Ralph the Smithy's Son

Published on Feb 12, 2020


Ralph the Smithy's Son 4

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

While Bryn was a leader of men, Philip was an organizer and planner. At first rumors of an attack were shrouded in mist and fog, but soon the outlines of the attack became clear. Since there had been a failed attack once before and we realized another would involve revenge for the humiliation.

Father Peter knew he would be a target. They served an insignificant parish with a large residence for the priest located well way from the church. One of Lord Roger's ancestors had done something bad and donating the priest's house was required for forgiveness. Servants were paid from the Father Peter's personal fortune. That was nonexistent, so there were no servants.

While Father Peter was poor, he was well endowed in other ways and was known within the church for his sexual generosity. The isolated location of the house and his sexual tastes encouraged other clerics to visit. They visited saying it was an isolated place for prayer and reflection. He and Brother Paulinus were good at finding information.

Peter discovered that priests could become quite talkative when freed from their churches and sampling his kindness and open-minded approach to life. While Farther Peter took care of the older priests, Paulinus used his ass as the gateway to heaven for younger, needy priests, and was accommodating for young seminarians who rarely had a chance to seed an ass. Peter told me that his sperm seemed to be a truth potion.

While this situation met the visiting priests' needs, Father Peter told them it would end if Lord Henry were to attack the manor. Father Peter and Paulinus would be dead. Noblemen do not like clerical witnesses of their sins. The church powers were not always pleased with the power of the King and his nobles. The priests and clerks who enjoyed Peter's hospitality were willing listen for rumors.

As it developed, the attack seemed to have two objectives. One was to capture the manor, it's lands and breeding stock to weaken the imprisoned Earl of DeRose. The other was to capture my brother's secrets steel mix. Those who had his swords knew they would have a great value. The secret mix was worth more than gold. I realized the manor and the village were both in danger.

Lord Philip realized this too. He and Rolf were educated and knew Lord Henry's plans were illegal. It would be to his advantage to have as few witnesses as possible. That meant the Lads, my family and the villagers would likely be killed. Lord Henry was importing mercenaries from Germany and the Low Countries to serve as his "Honor Guard." Lord Philip was no fool.

Father Peter, Rolf, Bryn and Philip were in constant communication. Philip and Bryn were planning for the defense of the manor and the village. Father Peter and Rolf were scheming to discredit Lord Henry. Father Peter was letting his guests know that Lord Henry was assembling foreign troops in a number inappropriate for his station. His friends were well distributed across the country. Peter hoped that word of this activity would reach the King by way of Bishops passing on the rumors from their diocese. When an aggressive noble began to hire troops, it meant one thing to the King: rebellion.

Philip and Bryn had the total loyalty of the Lads confirmed by sharing sperm. Bryn had the loyalty of the men for years. Philip was new and was of a station vastly superior to the lads. The swimming lessons had included increasingly intimate moments between Philip and the Lads.

Philip was the third son of a Duke. His oldest brother was the heir and he had second son in case of the heir's death. As the third son, Philip was unneeded. It would be best if he didn't marry and had no children. They simply were unneeded. Philip's affection for men simplified the family tree, eliminating unnecessary heirs or rivals. I recognized that while Philip was educated, quiet, he was intelligent. More importantly he was genuinely interested in men.

He had taken the Lads' man seed and opened his ass for their pleasure. He was a nobleman, but he liked common cocks. I was gently rubbing Philip's ass with my cock one night when he told me about his adventures Oxford. A noble, older and bigger student had forced his cock into Philip's ass. It had been painful and unenjoyable.

He told me my commoner's cock was larger, but I was gentle and enjoyable. He felt my seed shooting off in his ass and it seemed like a gift, not a seed dump. His own experiences in my ass had been pure enjoyment, but he hadn't known if he could enjoy the bottom. The Lads learned their sexual skills from Bryn. Some men fuck to dominate their partner. Bryn was an unquestioned leader, so he did it for enjoyment. He enjoyed a Lad's cock and cum in his ass too.

The Lads had learned their fucking skills from Bryn. This was ideal for Philip who liked the bottom as much as fucking. He liked seed from the hard-working lads. Philip was now one of them. I knew this was no problem for them. I am not sure that many leaders used sperm trading as one of their skills, but it worked for Philip.

Lady Beatrice was lady of the finest ancestry and always most courteous. I had thought she was without guile, but she sent us ten, very large men to apprentice in my brother Bob's forge. They were to become blacksmiths and learn how to make swords.

These men were all well-trained soldiers led by a giant named Ossric. They included swordsmen, archers and horsemen. They came with all their weapons. They were to defend the village. I thought that working for a blacksmith would be degrading for them. My brother Bob is a sensible, intelligent man. My brothers worked for him, but each was paid for the swords he made. The soldiers were paid little a shilling a week. Bob sold the swords for a good profit and portion was due to the man who made the sword. For each sword they received six shillings, a generous amount. Pounding steel into swords was also good muscle building exercise. At night Ossric trained my bothers, and other men from the village how to defend themselves. They got along well.

My brother Hal married the daughter of a prosperous Sheppard Alwyn the Herder. Alwyn also raised dogs. Some dogs herded sheep, but others were huge Mastiffs trained to kill large predators such as foxes and wolves. The dogs were raised with the sheep and were aggressively protective. Alwyn told the shepherds to keep the dogs with them. The dogs did not like strangers.

Brother Paulinus came to my herb garden daily. I knew he was interested in the herbs and not just pretending to be interested in medicine and herbs. One day he brought a priest, Father Basil and two seminarians. Basil was a close friend of Paulinus and, more importantly, the Bishop Winchester, who was close to the King. Basil knew Paulinus well and they wandered off leaving me with the seminarians.

The seminarians were most likely to become clerks or scholars. They seemed to be too timid to preach. It took me a while to realize while Paulinus was with Basil, I was to entertain Ambrose and Jerome. It was a hot summer day and as we talked, they removed their heavy clerical robes. Paulinus told me to do the same. They were wearing loincloths. I was naked. Ambrose and Jerome had barely noticed me until I was naked.

"Paulinus told us that you were short, but you are a master of the herbal arts and a good man. He said that in some ways you are more of a man than he. He told me that if I become afflicted by illness, go to you for relief," Jerome said.

"I feel the need for relief right now," Ambrose said as he loosened his loincloth. It fell to the floor.

"I am surprised. I have seen Jesters, but I assumed all their parts were miniature," Jerome remarked as he came over to me. "I am afraid my parts are smaller than yours."

"As long as they work well, the size is unimportant," I said. His cock was within reach of my mouth, so I sucked it. Jerome was not a virgin, but while he was not experienced, he was willing.

Jerome later told me he had been the youngest man at the seminary and his ass and mouth had been well used. I told him that if his cock was inexperienced, I would be glad to help. My training by Bryn and the Lads meant I was much more skilled than the seminarians in the sexual arts. I worked my cock into his ass. I knew there was a place that felt good. Bryn called it the nut. I caressed Jerome's nut with my knob and Jerome, lost any desire to resist. It was clear my skills were more relaxed and pleasurable than the usual monastery poke-and-shoot approach.

Jerome told me my cock was thicker than the Priests. His ass was stretched wider, but it felt better. I surprised him when I pulled out of him and sat on his tool. I bounced on it until he flooded my ass with cream. He claimed to have had a vision of Christ as he filled me,

When I got off Jerome, I went to Ambrose. His ass was well used; it opened easily. Like all good things, the two men recognized my skills immediately. I think fucking the younger men was to establish the dominance of the older priests. Bryn fucked to make friends and companions. Bryn found loyalty and a willingness to help.

I knew that cocks affected different men in different ways. Ambrose told me later that God had made my cock to fit his ass perfectly. He seemed to think the Virgin Mary had blessed my cock. I thought that was unlikely but didn't tell him that. Jerome and Ambrose came from a monastery endowed by Lord Henry's father. The father had been prone to treachery and deceit. His sins were many and the monastery was large and wealthy.

Ambrose was the confessor to Lord Henry's man servant Hugh. Hugh was a God-fearing man and confessed to the evil deeds he did for his master. While confession was between a man, his confessor and God. While, I had thought Ambrose saying he believed the Virgin Mary had blessed my cock was a joke, he believed it.

I don't just fuck an ass, I explore it. Ambrose's hole had been used, and perhaps overused, but I found new places to give him pleasure. As I slowly worked deeply into his ass, Ambrose told me knew about the fire, and he knew Lord Henry was planning to attack the Manor and the village. He was expecting twenty men from Germany to increase his force and he knew it was to be a massacre.

I found Ambrose's nut and concentrated on it. Jerome and he had been used sexually but only for the fucker's pleasure, not for the bottom's enjoyment. Bryn and Rolf's students give pleasure. As my cock entered their behinds, both Ambrose and Jerome experienced pleasure followed by extasy for the first time. My sperm spurts are forceful, and they shot off when they felt it. Jerome ate Ambrose's seed.

A little later I fucked Jerome and when he shot off, Ambrose took his load. This was a shock for both men. Important men fucked less important men. Ambrose broke the rule and found great pleasure. They assumed my orgasms were of divine origin, and my cock was the divinely selected tool.

Since we had all screwed each other and traded sperm, they felt a fellowship with me. Ambrose mentioned that Lord Henry was sending a cart to meet his new soldiers at Dover. The soldiers demanded part of their fee on arrival and the rest after they completed the task. This delivery had to be made before the full moon.

That night I told Bryn, Ossric, Rolf and Lord Philip of the plot. If the cart took four day to reach Dover, Rolf thought this would give Henry's Germans a week to travel to Lord Henry's castle, and then a week to train. That would be the New Moon. The darkness of the new moon would be best time for a sneak attack.

Rolf would go to Dover and try to intercept the payment. Lord Henry was known for not paying his debts and soldiers for hire will not work without payment. Lord Philip would make a quick trip to warn his father of the attack. Ossric and Bryn would plan the defense. While Bryn was smarter than Ossric; Ossric knew more about warfare than Bryn. They worked well together.

Father Peter's scheme to suggest that Lord Henry was plotting against the King had been slow moving, but effective. Rumors were reaching the court. The possible arrival of mercenaries would shock the Court. One of Peter's priestly friends was in Dover. He sent messengers with my information to Dover, Winchester and to friends in London.

I was to go with Rolf as his man. He told me it was dangerous work. I knew that. If things went bad, I was to return to the manor to let them know. He said that most people ignored servants, if they noticed them at all. We set off the next day.

After the first day of travel, we stayed with a priest of a small parish. Father Augustine was one of Father Peter's old friends. We ate there and then we had an enjoyable interlude before bed. Father Augustine had a young servant Dolf who was accustomed to taking Augustine's cock. Augustine was from a poor family, and the prospect of a nobleman's cock in his ass excited him. Rolf could play the great nobleman easily and the Priest loved every thrust and poke.

I was with Dolf and sat on Dolf's tool. That was a new, a very welcome experience for him, He had been wary of visitors in his house. When we exchanged man seed Dolf considered us to be all but brothers. Rolf spent most of his time exploring Augustine's ass, he put the priest to sleep by sucking every drop of seed from the priest's under-utilized balls. Neither Augustine nor Rolf had seen any men on the Road to Dover.

We were at an inn the next night. The inn was not for persons of rank. It was for shepherds and drovers on the way to Dover. At the inn, Rolf played the gambler who had won some gold and was overly generous when he had been drinking. He was everyman's friend. He had an impressive knowledge of rowdy and randy stories that varied to the obscene to the monumentally obscene. They were also clever and funny.

He wanted to know where the best bawdy houses and gambling dens were in Dover. We went to the most notorious, the Rooster & Cock. The clientele were mostly men with a few women. The women tended to be slim, elegant and possessed cocks. I was an oddity and attracted a lot of attention. That was good, since no one noticed who Rolf was talking to.

I had a bawdy conversation three sailors, who were speculating about me and my dwarf cock. Bets were made as to my privates' size, and I agreed that the man with the largest cock would fuck the other. I was paired with a man nicknamed Master Peter. There was a lot of drinking and vulgar, but funny conversations. We stripped and I was two inches longer and an inch thicker than Master Peter. A failed student from Cambridge calculated the cubage of my cock and impressed everyone. I felt sorry for the lad's parents who must have had greater expectations for their son than cock calculating.

Master Peter was drunken sod, but he lost gracefully. I was glad I had frolicked with Bryn and the Lads. I had no problem performing in public. I pulled out before I shot off in Master Peter and was surprised that several men offered to take my load. I made a pound on the bets, and another two shillings from men who wanted to taste my seed.

As I frolicked, Rolf had found a man in the pub who said some country bumpkins had been by there a day earlier and were looking for the same entertainment. These men had been with a heavily loaded ox cart.

I went to sleep, but Rolf was busy over the night. Somehow, he found a horse. We were in Dover before the ox cart. In Dover I found out Rolf seemed to know many men there. Some were gentlemen, but others weren't gentlemen at all. Rolf seemed to live in the edge between the two groups.

I had thought Rolf was poor, but he had a reputation of paying well and being a man of his word. I wondered of being a man of his word was worth anything to scoundrels. I discovered it was worth quite a bit. Rolf wanted the money to be stolen by scoundrels who had no connection to Lord Roger. Not only did Rolf pay well, the scoundrels could keep any money the found. Foot pads and outlaws were a typical hazard of travel.

We met with Captain Woolard. I suspected he had been a pirate. He had no legs but remained a powerful man. he greeted Rolf as an equal. Often pirates worked for the King, but the also served great nobles. Rolf explained his wish send the Mercenaries back to Germany by intercepting the payment. Rolf handed Woolard a small pouch of gold coins. "Who is to make the attack, the French or the Spaniards?" Woolard asked.

"What group would scare Lord Henry the most?" Rolf asked.

"I need to think about that," Woolard said.

"Don't think too long, the cart will be here soon," Rolf said.

"I understand. I heard that your fool is a man of impressive parts," Woolard said.

"I have no fool in my service," Rolf replied. "He serves me, but he picks his own playmates."

"My cock doesn't work well since I lost my legs," Woolard said. "The word is your man has impressive parts. I haven't had a new one up my ass in a while." Somehow, I was alone with my cock in the Pirate ass a little later. Not only did he like it, but he shot off. He offered me a small fortune to become his man.

I told him I was Rolf's man and I was loyal to him. I was afraid I had insulted him, but Woolard valued loyalty. He was happy as I felt him.

,". We left Woolard and Dover immediately.

Nothing happened at all, but for some reason there was no payment for the Germans. They returned home. I never heard what had happened. There was no trace of our visit to Dover. We returned to the manor stopping only at a small country church and staying with the priest.

Next: Chapter 5

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