Samurai Inc

By David (DAG1064)

Published on Mar 4, 2002


Samurai Inc. 12 By David (

Author's Notes: This story is fiction. None of these events really happened. Daniel Radcliff to my knowledge is not gay and the sexual events do not make him so. The members of the Royal family named here are not gay (God Bless The Queen), and the character "Q" is a registered character and trademark of the Broccoli Family, owners of the James Bond series. These characters [] indicate thought speak; these () indicate a foreign language.

Samurai Inc. 12 Guest starring Daniel Radcliff, with cameo appearances by Rupert Grint and Tom Felton

We stood in the knee-deep snow and watched the Russian military helicopter leave. I pulled out the GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) computer and checked our current position with the satellite up in space against the coordinates on the map. We were right on target. Now all we had to do was hike into the village five miles north of our current position. I shouldered my pack and crossed my fingers. This was not going to be fun. Oh sure we had training hikes back home in the snow and trained for winter combat techniques, but this was now for real. There was no stopping and going back to square one to start all over again. I scratched my face and sighed. I wondered if the information we were given was accurate, or were we being led into a trap? Sure the Russians were now friendly, but there were those who still wanted a return to the old days, and that had me nervous. I wouldn't feel better until we got Daniel Radcliff and got out again.

"Dad? You alright?" Shiro asked, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"I will be once this is over," I replied. Danny nodded his agreement. He was feeling the same as me. Neil was already on the alert, looking around at the nearby hills. I saw a different light in his eyes, and I knew he was using his telepathy to scan for any human life other than us.

"I can't feel anything," Neil said a moment later.

"That's okay, son. We're probably too far out," I said.

"Fifteen mile radius limit?" Sammo asked. Neil thought about that. "That's a possibility, considering the fact that Steven Barnes was a trained closed mind." I shook my head and sighed as I thought about the last couple of days. It seemed so unreal, but here we were, standing in the middle of frozen snowy Russian, conducting a rescue mission for a famous teen actor.

It had started with the phone call to us from a man named Mac out in Hollywood. I was relaxing by the indoor pool out at Aaron and Haley's farm that they had bought a few months ago after bringing John and Carlos out of South America. That was our first ever international job, and it had gone off perfectly. I was conducting a physical exercise with Haley when the cell rang. Mac was on the other end and gave me the news of Daniel Radcliff's disappearance. We knew about the movie coming out, but didn't get to see it, having been out of the country at the time. Mac informed me that the Queen of England had asked for us specially. That was something nobody should ever refuse. After ending the exercise with Haley, the guys and I packed up and got down to the Little Rock airport and flew to New York where the Queen's private plane was to meet us. We traveled light, not wanting to bring anything that could get us into trouble. The English Ambassador informed us we would get to use whatever we needed to get the job done. That of course made me happy to hear that. So off we went. We gathered around the conference table once the plane reached its cruising altitude. Apparently Daniel was to appear on a very well known talk show in England to promote the movie over there. He was to be at the studio at six. When the limo failed to show, the parents got worried and called the police. The police got involved and started the search immediately. One smart thing they did was to find out who the driver was supposed to be. They found him tied up in his flat out cold. The flat was a mess, indicating the guy put up one hell of a fight before succumbing to superior odds. That man deserved a medal. The man was still out at that moment, so police couldn't get anything out of him. That was the only lead they had come up with. Shiro sent the pictures we had of the Professor, Evans, and Anderson in hopes of coming up with information. Since we were tired, we all sacked out in the smaller bedrooms on the plane. We needed our sleep, because I had the feeling it was going to be nonstop action all the way. I was right, too.

We arrived late that night in England. They put us up in a hotel and after a few more hours of sleep, they woke us and we went to meet the Queen. The boys were on their best behavior and I was proud of them. Then we spent two hours being briefed by a man named Q. He gave us the gear I requested and guided us out to the Radcliff house. We met the distraught parents and assured them we'd do everything we could to get Daniel back. The man from Warner Brothers Studios was there and he made Neil nervous. The man's name was Steven Barnes and he made me nervous too.

[Dad, I can't read anything from him, he has a closed mind] Neil reported.

[I got a bad feeling about him] I replied.

[Is there anyway we can watch him without alerting him?] Sammo asked.

[No, but we will play him as we go] I said. I decided our first course of action was to get a map of the area and study it, and then drive all the possible routes. To do this, we needed to split up the team. Everyone except for Neil would drive a car. Q immediately arranged for four Land rovers to be delivered immediately. They would be here the next morning we were told. That would hurt us slightly. Shiro and Sammo went up to Daniel's room and searched it top to bottom looking for any possible clues. If you need to search a teen's room, get a teenager to do it. Works every time. Both of them didn't find anything. That was a pisser. The parents told us that everything had been normal in the last few weeks. They gave us names of people that had been here in the last week. There was Rupert Grint who played Ron Weasley, Emma Watson who played Hermione Granger, the boy who played Draco Malfoy, and Steven Barnes was here the most. He was popping up again. I decided to take a closer look into this guy. I whispered a request into Q's ear.

"I'm on it," he said. Since there wasn't much else we could do, we went to a small hotel for the night. We made plans for the next day. I hoped we would have better luck.

Q knocked on our door the next morning. I let him in as Danny stood behind the door at the ready.

"Absolutely bloody nothing on this bloke. He's too squeaky clean," he said, handing me a file folder. Q was right. There was hardly anything in there. Squeaky clean my ass. This guy smells even worse now. I sipped my coffee as the others finished their breakfasts.

"The cars are here, and they are equipped with hands free cell phones. They have been programmed for conference calling so all of you can talk to each other. I took the liberty of securing another one for myself. More people means better luck," he said. I nodded. "Let's go." Everyone set off on their assigned roads once we met back at the house. Neil being with me was helpful. He could watch out with his senses as well as with his eyes. Like I said, his abilities were a blessing to the team. I don't ever want to get too dependent on him, though. Too much could go wrong. We drove for nearly three hours with out seeing any kind of a sign of a car going off the road. I pulled over, needing to stretch and to pee. Neil got out and wandered up the dirt road we were on, studying the roadside. Suddenly he started jumping up and down like a jack in the box.

"Dad!" he yelled. "Over here!" I ran towards him, trying to zip up and drawing my H&K nine at the same time. I got to where he was and saw the faint outline of the car's taillight. I went left, Neil went right. There was nobody inside. Damn. I had hoped he would be there. Neil jogged back to the Land Rover and contacted everybody. Within moments, the others were there. Q got on his secure cell and got a tow truck out there. The police arrived as well and got to work. Their CSI (Crime Scene Investigations) team did a totally excellent job of finding evidence. The car had gone to ground there, and the driver had removed Daniel from the back, walked down the gully for two miles, and went up the side. They found tire prints that indicated it might have been a truck of some kind. The tracks went to the road and stopped there. The car was now on it's way to the local police garage.

We followed them there and watched the second team strip the car slowly and in a methodical fashion. These guys were no slouches. One major clue did turn up. It was a matchbook with the name of something on it and the name of someone written inside it. I grinned as I held the matches.

"No matter how good these guys think they are, they always screw up somewhere," I said.

"I agree. Now we run that evidence through our computers and see what we get," Q said as he took them from me. Going back to the Radcliff's, we told them we found the car and the clue. They offered us lots of money but I refused.

"Seeing the three of you back together is all the payment we need," I said. We left after promising to keep in touch. We got back to London by late evening. We were put up in visiting diplomat housing, the best I'd ever seen. There wasn't anything we could do but sit around and twiddle our thumbs. I hoped we would find him alive and well. We had to. His parents were depending on us.

Daniel woke up slowly, his head hurting. He could feel the lump on the back of his head that he had gotten when he passed out.

"Bloody hell," he grumbled. "Damned mess I'm in." He blinked slowly and tried to move. He discovered himself locked inside a cage big enough to let him wiggle around in.

"What the hell!" he cried out. The canvass covering the cage blinded him, but let in enough light for him to see his surroundings. His shoes and belt was gone, including the pocketknife he carried in his pocket out of habit. The canvas was pulled aside and a man's face looked at him.

"You keep quiet, hear? I'll smack you if you don't," the ugly looking man threatened Daniel.

"Sod off," Daniel snapped.

"Ya gots a fresh mouth on ya. Too bad I don't have time to shut it for ya proper like," the ugly man sneered at him. Ugly was the right term for him. He had one big long scar reaching from the bottom of his left ear going down to the corner of his mouth. Daniel shivered. This guy scared him. Daniel mentally dubbed him Ugly.

"Now shut yer yap. We'll be stopping soon," Ugly said, and then dropped the canvas again, blocking Daniel's sight. Daniel sat back and sighed. Now what was he going to do? At the moment there was nothing he could do except wait it out. He sat in the corner of the cage and tried to stretch out a bit.

"That's a bit better. Nothing I can do until the odds get better for an escape," he said to himself. "Hope these weirdoes don't expect me to do magic. It was just a movie!" Whatever he was riding in suddenly shook and dropped a little. He heard the man swear and say something about turbulence.

"They've got me on a plane," he thought to himself. "To where?" He'd get his answer before long, and hopefully the other answers as well. He closed his eyes and sighed. So much had happened in his life the last year or so. He had acted in movies before, but just smaller minor stuff. Then his life changed dramatically after he auditioned for the role of Harry Potter. Getting the role had been the most exciting moment of his life. He spent the weekend before the shoot reading the book "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" backwards and forwards trying to get an idea of what the movie was going to be about. He ended up getting all four books signed by the author herself. Then came the press conference in which all the actors and actresses were introduced. The rise to fame came overnight. Everybody that knew him congratulated him, including his schoolmates. A few reporters showed up at the school to interview him, but they were turned away. Then came the shoot, and Daniel had worked hard on it. Richard Harris and Robbie Coltraine were extremely helpful to Daniel, giving him and the other kids help with their acting. Daniel was looking forward to doing the other three movies and had signed on to do them. His new friends had done the same. Then the movie was released, and people flocked to see it. More and more requests for appearances and interviews came in, and Daniel managed to cover them all up to now. Suddenly he was a kidnap victim, going to who knows where. He hoped that there was someone tracking him down. Shifting his position, he tried to make himself a bit more comfortable.

"Not my bloody idea of fun," he thought. "I gotta figure a way out of this." Daniel closed his eyes and let his mind wander. Best thing he could do is wait for opportunity to present its self, and he'd be gone. He chuckled quietly to himself. He felt the plane moving downward and realized they would be landing soon.

The plane did land, and the cargo door was opened. The two men in the plane moved the covered cage to a truck. Daniel felt the freezing cold almost instantly as the cage was loaded into a truck. He shivered and rolled up into a ball, trying to keep warm. The truck rolled off and the man who had confronted him peeked in.

"Here," he grumbled, stuffing something through the bars of the cage. "Put it on. It's a very heavy jacket. Should keep you warm." Daniel nodded. "Thanks." He reached for it and pulled it on and zipped it up all the way to the top. Feeling tired, he yawned once again and lay down and curled up, trying to stay warm.

"I hope they got heat at wherever it is we're going," he thought.

Q knocked on our door the next morning. I opened the door and let him in. He followed me to the kitchen and I poured him some tea. Shiro was working his laptop, cruising the newsgroups and chatrooms, looking for any clues possible.

"Right. I ran the matches through the computer this morning and got two excellent matches. The name on the cover, Red Spot, is the name of a nightclub in Moscow that is frequented by Russian Mafia. Your man's name inside the matchbook, a Valentin Puly, is indeed Russian Mafia, one of the worst. Russian authorities have been after him for a long time. Really nasty chap," Q said, handing me a file. I glanced at it and noted the picture of the man inside. I passed it to Danny, who read it and passed it on.

"Our next step is to go to Russian then. This is our only solid clue in the right direction," I said.

"I figured as much. I made contact with the Russian Security Council and advised them of the situation. They said they would immediately track any suspicious aircraft coming in and would assist you in anyway possible," Q said. "Your first contact will be a man named Pitor Prevolitch. He is the current secretary of defense. He'll meet you in Moscow airport." I nodded. "Thanks for everything, Q. You and the English people have been a big help."

"Bring him back alive, and yourselves as well," the old man nodded. I shook his hand. "I always do."

Q saw us off on the flight to Moscow. The Russian secretary of defense promised us equipment, so Shiro elected to leave the laptop behind. Q promised to keep it safe for him. The only things we would need was clothes. We packed light, and I inspected everything to make sure that there wasn't anything that could get us into trouble at Russian customs. Thankfully there wasn't, and we left customs after a long flight. Looking around the airport, I spotted two men in long black trench coats standing by an old cigarette machine. They were KGB without a doubt. I led the crew to a small café there in the airport and got some coffee, or what looked like coffee. The two men in black hadn't budged. It was obvious they were watching us. That was fine by me. I hadn't done anything illegal. Yet. I casually glanced around. There were the travelers going in and out of the building, the maintenance guys, and the airport security. Then there were the orange-sheeted Hare Kristinas wandering around begging for handouts. I blinked. These guys must be desperate to be in here. I knew for a fact that they had been kicked out of just about every airport in the US. I remember standing in line for the check in counter in New York once and watching a crew of cops dragging the idiots out to the applause of the people waiting in line. Shiro was the first to spot him.

"Here he comes Dad," he stage whispered. I looked up. He looked exactly like the photograph I'd seen. Right behind him was the biggest Russian I'd ever seen, the only exception was the Russian kid who was the boyfriend of one of Powersound's guys. As the man got closer, I stood up. He saw me and walked over with a smile on his face.

"Welcome to Russia," he said, extending his hand. I shook his hand and made the introductions. He smiled and nodded to each. As we left the airport, I checked my six and noted the men in black glaring at us. I wondered why.

"Jealous little bastards. Nothing to worry about," Petrovitch said. His car was warm and comfortable. He handed me a folder on the mafia man Puly. I flipped through it and noted that there wasn't much meat in it.

"He is a hard man to track," Petrovitch sighed. "He is a big problem."

"All I need to do is ask him a few questions. Then he's yours," I said. Petrovitch grinned. "I would love to dump his ass gift wrapped on my superior's desk." I grinned as well. "Let me see what I can do." The car took us into a building and stopped. I got out first and noted the heat right away. The guys nodded their appreciation as well. We followed Petrovitch into his office proper. After offering coffee, he spread out a map on a table and pointed to where the club was.

"We have places around it and a larger warehouse over here for staging troops before starting operations. It would be a good place to question this guy, provided you are able to catch him. I hope you are able to do that," he said. I looked up. "Have you been inside?"

"No, but there are others who have. I have tried to locate one man, but he was not able to be here. Instead, he sent blueprints of the interior of the club. They are current, dated two months ago. He was fortunate to have worked on the remodel of the place," Petrovitch said, producing the papers. All of us studied them for a few moments. I noted the exits, windows, and the stage area. Neil would be our ace in the hole like usual. All we had to do was herd him out through the back, and he was ours. I checked my watch. They all looked at me.

"Let's go fishing tonight," I said.

The truck carrying Daniel finally stopped. The tailgate was dropped and his cage taken out. Daniel woke up at the sound of voices. He looked up to see two men having a conversation. The tall aristocratic looking one put something into the other man's hand and turned away. He walked over to Daniel.

"Are you okay?" he asked. Daniel just nodded, noting the man's clothes. This guy was used to wearing fine suits and things. He sounded very European. He sported a small goatee and carried a cane. He pointed to the cage and said something in Russian. Two big men opened the cage and helped Daniel out. Before Daniel had the chance to react, they put cuffs on his wrists and around his ankles.

"Don't want you leaving just yet, Mr. Radcliff. There is something I need from you and I shall get it," the man smiled. "Oh, you can call me the Professor."

"How about asshole?" Daniel snapped, glaring at the man. The Professor laughed. "Very good, Mr. Radcliff. You do have a sense of humor. Shall we discus your current situation?" He turned and led the way into the hall from what was obviously the garage. They went down a hall and then into another room. It was much warmer in here. Daniel's escorts removed the handcuffs, removed his jacket, and then sat him down in a chair and stood behind him. The table in front of him had food and drink on it.

"Please help yourself. You must be famished after such a long journey," the Professor said. Daniel reached for the teapot and poured himself some tea. He felt the tea warm up his insides and he sighed. He reached for the bread and made himself a sandwich and ate it. Once he was done eating, the two men behind him patted him down to make sure he didn't take a knife or something that could be used for a weapon. The Professor sat down next to him.

"Not too long ago, I as doing business with a man in England. He decided to cross me. Not a good idea. He ran from me and in doing so, he ran into you and hurt you slightly. He gave you something, and then had the misfortune to die in an accident. I need to know what it was that he gave you, and where it is," the Professor explained. Daniel remembered the man. He had been coming out of the bathroom at some event he had gone to. A short balding man had run right into him, knocking him against the wall. Daniel had gone down and hit his head on the floor. Completely dazed, he had looked up at the guy and wondered what the hell was going on. He could feel the man's hands on his face and tried to focus on what he was saying. He felt a sharp pain behind his left ear and then he had passed out.

"Sorry, I don't remember the man," Daniel lied. The Professor sighed. "No matter. I will make you remember. But not now. You have had a long journey and you need your rest. You will be shown to a room and tomorrow morning we will begin the interrogation." He stood up and said something to the two men. They cuffed Daniel's hands behind his back after he stood up. They led him to a room that had a bed, a chair, and a table. Looking around the partition, Daniel found a bathroom there. The two men took the cuffs off Daniel and backed out slowly and then closed and locked the door. Daniel was trapped. He sat on the bed and sighed. He had to figure a way out of this, and fast. What that guy had said scared him, and he didn't want to find out what he was going to do to him. The bed he was on felt comfortable, and he stretched out on it. He sat up and went to the bathroom and took care of business, and then kicked his shoes off. He debated on undressing, and decided to keep his clothes on. Getting under the covers, he sighed and closed his eyes. Moments later he was asleep. One of the men peeked in the window set in the door and saw Daniel sleeping. He turned off the light in the room and walked away, reporting to the Professor.

"Good," the Professor nodded. "He'll need it."

The music in the club was deafing. We had the bug on Neil's shirt turned down so the music wouldn't be too loud. Neil's job was to walk in and give Puly the note. What happened instead was not expected, but worked in our favor. The man operating the soundboard blushed.

"What did he say?" I asked. The slim, short young man looked at me. "He say...ah...he say what a cute sexy boy you are. He invites him to room for fun." I grinned. This was working out better than I planned.

[Neil, Puly has the hots for you. Play him on it.] I said.

[He's pawing me like he's in heat] Neil reported.

[He wants to take you to his room for fun] I said. Neil grinned at the ugly man and wiggled his eyebrows seductively. The man led him out the back door and then picked him up. We watched Neil grind himself against the man and wiggle his tongue at the man on the monitors in the van. Petrovitch grinned.

"We have tried everything to get this man. Your boy goes in there and in minutes has him drooling all over him. At least we can hold him on prostitution charges while we build up a case on him," Petrovitch said. The Army general next to him shook his head. "Your boy has enormous balls to go in there by himself."

"He's a special kid, General Omurov. He's capable of a lot of things," I said. The man smiled. "Then you are lucky to be his father." I sighed. "Don't I know it." We watched as Neil took the man's huge paw and smiled shyly at him. Puly led Neil down the alley towards Sammo's position. They were close enough to Sammo's position. Sammo was there just in case Neil couldn't knock him out. Neil had no problem. He looked at the man and the guy's eyes rolled up into his head and conked out. Sammo and two Spetznaz (military group similar to the Navy Seals) came out of the shadows and loaded the guy on a truck. Our van began to move once the truck was moving. Phase one of the op had succeeded.

We met at the warehouse. Neil jumped out of the truck grinning.

"Job done. He's ours," he reported. I hugged Neil as the soldiers dragged him out of the truck. They tied him to a chair and we waited for him to wake up. Suddenly he snapped to, blinking his eyes and looking around. He screamed at us once he realized what had happened. Neil stood up and just looked at him. Puly's eyes glassed over and in a low monotone, told us everything.

"Shit, it's the Professor. What do we do, Dad?" Shiro asked. I looked at him. "We go after him." Omurov spread a map over a table. "You will get all the latest gear we have. Your target is out here. We will fly you in tonight and land you at first light. You need to be extra alert. There have been stories of a very dangerous creature haunting the region there." Shiro was attempting to work a handheld GPS computer and getting frustrated. The General walked over to see what the problem was.

"You were given the wrong units. We have some in American English for you to use," he said, directing Shiro's attention to another open box. Shiro picked up that unit and checked it. He smiled a moment later.

"Thank you sir. This is much better. I apologize for not knowing Russian," Shiro said to the General. The man smiled as Shiro went back to work, inputting information we'd need. Danny, Neil, and Sammo were getting measured for snow camouflage suits. Once our gear was assembled and we were ready, a car took us to the airport and we flew off in a plane to an Army base close to our target zone. We got some sleep on the two-hour flight out there. We arrived at the base around one in the morning. After checking out the rest of the gear we were getting, we sacked out a bit more. We got up around four thirty and did another check of our gear. The chopper dropped us at the LZ right at first light. We were on our own again. Nothing new.

We started the hike to the village five miles north of our current position. It was freeze ass cold, and I was glad for the warm snowsuits they gave us. Danny had point, Sammo behind him, then Neil, Shiro, and then me. I hoped the stories of this creature were exaggerated. Once we got into the village and made contact with our man, we'd know more. The snowshoes we had made the going easy. I was tempted to make a snowball and throw it at Danny just as a joke, but thought better of it. There would be plenty of playtime back home. The territory reminded me of the mountain back home. I didn't dare relax, I didn't want to let my guard down. We made the village by late morning. The people there looked at us strangely. We met our man and he told us everything we needed to know, including the creature. That left us puzzled.

"Neil could handle this crazy creature if it comes down to it," I said.

"Provided he doesn't claw me up first," Neil stated.

"That's why I've got the tranquilizer gun," I said, holding up the rifle. Sammo looked at it. "Hope it works."

"Well, if it comes down to it, I hope so too," I said. Nothing else was said as we made our final preparations. We had our final information and were ready to go. Danny just nodded and took point again. Shiro was behind him as Sammo followed, manning the GPS. Neil expanded his senses and kept us covered. I took rear guard. It was coming up on ten in the morning.

Daniel woke up when the door opened. A man put a try of food on the table and retreated. Daniel got up and looked at what was on the tray. He ate what was there and drank the tea. At least they were feeding him. He hadn't slept very well, his mind dwelling on what might happen this morning. He was feeling nervous. He hoped they wouldn't hurt him. The door opened again around ten. The two men walked in and one of them grabbed Daniel while the other one cuffed his hands behind his back. They escorted him out of the room and down the hall. A man in the hall opened a door for them and closed it behind them. The room was empty except for a chair in the middle of the room. It looked like the kind one would find in a dentist's office. There was a smaller chair and two tables next to it. The men took the handcuffs off Daniel, and then put him in the chair and strapped him down. The Professor arrived five minutes later.

"I don't know anything!" Daniel cried, truly scared now. "Please let me go!" The Professor looked at him for a moment. "I need to know about that man. You will tell me everything." The beep of something electronic interrupted things. The Professor looked at the computer monitor. He saw five people in the snow coming towards the camera.

"I will come up to the command center," he said into the phone. "Make him ready to go." The Professor turned to Daniel. "I must attend to this matter. You now have another chance to consider telling me about the man who ran into you. Otherwise, I have to use these things." He pulled back the surgical cloth that covered a tray. Daniel saw a syringe and other things there. The sight of them chilled him to the bone. The Professor noted the look of fear in Daniel's face. He bowed and left. Arriving at the command center, one of the men there motioned to him.

"I have a close up shot of them," he reported. The Professor looked at the screen. "Ah, the gentlemen from Big Bear, California operation. They kept me from collecting the boy Jonathan Lipnicki."

"But the operation wasn't a total loss, sir. We found a boy with powers," a black man said to him.

"Quite right you are. Little Neil Logan is a mutant. I'm almost sorry he has to die. I wish there was a way of taking him alive. Our hunter regretfully will take his young life," the Professor sighed. "Is he ready?" Another man nodded. "Ready to go."

"Release him then," the Professor sighed. They watched another monitor as a door was opened by remote and a human like creature bounded out and down the trail.

Neil was the first to react. "Something's coming!" I stopped next to him "Any idea what it is?"

"No, but the thoughts aren't true hostile. They are so jumbled up I can't make heads or tails of them. One though is very strong. The word kill," Neil said. Shiro scratched his chin. "Could this thing be human?"

"It is," Neil said a moment later.

"Brainwashed. It has to be. It would explain the jumbled up thoughts, with the one extremely strong one overriding the others," Sammo said. Danny nodded. "I agree. Had a case like that when I was Seal."

"The Professor wants to hide something really bad if he brainwashed someone into being a killer," I said. Neil sat on a rock and closed his eyes. He started to concentrate on the person while the rest of us fanned out around him.

"Coming from the north.... no anger.... no hate...his thoughts too jumbled...have to go in," Neil said.

"Be careful," I said, getting the tranquilizer rifle ready. Neil nodded, and I watched him carefully. I heard something coming now, and I backed up so I'd have plenty of room to take the shot. It appeared a moment later. It definitely was human. A boy, to be exact. He was a mess, covered with dirt, mud, and dried blood. He slowly approached Neil, raising his hands. Something came out of the backs of his hands, and I realized what they were. They were claws. Three of them on each hand, about six inches long, and appeared to be razor sharp. I raised my rifle and centered my shot at the boy's right shoulder. The boy growled and then he collapsed. Neil opened his eyes and sighed.

"I'm alright, Dad. I fixed his mind. Wasn't easy, but I did it. His name is Sacha. He's a twelve-year-old orphan, like I was. He's got powers, too. His body can heal its self of any wound or poison. A metal called adamatium covers his skeleton. His claws are made of the same material as well. The Professor did it to him," Neil said, his face turning to rage.

"Easy, son. We'll get him. He knows we're here now. What he doesn't know just yet is that you stopped Sacha from killing us. Good work," I said. Danny wrapped the boy in a thick blanket. "How are we going to get in?"

"We find a door or blow our way in," I said. Sammo grinned at that. Sammo loves to blow up things, so he worked up a couple of quick attaching explosives ready to go. I crossed my fingers and hoped we didn't get blown up in the process. Neil relaxed and used his mind to scan the area. He smiled a moment later.

"There's an entry hatch about a hundred yards to our left," he announced. I blinked. "How did you find it? Anybody near it?"

"No. I scanned for heat signatures, just like I did with Sacha. Easy to find," Neil said, grinning. I had to laugh. Neil certainly surprises me. My next thought was about Sacha. What do we do with him? His waking up solved that problem. He blinked and looked up into our faces. Neil smiled down at him.

"Are you alright?" he asked. Sacha slowly nodded. He tried to get up and fell down. Neil helped him up. Sacha leaned on Neil as we got over to the access hatch. Sammo went to work and had it open a few minutes later. We got inside and closed it behind us. Sacha sighed with relief as the warm air hit him. Poor kid was practically naked. How he withstood the cold was beyond me. As Danny took point, I let my thoughts wander. What was going to happen to Sacha? Would the Russians let him go with us? I decided to deal with those things later. We had a job to do right now.

The Professor slammed his fist down on the console. "Damn that little brat!" The security chief hung up his phone. "I've ordered my men into that area. Their orders is to retake Sacha, take Neil alive, and to kill the others."

"Good, very good," the Professor nodded. The man smiled a very evil smile. When communism ended in Russia, a lot of the military men were dismissed. There were quite a few Spetznaz groups floating around and the Professor had hired one such group to protect his base. They were well suited to the task of taking out the intruders. Or so he thought.

Danny once again took point. There was no doubt now that the Professor knew we were here. We had every reason to believe he sent his security after us. Good. I liked a straight fight, but there are times that being very sneaky pays off. Neil was taking care of Sacha. Both of them were talking to each other. How Sacha knew English was beyond me, but my guess is that he learned it from school. Sacha was walking better now. Neil had an extra set of clothes in his pack and Sacha was wearing them. He looked a bit more human now. He smiled at me when he saw me looking at him.

"Thank you for saving my life. I know what that bastard did to me and he will pay. Neil has told me much about you guys, and I want to join," he said.

"You're already one of us," I said. Sacha grinned. "Then let's go get this boy."

"Have any idea where he might be?" I asked. He shook his head. "I don't know. Be hard to find him." Danny suddenly snapped his fingers. Company was coming. Sacha immediately changed in front of our eyes. Gone was the friendly look. His eyes narrowed and the anger came up into his eyes.

"No claws unless absolutely necessary," Neil whispered. Sacha nodded. We moved forward, ready for anything. We stayed in the shadows, moving forward cautiously. Turning the corner, we saw the shadows and shapes of the men coming towards us. Suddenly something fell on them from the ceiling. Whatever it was, it moved very fast. The ten men were quickly knocked down. I froze, not knowing what to expect.

"Come on," Sacha's voice came at us. "Let's move while they're sleeping!" It had been Sacha that attacked them. I grinned. This kid would be a huge asset to the team. Danny found the door and was ready to go through it. We stacked up behind him and once the signal was passed, went through it. We were in a corridor leading to a bigger door. It turned out to be an elevator. When the door opened, Sacha charged in and immediately took out the security man in there. The passenger backed up into the corner, scared to death. Sacha growled at him, exposing his canine teeth.

"Tell you anything you wanna know!" the man cried Neil didn't hesitate. "Daniel Radcliff."

"Third floor guest rooms. I'll take you there!" the scared man said. He led us right to the empty room. I shoved him against the wall. Sacha sniffed at the pillow, his nose buried in it. I looked at the man.

"I don't know!" he cried. Sacha stood up and smacked him on the side of the head. The man crumpled.

"Toss him on the bed. We don't need him. I got his scent," Sacha said. Neil grinned. "You can track him with your enhanced senses."

"Surprise, surprise. Let's go," I said. There would be plenty of time to analyze Sacha's abilities later. Sacha led the way. By now the halls were crawling with the opposition. The fight got started. Sacha really got into it, moving lightning fast. He could fight, too. His punches dropped his opponents while we had to work at dropping ours. Neil used his deranged wolf projections, making the big tough men piss their pants and run. The next one he adjusted slightly, making it appear that Sacha had mutated and gone completely crazy. We crashed into the room where Daniel was a few minutes later. The Professor was there as well. He wasn't alone, either. I counted two dozen guns pointed at us.

I blinked. We were in trouble now. Sacha backed up slightly and stood next to Neil. Sammo had turned around to see another six guns covering us at the rear.

"How nice of you to drop in. Drop your guns, and tell Neil to surrender to me. Otherwise he gets to watch you die a very painful death," he sneered.

[Get ready to rock, guys. I'm gonna pop a whole new illusion, plus rock the building a little. Danny, go right. Sacha goes up the middle, and Dad goes left. I'll help as much as I can. Sammo, them blokes in front of you are yours] Neil said to us. I dropped my MP-5 on the floor slowly, and then reached for my H&K nine. Suddenly the room shook violently, everyone knocked off their feet. We all reacted. The battle was short but sweet. Sacha used his claws to make sure his targets didn't shoot us, while Neil bent the barrels of his targets. Danny didn't hesitate. He whipped his pair of H&K nines out and nailed his targets one shot apiece. I had done the same. The room stopped shaking and everything went quiet. Neil slumped to the floor, Sacha grabbing him.

"Are you alright?" he asked.

"How sweet. You're in love with the little twerp," the Professor sneered, getting up off the floor. Sacha was on top of him in a flash, his claws at the man's throat. "Give me a reason to end your stinking miserable life, asshole." Neil reacted. "Not like that, Sacha. Killing him won't undo what he's done to you. Please. Prove to him that you are a better person than he is and let him live." Sacha stared deep into the Professor's eyes. He could see the fear working in there. He slowly nodded and let go of the man. Danny quickly jacked him up on the wall and searched him. He cuffed him while I set Daniel free.

"Daniel Radcliff?" I asked once he stood on his feet. The teen nodded. "That's me." God, he was cute! I resisted the temptation to kiss him. He grinned his famous smile.

"I'm David Logan, and these are my sons and associates. We're called Samurai Inc., a security firm that protects young celebrities," I said. "We'll do proper introductions later. For now, let's get out of here." The Professor laughed. "I don't think so." I sighed. "You know, no matter how good these guys think they are, they always screw up in the end." Shiro laughed. "No kidding! Idiot here left his laptop connected to the mainframe. I just uploaded his entire hard drive to England." The Professor reacted. "You stupid Jap!" Shiro backhanded him. I saw the look in his eyes and knew he was royally pissed. He stared at the man for another moment and returned to the laptop.

"They got it all," he reported. "I also fixed up a way out, provided there aren't any enemy troops in our path. I initiated self-destruct. We got ten minutes. I changed the cancel codes." The professor was shaking with rage. "I'll get you for this." Shiro smiled as he closed the laptop. "Oh, did I mention that I locked everybody out of the system? Ta ta, it's been real." I could have kissed him right then. Sacha roared with laughter as we left the room. We could hear the Professor screaming into the phone. We ran down the corridor and to the elevator. Good thing we didn't have that far to go.

We encountered the enemy troops on the ground floor. Danny, Shiro, And Sammo opened up on them the moment the elevator doors opened up. Neil cast his deranged Sacha and wolves illusion. Oh man, did it ever work. Daniel and Sacha had a puzzled look on their faces watching the big tough brave Spetznaz run like hell. Some of them wet their pants. I grabbed Daniel and pulled him to the right.

"Three minutes," Shiro yelled. We ran right for the front doors and I managed to acquire a heavy snow jacket for Daniel. Sammo and Danny covered our retreat with grenades they had appropriated from the unconscious troops. Shiro ran out and jumped into a half track and started it up. We got into the back as Sammo jumped in the front with Shiro. Shiro shifted into first and slammed the pedal to the floor. The truck jumped forward and raced for the front gates. Shiro did racing changes all through the gears as we headed to the front gate.

"Incoming fire!" Sammo yelled. Sacha slashed the canopy over the back open and Danny climbed up. I handed him a stinger missile and he fired it at the troops at the front gate. When the smoke cleared a moment later, there wasn't much left. We roared right through the gate and got about a quarter mile down the road.

"Time!" Danny yelled. At that second, the earth shook and there was a tremendous explosion. We held on as the truck got bounced around. Shiro kept his foot on the pedal, making the truck run as fast as he could from the place. We had made it out intact. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Let's go home," I said.

We landed in Moscow mid morning. The flight had been a good one. The Russian government ordered a private jet for us to be on standby at the Army base. Neil and Sacha were sitting by themselves, talking. Shiro was working on his laptop, talking to England. Sammo was playing solitaire. Danny and I were sipping sodas and relaxing. We had driven out of the frozen wilderness to the Army base. They were expecting us. Thanks to the hospitality of the base commander, we had taken hot showers, gotten checked over for injuries (Danny wasn't sure how he got the long cut on his face and needed a few stitches, Sammo had broken his right thumb, Neil had a migraine, and I had a gash in the back of my left shoulder), and fed us. Sacha looked a lot more human once he got cleaned up and new clothes on. He felt a lot better once he ate his first real meal. The big question was what would happen to Sacha. Petrovitch solved that problem by producing documents allowing me to be his legal guardian. Sacha was coming home with us.

"You would be the best person to handle his unique abilities," he confided. He was right. I watched Neil and Sacha as they talked. It occurred to me that maybe they were connecting on a higher level. I wondered if Sacha was gay. If he was, cool. If not, that was okay too. I'd deal with that later. I looked up as the flight attendant came up to my seat.

"We are landing now," she said.

"Thanks much for your hospitality," I said, buckling up. The others buckled up as well. Once we landed, we cleared customs and got an escort to the KGB building. Q met us there.

"I am so glad to see you all. Especially you, young man," Q said, shaking Daniel's hand.

"I'm glad to be out of there," Daniel said.

"Now there, right this way. We have much to talk about," Q said. We settled down in a conference room. I ran down what had happened when we got to Russia to the extraction. Q nodded the whole time, as well as the other people in the room. Some lady was taking notes on what I said. Q turned to Daniel. "What I'd like to know is why he thought you knew something?" Daniel shrugged. "He kept talking about a man who ran into me. I remember the man and what happened. This guy came running into the bathroom at the museum when I was taking a tour with my friends Emma, Rupert, and Tom during a break in the shooting. I got knocked to the floor and vaguely remember him grabbing my face and then a sharp stinging pain behind my left ear. Then I passed out." Q reacted. He got a magnifying glass with a strong light attached to it and stood behind Daniel. He carefully checked behind Daniel's left ear.

"There's something stuck to the skin here," he said. "Can I get a surgical kit with tweezers, a scalpel, and antiseptic?" The Russian guy reached for the phone, said something, and set it back down. There was a short wait and then a lady walked in. She assisted Q in removing the object, and then Q had it in the small petri dish.

"I need to analyze it. In the meantime, we need to come up with a cover for Daniel," Q said.

"Easy," Daniel grinned. "I was kidnapped because I looked exactly like the person who was supposed to be kidnapped. I was held in a bare room for a few days, until Russian police rescued me. I never saw the kidnappers because they were wearing masks the whole time." Everyone smiled. There were nods of agreement.

"I like that idea," Petrovitch said. "Well done." Petrovitch nodded. "The Russian police notified us and asked us to be a go between in sending Daniel home."

"I like that even more," Daniel said.

"Samurai Inc was in England on vacation and we asked them to escort Daniel home," Q said.

"Works for me," I said. "We can shove off tomorrow." Petrovitch nodded. The meeting broke up and everyone shook hands. There were promises to share information on this incident. We walked out to face the press that was waiting for us. We stayed in the background while Daniel made his statement. The press bought it, and no more questions were raised. We fell in around Daniel as we went back into the building. We relaxed once we got to the hotel room. Shiro and Sammo headed into a bedroom together to have some quality time together. Sacha and Neil went into another. Danny, Daniel, and I relaxed in the living room watching TV. The press conference was shown, and then a shot of his parents saying they were happy their son was safe. I handed Daniel the cell phone. He sat on the far end of the living room and spent the next half hour talking to his folks. The look on his face was well worth the phone bill I'd get later. Daniel put the cell down and headed to the bathroom. When he didn't come back right away, I went looking for him. He was standing in the hall next to Neil's room, peeking in through the door. I could hear the sounds of lovemaking coming from the room. Apparently Neil and Sacha made the connection a lot quicker than I thought. Daniel had a slightly glassy look in his eyes as he stood there, masturbating himself. I came up behind him and wrapped my arms around him.

"Let me do that," I whispered into his ear. Daniel turned to look at me in shock, trying to say something. I took him by the hand and led him to the living room and sat him on the couch. He looked a bit scared. I smiled at him to reassure him. "You're not in trouble."

"I'm not?" he asked.

"Not at all. Mind if I finish that for you?" I asked. He just grinned at me.

I took his hard six inches in my hand and licked the tip. I heard Danny groan behind me. I looked to see him jacking himself off. I went back to sucking Daniel's cock. I licked and sucked on the tip for a moment, and then sucked the whole thing in. Daniel squeaked and shivered. I concentrated on pleasuring his cock. It tasted of boy, just like it should. I tickled his balls, and he groaned out loud. I sucked and licked that boy's cock until he came in powerful spasms. Daniel sighed and relaxed. When he opened his eyes, he saw all of us standing there.

"First time?" Neil asked. Daniel shook his head no, too overcome to speak. Sacha grinned as he hugged Neil.

"First time for me. I love Neil," Sacha said. Daniel got his breath back as I looked at Neil and Sacha. "You guys sure about that?" Sacha nodded. "I have been gay since I was eight. My Father threw me out on the street a year later. That guy picked me up last year about this time and turned me into this."

"Well, Tom, Rupert, and I fool around together a lot ever since we met on the set. We enjoy what it is we're doing," Daniel said.

"Nothing wrong with that," I said. "Men and boys have been having sex with each other since the dawn of time." Sacha grinned. "Sure feels good to be with another boy." Danny laughed. "I'll agree with that."

"Neil is the first real love I've ever had. Yes, I've had sex with other men, but it was always one sided. They got what they wanted, and I was always left hanging. So when I said that this was my first time, I meant it because Neil showed me what true love is really about," Sacha said. Shiro thought about that. "That's true. I've discovered that with Dad, and again with Sammo. Sacha got it right."

"How will I know?" Daniel asked.

"You'll know. Sometimes it's a feeling you get about that person, or you dream about them constantly, or it's just a desire to spend your life with them," Sammo said.

"It's not always other guys I'm interested in. I look at Emma and I get these weird feelings running rampant through me," Daniel said.

"Could be that you are bisexual," I said. Daniel thought for a moment. "Oh, its someone who likes both guys and girls." Danny nodded. "That's it. But someday you will find happiness with that special someone. So don't be in such a hurry to find them."

"Thanks for the advice," Daniel said.

"No problem," I said. Daniel yawned. "Believe it or not, I am tired. I'm going to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long day." He got up off the couch and pulled his jeans off and carried them to his bedroom. The others all went to their assigned rooms and closed the doors. I went to the bar and made myself a glass of cold sake and sat down on the couch. We were hot now. In less than a month, we had done two international jobs. I wondered what the fallout on this would be like. Time would tell, and I wasn't going to worry about it. I had the amusing thought of escorting Daniel and his friends to Peckertown for the hell of it. I'm sure they would react to all the stuff that went on there. I smiled and laughed to myself.

We were up by eight the next morning. Daniel was eagerly looking forward to getting home. I smiled at his enthusiasm as he talked on my cell to his parents, and then his two friends from the movie. I had the sudden vision of all of us frolicking through a house nude. I smiled at the vision. The Russian police showed up at nine to escort us to the airport. I relaxed once the plane was up in the air. I half listened to Neil explaining to Daniel what drooling girl syndrome was. Daniel was laughing his head off. Sacha was sitting with the two of them, and he was wide eyed at the description. Something made me raise my head. One of the security guys was coming up in front of me and as I watched, he pulled a sawed off shotgun from underneath his coat and was starting to bring it up to fire. I started to react, but Sacha beat me to it. I blinked, and he stood in the aisle, his left arm up, claws extending from his closed fist at the man's neck. I saw his eyes turn blood red as he growled menacingly. I looked down at the floor and saw four pieces of what was a shotgun. Damn, that kid moved fast. Danny had gotten to his feet and stood behind the guy with his gun drawn. I drew mine as I stood.

"Sacha, you can relax now," I said. The red glow in his eyes faded. "This bastard works for the Professor. He helped them grab me off the streets of Kiev. He helped them to turn me into this." The man trembled in fear, but he managed to talk tough. "Yeah, so what of it? The Professor is pissed that you clowns destroyed his base. He's gonna get you all someday." Sacha sighed and relaxed, retracting his claws. He smacked the man upside his head and watched him go down. "Not today, not tomorrow, and not ever, bubba." Danny sighed as he put his gun away. "I'll cuff him in one of the chairs." I stepped over the remains of the shotgun. "I'll go up and talk to the captain." When I came back from talking to the captain and making a call to England, Shiro and Danny had the man secured to a chair and Sammo had picked up what was left of the shotgun and was examining the edges.

"Clean cuts, no edges," Sammo said, showing me. "His claws went right through the wood and metal just as easy as can be." I thought for a moment. "I'll bet it's because razor sharpened adamatium is stronger than any known metal on earth." Sacha looked up. "Be interesting to find out."

"I'll make some calls when we get home," I said.

The plane landed with no more problems from anybody. The other security guys hustled the bad guy off the plane and into a car. Q told me later the man talked non-stop about the Professor, trying to cut a deal. He even gave up the driver who kidnapped Daniel in the limo. Daniel was happy to see his parents again. The reunion was a tearful and joyful one. Sure made me feel good. All of us went back to their house out in the suburbs of London, to find a welcome home party set up. All of Daniel's friends were there and I enjoyed watching the kids jumping in and out of the pool. Even Sacha was accepted and for a time, he became a kid again. Mr. Radcliff tapped me on the shoulder during the evening and I followed him into the house.

"Can I impose on you one time?" he asked.

"Sure," I said. "How can I help?"

"Daniel's Grandmother, my Mother has gotten sick and my wife and I need to go and help her. It will be for a few days at the most. We can pay you for your time," Mr. Radcliff said. I sat down. "Consider it done. Keep your money, we'll do this for free. We could use a few days relaxation." The man grinned. "Daniel is welcome to have any of his friends over. We'll give you the list of names." I shook the man's hand and went back out to the backyard to watch the fun. Something told me the next few days would be fun. His parents called him in and explained the situation to him. They would leave the next morning. Daniel held a quick whispered conference with Rupert and Tom. I had a feeling that there was something brewing in the wind. Daniel glanced at me and I saw the huge smile on his face.

"I'm in trouble," I sighed.

Daniel stood on the front porch and waved good-bye to his parents the next day. As soon as they were gone, he raced back into the house and locked the front door. He made sure the curtains were closed. Then he proceeded to do a very slow strip tease in front of us guys. Sacha's eyes were bugging out.

"Too hot!" he exclaimed, grabbing his crotch. Rupert reached over and knocked his hand away. Then he unzipped Sacha's shorts and pulled out the Russian boy's hard five inches of prime uncut meat. He smiled.

"I like the looks of this," he said, wiggling his eyebrows. I laughed hysterically at Sacha's expression as Rupert slowly jacked him off.

"Ten, definitely a ten," Danny said, sipping his coffee.

"I thought he was a twelve," Sammo said.

"Twelve?" Tom questioned.

"Sure. There was style, method, and of course looks count," Sammo said.

"My turn!" shouted Neil. He stood up and grinned like a hyena jacked up on something. I groaned. Neil grinned as he started his version of a strip tease. He used his powers to unzip his jean shorts. That got a reaction. Tom, Rupert, and Daniel gaped in shock.

"Yup, I'm a mutant. I have telekinesis and I have telepathy. I'll explain later," Neil said, and went right back into his strip tease. The guys watched as Neil's clothes came off on their own. He bowed as we clapped. Tom stood up. "There's no way I can compete with that." He reached for his shirt but Neil stopped him. I knew what was coming.

"Let me," Neil said, grinning. Tom's shirt unbuttoned its self, and then his jeans unbuttoned and unzippered themselves. Tom stepped out of them and the jeans stood up, wiggled the hips a few times, and then walked over to the shirt on the floor. The shirt came up over the jeans, partially buttoned its self, and then the empty clothes walked upstairs. We were rolling on the floor at that.

"Now that's one scene that you'd never see in a Harry Potter movie!" Rupert laughed his ass off. I had to agree. That was a funny sight. Rupert was next. He reluctantly let go of Sacha's cock and stripped down. Sacha stood up and stripped down after Rupert. Before long, all of us were naked. Sure felt good.

"I feel like a swim," Tom announced. Sounded like a good idea, so we followed Tom out to the pool. For the rest of the day, it was swim, sex, relax, swim, more sex, and relax. I managed to get into the three boy actors during the day. Daniel was nice and snug. Rupert was a bit tight. Tom was tight, but with a little time and caution, he managed to take me just fine. The hot little blondie just loved it. I rode his ass for a bit, and then he pushed me onto my back and jumped on my cock again and rode it to a very satisfying cum. Sacha got initiated into the team by receiving a cum bath from me, Danny, Neil, Shiro, and Sammo. For those of you who might not know what it is, a couple of guys stand over the person and jack off. The cum would be directed at the person's body lying at their feet. Sacha got a kick out of that. Just to see his expression at that new experience made me happy. Daniel, Rupert, and Tom enjoyed watching us do it.

The sex marathon continued most of the evening until bedtime. Daniel came in with me, Danny got Tom, and Rupert went in with Sacha and Neil. Sammo and Shiro went in together. Daniel was lying on the bed when I came in from the bathroom. He lay on his right side, his head on his arm. I slipped in beside him. He snuggled up next to me and sighed.

"I can't believe everything that's happened," he said. "It's all like a dream."

"When I was younger, I dreamed of having a great, grand adventure. When I got out of high school and went into the Navy, I though that I was starting it. The world looked so big and I wanted to travel around it. Being a Navy Seal was the ticket. Boy, did I get a real education in the first boot camp. I grew up fast. Being a Navy Seal was the adventure I wanted and it made me more of a man having gone through the things I did. I did discover something after I left the Teams and became Shiro's father. Life is the great, grand adventure. So live your life well, and to the fullest. You will learn many more life lessons before your life is done. Hold onto as many happy memories as you can. They will carry you through the hard times," I said. Daniel smiled. "Thanks for the good advice."

"I'm done preaching. Let's screw," I said.

I touched Daniel slowly and tenderly. His body shivered with excitement. I started kissing and licking at his neck, trying to please him the best I could. I could feel his body moving underneath mine. It felt so good. I worked my hands around his nicely rounded buns and gently squeezed them. I ran my tongue slowly along the edge of his collarbone, making him moan in pleasure. My right hand came up and began playing with his right nipple as my mouth discovered his left one. He gasped loudly as new sensations ran through his maturing body.

"Feels so good," he sighed. I lightly licked the tip of his nipple, making him jump underneath me. I could hear him panting as his breathing got faster. Then I started sucking it, drawing it up into my mouth. He sighed and shivered, his feelings getting out of control. I kept on pleasuring his nipple for another minute or two, and then switched over to his other one. Daniel had typical sized ones. Not too large, not too small, just right. I started in on the other one and he whimpered loudly. My plan was to get him so hot and let him fuck my brains out. I had him earlier today, so he can have me tonight. Fair is fair. After servicing his nipples, I moved down his smooth torso. He was starting to develop nicely. His chest was starting to become more pronounced and he was developing a really nice six pack of muscle in his abs. I like that in a boy or teen. Daniel was enjoying the treatment I was giving him. I licked his belly button out, my tongue going deep inside the innie. That is a real treat, believe me. Daniel was real sensitive there as well. He really jumped at that. I moved my tongue down to his cock and moved it around the base. The teen's five inches was standing up proudly. I was going to enjoy sucking on that.

I gently licked at his balls. He hissed and arched his back. I pushed his legs up and to his chest, exposing his teen gate. It was obvious he had been fucked before. I teased the surface of his gate with the tip of my tongue.

"Oh my God, what the hell is that?" Daniel exclaimed, jumping. I continued to lick at his gate, enjoying the taste and smells of it. I worked my tongue inside and started to suck on the puckered hole.

"Oh...oh...oh...oh!" Daniel cried out. He was really enjoying this. So was I. I spent five minutes licking and sucking on his gate, hoping he was enjoying it. I let him drop his legs down as I started to lick and suck his big teen cock. Daniel writhed on the bed until he pushed my head off it.

"I want your ass!" he hissed. I got on my hands and knees as Daniel got behind me. I watched him rub a tiny bit of KY onto his cock and then unroll a condom on it. He covered the condom with a bit more KY and then pointed it into my asshole. I could feel it part my asslips open as he sank his cock into me slowly.

"Oh man, feels just too good!" he exclaimed once he was completely inside.

"Go for it, big boy!" I encouraged him. Daniel started off slowly, his cock moving in and out of me. I closed my eyes and sighed with pleasure. This felt real good. It had been a while since I got fucked last, and Daniel was doing a really good job on me. Daniel got his rhythm going and as his body took over, started moving faster.

"Yeah...gonna fuck you good...fuck you hard...make you scream!" he panted. By now he was slamming his hips into my buttcheeks, driving his cock hard and fast into me. Then suddenly he was cumming. I felt the four, five shots of cum travel through his cock before shooting out into the condom that was buried inside my ass, securely wrapped around his cock. Daniel was moaning and groaning, sounding so hot while he came. Then he was slowing down, having finished cumming into me. Daniel sighed as he rested on my back, his sweaty body against me. I felt his hand go down in between us. I hoped it was to hold the condom as he pulled out of me. He pulled it off his cock and I took it from him. There was quite a bit in there.

"Been saving up?" I asked. He just blushed, and I tied a knot in it and stuck it into the empty soda can. I took his hand and led him to the shower in the private bath.

"What say we have a quick shower before bed?" I asked. Daniel smiled at me. "Okay. It will help us sleep better."

Danny and Tom went into a bedroom together. Tom closed the door behind him and turned to see Danny reclining on the bed staring at him.

"Like what you see?" he asked. Danny grinned. "Oh very much. Come here sexy." Tom grinned and walked over to the bed. Danny reached out and took Tom's hands in his and pulled him up his naked body until Tom's face was over his. The little slim blond turned Danny on big time.

"I'm really going to enjoy you," Danny said.

"Really?" Tom asked.

"Oh yeah. First, I'm gonna kiss and lick your body all over. Then I'm gonna eat out your hole after I fuck it with my tongue. Then I'm gonna lick your balls. After that, I'll suck your cock until it's good and ready. Then you can fuck my brains out sweetheart," Danny whispered. Tom planted his lips firmly on Danny's while wiggling his naked body against Danny's. Both of them were very hot and ready as well. Danny laid Tom on his back and started pleasuring the boy. Tom enjoyed some of the kisses, and then pushed Danny's head down to his ass and lifted his legs up. Dany pushed his face into Tom's ass crack and inhaled deeply. Tom giggled.

"You get off on sniffing boy ass, don't you?" he laughed. Danny's response was to inhale once more, and then push his tongue inside Tom's ass. Tom let his head go back and he moaned out loud. He could feel Danny's tongue work his ass, the tongue flicking in and out of his hole.

"I want your cock right now!" Tom exclaimed. Danny didn't waste time. He marched his cock right into Tom's tight ass and began fucking the blond boy. Tom got animated, his body writhing underneath Danny as he was getting his brains fucked out. There was no way he'd slip off Danny's cock, he was too firmly impaled on it. Danny grabbed Tom's hips and held him steady while he shoved his cock deeper into the sexy blond with each thrust. Tom was going crazy, Danny's cock was hitting his prostate on every thrust. He wanted to climb on Danny and ride his ass once Danny had cum inside. At that moment, Danny did cum.

"You blond slut, I'm cumming inside your hot tight ass! Feel me cum inside you! Feel my cock plowing your ass!" Danny yelled as he ejaculated inside Tom. Danny sighed as his cock slipped out of Tom. Tom didn't wasted time. He quickly rolled Danny over on his back, raised the man's legs, and marched his cock right into Danny's ass, and started fucking him hard.

"Shove that cock up my ass. Fuck me hard, little boy. I wanna feel that cock going in. Come on, fuck me!" Danny cried. Tom was fucking him like a madman, out of control. The only thing on his mind was getting off in Danny's ass, to cum and shoot his sperm deep inside the man. His eyes closed and he let his head go back. He could feel something happening deep inside him. Tom knew he was about to cum.

"Cumming....oh.... I'm cumming.... here I go!" he screamed out. Danny felt the five, six shots travel through the boy's cock and into his ass. Tom was completely out of control, fucking Danny like crazy. Tom collapsed once he finished ejaculating. Danny caught his sweaty body and held him close while Tom cried himself out. He laid the boy on his back and began to play his body, making the after feelings get intense. Tom cried, moaned, and whimpered as Danny's fingers and tongue explored his body. At one point, Danny trapped Tom's body with his own and raised the boy's right arm and held onto it. Danny ran his tongue over the boy's armpit, starting at the bottom and ending at the top slowly, using the tip of his tongue. Tom's eyes bugged out, and his body shook uncontrollably.

"Oh my God!" Tom exclaimed. Danny shifted quickly, grabbing the left arm and doing the same thing. Tom mashed his cock into Danny's stomach and shot off again. Danny decided that was enough. He left Tom alone and went into the bathroom. Danny filled up the tub and came back for Tom. He carried the sweaty cum covered boy to the tub and got in with him. He sat behind Tom and whispered into his ear.

"How about a nice bath and then bed?" he asked. Tom smiled up at him. Danny took the soap and started washing Tom's body. Tom laid back and sighed, feeling good. He enjoyed being taken care of. Once the bath was over, Danny dried him off and carried him to bed. Danny had changed the sheets before putting Tom down. He crawled in next to Tom. The slim blond curled up next to Danny and tucked his head under Danny's chin.

"Good night sweet boy," Danny whispered.

Rupert, Sacha, and Neil were having fun doing a BJ chain. Rupert was sucking Neil, Neil was sucking Sacha, and Sacha was sucking Rupert. Rupert started humming while sucking Neil. That proved to be Neil's breaking point. He yelled out something, and the vocal vibrations were enough to set off Sacha. Sacha started cumming seconds behind Neil. Sacha sucked Rupert a bit deeper, the vibrations from his own vocal chords setting Rupert off as well. All three of them unloaded their cum into the sucker's mouths. They collapsed and relaxed once they finished ejaculating. Rupert sighed.

"Dude, that was so excellent," he said. Sacha and Neil agreed. Sacha lay on his right side and took Rupert's cock in hand and slowly stroked it, while Neil lay on his left and played with Rupert's balls.

"Any other great ideas?" Neil asked.

"We could try a fuck chain," Rupert suggested. "Me into Sacha, Sacha into Neil." Neil suddenly grinned. "We could try a huge one with everyone tomorrow morning." Rupert laughed. "Totally excellent!" Neil reached for the KY and set it on the nightstand for when they needed it. They would try it when they were recharged and ready to go again. For now, Sacha and Neil would enjoy playing with the redhead's body. Rupert wasn't a big kid. He was a bit on the slim side, a bit shorter than Daniel. But he was cute, and he had a great smile. But Daniel's smile, complete with the deep dimples, would drive any boylover insane with desire.

Rupert relaxed and enjoyed the attentions on his body. It had been awhile since he had gotten this kind of treatment, and he wanted it to last. Rupert turned to Neil and kissed him on the lips. Their tongues met and rubbed together in mutual pleasure. Rupert could feel Neil's fingers on his left nipple as Sacha licked and sucked on his right one. He shivered in pleasure. He wondered if he could get into Emma's panties and made a mental note to plan such an effort. That would be fun. Rupert licked and sucked on Neil's neck while playing with the boy's nipples. All three could feel the passions rising again. Neil gently pushed Rupert off his chest and began sucking and licking the left tittie. Rupert closed his eyes and groaned softly. He was in heaven.

After a moment of that, Neil and Sacha backed off. Neil grinned as he reached for the tube of KY. He quickly instructed Sacha in its uses. Sacha slowly penetrated Neil after getting his cock ready for Neil. Once he was firmly seated inside Neil, Rupert moved up behind Sacha. He carefully pushed his cock inside the boy. He groaned as the sensations of his cock entering the boy's anal passage overtook him. Sacha started to move, his cock going in Neil while Rupert's cock left his ass. He pulled back, and Rupert's cock sank into him. That was all it took for Sacha. He slowly built up speed as he fucked Neil fast and hard while getting fucked by Rupert. The three of them were moaning out loud, enjoying the mutual pleasure. Sacha started fucking Neil faster, feeling his body go out of control. His anal muscle clamped down on Rupert's cock to keep it inside of him as it slipped out to the tip. Rupert was doing everything to keep from cumming too soon. Sacha was already there.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" the Russian boy cried as his cock jerked and unloaded his cum inside Neil's ass. Rupert lost his battle a moment later, Sacha's anal muscle clamping down on his cock too tight. He shoved his cock into Sacha right to the hilt and unloaded into the Russian boy. He cried as he felt the sperm shot out of his cock. All three of them collapsed, sweaty and tired. Sacha didn't move, keeping his cock inside of Neil until it slipped out on its own. Rupert had already pulled out.

"How about a shower and call it a night?" Neil asked a moment later.

"Sounds like a plan mate," Rupert replied.

We left London two days later. Daniel's parents came home and reported all was well with Daniel's grandmother. Just a severe case of heartburn. I knew what those were like, I had gotten them before from bad cooking. Thank God the guys knew how to cook and were good at it. We had said our goodbyes at Heathrow. Daniel, his parents, Rupert, Tom, and Q came to see us off. The Queen was sending us home in her private jet to New York, where we would take Delta to Colorado. The Queen offered to pay us for what we had done, but we politely declined. Oh we would get paid all right. It was discovered that Steven Barnes had a part in all this and he disappeared. Warner Brothers had their lawyers go after Steve Barnes houses, cars, stocks, bonds, and bank accounts. Once everything was totaled up, it would get split evenly. One half to Daniel, the other half to us. Everyone agreed that was more than fair. There was now an international bulletin out on the man and people hoped he'd be caught before long. The guys didn't hesitate to sack out as soon as were in the air. It would be so nice to get home and relax. Unfortunately life does have an annoying way of changing plans on us. I picked up my cell on the first ring.

"Samurai Inc.," I answered.

"Logan? It's Mac. Are you on your way to New York yet?" Mac asked. I checked my watch. "Should be landing around ten Eastern time. Why?"

"Got another referral for you. You ever hear of Dreamstreet?" he asked.

"The boyband? Yeah. Neil's got their CD," I replied.

"Well, the parents want to hire you to protect their sons during a three day concert event in Peckertown," Mac said. This should be fun. "Okay, we'll do it. Then what?" I asked.

"Well, you could take them to your mountain for a week or so while I get the details for their Grammy appearance worked out. Then take them home," he said.

"Who do I look for?" I asked.

"A guy holding a sign with the name Michaels on it. You say to him Michael's Farms, and he'll tell ya north side. He's your man," Mac said. I nodded. "Thanks Mac. Take care." I sighed. Here we go again.

Next episode: Sacha. New York. Dreamstreet Boys. Peckertown. Oh my.

Next: Chapter 14

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