Open Your Eyes

By ten.tta@3131legnA

Published on Nov 6, 2000


Open Your Eyes Chapter Four

Disclaimer: I don't know/own/have anything to do with *NSYNC. If you don't like homosexual relationships, what are you doing in Nifty anyway? Feel free to send me feedback, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you, and enjoy! -Angel1313 ^_^

Note: This is from Lance's point of view, so it will be in first person. I'm not really Lance, so if I get something about him totally wrong, you can tell me, but, uh, I do have a literary license, you know! =P

Breakfast with Joey was nice. And here I am, already out to lunch. I'm not sure what the meeting's supposed to be about, but I'll find out soon enough. JC and Justin are sitting next to each other. At least I got to sit across from him. Joey's next to me, and on my other side is our manager, Johnny Wright. Chris is between Johnny and JC. I'm surprised he's not next to Joey. Maybe it's because I sat down. I was hoping that JC would sit next to me, as I came in before he did, but Justin took a seat next to Joey, and JC moved to sit next to that dumb blonde. I didn't mean that, but sometimes I just can't stand Justin! Doesn't he realize what he has? Or worse, maybe he does. "Okay, tonight you have your first concert here in North Carolina. You'll do one more tomorrow, then it'll be the tour bus for a day as you drive up to Pennsylvania. You've got to get to the arena by five tonight, but the concert doesn't actually start until eight. Okay?" We already knew that, Johnny. Why are we having this meeting? "So we've got another concert here tomorrow? Cool." Oh yeah, that's why. Justin's too dumb to read the schedule. Or maybe he's just too busy with JC. "Yep, so be sure to get some rest tonight. I'm not saying you have to go to bed right away, I'm just saying that it would be unwise to go clubbing tonight." How dumb does Johnny think we are? Oh, wait, me and Joey have done that before. Damn! Joey could talk me into anything with that smile of his. "Suuure we won't go clubbing." I've got to laugh. Joey's so funny when he's messing with management. "Justin and I are going to stay in for sure tonight, if that helps put your mind at ease." No, it doesn't put my mind at ease at all, JC. I don't want to know that you and your stupid best friend already have plans. I actually wouldn't mind if they included me. But like that would ever happen. "Yeah, after last night's partying, I think I'm gonna stay in, too." Chris, sometimes you can be *such* an old man. Why does Joey hang out with you so much, anyway? "Well, Scoop, I guess it's just you and me. You up for it?" A night on the town with Joey? It'd be horrible for my health, but it'd probably lift my spirits some. "Sure, you got it." And there he goes with that million-dollar smile. I'm more than happy to return it! "Absolutely not! You two party way too much. It's going to effect your performances!" Sometimes Johnny is like a really annoying father. Something that I definitely do *not* need in my life. "Aw, we'll be good. No drinking, and we'll be home by two." Here's Joey, already bargaining away. "Be home by one and I'll let it go." Take it! We'll probably be too exhausted from the concert to be out much later, anyway. "Yeah, sure. We'll probably be too beat to stay out much later anyway." Did Joey read my mind or something? I wonder if this is what it's like to have a best friend. Someone so close to you, they can tell what you're thinking before you say anything. I'd love to know what JC's thinking right now. Great. It seems that while we were talking to Johnny, Justin and JC were chatting with each other. Justin looks really nervous about something. Ugh. I guess JC noticed, `cause he's wrapping one of his arms around Justin. Not really what I wanted to see. "Johnny?" JC looks calm, but Justin looks like even more of a wreck. "Justin and I have something that we think management should be aware of. And we need to tell you guys, too." Oh, God, something's not wrong, is it? Justin looks like he's about ready to run out of here; maybe he committed a crime or something. Ha! Yeah right! Justin's too dumb not to get caught. "Justin and I are in a romantic relationship. We would have told you sooner, except we just got together. Since we're not going to see you until we hit New York, we thought we should let you know sooner rather then later." Did someone suck all of the air out of this room? Suddenly I can't breath. "That's wonderful, guys!" Chris, why are you so happy? Can't you see I'm dying? "Yeah, that's really great. I always thought there was something between you two." Joey, how could you? Didn't you realize...? Didn't you know who I was talking about? What am I going to do if I can't talk to Joey about my feelings? "Well, this is going to be something that we're going to have to keep in mind when we're setting up appearances and what not. Plus, you two have to remember to keep it under wraps in public, but over all, I'm happy for you two. I have to agree with Joey. I could always tell there was something special between you guys. It's great that you realized it." Am I actually hearing this? Johnny was my last hope! Great, now they're all looking at me. I have to say *something.* I don't want JC to hate me. "Y-yeah. I'm glad you two are so, um, open about uh, sexuality." Okay, so I couldn't bring myself to condone their relationship. I just can't lie like that. It's painful enough that no one realizes what this is doing to me. JC's gay. But he's taken. By Justin. Justin! I don't get it. What can he possibly see in him? "Thanks, guys. You have no idea how much your support means to us." Too bad you don't have my support, JC. Why didn't you tell me you were gay, so I could tell you I feel the same way? Oh, right. That's probably something you only tell your best friend. "Well, then. You all better go and rest up. And don't forget to be at the arena no later then five for soundcheck. I'll see you later." "See ya, Johnny!" Damn, why is everyone so happy? I wish I could wipe that grin off Justin's face. Why does he get JC? Hmm... maybe he doesn't have to. Maybe I can have JC after all. It'll take some planning, but with luck, I can break those two up before they have a chance to get too close. They did, after all, just get together last night. I'm sure it was all a mistake. And it's my job to fix it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yay! Justin and JC are officially together! *And* I've gotten some feedback! ^_^ Thank you so much to everyone who wrote to me, you made me very happy! ^__^ Thank you again! I'm still stuck on "Devotion," but I should have a lot written by the weekend. I was just totally booked these past days, so I didn't really have time to be on-line. Don't worry, it should come soon! -Angel1313 ^_^

Next: Chapter 5

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