
By Tyerone Johnson

Published on Feb 17, 2004


Disclaimer: Harry Potter and all related characters are the property of J.K. Rowling. This story is a work of fiction and is not meant to imply the true sexual orientation of the characters involved. I would like to thank everyone who have reviewed this story, you're input means a lot to.

Well I just finished my first week at Hogwarts and boy was I ever busy. If I wasn't stuck in class I was either studying or doing homework, who'd know being a wizard was so much work. The good news is that I can join the others sixth years starting tomorrow; being half alien does have its perks sometimes, but it's a pain in the ass recalling all the information I've absorbed. Sometimes it feels like my head is going to exploded, but hey I get have to keep up my training and eventually it will get easy. The only hard part is finding a way to break the news to Draco. I would have told sooner, but I'm been debating whether or to break up him. I love him so much, but at the same time I know that being with him will only put his life in danger. The memory of those I've already lost is still fresh in my mind. I don't I could survive watching die, so it's best that I stay as far away from him as possible.

It's a quarter past midnight and I'm about to go meet Draco in the astronomy tower. I know this it going to be hard breaking up with him, but it's for the best. I see him leaning against the wall with that anxious yet aristocratic expression I've come to know so well in the past week.

"Draco there's something I need to tell you."

"What's the matter love?"

"I think it would be best if we didn't see each other anymore."

"What the fuck, I thought you had feeling for me. So I was just some toy for you to get your rocks off with. Just some whore for you right. You fucking bastard, you never loved me at all. You were just using me, I thought you loved me, but that was just a lie, WASN'T IT! Answer me god damn it, you half breed piece of shit."

"Draco I love you more life itself, I love so much it scares me to think of my life without."

"If that's true then why in Merlin's name are you fucking dumping me?"

"Because every second you spend with me bring you one step closer to death."

"Yeah fucking right, be a man and tell me the real reason you're dumping me."

"You want to know the truth, you want to the fucking truth then I'll tell. Anyone I have ever truly loved dies."

"Yeah and I'm Voldermort's personal cocksucker. Go on tell me who have lost Johnson, who?"


"Your ex boyfriend I take it. What did you do, give him AIDS?"

It took all my self-control not to snap Draco's neck.

"Child you know not of what you speak. Pyriel was my son, you hear. I held him and his mother in my arms as they died. Do you know what it's like to watch the two people you care for more than anything die and know there is nothing you can do to save them, huh? "

"Tell the truth and stop lying you arrogant asshole."

"Very well then, if you don't believe me then I'll just have to show you."

I reached behind my neck and lifted the chain hanging around it and then opened the locket. Instantly the image of son and his mother Catherine appeared. Just as always Pyriel's sparkling emerald eyes radiated with pure delight and purity. His wild spiky silver hair with red highlights wrapping his small 3'6 frame.

Draco looked up into eyes and in that that moment I knew he realized I was telling the truth.

"I know this is going to be hard for you understand so please don't interrupt until I've finished explaining all of this, ok? In the beginning there was nothing, a complete void of darkness which stretched for all eternity. For countless eons this vacuum of absolute nothingness ragged with altering energy until one day there was a great explosion of flames that ruptured void. From the inferno two beings emerged: Omacorn, pure good, and Orpheus pure evil. Millennia after millennia they fought each other until one of them died only to be reborn stronger and more powerful than before. One day Omacorn and Orpheus grew tired of their endless battle and decided to begin a new contest, this time fought by lower beings. The two warriors joined together and their combined was dispersed in an enormous explosion, thus the universe and all life was created and with each passing generation the forces of good and evil grew stronger, until Orpheus and Omacorn took human form and the final battle would begin. And That is what would have happened if we weren't joined as one. The first planet to form was Pyriel, three thousand light years from Earth. Pyriel orbited tree suns ten times the size of our own sun. The inhabitants of Pyriel evolved from birds and were lead by Emperor Phenix and all was until his 4900th birthday when he was assassinated. After Phenix's death The Avialyans separated to the four corners of the planet and formed new kingdoms of their own. As time passed the inhabitants of the kingdoms learned to harness a different element. The north kingdom ruled earth, the south kingdom air, the east kingdom fire, and the west kingdom ruled water. Around the 500th anniversary of Emperor Phenix's death the Foxcians from the planet neighboring planet Hades attacked. The four kingdoms banded together and thanks to largely in part to the elemental gauntlets created by each kingdom's head sorcerer drove the Foxcians to east end of the universe. The Avialyans suffered heavy losses and so a plan to reunite the planet under one kingdom was begun. After 500 generations their goal was achieved with the birth of prince Phenix Pyriel Persepheron. Shortly after his birth the Foxcians detonated a gravity bomb that which sent the planet hurtling into its second sun. There was nothing the Avialyans could do to save themselves for the gravity bomber had also created a black hole. With a heavy heart King Pyronus and Queen Akari Kissed their son goodbye and then place him along with the royal crest, battle axe and royal garbs into Akari's experimental hyper light speed device and prayed it worked. The King and Queen programmed the devise with the planet's complete history and then transferred their consciousness into the machine. With two minutes to spare the machine sent Phenix earth were he was joined with me shortly after I was born, but there was malfunction. Instead of being our bodies just being joined together, our minds and souls were joined as one. And so for the first 14 years of my life I lived as just a regular kid, until my rage awaked the dormant powers in me and I was drawn to cave not to far from Monterey, California. There I discovered the truth about my destiny and after three months of nonstop training I returned back home. Six months later I met Catherine and four months later Pyriel was born, Two months later on my fifteenth birthday they were murdered by Foxcian soldiers. Now you know the truth about what I am, do you still want to be with me?"

"It'll take some time for me to get use to the fact that my boyfriend is prince from another planet, but yeah I still want to be with you, but on two conditions. First no more hiding, if we're going to be together then I want us to be ourselves no matter where we are, got it."

"No problem baby, but you know not everyone is going to accepting of our relationship, you know?"

"Yeah I know that and don't care one damn bit. I'm tired of being what everyone wants me to be. For once I want to be myself and not some clone of my father. He has controlled every facet of my life since I was born, and I'm so sick of it. Fuck him and anyone else that disapproves of us."

"I'm glad you feel that way, because I'm felt the same way since I was ten."

"So you came out when you were ten, huh?"

"Well now I was too busy worrying about whether or not I'd live to see another birthday to bother coming out."

"What do you mean Tyerone?"

"Well, shortly after my sixth birthday I had a severe allergic to penicillin and was in the hospital for over a year. I lost most the outer layers of my skin and was in a comma for six months. When I finally got out of the hospital I had needed a plastic tube in my neck in order to breath. After everything I was put through I stopped caring about what people thought of me."

"And I thought I had rough childhood."

"Don't worry about it Draco. Oh and I already know what your other condition is, you want me to train you, right?"

"Yeah, I want us to be able to back each other up when our enemies attack."

"I'll start training you after your birthday. Oh yeah, do you want to meet Phenix?"

"Yeah sure, I'm kind of what he looks like."

I stepped and then closed my eyes and let that familiar sensation of liquid heat wash over me. The wave of flames quickly engulfed and then my brother was standing next to me again.

"Show what do you think of my big brother?"

"Hey you're only twenty minutes younger than me Tye."

"That's right old man, and don't you forget it."

"You little punk I ganna kick you're ass the next time we spare."

"Right, just like ealier when I handed you're ass to you once again."

"Oh come off it, you barely won."

Come on Phe stop being such a sore loser and admit you were beaten by the better man."

"I will when, once you became a man that is."

"Go fuck yourself you royal pain in my ass."

"Aww, I'm hurt you feel that kid. Enough with the brotherly bonding, so this guy that's got your panties up in bunch? You always were a sucker for white boys."

"Please, Draco's the first boyfriend I've ever had."

"True, but you did have the hugest crush on Aaron Carter for almost an entire year when you were 13."

"Yeah, but can you blame me, he's a total hottie."

"You two really are quite cute you know. I'm really rather smitten with your beautiful silver hair Phenix."

"Thanks Draco, but unlike shithead over there I'm a breeder through and through."

"Well you blame a guy for wishing for a little threesome action, now could you?"

"You dirty, dirty little git, remind me to punish you later."

"Is that a promise love?"

"Get a room already would you."

"You're one to talk. You were twice as bad if not worse when you first met Catherine, and you didn't hear me complaining now did you?"

True, but you did spoil the hell out Pyriel when he was born."

"Well what did you expect, he was our only son."

"You know, aside from your hair and eyes you two are exactly identical."

"Yeah it's one of the universe's many jokes."

"Come on P lets rejoin and get to bed. We have a very busy day ahead of us."

The two warriors turned towards each other and in a flash of flames they were as again whole.

"For the embodiment of good and evil you two sure don't act like."

"Well nearly dying tends to draw people together, plus like I said our souls intermingled so we balance each other out."

"Well I'm glad we had this talk, next time I can tell you all about my family."

"And I tell you all about mine as well, now come here and give me kiss."

The two young men embraced in a deep and passionate kiss, their tongues exploring each other's mouth savagely. Tyerone pulled off Draco's delectable lips and began to nibble on the Slythering's right ear. A moan of exquisite pleasure escaped the blonde's gorged lips. The randy Gryffindor move on to the nape of Draco's neck and began a furry of sucking, licking, and kissing before returning once more to boy's lips. After a few more rounds of lip locking the boys parted to catch their breath. Once they had filled their lungs Tyerone removed draco's robe and kissed his way down to the boy's underwear and slipped off after flashing Malfoy a big toothy smile. Draco went nuts when Tyerone started to suck the Slythering's balls. Draco began to shiver with ecstasy as the liquid warmth of his boyfriend's mouth engulfed his seven inch uncircumcised manhood. Just as Draco was about to cum Tyerone pull off and began to massage the blonde's ass cheeks until he cooled off. The sexy Gryffindor devoured Draco's dripping wet dick and sucked twice as fast and intense. In two minutes flat the blonde was at the point of no return and as the powerful orgasm wracked his lithe seeker body his knee gave way and he clasped on top of Tyerone in pure bliss. After ten minutes of cuddling the two teens shared one last kiss and went back to their respective dorms. After only four hours of sleep both boys reluctantly got up, showered, shaved, and then went to breakfast. Tyerone arrived first and was immediately approach by Professor McGonagall.

"Ahh, Mr. Johnson here is your time table, eat up you've a full day ahead of you. First up is Double Potions with the Slytherings followed by Care of Magical Creatures and then Defense Against the Dark Arts. After lunch you have Transfiguration, Charms, Herbology, and finally astronomy. Just a word of caution, try to stay on Professor Snape's good side, he can be a very stern and cold man if provoked."

"Don't worry Professor; Harry filled me in about Snape. I'm actually quite interesting in meeting, and if he's half as bad as Potter claims he is then I look forward to giving him a taste of his own medicine."

"I do believe you're going be the death of me, try and at least at civil towards Severus he really is a good Teacher. Oh, good morning Mr. Malfoy, can I help you with something?"

"No Professor I'm just here to check Tyrone's time table and wish him a good morning."

"Hey we're in all the same classes."

"I know that Draco, I saw the positive affect Tyerone has on you and decided that you two should spend a lot more time together. I trust you're happy with this Malfoy."

"More than you can imagine."

"So Draco you want to eat with the Slytherings or the Gryffindors?"

"The Gryffindors now and the Slytherings for lunch, ok."

"Ron, Harry, you're not like going to like this. Tyerone's heading this way with Malfoy."

"Bloody hell it's too early to deal with that sodding asshole. I should just hex him and get it done and over with it."

"You can say that again Harry. Merlin, I don't know why Johnson hangs out that pompous jackass."

"Ron watch your language!"

"Yes mother."

"Ouch, that really hurt `Mione."

"No duh Sherlock, that's what you get."

"Harry remind me to never piss Hermione off again."

"Will can do mate."

"I see Granger's abusing the weasel yet again. Honestly I don't see how two are even together; you're constantly at each other's throat."

"Well Malfoy you know what they say make up sex is always the best sex."

"Gross, I think I'm going have nightmares for the rest of the week."

"Why are you even here anyways, ferret face."

"Well since you asked so nicely I'll tell you weasel. I'm here to eat breakfast with my boyfriend."

"Now that's just gross Malfoy. Tyerone how can you stand to be around this prevent git?"

"That's an easy question, I love him."

I pulled Draco in for quick kiss, but as began to pull back he deepened it before I knew we once again lost in each others lips. When we came up for air Malfoy's cheeks were flushed and his lips slightly swollen. Hermione was the first one to speak.

"Well I guess we finally know why Malfoy's such a git, He had a major case of blue balls."

"How are you and what have you to my sweet, innocent girlfriend?"

"Oh please Ron I'm not that sweet or innocent and you know it. Congratulations you two, and if you're ever curious as to the workings of straight sex don't hesitate to come to me."


"I can't help it Ron, there just so cute together. I wouldn't mind watching them go a round or two in the sack."

"Harry please, tell me this is all just some crazy dream and all this isn't happening."

"Sorry Ron, but this isn't a dream and your girlfriend has become quite the kinky sex kitten."

"So Draco what do you want to do for your birthday?"

"Well I thought we would hang out together or maybe go someplace quiet and secluded."

"Ok, I know the perfect place; you're going to just love it. Now come on there's only ten minutes until class starts."

"Harry, Ron we best be heading out as well, you know Snape loves to started class early so he can deduct points from us even though we're not technically late."

"This is shaping out to be one weird year at Hogwarts."

"That's the understatement of the millennium, Harry." Send all comments to

Next: Chapter 3: Numb 3 5

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