Platos Lodge

Published on Jun 4, 2011


Plato's Lodge 8 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, any comments send them to

Worsham returned to see me two days later. He wanted to talk.

"Did I make a fool of myself? Did I humiliate myself?" he asked. "The more I think about it, the more embarrassed I feel."

"I take it you do think about it often?" I asked.

"I think about it every second I am not engaged in my medical work," he confessed.

"You coupled with other men for mutual pleasure," I said. "That is all. You were sexually generous, kind and open to mutual pleasure. I don't believe a man here considered you as anything other than a good man sharing himself with other good men. You did not make a fool of yourself and you certainly didn't humiliate yourself in any respect."

"Some of the men weren't from our class," he murmured.

"Does that bother you?"

"It didn't when I was with them," he admitted. "I am uneasy now."

I smiled. "I think your natural instincts do you credit. I'm not sure naked men have a class. When you remove the clothes what is there to indicate if you are a gentleman, or a laborer? Were you able to tell the difference in the cocks? Did the sperm taste different? Does a Gentleman's seed spurt in a particular way indicating his social status?"

Worsham laughed. "Dummy seemed to think my sperm was particularly rich and creamy!"

"He thought you were a nice man," I said. "Were you offended when the blacksmith's assistant was plowing your ass?"

"It was too good to think at all," he admitted. "I was annoyed when the climaxed in my ass. He shoots with great force and I could feel each ejaculation."

"You wanted him to pull out?"

"No, I knew he was done and I wanted it to last longer!"

I smiled. "There were other men here, more than willing to fill the void. Everyone here was willing to make a contribution to the general pleasure, and even more so to the particular pleasure of the individuals in the group." I said. "No one was stingy when it came to sharing pleasure."

"You make it sound very altruistic," Worsham remarked.

"I have come to the conclusion the male genital apparatus is capable of feeling and giving pleasure, and there appears to be no limit on it efficacy," I said. "I was once told that overuse of one's genitals resulted in weakness, but I have no evidence of that at all. It seems to me that all men possess the same raw materials needed for sexual pleasure. The question is if they use it or ignore it."

"Until a week ago I ignored it," Worsham said.

"Did that bring you satisfaction, or pleasure?" I asked.

"Two weeks ago I would have said it was entirely satisfactory. I led a life free of dissipation, or idle seeking after empty pleasure," he explained. "Now I see my life as dreary and joyless. I think I was afraid of physical pleasure. I thought it was sinful, and a waste of time. I thought my mind should dwell on more important things. I'm not sure my wife has ever felt physical pleasure."

"Perhaps she was told it was so sinful, she couldn't allow herself to enjoy it," I suggested.

"That may be the case. Her mother had a terrible time with childbirth and my wife was the only surviving child of the marriage," Worsham explained. "My wife's mother dwelled on the hardship of childbirth and the need to avoid sex at all cost, until marriage of course. I don't know how it is possible for a woman to be told sex is evil, degrading and painful, and then jump into bed with a man she hardly knows. My Marriage was arranged by our families. It was socially acceptable and financially acceptable."

"I am afraid nothing that goes on at Plato's Lodge is financially or socially acceptable," I said.

"It was liberating," Worsham stated. "There was no objective other than sexual pleasure. There was no one to impress, no financial objectives, no motives other than pleasure."

"Had you ever associated with working class men before other than professionally?" I asked.

"Not at all," Worsham replied. "When men of that class meet me it is in the most dire of circumstances. Going to a doctor is foreign to them. They must be in critical condition to find my surgery. When it's not too late, they are most appreciative. To some I am almost a magician. They had no idea that what I can do is possible."

"To tell you the truth, I wasn't sure I could meet such men socially," he continued. "I wasn't sure I could talk with them."

"Perhaps sucking a man's cock makes conversation easier?" I suggested.

He laughed, "That may be true. Logically it should have made things more difficult, but that wasn't the case. Once you have nursed on a man's most private parts, and little conversation is easy." He paused. "I wasn't sure men of such different social classes could get along, or find something to talk about. That wasn't a problem at all. I have led a most sheltered life. While our interlude was most successful, it was confusing," Worsham added.

"What do you mean?"

"I tend to have an analytical mind. I want to know what is happening and why. As a doctor I want to know what causes a disease or injury, and how to cure it," he explained. "The sensations and emotions were coming so fast I could not tell what was actually going on. It merged into a sexual haze, pleasurable but vague. The feelings were strong, but indeterminate."

"Was it the cock you were sucking, or the cock in your ass that generated the most feeling?"

Worsham smiled. "That is exactly the problem, I wouldn't have phrased it that way, but that is the problem. I want to know more. I wish I could do it slowly so I could understand what was going on." We chatted for a while then he returned to Philadelphia. He asked if he could visit again on the weekend. I, of course, said yes, but said I had no idea who might drop in to see us. He seemed to like that idea.

The next day Franklin came by with a friend, Henry. Franklin was sex driven and he needed a place to play. Henry was young, perhaps 22 or 23 and nervous. We talked for a while. Henry was actually 30, and a virgin. He lived at home with his invalid mother and she treated him as an unworthy servant.

Of course, Franklin was ready to go. He had the sex drive of a bull elephant, and wasn't shy about it. Henry was both repelled and excited by Franklin's overt interest. He relaxed a little as we talked. Henry was pale and somewhat hunched over. He reminded me of a mistreated dog. It took me a while to realize he was a handsome man in many ways. He had blue eyes, blond hair and regular features.

"Henry here wants to learn about sex," "Franklin said. "I told him I was the man to do that. I like it and I'm good at it!"

`You're embarrassing me," Henry said in a quiet and unsure voice.

I smiled. "In this house there is no reason to be embarrassed at being interested in sex," I said. "Until recently I lived with my father and was a novice in all matters sexual. I am not sure I had any understanding of a man's sexual nature, least of all my own. I simply didn't know it existed."

"You didn't have urges or dirty desires?" Henry asked.

"Of course I had some, but I ignored them. I certainly didn't understand them," I explained. "I think I attributed them to demonic forces or the devil. I didn't have any idea these urges were part of a normal man's make up. To tell you the truth, I was most unclear about human reproduction. The stork was good enough for me."

Henry smiled.

"Recently I have fallen in with a group of congenial men, who have changed my opinions of the subject," I said. "I have come to think of sex as a basic part of human life. Of course, it is needed for reproduction, but it is also a joy. The joyful aspect I hadn't guessed. I was a puritan of the strictest sort but now find sexual enjoyment with other men a wonderful thing."

"Are you a libertine?" Henry asked.

"If by libertine you mean a man who seeks out other men to debauch and use for my own pleasure, no!" I replied. "If by libertine you mean a man who shares sexual pleasure with other men, yes."

"I have never been naked in front of another man," Henry whispered. "I don't know if I could do that."

"I love being naked." Franklin said. "It's the way God made you! Let me be direct with you. I felt you out. You have nothing to be ashamed about."

Henry blushed. "I don't know if I could touch your organ."

"Don't worry about that," Franklin said. "I'll get the ball rolling. You just need to relax and let nature take its course!" Franklin was stripping off his shirt. Franklin was an enthusiastic man and one tended to be carried away. He glanced at me. I knew he wanted me to strip too. I wasn't in the mood, but I felt sorry for Henry. I knew just how uneasy he was so I began to unbutton. Henry looked relieved. Franklin could be a wild man and I was more like the men Henry knew.

"Franklin, how did you discover the joys of sex?" I asked.

"Well, if it hadn't been as good as it was, it would have been bad," Franklin replied. "I knew nothing about man sex, except the urges. I had powerful urges and curiosity, but no way to satisfy either. As a boy, I was what they call a "handful." I wasn't exactly bad, but I was busy. I had extra energy so my folks sent off to work at a logging camp for a summer. They thought the hard work would burn off some of my excess energy."

By now, Franklin and I were naked and Henry was stripping off his long underwear. Henry was definitely better looking naked that in his ill-fitting clothes. Franklin put his arm around Henry shoulder since he was shivering a little. I reached over and fondled his balls. The physical contact seemed to relax him. His cock responded to my touch.

"Well I was sixteen, but a big sixteen at the time and the loggers were all much older," Franklin continued his story. "The loggers were crude, but hard working and they liked having a young guy working with them. There was a lot of joking about me as a tenderfoot, but I got along well. We slept in a crude cabin and it was a hot summer so we did wear much of we didn't need too. My folks were proper people and were always dressed. After a week at the logging camp, some of the guys were wearing only a cloth around their privates at night. A few of the men wore nothing."

"The men who wore nothing were well-hung," Franklin continues. "Looking back, I realized they didn't mind showing off. They had a lot to show off. Well, I mentioned I had urges and desires. I had no real idea what I was looking for, but when I saw these big cocks, I knew. I had never seen a full-grown man's equipment before, but I liked what I saw. I dropped my loincloth and went bare-naked. Now, if I liked what I saw, they loved what they saw."

By now, Henry was erect. Franklin was telling his story, so I slipped to the floor and took Henry's cock into my mouth. He shivered when my lips touched his cock, but he got harder. All was well.

"Let me tell you, when I went naked, it caused a stir," Franklin said. "I was sitting on my bed and had a ring of bare ass naked lumberjacks forming a ring around me. Each man's cock was at eye level and about as interesting as anything I had ever seen in my life. I didn't pretend not to be interested. The foreman asked me if I liked what I was looking at. I opened my mouth and damn if he didn't get still closer."

By now, I had Henry's organ in my mouth and he was beginning to ooze pre cum. I was afraid he might jump back and leave, but that wasn't in the cards. He loved it, if his oozing cock juices were any indicator.

"The foreman said, "We've got a stallion here that needs to be broken in," Franklin said. "I wasn't too sure about that, but I sucked his foreskin into my mouth. That wasn't the way to express disapproval." Henry was stroking Franklin's cock now. "Your tongue would feel better than your hand," Franklin said. Henry bent over and took his first lick of a cock. He got more excited.

"The men in the camp had a good time that night, better than me," Franklin continued. "It was early the next morning when Big Will fucked me hard and long. He was big, long and thick. He rammed me hard and I almost passed out, when I got my senses back, everything was good. He had broken me in the way you do with wild horses. I suddenly couldn't get enough cock in my ass or cum in my mouth. I wanted then all. I didn't care what they thought of me as longs as they were fucking me. I think Big Will fucked my brain. I lost any desire to resist or fight it. I just wanted more."

A few hours later, Henry was in the same state, he had made peace with his cock, our cocks and had taken and given cum. When he fucked me for the first time, Franklin made a rear attack on him and he loved that.

When Rodney and Angus came home, they joined in and Henry loved that too. Henry wasn't muscular and tended to have all the muscle tone of a limp dishrag. He never lost his erection and his ass hole remained tight and firm.

Rodney loved his ass, and Henry loved Rodney. I think Franklin and I were just men who were available. Rodney was handsome and excited Henry.

Saturday was a dark, rainy day and I expected few visitors. Sometimes, the unexpected is more common than the expected. The professor arrived with a companion, Dummy. They were the least compatible of the men I knew. They had been at the earlier event, but they were on the opposite sides of the room and I thought they ignored each other. Ten minutes later Worsham arrived. He too was surprised at the unusual pairing.

I had notice Dummy was second only to Tully in endowment. This attracted the Professor, who wanted to feel more in his ass, but not anything as monumental as Tully's organ. The professor had a tight hole so Worsham and I helped him spread wide and accommodate the Blacksmith's organ.

Dummy was careful and entered it slowly. Suddenly the professor began to moan and went limp, and Dummy's cock slid in to the hilt. I had never heard him moan before. He had lost his erection as Dummy pushed. Now the professor was fully erect and open.

When Dummy got tired, he pulled out of the professor's ass and then Worsham fucked him. Worsham spent ten or twenty minutes fucking, withdrew a turned him over to me. Worsham realized Dummy's monster cock was bigger than both of our sex organs were were. Eventually I fucked the professor from the rear as Worsham fucked him from the front. We rubbed our cocks together in the Professor's tight hole.

I must admit this wasn't a particularly dignified position for the Professor, but he didn't seem to mind. It was oddly intimate. I was both fucking the professor and masturbating Worsham's cock. I was shocked the professor could accommodate and enjoy us both. When we pulled out, Dummy took our place. It was wild.

A little later, I mounted Worsham from the rear. I realized then, Worsham had made peace with my cock and with man sex. He offered no real resistance. His sphincter was firm but giving. His rectum was warm and welcoming. My cock wasn't an explorer in a dangerous exotic land; it was a guest in a familiar place. Worsham was relaxed and inviting, not tense and uneasy.

Eventually things calmed down. The need to shoot off had been realized several times for each of us. I think we had all tried just about every possible connection between and ass and a cock, until I heard a knocking at the door. It was Henry, Franklin's companion of earlier in the week. Henry found Worsham most attractive, as did the Professor.

That left Dummy and me as the odd men out. That didn't last for long and soon I had Dummy in my ass. I had what you could openly call extreme reaction to Dummy's penetration. Something dummy hit in my ass made me lose control. I moaned and cried and shivered and shook. I did what can only be described as a wild, sexual dance on Dummy's love pole.

I was just the first to lose my inhibitions that afternoon. Soon we all lost any sense of decorum and propriety. The professor's cock filled Henry's ass as Henry tried to gobble up Worsham's organ. Losing your sense of propriety is much like losing your virginity. I lost it in a second, and never looked back to see where it had gone.

Next: Chapter 9

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