Platos Lodge

Published on Nov 29, 2010


Plato's Lodge.

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that, DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have, any comments send them to or

Located six miles outside of Philadelphia a block from the Ardmore station, Plato's Lodge was on a densely wooded lot of almost six acres. The lot was half occupied by gully serving a small brook that in turn fed the Schuylkill River, so it was unbuildable except for the house site. It was landlocked except for a narrow drive way. The house was uninspired, wide and narrow. Built by my Grandfather Jacob Melville, he was a Classical scholar who had eleven children, by three wives. His first and second wives died in childbirth. His final wife left him after her third child, my father.

The house was more like a dormitory than a house. The name of the house, Plato's Lodge reflected his classical interests. My father inherited it in 1856. As one of eleven children, he wanted to be alone. I am Wistar, his only child, and I inherited the house when he died in 1877.

As the Main Line suburbs of Philadelphia grew and became stylish, the house was forgotten. A few immediately neighbors knew the house was there, but most residents were unaware of its existence. I have never worked and decided to take in gentlemen guests and boarders to supplement my modest inheritance. As I am a bachelor, the rooming house did not take female guests. My father's servant Amos stayed with me and served as a cook and jack-of -all -trades.

My first guest was Rodney Hammergil. Rodney was a gentleman of leisure with a wide range of friends many of whom would stop in and visit him for an hour or two. Rodney had several close companions of a similar status who also came to lodge with me. I was slightly uneasy about the number of visitors they men attracted.

I had led a most quiet, secluded and uneventful life. My father taught me at home and insured I was a complete innocent in worldly things. I had almost no friends. I had no idea if having many friends who stayed late into the night was normal. This struck me as odd. I went to talk with Rodney in his rooms. Rodney was wearing a robe of an oriental type. It was belted and clearly Rodney was not wearing an undershirt or long johns. Rodney's manly, very hairy chest was visible. The room was well furnished and engravings of classical gods and heroes embellished the walls.

Being shy, I talked in generalities, hoping to ease the conversation toward Rodney's many visitors. A copy of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass sat on the table. I greatly admired the poet and the conversation turned literary.

I am bearded, balding, tall, thin and pale. Rodney was somewhat shorter, but most muscular and manly. As we talked, Rodney's robe began to slip open. I began to feel a new and exciting sensation. The robe continued to slip open. While Rodney's manly parts weren't visible, that seemed to be inevitable. To avoid looking at them I talked about the engravings.

"Your room is a veritable museum of classical art," I remarked.

"I had a professor in college who believed the classical period was the highest point of human artistic and cultural attainment," Rodney said. "While he taught Philosophy, he felt the arts, especially sculpture were the physical expression of the classical ideal. He gave me the engraving of Hercules. He thought I was built like the hero. A flattering comparison, but untrue."

"You are a fine specimen of a man. You must exercise often?" I asked.

"Yes I do," Rodney replied. "In the summer, I am a great swimmer. That caused an embarrassing moment with my professor."

"How so?"

"Well, I was swimming in the old mill pond near the college and he came upon me. He saw me quite naked," Rodney said. "He had only seen me fully dressed of course, and was unaware I was as hairy as I am, most un classical I am afraid. My private parts are also not much like the classical model." I must have looked puzzled. "The classical models have modest and well formed genitals. My genitals are anything but modest in size and bloated."

"Even in the cold water of the Mill Pond?" I asked. I swam there too and the chill waters sharnak my equipment.

"Yes indeed," he replied. "They weren't classical at all. He left hurriedly."

"Did this damage you relationship with the Professor?" I asked.

"Only briefly," Rodney replied. "He had a vision of Greek life that included refined men thinking deep thoughts, but didn't include big genitals." By now, his robe was open and part of his genitals were in view.

"Am I right in assuming he made peace with you member?" I asked. I was shocked I was so forward. I was even more shocked at my own personal thoughts. My mind was racing. I was both excited and uneasy. He was comfortable with his privates on view. I was not.

Rodney smiled. "He did. He had a sheltered life and had little understanding of the variety possible in male genitalia. He also assumed larger genitals were a characteristic of the lower orders. My member was a surprise to him. My professor eventually came to a much deeper understanding of Greek relationships."

"I assumed they were platonic?"

"As did he," Rodney continued. "He eventually came to the conclusion the physical connection enhanced the intellectual pleasures. I must confess I acquired the Grecian taste for nudity. I hope I haven't shocked you?"

"This is your room; you may wear what you wish. I have no problem with that," I said.

Rodney paused. "You may have seen my professor visit here. Professor Williams is a tall and distinguished older gentleman. The professor and I found ways to explore Greek love. It has been both rewarding and physically enjoyable. It was a revelation for both of us."

"Do the other men who visit share this interest?" I asked

"They do. I am afraid this may offend you, but many men respond to the excitement of nudity, and well as the unashamed admiration of the masculine body," he continued. "That may be foreign to you."

"It certainly is foreign to me," I replied. "It was rare to appear in this house without wearing a vest and coat; nudity was unthinkable. I must admit however, the thought of nudity is unexpectedly exciting, stimulating in fact. It is hard for me to think of nudity in a non sexual way."

"Nudity in our culture is always somewhat sexual," Rodney replied. "The Greeks weren't ashamed of nudity, or of sex between men. It was a natural part of their culture. I admit it is a culture very different from our own. "

"The other men who visit you feel the same way?" I asked?

"Some do, others are more interested in the sexual aspects of their visits," Rodney said. "Professor Williams and I thought the sexual aspect was a minor part of the Greek relationship. We found that this was wrong. Today, we think god made man's body to be created to work and his brain to think and reason. The professor and I discovered our bodies were also made for pleasure and our brains are made to feel joy. This is what is missing in our society."

"We also realized sexual experience and the orgasm were the most intensely pleasurable feeling a man can experience," Rodney continued. "Sex with women is fraught with danger for the woman. Professor Williams discovered sex with me was both intensely pleasurable and without the dangers of childbirth and the entanglements of marriage and child rearing." Given my family history, I understood this well. My many aunts and uncles had an unhappy childhood, as my Grandfather's sexual drive killed their mothers.

By now, his robe was entirely open and his member was showing. I saw is entire foreskin enshrouded shaft resting on a pair of well scaled balls. I didn't think I should stare at it, but it all but mesmerized me. I should have been shocked, but I was far too interested.

"Do you give them lectures on the subject?" I asked. "My knowledge of matters sexual is limited. Truthfully speaking my knowledge is nearly nonexistent."

"Have you ever fondled your privates?" he asked. I admitted it with reluctance.

"Why should you be uneasy about playing with a part of your own body?" Rodney said in an amused voice. He removed his robe and stood naked in front of me. He stroked his member. "We all have the same parts. They are varied, but we all share the same basic anatomy."

I could do nothing but stare at Rodney's handsome body. He came close to me so his member was in my face. "It is beautiful," I said. Beautiful wasn't the right word, but it was the only one I could think of at the time. "I shouldn't be staring at it."

"I don't mind at all. It excites me to be admired," he said. "By the way, we don't teach by lectures; we teach by demonstration and experimentation. I wonder if you might like to enroll in our course of studies."

"I have to get Amos to start dinner," I said. "I must go." I raced out of the room.

Professor Williams visited that night and had dinner with us. The two other roomers, Mr. Angus MacFarland, and Julian DeWitt were friends of Rodney's and knew Williams well. They were a friendly group, affable and pleasant. I wondered if they were involved with the Greek experiments. They were all handsome.

I looked at them more closely and saw they were handsome and muscular. I also noticed they were well endowed. Professor Williams was most cordial. He suggested I might come by and join him after dinner in Rodney's room. I said I doubted I could make it, but I think he knew I was not sincere. "We will be nude," he said. "I think you will find it relaxing."

"I don't think I could do that," I said. "I might embarrass myself."

He smiled. "You don't need to worry about that," he said. "A nude man is a natural man. Nothing he does in embarrassing; it all just a part of what makes us human."

I wasn't so sure about that, but I was knocking at their door at eight. Professor Williams answered the door. He was nude and glad to see me. Rodney was in a dressing room with Julian. I couldn't see them clearly, but I knew they were in a close embrace.

"Let me help you with your clothes," Williams said. He folded everything neatly as I stripped. "You are a handsome man," he said. "Clothes simply cover your natural beauty. He fondled my genitals. "Don't worry, everything here will be pleasurable. You are well endowed. It will be good for you. Rodney told me you are inexperienced."

To my horror, as he touched my cock, I became erect. Williams was unconcerned. He put his arm around my shoulders. "I am flattered your cock responded so quickly," he said. "Young men are so enthusiastic. My cock is tired and takes a while to wake up. My own member is almost thicker than it is long. It tends to hide in my pubic bush until it is ready for action." He was so matter of fact, and calm, I relaxed.

"Your balls appear to be huge," I said. That comment came out of nowhere. I was afraid I insulted him. Later I discovered you could never insult a man by admiring his genitals.

"They are impressive, aren't they? They are the crown jewels of manhood," he replied. "Feel them, they are actually heavy. Don't be shy." I reached out and cupped them in my hand. "My ball sack is oversized too so they hang low. Some men hold them tight to the body. When they are low hanging you can see each ball in its rounded fullness."

"One is bigger," I remarked.

"One is bigger, one hangs lower. I assume that is so they won't bang together when you walk. They are quite delicate," he said. "They are the manufacturers of all your manly juices and the creative fluid itself. Generally, everything that comes from your body is waste. Urine, shit, snot are all what is left over after you had used anything of value, or the debris remaining form a bodily process. The genitals and the balls in particular make the man's only product, seed. From that seed springs all human life." He paused and then said, "Let's join Rodney and Julian."

They were in the small, attached dressing room. Rodney had been on his knees with his face in Julian's crotch, but he stood as we entered. Both men were erect.

"Julian, I don't know if Rodney told you, but Wistar is interested in exploring with us," Williams said.

"I can't believe I'm here," I whispered.

"I felt the same way the first time I joined the professor," Julian said. "It may sound crude, but while I was uneasy and unsure, my cock was more than willing to join in. I had only a slight suspicion of the pleasure to be had in men's company. Rodney and the Professor open up a new world for me. "

"Centuries of civilization have led us to ignore our body's needs and desires for politeness' sake," the Professor said. "At this moment your cock knows more what you want than your brain. Follow your cock. "

"I always follow my cock!" Rodney said. "Where it goes the rest of me follows." We all laughed.

"Wistar, you have a beautiful knob, lovely color," Julian remarked. "Are you named after the gentleman they named Wisteria after? Your cock head is a beautiful shade of lavender. A bead of liquid oozed out of my cock and quivered on the cock slit. Julian dropped to his knees and licked my cock head.

I was shocked. I had never thought of my cock as being a lovely color or of being attractive at all. I certainly had no idea anyone would touch it with his mouth. I was speechless. By the time I was able to talk, Julian's tongue's delicate caressing my tender cock head worked its magic.

"You don't need to do that. I dripping," I whispered.

"Those juices show you are excited and interested. While your mind is filled with conventional thought, you body is welcoming the potential for pleasure," the Professor said. "Julian is one of our best followers. We all know the tender glans penis, the cock head, is the most sensitive part of the cock. There is variation even in that so Julian's tongue is searching for the areas of your organ that are particularly sensitive. I my case it is the edge of the glans where it joins the foreskin. From your reaction, I think the skin that connects the base of the cock head with the skin is particularly sensitive for you?"

Julian flicked his tongue over that area and I moaned in pleasure. "I could tell you the same sort of information about all of my friends, but it is more fun to discover that on your own," Williams continued.

Julian's tongue strayed from that spot and licked my slit. I thought of that as my piss hole, but they obviously had a very different interpretation. Julian stood and I felt relief. It didn't hurt, indeed was quite the opposite, but it was too intense, too exciting.

The relief was short lived. The Professor himself dropped to his knees. He tended to lecture, but he took my cock with obvious gusto. It was shocking to have a distinguished, older man participate. He took my entire cock head into his mouth and swirled his tongue over the glans. That was wonderful. This was no academic demonstration; he was most enthusiastic. I began to moan, and he slowed his tongue's motion. I was near to having an orgasm. He seemed to know that and he let me calm down.

"Professor Williams is a good teacher and lecturer," Rodney said, "But his interest in the subject is not merely academic. He loves cocks and the men who have them. At first, we tried to maintain a separation between study and pleasure, but that soon became impossible. Sex is not well suited for scientific detachment. If you are doing it right, you are seized with a desire to do more. It is next to impossible to stop until satisfaction is guaranteed."

"I must admit I am a sensualist," Julian said, "I have been quite the ladies man and have explored their bodies with my cock. In most cases, what they feel is a mystery to me. Some are open about their feelings, but most are not. With men even if they are reserved, like you, I know what they feel, since I have felt much the same."

"How do you know I feel that way?" I asked.

"Well, the erection is one clear indication" he replied. "But when I sucked you, you oozed some of your sweet ball juices whenever I licked something good. Not everyone does that, some men are dry wells when it comes to sex juices, but you are not one of them."

"I'm sorry," I murmured.

"I wasn't complaining, I was complimenting you on that," Julian said, "Your cock was spurting a nice thank you every time I did well. It was a treat!'

"Do you ooze?" I asked.

"Not much. Rodney and I don't have much. Professor Williams possesses the Mississippi river of manly fluids. Some men dry up when they get older; he just got juicier."

With the professor's cock only inches from me I dropped to my knees and licked his organ. I had no idea what I expected, but it was the most intense rush of feeling I had ever experienced. Perhaps I thought it would taste like urine. Whatever his cock leaked coated his huge cock head. The taste was intoxicating. After a few tentative licks, I couldn't get enough of it.

It was as if the taste of his cock juices made me lose any natural reserve I felt. After the first explosion of pleasure, I soon found ways to coax the delicious elixir from his balls. His cock was thick but I could get most of the organ in my mouth. If I tightly grasped the shaft with my lips, I could pull off and suction some of it from his balls. I licked the underside of his knob and increased the flow. I even found my tongue trying to probe in his wide slit to catch the fluid as it emerged.

The distinguished professor was an appreciative partner. We soon got on the bed and he sucked me as I attended to his organ. From this position, I could take his entire organ into my mouth. I felt a bit like a roaster suckling pig, but I was a happy sucking pig. I was happily sucking away, when he began to twitch and fill my mouth with hot and steamy sperm. I know I should have been shocked, but I loved it.

A little later, I sucked Julian as Rodney took my load. I was in heaven as my seed spurted into his mouth. I could hardly believe his Hercules like man would take it. He both took it and enjoyed it. When I went to bed that night I had dreams of cocks and men.

Rodney was away for the next two days, when he returned I was afraid our m night of pleasure was a fluke. I was afraid it had been a beautiful dream and might never happen again. It wasn't a dream.

"I hope you have suffered no ill effects or regrets from our interlude two nights ago," he asked. "It is very different and some men are shocked."

"No, the only regret I have is that I can not experience it regularly. I was beyond my most daring imaginings," I replied. Rodney smiled.

"That is the way the Professor and I felt after we first engaged in Greek Love. It was as if the clouds had parted and the sun came out," he said.

"That is the way it seemed to me. Everything before seems so dreary and ordinary. I didn't know I could feel those things."

"Let me assure you, if your experience is anything like mine with the Professor, you have just scratched the surface of what is possible," Rodney said. "We have been to places you can hardly believe. There is a universe of pleasure to be had in man's body."

"You should give lessons," I said. "It would be a great service for unimaginative men such as myself."

"It is funny you should mention that. We were thinking about creating an academy for men who share our interests," Rodney said. "You experienced our first class two nights ago."

"It was a wonder!" I exclaimed. "Are there more lessons?"

Rodney laughed. "There are many lessons, and I can tell you, the more you practice at it the better it gets. If we opened such an academy we would have many enthusiastic students," he said. "Let me be direct with you. I came upon your house by accident, but I occurred to me this house would be an ideal site for such a school."

"You think so?"

"Yes, I do. Your house is secluded in tangled woods, but easy to get to," he explained. "It is the ideal place to discretely explore Greek Love. Would you find it objectionable if we were to establish such an academy here?"

"As long as I get free tuition," I replied.

"Let me be a bit more frank. I am thinking of this academy as a source of income. The Professor is retiring and the stock market determines my income. If we were to open an academy, you would necessarily get a portion of the fees." After more discussion, I agreed to Rodney's proposition. I could use the money, and I was to be an apprentice teacher.

A day later, a thin, rather delicate man came to visit Rodney. He introduced himself as Mr. Smith. It told him Mr. Hammergil was out, but would return shortly and asked him to wait in the drawing Room. I introduced myself as Wistar Melville. Mr. Smith seemed very nervous.

"Has Mr. Hammergil been rooming here long?" Mr. Smith asked.

"He has been here for several months. He is a most satisfactory roomer," I replied. "He is a handsome and accommodating man, friendly and courteous."

"He seems that way. I am a teacher at a school. I teach Greek and Latin," he said.

"His enthusiasm for those subjects is notable, especially for all things Greek," I remarked. "His thoughts on the subject are intriguing."

"I tend to be philosophical rather than physical in my attitude to the Greeks," Mr. Smith said. "My mind is sounder than my body, I am afraid. I seem to use my mind more than my body." He paused. "Has he mentioned some of his thoughts on physical pleasure?"

"Yes he has," I replied. "They were nothing like anything I had considered. They were exciting."

"They were quite foreign to me too," Mr. Smith said. "Actually they seemed almost too exciting."

"The reality makes the ideas seem pale," I said. He smiled.

Next: Chapter 2

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