Platos Lodge

Published on Mar 5, 2011


I think of myself as a reserved man. Worsham made me seem like a libertine. His reserve was like a heavy cloak that concealed him from the world. Franklin was by contrast a wild man, an unrestrained aborigine who worshiped some primitive phallic god.

Logically, this should have been a disaster. Worsham and Franklin lived on different planets. What struck me as a possible disaster was a good thing. The two men had so little in common; it seemed to arouse Worsham's scientific interests. It was as if he were in the darkest jungles of the Amazon or the Congo and uncovered a new species of human being there.

Franklin was as enthusiastic as Worsham was reserved. One tended to be carried along in his excitement. I may have helped in some modest way, since Worsham could recognize me as a reserved spirit like himself, and that I was not shocked by Franklin's behavior reassured the doctor.

Another factor played a role. The good Doctor had suppressed most if not all or his natural inclinations. No matter how deeply and completely a man might suppress such urges they must remain. These urges are a part of every animal's basic make up. In some was his reserve was the equivalent of our modern dress. Once a gentleman puts on his coat, jacket, vest, shirt, cravat, pants shoes, spats and hat, there was all but no way to recognize the man beneath the mountain of clothes. The man was there, even if he was shrouded in clothes.

When Worsham stripped, he did much more than exposed his body. He stripped his ability to hide behind those clothes. Franklin loved cock and Worsham had a beauty. Defining a beautiful cock is difficult. Some simply regard a large cock as beautiful. I sometimes fall into that category myself. The Doctor was well beyond average in size, although more in thickness than length. His knob was a beautiful mushroom, with a flared edge and pinkish-lavender. His balls were oversized and contained in a generous and quite hairy ball sack. You could see each egg sized orb clearly. The only flaw in his genital equipment was his small slit; it was more a pinprick than a slit. He had a bead of his cock juice quivering on his slit.

When dealing with a man like Worsham, I would have slowly eased him into sexual activity. Franklin eased into nothing. After swallowing Worsham's cock the second he saw it, Franklin sucked him to a full erection. I was standing next to them. Worsham leaned over and took my cock into his mouth. It wasn't a passionate movement; it was more like a scientist exploring a new discovery or perhaps a chef tasting a new dish. He moaned a little, but I don't think it was my cock; it was Franklin's sucking.

"What am I tasting?" he asked.

"They are my sex juices," I said. "They ooze when I'm sexually excited." He returned to my cock. Again, I think it was scientific interest. I wouldn't say he was a natural born cocksucker, but he was a fast learner. It took about ten minutes for his own passion to overtake his scientific interests; he finally surrendered himself to genital pleasure.

The three of us were together for almost three hours. Franklin was a stallion in heat with unlimited energy. Worsham had fifty years of pent up sexual needs. I think he had four of five orgasms, but as he spent a goodly portion of his time in Franklin's or my ass, there may have been more. Worsham had fucked his wife, so he understood the basics of fucking.

Franklin liked everything sexual, and he wanted to try Worsham's cock in his ass. Worsham hesitated at first, but not for long. Franklin welcomed the doctor's cock to his ass with enthusiasm. The Doctor was worried his might hurt the wild man and was most careful, indeed timid.

"Doc, I don't want you to think I am a slut, but I could take the City Hall tower up my ass and enjoy it," Franklin said. "Just shove it in and let's see what happens!" Needless to say, it was success, a great success. Franklin's ass was a full-fledged sex organ. He was not a passive participant; he did everything he could to manipulate Worsham's cock for their mutual pleasure. I watched as Franklin's ass tenderly caressed the doctor's rock hard shaft. It was beautiful. Worsham's eyes glazed over and eventually closed as he thrust deep into the model's body. He was in a sexual trance. He shot off.

Franklin discovered that the Doctor's pinprick slit delivered sperm with great force; he felt the hot man-seed tickle his rectum. That was a new experience for him and he was vocal in his appreciation. The distinguished doctor was not accustomed to the appreciation or the pleasure either. It was an all-new world for him, a beautiful sensual world. Worsham didn't fully lose his erection

Franklin wanted Worsham to fuck me so I could feel him shooting. Worsham blushed; He had never been complimented on his sexual skills before. My own ass didn't approach Franklin's tunnel of love, but it was more than adequate. He took me doggy style, and enjoyed that greatly. His orgasm was all Franklin said it would be. It was like having a fire hose spurting in my ass. I know several men had had sexual release in my ass, but it was exciting to feel Worsham's ejaculations.

We went for a swim in our little pond and then returned to sucking. Worsham's organ became even more attractive for me with I finally tasted it. Worsham sat on a rock as I took his organ. Franklin got behind me and eased his long snake into my ass. It was very easy since Worsham's sperm lubricated the way. It was satisfactory for all of us.

Angus and Rodney joined us in the pool. Seeing naked men, sexually engaged was nothing new to them. They swam some, joined us in conversation and eventually in sex. Worsham was much taken by Angus and he enjoyed his cock. I continued to suck the doctor as Franklin massaged my ass. Unexpectedly, Rodney mounted Franklin. Franklin had never taken a cock as he fucked another man. He was surprised, but adjusted his stance to provide easier and deeper access to Rodney.

"Where in hell did you find this man?" Rodney asked. "His ass is a wonder!" I told him I would explain later. A dark cloud rolled over and it became cold. We returned to the house. It was one of those rare times when persons meet for the first time and immediately feel comfortable. This was greatly aided by Worsham's obvious attraction to Angus.

Back at the house, Worsham explained his virginal and inexperienced situation and the men were sympatric. I doubt there are many gentlemen o f our age that do not have some of the problems Worsham had with his sex life. The contradictions between the puritanical spirit of our age and nature's demands is always difficult

Franklin was rearing to go, and he wanted to fuck. Most unexpectedly, Worsham was willing to accommodate him. I was afraid this would be a problem. De flowering a virgin is a big event, doing it with an audience could be even more so.

It wasn't a problem. Of course, I knew Angus and Rodney were good men. They were sympathetic, helpful and kind. They were also as relaxed and calm as they could be while being fully erect. It was easier for Worsham when all of the men in the room were obviously aroused. It also helped that Franklin was so enthusiastic, and careful. Angus contributed greatly when he lubricated Worsham's ass with his tongue. Worsham was shocked, but got even harder than he had been earlier.

Given his energy, Franklin restrained himself. His white snake was thin and had a bullet shaped cock head. It was made for entering an ass.

"Taking it in the ass isn't for everyone," he said as he nosed his knob into Worsham's hole. "If it's not going in easy let me know. I'd love to fuck you, but I have a feeling the other men here are open minded. I can do them if I don't do you."

"I fucked you," the Doctor said. "It seems only fair."

"Fairness has nothing to do with taking a cock up your ass," Franklin replied. "If you like it, it's good. If you don't know amount of being fair will make it better." By now Franklin's bullet shaped cock head was on the dark side of the sphincter. I think the bullet was aimed at the prostate and it hit the mark a few seconds later. It was a perfect fit. As inch after inch of Franklin's cock slid into Worsham's ass, his reserve melted and then vanished.

"I'm going to shoot in you unless you tell me to stop," Franklin cried. "Your ass is too good!"

"Fill me up!" Worsham gasped. His field was plowed and seeded. He was the happiest man in the world. As Franklin pulled out, Angus came forward and shoved his organ into the quivering hole. Worsham almost bellowed in pleasure. Angus shot off quickly, but then sat on Worsham's cock.

Rodney took his turn in the sperm filled ass. With Rodney pounding his ass, and Angus bouncing in his cock, Worsham lost all control. Angus felt his ejaculations this time. The sexually linked pile of men broke apart. I thought Worsham might return to his reserved nature one the excitement of actual sex diminished. He was on his back and Franklin went to him and lifted his legs, I thought he was going to fuck him again, but he bent over and began licking Worsham's well-used ass.

"Relax a little and let me taste some man seed!" he said. We all continued to talk as Franklin feasted on the remains of four men's orgasms. A half hour later, we had all recovered and we had another round of orgasms. This time Worsham took Angus' ass, pleasing both of the men. The party broke up.

When our group broke up, I told Dr. Dungannon I was having some friends of more humble backgrounds over on Saturday afternoon, and I would be pleased if he joined us.

"This had been quite a day for me," he said. "My head is spinning. I'm not sure I should do it."

"I fully understand that, but I have found when I am doing something new it is best if I do it regularly and often," I said, "Repetition is a good way to learn new skills." He looked me in the eye, smiled and left.

I wasn't sure he would return, but I thought it would be good for him. I knew he had enjoyed himself and experienced many new things. Once he overcame his natural reserve, he opened his mouth and ass to the possibilities. I knew he was game when he first encountered my genial ooze when he first sucked me. He not only returned to his sucking task, but also soon obviously enjoyed it. He was willing to explore.

Tully was bringing some friends from the Anvil & Hammer Social Club to the Lodge. It was a club for blacksmiths and metalworkers. He told me these friends weren't much to look at, but they were good men. I wasn't sure want that meant; in a dark alley, Tully could scare you badly.

Tully and Little Will came with three companions. As a group, they looked like illustrations for Mr. Darwin's evolutionary theories. They did not look as if they represented successful branches of the evolutionary tree. In their defense, they were all scrubbed and clean, a state I suspected wasn't that common with them. They also wore clean clothes. I appreciated the effort. They worked in a dirty business and cleanliness was almost impossibility. It was an unusually warm autumn day and we went to the pond to swim. The biggest of the new men they called Pop. He looked as if he were in his 60s, but was both very hairy and muscular. He looked like a Polar Bear with the thick coat on white hair on his hard body. He was over six feet tall.

Pop had a friend called Dummy. Dummy was gorilla-like in his hairiness. He had blue eyes, a pink tongue, pink tits and two inches of foreskin peeking out of his pubic bush. As soon as he spoke, I knew he had a cleft palate or some similar deformity. He rarely talked. At first, I assumed he was in his forties, but he was actually 27-year-old.

Tully's third companion was an oddly shaped man named Fergus. His legs were short, but his trunk was long. He had an Irish accent that was almost a foreign language to me. He talked nonstop, but didn't seem to mind if you didn't listen. He just talked. He was shy about his body and jumped in the water quickly so I didn't get to see much of his body.

I was afraid Dr. Dungannon would find them repulsive. We were all in the water when he arrived. He looks the motley crew over, stripped and joined us. He told me later that at first he thought of them as specimens. He too noticed the similarities to the Darwin illustrations. The resemblance attracted rather and repulsed him.

I think of myself as an intelligent man of simple habits. While I was worried about Worsham's reaction to the working men, I didn't consider their reaction to us. Dummy and Pop looked uneasy. They were working men of humble background. We were gentlemen. They weren't sure how they should act and were worried I might have an ulterior motive. It was much more likely that men of our station would use them for our own pleasure than want to share the experience. Tully had a good experience with us, but it was inconceivable that anyone would use Tully. He was a mountain of a man who made his own rules.

I had to admit, I found additional excitement with simpler men. I moved in academic and intellectual circles, and enjoyed that life. Discussing relationships between men with Rodney and Professor Williams was stimulating and exciting. The physical and sexual aspects of these relationships were even more so. I also found my first relations with Seth to be most exciting. The intellectually un adorned way Tully worked his massive tool in to my ass and fucked me to the moon and back was a wonder.

For some reason I didn't understand, drinking Seth and Tully's man juices or having them shoot it deep in my ass was more exciting than sucking on the Professor's spigot. The Professor was a manly man, and his professorial balls produced a brew as rich and plentiful as any. I laughed to myself. Only months earlier I wouldn't have been able to conceive of myself pondering the qualities of my friends' semen. Then I had no intimate relations with anyone. Now most of my connections were of the most intimate sort.

A storm was coming in so we got out of the pond and retired to the house. The lower part of our bodies had been under water, so we couldn't see the genitals. We were from different backgrounds, but we were united by a common interest in cocks. Much to my surprise, Worsham took the lead, and even more surprising, Dummy was the object of his interest. I played with Pop.

Pop became quite talkative once I began to suck him. He, with Dummy and Fergus were part of Tully's harem. It was a mutual association, but they typically bottomed for him. Tully told them I was a particularly willing bottom. While they took Tully's cock willingly, they weren't opposed to being in the top role. This visit was to give them that opportunity.

"Tully didn't tell me anything about that," I said.

"Well, Tully said he didn't want to ask you directly. He says you are a polite gentleman, and might agree to it just to be polite. He said I we wanted to fuck, we should talk with you ourselves."

I was shocked that Tully thought I would do it, and that he knew me that well. Once the shock wore off, my natural lusts took over.

"Dummy is afraid," Pop, whispered. "He's never been with a gentleman and thinks they wouldn't be willing to do it with a man as ugly as him."

I looked at Dummy and Worsham. Worsham was a handsome and distinguished man. Well proportioned and tall he had a commanding presence. Dummy was below average height, with a massive chest and no neck. His head seemed poorly formed. He didn't shave or cut his hair so he could have easily played to role of the missing link.

I knew Dr. Dungannon was brilliant, intelligent and deeply reserved. When I was his playing with Dummy, I realized he was also kind and compassionate. He seemed to be attracted to Dummy and they were clearly enjoying each other. I also sensed Worsham wasn't playing the role of the great doctor being nice to this malformed unfortunate. The Doctor was simply a kind man. I now understood why he was interested in mental illness. To most people the mentally ill were objects of fear, derision and disgust. Worsham felt compassion.

Compassion and kindness are not always returned in kind. Dummy responded well, and fully reciprocated, emotionally and sexually. I hate to seem superficial but I couldn't help but notice, Dummy had a lot to contribute sexually. The few inches of foreskin I saw poking out of his pubic forest, were but the tip of an iceberg.

Were it not for Tully's monster, Dummy would have been the best-endowed man in the room. It was magnificent. Dummy was sexually generous too. Once he was comfortable, he was more than willing to share, to give and to take.

I knew Worsham had a taste for the anal arts. He opened himself to Dummy's cock. Dummy's organ slipped in easily and I watched him transform from a rather pathetic creature to a proud man. He seemed more self assure as each inch of his cock vanished in the doctor's rectum. When the doctor's scrotum was finally cushioned by Dummy's pubic bush, there were two happy men.

I assumed Dummy would shoot off quickly, but he had a long fuse. Once he was in Worsham, he wanted to last. There was something familiar about the scene. Dummy bottomed for Tully, thus Dummy copied Tully's fucking style. Tully was a good and sensitive lover. The only insensitive part of his was the size of his monster horse cock. I had a slight sense that I was a Roman virgin being raped by a barbarian when he was taking me. That was due to the size of Tully's organ and his urge to get it deep.

"It's a pretty picture," Pops said. He was behind me with his erect organ rubbing my crack. I bent over and Pop entered me without effort or fuss. He was average, but it was good. Little Will took Fergus' cock and Tully looked over the room filled with fucking men with the pride of a mother bird who had just seen her children fly for the first time.

Unexpectedly Professor Williams and Edward Carpenter visited. As soon as Edward saw the collection of Blacksmiths, he stripped and joined in enthusiastically. Cocks are always truth tellers, and When then blacksmiths saw Edward's erect cock there was no question about to his interest.

The Professor was less enthusiastic at first, but he was soon drawn into group. Tully went to him and they began to talk. I lost tract of them because Pop's cock began to dominate my thoughts. Pop's was graceless, but insistent. He moved me to my back from the doggy position, and this changed his technique. He could now see how I responded and he took advantage of that.

Next: Chapter 8

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