Should I Worry

By Playboy Boy

Published on May 14, 2007


Disclaimer -- I don't own the rights to any of the characters of the Xmen comics and don't claim to know anyone involved with the Xmen stories. I don't know the authors or actors or anyone else involved, so don't sue me! Ok, ok...

On a further note, this is my first attempt at writing any story other than class essays in high school, so go easy on me.

Oh and also, if you're looking for a story for a quick wank then this is not the place for you, and if you are some homophobe idiot that doesn't like M on M action then you took a real wrong turn at the Disney stories link button. So please GO AWAY!! And if you're fine with this story then please go ahead and read to your hearts content.

And finally... Something I forgot to mention before yet you should know by now if you managed to get this far... if reading this story is illegal in your country or if you're not of a certain age to be legally reading this then please don't read...

Other than all of that... enjoy!!!


Extra Info: `...' represents thoughts

"..." represents normal talking

<...> represents telepathic communication

Last Time:

"It's ok, I should have seen you too. It is partly I to blame as well. By the way, my name is Piotr." The guy said to me in a calm and collected tone.

"Well, sorry anyway. My name is Kyle." I told him. I noticed we were practically still staring at each other, me still laying on top of him, in the middle of a deserted passageway. I also noticed our groins were being rubbed together.

That's when I felt my cock start to get hard. My eyes bulged with embarrassment and I quickly got up off him.

Should I Worry -- Chapter 3

So many thoughts were running through my mind and the number one thought that sat in the back of my head was `What's going on and why am I springing one on for this guy?'

"I am like so, so sorry... this has never, ever happened to me before..." I was rambling on and then all of a sudden Piotr walks up to me, puts his left hand on my right should and gives it a squeeze.

"No worries, it happens to the best of us. I see you are new here, am I correct?" Piotr asked.

Piotr was still looking me right in the eye and I was frozen, I was just standing there lost in his masculine beauty. I realized I was staring at him a bit too much and almost drooling. But most of all, I hadn't replied to his question.

`God, he must think I'm so retarded because I'm just standing here gawking at him. But damn! Is he eye candy or what?!' I thought.

"Well yeah, I just got here last night, how long have you been here?" I managed to finally get out. I was really making myself look like a complete tool in front of this guy.

"Ah, I have had my fare share of years here at the mansion. I have been here since about the age of seventeen I think, but I am not certain." He replied in a friendly

`OMG! I've been so distracted by his hot body that I didn't even notice his soft Russian accent! But how could he have an accent if he's lived here for ages? Dumb thought, that's why it's soft, duh! Which makes me wonder, how old is this guy anyway?' I thought to myself. At least now I could feel safe thinking such things since Jean was shielding my thoughts from being sent out accidentally and of course there was the fact that Jean already picked up on my "funny" thoughts.

"So how old are you anyway, if you don't mind me asking?" I was kind of worried that I might offend him with that question but he didn't seem phased by it at all.

"I am twenty-four years old this year" he replied, proud of his age but I could see he was curios of my own age.

"I'm eighteen, by the way."

"Well Kyle, I must be going. But it was a pleasure meeting you, maybe we will see each other around some time?"

`Wow, he would actually like to hang around with me, even after my rude behavior of me gawking at him. At least he seems friendly.'

"I guess I'll see you around then, bye Piotr."

"You can call me Peter, it's easier and every one else calls me that too." Piotr said as he was walking away.

"Ok, well... I'll see you soon Peter!" I yelled to him since he was almost out of earshot distance. As he walked away, I couldn't help but stare at his strong back and then my gaze dropped to the "twins" which looked oh so perfect and mouth watering.

`Ok, I wasn't sure before but I think I'm gonna have to face the fact that I'm definitely attracted to guys.' I thought to myself.

After my incident with Peter, I made my way out into the mansion grounds to have some time to think. I found a nice spot by a beautiful fountain just outside one of the wings of the mansion. The whole time I was out there I kept on thinking about my sexuality. I still liked girls and I guess that I was definitely attracted to guys, especially after the way I looked at Peter earlier. I came to the conclusion that I must be bisexual since I felt attracted to both genders.

After about two hours of alone time Jean came out of one of the mansions doors then walked up to me.

"So are you ready to start training?" Jean asked me somewhat enthusiastically. I looked at her as if she had just told me to go fuck myself.

"It's weekend, and nobody else is training?" I stated in reply.

"True, but not everyone at the school has control issues like yours. Besides, I wanna work on your telepathy so that you can feel safer with the knowledge that you have your own privacy."

"Jean, I don't understand. Why is it that all my thoughts are broadcasted yet nobody else has the same problem?" I asked, I was really wondering if there was something wrong with me.

"It seems that, since you have no grasp on your telepathy added that you have some real power behind it, all your thoughts are being broadcasted without you knowing about it." Jean answered back. I guess it all fits together, especially since this is my second day in the weird world.

Jean decided that since we were only working on my telepathy that we could stay by the fountain, it also helped that it was just the two of us in the area.

"Ok Kyle, I need you to close your eyes and try to clear your mind..." Jean stated as we sat down, facing each other, on the grass with our legs folded. "... now try to concentrate on everything around you. You'll be able to feel around with your mind, you should also be able to sense everybody in the near by area."

I did as she told me to. I closed my eyes and tried my best to clear my mind. I started to concentrate on everything around me. I could feel the presence of some near by students, then I expanded my mind a bit more and I could feel a small tingling feeling in the back of my mind. I was really enjoying this but it also felt like I was walking along with them and by instinct I felt like they would know I was there so I quickly thought of being quiet and very subtle so that if there were any telepaths in the group I wouldn't be found out.

I could feel everything around me, it all felt like I had it in my grasp. I could feel all the water emanating from the fountain a couple of feet away, I could even feel Jean was nearby. It made me happy to know that I could do all of this, and nothing has gone wrong yet? I must at least be getting somewhere with my powers? I then decided that I wanted to push myself a bit further. I expanded my telepathy range so that I could feel everything on the mansion grounds. I was totally wowed out by how it all felt, I felt like everything I could feel was a part of me and that I could easily make it do what ever I wanted, even the people. I could even read their minds if I wanted to but I remembered the big rule against mind probing so I stopped myself from carrying that out.

I started to probe more, looking for anything interesting that would catch my attention. I then probed the mansion stealthily so that no one would know that I was probing around and to make sure I didn't attract attention I even blocked Jean from sensing that I was probing around other places besides the outsides of the mansion. I don't know how I did it but I just thought of being sneaky and looking around stealthily. While I was probing the mansion I came across certain an individual that caught my attention during my probe. The individual was emanating a lot of power but it looked like it was being compressed. Any other telepath would just think he was very gifted but I could somehow feel more, something hidden.

I tried concentrating on the individual a bit more while still probing around the mansion. I entered the mind of the individual to do a soft probe so that the person wouldn't even know I was there. I knew I was breaking school rules but no body would know what I had done. I could sense that the person was a male and he was about the age of nineteen or twenty. He wasn't telepathic or telekinetic like me, he was an elemental. But not just an average elemental, he was an air elemental. But what really sparked my interest was the fact that his power was very well hidden. But why would he be hiding his true power? I made a mental note to look into that some time in the future because I felt some one else's presence but I could tell it was weaker than mine. I would rather be safe than sorry so I pulled out of the mind of the air elemental slowly then diverted my attention back to the outside mansion grounds. I decided to test myself and see if I could control objects around me.

I concentrated on a several rocks around Jean and me. All the rocks felt like clay in my invisible grasp, so I decided to play with them. I pulled them apart to a molecular level and then restructured them into another form as to what they were. I smirked at what I had done.

"So, do you feel anything around you, could you sense the people around..." Jean asked while opening her eyes but she then went quiet as soon as her eyes fully opened and caught site of the solid form of an exact duplicate of Kyle right next to him.

"Wow, did you do that?" She asked referring to my little creation next to me.

"Yeah, do you like it? When I was busy `feeling' around I felt the rocks and for some reason I just wanted to see what I could do with them." I asked and replied shyly for fear of being reprimanded.

"It's great Kyle, but how did you do that? I thought you didn't know how to use your telekinesis?"

`Wow, I used my telekinesis without even knowing it? I thought that I was using telepathy?' I thought to myself and shrugged my shoulders and looked to Jean for a response, but she was just looking at me as if she was waiting for me to respond.


"Yeah?" I responded.

"Were you just thinking to yourself?" Jean asked curiously with a happy look. What was she smiling about?

"Yeah, of course I was, I'm always thinking. Shouldn't you know that since you can hear everything I think? And why are you smiling at me?" I replied with a question in turn but you could easily hear the irritation I was letting through.

"Well Kyle, since you asked soooo politely... no, I can't hear anything you're thinking and I haven't heard any of your thoughts since we started our little exercise. Therefore I'm happy because that means no more embarrassing moments for you and of course you get your privacy back..." Jean was still beaming with pride since she was the one who helped me out. "... but that kinda sucks don't you think?" Jean ended.

I looked at her quizzically. `Now why would that suck? I've got my privacy back.' I thought I should ask her this.

"Why would that suck, I have my privacy back?" I asked her.

"It sucks because now I don't know what you're thinking and I can't hear all your juicy thoughts about the guys you bump into." As Jean finished her reasoning my eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

`Oh god! She's been hearing everything I've been thinking up until earlier. That would mean that she heard everything I was thinking about Peter this morning! How do I get myself into these messes?'

I looked at Jean skeptically and asked "How much did you hear this morning?"

"Ah... well, I know about why you left the table this morning so abruptly and... about your Peter incident afterwards"

My face must have gone through at least a thousand different shades of red. I felt like I was going to die! Why couldn't I have self control before, I could have avoided this, I better play this well.

"I'm also glad you came to terms with your sexuality earlier, I didn't like hearing you struggle but I knew that you would be better off without someone meddling in your business." Jean added.

"Thanks Jean for everything, and most of all thanks for the support... I would feel really bad if it weren't for you." I lied to her.

"But I never gave you any support?" Jean asked back.

`Not directly, no. but you never told anyone about my thoughts and you don't hate me for what I was thinking and most of all, you're still being my friend." I said poignantly

"Awww... I feel all warm and fuzzy inside." Jean laughed out.

"So much for bearing my soul." I stated to myself, rather to Jean, with mock sadness.

"You are just too cute when you sulk!" Jean said then grabbed me into a big hug and pulled me up. "Let's go get some lunch. I'm starved."

"At least you finished your breakfast this morning." I stated as we started walking for the mansion entrance.

<It's not my fault that you wanted to up and leave your breakfast just because someone was flirting with you.> Jean provided with her telepathy and gained a blank look in return.

"John?" I asked out loud. That did kind of get my attention because she was right. I felt uncomfortable because of the way John was looking and smiling at me. I didn't know what to feel so I took the easy way out and got out.

<Yip, he likes you alright> Jean was getting a little too much fun out of this and all of it was at my expense. She was communicating with me telepathically so I decided I might as well get the hang of it. What could it hurt?

<You're kidding, right?> I responded

<Nope, he was checking you out ever since you exclaimed that you loved his power...> Jean paused as we got to the mansion door and turned to face back to where we came from. <...oh, I better get rid of that creation of yours.>

I feigned hurt and replied <You think my creation is that bad?>

Jean turned back to me. <No, it's actually great, even better than what I can do. But some students will have a fit if they see we left it there.>

`Oh well, I guess I can leave my mark somewhere else, ha!' I thought to myself. I was also feeling much more confident knowing that I had my privacy back. Before Jean could remove my little sculpture I quickly broke it down to a molecular level and then built it back to the way it was that I could remember before I had interfered with its existence. Jean stood there open mouthed and turned back to me.

<What?> I asked mentally.

<I can't even do that, I was only going to break it into rubble. Don't you feel tired a bit?> Jean seemed to be looking at me weirdly now.

<Nope I feel great, and very awake I might add.> I sent back. `Oh no, I must have given her a clue? I better be careful.' I thought.

Jean sent to me as we entered the mansion.

<Professor, Kyle has made astounding progress. He has used his telepathy excessively for our training and he's even surpassed my telekinesis on his first try. But what makes things more interesting, he's not even feeling fatigued from using great power?> Jean sent out to the professor as me and were headed to the cafeteria to get some lunch.

When I heard Jean's message to the professor, I noticed that there was a very strong force protecting the message which was supposed to be preventing me or someone else from listening in on hers and the professor's telepathic conversation as well as hiding it from even an advanced telepath. But apparently that huge force was not strong enough to hold me out and Jean didn't even realize that I stealthily broke through it and eavesdropped. Something made me suspicious about Jean and the huge force that she had used to accompany the message and I knew I wasn't supposed to hear it so I decided to act as if I didn't know about her `unknown' conversation and pretended to be observing our surroundings as we were walking through the passages.

<Ok, we will discuss this later Jean. Just keep an eye on him and watch him carefully, I felt a very dull presence of something in the mansion earlier which I couldn't put my finger on and he might have been the source.> I heard the professor replied to Jean.

<Yes professor I'll watch him, I also felt the presence in the manor but I thought it was you? I was busy monitoring Kyle's telepathy earlier in our training session and he was taking it slow and I didn't sense him even attempting to probe around the mansion so he couldn't be the source. But I could feel something else besides him, that's why I barricaded this conversation so strongly> Jean replied.

<No it wasn't me. Just keep your guard up Jean, we will get to the bottom of this.> The professor sent back and then the conversation was finished.

After I heard the conversation I was shocked, it was like they thought I was going to blow the mansion up or something, but at least I know whose presence I felt when I was probing.

`Well there's an idea, I thought to myself.' I jokingly thought to myself thinking of myself blowing up the school, I would have loved to do that at my old school. I should at least pretend that I knew nothing about Jeans conversation with the professor so I decided to speak up.

<Jean, shouldn't you contact the professor and let him know how our train session went?> I asked Jean, pretending to be in the dark about her previous `stealthy' message.

<Don't worry, I just informed him.> Jean sent to me.

<But then why didn't I hear you telling him?> I asked back already knowing the truth.

<You see Kyle, when a telepath wants to have a private conversation with someone they usually block it out of the telepathic range of others to avoid eavesdropping. In some cases when you are amongst very strong telepaths that are actually trying to break through your simple blocking, you need to enforce your barriers and set up a strong force wall or barrier to safeguard your conversation. Understand?> Jean informed me.

<Oh cool, can you show me a force or barrier you use to block out powerful telepaths? I wanna see if I can break it.> I asked Jean enthusiastically. I was genuinely interested because I wanted to know what was considered a weak and strong barrier.

<Sure, I might as well show off a bit since you had your turn showing off with your telekinesis earlier.> Jean stated with a weird grin attached to her face.

I felt Jean build up a force which was quite powerful but it wasn't even an eighth of the force I felt that she used earlier. I thought this might be another chance to play dumb and lead them away from suspecting me so I gave a very weak attempt at breaking the wall but making sure that it looked as if I were trying my best. I made sure not to even dent the barrier.

Jean gave a sigh of relief then she burst out laughing and then sent <I thought so. You wouldn't be able to break that barrier. Not even the most advanced telepath would be able to break that without struggling for while.>

I was so into pretending I was weak that I gave her an award winning shocked expression. Then I had to let it look like I was letting it sink in, then I spoke up.

"Wow, I hope to get as powerful as you one day Jean!" I exclaimed with words rather than mentally.

"Don't worry, you'll get there soon enough, especially the way you're advancing." Jean told me.

I smirked at the thought that I should be an A class actor since I fooled such an advanced telepath into thinking I was awe struck at her power display.

`Ok so now I know why she had such a strong force accompany that message, but wait... that sigh of relief she gave when she saw my attempt at breaking her barrier? She was worried that I might be that other presence? Jean must be worried about my power growth, that's why she barricaded her conversation so powerfully. She's feeling threatened and she has a suspicion that I might be behind that strange presence despite what ever she told the professor. I better not leave tracks behind me next time I do that again.'

I turned to Jean and gave her a warm smile as we were about to walk into the cafeteria, but for a different reason than what she must have thought. I couldn't help thinking to myself `I know something you don't know, na na na na na!'

To Be Continued

Let me know what you think and if there's anything you wanna suggest for my story then go ahead. Your comments and views are well appreciated so don't keep me in the dark about what you think?

The next chapter should be out by next week or so... no promises... and I apologize for having a small mistake in my email address listed before although it seems some people used enough common sense to realize that it was yahoo and not yayhoo... Sorry...

Email me at:

Thanks everyone, Playboy

Next: Chapter 4

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