Open Your Eyes

By ten.tta@3131legnA

Published on Nov 8, 2000


Open Your Eyes Chapter Five

Disclaimer: I don't know/own/have anything to do with *NSYNC. If you don't like homosexual relationships, what are you doing in Nifty anyway? Feel free to send me feedback, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you, and enjoy! -Angel1313 ^_^

Note: This is from Lance's point of view, so it will be in first person. I'm not really Lance, so if I get something about him totally wrong, you can tell me, but, uh, I do have a literary license, you know! =P

The concert went well. Except "Promise" since JC and Justin were *way* too obvious about singing to each other. I've grown to hate that song. They always made eyes at each other during it before, but now I know why. They get like that for "God Must Have Spent," too. But I never liked that song anyway. Don't really know why. The ride back to the hotel was arguably worse then "Promise." I wish they could keep their hands to themselves for once! Now I know why they were always so physically affectionate. Damn, I guess Justin *did* know what he had. He's one lucky bastard. Too bad I'm going to have to change that. Justin doesn't deserve JC. I do. I've loved him *way* too long to just let him go. Once I help him realize what an idiot Justin is, he'll be mine. I mean, he's gay, isn't he? There shouldn't be any problems. But that's all the thinking about them that I'm going to do tonight. Joey and are going out clubbing in a couple minutes, and I'm just going to let loose and have fun. Joey can always take my mind off things. Seriously, he works wonders for my stress levels. Wow, that was quick. He's here already. I guess it's time to go! I'm glad that it'll be just us. He's so much more fun when Chris isn't around. And I bet I'm better company without JC and his dumb blonde. Hmm, wasn't I going to stop thinking about them? We'll see how *that* works out! Joey's so cool. He doesn't even care that we're practically dancing together. He's just that kind of guy, I guess. I mean, he's bi, so he obviously doesn't mind that I'm gay. In fact, he knew before I told him! Maybe we *do* have that best-friend connection going on. But then why can I never tell what *he's* thinking? Here come some ladies. I'll leave them to Joey. "I'm gonna go get a drink." "Nothing alcoholic, remember." I smile. Yep, it was part of the deal. And it was worth it to be able to come out here with you and have some fun. "Don't worry. I remember." Ah, and he's smiling back. It's almost enough to make me want to stay and dance some more, even *with* the sluts here. Almost. I was right. It's only twelve-thirty, and we're already heading home. I had a lot of fun, but I'm just too tired to stay out any later. Joey seems about the same. "I hope you don't mind that I wanted to head back early." Really, the last thing I need is to have ruined your evening. Night. Whatever. "No, I'm beat myself. You're just more sensible, so you realized it first." Joey's so nice. I think he's the only person in the group who appreciates me. Or cares about me, for that matter. But JC will, soon enough. Damn, why did I have to start thinking about him? He was out of my mind for the rest of the night, why now? Wait, was he actually not on my mind? That's pretty amazing. I can almost never go for more then a few minutes without pining over my damned love for him. Joey must be some sort of miracle worker. Back at the hotel already? Whoops, I guess I got too wrapped up in my thoughts. Joey seems to understand, though. Maybe he *does* know that I'm in love with JC. I mean, he knows it's one of them, and Justin and Chris just don't have that much to offer. JC is the obvious choice. "Hmm, everyone's lights are still on." Good point. What's everyone doing up? God, I hope JC and Justin aren't making-out or something. Why do I think of these things? Suddenly, the door to JC's room opens up. Great. It's JC. And he's not wearing a shirt. But where's Justin? "Hey guys, back already?" Yeah. What, you disappointed to see us so soon? Or maybe you're *glad* to see me. Yeah right. "Yeah, we were too worn out from the show to stay out any later." How sweet of Joey to not mention that it was me who wanted to go home. He really is a great guy. Much more considerate then JC. "That's cool. Yeah, Just and I were pretty tired ourselves. We just ended up watching a movie." Oh, I'm sure that you had much bigger plans, though. Too bad things didn't work out. God, I've got to try not to grin right now. "So, what are you doing wandering around the halls topless?" Good question, Joey. I was wondering that myself. "Oh, I was just going to go get some ice. Justin's knee is bothering him, and I want him to ice it." Aw, how cute. JC's taking care of his baby. I think I'm gonna be sick. "Well, I hope he feels better. Make sure that he gets a lot of rest for tomorrow's concert. That means no playing rough." Why did you have to say that, Joey? I don't want to think about them doing anything! Not kissing, not touching, and *definitely* not having sex! At least JC has the decency to blush. "Joey! We've been together for all of one day, all right?" Good. They're taking things slow. This will make breaking them up much easier. "I know, I'm just teasing, Jace. It's just that it was *like* you were together for so long, you're just making it official now." Why, Joey? Are you trying to hurt me? *Sigh* Maybe we're just not as connected as I had thought. I bet he never does this to Chris. "Yeah, I know what you mean. I've been in love with Justin for so long, it's so crazy that we're actually together. It just feels right though, you know?" No, I don't know. But you know what? This is getting to painful. I've got to get out of this conversation. Fake yawn. That got their attention. "Oh, I'm sorry, but I guess I'm more tired then I thought. I think I'm gonna turn in." "Okay, good night, Lance." "Good night, JC. `Night, Joe." "'Night, Scoop. I had fun tonight." Thanks. "Me too. I'll see you guys tomorrow." I really did have fun, Joey. Thanks for helping me forget, even if it *was* only for a few hours. It's better then nothing, though. Hmm, sounds like someone just got in next door. I guess Joey went to bed, too. Lucky him, he can talk to Chris now. All I've got is that carton of chocolate ice cream I picked up the other day. Bon apetite! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Oh, what does Lance have planned? *evil laughter* I guess you'll just have to wait and see! Thanks to anyone who wrote to me... I know I answered you personally, but thank you again! I wasn't going to send this out so soon, but you guys are just so sweet. Behold the power of feedback! -Angel1313 ^_^

Next: Chapter 6

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