Summer Solstice

By T. Chase McPhee

Published on Jun 27, 2012


The story below is a work of fiction, set in the format of reality. Any resemblances to real people, alive or in the hereafter, is entirely coincidental in nature. It is not meant to accurately reflect upon persons, of continents or islands, in countries, counties, cities, towns, villages, neighborhoods, streets, cul-de-sacs, nor governmental or non-governmental areas, which the story is staged. If a sexual scene involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if guy-to-guy sex stuff makes you barf or is going to screw up your mind, you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most states and countries, you are not allowed to read this story, by law. Check with your local laws regarding such.

% Sexual safety matters. Remember guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection.


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SuMMeR SoLSTiCe 04 WriTten by T. Chase McPhee


“Dad! You've gotta sign a paper so me'n'Ced can be on Tv!"

As quick as Desi could tear himself away from the breeder tank, which didn't appear much different from some of the other monstrous tanks, he returned.

Offering a clue, a hand to the back of Diego's polo shirt, Mathieu informs, "Nothing much more than a formality."

If there wasn't any discrepancies in the way people dressed, Diego would not know the distinctions between the Rockbottom personnel, Tv crew and a handful of others, of which himself and Desi were included. The marina employees, except Mathieu, were dressed in dark brown, khaki pants and tan shirts. Each shirt looked exactly alike, Rockbottom Marina' scribbled on the front in cursive script, a patch on each shoulder, which staring at Caleb's from afar, he could not make out the inscription, and buy had spied his name when meeting up in the lobby, Caleb' engraved on a gold-tone pin. Every Tv crew member had a courtesy pass, attached to a looped strand around their neck.

Not which he didn't expect, Mathieu suddenly bolted ahead of him, "Excuse me a moment, Diego."

He slowed his pace, allowing Mathieu to do his thing. Unexpectedly, he stopped dead in his tracks, a guy stepping right in front of him, stating gruffly, "This event is not open to the public, sir!"

"But I,” Diego starts to protest, trying looking around, or at least over the `multi-story' man, built wide, "I with Dr. Tetreau."

Jake Fadi, head of security at Rockbottom, might have believed Diego, but the same line has been pulled on him before a few times, mostly an illegal photographer, him replying, "Is that so?"

Mainly, Diego truthfully did not want to miss out on Desi's excitement, so using his whits, spotting the gold-toned badge, replies, "Right. I can't believe Mathieu hasn't mentioned me to you, Jake!"

Diego felt like laughing out loud, but humor wasn't his prime concern, as `Jake' answers, dropping most of the gruff demeanor, "Have we met?"

It was even funnier, because it sounded like a pickup line one gay man would use with another, but Diego kept it cool, "Probably not. Mathieu and I have not known each other too long." Not lying, "I haven't been to Rockbottom too many times with my son," and trying to move it along, "of which I would like to share in his excitement, if you would allow me to pass by?"

The tall, former Dubai man was thinking it out, when some lady barges in and this made' Diego laugh, half the size of Jake', she barks an order, "Dr. T says let him pass. Didn't he tell you he was with him?"

Diego had to press his lips together to keep the laughter from escaping, seeing this big security guard, taller than his 6'1" height, getting owned!

"Uh, yeah, did kind of," Jake scratched the back of his neck.

"Then whatha-fuck is the problem, Jake?"

Diego felt sorry for him, especially thinking maybe Jake was holding him up because... he wanted to check him out? Doing the kind thing, Diego helps bail him out, "Actually..." he called attention, clearing his throat, "Jake realized there was a misunderstanding and he was just about ready to escort me over to where `Dr. T' is standing."

She didn't believe him, even though Jake says in a slight Arab twang, "I swear," he holds up a big hand, "it is as he tells it. I swear it on my mother's grave!"

She accuses, "I thought you told me your mother was alive and well and living in Chicago, Jake?"

"Oops!" he cups a hand over his mouth.

"I don't have time for this now!"

She didn't. Not only did Matty Smith hold the title, Chief Executive Assitant to the Director', but the 42 year old woman was covering for the Vice President of Rockbottom Aquarium and Special Projects', a position which is vacant and waiting to be filled.

As they spoke, one of the maintenance specialists, a person in the same position status as Caleb, comes by and steals her away!

"Easy come, easy go!" Diego says of it.

"You!" Jake says, almost incriminating, "I owe you big time."

As Jake Fadi escorts Diego over to the big tank, cutting through the crowd like a hot knife through butter, Diego `had a feeling'! Self-proclaimed, he was no good at this gaydar stuff, maybe this time he felt lucky, "I could think of a few ways," laughs.

Instead of getting wrestled to the ground and cuffed, something he envisioned, Jake turned his head, smiles, wiggling his eyebrows.

Perhaps the density of the crowd was too much for a wiseass answer, whatever, Diego was proud of attempt at using `gaydar'. "Dad!" he heard a familiar voice from a group of teens.

A hand sticking up out of the bunch, which he knew meant it was signaling himself, Diego says to Jake, "That's my Desi!"

"Oh? Which one?"

There were some older teens. Because Desi and Cedric were near the glass, the older ones formed a `fence', trapping the tweens between them and the birthing aquarium.

"If you can get us closer, I can take you right to him!"

As they did, stood right behind Desi and Cedric, Diego was amazed when the head of security gets first dibs at being greeted by Desi, "Hey Jake, you see it?" he points towards the baby just `coming out'.

"I see, I see," Jake replies.

"You see?" Diego says. "I see you two have already met?"

Second thought, Desi says, "Oh, hi dad."

"And not only that, you get a hardier welcome?"

Because the `wards' were directed to come forward for a closer look, Desi and Cedric waded closer to the walled in water and farther from them.

"I didn't know he was `your' kid?" Jake replies. "Cute kid!"

Of course Diego was interested in his son's welfare, but right now, Jake's grin gave him reason for a diversion. Not that he didn't think the dark-haired, middle-eastern man wasn't mildly put, `hot', he didn't think this the place or time for comparing physical notes, "Uh, thanks Jake, but shouldn't you be on patrol or something?"

As if Diego were his boss, or something equivalent, Jake replies, "Oh sure... yeah, um..." perusing the top of the crowd, because he did tower over most at 6'4", honing in on Rockbottom employee, begins to slowly part company, "maybe we can have coffee later?"

Smiling, Diego knew Jake Fadi had the hots for him. Whether he shared the same about Jake, Diego did' have some unanswered questions on his mind, like the dark-haired, carpeted mat, lying in the V' of Jake's shirt and... suddenly Diego had to question himself, `where' this fondness for man-nips came from? When he heard some young kids giggle, he says to himself, "Snap out of it, Deg!"

Being assertive as Jake Fadi, Diego, like trying to take the lead of a school of fish, pushes through the crowd towards where he believed Desi stood.

Find yourself a new fuck-buddy, Jake?"

"Shaddup!" Jake replies. Snidely turning to his fellow employee, "I don't think he fits the bill for your after work scholarship program?"

Having inside information, something which made Adriano Folletti someone to know' at Rockbottom, not only professionally, the senior staff member at the marina, in his position as Senior Staff Manager and Director of the OAP, Ocean Acidification Program, but also for the fact Adriano has been employed at Rockbottom longer than any other staff member. As with every other summer for the past ten years or so, since he's started up his own student assistance' program, seeking out and hiring a college student for `after hours' employment, he's never failed in finding a guy to trade off evening hours for a small monetary endowment, room and board.

Right before departing, Adriano, agreeing, pats Jake on the shoulder, "No harm in looking! Good luck, Jake!"

Jake, full of himself at the moment, not that he couldn't be humbled, especially in the presence of a hot guy, was proud of himself for putting Adriano in his place. Of course, he knew Adriano knew... Oh shit!' Jake realizes he didn't get a name'. He searched over in his head for sometime during his conversation, but no, no name came up as match for Diego's face!

With the crowd pushing too close to the wall of glassed in water, he was shaken out of his dilemma by Beck Barleycorn, "Hey Jake! What'samatter? You blind or something?"

What tha fuck?' he shakes loose his thoughts, turning to Rebecca Barleycorn, his right hand man'. He was number one man in the security regiment at Rockbottom, taller and older than her, but tolerated' her gruffness. Who else was he going to give the shit jobs' to without complaint?

"What's up Beck?"

Asks, not because he doesn't see, but more to put the predicament in her ball court, Beck responds, "We gotta get this crowd under control!"

"Oh really?" Jake responds in a calm fashion, "I thought maybe you would already have done that, `Rebecca?'"

By this time, the two were standing man to man', Beck, in a blaming manner, "It's Beck, not Becca'!" First thing off her mind, without consoling Jake, Beck gets on her walkie-talkie and begins dealing out orders.

Having never brought this out in public, not even as much as a peep from his lips, Jake has often thought what a terrible shame', for Blake Barleycorn to do... go and make himself' into a woman!' Though, he supposes, if Blake/Beck wasn't a muscle-guy, it would not be in his' favor to have such voluptuous `boobs!' Jake laughs!

"What's so funny, Jake?"

Standing there at 5'10" tall, Jake had to drop his chin a bit to speak with Brendyn, "Don't you have a job to do?"

Having been there last summer, at the end of high school, Brendyn did a good job at keeping the outer surfaces of Rockbottom Marina clean, of which some have said you could eat off of it!' First guy who mentioned this to Brendyn, last year, when he was 18, overwhelmed with being out of high school and out' on his own, both freedoms of sex and life in general, he pictured the married man with his family, lying naked on a picnic table, Brendyn hovering over, licking the man's bod clean!

Right now, Brendyn was looking right through' Jake, "Yeah. Like what are you up to?" he walks away after winking, receiving a little love pat' in the ass from the back of Jake's hand!

Since he could bet his Mustang on Beck having things in hand, Jake was in a disposition to reminisce, thinking over the first week Brendyn came to Rockbottom.

2011, it was right around when the summer stolstice' occurred, a holiday' of sorts at Rockbottom, marking the longest day of the year and the day after, backsliding of the sun, when days would start getting shorter, a minuscule amount each day. Not only humans, even animals knew about this, so their research tells them.

Regardless, the date wasn't important, only that it is what Jake went by, around the time Brendyn came to Rockbottom and the two, like knowing', deriving from that sense' two gay men have, it led Jake into becoming a `mentor' to the 18 year old.

From a strict family, regarding religion and lifestyle, Brendyn has been keeping it bottled up, because of what happened to his older brother. Simon, when he was 20 and in college. Making the mistake of getting drunk in a gay bar and in the middle of a fight, didn't swing too well with the `rents.

After things were all straightened out, which in the outcome, Brendyn's father saying he `wasted' his time and money on a son, which it turned out, was gay, didn't fare well for Simon. Kicked out from the family, Simon lost his family endowment for college expenses, as well as any inheritance due him.

It wasn't something Brendyn entertained happening for himself. Too, on account of Simon, told' to holdout and keep it quiet... Oh, Simon knew Brendyn was gay too, something, because of them being the only two siblings in the Bark household, would definitely not go over big on the rents. Even though there was 5 years difference between the siblings, Brendyn catching his college-freshman-brother coming out of the shower, Simon standing there, ceasing his drying off for a second, to question, What?' it was communicated in silence, What!' His own brother was Brendyn's first blowjob, when he was 14.

It flashed through Jake's mind, the whole story, from the horrendous beginning, to the semi-sweet finale, at least where Brendyn was concerned. Sure, Brendyn would have made a nice fuck-buddy, but at 35 years old, Jake Fadi was into more `mature' men. Though, as he thinks about it, last year, Brendyn such a sweet kid and falling prey to the kid's second time at giving head, he swears he didn't know why he gave in!

Meanwhile, ringside, those who didn't mind getting a little wet, got the view of a lifetime!

"Wasn't that cool, dad?!"

"Yeah. Cool," Diego replies. Genuinely excited about Desi and the event, he held the middle of his tee shirt away from his wet bod.


Now there were dozens upon dozens of Rockbottom people gathered around for this special event. He was sure the director of such a prestigious happening, should be attending to the many who wore Id's attached to elastic chains around their necks.

Regardless, no, here was Mathieu, "Don't want to catch a cold?"

"What about your `public'?"

Like, `dressing' him, after putting the towel over Diego's shoulders, he pulls the inadequate cover towards the middle of the chest, "That's why I have all my little emissaries here."

"Thanks!" Diego replies, with a crooked smile.

"We should really get you out of these clothes!"

Of course, the smile, the inference, it was all inviting, but with one small detail in Diego's life, "Uh, yeah, nice thought, but..." he looks around for Desi.

Seen, both boys literally in the clutches of Caleb's hands, herded from the crowd, almost in a choke hold, Mathieu says, "You don't have to worry about the boys. Caleb will guard them with his life!" he laughs.

"Really? From here it looks like he's ready to choke the living daylights out of them!"

Placing a hand on Diego's shoulder, Mathieu confides, "It's obvious you don't know Caleb like `I' know Caleb!"

Losing his vision of the trio Diego says, "Apparently."

"C'mon, let's find you some dry clothes."

It then became a conversation piece, why Diego was wet, Mathieu remaining dry.

As Mathieu led Diego away, Caleb led the two boys towards a building and into it, saying, "I suppose `no time like the present' to get you suited up, Desi!"

Desi was wondering when he would be getting a similar set of apparel like Cedric was wearing, "Cool!" his reaction, Caleb holding the door for the two.

"This way," Cedric knew the routine. It would not be the first time he had to change during the day.

In fact, it's the reason Rockbottom had a few high speed dryers on the premises, employees often getting soaked or drenched.

Down the hallway, there was a nice woman sitting behind a counter, taking the responsibility away from Caleb, "Well, hello there young man!"

Caleb does introduce them, "This is Wilma, Desi and..."

Very much like someone's bubbly aunt or grandmother, she steals Desi away, "Anytime you get wet or need anything to wear, you come see me!"

She did remind Desi of his mother's sister, whom he `thinks' lives in Georgia. Didn't matter, him dwelling only on the personality, maybe a bit over-friendly and seemingly caring, but liked her immediately, because as he remembers, his aunt was much the same. Yup, and like his aunt, this woman liked to hug!

Whether to make her feel good or not, because Cedric always meant what he said, "Wilma makes the best brownies!"

"Brownies?" Desi questions.

Caleb, who had checked his messages and found one from a `certain somebody', bows out, "I'll meet you guys outside?"

He knew this would be more than a change of clothing, Wilma reaching under the counter and raising to the top a platter, unveiling a mound of brownies from under the tin foil.

Desi didn't reach for them right away. His upbringing taught him to wait until invited.

"A morsel before you change and if'," this is how Wilma got the wards' to bring their wet clothing to her, a crafty plan so she didn't have to go fetch them, "you bring all your `wets' to the desk, you may have another!"

Of course, any of the wards loved getting free food of this caliber, the two tweens no different, hustling off after stuffing the brownies in their mouths.

Entering the lockerroom, which wasn't anything special for the wards, aged 11 and up, in lieu of lockers, cubby holes against the wall, they were automatically confronted with some other males getting ready for their shift.

The ten and eleven year old were about to discover something they had in common, other than things they already had compared notes on, reading, watching Tv, eating ice cream, their love of brownies and now, the two catching each other in the act of looking upon one of the staff members.

Dr. William Townes, better known around Rockbottom as `Dr. Bill', was the rehabilitation and medical coordinator. Not one for a bunch of fanfares, he bowed out of the ceremonies right after the dolphin was born, vacating the 85-degree water and leaving the 44-inch, 44-pound creature, heading off to clean up. 6'2" inches tall, an average build, dark brown hair lightly crossing his pecs, trailing down in a sleek stripe, a thin stache, he noticed the stares and before covering up his 8c with a towel, asks, not about the intentional staring, but, "Tell me guys, was this your first birthing?"

Five seconds before both boys had turned to look at each other and like, something communicated silent between them, smiled. In response to Dr. Bill, Cedric leads out, "Um, yeah," Desi following, "My first too!"

It wasn't Desi's first encounter with a grown man's cock, balls and hairy pubes. He had seen his dad's endowment plenty of times. He wasn't really thinking of it, just on a whim, noticed Dr. Bill's cock was `longer.'

Always out to educate the youth at Rockbottom, the 32 year old doctor says, "Okay, cool then, maybe you will be free later to attend my lecture?"

They weren't sure. Cedric knew for a fact every afternoon he had to help Caleb with some aquatic plants. First day for Desi, it was he who tells, "I dunno. This is my first day."

"Well, give it your best shot!" Dr. Bill winks, holding the towel together in the middle and heads off towards the shower.

Both were bursting with excitement, wanting to discuss what just happened, but they also needed to earn that last brownie!

Fortunately for Diego, since he was with the marina director, he got privileged treatment, which meant using private quarters for changing. He felt a little disappointed, silly to assume, Mathieu would remain with him while he stripped off his wet wardrobe.

In fact, when Mathieu remarked, "Let me know if you need any help?"

Diego could have kicked himself, saying, "I think I can manage."

Then, locking the door behind him, facing the room of the private john, a contrast to the other, equipped with a shower, he really felt lonely.' Especially so, after fighting to peel off his wet tee shirt, wringing it out in the sink, then going for his belt buckle. No problem with that, except when he got past the zipper. "Oh shit!" he said out loud. All along, thinking about the other john', he just `fell' into a daydream and soon, his own hand became his worst enemy. Diego didn't even get past stepping out of his shoes, socks, nor pants, the whole mess of wet clothing accumulating at his ankles. Leaning his butt against the wall, he looked to the ceiling, closed eyes and stroked away, his mind set on Mathieu, on his knees, Mathieu's lips replicating what his hand was already doing.

He bit his lip when he came near and not sure how thick the walls of slab of door were, concentrated on keeping his voice down. When Diego came', he came' and because his mind did such a good job in picturing Mathieu `on his knees', he couldn't separate the feeling of coming, a result of tight lips as opposed to his own hand!

"Done in there?"

"Almost!" Diego called out with fright.

Something he didn't realize and didn't check, was the status of the lock on the door.

Apparently, neither did Mathieu, sticking his head in, "Oh. Hmm, I never thought a dolphin could drive someone to doing that!"

Mathieu thought he was being funny, Diego getting sarcastic, "As opposed to `your' dolphin lips?"

Since implicated, Mathieu came right in, this time checking the lock, same time taking his jacket off, hanging it up on the hook screwed to the back of the door.

"What're you gonna do?" Diego was skeptical.

Rolling up his sleeves, like he was getting down to business, Mathieu literally got down to business, sinking to his knees, "Dry you off?"

Disputing the fact, Diego replies, "But I already..."

Before completion of his thought and sentence, Mathieu had already grabbed up Diego's balls, using them for a handle to guide his semi-soft cock into his mouth!

Back at the cubby holes, the two tweens had stripped down, but not without discussing what they saw'. They had come to the conclusion Dr. Bill looked cool, but didn't elaborate on the details of why'. Gathering their wet stuff up and heading out into the hall, they picked up where they left off.

"Do you think Dr. Bill looks cool?"

Put to him, Desi, feeling he can trust Cedric, is about to take his first step in life, "Pretty much so. You?"

He wasn't sure exactly how Desi meant this, but had a feeling his friend was hinting at something, "I think. Um, this isn't the first time I've seen Dr. Bill without his clothes on. I've seen Caleb without his clothes on. I, um, seem to like men without their clothes on."

It was like Michael and his dad all over again, based on the first time Michael left in the morning, having come the day before. Second time, this morning, Michael lying on top of his dad, neither with clothes on, it struck home what Cedric was telling him, "Like maybe you want to hug Dr. Bill with no clothes on?"

"Dr. Bill?" Cedric replied in a hurried, nervous manner. "I'm a kid. Dr. Bill is an adult!"

They had arrived at the desk and for now Wilma Smith had grabbed their attention, "Oh good! Have you brought me all of your wet clothing?"

For Cedric, it was basic Rockbottom attire, Desi telling her, "Those are my clothes I wore here from home?" Like, he wants them back!

"Then I shall take extra special care of them!"

Leaving the building to meet Caleb outside, Cedric says to Desi, "By the way, I like the way the Rockbottom shirt looks on you!"

Desi smiled back. If he was an adult and realized the `lingo', he might have been able to decipher the flirt just handed to him by Cedric. Although, he detected something in the way it was spoken, smiling and thanking his friend.

Outside the door, Caleb was sitting on some piled up slate, which supported the garden and a small tree.

"What's up Caleb?" Desi asks.

Because Cedric `knew', asks, "Having trouble with your boyfriend?"

Ok,' Desi thought, Caleb is gay'.

"Former boyfriend," Caleb replies in a low tone. Then inhaling deeply, pressing his hands to his knees, he gets to his feet, like bearing the weight of the world on his shoulders, "We better get moving."

The way things usually worked out, when something bugged the young teens, they dragged their feet. Walking on both sides of Caleb, Desi says, "You know, my dad says when something is wrong it's good to talk it out?"

"Me too," Cedric adds. "He says, `get it out of your system'."

"Thanks guys," Caleb returns, realizing he has been imposing on them with his problems. More upbeat, "We better get a move on it!"

They get a move on it and as they pass through the public area to get to the private sector, it did cheer Caleb up a bit, having the two along with him. Not less than 5 or 6 times did either Desi or Cedric tag Caleb, telling him of some guy they thought could be his boyfriend. After `pointing' to the first guy, Caleb said it was not a good idea to bring attention to anyone at the marina, especially reason such as the boys intended.

Then Caleb joined in on their game, which gave the boys a new sense of telling direction, "Garbage can at 12 o'clock!"

Caleb had to instruct them on the direction it would be if both hands of a clock sat on the '12'. When they saw where Caleb meant, there was a guy standing right next to the garbage can.

A few times he had to laugh, Cedric and Desi arguing over whether it was 3 o'clock or 9 o'clock!"

Another pause for laughter, Caleb cackled when the kids picked out some guy 3 times his age. He wasn't laughing at the fact he could actually meet, date and fall in love with a forty or fifty year old guy, but the kids themselves communicating the dude was `much too old' for Caleb!


Copyright 2012 T. Chase McPhee

`SuMMeR SoLSTiCe' , may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

Next: Chapter 5

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