Open Your Eyes

By ten.tta@3131legnA

Published on Nov 12, 2000


Open Your Eyes Chapter Six

Disclaimer: I don't know/own/have anything to do with *NSYNC. If you don't like homosexual relationships, what are you doing in Nifty anyway? Feel free to send me feedback, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you, and enjoy! -Angel1313 ^_^

Note: This is from Lance's point of view, so it will be in first person. I'm not really Lance, so if I get something about him totally wrong, you can tell me, but, uh, I do have a literary license, you know! =P

Wow, I don't think I could've asked for a better opportunity then the one I've got today. Britney's in town, as in Britney Spears, as in Justin's ex-girlfriend. He'll have to tell her about him and JC, but of course he won't. That should put a considerable rift between those two, creating the perfect opening for me to get JC! In fact, Justin's out to lunch with Britney right now. That's why I'm going to go out with JC. I can't believe he said, "Yes"! Joey gave me a weird look when I asked JC to lunch; maybe he's finally realizing that the group member I like is JC. Or maybe he's surprised I didn't invite him and Chris. I feel sorta bad, but they're best friends, right? Joey will have plenty of fun with the old man, I'm sure. Ah, someone's at the door. It's got to be him! I'm so excited! Okay, I've *got* to calm down. I don't want him to know that I like him. Well, not until he breaks up with Justin, that is. I hope I didn't over dress. Naw, it's cold, it makes sense that I'd wear a sweater. This one's pretty clingy, too. I hope he notices! "Hey, Scoop, you ready?" More ready then I think you know. Wow, and he looks good, too. His pants look a little big on him though. Maybe they're new; I don't think I've seen them before. But he *is* wearing one of my favorite sweaters. It's red, and it's extremely tight. How hot can this boy get? "Yeah, let's go." Oops, almost forgot to answer him there. I got too caught up looking at his hot body! I've got to be more careful! "So, did I hear Britney's sweet voice this morning?" I'd better start now. I want him to be over Justin by the time this conversation is over. "Yeah, she stopped by to see Justin this morning. They went out to brunch." This is going to be easier then I thought! He's already uncomfortable talking about them! "Yeah, those two are so cute! Remember when she flew out to New York City just to spend a night at a club with Justin? She was on tour, too. How sweet of her." Just smile sweetly, Lance. Don't let it turn into one of your shit-eating grins. "Yeah, that was nice of her, I guess." Ha! I've got you now, boy. When I'm through with you, you'll never trust Justin again! "Ew, but you know what? I heard they got caught making-out or something. I mean seriously, you leave those two alone for a couple hours and it's like their brains fly out the window and their hormones take control. I heard Brit was dating someone at the time, too. I guess that won't stop them!" Look at his face! I *do* sort of feel bad for making him feel this way, but if it means he'll be mine, it's worth it. "Yeah, I um, guess they can be pretty reckless sometimes. But I don't think they're doing that now." Really? `Cause you don't look too sure there, Jace. It appears that I'm getting through to you quite well. You must've had insecurities already. I knew you didn't love that skank Justin! "Aw, don't worry about it. I'm sure Britney and Justin aren't going to do anything. After all, you two are sharing a hotel room. Although, I wonder if Brit's got her own place..." Just trail off. Leave it to him to fill in the blanks. Oh! Look at him! I've got him. I don't even need to try anymore. This was just *too* easy! "Yeah, um, so how was clubbing with Joey last night?" Changing the subject, huh? Bull's eye. That means I got him. No question about it. He and Justin are through. "Lunch was nice." "Yeah, it, um, was. Thanks, Lance." Oh wow, he's not even *trying* to act happy. Boy, is Justin going to be surprised when he gets back from his date with Britney! "Well, I guess I'll see you later, Jace. Don't forget: soundcheck and seven tonight! We should ask Joey and Chris what they want to do for dinner. And if Justin shows up, ask him too, okay?" Heh, just had to bring up Justin, didn't I? I can be so evil sometimes! "Yeah, I'll be sure to ask him if I see him. Later, Scoop." *If* you see him? This couldn't have worked out better! I guess we're not getting together for dinner after all. It's okay, Joey, Chris, and I are going to get some pizza or something. I wish Chris wasn't gonna be there, but it's all right since Justin and JC are staying in to "talk." Normally that'd be a bad sign, but after my lunch with JC, I'm pretty sure I know what they're talking about. This is gonna be great! The concert went better then usual. I don't think JC looked at Justin once during all of "Promise" and "God Must Have Spent." Does it get any better then this? Ha, and Justin's suffering, I can tell. He doesn't have a clue as to what's going on. You know, for people who claim to be best friends, they really do have trouble communicating. We're almost back at the hotel. Hmm, I know what will make things more tense. "So, Justin, how was your date with Britney? How's she doing?" There. That won't really give him a chance to correct my original question. Oh, and look at JC! Justin, you are in the doghouse! Permanently, if I have any say in the matter. "She's doing great. She's gonna head over to Europe for her new tour, so she wanted to say good-bye. We had a great time together." Perfect opening! "Yeah, I bet you'll miss her a lot." "Yeah, I will." JC, are you listening to this? So I was right, after all! Well, we're here. Ha, Justin looks so sad. He's *so* pathetic! What was he expecting? For JC to be *happy* for him and Britney? What an air-head! "Hey, Lance?" What now, bimbo? "Yeah, Just?" "Can I talk to you for a little bit?" JC didn't say that *I* brought up the him and Britney thing, did he? If he didn't... What an opportunity! "Yeah, sure, c'mon in." Heheheh... "So let me get this straight: he actually thinks that you're cheating on him with Britney?!" Wow, I've got more influence over JC then I thought! "Yeah, so like, we're kind of fighting right now. I'm not dating her though, honest! Why would he think that I am?" Are you stupid? Why wouldn't he? The rest of the world does. "Maybe he just doesn't trust you." I've got to start off small. "Maybe?! Are you kidding me? He obviously doesn't, or else my friendship with Brit wouldn't be a problem." Ah, he's getting angry. Excellent! "Yeah, I mean, she's going to be in Europe for the next couple months. I think it was sweet of her to come to say good-bye." Sweet? Yeah, right. But I bet you're dumb enough to believe me. "I know! It's like, why can't he see where I'm coming from?" This is getting better and better. Justin's about ready to dump JC already! "You know what? If he's acting all jealous of *Britney,* one of your best friends, imagine what it's going to be like down the road. He'll start controlling everything you do, and choosing everyone you see. I bet he'll even be jealous of the time you spend with you family." Not likely. JC loves your family just as much as you do. Hopefully I've gotten you too riled up for you to see that, though. "Yeah! I mean, if he doesn't respect me enough to trust me, and to let me do my own thing, then I guess things just aren't gonna work out between us! Thanks for your help, Lance." "It was my pleasure, Justin." Really. "Well, I told Chris I was gonna head over there. You gonna come? I think we may watch a movie or something." No thanks, I've already spent *way* too much time around you. "Naw, it's okay. Joey said that you guys were gonna watch `There's Something About Mary,' but I'm more in the mood for action. I think I'm gonna watch `Jurassic Park' or something like that." Good excuse! I doubt he'd want to stick around and watch that. "Okay, cool. I'll tell Joey. Maybe he'll want to watch." Thanks. I'd like to have his company. "Thanks. Later, Curly." Much later, if I have a choice. "Later." "Yeah, so I was all by myself in there! Chris and JC were talking or something, and you were in here with Justin. I'm glad you invited me over, though. You can only watch `There's Something About Mary' so many times." I'm glad you came, Joe. It's nice to spend some time with someone I actually like, especially when I'm in such a good mood. "Unlike `Jurassic Park' which is great every time you see it, right?" Maybe I should have gone for a comedy. I love that smile! "Of course! What's better then watching a bunch of dinosaurs eating annoying people?" Watching Justin and JC break up? "Say, I've got some chocolate ice cream. Want to have some?" I'm not sure why I offered my ice cream all of a sudden, but I'm glad I did. His eyes sure lit up when I mentioned food! "Yeah, that's be great!" Then let me go get it. I hope he doesn't think it's weird that we'll just be sharing the carton. Naw, it's Joey, what do I have to worry about? "Oh, Ben and Jerry's! I love this stuff! It is best straight out of the carton, isn't it?" Can he get any more perfect? Maybe we *are* on that "best friends" frequency. Well the movie's starting, so I guess I'll just settle down with the two biggest comforts in my life: chocolate ice cream and Joey Fatone. What a great finish to a great day! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry this is out so late! I told Red I was going to have it out some time ago, but I haven't really had access to my computer the past couple of days! Truly sorry, I'll try to be quicker with chapter seven. I hope you liked this one, though! -Angel1313 ^_^

Next: Chapter 7

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