Should I Worry

By Playboy Boy

Published on Apr 23, 2007


Disclaimer -- I don't own the rights to any of the characters of the Xmen comics and don't claim to know anyone involved with the Xmen stories. I don't know the authors or actors or anyone else involved, so don't sue me! Ok, ok...

Anyway, this story takes place round about the same time as the third movie except for the fact that in my story Jean, Scott nor Xavier dies.

On a further note, this is my first attempt at writing any story other than class essays in high school, so go easy on me. My reason for writing this story is because it's the only way I could get my favorite author to write another story. So here it is Poet Boy!! I want my story from you now!!

Oh and also, if you're looking for a story for a quick wank then this is not the place for you, and if you are some homophobe idiot that doesn't like M on M action then you took a real wrong turn at the Disney stories link button. So please GO AWAY!! And if you're fine with this story then please go ahead and read to your hearts content. Enjoy!!! Playboy

Should I Worry: Chapter 1

`I better wake up now... na, I can stay in bed for another 10 minutes... ok, maybe I should really wake up now? On second thought, I'm just going to lay here for a while...' That was my last thought before I heard a knock at my door. "Yeah?" I moaned out. "Get your butt out of bed and get ready!" my mom yelled through my bedroom door. "Yeah, I just got up!" I yelled back. "I know your idea of getting up! If I come back and your not up then I'm going to grab a pitcher of ice water and pour it all over you!" my mom threatened me. "I'm up, I'm up! Calm down woman!" I laughed out just to make sure I was not in a groggy mood. I decided I better get up now before my mom came back up stairs with that pitcher of icy water.

Ok... I guess I should let everyone know what's going on. My name is Kyle Anderson and I'm your average 18 year old teenager, except my family is kinda weird at times so we don't really count as average. We live in a small town called Jefferson somewhere in California (don't ask me, I dropped geography classes first shot I had for more interesting subjects) and I'm a senior at a private school called Jefferson High. I live with my mother and my younger 16 year old brother. My father died in the his hospital bed at a young age of 35 when I was only 14 years old and his last words to me were "I'll be watching over you, never forget that you're special"

My parents always taught my brother and me to be open minded, to never prejudge what we do not know. I guess I grew up in a healthy environment, no financial problems, no violence, just your average family... Or were we?

So here I am, still lying in my bed, so I get up and make my way across my room to my hifi and switch it on. I walk to my full length mirror, which is attached to my cupboard door, and look myself over while the first song on my mix cd started. I didn't look that bad in my opinion although others would beg to differ. I had hazel eyes and dark blonde hair mixed with a light brown. I had a good body from working out in the gym with my friend John. We loved working out and pretty much loved all school sports. I guess that's why I was so popular at school.

I then made my way out of my bedroom and towards the common bathroom in the house. I closed and locked the door behind me and quickly stripped off my boxers and jumped into the shower.

I was just standing under the shower head with my eyes closed letting the water cascade down my body while I fully woke up when all of a sudden I got a tingly feeling in the back of my head. I didn't notice it at first but it felt like the shower was running out of water? Then I opened my eyes to see that the water in the shower was actually slowing down in mid air. As I noticed the change in the water, it suddenly stopped and the shower was just going but the water was building up around me like I was in a tank. I couldn't believe what was happening. I was pretty much freaking out. I didn't understand what was going on and the water just kept building up and the first thought I had was `Oh my sack! I'm gonna drown in a fucking shower!!" Yeah, that was me. I always seemed to have a bit of humor in the most inconvenient times. I quickly closed my eyes again and started telling myself "It's all in your head, it's all in your head, it's all in your head..."

Then I was jerked from my current thoughts when I heard loud knocking on the bathroom door followed by "Hey! Hurry up in the, quit jerking off! I also need to shower!" my brother Jake yelled through the door. I then noticed that the water flow was back to normal. `I must have imagined that?'

I got out the shower and dried myself off. I then wrapped the towel around my waist and walked over to the mirror above the basin. I looked into the mirror and said to myself "I think this is the first sign of insanity?" then I let out a soft chuckle and then walked out the bathroom and headed back to my room to get dressed. Once I got dressed into my school uniform, I headed down to the kitchen to quickly eat so that I didn't starve before break time. When I got to the kitchen my mother had my cereal ready for me and the news paper in front of her. "Mornin' mom"

"Morning honey"

"Where's Jake?"

"He finished his breakfast already, I think he's in the shower at the moment" my mom replied matter of factly.

"Oh ok, so what's news today?" I asked as I gestured to her newspaper. "Not much, just a mutant that robbed a bank the yesterday in New York" she said not even bothered by the fact that the incident was caused by a mutant. I decided to ask a simple question "Do you really think mutants are dangerous?" "No, I think they are just misunderstood", "Oh..." was all I could mutter out.

I quickly ate my cereal and left the house. I climbed into my Jeep and was changing cd's when Jake came out the house and jumped into my Jeep. "Wow! You're actually here before me, I guess I better start believing in miracles now, huh?" Jake said with a mock serious tone. I turned to him and gave a soft punch on the arm and replied "You can always walk, you little shit!" "Na Ky, I'm fine with your horrible driving" I could only laugh at him. I started the engine then pulled out of the driveway and headed off to school.

We arrived at school in about 5 minutes. I dropped Jake off at the front then went around to the side for student parking. I parked my Jeep and then I started to walk towards the school building only to be practically tackled by my best friends Katie and John. Katie was the cheerleading sort but never hung out with her fellow cheerleaders, she preferred to hang out with us jocks. Yeah I admit it, me and John were jocks. But not that typical kind that are stupid and get failing grades, we were actually honor students with great reputations.

By fifth period I was falling asleep in Physics, when I heard something from right behind me `I wonder if he ever notices me? He's all that I want'

I looked around to see who said it but the only person there was some guy named James staring at right at me with a glint of love in his eyes. As soon as he noticed I had caught him he looked away blushing and quickly told me "Sorry Kyle, I was just day dreaming" I could tell he was lying but I didn't want to make an argument about it so I just turned to my side where John was sitting and whispered to him "Did you hear what James just said about me?"

"No, did he dis you or something?" John whispered back then turned a little more to see James sitting behind me still blushing and trying to cover it up by hiding behind his Physics text book.

"What's up with him and what did he say `bout you Ky?" John asked again with a worried glance. "He was checking me out dude, but I could have sworn he said he wonders if I notice him and that I'm all he wants... I could have sworn he said it" I scratched my head, annoyed that John wasn't believing a thing I was saying.

"Dude, your ego is about to bust" he chuckled. "What ever, you're the one with the over grown ego" I laughed back loud enough for the teacher to notice our little conversation. "Mr. Anderson and Mr. Jacobs! Do you have something better to do than pay attention to the work at hand?" our teacher Mrs. Noble asked out loud in a disapproving tone. "Would you like an honest answer to that Mrs. Noble?" The class erupted in laughter and the teacher just shook her head and replied "No more talking! Back to work"

`Why didn't I think of that, he always has the best jokes?'

As soon as I heard John say that I turned to him and quickly whispered to him "Don't worry, you'll have some great jokes of your own soon enough"

John spun in his chair and looked at me like I had a third eye. "How did you know what I was thinking?" he asked in a disbelieving tone. "Because just said it, duh" I laughed back at his stupidity. "No, I never said anything dude, but I did think it"

"Maybe you just though you thought you didn't say it?" I asked back "Uh uh, I never said anything, I promise Ky" John stated. "Oh well, lets just get back to work" he nodded and turned back to his work so I did the same.

`What's happening? Am I going crazy? First my shower this morning and now this?'

It was about the last period when I couldn't help but think about what was happening. I couldn't concentrate in any of my classes. I could have sworn I was going mad because through out my whole day I kept hearing people talking but as soon as I turn to them I notice that they haven't said a word. But that wasn't what got to me the most, in our off period Katie and I went to the school library to get some studying done. When we were busy studying I heard Katie I wonder if John has noticed how weird Kyle has been acting today' I looked up at her shocked that she would actually say that about me out loud and right next to me. I was just about to return my attention to my book when I heard her again Maybe he's just having a bad day? Maybe I should talk to him and find out what's wrong?'

My mouth hung wide open, I couldn't believe what had just happened. I heard Katie loud and clear but the part that I couldn't believe was the fact that her mouth never even moved and she wasn't even paying attention to anything but the book in her hands. I quickly closed my mouth and acted like nothing was wrong as I saw her begin to raise her head to look at me. "I'm fine, just a bad day I guess" I said while shrugging my shoulders. "Was it that obvious that I was worried about you?" she asked

"yeah, maybe you should stop worrying about me though and get back to your book" I pointed towards her book. "Yeah, I guess" she stammered out.

"I didn't just imagine that! I actually heard her thoughts... maybe I was a mind reader or something. I've heard about mutants that could do that sort of thing... but I couldn't be a mutant could I' I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice Katie offer me a bite of her sandwich. I just shook my head and returned to my day dreaming. Yeah, I know what you're thinking, why are we eating in the library. Well we were out of the librarian's eye sight. Yeah, we tend to disobey rules... Who doesn't?

Maybe I should concentrate and try to hear what she's thinking again?' so I looked down at my book and focused on Katie and all of a sudden I could here what she was thinking That teacher didn't tell us about this section, if I didn't see this now we could have missed a lot of important facts' she thought to herself `I should ask Kyle if he noticed it too?'

Before Katie could look up and ask me about her thoughts I quickly asked her "Hey Katie, did you notice that there's a whole section of facts that we weren't told about? Somebody should fire that damn teacher" she looked at me and said "wow, I was just thinking that. I guess you caught on just as quick as I did" I just nodded and returned gaze to my book.

I kept going over my day while pretending to be studying with Katie. A guy was checking me out and then there's the fact that I think I'm a mutant? Too much to handle at the moment I guess. I never considered myself as gay or because I always loved girls, but I did sometimes look at guys in an approving way. Maybe I was bisexual? But the whole concept of me making out with a guy was kind of disturbing to me. Or maybe I was just imagining it, but then again I also thought I was imagining my shower incident and my mind reading ability. Speaking of my shower incident, what I did with water in my shower was not a mind reading ability, what was that about then?

I was once again jerked from my thoughts when Katie tapped me on the shoulder and said "ha! You must be really interested in that book that you never noticed that the bell rang and it's home time?"

"I guess so hey" I laughed back at her.

I walked to my locker to put my books away and then headed to the student parking lot to get to my Jeep so I could head home. I loosened my school tie and put the music on. I pulled out of the parking lot and made my way home. I was almost home when I turned the corner into my neighborhood when I noticed a my moms Mercedes in the driveway and black SUV in my parking spot.

I pulled up into the next parking spot behind the SUV and walked up to the house. As I opened the front door I yelled "Hey mom, I thought you wouldn't be home till late... and who's SUV is that in my parking spot" I finished my little banter as I walked through to the living room and noticed that we had company

"I apologize, I didn't realize I stole your parking spot" said a bald man dressed in a nice looking suit in a wheel chair accompanied by a beautiful woman in a black and white suit. I instantly apologized back after I saw his condition. `Damn, now I'm picking fights with a handicapped guy' I thought to myself.

<You shouldn't express your thoughts so loudly Kyle> said the very attractive woman with the most beautiful smile and shocking red hair that went wonderfully with her amazingly green eyes.

I snapped out of my gaze as soon as I registered that she spoke to me mentally and not out loud. I looked her in the eye and sent back <I apologize, I didn't mean to stare at you either. It's just that your beauty caught my eye, but how'd you know my name?> the woman chuckled and chose to reply normally so that nobody thought we were rude just staring at each other. "It's nice to know that I've still got the looks. By the way my name is Jean Grey, but you can just call me Jean and this is Charles Xavier but you should just call him Professor, and I know your name because your mother told me" she stated.

The man in the wheel chair turned towards Jean with a shocked expression and asked "Jean, how did you cut me out of the conversation. You've never been able to exceed me before?"

Jean looked at him and with a confused expression and replied "I didn't professor. We both know my telepathy isn't that strong"

Then everybody in the room turned to me with shocked expressions, so naturally I had to break the silence "Uh... do I have something on my face?" I asked with a kind of hint of laughter in my voice. The professor chose to speak this time "No Kyle, the reason for our reaction is because you blocked me and your mother out of the telepathic conversation you just had with Jean" I looked at him skeptical then turned to my mom "You're a mutant too?"

"Yes honey, please don't be mad, it's just that I didn't want to scare you" my mom pleaded. "It's ok mom, I guess it's just a shock. I guess this is why you always taught us to be open minded huh?"

"Kyle, do you realize what you did?" asked Jean with a look that made her look as if she found out that she won the lotto or something. "No what did I do?" I asked with fear in my voice, afraid that I violated some code or something. "You just blocked the most powerful telepath out of a telepathic conversation!" Jean practically blabbed out, she was like a little child on Christmas morning. "Oh, is that bad?" I query. "No, just a shock, honey" my mom put in. "How long have you known about your powers, Kyle?" the professor asked.

"It all started today. Like when I was in the shower this morning , the water stopped in mid air and started to kinda gather up and I thought I would have drowned but I got distracted by a knock on the bathroom door and when I looked back the shower was normal. Oh and then at school today I kept hearing voices but when I turned towards the speakers I noticed that they never spoke a word. But I realized what was going on when a friend of mine was thinking and I was listening to her and her mouth wasn't moving" I managed to get out fast. "Oh professor, do you think he could transfer to your school, his abilities are developing at a rapid rate. I could only blame myself if anything were to happen to him?" my mom practically gave the guy puppy dog eyes. "Wait a minute... I know your name and all that jazz but how did you know I had developed anything and what's this about me transferring to another school?" I chocked out.

To Be Continued

Let me know what you think and if there's anything you wanna suggest for my story then go ahead. Your comments and views are well appreciated so don't keep me in the dark about what you think?

The next chapter should be out by next week or so... no promises... but I will try and get it ready soon...

Email me at:

Thanks everyone,


Next: Chapter 2

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