Summer Solstice

By T. Chase McPhee

Published on Jul 31, 2012


The story below is a work of fiction, set in the format of reality. Any resemblances to real people, alive or in the hereafter, is entirely coincidental in nature. It is not meant to accurately reflect upon persons, of continents or islands, in countries, counties, cities, towns, villages, neighborhoods, streets, cul-de-sacs, nor governmental or non-governmental areas, which the story is staged. If a sexual scene involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if guy-to-guy sex stuff makes you barf or is going to screw up your mind, you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age, in most states and countries, you are not allowed to read this story, by law. Check with your local laws regarding such.

% Sexual safety matters. Remember guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection.


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I freely publish to the Nifty Archives and `do not' receive a royalties paycheck at the end of the month! TCMcP :)


SuMMeR SoLSTiCe 09 WriTten by T. Chase McPhee


He didn't know why, because what had transpired 10 minutes ago didn't affect his' son, regardless, peeking through the ajar door of Desi's room, he found him almost the way Jake and he left. Instead of facing Kriton, Desi's back was to the dog. Too, Kriton lay on his back, his front paws bent at the elbow', hind legs naturally lying limp. Smiling, Diego thought this would be a precious memory. Could be, but immediately his mind drifted to Cedric.

Downstairs, he routinely checked in on the 10 year old, in between a sip of something or taste of cold pizza, which turned Diego's tastebuds off!

It's then he discovers out loud, "Oh my god!"

To his dismay he realizes Jake cannot call him, because he hadn't given him either of his phone numbers. Still, five minutes after thinking it, the home phone rang, him stealing the remote receiver out of its cradle, answering, "Jake?"

It was Jake, reporting Mathieu Tetreau, the driver of his own car, had left the roadway and met head on with a tree. Neither he nor `Ransom', whom neither Jake nor Diego knew, were wearing seatbelts.

Fortunately though, Niall and Koby did. Explaining it, Jake told him it is what saved them from being ejected. In the face of calamity, Koby was holding up better than Niall, with a few lacerations and a sprained ankle.

Niall on the other hand had been hit by a branch which broke off the tree, crashing on top of the car. The impact bashed the roof in, right above Niall's shoulder, leaving him with a fracture.

According to Koby, who was not under the spell of painkillers, was able to tell Jake the whole story, from the time the bouncer kicked them out of Conrad's club. He said he rarely used a seat belt in the back of a car, but Niall had insisted he put it on, along with his own. Niall said he was `jinxed' by a near miss in another car accident, which left minor damage to the auto, himself and the others lucking out on the injuries, all because they had seat belts on.

"Terrible tragedy," Diego replies, then asks, "Do you have any idea how to go about informing Cedric?"

Jake was right on top of it, telling him Cedric's uncle, Adrian would be a good person to do this. Adrian had shown up at the hospital and after chatting with him, found Adrian and Cedric got along better than Cedric and his step-father!

"Oh really?" Diego questioned, which made it seem like he wanted to know more.

About to leave the hospital, Jake said he would tell him more when he arrived `home'.

He did ask Jake how he found his number, with the explanation, Jake called a security guard at Rockbottom, who went into the office and found Desi's folder in the office and stole it off of the sheet inside.


Arriving in Spring Lake, about 40 minutes after leaving Shiffers Landing, Kyven had pressed a button inside his car, which made a wrought iron gate slide to the right.

"Oh no!" Caleb exclaims.

"What?" Kyven jumps on the brake.

"Nothing... I mean... you're `rich'!"

Giving Caleb a slap with his index finger, scathing his chin, Kyven asks, "You don't like rich guys?"

"Well sure, but... I thought rich guys hung with their own `kind'!"

Stepping on the gas, Kyven took the black BMW convertible to the front entrance in no time.

Looking at it, Caleb looks up so far he could have gotten a sprain in his neck, "They sure don't have houses like this in Oklahoma!"

Laughing, Kyven says, "This way farmboy!"

He might've given Caleb some impressions about himself, but those which he reported back were slowly fading. With a twitching in his pants, Kyven strove to get inside a.s.a.p.!

They had to go over a little footbridge, which curved upwards, Caleb asking, "You have a moat?"

"Mom's idea. She wanted to have a goldfish pond, but got carried away. You can see the goldfish when the sun comes up tomorrow."

Well, there was an unasked question, Caleb figuring he was spending the night!

The drive was killing him, Kyven wanting to zip through, skipping the quick tour and make a beeline for his bedroom.

Caleb's thought didn't linger long after entering the home. Whereas the outdoors front looked flat, the inside was shaped like a half moon, commenting, "Wow!"

Like before they crossed the footbridge, Caleb's neck ached from looking up, up to what looked like a 3-story building. Sliced like a model, you could visibly see the second and third layers.

"See that up there?" Kyven points to a glass wall, curving outwards, towards them, "That's my room. The rents call it my penthouse suite'!"

"Is it?"

"See for yourself," Kyven takes Caleb by the hand, leads him to a staircase.

However they passed right by, "But..."

The question he was going ask, was answered, Kyven pressing a button, a glass door sliding into the wall. He says to Caleb, "Ladies first?" His hand paved the way, but his palm to his guest's back, made things move along faster.

Smirking, thinking Kyven was getting touchy-feely, Caleb allowed Kyven to have the benefit of the doubt. "Plush!" he says, his hand feeling up the inside of the elevator.

"Yeah. Again, my mother's doing," though Kyven couldn't wait to be doing the same to Caleb's bod.

"Is she a designer or something?" Caleb asks.

"Curator. At Evans Art Gallery, but in her own mind she thinks she's the John Giddings of Spring Lake!"

Caleb asks, "Who's John... Gidding?"

He rolled his eyes, then smiled, saying, "I'll tell you tomorrow." Right now, if the had changed places, it would not phase Kyven. He didn't have favorites when it came to sucking down a man's cock. The 20 year old didn't care whose faucet it was, as long as he could get his belly full.

It wasn't important to Caleb. What was important to Caleb at the moment, was the guided tour, which took them around the half-moon balcony, where he could look down to where they had come in the front door.

"Master bedroom. Of course the `rents claimed it for themselves, but am I complaining?" Kyven laughs.

"I might," Caleb says, noticing the bedroom which looked to be as big as their whole first floor farmhouse back in Oklahoma.

"This is Erik's room. Don't touch anything!"

He was about to lean on the top of a modernistic easy chair, but his arm jumped off in the nick of time, "Why?"

"Because Erik will know. He's clairaboyant or whatever they call it," Kyven replies. His balls were churning, which fueled his sex-center, moving his feet along more rapidly.

They didn't stay long, only long enough for Caleb to spot Erik's sanctuary, housing his `altar' to the NJ Devils and a shelf full of books, all about hockey!

"And this," they turn to take a short walk a spiral, wrought iron staircase, "is my turf!" Like he was trying to hide it, Kyven slowly weaves his belt out of the buckle.

It was nice. Real nice, Caleb figured it, the concave glass wall facing the balcony, which cascading over into the downstairs. "Man, you've got it made!"

Not in Kyven's estimation. He would have it made when he's conviced Caleb out of his clothes and sucked him dry!

"Lights!" and a half dozen white globes dotting the room become illuminated, after Kyven's hand touches the wall.

"Nifty!" Caleb says, going around in a circle.

What was more niftier, is, they were not yet in the `bedroom', but an outer room. Regardless, Kyven kicks his sneakers off and whips his tee shirt off overhead.

"This is where I goof off," Kyven says.

"I'll bet!" Caleb replies, seeing huge HDTv, other devices, what he recognizes as bluetooth speakers, leather loungers which don't exactly fit the description of sofas and, "Your own bar?" It's then he notices, Kyven shirtless, shoeless and the flaps of his pants filleted open.

Now, addressing how Caleb was stalking him, "Yeah. Originally Erik was supposed to get the penthouse, but he didn't like the spiral staircase. So I said," acting lighthearted, "I don't mind a bit! I'll take it! And here I am. And oh, by the way, you can touch anything you want!"

Looking upon Kyven, his pants at his ankles, Caleb plays along, "Anything?" Sheepishly he lets out a nervous giggle.

Silent in his answer, Kyven pushes down on the elastic waist of his Nouguet briefs, the wide treasure trail opening up to his trimmed pubes. The pocket in the front was begging to be set free.

"Oh," Caleb simply says.

Then in a switcheroo, Kyven can play games too, "Wanna see the bedroom now?" The elastic snaps back to his hips.

They were about to leave the entertainment room when they here, out loud, "Hey Ky, what's up?"

Holding his heart, which didn't mean Kyven was having a heart attack, he says, "Erik you fuck, you scared the shit outta me!"

Not immune to Kyven's innuendos, with the remark, Caleb suddenly sees the difference in Kyven', the person, then', to the `Kyven, now'.

"Sorry bro," Erik helps himself to one of the leather loungers, taking the control and putting on the Tv, quickly muting it to ask, "who's the hottie?" If alone, Caleb vacant, Erik might have been more direct, hottie' changed out to slut!'

Picking up the control, turning the Tv off, Kyven says sarcastically, "Caleb, this is my asshole brother, Erik!"

"Hey," Caleb replies, looking at Erik lying there like a golden angel, because of his blond hair and slightly blond chops. He did immediately forward the question, "I thought you didn't like spiral staircases?"

"Bro-o-o-o!" Erik gets up and walks towards Kyven, "You telling lies again?"

At first Caleb thought Kyven was serious, like he hated Erik's guts, but when Erik got him wrestling on the floor, they were both laughing their asses off, mainly because Kyven was very ticklish and his brother knew this all too well!

Finally, Kyven pinning Erik to the floor, Erik had no choice to yell out, "I give! I give, bro!"

Reason being, Kyven had grabbed Erik's balls, right through his Nouguet briefs, making the cock pocket larger than life, as Erik lay face down. It hurt!

"You owe me Erik!" Kyven says, letting his brother up.

"What is it this time?" Erik asks.

Looking to Caleb, Kyven smiles and with that evil smile, replies, "You have to suck me off while Caleb watches!"

"Ain't gonna happen, bro!" Erik replies, pushing his locks back with two hands.

"Welcher!" Kyven tells his brother.

"That's okay," Caleb gets Erik off the hook, "I don't really want to see Erik give you a blow job."

"But I'll tell you what' I will do, bro," Erik rubs both hands together, "I'll give Caleb here a blowjob, while you' watch!"

"I don't want to watch," Kyven replies.

Then, Caleb couldn't believe it. Kyven had brought him here, but grabs a hoodie out of a closet. "You.... you're not leaving, are you?"

Spraying some cologne under his chin, a squirt under each pit, Kyven replies, "Sorry, but I forgot. I already have a date. Besides, you guys are no fun," when really, having a half ounce of compassion, really meant Caleb!

Erik stands there, the 25 year old watching the drama unfold.

"At 2 o'clock in the morning?"

Erik does butt in, "Typical of my bro!"

"But we came here," Caleb acts puzzled, confused, "I thought we were going to..."

"Good thing you didn't give me a blowjob, bro. You can drive Caleb home!"

Caleb just stood there. Never in his life has he been ditched like this before, voicing his opinion, "Well, I never..."

"Typical of Ky."

"What do you mean?" Caleb addresses Erik.

"I dunno. I just think, when God made him, He didn't screw Ky's head on right."

"Really?" Caleb was ready to differ. "He seemed alright until five minutes ago?"

"Sorry. I don't have an explanation for you."

"Hmm," Caleb was still left surprised and shocked.

"Hey, you hungry? I can whip us up some eggs?"

"I'm not sure," Caleb wasn't sure, taking his cell phone, perhaps as a nervous gesture, checking it. Of people he associated with, none would be calling this time of the early morning, except, "Missed call, hold on a second."

Though, Caleb did follow Erik down a flight and into the 25 year old's room. More engrossed in the call, from his friend at Rockbottom, Jared Brecker, hired on for extra summer security, stuck on the night shift, he didn't take notice of Erik, undressing, getting out of his sweaty clothing worn at night, into the early morning hours, preparing Tetreau's French-Canadian Cuisine for next day business.

Still, Caleb didn't make the sexy connection, Erik decked out in nothing, but a toweled waist, "Oh my god, I can't believe it!" he makes the side of Erik's bed a home for his butt, flopping right down. Not expecting it, the waterbed, his whole bod flowed towards the center, dimwitted, asking, "Hey, what's happening?"

Diving in to help, Erik's towel wiggled free, him shouting, "I'll save ya!" Grabbing ahold of Caleb's arm, he dragged the 20 year old to safe port, then to his feet.

It was `now', Caleb takes notice, the very light covering of blond hair over Erik's pecs, thin trail down to, he looked down, then up, but more taken in by the grim news from his buddy on his cell, "I can't believe it... Tetreau... he's gone!"

"What?!" Erik caught his heart up his hand, rather his left pec.

"Yeah, Dr. Tetreau... I only saw him today at Rockbottom and now..."

"Doctor?" Erik repeated. "Like oh my god... thank God!"

Caleb, confused asks, "Huh?"

In broken thoughts, Erik replies, "No, I don't mean thank God something has happened to Matthieu Tetreau, but my boss, Adrian Tetreau, Matthieu's brother?"

"I get it," Caleb replies. He knew there were two Tetreau brothers. He had heard the story in the first stages of his employment at Rockbottom, Matthieu settling into his science career, his brother Adrian pursuing courses in cooking, finally opening the restaurant on Torini Pier. "Like I feel I should be doing something."


"Nah," Caleb shoots Erik down, "I can't sleep."

"Plan B," Erik says lightheartedly, "you reek man. Why don't you take a shower and change into some fresh clothes," he walks over to a shelving unit with little wicker baskets, pulls out 2 pair of briefs. He tosses a pair of `Freegun' boxer briefs to Caleb, asking, "Krash or Blacky?" each hangs on an index finger, suspended in midair.

Even though plagued with the bad news, Caleb couldn't ignore the fuzzy, deep blond pubes. Then, addressing him face to face, says, "You're not making it easy on me, Erik."

Erik replies, "What's so tough," he holds up the `Blacky', "black or," raises the Krash in comparison, "or pink floral?"

One thing was trying to block out the grim feeling, the sense of how come he didn't meet Erik first and... well maybe not knowing Kyven at all. They were like, he compares Krash and Blacky', the two brothers different as day or night. Finally making up his mind, Caleb steals the black brief off Erik's finger, saying, "You can have the gay` one!"

"Cool!" Erik said with excitement. It's not every morning he stepped in from work, finding a man untouched by his brother. Not which he meddled in Ky's affairs. He was old enough to conduct himself in whatever appropriate manner he chose. Okay, so he had to step in one time, assuming the role of a bouncer, when one of Ky's internet connections got drunk and tried over-staying his stay!

As luck would have it, he hadn't found Caleb at all like this dude or any of Ky's other `dates'. "The shower is this way," Erik escorts Caleb over to a door he is opening. "Closet is over there and help yourself to whatever suits you."

"Thanks," Caleb replies. He had already acknowledged he reeked'. As far as clothes, after showering, he wasn't sure. When Erik left, he was stepping into were the Krash` briefs!

The shower felt great, especially the initial step-in. Caleb, once out of his clothes, as himself and Erik had agreed upon, `reeked', he already had a sense of cleansing. However, this shower experience wasn't at all close to what he was used to.

At 5'10', Caleb didn't work out at the gym, but took care of himself. Normally his soapy hands over chest and stomach, provided fuel for stirring up down below. He considered himself a late bloomer, peach fuzz' over his upper and lower bod, down to just below his bellyhole, the only significant collecting of hair, a skinny happy trail. From there it bloomed'!

After the events unfolded, this wasn't any erotic shower. Planing his sudsy hands over himself, it's like it worked with no meaning, only to get the grime off. Getting in, he got blasted with heat, out of the enclosed shwoer, the coolness hit, realizing he had left the door open to the bedroom, both acted as more refreshment than his hands could do right now.

"Breakfast in bed!"

With the towel, and these towels were twice the size of man's bod, afforded Caleb the ability to wrap up more than his loins. Resembling a Greek toga, he slowly walks out of the bath, confronted with not only a breakfast fit for a king, but, "Where did the table come from? When did you set all this up?"

"Oh," Erik bent his bod to the side a little, to catch a glimpse of the time off his alarm clock, "while you were in the shower for the last 40 minutes?"

"40 minutes?" Kyle sasses back, "I wasn't in the shower `that' long!"

Erik didn't lie, but wasn't in the mood for confrontations of this sort, saying, "Well sit, before everything gets cold!"

Here was this glass tabletop, rectangular table, adorned with a vase of roses, a plate on both sides, decked out with `real' forks, knives and spoons. Caleb, not meaning to mock, says of the fork he's holding, "Did you get this at Target?"

He didn't want to embarrass Caleb, naming the price of 1 fork, which right now he didn't have a figure, the whole set from Wallace Silversmiths, but didn't want to portray a sense of deceiving, Erik tells, "I'm not sure how it works out. Each piece is a different weight," he's scooping some eggs out of a silver dish, "which offsets the price of each piece of silver."

"Silver?" Caleb looks at it, front and back, like it's an alien.

Seeing Caleb weighing it between two fingers, Erik says, "Silver weighs more than the cheap metals you would find at Target, I think."

Not wanting to boast of his being well off, especially his parents key in the responsibility, Erik cringed at Caleb's next question, one he hoped to avoid, "Well, if you don't know the price of 1, how much did all of them cost?"

Even though the room was of moderate temperature, the A/C on low, shirtless, Erik was sweating it. Up until now, most guys who found out him being filthy rich, were more interested in helping him spend the filth' than being friends or something more. Erik already figured in his mind, here's another classic case.'

As he's about to answer, Caleb speaks up, "Never mind. I don't have to know. It's not important." He figured it had to match the house... no, mansion, the weird shape inside and out, the furnishings, which when he thought about it, couldn't possibly be from Target! Forgetting about the price of the silver, he uses it to shovel some eggs into his mouth. Wiping his mouth with the side of a finger, Caleb says, "Hey, this is good."

"I hope so. I'm a line chef at Treteau's," and already his mind on giving away the price, "the whole set is 18 grand."

Caleb's mouth hung open, all the chewed up yellow contents visible and mumbling over the cheese and egg concoction, says, "You mean like thousand? Dollars?"

"Yeah," Erik gave a toothless smile back at him.

Suddenly Caleb starts coughing, which turns into choking.

Hurrying to his aid, Erik rushes around the table. At the restaurant, all who worked there, knew Heimlich's maneuver. Working as expected, the egg came barfing out, right on top of the untouched pile on Caleb's plate.

"Water!" Erik adds to the remedy, rushing over to the wheeled breakfast cart, bending to reach, retrieving a bottle of Voss. He didn't even bother pouring it into a Waterford goblet, unscrewing the cap and saying to Caleb, "Drink!"

Nursing Caleb for a few minutes, he soon recovered, but fended off eating anymore food, claiming he really wasn't hungry.

Erik teases, "Don't like my cooking, huh?"

Knowing Erik was being a good sport, Caleb renders, "It's not that. I'll have to take you up on another meal when I'm not so..." he couldn't describe his feelings.

Right on the money, Erik says, "Upset?"

"A little. I mean, I really didn't know Dr. Tetreau very well, even though I've worked there for a while. I'm his kid's counselor at Rockbottom. A little geeky, but he's a nice kid."

Caleb silent and thinking, Erik asks, "What?"

"Nothing." But there was something, which happened this very past night, summing up his thought, "Wow, I just thought of something."


"If his son, his name is Cedric, wasn't with Diego and his family tonight, he might have been in the car with his father. He could be dead!"

"The only loophole, I doubt very much your Dr. Tetrue would take his son out drinking?"

"Scratch that idea," Caleb says. Then lightening up, "I wouldn't make a very good detective, would I?" He yawned.

Such was the duration of the wide-mouthed yawn, Erik suggests, "Why don't you hop into bed and take a little cat nap?"

Erik never left the place he had administered the water, on one knee, at the side of the table, close to Caleb.

Having to look down 2 inches, Caleb responds, "This has really been a bizarre night."

"How so?"

Rewinding the events as they unfolded, Caleb also educated Erik about Diego, Desi and Jake, Cedric falling in between, here and there. From meeting Koby on the beach, thinking he was a decent sort of fellow, he also gave Erik an inclination towards the type of guy which interested him.

Accordingly, Erik says, "Well I guess you've found out, better now than later, what a slut Ky can be?"

Skeptical, because he really didn't know anything much about Kyven, Caleb responds, "No, not really."

"Oh." Smiling, from beginning to end of his statement of himself, Erik says, "I myself am not one to rush into things," comparing himself to Caleb.

Knowing he meant `sex', likely a priority, Caleb responds, "It was the impression I was getting, Erik," he lays a hand on Erik's forearm on the table, which helped bolster him up from kneeling.

"Why don't you lie down for a while and I'll clear this mess away."

"What?" Caleb showed sudden vitality. Picking up the silver fork, he shoveled some up, "You're not going to throw this away, are you?"

"I wasn't," Erik got up, walking back to his own place. "Nothing goes to waste around here. I'll just recycle it into something else."

However, by the time Caleb got around to a second helping, eaten some toast, drank coffee, there wasn't much to pack away in the fridge.

Helping Erik carry the stuff downstairs, he was informed by his host, "Normally we would have help, but John doesn't come in until 8."

"Don't tell me," Caleb jokes, "John-the-butler?"

"John Stork is our butler and his twin brother James is our house manager."

Slowly, it has occurred to Caleb, Erik and his family, `have money', though it really hasn't phased him that much, other than being of the opposite class. "How many does he manage?"

"A few." Erik was fair. When the crew was off, he didn't leave a mess. This was one time he went back on his principles, "You leave those right in the sink."

Processing his dish, Caleb was washing it off in the sink, "If you leave this, the cheese will harden on it?"

Even though Erik had principles about sex too, do's and don't's, according to his own beliefs, he wasn't impervious to Caleb in his toga. "I think we better get some sleep. We have an hour and half before the staff arrives."

Caleb was thinking, `here it comes', Erik reneging on his abstinence.

However it wasn't so, Erik saying, "You can take my bed and I'll nap out on the sofa?"

"I never slept in a water bed before?"

"It's easy," Erik replies. "You just sit on the edge and surf down into it, like you did before. Then, when you get in a comfortable spot, you lay out eagle-spread and `float'. Eventually you fall asleep."

Standing there, it was tempting to ask Erik for a demonstration, but he reflected back on Koby, in the mens restroom at Conrad's and saw how the immediate future could have been, if he had given into temptation.

"Why don't you take the waterbed and I'll take the sofa?"

Erik says, "Only problem is, the sofa is right in the thoroughfare of traffic. John, James and the rest will passing right by you." Stepping closer to Caleb, Erik says, "I don't want them wasting time lurking over a beautiful stranger in the house!"

Smiling, Erik stood there. He wanted to gently fluff up Caleb's still wet, blond hair, but resisted.

"I'm beautiful, am I?"

"Uh, yeah," Erik searches for an out, singling out the wardrobe, "must be the toga."

A quick flash of the eyes to Erik's chest, Caleb says, "Silver and gold. It goes good together!"

Erik didn't get it, "Huh?"

Replying, Caleb lifts a hand to the center of Erik's chest, "Silver spoons and gold fur?"

At this very moment, both sensed they could drop the formalities.

Caleb leads, "I think if you show me more about how to get into the waterbed, I could learn how to do it?"


"Hi dad!"

Diego, head in the pocket of his crossed arms, lying on his Nouguet drawings, breathed in and out with sleep.

Nudging an elbow, pushing with hand, Desi again alerts, "Yo, dad!"

"Huh?" Diego slowly raised his head and like he was drunk, asks, "What time is it?"

Without any clue of what Saturday would bring, Desi replies, "Time to take Kriton out for a walk. He's gotta go."

Cruising his head way over his left arm, Diego lets his chin drop over his left arm, until he can see the little dog, tail wagging and with human response, "Alright, but he's doing front yard duty for now!"

By the time a culdesac was carved out of the real estate for a turnaround driveway, there wasn't much green left. Still, like most of the neighbors, Diego had landscapers come and trim it. It was times that, when the grass grew in like a jungle, he wasn't at all jealous of the Nouguet property, almost double in size, with lots of outskirts of grass and plantings. Though, being inside the square footage, now that was another desire to be reckoned upon!

Slipping a tank top on, yesterday's cotton shirt, which was lying around, Diego, Desi and Kriton walked out the front, right into Jake, his hand about to turn the handle of the glass and fancy-designed wrought iron artwork.

"Oh hi," Diego confronts not only Jake, but a guy with him, "you're back!"

Desi slipped by his dad, Kriton on the leash, the kid's other hand coated with a plastic shopping bag.

Moving his hand around in a circular motion, Jake describes, "Yes. My hand was on the door, ready to come in."

Perhaps Jake wasn't attuned to it, but Diego felt kind of cool, him knowing Jake for roughly only a day and a few hours and feeling comfortable with walking in, without knocking or ringing the bell. Quickly those thoughts evaporated, wanting to meet the man next to Jake.

However, the `other' jumps in with a hand out to shake, "Hello," prim and proper, "allow me to introduce myself. I am Adrian Tetreau, Cedric's uncle."

Taking Adrian's hand, it was like day and night, hot and cold, vanilla and chocolate, different than when he shook Matthieu's hand yesterday, like special vibes were transmitting through every finger and palm, sending greetings of goodwill and not something which constituted an uneasy, nervous feeling.

Diego did offer in return, "I'm sorry about the accident and all." He wasn't as good with words as he was with drawing the outlines of a man's cock and balls, when it came to thinking up advertising, but got his point across.

Silent for the duration, Jake says, "Cedric, is he awake?"

"Uh, no. Maybe we should wake him though. He's been asleep for a long time," Diego replies.

He wasn't sure from the start about having a dog, so when Diego looked up and saw Desi making a sick face, reaching for the dog poop, shopping bag on his hand like a glove, looking like he was afraid to touch it, like it was a tarantula, he says, "Why don't you go in and have a cup of coffee while I square things away out here?"

On the way over from the hospital, where Adrian met him, Jake had rather boasted about meeting, how he termed it, the man-of-my-dreams', using all kinds of superlatives to describe how he felt about Diego, and his stats, Adrian says to Jake, walking to the kitchen, "He is so-o-o, magnifique'!"

Not quite the same height as Jake, but same build, there were only a few differences between the two. Whereas Jake would fit the description of a muscle-bear', Adrian was all bear'. At 5'9, he was beefy, his girth more fatty than Jake's tough stomach, slightly covering the muscled abs. Security matters never have led to anything rough, but if they had, Jake assured himself his bod was tough enough to take anything, except maybe a bullet. Superman he was not!

Taking Adrian's remark as a compliment, which went unsaid, anything touching base on relationship status, though Jake thought maybe this is where things could be headed, he replies, "Thank you." On the other hand, picking up the carafe of coffee, he says of the woody aroma, "But his coffee, I don't know," he pours the remnants in the sink.

"What about my coffee?" Diego asks.

Getting beyond his first pickup, Desi had to leave Kriton's leash with his dad to hightail it off to the bath and wash his hands, of which Diego thought Kriton might lead to some good after all!

Rather than report the condition of the mud in the bottom of the carafe, Jake sweetly says, "Not much left. I think we need a new pot."

If Jake only knew, Diego catching the reason why he asked about the coffee he had made fresh only about an hour ago and the 1 inch left in the pot!

Before anymore coffee-talk, they hear, "Where's Desi?"

It was Cedric, the 10 year old wiping the sleep out of his eyes with both fists, a yawn in between. It's then he realizes, "Uncle Adrian!"

Diego and Jake watch as Cedric runs across the room and gives Adrian a bear hug.

With Cedric hugging Adrian, he says of it, "I get this welcome all the time!"

It becomes apparent, at least to Diego, Adrian and Cedric have good rapport with each other.

"Ced, you're awake!"

At this point, Jake and Diego lock stares. Both knew they shared the same subject of thought. Not only would someone have to break the news to Cedric, which in the car on there way over to the beach house, Adrian said he would handle it. There was Desi to find out also, something neither had realized.

Adrian on the same wavelength, asks, "Does Desi know?"

Not covered in the car, Jake replies, "I don't think," looking back at Diego.

One arm across the middle of his tank top, the other arm waves back and forth, Diego saying, "No. I hadn't gotten around to it."

Desi asks, "What' up dad?" He takes Kriton, still on the leash, bending to unclip it from the doggie's collar.

Not really able to squat, Adrian goes down on one knee, like he was ready to propose. His arm around Cedric, the bear says, "I have something sad to tell you, son."

Part of the story of Cedric's past life, Jake had found out in the hospital when Adrian showed up, a story which spilled over into their conversation in the car. There was more to the story of Matthieu Tetreau's brief love affair with Cedric's biological father. Jake was astounded to learn, when Cedric's real father was married, to a woman, he often cheated and when this occurred, it happened to be Adrian in the right place, right time, right chatroom at, the two hooking up. Adrian making a long story short, other than humorously throwing in the fact, the father a `hot fuck', told of how they went on to meet several times a month, over a period of almost a year.

Then it stopped. Adrian could have felt a bit jealous, finding out from Cedric, a rude awakening, that his bio-dad, after separating from his wife, had met up with the director of Rockbottom, who it was no secret, his brother, and the two were dating'. However, Adrian had already figured out, even though divorce was in the works, he and Cedric's bio-dad were meant to be a hit and miss' relationship and not coupled up, should the divorce become final. He supposed his jealousy towards Mathieu, extended from looks rather than any kind of long-lasting affection. He drew from all this, thankfulness for becoming acquainted with Cedric, coming about whenever Mathieu and his the new love of his life decided to take on a gay cruise, gay ski weekend or other fun happening, whereas `kids' were not permitted. Not that he didn't welcome it, Adrian rather liked playing the single's game. In Adrian's eyes Cedric was a fine boy, too long sandwiched

in between `bad luck' and a hard place, void of a parent-son relationship.

Now, Adrian hugged Cedric like a father and son would, Desi turning from the terrible news, to his own father, looking up to Diego, asking, "Why did it have to happen, dad?"

99% of the time, Diego had the answers for everything. This wasn't too tough an answer, "Because, we can't see the future and what it holds, which I think is good, not seeing ahead of time when something bad will happen?"

It was also Diego's intentions, putting his son in the position to question life, drawing up conclusions, instilling decision making and other superlatives, Desi saying back, "Yeah. Sure," he supposed, since Desi trusted his dad, had good rapport with him, loved him.

In support, Jake says, "You listen to your father. He is a wise man!" He pats Diego on the back, stuffing a mug of coffee in Diego's hand.

Taking a sip, Diego says, "Mm-m, this is good!"

"See, it caught up with you, dad?"

The two adults peer down on Desi, question on their faces.

"The coffee," the kid hints.

"What about it?" Diego asks.

Like a smart adult would answer, Desi replies, "You said you could save money being a skimp on the coffee," then to Jake, "but he's always complaining `it sucks!'"

In a blaming tone, Diego, who doesn't encourage `such language', for children, says, "Desi?"

However it's Jake who steps in the lead, "Well, if the coffee `sucks', the coffee sucks!"

Desi smiles at Jake.

On the other hand, the gesture, `arms up, going down, slapping on Diego's thighs', he says, "Do you have to encourage him, Jake?"

Jake bends a little, like he's going to whisper a secret, "The coffee sucks, but don't use word, `suck', because it is not nice!"

Even though he would use it again, when a slip of the tongue or the tongue slipping around something, Desi replies, "Okay." Turning around, doing an about face, Desi asks, "Hey, where'd they go?"

Again, Jake acknowledges the father-son connection, slapping of the hands against thighs.

Shortly after Adrian had broken the grim news, parting company, Cedric leading Adrian to a more private area, back to the playroom.

"They went to have a little, private talk," Diego replies.

"Not in the playroom?" Desi replies, fearful he would not be able to watch his Saturday morning programming.

Jake was starting to fit in, Diego smiling in approval of his saying, "Your dog wants to eat?"

It was so cute, Kriton picking up his plastic doggie dish, carrying it over to where the 3 conversed and dropping it on the floor with a `clack!'

Not intentionally wanting to disown Kriton, Desi remarks, "He's not `my' dog, he's Caleb's!" Deep down inside, he wished Kriton was his!

Snapping a finger, Diego says, "That's right! Caleb never came home last night, did he?"

Doing the math, fitting things back into perspective, Jake replies, "He was with Koby. Caleb was not in the car."

They had thought this out before, but in referring to not showing up at the beach house, Diego suggests, "Can you call him, Jake?"

Desi set out to get the bag of dog vittles.

Being coworkers at Rockbottom, Jake says, "I don't have his number."

Knowing where Jake could get it, Diego suggests, "Why don't you call one of your security buddies at Rockbottom and have them snoop around in his employment records?"

"Good idea!"


Caleb hadn't slept this well since longer than he could remember. In the beginning, when he shacked up with Bob, his former boyfriend, it could have been this nice, but he quickly decides, his arms around Erik, his chest, stomach and pubes, nuzzling up to Erik's back and ass, all a part of the waterbed forming around them, it was almost surreal. Then he heard his cell phone ringing.

Waterbeds took a certain getting used to, to get out from, which Caleb was now having a dickens of a time trying to `swim' his way to the edge. Part of his predicament, the bed was a little bigger than kingsized. He gave up when he reaches the corner, his cell silent.

Then, he feels a hand wrap around an ankle, voice saying, "Going somewhere my little goldfish?"

Nobody could be more surprised than Caleb, tossing over onto his back, looking over his own chest, there was an `obstruction' to his view of Erik!

Already the master of waterbedding, Erik pushed down on the plastic-vinyl material, which sent Caleb waterboarding in his direction, joking, "Need some early morning help with that?"

Figuring it wasn't an important call, Caleb allowed the current to take him. Thoroughly amazed at how someone could so easily position themselves about, he watches as Erik flips over in a froggy position, his mouth opening wide!

"Oops!" Erik says, laughing, when his nose buried in Caleb's blond pubes, a fraction of an inch from engulfment, between balls and base. He comes up, laughing, "Gets me every time."

It wasn't crystal clear to Caleb, "What gets you, Erik?"

"Fuzzy pubes?" he looks up, like Erik is waiting for something, other than a mouth to fill.

"I prefer hairy pubes. Um, you might get me to shave my balls, but..."

"Oh no! I like them hairy too!"

Up on his elbows, to keep himself buoyant, Caleb deems, "Shut up. You like shaved pubes on a guy or else you wouldn't have said what you said!"

Kneeling, perfectly, which amazed Caleb, Erik says, "A man has a right to change his mind, doesn't he?" Which, in Erik's estimation, to keep this fish, he would swim circles around Caleb in order to not have him swim away from his ocean!

He saw Erik compromising, but Caleb wasn't so bound on allowing this to be his last scene in bed with the 25 year old, "Well," he gives in an inch, "I might think about a light trim."

On the other hand, Erik feeling the same way, "Oh no, you don't have to on my account. My nose will get used to getting all tickly!"

"Is that so?" Caleb replies.

"Right," Erik flashes his gorgeous smile.

Whimsically, Caleb says with all silliness intended, "And how do you expect to accomplish that?"

Both knew the implications, knowing in order for either of them to accomplish whatever goals set out for the other, would require more time together.

Erik, his mind already set on this 35 minutes ago, replies, "Practice?"

He wasn't into hit and run sex, Erik pacing himself through cooking school. With diverse interests, art, opera, eating out and spectator sport of beach volleyball, he was able to keep himself free of the life his brother led, Kyven requiring sex at least once a day, like it was a health treatment, getting a daily dose of `fuel' in order to keep going. It is what made the siblings as different as day and night.

"Practice?" Caleb questions, playing games, "And how are you going to accomplish that?"

Erik knew the rules, though with each game they varied, "Well, I'm sure your `ex'..."

It was a touchy subject right now and in frustration over not only the abrupt break up, but getting evicted, Caleb again flips over and with a little more of a hang of how to spring out of a waterbed, at least gets up on all fours, after flipping over onto his chest.

As Erik had already thought, he wasn't going to allow Caleb escape from his fish pond, "Wait! Don't go!"

Instead of 1 ankle, Erik grabbed both, which made Caleb's knees slip out from under him with an, "Oooff!"

It didn't really knock the wind out of him, just the feeling, because his underneath side was cushioned. It did feel kind of strange, his balls slapping against a mattress which was not a standard with most beds.

Managing to turn somewhat around, pivoted at the hips, bracing himself on his forearms, Erik says, "I promise I won't mention your `ex' again."

Caleb didn't know what just hit him. Maybe he thought this was all going to end up like Bob. In some respect, Erik had some of the same qualities towards building a relationship, older, well off, even though employed as a chef, Erik having interests in the arts and watching shirtless guys on the beach playing volleyball. Okay, so Bob wasn't a beach volleyball fan, but Caleb didn't know whether he was ready to fall so instantly out and then back into a relationship.

However, Erik `was' cute, not only in looks, but his pudgy bod, so rather than surf out of his life just yet, he found excuse, "Uh, I was concerned about Kriton. I thought maybe I should give Diego a call and let him know?"

Erik smirked.

Rethinking his position, Caleb replies to the look on Erik's face, "You don't believe me, do you?"

"Of course I do," Erik didn't, "but I think you should call your dog and let him know where you are!"

Turning around to make his exit, Caleb `knew' Erik knew, saying, "Thanks for being understanding."

"You're welcome!"

Caleb turns his head around instantly, a smirk on his face, a response to the dog-lick on his ass!


Copyright 2012 T. Chase McPhee

`SuMMeR SoLSTiCe' , may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

Next: Chapter 10

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