Samurai Inc

By David (DAG1064)

Published on Jul 3, 2000


Samurai Inc. 05 Part one By David (

Author's Note: This episode guest stars Aaron Carter and Haley Joel Osment. Aaron is a great singer and Haley is a great actor in my humble opinion. Both boys are not gay, and this story doesn't mean that they are. This story is to be a crossover into another title, "Arkansas Vacation." I have the blessing of Sid Gittler, who is the creator of that particular series. I suggest everyone read it and his other works, very great stuff. On with the show!!

Samurai Inc. 05 Part one "The Movie"

Guest stars: Haley Joel Osment, Aaron Carter, and the Cast of "Arkansas Vacation."

After setting the phone back down, I leaned back in my chair. We had just landed an assignment that very well could be the mother of all assignments. We were to escort and protect two young celebrities to Arkansas, to a town called Peckertown. I had heard quite a bit about the changes in Arkansas, seen the TIME and People magazine articles about Peckertown among others. But never had the opportunity to go there and see for myself. Now it was going to happen, and I didn't know how to handle this situation at all. If the word got out, every boy in that town would try anything to bed down these two guys. This called for some real planning. I called the two guys down into the workroom, the nerve center of Samurai Inc. I briefed them on the situation.

"Shit," Sammo swore softly.

"No kidding," Shiro nodded. "This gonna be no Sunday picnic."

That had to be an understatement. We needed a plan, and needed it quick. Can't rely on any help from my chain of friends that I had set up long ago in the event that I needed help when the fertilizer hit the grinder. Retired Navy Seals never really retire. There is a very organized group of Seals who have left the service and have set up their own little organization to help other Seals in time of need when they can't go through the official chain of command to get what they need. Oftentimes the official chain of command reacts very slowly. If you needed some intel fast, you have to hope it's still good enough by the time it got back to you. The organization of retired Seals can get intel and items to you much faster than the official chain can. No lie. This is solid fact. However, I felt that this was the one time I felt justified in leaving them out of the loop.

After much discussion, it was decided that Shiro would go there first and secure a rental house, cars, and scout the town out completely. Knowing that Shiro likes to thoroughly research anything, I felt that this would definitely challenge those abilities. Shiro agreed to the plan and sat down at the computer and started getting flight information, house and car rental information. I mentally crossed my fingers, toes, and my nuts (right over left for the serious shit, left one over right when the truly unexpected happens), and prayed. Shiro sat at the computer till one in the morning, assembling a huge stack of research for our-eyes-only. Sammo and I would read it after he left on his flight. Aaron Carter and Haley Joel Osment's respective bodyguards would escort them to our place at fourteen and fifteen hundred hours respectably. We definitely had a busy day ahead of us. I left the boys in the workroom and went to bed. I had the feeling that this was probably the last peace and quiet I was gonna get for a while.

Shiro's War Journal

Settling into my seat after the plane leveled off at thirty-two thousand feet, I reached for the airline magazine. Flipping through it, I felt like I was 007 James Bond off on a mission. Truth to tell, I was on a mission, and if things went well it would succeed. We've had a lot of small successes, but never a major one. This definitely would break new ground for us. Once again I went over the plan I carried in my head. That's one thing I had picked up from my Father, to always go over the plan several times, or more, until you had the sequence of planned events down cold. Of course there's always Mr. Fucking Murphy, but I had him factored in well this time. I must have dozed off, because the seatbelt chime sounded. I looked at my watch. Shit, had three hours gone by already? I had seventy-five minutes to find my way around Dallas-Fort Worth Airport to my connecting flight to Little Rock. I sat up and looked around. Everything looked normal. Setting the seat back to "it's upright position," I felt refreshed after that nap. Now I would be running on all cylinders for the rest of the day.

A steward came over and bent over. "Excuse me Sir, is anybody meeting you?"

I almost laughed, but he was just doing his job. Besides, he was cute. "No, I've just got to find the gate for the Little Rock flight."

A grimace flitted across his face. "My uncle will meet me there," I added.

He smiled, checked his pad. "Turn left and go two gates on the same side. You won't have any problems."

"Thanks." I gave him my best smile.

After locating the gate I walked down a little bit and found a fast food place and got some decent food into me.

The plane landed in Little Rock at 3:39 PM local time, just three minutes late. The layover had been as long as the second leg of the flight.

Getting off the plane in Little Rock was no different than getting off the plane back home, with one noticeable difference. There were more boys and girls running around than adults. Lust reared it's head and by the time I got to baggage claims I had envisioned an orgy going in the ticket counters, the security counter, the baggage claim areas (yeah, screwing while riding the baggage carousel sounds real kinky. Might be fun to try!), and the car rental booths. Sammo is constantly telling me I have a dirty mind. He's right, I do!

After renting my car I walked out to the lot and found it. It was a four-door sedan, an older model but that didn't matter. Opening the trunk, I looked around quickly and checked the parking lot. Popping open one of the suitcases, I retrieved a compact Ruger 9mm and made sure it was secure in the holster before I slipped it onto my belt at the small of my back. I had checked the gun laws here, and they too had been lowered. Even so, I had to be extra careful. The third suitcase contained lots of money. That's why I was packing. Getting into the car, I turned on the stereo and searched for a radio station.

"Hey out there, welcome to the next four hours with me, Dangerous Dan. We gonna be spinning some new stuff from Metallica, Powersound, and the super newest from Eric Clapton. So hang out here with me at WBOY and we'll take you straight through the noon hour," the boy's voice said.

My eyebrows lifted. They got kids working a radio station? That was news to me. Hum, this was going to be interesting, I thought as I left the airport. How little did I know. Riding down the highway, I enjoyed the music as it played through the car stereo. According to the map, Peckertown was about two hours away from Little Rock. I briefly wondered why there wasn't an airport there. The town probably wasn't zoned for one. For the next two hours it was just I, the road, and the music. The scenery started changing a little as I got close to Peckertown. I remembered seeing a lake by the town on the map. The first building came into sight as I came over a slight rise. The town looked normal so I kept driving in.

I had pictured sex places every other building as I drove in.

To my surprise, it wasn't like that at all. I was feeling hungry, so I pulled into the parking lot of a place called the Tasty Buns. Walking in the place, I caught the smells of good cooking from the kitchen. My brain kicked in and the thought of food had me drooling in no time (Dad always says I get absolutely loony over food. Well, I'm a growing boy, ain't I?) as a barely dressed red head approached me.

"Booth or counter?" he asked.

"Booth please," I replied as he led me into the restaurant.

I watched his ass wiggle beneath the satin short shorts he was wearing. My cock came up quick. I never know who's hungry more, my cock or me. Real frustrating.

"What would you like to drink?" the boy asked as he handed me the menu.

"Budweiser," I said.

He turned to go get it while I started pursuing the menu. Everything looked good on it. I wondered if I could get one of everything on it. In the end I settled on teriyaki steak, salad, potato, and mixed vegetables. That was great steak, but Dad makes better.

"Hey, what's a good place to stay at?" I asked the boy as I paid the bill.

"Well, there's a few good places, but the Jorgenson Inn is the best. Can I call them and see if there is anything available?" the kid grinned.

"Sure, go for it. Thanks," I nodded as I turned to survey the place.

I listened to the boy making his phone call, and then he hung up. After getting the directions, I went back to the car and got back on the freeway towards the hotel. Pulling into the driveway I looked up at the hotel. It stood six stories, the structure resembling the Holiday Inns I had seen in Colorado. This Jorgenson must be pretty rich. Pulling up underneath the portico, I got out and unloaded my suitcases.

"Hi, checking in?" a boy's voice said.

I looked up to see a smiling boy standing in front of me. He stood just as tall as me, wore a bright green Hawaiian shirt, jeans, and boots. He looked cute.

"Yeah. Just got in a while ago. Stopped at the Tasty Buns and they sent me here," I replied, dropping a suitcase on the ground.

"Cool. Glad to have you with us," he said as he placed the suitcases on the cart. "Can I park your car?"

"Sure. Here's the keys. I'll be at the check in desk," I replied, handing the boy my keys.

I watched him drive the car into the parking lot and park it in a slot quick and efficient. I turned to walk in, pulling the cart with me.

"Hi, my name's Tad. Welcome to the Jorgenson Inn," the young boy behind the counter said extending his hand.

I took it and returned the greeting. As I filled out the registration card, I wondered if these boys were working here because they wanted to, or were they being forced to. I couldn't help but remember briefly what I had been forced to do in Denver before meeting Dad. His finding me was the day I had started to live again.

"Mr. Harada? I'm sorry to inform you that the singles are taken up at the moment. Would a suite up on the sixth floor be okay at the same price?" the boy asked, breaking into my thoughts.

I looked up. "Cool, sure. Thanks."

"Good. Brian will take you up so you can settle in," Tad indicated the boy next to me.

I followed Brian into the elevator. We rode up in silence. Getting into the room, I looked around as Brian showed the amenities. I tipped Brian a twenty and he grinned going out the door. So far so good. Going to the briefcase, I dialed up Dad on the secure cell that he had "borrowed" (read: stolen from some drug lords in South America a few years back. Somebody must be paying the bill. These things are still working) and waited for him to answer.

"Hell Dog Bikes," was the answer.

"Cat House Bedding," I shot back.

"About time you called, son. You all right?" Dad asked.

"I'm cool. Just got settled in at the Jorgenson Inn. This is a nice place," I said. Cash is in the room safe and I've changed the combo."

"As in real nice, or just nice?" Dad asked.

"Real nice. There's more to this town than what came up on the computer. I'm going walkabout tomorrow," I said.

"Okay, but be careful, son. You never know, luvya" Dad said before hanging up.

Dropping the cell on the bed, I decided to go soak in the bathtub and relax. Tomorrow was going to be another long day.

David's War Journal

I hung up the cell after talking to Shiro. I turned towards the kitchen, wondering if there was anything left in the refrigerator. Now I had three savages to deal with. I walked in the kitchen and sighed. The table was a mess, sandwich stuff scattered all over. Aaron, Haley, and Sammo looking up at me.

"Hey, we're growing kids, man!" Haley chirped.

Aaron and Sammo lost it, food flying as they laughed their asses off. I sighed again.

"This is gonna be a long month," I sighed as I looked for a bottle of sake.

I heard them cracking up again as I left the kitchen. I sat down at the table in the dinning room and looked over the flight plans for the trip. I had decided on a very early morning flight to cut down on the chances of crazy fans swamping the airport. I was going to talk to Shiro about meeting us at the airport and taking us into Peckertown. I slowly became aware of silence from the kitchen. I learned long ago that when three kids get together and you get silence from the room they are in, it usually means trouble. I usually ended up being the victim as well. I put down my sake and walked into the kitchen. I stood there in shock and watched them eat ice cream out of bowls with their tongues. They were, no doubt about it, total messes.

"When you gents are finished with the feeding frenzy, please clean the kitchen. Then report to me in the back yard," I said after getting their attention.

They nodded agreement; then I went out to the yard. Finding the hose, I sat down in the chair and waited for them. They appeared soon enough.

"What's up?" Aaron asked, looking innocent.

"Oh, just this," I said, bringing up the hose and squirting all three.

They reacted, jumping back. I ordered them to stand still, then turn around one at a time. Once I had them clean, they looked much better.

"Now that I have you three animals cleaned after the feeding frenzy, go hit the lake and have fun. I'll be down in a bit," I said.

They just grinned at me and started following Sammo as he walked down to the lake. He started stripping off his wet clothes and laid them out in the sun. I couldn't help but laugh at Aaron and Haley's expressions as they looked at Sammo's personal gear. Sammo was no slouch in the tube steak department. I know that from experience. I went into the house and got the cell from the desk where I had dropped it and headed down to the lake. There were other clothes scattered on the dock, so I picked them up and spread them out to dry. I dropped four towels on the dock and then stripped down myself. I was no slouch either.

"Woah, way cool!" Aaron said, doing a wolf whistle.

"Come here little boy, and let me show you what you can do with this," I chuckled evilly, wiggling my index finger at him.

He giggled as he got out of the lake and walked over to me. He had a nice one himself, about four soft and uncut. I grinned as he walked over to me. I laid him down on the dock and started to fellate this delightful boy. His eyes bugged out as he watched me go down on him. This he didn't expect at all. It showed interest and started coming up. I pulled a bit of the flesh away and slipped my tongue in-between cock and the loose skin.

"OH MY GOD!" Aaron nearly shot up off the dock.

I had to hold him down so he wouldn't hurt himself. Haley stared at us as Sammo laughed at Aaron's reaction.

"What is he doing?" Haley asked.

Sammo pulled himself out on the dock and helped Haley out and then laid him on his back. Sammo gently wanked Haley's four inches. The boy was cut, the head quickly coming to attention. Sammo sucked Haley's cock into his mouth. Haley whimpered and shut his eyes, as new feelings coursed through his body. Sammo kept going, taking his time. He wanted to do this right, to make Haley feel good. Aaron was enjoying himself. He writhed under me, his hands grabbing at my body. This was a rare pleasure for me. I couldn't recall the last time I had sucked on uncut cock. Well, Aaron's was getting the royal treatment from me. I was gonna make sure he was going to remember this one.

Haley was seeing stars and hearing choirs. Once he had gotten over his initial shock, he decided to just lay back and enjoy this. This was something he'd seen in adult magazines, but never thought it could be done to him. Sammo was making his secret fantasy come true.

"So what if he's a guy. Enjoy it kiddo," a voice said inside Haley's head. He wondered what Aaron was feeling. He hoped he was enjoying it too.

Aaron was. He was shoving his hips against my face like he was trying to fuck my mouth. He was moaning and groaning, banging his heels on the dock, his fists on the back of my shoulders. He suddenly stiffened up, and whined loud. I suddenly got some sweet boy cream in my mouth. I swallowed it and tried to encourage more out of his cock. He gave up two more shots, and then collapsed. I looked over at Haley. He had the goofiest look on his face, and then sighed. I guessed that he had finally cum.

"Like that?" I said to Aaron.

The dreamy smile on his face was answer enough for me. Haley finally sat up looking out of it still. I grinned at Sammo.

"I think they like that relaxation technique," I commented.

He had to laugh at that one. We held the boys in our arms as they relaxed.

"That was so.... " Haley started to say.

"Don't try to describe it, Haley. You just can't. Just know that you have experienced something great and unique for the first time in your life," Sammo said.

"Goes for you too, Aaron. There will be lots more pleasures for both of you to experience, only if you want to. If there is something that makes you feel uncomfortable, just say so and the scene ends. Take your time," I said seriously.

"That was way cool," Aaron sighed, snuggling down in my arms.

What makes me feel real good after sex is when my partner snuggles down into my arms. There is something to be said about that. It just does a body good. Not to mention your soul and spirit.

It was getting dark, so I decided an early night was called for. I herded them all up to the house and to showers. They came back down and sat around the living room relaxing in the nude and watching TV. The next time I looked at the clock, it was nine thirty. Haley had already dozed off in my arms. I carried the boy up to his room and tucked him into bed. I watched Sammo do the same for Aaron.

He followed me to my room and got into bed with me. Poor guy was going through a hard time because his family discovered he was gay. As a result, his parents went nuts and publicly disowned him, outted him and Shiro at the same time. What surprised them, and me, were people supporting Sammo and Shiro. The family moved out of Crystal Springs, leaving Sammo behind. The obvious thing to do was have Sammo move in with us, and take up residence in Shiro's room. The two of them settled into cohabitation very nicely. Both Shiro and I had been helping him deal with all of his emotions since then. Today was the first sign that he was going to be fine. I was glad of that. He snuggled down next to me and went to sleep. I laid there for a bit and silently hoped that this was a good thing.

Shiro's War journal

Day Two

I woke the next morning at nine. When I left the hotel room I wore my usual jeans, black shirt, mirrored shades, and the 9mm secured to my belt under the shirt. I went down to the lobby and picked up the Peckertown Times. It was a local paper staffed by boys, I had heard. Going into the coffee shop, I ordered breakfast and pursued the paper. You can often tell a lot about a town's atmosphere by reading the local paper. There wasn't anything unusual in the headlines other than the fact that the mayor of the town was considering whether or not to run again. Judging from the comments he made, it was highly unlikely that he'd seek the office again. Flipping through the paper, I noted a number of items as I read. Gonna have to set up the laptop and write out an action report to Dad later. He'd be interested in this. The more information we had, the better. After breakfast, I went out to the car and started driving around the town. Seemed like there was a lot of quiet neighborhoods. I wondered if people had moved out because of the law changes in Arkansas. I observed a few real estate signs around. I stopped in front of one and wrote down the name and number for one, Scotti Brothers. The name suggested a Scottish background.

By now I was starting to develop a respect for the people of Peckertown, even though there were more kids than adults. Seemed to me that a majority of them had made it very well, proving that they were a lot more mature than adults gave them credit for. I called the number from a phone booth on the corner.

"Scotti Brothers real estate, Jay speaking," the voice answered.

"Hi, my name is Shiro Harada, and I'm looking to rent property for approximately a month, maybe two. Don't know for sure yet," I said.

"Okay, why don't you come over and sit down with us? Perhaps we can fill some of your needs," Jay said in his Scottish accent.

"Sure. Just let me have directions to your office," I said.

I walked into the place a few minutes later. There was an older gentleman in there, talking to one of the boys. Apparently he had just retired and wanted to settle down here. They were setting up the terms for a quick escrow for the man. He seemed real excited at the prospect of living here. Something about that man made me a little nervous. Once he walked out the door, both brothers exhaled sharply.

"God, am I glad he's out of here!" one said.

"You said it! He was practically drooling over us!" said the other.

"Sorry about that. Nice to meet you, Mr. Harada. I'm Jay," the slightly taller one said as we shook hands. "This is my brother, Tay."

We sat down in the chairs and relaxed a moment. I looked at the paper in my lap.

"I'm interested in renting a four bedroom house for about one, two months. Don't know if we'll stay longer, but we'll tell you that later," I said.

"Okay, not a problem. Got a few available right now, all furnished. Want to go and take a look?" Tay asked.

"Sure," I said.

I drove while they gave directions. We looked at eight houses. I finally decided on the fourth one. It was a nice one, a bit remote, but it had everything we would need. I liked it. I'd move in tomorrow.

Getting back to the hotel after a long day of driving around, I got a few strange looks as I went up to my room. The strange feeling intensified as I walked up to the door. Going alert, I looked up and down the hall before drawing the 9mm. I opened the door quickly and took three fast steps into the room. I saw a Japanese boy sitting at the wet bar by the balcony.

"Stay where you are, okay?" I said.

"No problem," he said.

I quick searched the room, kitchen, bedroom, and bath before coming back into the room.

"You're Yoshi Toranaga," I said, recognizing him from the Powersound group photo on the debut CD.

He smiled, and nodded. I had the nagging feeling that this wasn't the first time we had met either. We had met somewhere else.

He stood, and bowed. It is an honor to meet you again, Shiro Harada," he said.

Now I was really puzzled. "How do you know me?"

Yoshi pointed to something on the bar as he went to the door and closed it. I picked it up from the bar as I secured the gun back in its holster. It was a picture of two little Japanese boys posing for the camera, smiling. It took almost another minute before the memory kicked in.

"Now I remember!" I cried. "I met you when we were six years old!"

Yoshi smiled. "It has been some years, Shiro. Our Dads did business together."

"My parents died nearly two years ago, Yoshi. Is your family still alive?" I asked.

Yoshi touched my shoulder. "I grieve for you, and with you. I'm so sorry. Yes, my family is alive and well. We will have plenty of time to talk later. There are some people who want to meet you because of your being here. Come on."

Yoshi led me downstairs and to the hotel offices. After sitting down, I was introduced to the three men in the conference room. The gray haired older man was Elija Jorgenson. He owned the hotel and other things. The big black bald guy was Zeus, ops boss for the hotel. The forty something guy was Marc Fogel, general manager for Jorgenson enterprises.

"How come you didn't introduce yourself as being part of Samurai Inc.?" Zeus asked, pointing to a paper on the table.

I looked at it. It was a trade paper from Hollywood. "Samurai Inc. to Escort and Protect Aaron Carter and Haley Joel Osment While Filming Movie in Peckertown, AR."

"Oh, fuck!" I raged. "Dad's gonna have a massive cow on this one!"

Then my cell rang.

David's War journal

I had seen the trade journal when I opened the mailbox. I flew up into the house, madder than hell. My first call was to the studio bosses. They quickly informed me that they had located the leak and fired his ass. But it was too late; the damage was already done. The secret was out. Next call was to Shiro.

"Frank's Furriers," he answered.

"This is Road Runner deliveries," I snapped, still very much pissed off.

"Wasn't me, Dad. I just saw the damn thing myself," Shiro answered.

"Not blaming you, son. That leak has been permanently decaffeinated," I said.

"That's good news. Hang on, I'm gonna set up the speaker part. Got some guests up here," Shiro said, and then I heard the sound of a speaker hooked up and turned on. "Can you hear me Dad?"

"Sure can son," I replied.

"Okay, gents, please introduce yourselves," I heard Shiro say.

"Sure. I'm Yoshi Toranaga," a boy's voice said.

"Elija Jorgenson," a man's voice said.

"Zeus Morgan," a very deep man's voice said.

I felt chills run down my spine. I had known a Zeus Morgan years ago, when the Seal teams helped out with Grenada. This dude had been something then.

"Still kicking' butt Morgan?" I asked.

I heard laughter at the other end. "Dave? Dave Logan? My God, it's been a while!"

"Grenada was fun, but I had much more fun tangling with you Marine assholes in the bars there," I said grinning.

"Ye gods, I haven't forgotten that," Zeus laughed again.

"We sure were something then," I sighed. "So what the hell are you doing there?"

"I'm ops boss for the new hotel here, Mr. Jorgenson's the owner and Marc Fogel's the general manager for all his properties," Zeus said. "Lots of fun."

"Heh. Too mild for me," I said.

"So you created Samurai Inc. with your son and a friend of his," Zeus said.

"Never a dull moment," I laughed.

"Won't argue there," Zeus said. "So, let's get down to business."

Within the next hour, things got settled away. The crew shooting the movie was a local film crew comprised of boys from Peckertown. I recalled from Shiro's computer check of Peckertown that a group of boys had gotten together and started their own film company. The outfit would be doing all the actual work. The studio producing the movie liked using local help whenever possible to help the local economy. It made for good business.

Yoshi said he'd call somebody named Scott, but Zeus said he was out on medical leave for the time being. I didn't ask, sounded too personal. Yoshi said he'd go and talk to a few people, and check in with Shiro later that evening.

Shiro then reported on the house he had secured for us to stay in. Shiro had definitely picked out a good location. Zeus and Elija even added their approval.

I was sitting in the kitchen on a high stool not paying attention to anything, when I felt something tug at my zipper. I looked down to see Haley grinning like the Cheshire cat. He yanked my shorts down and took my eight inches into his mouth and started gently sucking on me. Not to be out done, Aaron got down on his knees and pulled Haley's shorts off him, then started eating Haley ass. Oh, God, these two!

"I don't know when I'm coming out," I said, trying to keep my voice normal.

"Well, let me know and I'll rent a van to pick you guys up at the Little Rock airport. Tell Sammo to use the traveling cousins set up. He'll know what I mean. Just contact me as soon as you know," Shiro said.

"I will," I said, voice cracking slightly.

I hung up and sighed. This kid's mouth was like a vacuum, sucking hard and powerful. I noticed that Aaron was having a bit of trouble working Haley's ass.

"Hang on a moment," I said hoarsely.

Getting off the stool, I reached for a funnel and a jar of chocolate syrup. I stuck the tip of the funnel in Haley's ass and poured just a bit of chocolate in there, then pulled the funnel out and smeared it all over the boy's crack and balls. I lay down on my back on the floor and presented little Davy once more.

Haley attacked it like a crazy man, and Aaron went back to work. I let myself go, floating off into the world of pleasure and joy. I could hear Haley whimpering with excitement, Aaron's tongue working his ass and balls over. Through slits I saw Haley's head bobbing up and down on my cock, while Aaron's head was going up and down while working Haley's ass. Suddenly Aaron got on his knees, pulled his foreskin back, and then preceded to stuff Haley's ass with his hard four-inches. Haley whipped his head back and cried out in passion.

"Yeah! Fuck me silly!" he yelled, then went back down to finish sucking me off.

That boy's hot mouth felt so good on me. I heard Aaron grunting and groaning, fucking the boy's ass good. I felt something starting to happen deep in my balls. I was about to cum. I felt the feeling starting to rise and move forward, through the balls, up past the prostate, and then finally out my cock. All I could do was moan and shiver.

"I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" Aaron screamed out a moment later.

He slammed himself against Haley's ass harder, trying to get deeper. Haley tried to swallow as much of my cum as he could, but some of it got out of his mouth and onto me. He coughed a bit, and then swallowed a bit more. He sighed, grinning. I heard something hitting the floor. I looked to see Aaron spread out on the floor, breathing hard, his cock covered with chocolate and cum. Haley stretched out on his back and I saw cum and chocolate coming out of his ass. Damn! I hate hard decisions!

"You take Haley. I'm having me a slice of this chocolate covered treat," Sammo said in my ear.

Good enough for me. I got down and stretched out on the floor and started eating out Haley. The boy just closed his eyes and let out a very sexy moan. I got down to business, licking and sucking at the boy's asshole. There's something to be said for chocolate covered boy ass, especially with a creamy filling coming out of the freshly fucked ass. Haley's was no exception. Aaron was in heaven, being sucked off expertly by Sammo. The pop star was busy practicing his scales as Sammo worked the boy's joystick. I had to grin. I kept working Haley's ass until he was nice and clean again. He lay in my arms, eyes half closed.

"Thanks, Dave. That was quite a ride," he said dreamily.

"You're welcome, Haley. Now I need to take you to the bathroom and get you cleaned up and out," I said, getting to my feet.

I picked up Haley and carried him to a side bathroom. This one was between the house and the swimming pool. It was much larger than the other bathrooms in the house. I had built this one with fun in mind. Setting Haley down in the shower, I turned to the cabinet and retrieved the cleaning gear that I'd need. Haley giggled once he saw what I had.

"Haven't had that done in a long time," he said.

"That's too bad. Good for the body to have it flushed out down there," I said.

We heard Aaron howl from the kitchen at that moment.

"Another satisfied customer?" Haley asked, cracking up.

I had to laugh too. This kid had a great sense of humor. I turned to the sink and filled the bag with warm soapy water, then hung it off the shower pipe. Haley got on his knees and stuck his ass in the air. Slipping the nozzle into his ass, I turned the valve on slow and let the water into him. He groaned a little.

"Too hot?" I asked.

"No. Feels good," he said.

I reached under him and rubbed his bloated stomach a little to help ease the discomfort. Once the bag was empty, I pulled the nozzle out and slipped a butt plug into him. Haley lay on his side and sighed. I turned around to the sink and set up the bag for a warm water rinse. I heard him groan a little.

"Cramps starting?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm okay though," he said.

"Good. Let me know when it gets too much," I said.

Meanwhile, out in the kitchen, Aaron had conked out after getting his nuts vacuumed out by Sammo. Sammo got up and got a washcloth to clean Aaron up with. He wiped down Aaron, and then carried him to the couch. The phone rang at that moment, so Sammo answered it. He came to the bathroom with the phone. I took it and indicated with a hand signal that he should take care of Haley.

"This is David," I said.

"Mr. Logan? I trust everything is set up on your end?" the voice of the studio head (I'll call him Mac, since he wants his privacy protected) said.

"Everything's cool, just need the word to roll out of here," I said.

"Good. The word is given. It's a go," Mac said.

"Thank you very much," I said.

"Good luck," he said, and then hung up.

Aaron was waking up on the couch as Haley walked back into the living room. I quickly dialed Shiro's cell.

"D's Leather shop," he answered.

"Stork Diaper service," I announced. "Your delivery has been scheduled for tomorrow morning. We are officially in business."

Shiro's War Journal

When Dad called me with the good news, I felt like celebrating. Now comes the fun part. Retrieving them at the airport without causing a mob scene. Hey, these two are extremely hot property, and their fans would go nuts over their arrival here. I called Yoshi with the news.

"So the fun begins," he sighed.

"Yup," I said.

"Had dinner yet?" he asked.

"No, and I am hungry," I said, feeling my stomach growl.

"Well, would you like to join me and my mate for dinner?" he asked.

"Be glad to," I said.

Yoshi gave me directions to his house. I picked up a bottle of nice white zinfandel from the store on the way over. The neighborhood he lived in was nice. A nice looking red head answered the door.

"Hi! You must be Shiro, the guy my hubby told me about," he said.

It clicked. This guy was Jeff, the bass player for Powersound. He was the one who married Yoshi. I remembered reading the article in the paper some time ago. I grinned and shook his hand as I walked into the house. It was a modest setup, nothing fancy. I liked it immediately. I could feel something there, a warm feeling that made me feel very relaxed.

"Like the house?" Jeff asked.

"Sure do. This is really nice. There's something here that I just can't put my finger on it just yet," I said.

Jeff smiled. "You're not the only one who's said that to us."

I handed him the bottle of wine and he carried it into the kitchen. I sat down on the couch and let my thoughts wander a bit. Is this what it was like for Sammo and me? If so, I wanted more of it. There's something special about being in love, and sharing your life with that special person. All I knew is that Sammo and I loved each other very much.

"Shiro? Dinner's ready," Jeff said, breaking into my thoughts.

I stood up and followed Jeff to the table. It was set up nice, fancy china on the table, crystal wineglasses, and a spread of food that smelled delicious. After dinner, we sat in the living room and I was persuaded to tell my life story, which I did. When I finished, both Yoshi and Jeff toasted me with their glasses.

"Hope you and Sammo will be happy together for a long time," Yoshi said.

"I know we will. I get that feeling that we will grow old together," I said.

"We plan on doing that," Jeff smiled as he looked at Yoshi.

I got a strong feeling of love from them at that moment. It actually brought a tear to my eye. I had a sudden vision of me and Sammo sitting on the porch together as old men.

"Shiro?" Yoshi asked, concerned.

I smiled. "I'm all right. I just had a sudden vision of me and Sammo sitting on the porch together in our old age. I also had a very strong feeling from you guys, and it moved me deeply."

"That's the power of love, man. It can affect people around you," Jeff said.

The doorbell rang at that moment. Yoshi got off the couch and went to answer it. Another boy followed him in. He was a good-looking guy, with long brown hair and green eyes.

"Shiro, this is Scott Davis, he does security work for Jorgenson Enterprises. Scott, this is Shiro Harada," Yoshi said, making the introductions.

I stood up to greet him. "Nice to meet you."

"Likewise. I hear you're part of a company called Samurai Inc., and you're escorting two celebrities here for a movie. Relax, I heard this from Zeus, so your security isn't compromised. I brought a limo van over for as long as you need it. What's special about it is that its armored, bullet resistant tires, and has a very mean engine.

"It's something I've been working on for some time," Scott said.

"Thanks! That solves my transportation problem," I said, shaking his hand.

I took the keys and put them into my pocket.

"I can't stay long, Frank and I are on the way out of town. Second honeymoon," he grinned, wiggling his eyebrows.

We laughed as he ran down the sidewalk to a car and hopped in, then took off. I looked at the van parked at the curb. It looked like an ordinary van, but I know that looks can be deceiving sometimes.

"What am I gonna do with the car?" I wondered out loud.

"Let's take a ride and park it at the house you rented from the Scotti Brothers. That'll take care of that problem," Jeff suggested.

"Sounds like a plan," I grinned.

I sat on the couch for a moment while they quickly cleared the table and left everything in the sink to soak. They ran upstairs for a moment, then came back.

"May I have the keys to the car you drove here in?" Yoshi asked.

"Sure, here they are," I replied, handing them over.

Yoshi followed me to the house. The van sounded nice and smooth, but when I stepped on the gas, the engine sounded very mean. The inside of the van looked just like a limo, all the creature comforts associated with them. I thanked my lucky stars to have latched onto this. Yoshi approved of the house after I had showed them through.

"This is real nice. Gonna work out real well," he said.

"Thanks. I know Dad will approve," I said.

"Have you been out on the town at night yet?" Yoshi asked.

"No, not yet. I was thinking of going walkabout this evening," I said.

Both of them grinned. "Well, would you allow us to show you around?"

"Sure!" I grinned.

David's War Journal

Shiro answered the cell after eight rings.

"Harry's Rehab," he groaned.

I couldn't resist. "Terry's Strip Bar."

"Oh fuck you very much," Shiro groaned.

"I take it you had fun last night?" I asked.

"Shit, this town is something, Dad. I could tell you about it, but you gotta see the nightlife here. God, I'm tired," Shiro said.

"Well, get your lazy ass out of bed. We'll be landing about eleven, and it's about nine now. We're coming in on the studio's jet so we don't have to worry about baggage claim. Hope you got the transportation problem solved," I said.

"Sure do, Dad. What's the covers, and why do you sound so funny?" Shiro asked me.

"Southern cousins, and I'm sitting in the plane's john. That's why I sound funny," I said.

"Huh. You always sound funny when you do your first dump of the day," Shiro cracked.

"You! Expect retribution for that one," I said.

"Promises, promises. Let me get the hell off so I can get in gear," Shiro said.

"See you later son, luvya," I said, then hung up. "I never sound funny when I sit on the john."

Leaving the bathroom, I went back to my seat. Aaron and Haley were playing head to head Game Boy, Sammo was napping, and so I sat back and relaxed for a bit. I let my mind wander a bit and thought of various times in my life when I had done protection assignments, and reviewed my actions and those of the tangos when I had encountered them. I was constantly doing the what ifs, coming up with every possible scenario for potential trouble. Then, if it happened, all I had to do was react. You can't stop and take the time to look at the situation. You have to react right then and there, or you were dead, along with the VIPs. I'm not ready to roll over and play dead yet. Not for a long time yet.

The plane's seatbelt chimes sounded, and I looked up. Checking my watch, I noted that it was slightly after eleven. Boy, time flies when you're having fun. I woke Sammo and he snapped to. Nodding to Aaron and Haley, I got the ready signal in return. These guys learned the simple signals that I had taught Shiro and Sammo long ago when we first formed Samurai Inc. The other celebrities we had protected had learned them too. Scott Moffatt tells me that they still use them from time to time, and they can always get out of a scrape long before it happens. Nice to know some people can learn things that will protect them. I turned my attention to the front, and the plane landed smoothly with out any troubles.

I got nervous once we got off and into the airport itself. I kept an eye out for trouble, but none materialized. So far, so good. Sammo led the way past the baggage claims area, Aaron and Haley following. Both were doing an excellent job of not making eye contact with anybody. They looked like typical tourists with shorts, Hawaiian shirts, Laker's baseball caps tugged low and camera slung around their necks. Nobody looked at them twice.

We waited for about fifteen minutes, which was almost to long. A brown van pulled up to the curb in front of us and I spotted Shiro's face in the driver's seat as my hand went to my gun.

"Uncle Dan!" he hollered, jumping out of the seat. "So nice to see you!"

"Likewise, nephew!" I beamed at him. "You remember cousins Jeff and Jake."

"Of course!" Shiro grinned.

The side door opened and a big black guy stepped out. He grinned at me. The sight of Zeus Morgan brought back good memories. "Suggest we get you folks all loaded up and fly out of here."

"Especially before drooling girl attack," Shiro stage whispered.

As the luggage was being loaded into the back, I glanced in the direction Shiro indicated. Sure enough, there was a band of girls staring at us.

"Oh fuck," Haley whispered, "Not now."

He got in the van as casually as he could. Aaron was next, then Sammo. Shiro jumped back into the driver's seat. I quickly palmed a smoke bomb. Harmless little thing, just blows a lot of smoke. The back doors slammed shut, then Zeus jumped in. I followed, slamming the side door.

"Go go go!" I yelled.

Shiro hit the gas and the van moved away from the curb. I sighed with relief as we pulled away. Shiro's planned extraction of us went perfectly. I turned to look at Zeus.

"You dumb country hick," I said, starting the insult fight.

"You ignorant greasy white boy," he grinned.

Shiro's eyebrows went up on that one.

"Ass wipe," I said.

"You couldn't wipe your ass if you could find it," he snapped back.

Haley laughed, clapping his hands.

"No load, pus nutted geek," I fired off.

Sammo was next to join the laughter.

"Pencil dicked dipshit," Zeus showed his very clean white neat pearlies.

"Still using a magnifying glass to find it?" I snorted.

"Oh, you mean this?" he said withdrawing his big ten-inch.

Before I could stop Haley and Aaron, both boys dived onto that huge dick. The surprised reaction of Zeus's was enough to really crack Shiro, Sammo, and me up big time. Both Haley and Aaron competed to see who could bring off this big dude first. Zeus gave up trying to control his reaction a few minutes later. His head went back, his eyes glazed over, and he started whimpering. Looking down, I saw Aaron's mouth covering the head of Zeus's big cock, while Haley worked the man's big balls. He was squeezing the seats, trying not to cum too soon. He started shivering like he was having a seizure.

"Aaaaahhhhhh!" he screamed, throwing his head back and shoving his hips up, forcing a bit more black cock into Aaron's mouth. Haley moved up there to help Aaron take care of the erupting volcano. Both of them managed to get all the cum before it hit the floor of the van. Once Zeus was done shooting his massive load, he sat there with a very vacant look in his eyes.

"Hello? Hello?" Aaron snapped his fingers in front of the man's face. "Yup, I do believe the man has indeed left the building, folks."

I can't remember the last time I had laughed so hard.

Haley sat there with a satisfied smile on his face. "Boy, that's yummy!"

We laughed even harder. Then Shiro's cell rang.

"Yo," Shiro answered. "Thanks for the info."

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Tad at the Jorgenson Inn. Our opsec there is gone. There's a huge crowd waiting for us. Yoshi and crew are going to pull a fast one for us," Shiro said.

"Oh, cool. Fake celeb trick. People always fall for that one," Sammo grinned.

"I'm headed straight for the house instead," Shiro reported.

"Good. Then call Yoshi after we get there. I think someone's going to need special recovery therapy," I said, thumb pointed at a dozing black man.

Sammo just giggled.

We left Zeus sleeping in the van. As soon as we'd entered the house three boys and a man in his early twenties showed up and Shiro made the introductions.

"Daniel Jorgenson, Sargent Ryan, Wang Tse-Tung, and Yoshi Toranaga. They're going to be helping us out. Daniel's Dad is the one who's helping to sponsor this project. He'll be the liaison between Jorgenson Enterprises and us. As for the others, they're the security managers for this project. Yoshi and I are teaming up to cover Aaron, Sammo and Wang Tse-Tung will cover Haley. Sargent will be coordinating security here and on the film sets," Shiro said.

"Cool. Works for me," Sargent said. "I got good men ready, willing and able."

"What's with Zeus?" Daniel asked.

I looked at the six-foot tall teen with long black hair tied into a single ponytail and debated telling him the truth. "Long story, so sit down."

I got a beer from the refrigerator, and sighed. Shiro noted my look.

"Sorry Dad, I couldn't get any sake," he said.

"No biggie. I know Zeus from back in my military days. He was Marine, I was Navy Seal. We met when Grenada happened. Both of us teamed up to do some serious butt kicking. Yeah, we did have a few kills between us, but it was necessary. We rescued a lot of people. We did most of our fighting in the bars there, usually my team versus his. We trashed a lot of places, and anyone else who was stupid enough to interfere. Last time I saw him was about four years ago in Texas. He was going to college then. Imagine my surprise to find him here, heh.

We started an insult fight in the van on the way here, and I asked him if he was still using a magnifying glass to find it," I said to the accompaniment of laughter. "Imagine my surprise to watch him whip out that big ten inch. Haley and Aaron here decided to give him a treat, or thank him for helping, I don't know which, and blew his balls clean, not to mention his mind and turning his lights out in the process."

Everyone was rolling on the floor, howling with laughter.

"Oh, God, I can imagine his expression!" Daniel managed to gasp out.

"Wished I had my camera for that one," I admitted. "Make a great Christmas card."

Everyone started laughing again. Daniel had to wipe the tears out of his eyes. We settled down finally, and I relaxed a bit. Sargent and the two other boys went to get the luggage and Shiro showed us around the house. Shiro had definitely picked a winner. The fence was at least ten-foot tall, big yard with a good-sized pool, barbecue, Jacuzzi, and the required slab of cement with weights on it. Shiro noted the glint in my eye and walked over to the weights. Sammo helped him load five hundred onto a bar as I pulled my shirt off. I slid under the bench and grabbed the bar. I cranked out five easy reps, rested a moment, and then cranked out five more. That got the blood pumping. I sat up to see Daniel, Sargent, Wang, and Yoshi staring at me. I grinned.

"Like what you see?" I asked, striking a few poses.

Wang nodded dumbly, coming over to feel my muscles.

"You so big," he whispered.

"Thanks. That's what regular daily workouts can do for a person," I said. "Just what I needed after a long trip."

"Does food qualify?" asked Sammo.

I turned quickly to his response. "Provided you leave the refrigerator standing and in one piece, bub."

The guys laughed again at my response.

"Come on, Dad. We're not that bad," Shiro groaned.

"How many restaurants have we been kicked out of, big mouth?" I challenged.

Yoshi's eyebrows went up as Haley giggled. Wang looked at us like we were crazy.

"Oh, don't worry. You'll get to see their eating habits soon enough. Gotta warn you, though. It's not a pretty sight," I warned.

"Why pick on us? We're just growing teens," Daniel whined.

I closed my eyes and sighed as the boys rolled on the grass, holding their sides as they laughed their asses off. Three hours here, and already I'm in trouble. God help me.

An hour later, I sat and stared at what used to be a kitchen. It was a complete shambles. My theory about teen boys destroying a kitchen when they congregate in one was rapidly well on its way to being fact. I heard a noise behind me and turned to see two men standing behind me. One was an older man, the other in his upper forties. I hadn't heard them come in.

"Elija Jorgenson?" I asked.

"That's me. What the hell happened here?" he asked.

"Six hungry teens attacked the kitchen," I replied.

Elija's eyebrows went up. "I take it Daniel was one of them?"

I nodded, sighing. "Kids. What's a man like me to do?"

"Not much," Elija sighed. "By the way, this is Marc Fogel, general manager of Jorgenson Enterprises."

I shook the other man's hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Thanks. Where's Zeus?" he asked.

We heard a groan from behind us and turned to see Zeus leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen. He got a good look at what was left and looked very shocked.

"Six hungry teens," I said, filling in the blanks.

"Would two of the human vacuums be Aaron and Haley?" he asked.

"Yup!" I laughed.

"What the hell happened to you?" Marc asked.

"Mind if I tell the story, Morgan?" I asked, pouring a cup of coffee for him.

"Be my guest, ya wimpy white poor excuse of a white man," Zeus growled.

"Be my pleasure, ya watermelon screwing asshole," I shot back.

Zeus threw back his head and roared with laughter. "Never lost your touch, Davy."

I poured two more cups of coffee and steered the two men to the patio outside. I told the story of how I met Zeus and the reason behind our insults to each other. When I related the events in the van, Zeus smiled widely as Marc and Elija roared with laughter. I turned to see the boys laughing, too.

"Need a second service?" Aaron smiled sweetly.

Zeus immediately crossed his legs to the resulting laughter that followed. Haley wiggled his tongue at Zeus. I shook my head and sighed.

"Have all the fun you want now, boy. Tomorrow the grind starts," I said.

"That sucks," Aaron whined.

"I'll pass on that comment," I said as Zeus laughed.

"That reminds me. Have the new scripts arrived? That flaming idiot of a director said the new scripts would be here for us," Haley said.

Zeus whipped out his cell and called the hotel. "Tad, any special deliveries in the last hour from Hollywood?"

He nodded to me, confirming there had been. "Okay, I'll pick them up myself personally. Thanks Tad."

"Thanks for checking, Zeus. Sounds like you got a very reliable setup there," I commented.

"I even have my office there Davy. I'm doing two things right now. One: I'm ops boss for the hotel and two: I got my license to practice psychiatry. You have no idea how many unwanted boys have been shipped and dropped off here," Zeus said, sipping his coffee.

I shook my head. "That's sad, bro."

"You aren't kidding. It is sad. But these boys are so resilient. They've managed to pick up the pieces of their lives and make things work for them here. Quite a few have started businesses for themselves. To use Yoshi for an example. He came here with just a pack, a guitar and his swords on his back over a year ago. He worked real hard. He started a self defense school, started a band, put together a debut CD that's gone ballistic, married Jeff, and started his own nightclub where the band plays once a month to test new material. He's got it made. Other boys have looked at what he's accomplished, and they've taken that as their inspiration and worked hard to make their own dreams come true. I have to give them a lot of credit, they are a lot more mature than us adults think they are," Zeus said pointing to Yoshi diving into the pool.

"He sure seems happy," I said.

"He is," Elija raised his coffee in a salute.

"If you gents excuse me, I'll get the scripts and send them over," Marc said standing.

"Good luck," I nodded.

He laughed, and then was gone. I turned to Elija, and we sat there discussing the project. I won't bore you with the details, I'm sure everyone's heard what goes on at a movie set. The basic story line is that Aaron plays a boy who's moved to a new state. Haley plays the next door neighbor boy who meets Aaron, and they become friends. But here's where things get interesting. They fall in love, and begin a romance. They will actually have sex in front of the cameras. This movie was to be a landmark movie, it would be the first time two underage celebrity boys would actually do a sex scene together.

What none of us realized at the time, Aaron and Haley were actually falling in love with each other. Not only would this movie become a very hot topic of discussion, their relationship would be too. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

I watched the boys having fun. They looked and acted so normal. You could look at them and never know that they led different lives here. I briefly wondered about the other boys that I had loved in the places I had been in. Would their lives compare to this? Hard questions, hard answers. I really didn't know. My cell rang at the moment Marc came back with the scripts.

"Hello?" I answered it.

"Logan? It's Mac. Have you seen the scripts yet?" he asked.

"No. They just arrived here. What's up?" I asked.

"They stink. That flaming idiot has royally fucked everything up!" Mac growled.

I reached for one as Haley and Aaron reached for theirs. The three of us skimmed the scripts quickly. I was beginning to see what he meant.

"This isn't what I agreed to!" Aaron said, slamming the script down.

"I heard that. Can you put me on the speaker phone?" Mac asked.

"Sure. Hang on a second," I said.

I put the phone into a holder that had a speaker attached to it. "Mac, can you hear me?"

"Sure can. I went and talked to another director this morning. Guy Truant is absolutely brilliant. His forte is teen romance movies so I think he'll do real well with this one. He asked me if Haley and Aaron could team up together and write a better script, since the movie focuses entirely on them. Of course there will be the obligatory school scenes and other things, but I know that Guy will work out real well," Mac said.

Haley and Aaron looked at each other with huge grins on their faces.

"We got free run with the script?" Haley asked.

"Almost. You up to the challenge?" Mac asked

"Yes sir!" both boys agreed at once.

Marc's cell beeped at that moment. He picked it up and had his own conversation with the other party. Closing the cell, he grinned.

"Your man's already here. Tad from the Inn is bringing him over here," Marc reported.

"Good," Mac growled. "You guys will like him. He was the one I wanted in the first place. Logan, can you mail that flaming faggot's ass back to me? I'm gonna roast it before I fire him!"

Zeus, Yoshi, and I smiled.

"Done and done," I said.

"Have fun!" Mac said before hanging up.

I grinned evilly. "Serious fun."

Guy, Aaron and Haley worked on the scripts for the rest of the night. The local kids sat around the table making their contributions as the script progressed.

Zeus and I planned our little raid on Mr. Flamingo in the morning. Guaranteed he wasn't going to like what we were gonna do. I worked the phones and set up the special delivery. All we had to do was bag the quarry and send him off. It was getting late, so I decided to call it a night. Aaron and Haley promised the first four scenes ready by morning.

"Don't be up too late. You guys don't want to look too hung over," I warned.

"Okay!" both chorused.

Shiro and Sammo were in their assigned room. I peeked in and saw Sammo lying in Shiro's arms. It appeared like they were quietly talking to each other. I smiled to myself and went on to my room. Wang approached me in the hall.

"Would you like some company tonight?" he asked shyly.

"Appreciate the offer, Wang. Just understand that I won't make you do anything you don't like. Just tell me what you want, and we'll go from there," I smiled.

"Thank you. You are a nice man," he smiled.

I turned and went into the room. Wang came in with a bag in his hands.

"I get you good and relaxed," he offered.

I nodded my agreement. Stepping up to me, he undressed me, taking the time to feel my muscles. The way he was doing that made me feel so fine. Once I was undressed, he led me to the private bathroom and ran the tub full of water. I stepped in and sat down. He proceeded to bathe me, his wet soap slicked hands rubbing my body as he did it. I closed my eyes and let myself float away on the pure bliss I was feeling.

"Oh, man. That's so fine," I sighed.

He got me rinsed off and then toweled me dry. Leading me back into the bedroom, he spread a thick towel out on the bed and had me lie face down on it. He started the massage, taking his time to do it slow and proper. I hadn't had a massage like that since the last time I had been to Japan. The massage boys there always had a good time with me. Wang really went all out on me. The last part to massage was my eight inches. He grinned and cooed at me as he began to massage it. I thought I had died and gone to heaven. That was a wank I will probably never forget. I don't remember conking out.

When I woke, the sun was coming into the bedroom and falling across the bed. Wang was asleep in my arms. I moved cautiously, not wanting to wake him up. Glancing at my watch, I saw the time as 0815. I stretched a bit and pulled on a pair of shorts, then went down to the kitchen. Zeus was there with the paper. I got a good look at the headlines. So much for the secret.

"You and Wang have fun last night?" Zeus asked.

"God, I can't remember the last time I got a massage quite like that," I said, sitting down.

"He does have great hands. He's started his own massage parlor here in town and works the door at one of our clubs. He's in big demand by lots of people," Zeus nodded.

"Well, are you ready for main event number one?" I grinned.

Zeus grinned right back. "Hooo yeah! I been looking to deck that wimpy momma's boy since he swung into town!"

"Let's go get him," I grinned.

We got to the set before Haley and Aaron arrived. Things looked ship shape. The only thing that worried me was the large crowd of boys gathering at the gate to the ranch house set. I looked and sighed.

"Hope this don't get out of control," I said.

"I don't think so. Most of these guys are very respectful of celebs coming through here. Only had one bad experience, and that was because the dude badmouthed Peckertown," Zeus stated. "We got nothing to worry about."

My cell rang and I answered it.

"Tick Tock Clocks," I said.

"Hickory Dickory Dock Enterprises," Shiro said. "We're on final approach."

"They're here," I reported.

Looking up, I saw the van approach and the mob went nuts. They started cheering and chanting Haley's name, and Aaron's name. They backed off when the gates opened to let the van pass. Once the van was inside and the gates closed, the van's side door opened and the two boys stepped out. The noise the mob made was deafening! Haley and Aaron took it in stride and walked over to the fence and started shaking hands and signing autographs. They did that for about an hour, then waved goodbye and got back into the van. Getting up to the set the crew there gave both a round of applause. Haley and Aaron both signed autographs for them as well.

"Logan, did you take care of that problem?" Haley asked.

I grinned. "He was Fedexed to Hollywood this morning."

Haley laughed his ass off. Now it was time to settle down to business. The new scripts containing the day's scenes were passed out and the crew read them for a few minutes. The new director, Guy Truant, took the camera operators aside and started talking to them. Aaron and Haley went to their marks and rehearsed the first scene. I saw Yoshi sitting down on a block wall close to Aaron. Looking towards Haley, he was being covered by Sammo, with Wang in the background. So far, so good. I mentally crossed my nuts and said a silent prayer.

Guy walked over to Haley and Aaron and they set up the first scene together. Haley did everything right, as far as I was concerned. Aaron was no slouch, either. The film crew for their part did their jobs very well. I was starting to think that things were going to work out very well. The catering service arrived and set up their tables of food in between takes. The head cook told me to go ahead and announce lunch. Picking up a megaphone, I got everyone's attention.

"Lunch is now being served," I stated.

Ever seen those required stampeding cows sequences in the old cowboy westerns? The sequence where the thunder is real loud in the theater, and you think they're gonna leap off the screen and run you over? Well, those boys put those scenes to shame. Sammo led the stampede to the tables, followed by Wang, then Aaron, then Sargent Ryan, with everyone else on their heels. I leapt out of the way to avoid getting my ass run over. The catering personnel ran for cover. I stood and watched as the tables were picked clean.

Yup, there's no doubt anymore about my hungry teen theory. The proof was there. Once the mob moved through, I approached the table to look for anything left. Luckily, there was some food left, so Zeus, the catering personnel, and me got some munchies.

"When we come back later, I'll have some extra stashed for the rest of us, the head cook whispered to me.

I slipped him a hundred-dollar bill tip. He just smiled and tucked it away.

"Gonna be a long shoot," I sighed.

"I'll make sure the refrigerator is well stocked," Zeus said.

"Have them bolt the fucker to the wall while you're at it," I cracked.

Zeus and the head cook roared with laughter as I grinned. I picked up a cold soda and walked around the set's perimeter checking things out. A roach coach was taking care of the group of boys out by the gate, so that eased my mind some. I liked that. Gotta treat your fans right. I hoped the rest of the shoot would go this well. Little did I know what was to come next.

End Part One.

Tune in next time to see Haley with the Olsen Triplets! Aaron Carter rocks with Powersound! Haley and Aaron score with Zeus again! Haley and Aaron fall in love! The wrap up Party! More sex! More fun! Don't say I didn't warn ya!

Next: Chapter 6

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