Ralph the Smithy's Son

Published on Jan 25, 2020


Ralph the Smithy's Son 3

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to bldhrymn@yahoo.com or bldhrymn@aol.com

If you enjoy these stories. Please consider giving a donation to Nifty Rolf loved my cock. "It is big enough, but not too big," he said. He fucked me too and that was good. I am a man, not a boy, but some men can't tell. There are not enough dwarves in the world to have any real sense of what I am. I did not cry, or whimper and I enjoyed his cock's visit to my ass. Rolf was a good-looking man and manly in every way. He was an Oxford scholar, but he did not show off his knowledge.

Truthfully, he did show off his knowledge on one way. He was skilled in the anal arts. I didn't know what "anal" meant, but I figured out it meant fucking a man in the ass. He told me he learned anal skills by experimentation.

As I am a Smithy's son and he was a Gentleman, I assumed he would fuck me first. I fucked him first and his ass gave me a welcome fit for a king. I had several skills he had never mastered and was interested. They were Bryn's tricks.

He took his time enter me and once he was in, he assured me that my ass was full sized, and everything was where it should be. He also said my ass muscles were well developed. He asked if I would like to go to bed with him. "I warn you that I am a randy man, and if I feel the urge, I would like to mount and seed you any time I want to during the night," he said.

"Is your hole open for my urges?" I asked.

Rolf looked at me oddly, and then said, "I think I might enjoy that."

In bed he told me a story of a man he met in a forest. He appeared to be a wild man, living on roots and berries, unused to towns and villages. The man said he was Abbot Wolfson. His monastery, or hermitage had vanished as the hermits died, and he was the sole surviving member of the order.

Wolfson knew of many of the healing herbs my grandmother knew. He knew the holy rites of his order and stayed true to them. Like some of the ancient rites of Egypt, they were all men, and in Egypt the rejected all luxuries. That included clothes. In our land that was impossible; it was far too cold.

They wore animal skins and crudely fashioned cloth. In their rough cells, they were naked, but they allowed two men per room, so they could share body warmth under the pelts of animal. They were naked in bed. Wolfram's predecessor, also called Wolfram, discovered that nude prayer to God was well received. He also discovered that prayers uttered while sexually aroused were greatly preferred by the divinity. There was a nut in his behind that when caressed by a monk's tool intensified the prayers.

Wolfram also believed that while man was sinful, sperm was without sin. Bathing the nut in man seed as you confessed your sins helped to wash away the sin.

Rolf did not know how Wolfram discovered this truth, but it was self-evident to him. He realized that praying as another monk penetrated your ass increased the power of the prayer. When the monk released his men seed into his body, the prayer would please the all-knowing deity.

I could not read, and Mass was in a language I didn't understand. I did know that men trading their seed was pleasurable and exciting. Since we are all part of god's creation, I assumed it would please him too. I asked Rolf if he knew more about the rite.

"Ralph, I participated in the rite. The Abbott begged me to join him in his prayers. He was an old man, but he took my tool joyfully, and each thrust seems to please an angel in highest heaven. I did not directly feel god's presence, but Abbott Wolfram did. Several times I was delivering my seed into Wolfram as he said amen.

"He had a servant, Hugh, who joined us in the prayers. He was a faithful, good man. He had usually taken care of Wolfram's needs. He possessed a long thin tool that rubbed the nut in my ass as I prayed. He delivered his seed early, but he churned it until my prayer was complete," Rolf said.

"Did you feel your prayer accepted?" I asked.

"I felt something different," Rolf replied. "A holy monk's tool might have been better. Hugh wasn't as well-endowed as you."

"Do you think size is important?" I asked.

"I do not have enough experience to know," Rolf confessed. "Would you like to join me? You know we are constantly in danger. I will pray for your safety."

Rolf was sincere about this. I noticed that his prayer became increasingly fervent as I slipped deeper into him. When I shot off my man seed, Rolf moaned and thanked god for his blessings.

The next morning Rolf fucked me. It wasn't exactly a religious experience, but it was enjoyable. I had noticed that Wolfram's prayer experiences were not unlike my sexual experiences with Bryn. This might be luck, or coincidence. But, as Father Peter said; the Lord moves in mysterious ways.

The next morning, we said farewell to Father Julian and returned to our manor. Father Peter was pleased with the meeting with Julian. Usually, meetings between high ranking men was rare. These men moved with servants and companions. There was always the possibility of a traitor. I was safe. Rolf was a gentleman who had fallen on hard times, and he could travel freely.

Back home I found that Paulinus had been keeping notes on my use of herbs. He described the herbs and their possible uses. Old Meg was knowledgeable, and she not only knew herbs, she knew the dangers of herbs. A small amount of the herb might help you, but a large amount might make you sick or even kill you.

Paulinus' notes included this information. He made drawings that showed the herbs and ways to identify dangers of false herbs. His father came to visit him. I think he expected to find his son dissipated and ruined. Father Peter's firm guidance solved Paulinus's wild ways. The father was greatly interested in me and his son's notes. He took a copy of the notes with him when he returned to London.

That winter, my father took ill and died. My oldest brother, Bob, was now the master of the forge. My father's reputation had protected my family from abuse. My brother was a fine craftsman but had no reputation.

I was surprised when Lady Beatrice and her younger brother, Lord Philip, visited. Lady Beatrice had heard of my Father's death and said kind words about my father. She asked if she could help. Lord Philip met my brother and inspected his work, he ordered ten swords for him and his followers. This was a great honor and meant that Bob was under Lord Philip's protection.

Lady Beatrice and Philip went to the house that Bryn and I had been maintaining. They were pleased at the condition of the house and Bryn's horse breeding was both profitable and made her many friends and supporters. She was a virtuous and fine lady. That was well known, but she could provide fine and impressive horses. That was most important to knights and noblemen. Bryn would only sell horses with Lady Beatrice's approval. You could only meet Lady Beatrice with her father's permission. The men who wanted a horse were told of her husband's false imprisonment and of the treachery of Lord Roger.

Rolf joined me at the manor as a guard. He got along with Bryn and the Lads. I was in the manor house, but if some thief or evil agent were to break in the house, I could do little to stop them. Rolf was a heavily armed nobleman. Rolf had been stripped of his title, but not of his skills as a fighter.

Rolf was an imaginative playmate for Bryn and the Lads. He introduced them to new games and positions. He was also generous in sharing his skills and body with the men. I thought Rolf might become a rival with Bryn for the leadership of the men.

Bryn was a leader of men, respected by all. Rolf was a cleaver schemer and spy, well suited for dark nights and the fog. When they first met, Rolf encountered Bryn's oversized tool in his ass. I saw the God had made Bryn's cock for Rolf's ass.

Rolf had told Bryn about the strange theories of the mad monks. When Bryn drained his balls into Rolf's over stretched ass, Rolf reacted as if each spurt came directly from god. They were soon friends, but Bryn was the leader, Rolf was the faithful companion.

While Rolf was and educated and clever former knight, he got along well with the Lads. He told me that if you trusted your life to the support of noblemen only, your life was dependent on the winds and gusts of the court and courtly alliances. A friend one day might be your sworn enemy if the King spoke ill of you.

I knew that was true, but I also knew that most if not all the lads had frolicked with Rolf and they had traded their manly fluids. "In bad times, the attic of a peasant may be more welcome than a noble's great hall," Rolf explained.

Things were quiet for a month until Lord Philip came to live in the manor house. Lord Henry of Millchester claimed that the manor was vacant and had been abandoned. He made claim to the house. Lord Philip was to occupy the house as the blood relative of Lady Beatrice. He was 12 years younger than Lady Beatrice and their mother died shortly after his birth. Beatrice raised him and he regarded her as his mother.

Lord Philip was educated at Oxford and had lived in London. I was afraid the quiet life at the manor would not suit him. He no experience running an estate of household. He was a handsome man of the type some might call decorative. He loved horse racing and fox hunting, so Bryn and his horses greatly interested him. He had heard of my herb garden and one of his professors at Oxford had the same interest.

Philip had one of my brother Bob's swords. Bob had tested many earlier weapons. He also used steel as well as iron. He had tried several mixtures of metal to make the strongest and lightest weapon. The sword was well balanced and lighter than traditional swords. Lord Philip was thin, and he could easily manage the strong, lightweight sword.

Often the secret to new mixtures were discovered by spies and given to rivals. My brothers were loyal to family and worked at the forge. Old friends were the only outsiders to work with them. My father was among the most prosperous men in the village. He was also generous to the needy. My grandmother's herbs had helped many, and I was her heir to the healing arts. There were no spies.

I was afraid that Lord Philip would change things at the manor, but that was not a problem. His interests were scholarly and wasn't involved in the house. I discovered he knew Rolf, but they pretended not to know each other. I didn't know what that meant. He had a message from his sister telling him that one of the family retainers was sick. She asked him to talk with me to see if I had any herbs that might help.

Philip came to see me, and he described the illness. It sounded serious and I wasn't sure anything in my garden would help. The man had a bad cough, but I didn't think that was the main illness. I made some compounds that might reduce the coughing, and another one that would reduce the pain the man was feeling. I told Philip I thought the man had a wasting disease that was usually fatal. They should not expect a miracle. He sent the compounds to Lady Beatrice.

Brother Paulinus came in and showed Lord Philip his notes on my medications. They were both educated men and Philip enjoyed the conversation. I went to tend the garden as they talked.

When I returned to the garden shed Philip was gone and Paulinus was alone. "Philip has never met a man like you. You are the size of a Court Fool, but you are clearly no fool," he said. "He doesn't know what you are."

"What did you tell him?" I asked.

"I told him you were a good, solid man with short legs," Paulinus said. "I also told him you were not short where it counts."

"Did he catch your meaning?"

"I think so. Apparently, Bryn and Rolf mentioned your manliness," Paulinus added. I didn't exactly what that meant to Lord Philip.

That night there was a fire in the stables. Bryn and the lads saved all the horses, but their sleeping area above the stables was destroyed. Hay was in a separate building and it was summer, so the men used no candles. They went to bed when it got dark. Lord Philip and Bryn searched the burned area and found a charred rag in a storage room. Our men all wore identical brown and tan liveries and clothes provided by the estate. I supervised the washing, so I knew every piece of clothing. The cloth fragment was red and had a yellow stripe. That was Lord Henry's livery.

There all but no colored clothes in the village. Dyes were too expensive for most people. The wife of the major sheep farmers had a fine colored dress, but that was blue and pink.

We decided to post a guard and dogs to protect the horses. Rolf volunteered to keep watch.

The Lads would sleep in the manor until the stable was repaired. It was summer and they would normally eat outside unless it was raining. They were not to the manor born, and they did hard labor every day. In the evening they could swim in a nearby stream to be suitable for the house. They weren't used to this but when Lord Philip and Bryn joined them, they got used to it quickly. Lord Philip had been on a ship that floundered near the shore. Many men would have lived if they had been able to swim. He was a good swimmer and he taught the men how to swim properly.

I joined them, but swimming was difficult with my short legs and arms. Philip took an interest in me and he showed me how to float. Of course, we were naked, and Philip had a lot of time to look at my privates, especially when I was on my back floating.

"Bryn told me you were all man, and I see what he meant," Lord Philip remarked. "Everything is in working order?" I said yes. "It almost looks as if you have three legs," he added, laughing.

"I can't stand on it, but it's still useful," I said.

He laughed again. "Bryn told me you can do clever tricks with it," Philip whispered. "If you came by my chamber tonight, I would like to see these tricks." I told him I would enjoy that.

I spoke with Bryn about this later. He told me Lord Philip had frolicked with some boys his age years earlier. He had no experience with grown men. "I think he is interested but uneasy about it. I told him you are loyal, dependable and tell no tales."

I went to Lord Robert's chambers after the men were asleep. He was at the door and opened it as I came down the passage. We got into his huge canopied bed and he pulled the brocaded curtains closed. There was a candle burning in a stone alcove. Philip removed his robes and got under the covers. He was naked. I stripped and joined him.

"Hal, I am nervous," he said.

"I know how to solve that problem," I said as I got under the covers and found his cock. I licked it and he moaned. I had thought that I should have let him make the first move, but he clearly liked what I was doing.

"I am afraid I may seed you," he whispered. "Let me feel your member." My body is full sized, and I rotated so my cock was near his mouth as I continued to suck him. I felt his tongue touch my cock head. A moment later his lips were caressing my tool.

I had been forward, and he had responded. Erect men cannot hide their feelings. In everyday conversations, a clever man can deceive and trick you. Cock's can not lie. When they become hard the man is excited. When they drool, he is more excited. Everyman knows what it means when they spurt.

Philip was drooling. "Do you want the to take your seed?" I asked in a whisper. "Some highborn man might want it."

"Bryn told me that erect men have no rank. You are highborn enough for me tonight," Philip replied as his man seed spurted from his tool. His seed was plentiful and creamy.

Philip was quiet for a while and then he asked, "Is it this good every time?"

"It seems to me that it gets better as you do it more," I said. "That is the way it is for me."

"Do I have to do it for you?" he asked.

"You are a lord. I don't think you have to do anything," I said.

"Have you tasted Bryn's seed?" he asked.

"Yes, he has fed all the Lads his man seed," I said. "I think he has taken their ball cream too."

"Is that why the men follow him?" Philip asked.

"I think Bryn was born to lead. He is intelligent, clever and steady," I said. "I think it helps that he both gives and takes during man play. He is more than their leader." Philip was quiet and I thought he had fallen asleep. A little later I felt his lips wrap around my cock. There were a few exploratory licks. When I was fully erect, he was sucking the entire organ. I shifted my position and sucked him as he sucked me. When he shot off the second time, I shot off and Philip took every drop. We both fell asleep.

I was busy the next day. At the stream that night the men seemed to be more at ease. I later found out Lord Philip told Bryn that he had enjoyed me, and he would like to join in with him and the lads. The play in the water was more festive, free and open.

There was great distance between a nobleman and a peasant, but they all had cocks and urges. Rolf and Philip were high born, but when they were naked that meant little. Lord Philip was a good man who treated men well both when he wore rich robes and when he was naked. Philip made a choice to join with Bryn and the Lads. At the stream a few days later, Philip openly sucked Bryn and took his load. He did the same for many of the Lads. The next day Bryn sucked Philip, took is sperm and shared it with the Lads. Philip was now a member of the brotherhood.

While peasants were born to a lowly estate, they hear and know things. The Lads began to hear things, distant rumblings from Millchester. Each lad had friends. They heard things too and told their friends.

Rolf vanished for a few days and returned to talk with Philip and Bryn. They heard rumbling from court circles. Monks and Priests visited Father Peter. Father Peter told me that his cock long enough to force information from fellow clerics. He too came to talk with Lord Peter. Brother Paulinus's father in London heard whispers. Cunningly coded messages came to Paulinus. Something big was afoot.

Next: Chapter 4

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