Should I Worry

By Playboy Boy

Published on May 25, 2007


Disclaimer -- I don't own the rights to any of the characters of the Xmen comics and don't claim to know anyone involved with the Xmen stories. I don't know the authors, actors, or anyone else involved, so don't sue me! Ok, ok...

On a further note, this is my first attempt at writing any story other than class essays in high school, so go easy on me.

Oh and if you're looking for a story for a quick wank then this is not the place for you, and if you are some homophobe idiot that doesn't like M on M action then you took a real wrong turn at the Disney stories link button. So please GO AWAY!! In addition, if you're fine with this story then please go ahead and read to your hearts content.

And finally... You should know by now if you managed to get this far... if reading this story is illegal in your country or if you're not of a certain age to be legally reading this then please don't read...

Ok, minor slip up in chapter 4... it was kinda titled chapter 3, sorry... I was in a rush and forgot the heading, lol (blonde moment)

Other than all of that... enjoy!!!


Extra Info: `...' represents thoughts

"..." represents normal talking

<...> represents telepathic communication

Last Time:

"Kyle, I must let you know that all the people in this room will be your teachers here at the school and it would be much appreciated if you would respect them and show some courtesy as they will be your superiors." As the professor finished he had a stern look that told me that he was talking about Emma.

"Oh well in that case, I best be on my best behavior then." I stated with a smile and a sarcastic nod. Although the professor didn't think much of it, I could see that everyone in the room caught what I was doing. Jean once again had a giggle fit.

We all turned to Jean and she quickly apologized while she tried to subdue her giggle fit.

I could see how this was going already. I could tell that I had made some new friends, as well as an enemy. I was waiting to see how I was going to go about life in the mansion with all the interesting people I was amongst. At least I had friends, right? Now, to train myself.

Should I Worry -- Chapter 5

Later that evening, at about 7pm, I lay on my bed just staring at the ceiling of my room. The professor let me go earlier after he had told me all about the school and about the X-men (the teachers of the school apparently got dressed in costumes and went out to fight the bad guys... I got a good laugh out of that) I was then given my class schedule and was told that I would begin proper training for my telekinesis later that week, but I would still be having my afternoon telepathy sessions with Jean which would eventually change to the professor as I progressed.

I was also told about the code names that the teachers/X-men went by. Ororo was Storm because of her combined elemental powers which gave her global weather control, Betsy was Psylocke because she was Telepathic and telekinetic along with some other abilities I can't for the life of me remember, Logan was Wolverine (what a beastie he was... lol) with super healing factor and increased senses, Scott was Cyclops (which I laughed at when I heard) with the ability to shoot optic beams out of his eyes. Then we came to Miss Frost, the tramp, was a telepath and had some other power, she was otherly known as `The White Queen', which explained to me what the hell she was thinking for going all out white (What a joke! Her and her fake tits!).

I was feeling somewhat guilty. Two days and I had still not phoned home. I thought this might be a great time to do so, so I pulled out my cell phone out of my draw next to my bed, switch it on and waited for it to start up. Once the phone had started up, I saw I had 17 text messages and 4 voice mails. Most of the messages (about 14 of them) were from my brother. He was wondering where I had gone to without saying goodbye and that mom had only told him that I left for boarding school the rest were from my mom, Katie and John who had wished me luck and requested a call. I turned onto my side and reached into my side drawer again. I small photo album, which I had made over the last couple of years, with photos of my close friends and my family. I looked at the first photo and just stared at it.

It was a photo of my brother and me, we never did quite look alike. You could see that my brother took after my mom, but me... I didn't look quite like anyone in the family. There was a sort of resemblance between my mom and me though. My parents always told me I took after my grand parents, yet we had no pictures of them so how could I know?

I decided to call home first so I dialed the house number for my mom's house.

There were four rings before I heard someone pick up.

"What sup?" I heard the loud voice of my annoying little brother, Jake.

"Hey there, shouldn't you come up with a better greeting than that for when you answer the phone?" I replied into my phone with a smirk on my face.

"Kyle! How are you? Where are you? Where did you go? Why didn't you say goodbye? Did you get my messages? Is there something wrong with your phone? I've been worried..." Jake just kept going on, so I had to cut him off before he put me to sleep.

"Whoa... calm down... I'm doing great, I'm at school, went to school, didn't get a chance to say goodbye, just checked my messages now which is the reason I called, my phone has been off the whole time so I didn't know anyone called." I replied to his questions in the exact order, which he had asked.

"Why did mom send you off to boarding school? What did you do wrong?" Jake asked.

"Mom didn't send me off because I did something wrong. I chose to go." I stated.

"Oh... but why would you wanna leave?" Jake asked in reply.

"It's not that I didn't wanna stay bro, it's just that I was in a kinda complicated situation and this was the best solution." I told him, hoping he wouldn't want to know more.

I heard my mom in the background asking Jake who was on the phone and when he told her it was me, she practically wrestled the phone away from him to talk to me, or at least that's what it sounded like (like I said before, my family is far from normal.)

"Hello Kyle! I've missed you so much!" my mom said, gasping for air while trying to keep my brother away from the phone.

"Hi mom, can you just tell Jake I say bye, please?"

I heard my mom tell Jake that I said good-bye to him and she told him that he could call me some other time.

"So how have you been honey?" my mom asked.

After a long conversation I finally got off the phone with her and phoned my friends who missed me dearly and was brought up to date with everything around town. I missed them dearly, they were all special to me. I finally got to sleep after about 10pm, my phone's battery was flat and needed to be charged so I had an excuse to stop talking. I said my good-bye's and was wished a good time here at my new school.

I awoke the next morning to the sound of my alarm clock and damn was it annoying. It was Monday morning and my first day of actual school at the mansion. It was 7am and I was really groggy. It took me about 5 minutes to completely wake up. I put my hifi on again and made my way to my bathroom for a shower. I got dressed into a pair of faded blue Jeans, a tight white short sleeve polo shirt and a pair of Island Style sneakers and styled my hair into a messy look. I grabbed my bag full of books and headed out the door (after switching off my hifi of course) after I checked the clock to see it was almost 8am.

I made my way to my first class and was pleased to see I wasn't late. I walked into the class which was supposed to be my `mutant relations' class. The only thing was that it wasn't like any of my previous classes in my old school. This class was basically a family room with the furniture moved into a circular fashion facing one point with a desk. It looked very comfortable, I had to admit.

"Good morning, Kyle. How do you feel this morning?" the professor asked genuinely interested.

"Morning sir, doing good thanks." I replied and looked around to find a comfortable looking seat.

I finally found a nice space right in the middle of the chairs and couches. It was on a good old recliner, which oozed warmth and comfort. The professor chuckled at my choice and stated.

"I see you have god taste in furniture, something you have in common with Mr. Allerdyce."

That sparked my attention. He was talking about John. At least I would have some friends in this class after all, I hoped.

After that, students starting walking through the door and began finding seats. John came in with his usual crowd of friends which were Bobby, Jubilee, Kitty and some others. They were all laughing at some joke or something and they were all coming my way. I looked towards my textbook which I had taken out of my bag and tried to hide behind it, hoping I wouldn't be sighted and left alone. However, like most of the plans I had in life, it didn't fall through. John noticed, as well as Kitty. They advanced while I contemplated finding another seat. They finally reached me and started taking the empty seats around me.

`I think these seats were left empty for a reason, I hope I'm not intruding?' was all I could think as they started taking out their textbooks.

"Hey you! Didn't think we'd be seeing you in a while," said Kitty.

"Yeah, you keep running away from us and it seems you already made new friends," stated John, who had taken up the remaining seat next to me on the warm sofa, with a hint of sarcasm and even a hint of... jealousy? I guess me and Peter had some effect after all.

I chuckled a bit at their questions.

"I haven't been running from anyone..." and with this I turned to John, "... and I didn't know we were friends. Sorry if I gave you guys the impression that I didn't wanna be around you."

"No not at all, Kyle. We're just teasing. It's what we do and of course we're your friends." Jubilee supplied cheerfully.

I don't think John was just teasing though and for some very obvious reason, I was doubting the fact that he was completely hetero.

"Oh cool, so I guess I'm in classes with you guys a lot then?" I asked shyly.

"Let me see your schedule for a minute."

I passed Jubilee my class schedule and waited while she compared our classes.

"Well, you got extremely lucky." Jubilee said.

"Uh... why?" I asked.

"Because you have the exact same classes as me!" she said proudly.

"Damn! When will the bad luck end?!" I asked myself out loud, which caused every body in our group to start laughing. Jubilee gave me a slap over my head and turned back to the front.

"I'll get you for that, just wait and see." Jubilee smiled an innocent smile, one which you know to be very evil. Two could play at this game. evil grin

We were all laughing again when the professor cleared his throat to get our attention.

"Shall we begin?" the professor asked rhetorically.

I don't know why teachers always asked that question because they always just do their own thing regardless of the students' opinions.

"Today we are going to discuss the mutant classing system..." the professor began.

Usually I didn't care for lectures in class but I doubt I'd get away with that in this class, not with the professor. There was also the fact that the topic of the lesson was also interesting. So I paid attention through out the whole lesson.

The professor explained to us that there were five classes of mutants.

The first class is mutants with physical mutations without any powers/abilities. Eg, mutants with horns, tails, different skin color, scales, etc.

The second class is all mutants with the physical mutations as well as having abilities or physical mutations, which provided a special ability. Eg, mutants with heightened senses and purple skin with horns (I laughed when the professor said that) or a mutant with gills or wings.

The third class was a lesser common class than the first two, the third class consisted of mutants who had no physical mutations but they did have abilities, which were limited. Normally these mutants were people like Jubilee, with an ability to fire things from her hands, or mutants, which could alter shape and forms. Examples of these would be shape shifters.

The fourth class was a rare class, it consisted of mutants with a lot of power and a high rate of potential power. The fourth class had mutants, which had abilities that required higher potential. Examples of these mutants were elementals, telekinetics, telepaths, etc.

Then there was the fifth class. Extremely rare. It consisted of mutants that had unlimited potential. However, unfortunately class five mutants were apparently so powerful that they had a history of self-destruction because of lack of control.

"So you see class, just because you might be in a higher class than another mutant does not mean you are more powerful. For example, a class two mutant could easily kill a class four mutant if the class four mutant doesn't have control of their power and does not know how to defend themselves." the professor supplied to us. He gave us a lot to think about.

"So now that I've informed you on how to class yourselves, raise your hand when I call your class. And don't be ashamed, you must never be ashamed." he stated.

"So who of you are class one mutants?" asked the professor.

About five people in the class raised their hands. One of them had small horns on his for head, another had a third eye, the next one had a tail. The other two I couldn't tell what they had because I was distracted by our group's talking.

"Class two?"

About 10 of the students raised their hands. They had mutations ranging from gills to extra arms. It was actually very interesting because I didn't even notice these people before.

"Class 3? Any takers?" the professor asked amused by the class' cheerfulness. I guess I wasn't the only one enjoying myself.

Eight people raised their hands. Three of them were Jubilee, Kitty and another girl in our group who I believed was named Rogue.

"And now the more rare class, class 4's?"

There were about eight of us that raised our hands. It was Bobby, John, a girl named Amara that was sitting with us and talking to the other schools, me and... Eli. I didn't see him until then. I didn't even know he was here in the class. He was sitting right on the other end of the class. There were others as well but I didn't know them.

The professor was looking round at the class fours, but as he looked at me, his smile faded into something very blank. I couldn't tell what he was thinking from the look on his face. It was like he zoned out or something, but he was staring right at me. Everyone in the class became aware of the professor's silence. They all followed his gaze until everybody in the class was looking at me intently.

"Is something wrong professor?" I asked. The professor snapped out of his daydreaming and looked very thoughtful for a moment.

"Sorry Kyle. I just lost my train of thought." he said and turned to look at the rest of the class. "Ok now and class fives?"

Bobby raised his hand again, looking very proud of himself. We all laughed at his silliness.

"You may put your hand down, Mr. Drake." The professor said to Bobby then turned to the rest of us. "As you know, class five mutants are every rare indeed. I've only come across two class five mutants in my entire life and another mutant that has so far piqued my interest because I can't determine their true power and as far as I can see, he is bordering on class four and five." He paused. "And one of them is in this very school and the other probable one is closer to you than you may think."

Everybody gasped at that. Could it be possible, a class five mutant here among us at the school ad also a potential one.

"Who are they?" I asked.

That's when we heard a knock at the classroom door. The door was open so we could see who it was. It was Jean.

"You called?" she asked the professor cautiously and then looked around to see the class staring at her. I guess everybody was just jumpy after all that we've heard about today or probably just about what we had just discovered.

"Now, let me introduce you to the only certain class five mutant in the world." The professor stated as he motioned both of his hands towards Jean.

Everybody fell silent. Except me of course. He said 'the only' class five mutant, but when he told us about them two minutes ago, he said he had come across two and the other, where's the second?

"Professor, please excuse my curiosity but you said you had come across two class fives?" I asked attentively.

"The only other class five I came into contact with was through cerebro, but the person must have died a couple of years ago." He informed me.

Jean had moved into the classroom and had taken a seat on the edge of the professor's desk. Everybody was still staring at her intently, like she had dynamite all over her. But she didn't take notice of it, like she was used to having people gawk at her.

"So, out of everyone in this class besides Miss Grey over here, who is the most powerful? Who do you think has the most power? Who do you think out powers the rest of you? Because I can tell you now, that the other potential class five is among us," the professor asked everybody in general.

Everybody looked towards Professor Xavier. I thought it was pretty obvious it was him but I couldn't understand why he couldn't measure his own true power. Surely, he would know? Right?

"Wrong" was all we heard. We all turned to the person of which the voice came from and once again, we were all staring at Jean.

"Then who?" asked a girl in the back. The whole class was interested in who could be more powerful than the professor besides Jean and also be a potential class five. I was also very interested.

Jean and the professor both turned their gaze to me and Jean spoke out. "I believe he is sitting next to John."

Everybody looked at Bobby because he was sitting next to John. We all burst out laughing because we thought it was a joke.

"No, John's other side. Kyle." Said the professor.

Everybody turned to me once again. The expression on my face was priceless. I was shocked. I knew I was getting stronger and started gaining more control with my powers but I didn't expect that.

"Kyle? But I thought he had almost no knowledge of how to use his powers. And how could he be stronger than the most powerful telepath in the world." Bobby asked the professor in bewilderment.

"Wait, he Jean did mention that he blocked the professor's telepathy when we first met in the cafeteria." stated Kitty

"Oh, he has knowledge of his power alright. And yes, remember that he already gained some skill with his telepathy. He did block the professor out of a telepathic conversation with pure raw power without realizing it and without any training. As for his telekinesis... he's already doing molecular breakdowns and reconstruction." Jean supplied proudly.

"Wouldn't that mean he's a class five then?" asked Amara.

"He is bordering on it," said Jean

`Great, I thought I could keep it a secret that I was more powerful than they knew but now everybody is assuming I'm a class five. I had better keep quiet about just how much I really can do. And how is it that Jean couldn't do what I did with the rocks in our little session?'

"Jean, I don't understand. How can you be a class five mutant when I surpassed your telekinesis in our training?" I asked her, which made everyone gasp again. I swear these people were going to end up in the med wing due to deprivation of air in their lungs if they kept it up.

"You see Kyle, my power is complicated. My raw power is hidden so whenever I need to use great power I have to dig deep and can easily lose control..." she paused and grimaced at a bad memory then continued, "... where as you have instant access to your power. I don't." she explained more to me than anyone else. This class was slowly becoming a private session between me, the professor and Jean.

Everybody was just staring at me.

"I don't believe it. Prove it!" yelled some guy from the back of the class.

The professor called me to the front. "Mr. Anderson, would you be so kind as to give us a demonstration of your telekinesis? I trust you can control your power enough to show a small example of what you've learnt." asked the professor kindly.

`Now what do I do? Do I show my true power or do I do something simple? They already know I'm class five, whether they admit it or not.'

I looked around the class for something to demonstrate with, that's when an idea came to mind.

I closed my eyes and then looked around again. Everybody was waiting for something to happen.

Suddenly, everybody was lifted two feet into the air. Nevertheless, that wasn't all. Everything in the room except for the students themselves suddenly dissolved into what looked like dust. The room was completely empty except for the class of students. Everybody was staring at me intently.

"Very good Mr. Anderson. That will do." I turned to the professor and saw he was looking at me differently. I turned to Jean and she too, was staring at me differently. I wondered why they were looking at me like that. I lifted my hand and extended my palm so that I could reverse everything.

That's when I saw it, the reason for all the staring. My skin had taken a darker tone. It looked very tanned, but that wasn't what caught my attention. There were veins showing. Not your normal veins, but these rather big ones that you would normally see on those body builders on TV who over did it on steroids. It didn't look great to me, it sort of made me feel sick. I went weak in the knees. The professor and Jean noticed. Jean quickly spoke up.

"It's ok Kyle, it happens. It'll pass." I turned to Jean after hearing that. She must know about this and what happens. She is after all, a class five.

I decided I had had enough. I opened my hand and everything in the room rematerialized and was in exactly the same position as before. Everybody gently floated back down to their seats. I felt my power's presence in me subside. I looked at my arm. I was relieved to see that it was back to normal.

"Wow, I got it all on video!" said a girl in the back, showing us the screen on her cell phone. She immediately started to send it to everybody in the class with compatible cell phones. I just stood there, thinking about what had happened. I turned to Jean and she gave me a look of sympathy and understanding.

I then turned to the professor. What I saw on his face wasn't what I had expected. He had a look of mixed feelings. Thoughtfulness, sympathy, questionable and then there was fear.

<Will this be how everybody reacts to me?> I sent to Jean telepathically, with a tear sliding down my cheek. I faced the class of students again, only to see half of them watching a repeat of what had happened earlier and the other half staring at me. I wiped the tear away.

"It's just hard for them to understand," Jean told me, speaking rather than communicating through telepathy.

I turned away. I walked back to my seat, grabbed my book bag and faced the professor again.

"May I please be excused?" I asked him.

"You may." He replied quietly.

`I hope he will be ok. I could never forgive myself if anything happened to him. He's all that I have left.' I heard Jean think.

I looked at her questionably and saw that she was staring out of the window. I shook my head as if I had just taken some medicine, which tasted revolting.

`Was that my telepathy or just my mind playing tricks on me?' I thought to myself. I decided I could think about it later. But right now, I wanted to be anywhere but here.

I left the classroom and headed straight for my room.

As I was near my room, I was surprised to find something unexpected. As I turned the corner of the passageway and entered the next passage where my room was located, I saw Peter standing in front of my door with something in his hands. It was an envelope from what I could see, about A4 size. My mood suddenly changed from being sad and depressed from the recent event all the way to cheerful. Peter was wearing some khaki pants, flip-flops grins and tight white shirt. He was about to slip the envelope under my door when I came up behind him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Why you shouldn't have, Petey!" I exclaimed with the best southern accent I could muster.

He jumped up and turned around. "KYLE!" he yelped in surprise.

"Expecting someone else?" I asked with my eyebrows raised.

"No, I just wanted to leave you something. I thought you were in class?" Peter asked back.

I grimaced at the thought of class.

"Yeah, about that. Something happened. Don't really wanna talk about it either. So, you wanna come in?" I asked him as I moved passed him and unlocked my door with my key card. (Gotta love the security)

I stood in the doorway waiting for his answer.

"Sure, why not." He said quietly. He came into the room and then I closed the door.

He took a seat at my desk while I took off my shoes, socks, jeans and shirt, which left me in my boxers. Peter looked away embarrassed after staring at my semi nude body a second longer than he should have.

"It's cool, we're both guys. Besides, I'm not showing anything important." I said to him nonchalantly. "So what do you have for me?" I motioned towards his hand which had the envelope in.

He handed me the envelope and said. "I just thought you might like them."

I took the envelope and opened it, wondering what he was talking about. Several sheets of paper were inside it. I took them out and stared at them in amazement as I looked through them.

They were all sketches of me. They were so well down that it looked like black and white photos of me.

"They are from each time that I've seen you around the mansion." He supplied.

I looked through them again. One was me looking back at him with my hand on a door handle, my eyes made me look like I was love sick and lost.

"Oh my, this was in that passageway where I knocked you over!" I exclaimed. He nodded.

The next was a picture of me taking a bite of pizza off my tray in the cafeteria. Then the next was me standing with my tray near him. Then there was one of me smiling over my shoulder as I was walking out of the cafeteria.

"I like this one the most," I told him referring to one with me and him sitting next to each other and me with my hand on his crotch.

He blushed and quickly explained. "I wasn't sure I should let you see this one, but it meant something to me and thought you would appreciate it."

I raised my eyebrows at that and spoke up. "Meant something to you huh? Was my hand on your crotch very meaningful to you?" I asked with a teasing grin as I leaned my face forward a bit.

He was so adorable. Picture this huge hunk at about 6'2" blushing like mad and looking as if he just got reprimanded by his mother for doing something naughty.

"Not like that, I know you were only joking with me... but I felt something when you did that to me... something I can't explain..." he was beginning to mumble.

"I know what I felt, I felt you get rock hard." I was doing my best just to smile and not burst out laughing but I was almost losing the battle.

"No... I mean... yes I got aroused... but that's not what I meant... I meant... argh! I don't know."

He looked so cute rambling on and to make it even more amusing and amazingly adorable, he had this half certain smile with flushed red cheeks trying to determine what my reaction was.

"I'm joking, I get what you're trying to say Petey. I understand."

He broke out into a full-scale smile, which looked drop dead gorgeous. I went over to him and gave him a hug.

"Thanks for these too." I said to him about the pictures. "I think I'm gonna get them framed and put them on my wall as decorations."

He just broadened his smile. I was wondering how far his smile would go before his lips would split. I was broken from my thoughts when I yawned. Peter yawned afterwards.

We looked at each other and burst out laughing.

"I hope you're not mocking me." I said to him in mock anger.

"No, not at all. I just haven't had much sleep."

"Well I had enough sleep last night but it seems I'm still tired. Wanna have a slumber party?" I asked with a mischievous smile.

He looked towards my bed then back to me. He then slipped off his flip-flops next to the desk and said, "Sure."

I smiled and got under the covers since it was a bit chilly in the room, I noted the air conditioner in the room was on. He just pulled off his shirt and hung it on my chair in front of my desk then took of his pants and folded them up and proceeded to put them on desk chair. I, in the meantime, was checking out his rock hard abs and chiseled chest with great pecks. When he turned around to put the things on my chair gave me another great view, this time of his smooth and strong back and his super fine ass. He finally climbed in under the covers along with me.

I turned to him and smiled. "Do you cuddle?" I asked with hope glimmering in my eyes.

"I was hoping you would be a cuddler." He replied cheerfully. I could see the love in his eyes. I couldn't stop myself from thinking.

`This could be the beginning of something great.'

I turned on my side and felt him move up behind me. All I could feel was his strong chest behind me. He then draped his arm around me and pulled me into him more. I smiled to myself, thinking how great it felt to be in his string arms. I could feel his breathing on the back of my neck. I closed my eyes and the last thing I remember before falling asleep was the touch of Peter's lips on the back of my neck.

To Be Continued

Let me know what you think and if there's anything you wanna suggest for my story then go ahead. Your comments and views are well appreciated so don't keep me in the dark about what you think?

The next chapter should be out by next week or so... no promises... I would like to recommend a great story or two that are really great and inspiring... Mutation' and XXX men" are the titles, so go and read! They are awesome...

Other than all of that I'd like to answer some questions that seem to be frequently asked:

  • I'm 18 years old

  • This is my first attempt at writing a story and it's also the longest I've ever written in a story.

  • My name is not Kyle, that's just my character's name.

  • I don't have any other current stories that I'm busy with, but I'll be sure to let you know. Although I highly doubt that

  • And lastly, I'd like to ask if you could please NOT send me porn pics in emails. It doesn't tickle my fancy, alright? alright. (you know who you 3 are!)

And lastly... Drop a comment... (without porn please)

Email me at:

Thanks everyone, Playboy

Next: Chapter 6

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