Super Jeff

By John Tucker (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on May 28, 2006


The following story is a work of gay fiction. If the subject matter is offensive to you or you are too young, please exit now. This work is the property of the author and may not be duplicated without his permission. John Tucker, JETjt@


Chapter Twenty


Pushing the `off' button on the phone, I stuck the device in a front pocket and withdrew my wallet from the rear one. Finding Tyler's card with his cell number, I pulled the card out, then replaced my wallet, digging then for my cell phone. Looking at the information on the card I quickly dialed the number and listened as the phone rang and rang. I was just ready to hang up and race back down the dock to see if I could flag the yacht before it left port when I heard the voice on the other end.

"Forget something Jeff?" I heard.

Yeah, I'd forgotten that I'd given Tyler my cell number. He must have programmed it into his phone.

"Tyler!" I practically yelled. "I just got a call from Ed Macgregor! There were intruders in the house looking for Amanda and me! Frank was badly hurt and is in the hospital. Ed said that we were not to leave you."

"Hold on," Tyler said. The phone must have been held aside as I heard Tyler grab a phone and call the bridge of the ship.

"Captain," I heard him say, "Return to the dock at once."

I looked out on the causeway leaving the marina area and saw the ship, which had just moved away from the dock, turned, then started its forward motion, suddenly reverse its engines and stop. It began to retrace its course as Tyler came back to the phone.

"Come out to the dock," Tyler ordered. "I'll meet you there."

The phone went dead.

"Come on guys," I said to the other 5 in our party. "We've got to meet Tyler at the dock."

We began the long trek back to the ship, arriving just as it was tying up. The small hatch in the side of the ship was open and Tyler was standing inside the opening with a small bag in his hand. He had changed from the shorts he'd been wearing, but still wore the golfing shirt from before, except now it was covered by a jacket. As he finished talking on his cell phone, a small gangplank was extended across the gap between the ship and the dock and, once secure, Tyler crossed it, joining us.

"Let's go," he ordered. "I have two agents headed for your house, and two more will meet us at the hospital."

"I'm sorry to spoil your weekend," I apologized.

"Don't give it a second thought. The others are sailing back to San Diego. If I can I'll rejoin them there tomorrow. I do feel bad myself though, I should have ordered security for you immediately," he apologized in return. "I just thought we might have a little more time. My error."

"Don't beat yourself up over it," I ventured. "I never, in my wildest dreams, would have thought that we'd be targets." We stopped talking as we climbed the long ramp to the parking lot. Once at the top I continued. "We brought two cars," I reported as we approached the parking lot. "Mandy and Rick are in my Mom's two-seater and the rest of us came in my Dad's sedan."

We paused at the cars.

"Rick and Amanda, I'd like you to go to the house," he instructed, handing Rick one of his cards. "I have two agents coming there for your protection. I suspect that the police are still there. My men will handle the situation. After you ascertain what happened, please give me a call on my cell phone."

"Can we come to the hospital afterward?" Mandy asked. "Frank is one of the family."

"Yes, of course," Tyler answered. "Just call first. If we can find out his condition, we'll let you know then. He may be in surgery though and if so, we might not know anything. If you come, one of my men will come with you and one will stay at the house. Our security plan is in effect as of now."

Tyler reached into his bag and withdrew a flashlight. He looked under the cars, under the hood, and under the dashboard of each vehicle before he allowed us to enter.

Knowing that I was familiar with the local area, Tyler suggested that I drive. He took the front passenger seat, and Chris joined Ben and Jon in the back. After buckling up I backed the car out of the parking place and was soon quickly speeding down the roadways toward the hospital.

Fortunately, the hospital was in Long Beach, so we were able to make it there in only 15 minutes. Parking, we jumped out of the car and jogged toward the emergency entrance. Inside, I spotted the admissions desk and rushed to it. Thankfully there were no `customers' on our side. The receptionist looked up from her work and asked, "May I help you?"

"Yes Ma'am," I answered. "We're looking for Frank Guistard who was admitted here a short while ago."

"Are you family?" she asked as she consulted the screen on her computer.

"We're as close to family as he has here," I answered. "He's an employee at our home where he was injured."

"What is your name sir?" She asked curtly.

"Jeffrey Richards the third."

"And you sir?" she asked Tyler who was at my side.

"Tyler Turner," Tyler answered without any further explanation.

"Well, I'm not^Å." she paused, then asked. "Are you any relation to Dr. Ri^Å."

"Yes, he's my father and if he were here, he'd be very upset with all this needless questioning." I snapped.

"Yes, I understand," she said, a bit ruffled at my challenge. "You may wait in the waiting area," she said. "It's down this corridor on the left. There are two other men presently in the room waiting for news on Mr. Guistard's condition now. I understand from the police that they too want to be notified as soon as he's able to receive visitors."

"Thank you," I said. "I apologize for being abrupt."

"I'm used to it," she replied with a kind smile. "This place has more than its share of trauma."

Tyler and I signaled the others and stepping away from the counter, headed down the corridor as directed. We saw the sign identifying the waiting room and stepped inside. There we saw Ed and Paul, Frank's lover, sitting beside each other, talking. They saw us enter and rose to their feet as we approached.

"Any word on Frank?' I asked.

"Not yet," Ed answered. "He's been taken to surgery and has been in there for 45 minutes."

"How long have you been here?" I asked.

"About an hour and a half," Paul answered.

"Paul," I said. "I'm sorry. This is Tyler Turner, whose security company we've hired to help look for our parents, and these are our friends, Jon and Ben."

"Hello," Paul said in greeting. The others nodded in return.

"This is Paul Samson," I said to the others. "He's Frank's life-partner."

"Nice to meet you," Tyler said.

"What happened at the house?" I asked.

"Frank and I were relaxing in our apartment at home, when the gate buzzer rang," Paul explained. "Since we have a control in our apartment, Frank answered it there. Whoever it was said that they were from the FBI and had news about Doctor Richards. Frank quickly got dressed and headed for the house after releasing the gate. I didn't think I needed to go, but got dressed anyway after he'd left. I decided to go over too when he didn't return right away. I had just stepped outside when I heard a gunshot. I tore into the house through the back just about the time I heard the squeal of tires from the front. I found Frank off the foyer lying in a pool of blood, barely conscious. I called 911 and went to Frank and as instructed, applied pressure to the wounds. He was not only shot, but was beat up pretty badly too. All he said was that `they were looking for you and Amanda.' I'm not too religious, but I did a lot of praying."

"Where was he shot?" I queried.

"One was through the chest and another in his abdomen." He answered. "There was blood everywhere. I'm surprised he didn't bleed to death. Of course the police came too, so I was questioned for a short while before they let me come here. Where is Amanda?" he asked, finally noticing her absence.

"She and her boyfriend Rick went to the house," I answered. "Two of Tyler's security agents will meet them there. She'll call us when she has the lowdown on the conditions at home."

"How did you find out about all this, Ed?" I questioned.

"Frank has Ed's number written down as an emergency contact," Paul replied instead. "Once the ambulance arrived, I called him. I was going to call you next but he offered to."

"Ed I'm rather worried about the situation at home," I confessed "I'm afraid the cops might give Amanda and Rick a hard time. Do you think maybe you should go there?"

"It might be wise," Ed agreed. "I wanted to make sure though that Frank was taken care of first. These hospitals can be a bit reluctant if there's no kin, insurance, or if the patient is unconscious and unable to fend for himself."

"You did right," Tyler assured the attorney. "But I agree with the both of you; it might be best for Ed to find out what's happening at the house."

"I'm on my way," Ed said rising.

"Would you mind taking the other guys home with you?" I requested. "I'm sure I'll be here for a good long time."

"No problem," he responded. "Who is going?"

"I want to stay with you Jeff," Chris declared. "Let the others go."

"I'll stay for now too," Tyler stated. "I'll go over when my security men get here. I'll take one of their cars. I want to see how the investigation is going."

"We'll be alright," I said. "You can go now if you want."

"I don't think you were listening when we talked about security, Jeff," Tyler admonished. "I said that we'd have a security man with you at all times, even if it's me."

"You think they'd come into a hospital?" Chris questioned.

"In a heartbeat," Tyler declared. "We're not sure of the assailants' intentions either. They may have been sent to kidnap you or possibly to take you out."

"By that you mean to kill Jeff and Amanda?" Chris asked incredulously.

"Exactly," Tyler answered. "You should not, even now, drive your car without one of my men checking it out for a bomb like I did at the yacht club, especially when it's not in a secured location."

"Well, I'll be going. Come on guys," Ed said to Jon and Ben."

"Give us a call when you can," Tyler requested. With a wave the trio departed.

Moments later a man dressed in a clinical coat entered the room. I saw Tyler tense up, keeping his hand near his open jacket.

"Mr. Samson? Mr. Richards?" he questioned.

Paul and I stood and moved toward him. Tyler moved with us, but slightly behind and to the side, keeping an eye on the man's movements.

"I'm Jeff Richards," I said introducing myself and this is Mr. Samson.

"My name is Doctor Graf," the man said. "I just checked in surgery on Mr. Guistard's condition. They're still working on him though."

"How is he?" Paul asked the deep concern showing on his face.

"Better than we had any reason to expect. After taking x-rays and an MRI they went into the chest first. The lung was damaged but the vital arteries were missed as well as the heart. The bullet was a small one; probably a .22 or .25 caliber and it hit a rib first so it didn't penetrate too deeply and never exited. It's been removed and will be turned over to the police. At any rate, all bleeding has been stopped and they're just closing the chest wound now. They began working on the abdominal wound once the chest wound was secure. It appears that the bullet perforated the intestine and the appendix, which has been removed. That kind of wound has more danger of being septic, so there will be a drainage tube left in for a few days. All in all, I'd say that we were very lucky. Two wounds like that would normally have been fatal. Fortunately, an excellent surgeon was in the hospital just finishing a late surgery when Mr. Guistard was brought in."

"So he'll recover alright?" Paul pressed.

"As in all surgeries there are inherent risks and potential complications," the doctor hedged, "But I'd say, at this stage, that his chances are better than 90%. He lost a lot of blood, but has been transfused continually since his admittance. He'll be taken to the ICU once the surgery is complete and he's been recovered. I'm sure he'll be there at least for the rest of the night. He may be moved to a room tomorrow if he comes out of the surgery strongly."

"We want him to have the best of care," I declared. "Cost is no obstacle."

"Don't worry, Mr. Richards," the doctor stated. "We all know your father and will give the patient the royal treatment. I must say that we are saddened by the loss of your father, a great surgeon and a great man. ."

"There may be a mistaken identity," I revealed. "but we don't know his whereabouts yet."

"Then we'll all pray for his safe return," the doctor offered.

"Thank you," I said.

Tyler stepped into the conversation.

"Doctor, my name is Tyler Turner. My firm has been hired by the Richards to provide security for them and we were about to put our plan into effect when the assault occurred. I'd like to provide a man to guard Mr. Guistard, particularly if the police are unwilling to do so, since he may be able to identify the assailants, who we think are tied in with those responsible for Dr. Richards' disappearance,"

"You'll have our complete cooperation, Mr. Turner," the doctor promised. "Please contact me when he arrives if it's yet tonight. Well, I must be going. I'm glad the news on Mr. Guistard was favorable and am delighted that your father might yet be alive."

"We appreciate your thinking about us," Paul said, "goodbye."

As the doctor left the room, another man dressed in a suit, entered. Tyler stepped toward him.

"Mr. Turner?" the man asked.

"Yes." Tyler answered.

"I'm agent Tom Baker, from your office here," he stated, removing his wallet and extracting an identity card which he handed to Tyler.

Tyler scanned it quickly, never completely taking his eyes off the newcomer until he was satisfied.

"Thank you for coming so quickly Tom," Tyler said. "Have the other two agents arrived at the Richards' home yet?"

"Yes Sir," he replied. "Agents Anderson and Solaski have been there for nearly a half-hour. They were dispatched there first, since we were told that at least one of the targets was there unprotected. They were on duty, but I was home."

"I appreciate you coming out," Tyler said. "I'll be leaving here shortly to go to the scene, but first I'd like to introduce you to your charges."

I was standing nearby listening, and moved to Tyler's side.

"Jeff," this is agent Tom Baker who will be your security until relieved. "Tom, this is Jeff Richards. He and his sister Amanda, who should be at their house, are under our protection. Is there another other agent coming here?"

"Yes," there is one more expected to arrive soon," Tom replied. "He's on the way."

"Good," Tyler responded. "One of you is to remain here guarding a Mister Frank Guistard, a patient and the victim of the assault. Arrangements have been made with Dr. Graf for you to be here. The other agent is to accompany Mr. Richards when he returns home, making certain that his car is checked for any explosive device before he enters it."

"Understood Sir," Agent Baker acknowledged.

My phone began to ring and I quickly pulled it from its holder and flipped it open.

"Hello," I said into the tiny microphone.

"Hey Jeff, this is Mandy. How's Frank?

"He's doing better than expected though he's still in surgery. A doctor came by and told us he thinks there is a very good chance for complete recovery."

"That's a relief," Mandy said.

"What's happening there?" I asked.

"The police were here when we arrived," she reported. "At first it was a hassle just getting inside. Then they interviewed us, taking our statements, when the two agents from Aztec-Turner arrived. It took a bit of doing but they finally got inside too. One of them, fortunately, is an ex-cop so that finally did the trick. Anyway, the police are going to leave soon, though the area where the assault took place is taped off."

"Ed Macgregor is on his way to the house with Ben and Jon," I reported. "Tyler is leaving now to come there as well. Ed should arrive home in the next 10 minutes. Please ask whoever is running the investigation for the police to remain until he arrives."

"I'll do that," Mandy promised. "Do you want Rick and me to come to the hospital?"

"No, that won't be necessary," I answered. "Chris and I will stay here with Paul until we know that Frank is out of danger. Then at least Chris and I are coming home. I'm not sure about Paul. We have one of Tyler's security men here with us now, and another is coming to guard Frank."

"Alright Bro," Amanda said. "If you're too long in returning home, Rick and I may be in bed. If so we'll talk in the morning."

"Sounds good Mandy," I replied. "'bye"

I hung up the phone and relayed the information to Tyler, Jeff and Paul. Tyler excused himself. He told us he wanted to talk to the police before they left. Getting the car keys to Tom's car he told Tom to ride with us when we returned home. A minute later he was gone.


What a mess! There are police everywhere and of course blood too. I'm sure we're going to need professional cleaners to get rid of the stains. Rick has been a real dear, staying with me every step of the way. I'm glad Frank will be alright and that Ed will be here soon. I need a drink!

What chaos! I thought we'd never get in when we got home. The gate was open and there were several people standing outside the gate. I almost couldn't get through the gate. A young cop was keeping out the lookie-loos and it took a bit of convincing to get past him. There must have been 10 police cars jamming up the drive. I almost couldn't get to the garage with all the damned cars all over. Once inside the house, a lieutenant who was the investigating officer, cornered us. He started making demands but I simply told him that if he was going to be belligerent we'd wait for our attorney. He huffed and puffed a bit, but soon saw the folly of his demanding attitude. I simply smiled and didn't say a word. Finally he apologized and we got down to business. I explained that most of what we knew of the attack was hearsay, but that we believed the attack was centered on my brother Jeff and me. He asked where Jeff was, and I told him that he was at the hospital with Frank, who we considered part of our family. I gave him the names of Ed and Tyler, who they were and why they were involved. The whole story took a lot of time because of the disappearance of our parents. Finally we took a break and I called Jeff. I was glad when he told me that Ed was on the way and that Tyler was following shortly behind. One thing I forgot to mention; in the middle of my explanation, the agents from Aztec-Turner arrived and that started a whole new thing with the lieutenant. Fortunately one of the agents was an ex-policeman who knew the officer and the supposed challenge by the local cops disappeared.

When we renewed our `interview' I asked the officer to please wait until our attorney arrived. He was reluctant, but that was cut short when Ed showed up and took charge. Ed and the lieutenant excused themselves for a few minutes and had a lengthy discussion. It was fine with me. I was exhausted. When we resumed Tyler arrived and the whole thing started up again. Finally, 30 minutes later we were back to completing the police report. It didn't take long as the officer now understood that this was far more than a local matter. In fact, Tyler had called FBI agent Johnson, who arrived as we were hopefully getting close to being finished and took over the investigation from the local cops. I think in the end the lieutenant was happy to unload the whole thing on the Feds. What a hassle!

A short interview with Agent Johnson followed and by the time we had wrapped it up, it was nearly midnight. All the while Ben and Jon had stayed in their room. I guess they'd had enough excitement for the evening. On the other hand, maybe they were making some excitement of their own. I didn't want to think about it.

I invited Tyler to stay the night, which he accepted graciously. Jeff and Chris still had not returned when Rick and I retired. At that stage I couldn't have cared less. I just wanted to snuggle with Rick and try to forget the whole evening.


It was 11:45 before the surgeon who had worked on Frank appeared. He was smiling as he entered the waiting room.

"Are you waiting for news of Frank Guistard?" he asked the three of us and the two security agents.

"Yes we are," Jeff said jumping to his feet. "I'm Jeff Richards, the son of Dr. Jeffrey Richards. Frank works for us. This is my partner, Chris Taylor and this is Frank's partner, Paul Samson. The other two gentlemen are our bodyguards. One will remain here with Frank when we leave."

"I'm Doctor Peterman," the surgeon said. "I'm happy to report that the surgery appears to be a complete success and the patient is recovering well. He should suffer no long-term effects, but his complete recovery will be a bit slow. He's in the ICU now and is asleep. We should be able to transfer him to a regular room in the morning. I'm aware of the security concerns. We'll provide a chair for the agent outside the entrance to the ICU. "

"Can I see him?" Paul asked.

"I can see no harm," the surgeon said with a smile. "He won't wake up until the morning though, so I'd suggest that afterward you go home and get some sleep. I'll leave word that you'll be returning at 8 AM so that you can be here when he wakes up."

"I'd rather stay with him," Paul declared.

"I can assure you that there is no point," the doctor insisted. "If you'll leave your number with the head nurse in ICU, I'll instruct her to call you if the slightest thing changes in his condition."

"I guess I'll have to live with that," Paul said.

"If you'll follow me Mr. Samson, I'll take you in now," the surgeon offered.

"I'll be right back," Paul promised. "Then we can all go home."

They exited the room.

I asked Jeff, "Don't you want to see Frank?"

"I'd like to, but just knowing that he'll recover will have to do," Jeff replied. "I'm just glad that Paul will get to see him. We'll come back tomorrow."

"Will you be leaving soon?" Agent Baker asked.

"Yes, just as soon as Paul returns," Jeff replied.

"Fine," he said. "Agent Tomlin will be staying with Mr. Guistard and I'll be going with you. May I have your car keys and the location and description of your car? I need to check it out as I was instructed. Agent Tomlin will remain here until I return."

Jeff offered up the requested keys, described the car and where it was parked. Agent Baker left the room quickly to begin his search. Paul returned before the agent did, so Agent Tomlin escorted us to the car. By the time we arrived Agent Baker had completed his search.

"I'll drive," Tom Baker said.

"I know the way," Jeff suggested.

"Under normal circumstances I'd say that would be fine, but since I've had driver's training in terrorist situations I think it would be best if I did tonight."

"Okay then," Jeff said with a grin. "We'll just sit in the back seat and smooch."

I know my blush had to add a hundred foot-candles to the parking lot lighting in my vicinity.

"That would be okay," Tom said with a cough, trying to disguise his surprise, "but I don't know how to find your house."

"All right, have it your way then," Jeff capitulated, feigning disappointment.

"We're on the road," Agent Baker said, as we climbed in.

The house was nearly dark as we approached, at least from what we could see of the inside. The yard was lighted up and a dark sedan was parked across the street. Jeff indicated which button would open the iron gate as we got near. He then directed the Agent to the garage and again pointed out the button to push which would open the garage door. A moment later we were parked and moving toward the door leading to the house. On entering, I saw that the light in the family room was still on so we moved in that direction. Sitting in a chair, Tyler Turner was relaxing, reading a magazine.

"Hi guys," he said as he got up. "How is Frank?"

"He'll recover with no long term effects," Jeff reported.

"Wonderful," Tyler said smiling. "Agent Baker, you can go home now. You're to report back here at 4 PM tomorrow."

"Yes Sir," Baker agreed.

"Here are your keys. Thanks for the loan," Tyler said. "I'll remain here and of course there are the guys across the street too who will stay."

"Very good. I'll be back tomorrow. It was nice to meet you all," Baker concluded. "Goodnight."

"Goodnight," we all echoed.

"Now guys," Tyler said, turning toward us. "I think it's time to get some shut-eye."

"I'm all for that," I said with a wink at Jeff."

"I emphasize `shut-eye," Tyler repeated.

"Aw Shucks," Jeff said with a laugh.

As I said, I was dead tired. The cruise with the Turners had been wonderful. I don't remember ever having a more relaxed time in such elegant surroundings. Everyone was as good looking as the yacht was. Tyler's brother, his brother's partner Matt, Tyler himself and his partner Dan were all hunks in their own way. Their kids were as handsome as their parents, and seemed so well behaved without being from wuss-ville. They varied a lot in size, shape and demeanor. Each was an individual, some rugged, and some more intellectual. It was a great microcosm of individualism. We learned that each was gay, though you'd never guess by casual conversation. They must have been given something to suppress their urges, because even though some of them were boyfriends, they never mooned over each other in public. I know that Jeff and I try to be that way too, but it's all we can do to keep from touching and drooling all over each other in public. I know that school this coming year will provide quite a challenge in that regard.

When we got to our room, having finally moved in together, we plopped down on the bed to unwind a bit before our shower. It was great feeling Jeff beside me. As much as I loved the sex we had together, it was our being together, feeding off each other's strengths and attention that was the real mark of our love.

When we began to get a bit rested, we decided to bite the bullet and shower, though I for one could have gone to sleep right there. Dragging ourselves into the glass enclosure after getting the water temperature just right, we lovingly soaped each other's body and scrubbed each plane, protuberance and crevice with a tenderness that demonstrated our deep caring for each other. Jeff's body is a wonder to me. His face is incredibly good looking and he has a body to match. If there could be perfection it is Jeff's body. I too am a different boy than Jeff had found just weeks ago. My body has grown, not only in height, but also I am beginning to fill out with musculature. I still consider myself puny compared to my lover, but he loves me anyway, so it is nothing worth worrying about.

After rinsing off, we stepped out of the shower structure and proceeded to dry each other's body. I felt alive again. Jeff took my hand as we dumped the towels into the hamper and walked nude to our bed. As much as we desired each other sexually and craved the ecstasy of our own release, this night we just held each other, being there only for the comfort of our partner. We fell asleep in each others arms.


I climbed into bed after taking a shower, knowing that the night's sleep would be short. My mind would not relax. I knew I'd messed up by not providing security immediately for the Richards' after our first meeting. I hoped that Frank would have it in his heart to forgive me. I also knew that this case was going to be challenging. I'd already called all our resources into action in Europe. Now we had this new, local factor. Maybe it will change our luck. Unfortunately, the kidnapping in England was now a week old and the trail was probably ice-cold. Maybe we could have better luck here. Perhaps if we can catch the local assailants, we could get clues to where to start looking overseas. At least the clues here were fresh and we had the promise of cooperation, not only of the local police, but of the FBI/ Homeland Security too.

Knowing that I needed sleep if I was going to be effective later in the morning, I turned my thoughts to the Richards and their entourage. Jeff and Chris were surprisingly mature for their age, not to mention drop-dead gorgeous. I knew from the quick background check I had made before our first meeting that Jeff was an excellent student, a noted athlete and had been elected President of his school government. His family was from old money but his parents had added substantially to their net worth, not depleted it. Chris was a different story. He came from a modest family in the lower income bracket, and had been rejected by his parents for being gay. Jeff had found him and Jeff's parents had accepted Chris as another son.

I'm sure that Ben and Jon are unknowns as far as the elder Richards know. I'm thinking that Jeff may have bitten off more than he can chew. Maybe their trip to Las Vegas next weekend will lend some direction.

The background check had told me something about Amanda too. She was attending an Ivy League women's school and was very involved in theater arts, both in school and away from it. Even more surprising was her boyfriend, Rick Forbes. His family made the Richards look like paupers, comparatively. I was most impressed with him though. He seemed to be very personable, intelligent, and low-key. I guess, as they say, breeding tells.

Their visit on our ship was very enjoyable. Our boys took Ben and Jon under their wing. I was hoping that would happen as we had adult things to discuss with the Richards. Our group is so diverse that it's easy to imagine that at least one of them would hit it off with our guests. I'm glad we decided to sail to Long Beach. It was relaxing and we got to know the Richards much better by being with them in a non-business setting.

Sleep, I need sleep. I'll just turn my thoughts to Dan. I hate being away from him, but tonight it was unavoidable. He's my love and all I'll ever need. I love our little family and our extended family too, but they are like frosting on the cake. I picture Dan's face and his touch as my mind relaxes and I drift slowly toward sleep. It's a good life.

Next: Chapter 21

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