy a long and joyous relationship. He cares for you very deeply and told me to tell you that he loves you with all his heart and soul. Also Snape has apparently made a full recovery, but of course you already know that seeing as how he claims you are its source. Mr. Johnson I ask that from now on you strive to keep that temper of yours in check. With great power."

"Comes even greater responsibility."

"Truer words were never spoken. Might I ask how you were able to accomplish what the mediwizards at St.Mungo's failed to due with their best efforts?"

"All will be revealed when you are ready."

"Very well, if there's nothing further you may return to your dorm."

"There's one question I have to ask of you. Would it be alright if Draco and I left school grounds Friday night?"

"Ah, yes Draco's birthday is Friday; you two have my permission to leave school grounds provided you're back before 1:30am."

"Thank you sir, thank you so much!"

I rushed over and threw my arms around the kind old mage.

"You're quite welcome Tyerone; now will you please release me, you're crushing my ribcage."

The next morning at breakfast as soon as everyone was seated Dumbledore made an announcement.

"As many of you are aware of yesterday Prof Severus Snape was attacked by Tyerone Johnson. I am glad to inform you all that the potions master had made a full recovery and will resume teaching immediately. As for Mr. Johnson he will serve four hours detention with Mr. Filch and Prof McGonagall tonight and all of next week. That's all I bid you good day."

"Oh great just when you think we've final gotten rid of him once and for all that git offs and has a bloody miracle on us."

"Ronald Weasley have you no shame? Snape almost died and all you could care about is getting out of double potions."

"Merlin, I thought you were my girlfriend not my mother!"

"Honestly you'd think you were an old married couple the way you are constantly bickering."

"Ouch why'd you hit me `mione?"

"That was for implying that I was old. Really Harry a lady's age is a very sensitive matter."

"Ladies and gentlemen the bitch has now entered the building."

Harry and Ron both burst out laughing until the brown haired girl glared daggers at them.

"I'm shocked you actually stopped stuffing your face long enough to string together a complete sentence."

The entire table went silent awaiting the raven haired boy's response.

"You know Granger if we weren't friends they'd be picking pieces of you off the wall for the next six months."

The redhead drew his wand and pointed it directly at Tyerone. Abruptly Ron's wand was wrenched from his hand and sailed effortlessly to the brown eyed boy.

"Relax numb nuts I was only joking now put this away before you hurt yourself."

Astounded Ron retrieved his wand, put it away and reluctantly sat back down.

"Hey Tyerone just out of curiosity what spell did you on Snape and how'd you just do that?"

"The attack I used on Snape and what I did to Ron's wand had nothing to do with magic"

"Then what is it and how did you it?"

"That is something you're not yet ready to know."

After that exchange of words I went back to eating and everyone kept staring at me. Some in awe, others anticipating me to go ballistic again. I was on my fifth helping when a letter dropped in my lap. I opened the envelope and quickly read its contents:

Dear Mr. Johnson It has recently come to my attention that you are engaged in a relationship with my son Draco. To protect our family name and assets I request that you and Draco meet with me and his mother to determine if you are worthy of dating our son and that your relationship is genuine. We will arrive Saturday, September13, at 3:00pm sharp. Draco's Godfather Severus Snape will be moderating this meeting. If we conclude you are not fit to date Draco you must end all contact with him outside of the classroom at once.


Lucius&Narcissa Malfoy

~Just fucking great, exactly what I didn't need to happen. ~

As I approached the Slythering table Crabbe, Goyle, and Zabbani stood up.

"Easy boys I only want to talk to Draco."

"And why should we let you; you're only going hurt him again."

"Guys let him speak, I want to hear want he has to say for himself."

"Ok, first off I'm a complete arrogant ass hole who doesn't deserve to be with someone as gorgeous, smart, funny, loving, sweet, and sexy as you. Secondly, I'm the biggest git to ever walk the face of the earth. I dumped you not once, but twice in less than 24 hours. All because I was afraid to admit how much I love you and how scared I am to lose you. Rather than face my fears like a man I ran away like the scared little boy I once was. I swear this is last time I'll ever hurt you again. From the day we met all I've wanted to do is protect you and erase all your pain. By running away I only made you suffer more, and I'm sorry. I promise from here on out to love you with every fiber of my body. Please forgive me."

"Apology accepted, now come here and kiss me you stupid prat. But I'm still not completely convinced of your sicerity so consider yourself on probation."

The two boys locked lips and the world around them ceased to exist. Time stood still as their lips and bodies mashed together. Both boys were flushed and out of breath when they broke the kiss.

"Merlin, I can't believe just kissing you feels so euphoric."

"Yeah I can only imagine what it's going to be like when we finally make love."

"On a related matter, Dumbledore agreed to let us leave the school for your birthday."

"Wicked, when do we have to be back?"

"Before 1:30am."

"You're shitting me, right?"


"We do have a bit of a problem though."

"And just what might that be, love?"

"You're parents are coming Saturday to meet with us and verify whether I'm fit to date you."

"I don't give a flying fuck what they think about you. We love each other and that's the only thing that matters."

"I know baby, I just wish everyone else could get that through their thick heads. No matter how bad things get, they're not gonna get us. "

"Yeah I know, come on guys let's head on down to the dungeon it's almost time for class."

Chapter Four

"Due to yesterday's incident we are a day behind and must make it up Saturday morning. You all have Mr. Johnson to thank for this, now let's get down to business. We will be brewing the draught of latent torment. Those who ingest this concoction become trapped in a dream state until either they face their darkest fear or go insane. I will select one student from each group at random to test your samples. If things get out of hand i have veils of the antidote in my office."

After an hour and half all the students had finished their assignment and nervously awaited Snape's selection from their group. From group one the potions master chose Ron. The red head was out for six minutes before he confronted his worst fear, losing Harry and Hermione. Neville was chosen from group two and in three minutes he overcame his fear of being eaten by a giant rabbit. Pansy Parkinson was selected from group three and had to be revived after six minutes when she stated convulsing. When she regained consciousness the images of her brother drowning were still fresh in her mind. Susan Bones was chosen from group four and conquered her fear of fire in four minutes. From the last group Snape chose Tyerone. The spiky hair teen was out for the remainder of the period before he regained consciousness. After nine minutes Snape was about to retrieve the antidote, but Draco begged him to wait five more minutes. Reluctantly Snape agreed and returned to his desk; shortly there after Johnson began mumbling incoherently in a gloomy and distant voice.

"No this is not real I could never hurt you and you know it."

In the boy's mind Draco's reanimated corpse was taunting him.

"Then why are your hands and cloths covered in my blood? Admit it you killed me and enjoyed every second of it."

"No, I admit that I enjoy killing and making people suffer, but I choose to kill only when they are a threat to others and there is no other way to change their evil ways."

"Yeah right, what's to stop you from hurting me or anyone else the next time you lose that temper of yours?"

"The darkness that fills me is my greatest weakness, but as long as there is love in my heart it will never claim my soul, now be gone you retched imposter!"

When Tyerone awoke he was covered in cold sweat and his heart was beating rapidly.

"Alright class dismissed everyone out. Johnson, Draco I need to see you two for a moment. The meeting with Draco's parents will take place here. Although you are one of my least favorite students, I'll see to it that you're given a fair chance to state your case. Draco you may go now, but I still need to talk with Johnson."

"OK, see you in a bit T."

"Yeah see you later babe."

"Johnson I want you to know that if you hurt Draco in anyway, I'll do everything in my power to make you pay."

"Right, I figured you say something like that. Anything else you want to tell me?"

"I'm not sure whether or not you're aware of this, but Lucius happens to be Voldermort's second in command; please try to stay on his good side for the sake of Draco's safety."

"I'll try but I'm not making any promises. Speaking of Voldermort; I'm going to start training Draco this weekend and well there after if everything goes ok Saturday."

"What will this training involve?"

"Hand to hand combat, energy manipulation, and psychic attacks."

"Good thinking, just remember to go easy on him."

"No shit Sherlock."

"Watch your language Johnson."

"Bite me."

"You may go now."

"You mean I have to leave you and your wonderful personality?"

"Just go already would you boy!"

The rest of the day whizzed past and before I know it, it was time to go serve my detention with Mr. Filch. Man what away to spend your 16th birthday. Oh well things could be worse.

"Good you're on time now get to work, you have one hour to clean all the trophies in the display. When I get back I want them completely immaculate; one more thing, no magic whatsoever."

How boring, I was done in fifteen minutes and spent the rest of time playing catch with a fireball.

"Good job boy, now follow me. For the next three hours you will be helping Professor McGonagall grade last night's Transfiguration homework."

"Joy, just how I wanted to spend my night."

"You should have thought about that before you attacked Professor Snape. In my day you would have been skin alive for even thinking about striking a teacher."

"In your day Dinosaurs still roamed the earth."

"Alright smart guy get in there before I give your hide a good tanning."

"Sweetie, it'll be a cold day in hell before that ever happens."

"Good evening Tyerone, here's the answer key to last night's assignment. As soon as you're done you may leave, but I doubt you'll be finished before your three hours are up."

I memorized the answer key and then set about checking the papers. Bloody hell, how monotonous; I was half way through the first stack of papers when she stopped me.

"I know you're eager to leave but that's no reason to shortchange your fellow classmates."

"I'm doing precisely what you asked me to do, if you don't believe then look over the papers I've graded so far."

"Very well, I apologize you've made no mistakes on these papers."

I finished grading the rest of in five minutes and was about to dip back to my room when she stopped me.

"Mr. Johnson I urge you to consider trying out for the Gryffindor Quiditch team next week. There are several positions available and think it's just the time thing to curb that temper oy yours."

"Isn't that the sport where you fly around on broomsticks and try to outscore the other team, while trying to catch. the snitch, I think it's called?"

"Yes indeed it is Mr. Johnson."

"OK, I have a question then."

"Ask away."

"Are there any rules that state you have use a broom or play for your house team?"

"Well no, it is merely assumed that you would want to play for your house team. As for broomsticks, no rules were ever codified stating that a player must use one, but it was also general assumed that you would use one since they are the only legal means of flight today. May I ask how you plan to play without a broom?"

"Come to tryouts and you'll find out."

"Very well then I will. Goodnight Tyerone, by the way happy birthday."

"Goodnight Professor McGonagall, by the way the answer to your question is that I plan to try out for Slythering's team as well as Gryffindor's."

"That's fine, but what will you do if you get picked for positions on both teams?"

"I doubt that will happen, but if it does I can always alternate between team practices."

"Very well just don't take on more than you can handle."

When I got back to my dorm Harry, Ron, and Neville were asleep, but Shamus was still up.

"What's up lucky charms?"

"Gods, I hate it when you call that. Please if you're going to call me anything beside my given name address me as either Sha or Ty."

"Ok, I get Sha, but where does Ty come from?"

"My middle name's Tyrone."

"Oh, hey do spell it 1 or 2 e's?"

"One, I take it yours is spelled with two then?"

"Yeah. In case you're wondering my name's spelled the German way, mother's brilliant idea. My middle name's the same way; it's Michael but spelled Michale."

"Johnson, you're German?"

"Yeah, like a sixteenth on my father's side."

"What about your mum?"

"She's half Polish and Cherokee Indian."


"So spill it, what's eating at you?"

"You know Blaise Zabbani, right?'

"Yeah, we're close buds, go on."

"Well we've be seeing each other ever since third year."

"Yeah, so what's the problem?"

"He wants us to come out, but I not sure if I'm ready to deal with all the drama that entails."

"You love him, right?"

"Yeah of course I do."

"Then what do you care more about: what people will think of you or your feelings for Blaise?"

"You're right Tyerone; fuck what anyone thinks about me. I love him and that's the only thing that really matters."

"Exactly, and if anybody hassles you I'll personally kick their ass."

"Thanks Johnson and good luck Saturday."

"Thanks, and dude, call me TJ or Ty. Well see you later Sha, I'm `bout to do this potions homework, go train for a tic and then hop in the shower."

"You mean you haven't even started on that yet. You'll be up most of the night trying to finish it. I spent the better part of 4 hours on that bloody essay and I'm still not done with it."

"I'll be done with it in 20 minutes flat, an hour at the most."

"Ha! I'll believe it when I see it."

"Let's see 26 inches or more on the practical applications of the draught of latent torment, sounds easy enough."

I set to work and was done in only 15 minutes. The look on shamus's face was priceless. His eyes bugged out slightly and jaw was agape with little pools of spit forming at the corners of it. I thought he was about to pass out on me for a second, but luckily he regained his composer after a few seconds. After I put my parchment away I headed out the portrait and bumped right into Draco.

"Sorry babe, what brings from that crypt you call a dorm?"

"Don't be such a git."

"I'm a git but that's why you love."

"No, I love you `cause you're absolutely beautiful, not to mention you suck dick like a pro."

"And here I was thinking you loved for my sparkling personality and sardonic wit."

"I do, but you can be right mental at times."

"True, but that's only because I'm dating you."

"Hey what's that suppose to mean?"

"Duh, because I care for you so much it makes me a little insane."

"Yeah, I guess I'm the same way a little bit. Before we met I would have never thought of going against my father's wishes."

"So why are you here?"

"Well I wanted to spend some time with you and give you this."

"What is it?"

"Open it and you'll find out."

My hands trembled as I took the silver ribbon off the red and gold box. Inside there was an engraved platinum bracelet that read: "Thank you for loving me." When I read those words tears began streaming down my face. I pulled Draco closer to me and then wrapped my arms around him. We stayed that way for the longest time. No fears, no worries just the two of us in each other's arms savoring every second together. Draco turned his head and passionately, yet slowly kissed me. Chills ran up my spine as he explored my mouth and caressed my ass cheeks. Gods, the things this beautiful blonde boy was doing to me. Shit, if he keeps this I gonna blow my load. He pulled away and then starting smiling as he saw my engorged rod tenting my robe.

"Well I see Mr.Happy's awake."

"Actually I call him the beast."

"Any reason in particular you chose that name?"

"You'll find out Friday night."

"Come on show me now, I know your balls have to bluer than a smurff."

"You know what a smurff is?"

"Just because I'm a pureblood doesn't mean I don't know a thing a two about the muggle world."

"Sorry D."

"You want me to take care of that thing or what?'

"Nah, I'll manage; I'm about go train then hit the showers."

"Really, can I come with you and watch?"

"Sure, as long as you don't mind spending an hour or two in the Forbidden Forest. But first there's someplace I've been meaning to take you."

"Where might that be baby?"

"Catherine and Pyriel's grave."

"Oh, are you sure you want to take there?"

"Yeah I want you to be apart of my life, every part."


"Hold on tight to me and close your eyes."

Draco complied and the two boys vanished in a cloud of flames.

"Wow that was intense, kind of like using a port key and traveling via the floo network at the same time."

"I call it blazing; it's a method of traveling several times the speed of light as a stream of fire."

"Can you teach me how to do it sometime?"

"I'll try, but I'm sure you'll be able to perform it."


"That's Pyriel's grave on the right and Catherine's opposite it. If you excuse me for a moment there's a promise I have to keep."

The spiky haired young man slowly walked towards the graves and when he reached them began to speak.

"It pains me to do this but I know it is the right thing to do. I promised you and Catherine that ever year I would visit your graves and remind myself of that foolish mistake I made. I will continue to come back here until the day I die but it is time I said goodbye to you. I will always love you, but I have to move and stop living in the past."

After the raven haired teen finished speaking Phenix and he separated and began to sing.

"I so tired of being here

Suppressed by all my childish fears

And if you have to leave I wish that you would just leave

Cause your presence here still lingers

And it won't leave me alone

These wound won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time can not erase.

When you cried I'd wiped away all of your tears.

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

And I held your hand through all of these years

But you still held all of me

You use to captivate me by your resonating light

Now I'm bound by the life that you've left behind

Your face it haunts my once pleasant dreams

Your voice it chased away all the sanity in me

As the two young men began to sing the final verse their voices merged into one haunting octave and the tears began to flow.

These wounds won't seem to heal

This pain is just too real

There's just too much that time erase.

When you cried I'd wiped away all of your tears

When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears

I held your hand through all of these years

You still have all of me

I've tried so hard to tell myself that you're gone

But though you're still with me

I've been alone, all along

When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears

When you scream I'd fight away all of your fears.

And I held your hand through all of these years.

You still have all of me"

Both young men were crying uncontrollably as they finished singing the last verse of the song, but they both knew this was what had to be done. Draco approached Tyerone and wrapped his arms the boy until he regained his senses. The two were about to kiss when Tyerone pulled back.

"Are you OK Phenix?"

"Yeah, it still hurt but I know this needed to done for the both of us."

"Good because we have company coming; I'm going to get Draco to safety."

"OK, if they get here before you come I'm starting without you."

"I wouldn't have it any other way brother."

A few seconds later Draco and Tyerone arrived back outside the Gryffindor common room.

"Ok baby I love and when I get back, will you spend the night with me?"

"Of course I will, now get going Phenix might need your help back."

The Two boys kissed briefly and then the green eyed Gryffindor vanished.

"That was quick."

"Yeah; so you want fight as we are now or rejoin?"

"Rejoin, that way we can defeat these ass holes in no time flat."

The two warriors rejoined and powered up to battle mode. 90 seconds later three thousand Foxcian warriors arrived.

"Surrender now boy and your death will be short and painless."

"Leave now!"

"Oh my I think he's a little pissed, HAHAHA."

The silver haired boy reached behind his back and withdrew his trusty battle axe as they surrounded him.

"I'm going to enjoy watching you bleed boy."

"I think not."

Phenix dashed forward and reduced forty of the warriors to bloody sushi. The remaining warriors unleashed a valley of ki blasts on the young prince surrounding him in a triangular formation. When they were in three feet from him he exploded in a flood of silver energy deflecting the ki blasts back at them. They franticly tried to dodge them but there were just too many. When the debris cleared only one thousand soldiers remained. The Pyrielian prince charged forward and began slaughtering his enemies with a volley of axe slashes. After ten seconds only 200 soldiers were left and the now blood saturated teen put away his axe and reveled in the carnage he caused. A Foxcian soldier near the prince took this brief opening and attacked. He charged at the boy and caught him off guard with nasty roundhouse kick to the boy's left leg breaking it in four places. The platinum haired prince fell to ground.

"That's it play time is over!"

The infuriated warrior uttered an animalistic scream and a chains of flames emanated from him engulfed the remaining soldiers. With their last breathe the uttered one final sentence.

"What are you?"

"I am an angel of mercy and death, pure good and evil forever joined as one; the universe's last hope of salvation."

The crimson stained boy flared up his ki clearing the dried blood from his body and then returned home. That night the two boys had the most peaceful sleep of their lives as they held each other all night long. The next few days rushed pasted without much excitement aside from a few minor incidents stemming from Balise and Shamus coming out. Friday Night had finally arrived and Draco was anxious to see what the gorgeous Gryffindor was packing between his legs. After spending a couple of hours hanging with Balise and Shamus the two excused themselves.

"So where are you taking me?"

"If I told then it wouldn't be a surprise."

"Humph, that's no fun."

"Relax you're gonna love it, I promise you."

"OK, but if I don't I'm so hexing you into next week."

"Oh, I'm shaking in my boots."

"You're such an ass hole you know it?"

"True, then again you're quite the ass hole yourself."

"Aw, that hurt it really did, you gorgeous git."

"I'm just ripping on ya because I love you."

"I know, but you could expression it in more fun ways."

"What do you think we're going to be doing tonight?"

"So that's my birthday present, huh?"

"One of them now let's get going."

Seconds later the two boys arrived on Trilax-7 and Draco's jaw dropped as he took in the surroundings.

"Yeah I know it's incredible, the sapphire snowcapped mountains alone are worth the trip. Then there are the 20ft tall crimson evergreens with pewter pine needles, not to mention the beautiful wildflowers of ever shades imaginable. Come on, I want to show you the hot springs."

"Merlin, this place is beyond spectacular. Where are we and what's this about hot springs?"

"We're on Trilax-7 in the south end of the universe about 30,000 light years from earth. I actually came here when I ran away; I come here from time to time to think, train, and meditate. To answer your last question the hot springs are twenty- five feet north of here. Their waters are generally around 80 degrees Celsius. If you get too hot there's a lake only ten feet due east of them that's always a cool 65 degrees Celsius. "

The two randy teens ran the short distance to the hot springs, with Draco struggling to keep up with the raven haired boy. When they arrived the blonde seeker was catching his breath when he was tackled to the ground. Draco stared up at his brown eyed boyfriend in shock as the mischievous Gryffindor began to tickle him mercilessly.

"I swear if you don't let me go this instant I'll cut you off for two weeks," the infuriated Slythering said through clenched teeth in between fits of laughter.

"Alright I'll let you go, but only because you look so damn cute when you're angry".

"Malfoys aren't cute, we're breathtakingly stunning."

"Shut up before I really start torturing you, you adorable boy."

Tyerone leaned downward and ravished Darco's beautiful full lips. The kiss was long, fervent, and agonizingly slow. As their mouths massaged each other a wave of pure bliss washed over them and they became aroused instantly .Their lips disentangled briefly as they caught their breath before they resumed their luscious lip lock more passionately and ravenous. Their tongues explored every surface of the mouths and their hands caressed the delicate curves of each other's body.

Tyerone reluctantly broke the kiss and began to undress the slender Slythering beneath him. First he removed Draco's grey shoes and silver dress socks; than he removed the boy's embroider shirt and then his dress pants and silk boxers. When the boy was finally naked Tyerone devoured his cock. Draco let a loud long moan as the Gryffindor's mouth engulfed his manhood. Draco was shivering in pure ecstasy as Tyerone's swollen lips worked his shaft and head. Right before Draco reached the point of no return the spiky haired teen pulled off leaving Draco with an astonished look on his face and dripping wet rock hard dick leaking precum like a faucet.

"Why in the fuck did you stop, you don't know how incredible that felt."

"Well there are things that far more better that just a blowjob, now be a good boyfriend and undress me already."

"I like where this is heading, He-he."

In no time at Draco had him nude and stared wide eyed at his member.

"Shit that thing has to be at least 8in long!"

"Actually it's 9.5in long and 2.5in wide. So you still want me to fuck that delicious ass of yours?"

"Well of course, but go slow."

"Don't worry I'm going take time so there will little if any pain at all, ok. But first there's the matter of your boner to attend to."

The horny boy seized Draco's rod and held upright as he began inserting it in his virgin hole. After two unsuccessful attempts the Slythering's member breached the boy's anal ring and the two were joined a one. Tyerone began impaling himself on Draco's engorged phallus, all the while suckling the boy's sweet lips. After a few minutes of this passed Draco took control and repositioned his lover underneath him. Ever so slowly He withdrew and then reentered the gorgeous Gryffindor savoring every scrumptious second of sexual bliss. As the ecstatic sensations overcame Draco he could hold back any longer and started rapidly pounding the boy's tight caramel ass. With one final long thrust Draco emptied his load into the bowels of his boyfriend.

"Merlin that was absolutely in-fucking-credible; sorry I only lasted six minutes though."

"Don't sweat it babe that was the best six minutes of my life. You want to hop in the water and soak for a bit?"

"Yeah, that sounds good to me."

The two lovers entered the hot springs and sighed as the heat washed over them. As the heat penetrated their bodies they locked their arms around each other and closed their eyes as they inhaled each other's scent. After thirty minutes passed they got out of the water and started making out again. Tyerone suckled on Draco's right earlobe and then moved to the nape of his neck before moving on to he boy's nipples. First he lightly nipped at them and then sucked on them until them became erect. Next he went to the seeker's succulent scrotum and suckled the right one then the left one before turning the delectable boy over. Draco moan as he felt the tongue of his lover probe his virgin rosebud. After several minutes of stretching the holes with his tongue he inserted his right index finger and worked it in and out for thirty seconds and then slowly added his middle finger. The blonde boy winced as he felt the digits rotate inside him. Sensing Draco's discomfort the brunet slowed his pace and added more saliva to the boy's hole. After two minutes Tyerone added his ring finger and was rewarded with Draco's mouth-watering moan. Five minutes later the sexy Gryffindor lubed up his huge rod with the saturation charm he cam across last night. Draco sighed as he felt the brown boy's head enter his tight hole. They both sighed as Tyerone's entire member entered Draco after fifteen minutes of excruciatingly slow insertion. They stared into each other's eyes and tears started flowing as their love for one another washed over them. They embraced in a torrent of kisses and groping as Tyerone slowly withdrew his member. Five minutes later found the two boys gasping as raven haired boy's cock pounded Draco's succulent seeker ass. Four minutes later Tyerone let out an earth shattering scream as he unleashed his load causing Draco's cock to erupt as well. Both boys were exhausted and promptly fell asleep in each other's arms. When they awoke they only had four hours and a half before they had to return to Hogwarts.

"Gods that was beyond euphoric, I'm glad we waited until the time was right to make love. That made it all the more intense and beautiful."

"Yeah me too, but I wish we had more time together and didn't have to worry about tomorrow's meeting."

"I know, but that's how things work out sometimes. Oh, I fell like such a idiot; I haven't given you your birthday presents yet."

The Draco's face lit up with joy as he first caught sight of a platinum heart locket engraved with the Slythering emblem on the front and four crescent moons joined together in an cross shape on the back. Upon opening it he was greeted with Tyerone's adorable baby picture on the left side and a current one on the right side. As the blonde haired teen took in the sight of his boyfriend's pictures the locket opened up to reveal four heart shaped panels engraved with these words:

Words could never truly describe how much I love, but I'll do my best to show you how much you mean to me. You are more precious to me than life it self. Every second I'm with you is a moment of pure ecstasy. Your love for me is a ray of light that brightens the darkest recesses of my soul and melted the artic storm that once surrounded my heart. Your presence chases all the fury and evil in me away. Your soul is a beacon that washes away all the vengeance in me. Even though I've made mistakes I promise I'll never break your heart again. As long as there is a spark of life left in my body no harm shall ever come to you again. I swear you'll only cry tears of the purest joy and happiness form now on. If we lived a thousand lifetimes you would only comprehend a fraction of the full depth of my love for you. Your love is the greatest gift I will ever receive. Our love is eternal and nothing can change; I swear we'll always be together in this life and the next.

Tears gushed from Draco's eyes as he finished reading the inscription.

"I love you so much I never want this night to end, but I know it must. Promise me that no matter what happens tomorrow we won't ever stop loving each other this passionately and intense."

"There's no need to worry about that baby, as long as I'm alive I'll love you with every beat of my heart and breath I take, which is why I want to perform the Pyrielian bonding ceremony with you. Afterwards no matter where we are in this life or the next we'll always be together. Don't worry all you have to do is close your eyes, wrap your arms around mine and kiss me when I tell you to, ok."

"Ok but before you do this ceremony are their any side affects I should know about?"

"Yeah; you'll be able to communicate with me telepathically and you'll gain partial use of my elemental and psychic abilities. One more thing you're going have to learn to keep your emotions in check, especially anger; otherwise you might loose control and do a lot of stupid and hurtful things like I did when I first came into my abilities. But don't worry I'll be there every step of the way helping you master them, got it?"

"I understand but could you be a little more specific on those stupid and hurtful things?"

"The first week back at home after my powers awakened glass and furniture would brake or burst into flames whenever I lost my temper. Luckily, my parents thought it was due to a ghost and I was able to get these outbursts under control before they became suspicious. Also I put ten guys in hospital during fights at school. The last guy was named Eric Wilson and I nearly killed him. He made fun of me everyday of school since 7th grade. And so when at last I was strong enough to make him pay I beat until he was covered in his own blood. When I was finished he was left blind in his right eye, and paralyzed from the waist down with a broken neck."

"Wow, but you have to admit he deserved it."

"True but that doesn't make what I did to him right either. So you ready to do this?"

"Honestly I would be a liar if I said I wasn't a little scared, but yeah let's do this."

The two teens wrapped their arms around each other and a brilliant platinum grey energy began pouring from the Pyrielian prince. Draco gasped as he felt the most exquisite sensation of euphoric bliss and love wash over him. A torrent of rain enveloped them as the ceremony continued. Memories of those first fragile weeks of their friendship rushed back to them with breathtaking clarity. Both boys laughed and cried tears of absolute delight as their chance meeting in Diagon Alley was replayed in their minds.

The torrential downpour ceased and was swiftly replaced by a tornado that shrouded the young lovers. Draco was momentarily frightened but didn't allow it to overwhelm him; rather he focused on the recollections roaming through his mind. Instantly his fear was quashed as he was filled with tremendous elation as the frequent arguments they had had over the wizard world verses the muggle world replayed themselves before his mind's eye. The silver eyed Slythering laughed at how they could be at each other's throat one second and the best of mates the next. As the grey eyed boy's glee filled him radiant emerald green energy started to pour from his core and merge with his lover's.

The young men tightened their grip as a violent electric storm began surging around them, but neither wizard was swayed by the radical weather. Instead they were preoccupied with how much they truly loved each other and all the jokes, playful hits, and deep conversations that led up that explosive kiss on the Hogwarts Express. As the thunderstorm continued to rage around them the two young lovers shed unbridled tears of ecstasy at the wonder that brought them together.

As the memories approached their very first kiss the two teens' energy fields took the shape of a dragon for Draco and a phoenix for Tyerone.

/Now it's time baby. /

The past and present merged as the young men embraced in passionate kiss more powerful than any before it. As they tightened the embrace their animal spirits united, causing the two boys to burst into flames. Regardless of this new development they continued to kiss fervently. As the two pulled closer together they started to pass through each other. At first they were racked with pain and pulled apart from each other. After the young lovers calmed down they resumed kissing and resisted the urge to disentangle and this time succeeded in passing through each other. Upon doing they filled with the most fervent love and bliss that they were left completely stunned as their animal spirits returned to them in a blazing bolt of lightning and they returned to normal.

~Merlin that was absolutely magnificent. ~

/Yeah I know, my knees are still a little weak, hehe. /

/I see the bonding ceremony has affect your sense of humor, or lack there of as the case is. /

"Alright that enough trash talks from you today. Come on It's time to start your first training secession. Since we only have three hours I'll show how to do three simple, yet practical things. First up is channeling and harnessing your ki. Pay close attention. Your ki or life energy is what enables you to do energy attacks, fly, as well as do magic. First step, close your eyes and imagine there is a great well of liquid fire in your gut. Good now visualize it spreading to your chest and flowing through out your body. Excellent you're a natural at this. Continue to do this until you feel a build up happening. Ok now focus this energy you've gathered into your hands, now concentrate on forming a medium size ki blast in each hand, got it."

/Ok but this is a lot harder than you make it sound. /

/Don't think about that just focus you're so close. Come on you've almost got it, yeah you did it! /

"Good you're using multiple abilities at once. The more you do the stronger they'll get and the easier they'll be to use. OK for the next 45 minutes practice what I've shown you."

Draco proceeded to generate ki blasts and other energy attacks of various sizes and power with relative ease. Right before Tyerone called time the sexy Slythering figured out how to skyrocket his ki by concentrating it on one place.

"Well done babe; just on a side note if you wanted to suppress your power level you'd follow the process for channeling your ki but in reverse. Now you're going to learn how to block out people's thoughts. The key to this is just ignore what some one is thinking either by complete shutting them out to or by focusing on your own thoughts. I'm going to project some thoughts to you and your goal is block them out completely if you can."

"What do you mean if I can, I'm a Malfoy and Malfoys are perfect at what ever they do, hmm."

"Well then you won't have any problems doing this with say fifty people, will you?"

In a blink of an eye the raven haired prince made 50 copies of himself.

"You have 20 minutes starting now, go!"

"Bloody hell my head is killing me."

"Not bad 34% accuracy rate lets see how you with ten times as many. You have 20 minutes beginning now."

"Hmm 17% not bad for your first try, how's that head of yours?"

"Feels like I had one too many shoots of dad's scotch".

"Come here and I'll fix that head ache of yours right up."

/How you do that? /

/It's one the perks of being descended from the original Phoenix. I'll tell you all about my regenerative and healing abilities later; right now you have to finish training. /

"Last but not lest..."

"Is learning to control my emotions right? Don't worry babe I learned how to do that a long time ago so can you teach me sometime else?"

"Ok how about I show you how to make a flaming sword."

"I'm listening, you have attention."

"You simply start out by balling your fist up but leaving it partially open, good. Next concentrate on an image and visualize that fire is bursting forth from your arm into your fist and forming the shape of a sword. Ok you've got it down you just need to focus on maintaining the shape of the sword. Practice it for the remainder of the hour. Very good with a little more practice you'll master it in no time, now let's get dressed and head home, k."

/Do we have to leave can't we just stay here for the rest of our life? /

Sigh. /As tempting as that sounds you know as well I do that runaway never solves your problems. /

"Yeah but at least we wouldn't have to worry about my parents trying to keep us apart."

"True, but think of all the responsibilities we would be turning ours backs on, not to mention our friends and family."

"Alright you win. You know I do hate not getting what I want."

"Spoken like the true spoiled brat you are."

"Hey! Mmmm, I thought we were supposed to be getting dressed?"

"We are I just decided to get a few more kisses before we head back." The randy teen said in between several luscious lip locks.

The two young men quickly dressed and in a plum of flames returned to Hogwarts. As they approached Gryffindor Tower they both knew the answer to the question neither of them vocalized: Draco would be spending the rest of the night in the arms of the boy he loved. That night the two boys had the most peaceful slumber as they shared a most beautiful dream of raising a family on Trilax-7.

Chapter five

Saturday just seemed to drag on and on. First we overslept and by the time we got to the Great Hall all the sausages and blueberry muffins were gone. I hate being late, it totally throws offs my training schedule. Well double potions was mildly tolerable for a change. Snape was so busy preparing for the meeting that he didn't even bother taunting Potter and company like usual. We were assigned to make the antidote for Friday's project, a mild love potion. Every one was finished within 45 minutes except my group. We had to start over because Crabbe over heated the cauldron causing it explode. Fortunately we finished with 3 minutes to spare. As those final three minutes passed Draco and I exchanged nervous looks as Lucius and Narcissa entered the room.

"How are doing this morning my little dragon?"

~I hate it when calls me that. ~

"Fine father and how are you and mother?"

/You know there are worse nicknames than that. /

/Oh yeah like what? /

/My mum's dad use to call me his little chocolate cowboy. /

/That is pretty embarrassing, but very adorable too. /

"Fine darling and that cute gentleman standing next you must be Mr. Johnson."

"You would do well to remember your place Narcissa. Enough with these pleasantries, I want this sordid matter dealt as quickly as possible. Give me one good reason why I should let you spend one more second with my son?"

"We love each other and that's all that matters."

"What do you take me for a fool? Draco could have any girl or boy, if he so chose, as his bedmate so why would he want to be with a filthy mud blood like you?"

/Calm down baby don't let get to you. /

/I won't, but he's not going disrespect me and Phenix. /

/Ok just don't pull another Gohan. /

/Hmm I never pegged you for an outaku (hardcore anime fan). /

"You don't even know me yet you dare assume I'm muggle born. As a matter of fact I'm a pureblood descended from two of the most noble and powerful wizzarding families to ever walk this planet."

"So you're related Weasley and Longbottom, then?"

"No. I'm a Dragon Blood and Snake Fang."

Snape, Draco and Narcissa all stared at the Gryffindor as if he had two head, while Lucius cackled wildly.

/Why in the hell didn't you tell me you were a pureblood, not to mention that you're a descendant of two of the evilest wizzarding families that ever existed? /

/Umm I guess it slipped my mind, sorry. /

"I must say Johnson you have quite a sense of humor. Everyone knows those families were stripped of their power thousands of years."

"Very well if you don't believe then take at look at these."

Tyerone reached into his right pocket and two rings bearing his family's crests.

"This proves nothing; any two bit hack with a wand could make these."

"Fine then have Professor McGonagall test them."

"That won't be necessary; I already know their phonies."

"Lucius that is quite enough, as moderator I insist you insulting Mr. Johnson and start asking questions pertinent to the issue at hand."

"Very well; please state your full name, age, and a brief history of your life thus fair."

"My name is Tyerone Michale Johnson and I was born September 10, 1988 in Southern California. When I was six months old my family moved to Western Germany where we lived on a military base. Around my fifth birth we moved back state side and lived with my grandmother until I was six. Shortly thereafter I become severely ill and spent the next seven years virtually living in the hospital. Unlike most purebloods I knew nothing of the wizard world until a few months ago."

"Interesting, then how is that you are sixth year courses and not first year ones?"

"Simple I was tutored until Dumbledore and McGonagall felt I was ready to my place along side the other sixth years."

"Mind telling me how you managed to accomplish this in a week's time?"

"Simple any time I wasn't training or sleeping I was studying."

"Unlikely story, more like you cheated and they were just to dumb to notice it."

"Please Lucius stick to the issue at hand."

"When did you and Draco meet?"

"We met in Diagon Alley about three months."

"So was it love at first sight?"

"Actually we almost wound up getting into a fight. You see we bumped into each other as he was coming around the corner and I was coming out of Gringots. He told me to watch where I'm going and I essentially threatened to kill him."

"You did what?"

"I was in a bad mood and let my temper get the better of me and sort of told him I would slit his throat if he ever disrespected me again. Of course of after the words left my lips I regretted them. After I apologized to him we walked to Olavander's all the joking with each other. Of course we were just bull shitting each other; we couldn't stand to be around one another."

"So how did you two come be a couple?"

"Well we kept running into each other, no pun intended, throughout Diagon Alley and after about two weeks of this we both came to a mutual agree that we try and be civil to each other. So we started just hanging out mainly debating the pros and cons of the wizzarding and muggle. After a month of this started to really bond and became friends. The more time we spent together the more my feelings for Draco grew. I didn't share my new found feelings with him for fear of scaring him away. Looking back now it's funny how neither one of us seemed to notice how much the other cared about him. It wasn't until we met on the Hogwarts Express that we became a couple. You see Draco, Vince, and Greg were about to get into a fight with Potter and friends, but I broke things before they got serious. So a short while later Draco tells Vince and Greg to step outside the compartment we were all sharing. After they left Draco proceeds to tell me how much he enjoys being around me to which I replied the feeling is mutual. His voice became shaky as he told me he didn't think I understood what meant. I calmed my self and told him I thought I knew what he meant and then I kissed him and he kissed back."

"As heartwarming as that story was it is time for me to make my decision. For the time being you may continue to see Draco until what you've said checks out, at which time I will make my final decision. Heed me boy if I find out been lying to me you will regret the day you were born."

"Very well, but you will find everything I've said to true so let me make one thing very clear. If you do absolutely anything to threaten me or endanger Draco then Merlin himself won't be able to stop me from showing you a world of suffering that would even make Voldermort's stomach turn."

Although the Gryffindor's voice remained as cool and solid as ice as he spoke those words his eyes were filled with such fierce malice that even a hardened Death Eater such as Lucius stepped back in fear before regaining his composure.

"Well seeing as how I have more pressing matters to attend to I'll leave you two love birds to your devices for the time meaning, good bye."

"What in the hell did you do to Lucius, I've seen him look so scared in all my life?"

"Nothing much just gave him one of my less threatening death glances. Oh by the way thanks for keeping your word. You have truly earned my respect. I'm about to tell you something which you must swear to keep it a secret until the time is right."

"Very well then get on with it Johnson."

Several minutes later Snape stood speechless as the boy completed tale.

"This explains a lot and I'm now surer than ever that you are the best thing that could have happened to Draco, although I still think you could use a lesson or two in humility."

"True, but what do you expect I'm a prince after all. I'll see you later Severus; come on Draco it's time for your training session."

"Ah come on I'm still recovering from last night."

"If You don't train today then you'll get have to train twice as hard and long tomorrow."

"Ok let's get to it then."

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