Ralph the Smithy's Son

Published on Oct 24, 2019


Ralph the Smithy's Son

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

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I am Hal the eighth son of Ralph the Smith. When I was born, they knew there was something wrong. My legs and arms were short. Many would have abandoned me in a basket at the church door. I don't think my mother and father wanted me, but I was their son. Fortunately, I was an effortless baby; I didn't cry and didn't demand much. I could entertain myself.

As I got older, I spent a lot of time with my Grandmother, Old Meg. My mother told me Old Meg loved children and having a child to care for at her age was good for her. She had an herb garden and knew what herbs helped which ailment. She was very old, and I liked working in the garden. She and trouble getting up and walking, so she could sit on a chair and tell me what to do. My short legs were ideal for weeding. I later found that some women like her told stories of miraculous cures. Old Meg never suggested anything more than. "It might help some."

My mother was busy with my Father and brothers so helping Old Meg became a full-time job for me. I loved doing it. When you are five and can help an older person, you feel a like a big person too. Everyone praised me for helping her.

My body grew and my resemblance to my father became pronounced. My legs and arms grew some, but they were still small. My beard began to grow at 13, and my voice deepened. I matured early and was no longer a child. I was useful for both taking care of Old Meg and working at the forge shop.

My father was the best Smith in the county and his work was much in demand. One day Roger, the Earl of DeRose, came to see his work. He was with his sickly son, Lord Roger who was perhaps ten years old. The boy thought I was an adult who was almost his size. I talked to him and he was pleasant. I think he had little contact with anyone outside the manor house and the smithy interested him. The Earl asked to meet Old Meg. They talked and eventually she asked me to pick some herbs that might help his son. I did this and told the Earl how to prepare and use the herbs.

A week later a servant came and asked if I would come to the manor to see the Earl and bring a new cutting of herbs. Of course, I obeyed. I found out the herbs allowed his son to sleep and he felt better. I met with Lady Beatrice, his wife and helped her prepare the herbs. I then met her son, Roger in a beautiful garden. He had a wagon and I pulled him around the garden. Eventually he sat on my shoulders and he pretended he was tall. He thought was this funny and he laughed the whole time I carried him. I was 16 and strong, so this was no problem for me. Lord Roger was light.

A week later I was living at the Manor and was Lord Roger's companion. I seemed to be comforting for him. He could relax and enjoy himself when I was there. I became his constant companion along with his tutor, Brother Maximillian. Roger slept in his mother's room, and I slept with Max. Max told me that Old Meg had impressed the Earl. She promised nothing, but Roger seemed better, livelier and more interested in things. I also took plants from the garden to start a new garden at the manor. Lady Beatrice and I took care of it.

On warm summer days I went swimming with Roger in a shallow pond. He loved that. Max never went swimming, but he seemed to enjoy watching us swim naked. Roger was still a little boy. I was a full- grown, small man. One night after we had been swimming, Max mentioned I had an adult man's privates. He said they were impressive. My parts matched my father's and brothers' cocks, but since my body was stunted, my privates just looked larger. Max showed me his and mine was larger than his, quite a bit larger.

Max touched my privates. By then I knew I could play with them and that was enjoyable. I was surprised when Max touched them; it was more exciting. Max said he was sorry; he had touched them by accident. I said that wasn't a problem. It had felt good.

Max was silent for a little while. "Would you like it if I touched them again?" he asked in a whisper. I smiled and he took my privates in his hand and stroked them. I had stroked my own, but this was better. I soon knew that I was going to release my cock juices and I warned him. Instead of pulling away, Max leaned over, wrapped his lips around my tender organ and took the juices. It was beautiful. I was squirting and he was taking it all. He seemed to know how to find the tender spots

When I was finished, he sat up. His cock was standing up straight. I bent over to suck his organ. He soon began to squirt. I had never taken man seed before but I liked the taste of his cock juice. I fell asleep afterward and wondered if man juices were a sleeping potion.

The next morning Max told me not to tell anyone what we did. I said I wouldn't. He then asked if I might be interested in doing it again. I said yes, it felt good. I knew it was private, secret and good.

A week later he told me that I didn't need to sleep on the straw mattress on the floor anymore. I could join him in the bed with its feather mattress. Sleeping together was typical in England since it was easier to keep warm. Sleeping nude was common and it protected the clothes. The Earl's livery was expensive and hard to clean. I had slept with my brothers. I had a feeling Max had other reasons to share a bed. We slept naked in the bed. I am hairy, like my father. Max was smooth, but he liked my furry chest. His hand wandered towards my privates and I didn't stop him. My hand moved towards his prick too.

By the end of the night we had fondled and licked each other's organs and swallowed the rich brew. I knew that as we mutually fondled our privates, the pleasure greatly increased. When Max fed me his juices, I shot off, and again the pleasure increased.

A week later Max told me he knew other things that felt good and asked I was interested in exploring them. Of course, I said yes. He said that I was big, and he would like to have me enter him from the rear. that seemed strange but I said I would do it. I thought I was hurting him as I pushed, but he told me not to stop until all of it was in him. I was going to pull out, but he told me I couldn't pull out until I had seeded him. I unloaded my balls and I fell asleep with my cock in him.

The next morning, he told me it had been beautiful. I was shocked. No one had ever mentioned the word beautiful about me. That night I asked Max if he wanted to get in me. While I didn't want that, it seemed only fair. He said yes, but he didn't want to hurt me. I thought I knew him well and I just told him to be careful.

I think he was more afraid of hurting me than I was. His cock was long and thin. It felt sort of odd, but not bad. I think my cock did more for him when I was in him. He pulled out and I fucked him. That was good, better than the first time. He wanted me in him most nights.

Max told me that other men at the Manor liked the same games that we played. He asked if I would like to meet them. I said that I would be glad to meet more men. Then I asked if he would think badly of me if I played with other men.

"No, it is just men being friends. You can never have too many friends," he said. "Would it bother you to see me with other men?" I smiled and said no.

He referred to these friends as the Lads. The leaders of the group were Bryn, the head groom and his friend Tommy. Bryn was a huge, sullen man who specialized in breeding impressive horses. This included both war chargers, dray horses and smaller, racehorses. He was one of the few servants the Earl would regularly speak with.

Unexpectedly, he was close to Max. Bryn seemed to like associating with educated men of higher rank. I had seen him but never talked with him. Tommy was a slight, small man who rode the Earl's horses in races. Max liked manly men. Bryn was as manly as a man could be.

Max told me that these men were fun but aggressive and I might find one of their cocks up my backside. I asked if any of them had been up his backside.

He looked at me and blushed, "I am afraid to say that all of them have made a visit and made a deposit," he said. "It was rough at first, but I like it now. I look forward to seeing them. When I took your tool, it reminded me of Bryn." I wasn't sure I wanted all of that, but I was young, curious and lusty. A week later most of the household was sent to the court in London. Roger went to stay at his Grandmother's estate. Bryn was left to take care of the manor while the Lord was away.

That night, Max and I went to meet the Lads in the loft of the stables. Bryn had a room there. Bryn and was not a shy man. He was with Tommy and two younger men, Joseph and Willy. I had seen them but didn't know them. The house servants did not mix with the farm hands or stable boys. Bryn was not interested in me until we stripped. Bryn was big and strong; he knew that his massive body could almost crush a small man. I was an odd man. From the top of my head to my balls I was a big, strong man. My legs and arms were short, but not crippled. He didn't seem to know what I was.

I suspected that Tommy had introduced Joseph and Willy into man play the way Max gave me lessons. Bryn looked at me, "Max said you were an odd one. It looks like you have a third leg!" he exclaimed as he stroked my organ. It got hard when he did that. He smiled when he saw it hard. "I guess you know we are not here to frolic like boys in a glade spouting poetry. We are men. We are going to exercise our privates and trade our seed. Who wants to lick my cock awake?"

It looked as if his organ was bigger than mine and I came forward. Joseph and Willy went to Max. Tommy came over to watch me suck Bryn. I took the tip of his foreskin in my mouth and worked my tongue into the pucker to find his cock. I tasted sweet juices, and then encountered his wide slit, oozing the goo. It was unexpectedly exciting. I pushed the skin back, kissed his drooling slit and then tried to swallow the entire cock.

He was only half hard and I got it all. As it got harder, I tried to suck the sweet juices from his balls. I could tell that Bryn was as excited as I.

"Boy, I'm going to get to know you, inside and out!" he proclaimed. I guessed what that meant. I was uneasy but ready and willing.

He got on his bed and coated his cock with oil. "Hal, take a seat on my cock and do a little dance on it," he said. It wasn't an order, but I knew no one ever said no to him.

Because of my short legs I had my knees on his gut. Tommy held Bryn's cock head at my hole.

"It's going to be a tight fit," Tommy said, "But Bryn's never split a man in half yet." I sat back.

Bryn's juicy knob poked into ass. I bent forward a little and a few seconds later it was in me. All of it was in me.

Bryn moaned, "Damn that's good!"

"It looks like a conjurer's trick," Tommy cried.

Bryn discovered my ass was exceptional. It was made to take his cock. It was the perfect size. I didn't scream in pain, or cry. He discovered pleasure without the tears and sobbing. I was wide open and squirming on his cock trying to touch every inch of my ass tunnel to his magnificent tool. He was fucking me, but I was playing with his cock, stroking it with whatever muscles I had in my behind. He fucked me for a while and shot off.

He pulled out and went to Joseph, skewering him on his still erect cock. I sucked Joseph and enjoyed his juices. Tommy and Max came to me. Tommy collected Bryn's drooling cum from my ass on his cock head and shoved it back into me. This was relaxing for me, but Tommy was most enthusiastic. The men talked and about my tight ass and my stamina. I thought Willy was left out, but he screwed Max. I eventually returned to Bryn and spent a long time on Bryn's cock. He wanted to find the best position to fuck me. I liked it all and I felt he was a part of me.

The men had to work early the next morning, so Max and I returned to our quarters. We got together again every few days while the Earl was at court. It was clear that I was Bryn's favorite. I had a suspicion my ass was the true favorite. I was soon friendly with all the men. Bryn's cock was huge and was difficult for some of the men to take. They admired my skills. Bryn was willing to share me, and I was polite and accommodating to all. Other men joined our group once and a while. Some of these were men from the village. The Earl and the household returned in the fall and the Lads' meetings became rare.

Lord Roger fell down the stairs and died that winter. At his funeral, his mother told me that I had made it possible for Roger to enjoy life as a boy. I stayed at the manor. I had been useful with household duties for my mother and did the same for the Earl's household. Helping the cooks and maids was considered degrading for most men, but they often needed men. I also worked on the herb garden which Lady Beatrice admired.

Max stayed too, educating the much younger second son, Robert. Some of the servants tried to make fun of my size. They said I was the Earl's pet monkey. When I was home, my brothers taught bullies a lesson. They weren't with me at the manor. The servants' soon discovered Bryn had dislike for bullies. They were bigger than me, but no one was bigger than Bryn. He quickly taught them the need to be polite and courteous to everyone.

Max was scholarly and gentle. While he taught the Earl's heir, he also read to the ladies of the household. Few could read and Max would give the name of a book to the Earl who had an agent who could find the volume. Books were fabulously expensive, most were hand-made and illustrated. The books entertained the ladies, and happy ladies made for a happy home.

At night, the Lads liked Max's stories. Like most men, they couldn't read and had never heard stories other than some bible stories at the church. David and Goliath and Jonah and the Whale impressed everyone. King Arthur and Robin Hood were even more interesting to them.

We would listen to Max read as Bryn gently pumped his cock in my behind. When story reached a highpoint, he would shoot off in appreciation. I would get off his cock, and one of the other men would enter me. They considered my ass filled with Bryn's cream a treat. I enjoyed taking smaller cocks after Bryn stretched my ass.

A year later a disaster befell the Earl. One of his rivals, Lord Henry of Millchester, made false charges against him. The Earl was arrested and sent to the tower. Millchester was the King's current favorite and hoped to get the manor added to his own properties. Lady Beatrice's father had been an old companion of the King, so the estate was saved. Beatrice and her surviving son stayed with her powerful father, and Bryn became the caretaker for the manor.

I ran the manor house, doing repairs and maintenance with two helpers. Bryn ran the stables and the tenant farms. These were profitable, and the income greatly supported the imprisoned Earl and his family. While livestock and grain of the farms produced good income, Bryn's horses were much sought after and were fabulously expensive.

The Earl's enemies tried a raid on the Manor, intending to get possession. Bryn was a leader of men and had many connections. He got wind of it and the effort was foiled in a painful and humiliating way. I had the feeling that attacking the Earl was one thing, attacking a good horse breeder was another. The entire event was so embarrassing that the Earl's enemies didn't even mention it happened.

The new arrangement at the manor worked well. Bryn was faithful servant to the Earl and his family, and thus was supported by Beatrice's powerful father. It also was good for the Lads. Bryn controlled the manor and the Lads.

Several of the farm hands were playful as was the new Parish priest, Father Peter. He had been the priest of the large church in Millchester. He had offended Lord Henry and been sent to our small village. There was little for him to do here, so he devoted himself to plotting revenge on Lord Henry.

Max told me Father Peter liked our sort of play and was generous in sharing his favors. Peter was partial to men in high places, but Bryn was too much of a temptation for the priest to resist.

While Father Peter had used his interests to advance his position in life, with the Lads he had to learn how to enjoy the pleasures of ordinary men. When he first met with the Lads, he tried to dominate the younger men, but Bryn gave him a lesson in humility while stretching his ass. The other lads made deposits in Peter's ass. Unexpectedly, the additional cocks greatly increased Father Peter's enjoyment. I had been the last man to screw him and I had the feeling his ass was trying to kiss my cock. He found it was simpler to enjoy sensual pleasures without the scheming.

I became his friend when I sat on his cock. Peter's cock was long, curved and hard. It was easy to take, and I soon felt his priestly seed in my peasant ass. When I fucked him, he realized my tool was only slightly smaller than Bryn's cock and it kept his ass ready for Bryn. I was also more inventive than Bryn and we tried many different positions. All were successful and it was good for both of us.

Father Peter was born to be a master of court intrigue. He had been outwitted once, but that was not going to happen a second time. He had some friends and many more secret friends. He told me his newly developed fucking skills would serve him well.

At first, I just liked cocks and the things you could do with them. I noticed that after playing with men it became more than just fun. After you have traded 20-30 loads of cum, shooting some into the secret places, you get closer. I was just an odd man with a great ass for Bryn at first. Eventually you get to know a man well after sharing your body and trading your ball juices.

Bryn was not an emotional man, but his cock never told a falsehood. I soon knew when his thoughts turned from the problems of the day to his cock and me. I tasted his cock drool and knew when he approached unloading. That was easy when I was sucking him, but I also knew that when I was squirming on his love pole.

Next: Chapter 2

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