Samurai Inc

By David (DAG1064)

Published on Jun 19, 2003


Samurai Inc 20 By David (

Author's Notes: This story is fiction. All characters and situations depicted are fictional with the exception of appearances by Daniel Radcliff, Hugh Mitchell, Tom Felton, Rupert Grint, Aaron Carter, and Haley Joel Osment. To my knowledge these actors are not gay. The characters [ ] indicate Japanese spoken. The characters ( ) indicate thought speak. Enjoy the story!

Samurai Inc. 20 "England Part Deux"

We were relaxing in our Tokyo, Japan hotel suite after Haley Joel Osment finished the movie he did with three of Japan's boy actors. Sammo answered the front door and came back handing Haley a thick envelope. Haley opened it and smiled.

"Yes, it's on. Oh shit," Haley said.

"What's up?" Shiro said.

"I hate to cut this vacation short but got a new movie to make and I'm going to need to pick up the rest of the cast in jolly old England. And to top it all off we are heading back to Peckertown for the shoot."

"Cool, liked that town," Neil said.

"Is that the script?" I asked.

"Yes," Haley handed it to me.

I gave it a quick read. The basic story was okay, but the script needed work.

"You said Guy is involved in this?" I asked.

Haley sipped his cold drink. "Yes, thank God."

"I'll drink to that," Aaron said.

I sighed. "Right, team meeting in fifteen. I need to make some calls."

First I called Mac in Hollywood. He confirmed the project was real and that Guy was already in Peckertown getting everything set up. Then I called Daniel Radcliff.

"Radcliff residence," he answered.

"This is the Happy Happy Joy Joy Company. We aim to please," I said.

Daniel laughed from the other end. "Logan! I assume you've heard."

"Sure did. Called Mac in Hollywood and got the confirmation," I said.

"So did my Dad. After last time he insisted on you coming after us," he said.

"Good. I'll call you back once I get the travel arrangements made," I said.

"We'll be ready," Daniel promised and hung up.

I called Takaneda. "Yo brother. I need help here."

I explained the situation to him and he promised a solution. I could hear him chuckle as he hung up. I wondered if I should worry. I shrugged it off and called Zeus in Peckertown. He was delighted.

"More fun to be had," he said. "I'll let certain people know."

The cell rang again two hours later. "The Hippie Shack."

"Ivy League Clothiers," Takaneda shot back at me.

"You're getting better at this," I commented as he laughed. "I take it you have a solution for us?"

"Yes. Narita airport, eight 'o clock tomorrow morning. Be there," he said and hung up before I could say anything else.

I looked up as all the guys gathered around me.

"No more working," Shiro said as they lifted the lounger I was lying on, carried me to the pool, and dumped me in.

That started a free for all that lasted the rest of the day.

The next morning all of us stood on the airport tarmac staring at the plane sitting there. Along the sides were the words Samurai Inc. painted in black with gold trim around each letter. Underneath the words was a Samurai's Katana with a red cord wrapped around it loose. Hejiro, Takaneda, and Kazuya stood there with big smiles on their faces.

"Do you guys like it?" Takaneda asked.

I dropped my bags and hugged my old friend. "Thank you brother."

I then hugged Onashi and bowed to Kazuya. "Thank you very much. It is an answer to future travel problems."

We got on board and the interior was spacious and very well done. The plane's interior was done in rich colors, red, gold, and earth tones. The front section had a few seats placed by each window. In the middle were a few swivel chairs with tiny tables next to them. Movies could be shown in this part. A large desk took up one corner with a big office style chair behind it. In the middle section was a large table with swivel chairs around it. We could have meetings here, eat here, and do whatever. In the next section were the galley and the bathrooms. Sammo grinned at the sight of the galley. It had everything a cook could want and need. I peeked into the bathroom area. It was fairly large, not like the ones on commercial carriers. There was even a shower area between the bathrooms. There wasn't anything to indicate the men's room from the women's room. Takaneda showed me a sign I could hang on the door if I ever have a female passenger. The back area was dark and there were no windows. Asano turned a light on and then I could see a few beds. Oh joy, we could camp out on the jet if needed! I was relieved to see them.

Danny rushed up to the controls and started poking around. Danny is the only one of us qualified to fly big jets like this one, so getting a pilot wasn't a problem, thank God. I'd have to go and get qualified. Hopefully that wouldn't be a problem. If it comes down to it, I could shake the trees and hire a pilot if need be. There was no way we could keep the jet at the mountain. It would have to be berthed at Denver. Thank God we had clearance to fly in with the Lear when needed. I sat down at my new desk and checked out the chair and started playing with the things on my desk.

"I need to show you something else," Takaneda said.

I followed him to a tiny elevator that dropped us down into the bottom half of the plane. He handed me a card after the rest of the team came down. I ran the card key through the slot and the door popped open. I walked into what looked like a smaller version of the ready room I have back home. Brand spanking new weapons gleamed from the racks along the walls. I opened a cabinet marked "Dive Equipment" and found a dozen brand new rebreathers of the highest caliber. Takaneda handed me a thick envelope and I opened it up. Inside were special permits from the Government of Japan authorizing us to carry and use weapons anywhere inside Japanese territories.

"You'll be getting the same from the English Government when you guys get there," Takaneda. "The Americans will be giving you the same."

I stood there not knowing what to say. Takaneda patted my arm and I looked up.

"Please inform the Japanese Government that I owe them a debt of gratitude," I said to Takaneda.

"Hirohito was extremely honked off that you didn't get the medals he put you in for and clearly stated that if you ever needed anything we were to get it to you. Well, we have known for some time you needed a better transportation solution, plus a place where you could operate out of and not worry about having equipment. This is the answer to your problems," Takaneda said.

Shiro closely inspected one of the guns. "It's the new issue MP-5 with integrated laser sights and other goodies!"

I grinned. "Plenty of time for a weapons inspection once we are airborne. We gotta get going to England."

We headed up to the top floor and Danny came out of the cockpit grinning.

"She's got all the latest gear, including stealth. We ready boss?" he asked.

I smiled. "Let's see what she's got."

Danny whooped and headed up front once again. All of us laughed as we took our places. Takaneda shook my hand.

"I wish you well. Logan. Come back soon," he said.

He turned to Hejiro and bowed. [I wish you well in your future Onashi-san. May you find happiness in your new home].

[I shall keep in touch old friend], Hejiro said, bowing back.

Takaneda walked out of the plane and Shiro closed and secured the hatch.

"Danny, get us up there, el pronto!" I yelled.

I took my place at my new desk and felt the plane vibrate slightly as Danny fired up the engines. Danny let out a southern rebel yell as the plane left the runway as all of us cheered loudly. We were definitely on our way.

Sammo, Shiro, Neil, Sacha, and Hejiro followed me down to the second level. We started an inventory and weapons inspection at the same time. There are far too many things to describe and identify, so you'll have to accept my word when I tell you we were far better loaded than your average bear. Naturally Sacha prefers his own personal gear, but he was glad to see there was a setup for him. Once the weapons inventory and inspection was done, I headed back upstairs with Sacha, Neil, and Hejiro. Shiro stayed down there to assess the computers and other electronic items. I sat down at my desk and started to check out the laptop computer that was bolted to the desk. It was a top of the line one and I liked it. The phone on my desk rang.

"Dad? It's me down below. I've uploaded everything from the old ops laptop into the onboard main frame. Sammo's bringing you a CD with the Internet provider we use for you to up load into your computer on your desk. Once that's done, we need to set up a link to the mainframe so you can access what ever," Shiro said.

I looked at the screen and identified all the stuff on the desktop. Shiro stopped me at the fifth item.

"That's it. All you gotta do is double click it and it will open the appropriate window to it," Shiro said.

I double clicked it and told him what I saw in there.

"Good. That's it. Usual passwords for it," Shiro said as Sammo walked up to me.

"All I have to do is stick this disc into the CD-ROM drive and it does everything?" I asked.

"Yes, just make sure you use the Samurai Inc pass on it. I'll set up the rest of us up on it later," Shiro said.

"Got it," I said, and loaded it in.

"Be up later," Shiro said and hung up.

I watched as Sammo sat down at the table and got dealt into the card game with Hejiro, Sacha, and Neil. I must have dozed off because Shiro was shaking me awake.

"Dad, we're landing," he said.

I looked at my watch. It was early evening now. We had barely left Japan at first light. We had gotten clearance to fly over Russia and I hoped Sacha would be okay with that.

"I'm fine Dad. Thanks for asking," he said.

Hejiro sat next to me and handed me a disc to lock in my desk as we landed.

"I've read the reports you guys have written. That's some stuff you've been in," he said as the plane halted on the tarmac and then followed a jeep to a hanger.

Sammo went and opened the door as the stairs were put in place. He recognized Q, M, and a second man named Bill Tanner, chief of Staff coming up the stairs.

"Dad, we got company," he called to me.

Q was the first face I saw. "Welcome back to England!"

M and Tanner came in and I escorted them to the conference table. "It is good to see you again. You look well."

"Thank you. Business first. These are your special clearances to operate in England," he said, pushing a small package towards me. "Second thing is we have a situation. It goes like this. A militant group stating they had gotten a message from God to execute the Harry Potter kids for promoting Satanism took hostage Radcliff and his friends Mitchell, Felton, Grint and Miss Watson at a talk show two hours ago. The studio is cleared of all persons except for them."

I stood up. "Everybody suit up, we're going in."

As each of us exited the plane Q handed us our special ops ID's and got into the truck with us. We got an escort through the streets while Q briefed us on some new technology he developed.

"This is a special item designed to help us keep track of you at all times. You inject it under your skin prior to insertion. It will show up on our monitors as a red spot. Once you reach the kids, inject them with this one. They'll show up as a blue spot. Anyone else that shows up is enemy," Q said.

I smiled. "I like it."

"Consider it our present to you," he smiled.

The truck stopped and we got out. Hejiro followed Q to the huge trailer nearby as we brought up the rear. We studied the layout of the studio and planned our attack. Neil turned to Hejiro.

"Sir will you allow me in your head?" he asked.

"Yes. Now you and Sacha remember what I have taught you so far," Hejiro said.

He closed his eyes and so did Neil. Neil touched Hejiro's left temple and then stepped away. Hejiro opened his eyes and smiled.

"Hejiro's online Dad," Neil reported.

"Good. Time for us to go to work," I said.

Shiro injected each of us and red dots showed on the monitor. I checked and shook down each man as he passed me. Hejiro checked me out and nodded. We were ready.

Neil floated himself and Sacha up to the top of the building once he was out of sight of the crowd gathered two blocks away. I knew the British press would be watching through high-powered scopes and binoculars. Danny, Shiro, Sammo, and I went into the building at separate entrances. I stopped and listened carefully. It was too damn quiet. I wasn't sure what to expect.

(Logan, unidentified at your left), Hejiro informed me.

I moved into the shadows and waited. A heavyset guy in a military uniform came walking into my view. I studied him for a moment and then reacted. I was on him so fast he didn't know what hit him. I quickly cuffed him and set him on the couch by the front door and then moved back into the shadows.

(That's one down), I announced.

(Eight to go), Neil said. (There are three in the theater, watching Daniel and co. At least they let the audience go).

(Good. The fewer hostages the better. Neil, can you get through to Daniel)? I asked, hoping Daniel could provide us with intel.

(Nope, sorry. He's too hyped up), Neil reported.

(Okay. Keep alert, folks. This isn't over yet), I said.

(Sammo took out one in his area), Neil reported.

Seven left. These guys were sloppy. I made it into the stage area and slowly peeked around the curtain. What I saw made my nuts go cold. The bastards had Emma Watson taped into a chair with what looked like five pounds of C-4 taped to her chest. She looked very calm and collected. I pulled my ops binoculars and looked her over. It was a remote control one. I pulled back and considered our options.

(Remote control C-4 bang taped to her chest), I reported.

(Dude in the jean jacket is holding the trigger), Neil reported.

(I'm in the balcony boss. I can take a shot), Danny informed me.

He can, too. I've seen him drop a deer back home at over a thousand yards. He practices every day, making his own loads rather than buying the military surplus.

(Can you do it with out hitting the principals)? I asked.

(Yup), Danny replied.

(Hit remote man first), I instructed. (Then everyone else. Stay there; you're the cover gunner).

(Going fourth row, got tweed jacket in my sights), Sacha said.

I looked and saw Sacha rise up a bit and then go down. Damn he's gotten better! He really has been paying attention to Hejiro. That's two more covered. Shiro's head peeked over the edge of the stage. I saw his eyes flick left. I eased the hand mirror out and moved it until I saw the man standing to my left. Got him covered. Shiro had the last man. I let out my breath and relaxed.

(On three, two, one, and go)! I said, and all of us moved as one.

After the dust cleared, I strolled up to Daniel.

"Hiya kid. Thought we'd drop in. Hope you don't mind," I said.

Daniel just roared with laughter. "Glad to see you man! Help her out, will you?"

I turned to Emma Watson. "Nothing to it, just a clip here and there, and we'll get rid of that thing. Not fashionable, you know."

She smiled at that. "You must be the crazy American Daniel has told me about."

I pointed my thumb at Danny. "That's his job."

Danny gave me the bird as the SAS guys came in. Shiro handed me a tool kit and I went to work with the SAS bomb squad guy. We had her out of it in moments. All the baddies with the exception of remote man huddled together on the stage under Sammo's watchful eye. Sammo kept them covered with his rifle as the SAS frisked each one and cuffed them. Two others wrapped up the one Danny shot.

"Is he," Emma began.

"I'm afraid so," Danny said as he wrapped his arm around her and escorted her off the stage.

All of us cleared the stage and went backstage and climbed into two separate Range Rovers and were taken to police headquarters. It was another two hours before everything was sorted out. At last we were able to move on.

I sat in the living room of the Radcliff house as his parents said goodbye to Daniel before leaving the house to go see Mrs. Radcliff's parents. We were staying the night and leaving in the morning. Danny was splayed out behind the couch with an MP-5 on his chest, sawing some serious wood. Daniel closed the door after his parents left. Tom Felton drifted in from the kitchen holding a cup of tea.

"Shiro, your Grandfather sure knows a thing or two about tea," he said.

"Grandpa likes to brew his own. He's teaching me things about roots and plants to use for teas to cure certain things," Shiro said.

"Sounds like a Hogwarts class," Tom groaned.

All of us laughed at that. Hejiro walked into the living room at that moment. He looked at Danny splayed out behind the couch with a silly smile on his face.

"He's okay. He's having his monthly erotic dream," I cracked.

Shiro, Sammo, and Neil laughed at that. Hejiro just shook his head. The doorbell rang right then and I rose to get it. I turned to say something and noticed Danny had shot up and was in a sitting position, weapon pointed at the door. He was ready to rock. Neil opened the door and stepped back. Hugh followed Rupert in and once the door was closed, assumed the ready position. Rupert reached into a bag and pulled out a black nylon collar and put it around Hugh's neck.

"Thank you Master," the younger boy said.

Hejiro looked at me in surprise. All of us turned to look at Danny as he let out a loud snore. He'd gone back to sleep again with the same silly smile on his face.

"I get the feeling life with you guys is anything but ordinary," Hejiro sighed.

I grinned. "As they say in the show business, you ain't seen nothing yet!"

Hejiro closed his eyes and sighed again. "I am in so much trouble."

Shiro introduced his grandfather to the guys as Sammo drifted into the kitchen and I sat down on the couch and started flipping through the channels.

"It's Tuesday night, I doubt you'll find anything," Tom said as he sat on the couch next to me.

"Not even the Peckertown Channel?" I asked.

Tom snorted. "There's no way you'll find that here. A boy lover group raised hell when the cable and satellite companies refused to carry it. They initiated lawsuits against them all and got shot down so bad it wasn't funny. The cops raided them all and the groups are now suing the Crown, alleging police brutality, misuse of government power, and conspiring with the cable and the satellite companies. It's getting really ugly."

"I could buy us space on one of the satellites and get it in on the plane's dish," Shiro suggested.

"Make it happen. See if we can't get it at home as well," I said.

"Yes sir," Shiro saluted.

I sighed and set down the remote. "So now what?"

"Dinner's ready," Sammo announced from the kitchen.

The living room was vacated a second later as the teen boys rushed the kitchen. I strolled in after them and discovered that Sammo had made a huge pot of spaghetti. Hejiro smiled at the smell of pasta and sauce bubbling on the stove.

"Been awhile since I had a plate of it," he sighed. "That Italian mama in the downtown section of Nagasaki could cook a mean plate of pasta."

Sammo and the guys stepped back and let Hejiro have first crack at it. He took a bite and then smiled.

"Oh yes, this is perfect. Just need a nice Italian wine with this," he sighed.

Daniel Radcliff returned a moment later with a bottle of red wine and handed it to Hejiro.

"Would this do, sir?" he asked.

Hejiro examined the label and smiled. Daniel opened the bottle and poured a bit into a wineglass and handed it to Hejiro. He sniffed at it and then tasted it.

"Perfect," he said and set down the glass.

Daniel filled it to the proper level and set it down. He poured me a glass as I sat down and I too sipped at it. It was good wine. I decided a shopping trip was in order before we left. After dinner was done, Neil and Sacha teamed up to clean the kitchen spotless.

"No need to piss your folks off," Neil said to Daniel.

"Oy, my Mom would flip if I left even so much as a candy wrapper on the counter," Daniel said.

"Quick meeting in the living room. We need to discuss plans for this escapade," I said as I carried my coffee into the living room.

Danny hadn't moved since we got here. By now he had a look of relief on his face and a large wet stain at his crotch. I grinned.

"Looks like a case of uncontrollable combustion," Daniel said.

I just shook my head as the guys laughed. We sat down on the couch and started discussing details. We would use the big farmhouse we owned close to Aaron and Haley's and the PTA (Peckertown Training Academy). When Hugh wasn't needed on the set he'd be in Caleb's hands being trained to be an obedient catamite to his masters. I made the assignments and they went something like this. Shiro would cover Daniel. Sammo would cover Tom. Neil would cover Rupert. Sacha would cover Haley, and I would have Wang cover Aaron if he was available. Otherwise it would be Danny. The Yamane Brothers would escort Hugh from the PTA to the film set when he was needed. Hejiro would be back up and support.

"The actual filming isn't supposed to start for a month," Haley said. "We could either camp out in Peckertown or crash your place at the mountain. That would give us time to work the script and play a bit."

I scratched my chin. "That would give Caleb time to work with Hugh."

"Okay. Plan A is to stay in Peckertown. Plan B is to drop Hugh there and crash at Logan's Mountain," Sammo proposed. "Let's vote."

Plan B won by majority vote. I called Mac on my cell.

"Glad you called. Aaron's raised a stink on the script and so has Guy," Mac informed me. "Got any ideas?"

"Yes. It was decided that all of us are staying at my place to get the script ironed out. Aaron can record while we work the script. Guy is welcome at my place as well. His opinion will be needed," I said.

"Another change just happened," Mac said. "I just got a note from my secretary that one of the minor actors has dropped out because Mommy got wind of where the movie is going to be and she raised hell."

"What was the part?" I asked, intrigued.

"It requires a country boy who can sing a little," Mac said. "Why?"

"Billy Gilman," I said.

"Call you later," he said, hanging up on me.

I set my cell down and told the guys what happened. Haley grinned.

"Billy is an excellent choice. He can work with Aaron to come up with some good songs for a soundtrack," he said.

I suddenly remembered Powersound. "Powersound can back them."

"They went home on commercial, remember?" Shiro reminded me.

I sighed. Of course they had. A few of the Yaguu security guys went with them as the Clan Yaguu jet had flown them home, gear and all. The cell rang and I picked it up.

"Bark Bark Productions," I said into the speaker.

"Cat Lovers of America, we claw to please," Mac cracked.

Hejiro grinned as he caught on as the guys rolled on the floor. I smiled.

"What's the word?" I asked.

"Oh, you are going to love me for this," Mac cackled.

"I already do. Why else would I Fed Ex a flamingo to you?" I grinned.

Haley roared in laughter as he pounded on the carpet as Shiro, Sammo, and Neil laughed. The other guys raised their eyebrows at us. Mac sighed.

"One of these day, bubba," he said.

"Promises, promises. So tell me why I'm going to love you?" I asked.

"Billy's in England, performing for the Queen's Birthday bash," he informed me.

Daniel reacted to that. "Oh man! I forgot to tell you we were invited!"

Shiro picked up his cell and called Q.

"No problem. I'll call some friends and arrange to retrieve Billy from them," I said. "His family and agent know what's up?"

"Yes, and they are glad for the chance to get him on the silver screen, not to mention the month long break at your place. They said he needs it," Mac said.

"Thanks Mac. Catch you later," I said and hung up.

"So what was so funny about Fed Exing a flamingo?" Tom asked.

Haley grinned. "Well, it happened like this," he started to explain as he laughed.

Once he finished his explanation, the house shook from the laughter. Still amazes me that Haley can laugh about what was one of the scariest moments of his life.

The deal was that we would show up at the Palace the next evening in formal. I checked to make sure I still had the company credit card and Daniel checked his own suits. Tom, Rupert, and Hugh had left theirs at home so we made arrangements to have them picked up and delivered.

"Where's a good place to go?" I asked Daniel.

"There is a small shop right around the corner from Marks and Spencer," Daniel said. "Alan Rickman and the other male actors love that place. They do everything right the first time out, right on the spot, and they always come up with the right colors to match and provide the right kind of accessories."

"Right. We're off then lads," I said in my best English accent.

"Not bad. That's an eight," Tom said.

"Nine," Daniel nodded.

"Nine," Rupert agreed.

Hugh smiled. "Ten!" he chirped.

I smiled at Hugh. "I like you kid."

We piled into the rented Range Rover and Daniel directed us to the store. Reminded me of those English tailor shops in all the movies. Two hours later, we came out with new suits tailored to fit with all the necessary accessories. Those gents did their jobs so efficiently I left them a hefty tip. Even Hejiro looked damn good in his.

"I'd forgotten what a good suit felt like," he smiled as he looked in the mirror.

Shiro carefully braided his Grandfather's long white hair into a single French braid and it looked good. All the other guys looked good in their suits, even Danny. We went to the Palace and were let in after our ID's were carefully examined and the invitations carefully examined. These security people knew their business. Q met us in the foyer.

"All of you look absolutely smashing," he said. "Steed and Peal?"

"Yes. Those guys know their stuff," I said.

He beamed. "I've been getting my clothes there for years. The Queen heard you were in country and wants to meet you."

I turned and checked everybody one time. "Lead on, sir."

The Queen was a very nice lady and I was delighted to meet her. We talked for a moment and she thanked me for rescuing Daniel and his friends. I knew there were very important people she wanted to talk to so I moved us on into the party room. Talk about elegance! The china was the finest I'd ever seen and so was the crystal. The party was nice and Billy definitely outdid himself. They gave him an outstanding ovation and he posed with the Queen for pictures. Afterwards the security escorted Billy to us as arranged and we went back to Daniel's place.

"You did great," I said to Billy as we walked into the living room.

Billy grinned. "That was fun! I enjoyed performing for her. Something I'll never forget," he said as he pulled his tie off.

"Well, everyone get some sleep. We fly in the morning," I said.

"The flight plan has been filed to New York, Little Rock, and Denver. I've rented a temporary hangar for our jet. I was told there are a number of empty hangars for sale we can look over. I also sent an email to Brick advising him of current events," Shiro said as he headed upstairs with Sammo.

"Good. You and Sammo can return the Cessna to Peckertown," I said.

Danny dropped a couple of pillows and his bedroll in the hallway and settled down with his MP-5 at the ready as people headed into bedrooms for the night. We were sleeping four to a room with the exception of Danny. It had been a long day.

[What the hell!] Shiro heard Hejiro yell the next morning.

Danny beat him to the door of the room and both of them looked in to see a lump in the middle of the bed going up and down. I pushed my way in and saw a pair of small feet sticking out from under the covers.

"Are you all right?" I asked, knowing what was going on.

Hejiro closed his eyes and whimpered, and then sighed and relaxed. He lay back down in bed and the covers came flying back to reveal a grinning Hugh, licking his lips. Hejiro had gotten the Hugh Special wake up call. I sighed as Danny and Shiro laughed. Hugh pranced past us and headed down to the kitchen.

"Okay, show's over. Shiro, make sure your Grandfather's okay," I said. "Everyone else queue up for the showers and let's get the lead out."

Shiro went into the room and closed the door behind him. There were two available showers, one in the master bedroom, and one in the main bathroom in the hall. The guys went into the showers in pairs to help save time. Hugh handed me a cup of coffee as I walked into the kitchen and I took it from him and then grabbed him by his collar and pulled him over to the table and sat down in front of him.

"Hejiro is Shiro's Grandfather, and he is still getting used to the idea of Shiro being gay and having Sammo as his consort. What you did was very premature and I hope to God that Hejiro isn't pissed at you or us for that matter. Until we tell you otherwise, Hejiro is off limits. Do I make myself clear on that matter?" I snapped.

Hugh looked like he was going to cry. "Yes sir."

"This is partially my fault as well. I should have told you and the others to begin with. What's done is done. Now get busy with breakfast. We don't have time for games this morning," I said, tapping his bottom.

He turned around and got busy. Hearing Danny coming down the stairs, he handed me another cup of coffee and jacked off into it as Danny watched. I handed the cup to Danny and he stirred it and sipped and then smiled.

"Very good," he grinned.

I stood up and went up for my shower. Daniel, Rupert, Tom, Neil, and Sacha were dressing. Daniel looked at me as I stuck my head in.

"We're really sorry about that. We'll punish him later," Daniel said.

"No you won't," I said. "I already did that. Until further notice, Hejiro is off limits. He needs time to adjust to all this."

The teens all nodded and I went to the bathroom for my shower. I noticed the door to Hejiro's room was still closed and I hoped everything was all right. Shiro told me later they had a long talk and I decided to change the conduct rules at the house to restrict nudity to the pool, playroom, and the bedrooms once again.

Haley slipped into the shower with me and hugged me. "Is everything going to be okay? Hejiro is a really nice guy and I think given time he might get comfortable with what we do."

"I hope so," I said. "Let me wash you down."

I washed his delightful body and he washed mine. I wished there was time to have a little fun, but we needed to get moving so I gave him a rain check for the next time.

We got packed and set off in the Range Rovers Q had thoughtfully provided for us. We were to leave them at the airport in the rented hangar where we put the plane. Daniel looked at me as we passed through the back gate of the airport.

"You guys rented a plane?" he asked.

I grinned. "Not exactly."

Billy, Daniel, Hugh, Tom, and Rupert gazed in wonder at the plane as we stood there for a moment.

"Wow," Hugh said after a moment. "She's beautiful."

I nodded. "That she is. A gift from the Japanese government, the Clan Yaguu, and the Clan Onashi."

I looked up to see Danny emerge. "All clear boss."

We climbed up the stairs and Billy made a beeline for the closest chair and strapped himself in. I had to chuckle.

"We don't have turbo drive in this plane, Billy. You're safe this time," I laughed. "Billy tends to end up on the back wall of the Lear every time we punch the turbo mode we need to escape a situation."

Danny laughed. "I remember the first time, boss."

Billy turned red with embarrassment as I chuckled. "How can I forget?"

Danny laughed once more and then followed Shiro down to the ready room to lock his gear away. He came back up ten minutes later and went into the cockpit area. He started the plane and went through his preflight checks. Danny is a fanatic about things like that. If there was going to be a problem, he wanted to find out before leaving the ground. The others went down to the ready room and locked their gear away and then came back up.

"We be ready to rock," Danny's voice came out of the speaker on my desk.

"Then do it," I said to Danny.

A tractor pulled us out of the hangar then to the departure area before he let us go. Danny fired up the engines and taxied the plane to the line and once he got clearance, shot down the runway and lifted us into the morning sky. We were airborne.

"Good afternoon gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. We are now at cruising altitude of 20000 feet. For those of you new to Samurai Airlines, there is a frequent flyers program that will be starting up. Please ask me for information later. In the meantime, there is a flight attendant who will see to your comforts and needs. Anything you need, just wave... something and he'll take care of you," Danny said.

That last line got a huge laugh from all of us as Hugh popped out from the middle station in a dress. Hejiro merely raised his right eyebrow.

"We apologize for the loss of the in flight movie today. The menu is a bit limited today, so please ask the attendant to find out what is available. Thank you for flying Samurai Airlines," Danny clicked off.

I had to grin. Danny was always trying to find the humorous side of things. I turned to the laptop on my desk and turned it on and started writing an after action report of the events during Daniel's rescue. Hugh stopped at my desk with a tall glass of cold sake and I took it from him.

""Thanks kid," I said, slapping him on the ass.

Hugh grinned as he walked away to check on the others. Hejiro sat down across from me a moment later.

"He's an unusual kid," he said.

"That he is," I said, looking up from the computer. "It's what he likes to do."

"The world has changed quite a bit since I disappeared," Hejiro sighed.

I thought about that for a moment as I sipped my sake. He did have a point there. Things do change if we like it or not and we must change with them or die.

"Are you okay with what happened this morning?" I asked.

"Yes, I am now. Shiro and I had a long talk and we discussed some things. I've had a boy or two in the past, back in my younger days. I know that people prefer younger partners these days and tend to leave us old ones out in the cold. This morning was the first time in a very long time I've been sucked off by a boy and it took me by surprise. I didn't think that a boy could find me attractive," Hejiro said.

I smiled. "I think boys today are a lot more together than we give them credit for. You'll see a lot of that in Peckertown. There are a number of extremely wealthy boys in Peckertown who have done some good with their money. I am sure you'll hear of them once we get there. The majority of the boys who have gone there have worked very hard to prove to the adults there in the town that they are more than capable of making up their minds on a large number of issues. As a matter of fact some are running for local city government right now."

"The world has become a different place indeed," Hejiro sighed.

"Don't I know it," I sighed as Sammo walked past me with a deck of cards. "Looks like Sammo's starting a poker game. Interested?"

Hejiro smiled. "Prepare to lose your jockey shorts."

I grinned. "I wear briefs."

We landed in New York about fourteen hours later. Shiro and Sammo went off to fly the Cessna back to Peckertown after they cleared Customs. Hubble was there along with Brick and another man I'd never seen before.

"Nice to see you Davie," Hubble said.

I shook his hand and introduced him to Hejiro. Hubble bowed and shook his hand. Brick did the same and so did the man with him. Brick turned to introduce the man with him.

"You hound dog!" Danny yelled from the top step as he came out of the plane.

The man smiled at Danny. "Been awhile. Still slipping through walls?"

Danny came down the steps and hugged the man. "Good to see you, man!"

"Want to introduce us here?" I asked Danny.

Danny grinned. "This is Mike "Hound Dog" Perkins. Air Farce, retired."

"Oh?" I asked.

"I'm called Hound Dog because of my uncanny sense of direction. Earned the name flying Danny and his playmates through a sandstorm in Desert Storm with no instrumentation to guide us. The very nervous spook wanted to kill the mission but I said no, it was important. I got them there and dropped them right on the dime. The idiot spook threatened to have me dry docked. Danny and his friends backed me. Guess who got retired first," Mike said.

Hubble grinned. "The spook?"

"I enjoyed watching him get his ass dragged out of the Capitol building. The President nearly went over the desk to get the guy. I retired last year and been bumming around for a long time. I've settled in Denver and work at the airport there doing odd jobs," Mike said.

"You still fly?" I asked.

"Qualify every year on every thing," Mike grinned. "I live at the airport in a big double wide trailer on the grounds. Been known to hop in the cockpit of a plane to fill in for a pilot every now and then."

"You're hired to fly us internationally and when the need arises here at home. We'll discuss pay later," I said as my cell rang.

"Flying High Airlines," Shiro said when I picked up.

"Elmer Fudd Bus Tours," I cracked.

Mike looked at me strangely as the others laughed.

"I'll explain later, buddy. Let's go take a look at your new workspace," Danny said, escorting the short red head older man up the stairs into the plane.

"Where you at, Shiro?" I asked.

"12000 feet. We got up here twenty minutes ago," he reported.

Damn, these new cells work fucking great! "Good. You know what to do when you hit Peckertown," I said.

"See you when we see you," Shiro said and clicked off.

"Anybody hungry?" I asked.

I got a bunch of grins in return. God, don't these kids think of anything else besides food and sex? I sighed.

"You coming?" I asked Brick.

"Yup. I know a nice place just down the street," he said.

"Let's go," I said.

We climbed into a rented van and went to the place Brick directed us to. It was one of those buffet places. I can guarantee you we picked them clean. And nobody recognized the four movie stars.

We returned to the plane an hour and a half later. Hubble saluted and walked to his Ford and drove off. We got back on board and flew out of JFK with Mike at the controls. The guys didn't waste time getting another card game started. Daniel picked us clean this time around. He gloated as he counted his money.

"Thanks for contributing to my retirement fund," he cackled.

"Provided you ever reach it," I said with an evil glint in my eyes.

Daniel laughed as he sat back. "Can I get a sandwich from the galley?"

"You just ate," I said.

"That was two hours ago," he said, heading for the galley.

I sighed as the guys broke up laughing and followed him.

When we arrived at Little Rock, Shiro had three Suburbans parked by the hangar and a crew of shooters to greet us. I nodded approval as we disembarked.

"Light luggage, we'll be back here in the morning to go to Denver. Shiro will leave before us with the Corsair and bring the Lear to the Denver airport. No way can I land the jet on the mountain," I announced.

That caused a few reactions. First to react was Hejiro.

"A World War 2 Corsair?" he asked eagerly.

"Yup. Got it a month ago," I said.

The smile spread across his face as his eyes took on a distant look. "I stole one during the war when I was assigned to the Pacific theatre. Boy could she fly. Got a medal for that and a promotion to Master Sergeant," he sighed.

"First chance you get, take it up," I said.

Mike was the next to react. "You own a mountain?"

"I'll brief him," Danny said.

Billy quickly crossed himself and said a prayer much to our amusement. The Yamane Brothers made themselves known. I had hired them sight unseen on Zeus's recommendation. They were Chinese identical twins, stood five feet tall. Both wore their long black hair in rattails and sported Dragon tattoos on the right side of their chest. They looked very muscular.

"You be Logan-san?" one asked me.

"Yup," I said.

"Zeus say you big bastard. He say right," the second twin said.

I smiled. "Only to those who piss me off."

The two teens grinned. "I Yan. He Tan."

"Nice to meet you guys. Let's get the show on the road," I said.

We got on the road and headed for Peckertown.

Zeus met us at the house. I smiled when I saw him. He waved at us and walked down the steps to the trucks.

"Good to see you guys," he said as we got out.

I shook his hand. "Nice to see you too. Got some new friends to introduce."

Daniel, Rupert, Tom, and Hugh lined up in front of the truck as Caleb drove into the yard with his wagon. I waited until Caleb joined us.

"Zeus, Caleb, this is Daniel Radcliff, Rupert Grint, Tom Felton, and Hugh Mitchell from England. Guys, this big honky is Zeus Morgan and the teen next to him is Peckertown's second greatest Master, Caleb," I said, making the introductions.

Zeus snorted. "If I'm a honky, you be the ugliest white boy I've ever seen."

Haley roared in laughter at that. "That was a good one, Zeus!"

I had to grin. "Wait till he really gets going."

"Let's get inside," Zeus said.

We got inside and settled in except for Hugh. Daniel, Rupert, Tom, Hugh, Caleb, and I went into the den area and closed the door behind us to talk. Caleb took the floor and described to the four teens what the PTA (Peckertown Training Academy) was and how it worked. He held nothing back.

"Because of his celebrity status, he will be kept separate from the others and his training will be conducted by me and one other only. There is a cost, but I am told that you guys are doing a movie here next month so I believe we could work something out in return," he said. Caleb turned to Hugh. "You heard me describe the training and what I will do to teach you to be a good slave. You now need to decide if this is what you really want to do. I will come back for you in the morning. Give me your answer then."

He left the house and we went back into the living room. Haley had gone home, saying he'd be back later. Sammo informed me there was food in the house and the pool in back was covered over like ours and plenty warm.

"Sammo, barbeque. The rest of us shall kick back by the pool," I said.

That's exactly what we did.

Once again we paired off before going to bed. Shiro and Sammo headed for their room, while Daniel, Rupert, and Tom went to another. They sent Hugh to be my pleasure boy tonight. Sacha and Neil went to bed together. Hejiro and Danny shared a room that had a pair of full size beds in there. The Yamane Brothers crashed out in the hall, Yan at the stairs and Tan at the end of the hall. I settled down in bed when Hugh came out of the bathroom wearing his nightie. I felt my cock get hard at the sight of the boy in the long pink silk nightwear. He smiled as he spun around.

"Like what you see?" he asked seductively.

My cock got even harder and started twitching eagerly. "Come here, sweetie."

Hugh slipped into bed with me and I pulled him into my arms and kissed him. He sighed seductively and snuggled down into my arms. I started caressing his body, my hands slipping underneath the silk material to touch his smooth body. Hugh sighed and shivered from the erotic touches. I slipped his nightie up and over his head, taking it off him. Underneath the nightie he was wearing a white silk training bra and a white silk lace trimmed panties. My cock was drooling begging for attention. I laid him on his back and began to lick, suck, kiss, and touch him all over. Hugh moaned softly as I brushed the tips of my fingers over the hard nipples covered by the white silk bra. I reached underneath him and unhooked the bra clasp and lifted the silk away from his boyish breasts and saw the hard nipples. I licked and sucked at them for a few minutes and then moved down his delightful body, licking and kissing as I went. I massaged his hard boycock through the panties, making him moan louder. This little boy was hot.

I slipped my thumbs inside his panties and gently pulled them down his smooth legs. He spread his legs for me, revealing his round entry. I pushed his legs back to his chest as I slid off the bed. I pulled him to the edge of the bed and then put my face in his ass, licking and tongue fucking his fleshy gate. Hugh squealed with joy. He loved this and so was I. He tasted clean and I could smell the soap he had used in the shower before coming to my bed. I got back on the bed and pulled him over my lap and reached for the KY. I squeezed a bit on a finger and slowly penetrated him. He was so easy to penetrate it left no doubt in my mind he got fucked on a regular basis from his three masters. I worked his boy pussy until he took three fingers inside him comfortably.

"Mount me," I whispered.

Hugh quickly jumped up and straddled my hips. I held my cock steady as he pushed down on it. I felt my cockhead open his anus up and slide inside him. He let his head go back and he let out a long low sensuous moan. He kept moving down on my cock until he was firmly impaled on my eight inches. He wasn't going anywhere. Hugh started to ride my cock, moving up and down on it. I let him ride my cock for a few minutes, letting the pleasure build up.

I finally got to my point and I pulled him off my cock and rolled up a pillow and had him lie down on his stomach as I slid the pillow under his hips, making his pert butt stick out. I got behind him and slipped my cock back into his slick pussy and began fucking the boy earnestly. Hugh urged me on with all kinds of sexy talk (Daniel had trained him not to use profanity while being fucked) as I drilled his ass with my very hard eight inches. I could feel myself reaching the breaking point.

"Gonna cum in your ass, boy. Gonna fill you up with man cum," I hissed.

Hugh used his anal muscle to squeeze my cock as hard as he could while I ejaculated inside of him. I kept fucking him until I ran dry. Hugh sighed with pleasure as I filled his ass with my cum. After I pulled out of him, he wiped me off with a damp cloth and then himself. He put his panties, bra, and nightie back on and slipped into my arms.

"Good night, sweetie. Sleep well," I said before joining him in dreamtime.

Hugh was very subdued the next morning. I knew he was thinking about what he was to go through in the month he was going to be at the PTA, if he decided that's what he wanted to do. He didn't eat much, pushing his food around on his plate. Caleb arrived right at nine with a duffle bag in his hands. Daniel, Rupert, Tom, and I stood in the living room with Caleb and Hugh.

"I have a question," Hugh started.

"What is it?" Caleb asked.

"Will you allow me two safe words?" he asked.

Caleb smiled. "Of course. It is very important to have safe words. It's required at the school. What are they?"

"My slow word is Slytherin. I give you Slytherin as my slow word. My stop word is Snape. Snape is my Stop word," Hugh informed him.

Caleb smiled. "Very appropriate."

"I have decided to go and be trained by you to be a good slave to my masters," Hugh said. "I do this of my own free will."

"Are you sure of this?" Rupert asked.

"Very sure, Master Rupert," Hugh said.

Caleb nodded. "Strip!" he ordered.

Hugh stripped his clothes off and folded them neatly on the couch. He stood in the attention position as Caleb walked around him, inspecting him from head to toes. He noted the nylon collar around Hugh's neck.

"Does the slave have a harness?" Caleb asked Daniel.

Daniel showed Caleb the crude harness they had constructed for him.

"Caleb, put all new leather gear together for Hugh and put it on my tab," I said.

"You sure?" Caleb asked.

"Yes. The leather master did a hell of a job on the leather gear he made for my boys and me," I said. "Hugh should have top of the line."

Caleb nodded. "Done. I'll be back here in the morning with the trainers and slave that volunteered to train Hugh's Masters."

He reached for the duffle bag and opened it up. He pulled out chains, leather cuffs, a leather belt, a leather jock with a hole for a dildo, and a ball gag. The ball gag went in his mouth and buckled at the back of his head. The belt went on next. Wrist cuffs were put on him and then a short chain secured them to the belt. A medium sized dildo was snapped in place on the leather jock and Hugh was made to bend over. It was slowly pushed up into his ass and the leather jock snapped into place and adjusted. Leather cuffs went around his ankles and a short chain put in place between them. Another chain was run from the center of the ankle chain to the leather belt. Hugh was now properly restrained. We watched Caleb escort Hugh to the door where he stopped and pulled back a little. Caleb turned to see what the problem was. Hugh hobbled to Daniel and pressed his nose against Daniel's cheek. I suddenly understood.

"He's kissing you goodbye," I said.

Hugh nodded his head and then did the same for Rupert and Tom. Then Caleb walked him out the door and to the truck. He opened the back and placed Hugh in the back and secured him to the bench. The door closed and we could see Hugh's face through the bars. There was a bright glow in his eyes as the truck drove off.

"There he goes," I said. "When you get him back, he'll be so much better."

Daniel grinned. "I can't wait!"

I laughed as I led the way back into the house.

We went to the Peckertown airport the next morning to show Hejiro the Corsair. He got that dreamy look in his eyes once more as he looked at the plane. He ran his hands over the metal wings as he walked around the plane. It was like the clock had rolled back for him. He climbed up on the wing and looked inside. He got in the pilot's seat and looked at the board. Then he began to laugh. Shiro and I looked at each other. Had Hejiro flipped?

"Logan, only fate could make this happen," he said. "You own the plane I stole back in World War 2. I know this because I remember the little metal plate just above this gauge had a sequence of numbers and letters. This is the very plane I stole."

He climbed down and motioned for Shiro to climb up. "If you can pry up the top right corner of the metal panel on the floor just under the seat, you will find a little card."

Shiro climbed into the plane and started looking. He came back up a moment later giving his Grandfather a strange look. "I found a card. It looks like it's been here since 1945. It says pilot Onashi Hejiro, tenth squadron, 6 may 1945."

There are times I do believe in fate, and times I don't. This was one of the times I did.

Hejiro smiled once more and the distant look in his eyes told me he was there once more, reliving the moment. "She could move. You barely had to nudge the stick and she did what you wanted. She was fast and quick, turn on a dime and outrace anybody. I'll have to show you the pictures, commendation, and medal I got for pulling it off. Always did wonder what happened to her after I parked her on the aircraft carrier."

Shiro hopped down and hugged his Grandfather as the old man sighed. I patted the man on his shoulder and walked away to give him some privacy with Shiro. Anyone who could do that and get away with it was very cool in my book.

While we were waiting for Shiro and his grandfather to do the preflight check Caleb pulled up in the PTA's Jeep and got out with two other boys. At first glance I knew they were identical twins from their long black hair to their matching leathers.

"Logan, everybody, let me introduce two of Peckertown Training Academy's finest teachers, Bryan and Byron. They will be going with you to train you three to be good masters for Slave Hugh," he said staring at the three young English actors. "They will be bringing Slave Timmy to aid in the training but let me make one thing perfectly clear. If Bryan, Byron or Logan say no then you will not get Hugh as your personal slave. Do I make myself clear or do we end this now?"

"I agree Master Caleb," Daniel said.

"I agree Master Caleb," Rupert said.

"I agree Master Caleb," Tom said.

"Very good, Byron get Timmy from the car and prepare him for travel," Caleb said.

"Yes sir," Byron said.

Shiro flew out a half hour later. He'd meet us at Denver airport by the time we got there. We got aboard the Suburbans and rolled out of Peckertown. It would take us about an hour to get to Little Rock, another half hour to file the flight plans and fly out. I called Mike on his cell.

"Little Bo Beep here," Mike cracked.

I smiled. He was going to work out fine. "Black Sheep Fan Club," I replied.

I heard him chuckle on the other end. "Flight plan filed, plane is gassed, and galley is stocked, and there is a small selection of DVD movies on board."

"Good job," I said. "We'll be there in a bit."

The fifteen-year-old black kid driving nodded. He was a smaller copy of Zeus, lots of big hard muscle, wore a black do rag around his shaved head and sported three hoop earrings in his right ear. Word had it he drifted into town one night and ended a ten-man brawl at Cody's bar single handedly. The Yamane Brothers offered him a job and he took it. This was a kid I didn't want to mess with. On the other hand, I'd love the chance to bed him. I'm an equal opportunity boy lover. He answered to Duane.

We arrived at the plane on the nose. Mike was sitting on the bottom step holding an Uzi, and enjoying a cigar. When he saw us approach, he stood up and covered both trucks with the Uzi. The trucks pulled to a stop and Duane was the first out with his AK-47. I came out the passenger side.

"It's cool," Mike said as he climbed the stairs into the jet.

I slapped hands with Duane. "See ya in a month."

"We be ready bro," he growled.

We were in the air a half hour later, just five minutes behind schedule. We would have clear weather all the way. I sat back in my command chair and mentally reviewed our actions over the last two months and decided we had done well. I was ready for some down time and eagerly looked forward to it. Who knew what would happen next.

I sat in the Jacuzzi with my usual glass of sake and watched the teens playing in the pool. We had been pleasantly surprised to see Aaron already on site. Mugs had kept him in the hoosegow for a night for his own protection after the female population of Oakwood found out he was in town. The girls surrounded the police station and waited for him to come out. We had to fast rope in and get him out via the roof. I was glad I had gotten the Huey a while back. I hoped they wouldn't compromise our security. So I set up roving patrols to make sure of that. Aaron immediately called a guy he knew in Hollywood and asked if his stunt double could pop up in a few places around Hollywood. That little trick worked and Aaron was safe again. Amazing how that works so well.

I looked up so see Hejiro sitting so calmly in the garden area meditating. He was impressed with the setup here. The crates he had shipped here from Japan were in town waiting for us so we had retrieved them and brought them here. Hejiro didn't waste anytime setting up his room the way he wanted it. I made sure he would be comfortable in it. One of the things he did was to inspect the dojo Shiro had set up and he approved of it. He would be spending time in there teaching Sacha and Neil more of the martial arts. Everything was coming together nicely.

Before we left Caleb had given Daniel, Rupert, and Tom some books to read from the PTA school library. I peeked at the titles: "A Beginner's Manual for the Master", "S&M Techniques", "Caring For Your Slave", and "A Slave's Life". I made a note to go and check out the Little Leather Club's bookstore when we went back for the shoot. Guy hadn't shown up just yet due to some problems with the movie. Apparently some production people were giving him trouble. I hoped he'd iron it out before long.

I looked up to see the red headed slave coming towards me with a cold glass of sake. I grinned as he set it on the table next to me. He stood at attention as I looked him over. Like I said, he had red hair on his head cut down spiky short. Beautiful green eyes accented his good looks and he had a dazzling smile. I gently stroked his cock and it grew to a respectable six inches uncut. Timmy had no hair on his balls or cock, and his red pubic hair was cut down short and neatly trimmed.

"Do you wish some relief?" he asked, his voice sounding fresh and sweet.

"Yes Please. You can start by sucking my hard cock," I instructed him.

Timmy dropped to his knees and began sucking my cock. He had a very skillful mouth. I wondered if he had been taught how to suck cock, because he was doing it right. I sighed and closed my eyes as he deep throated my cock. I heard a noise next to me and I opened my eyes to see Billy slipping his cock inside the young boy's ass. I felt a sharp intake of breath on my cock as Timmy reacted to the cock invading his ass. Billy Gilman pushed all the way in and then started fucking the boy.

"Are you sucking off Logan?" Billy asked as he fucked the boy.

I nodded as Timmy doubled his efforts on my cock. "Yes he is, and he's doing one hell of a job at it. This boy's a natural."

Bryan chuckled. "That's how he got in. Dropped to his knees right there in the middle of the street and blew Benjy good. Great public performance."

I had to laugh as Timmy worked my cock expertly. Billy was rabbit fucking the kid, his eyes closed, his head back, and starting his scales. Billy once remarked he had two sets of scales he liked to sing. One was reserved for sex, the other for the stage. I've heard both and Billy was starting his sexual scales.

"Oh baby! Nice tight ass! Hot ass! I love fucking this ass! I'm gonna cum!" Billy cried out, shoving his cock further into the red headed slave boy.

The thirteen year old hummed on my cock and I shivered as I came suddenly.

"Drink my cum boy!" I panted as I shot my load deep in his mouth.

Timmy sucked it all up and didn't miss a drop. I could see his ass flex as he milked Billy's cock for every drop of his cum as Billy ejaculated deep in the red head. Both of us sighed once we stopped cumming. Billy kissed Timmy's butt cheeks as I kissed the boy's face.

"You did a good job," I commented.

Timmy smiled. "Thank you Master."

Now I was feeling so much better and was looking forward to the month here at home. I patted the boy on the butt as he got up from his knees and headed for the kitchen to make dinner. I looked up to see Aaron and the other actors sitting in the Jacuzzi discussing the script. Apparently they had decided it needed some major reworking and were discussing possible changes and so on. Daniel stood up and stretched and I admired his teen body. Apparently he had started a workout program to keep up with the demands of the Harry Potter movies and it looked like he had been putting on some muscle. I hoped I'd get the chance to explore them later. I watched Haley and Aaron snuggling together and marveled at the power of love and how it could change people's lives like it had with them and so many other boys in Peckertown. I sincerely hoped it would continue to be the kind of place where dreams could happen. In my mind, it was a place well worth defending and fighting for, and it was up to men like myself to do it. I cannot fail in that mission. Ever.


Samurai Inc. 21 The month at Logan's Mountain, Hugh's training at the PTA, and more fun, excitement, and thrills!

Next: Chapter 22

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